  1. Christian Dialogue and Cooperation Following Željko Mardešić’s Ideas.Vlaho Kovačević & Krunoslav Malenica - 2023 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 4 (4):117-126.
    Following the idea of the famous Croatian sociologist Željko Mardešić (JakovJukić), this paper analyzes Mardešić’s vision of Christian dialogue and cooperation in thecontext of contemporary sociology of religion. The presented vision of dialogue and cooperationin relation to various social, cultural, and religious changes calls for expandingthe space for dialogue and cooperation. According to Mardešić, dialogue and cooperationpresuppose the existence of opposite ideas and not necessarily identity; otherwise,they would be reduced to mere confirmation. Thus, dialogue and cooperation observedseparately contain an entire (...)
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    From the Secularisation of Religion to the Revitalisation of Religion.Vlaho Kovačević - 2021 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (1):173-196.
    This paper aims to pave the way for religion’s potential revitalisation – outside of the ideological concept of the dialectics of contemporary society and within the historical context of the specific meaning of the secularisation of religion. Accordingly, in its understanding of religion, this paper’s discussion necessarily remains beyond the dialectics of secularity, since religion is not dependent on that kind of dialectics, but on the Sacred and its comprehension. Without the Sacred, we would be in a situation of ‘reoccurring (...)
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    Katolički ethos i umjetnost.Vlaho Kovačević - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (2):427-445.
    U članku se kritički promišlja predaja katoličkog ethosa iz vlastitih pretpostavki. Tematizirajući katolički ethos iz mišljenja bitka suvremenog čovjeka na temelju umjetnosti u modernom i postmodernom dobu pokušava se razumjeti katolički ethos u horizontu ljudske egzistencije post-modernog doba. Time nam je otvoren prostor za njegovo razumijevanje iz postojanja umjetnosti u post-modernom dobu. Problematizirajući katolički ethos i umjetnost u post-modernom dobu iz njihovog ontološkog statusa unutar položaja u bitku suvremenog čovjeka bilo je potrebno distingvirati i naznačiti razliku i korespondenciju ova dva (...)
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