Results for 'Wilfried Elmenreich'

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  1.  15
    Set Phasers to Teach!: Star Trek in Research and Teaching.Stefan Rabitsch, Martin Gabriel, Wilfried Elmenreich & John N. A. Brown (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    For 50 years, Star Trek has been an inspiration to its fans around the world, helping them to dream of a better future. This inspiration has entered our culture and helped to shape much of the technology of the early 21st Century. The contributors to this volume are researchers and teachers in a wide variety of disciplines; from Astrophysics to Ethnology, from English and History to Medicine and Video Games, and from American Studies to the study of Collective Computing Systems. (...)
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    Transzendentalphilosophie und die Kultur der Gegenwart: Festschrift für Wilfried Lehrke.Wilfried Lehrke, Steffen Dietzsch & Udo Teitz (eds.) - 2012 - Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.
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    Explaining the Gentzen–Takeuti reduction steps: a second-order system.Wilfried Buchholz - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (4):255-272.
    Using the concept of notations for infinitary derivations we give an explanation of Takeuti's reduction steps on finite derivations (used in his consistency proof for Π1 1-CA) in terms of the more perspicious infinitary approach from [BS88].
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  4. Hilbert's program sixty years later.Wilfried Sieg - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (2):338-348.
    On June 4, 1925, Hilbert delivered an address to the Westphalian Mathematical Society in Miinster; that was, as a quick calculation will convince you, almost exactly sixty years ago. The address was published in 1926 under the title Über dasUnendlicheand is perhaps Hilbert's most comprehensive presentation of his ideas concerning the finitist justification of classical mathematics and the role his proof theory was to play in it. But what has become of the ambitious program for securing all of mathematics, once (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Only two letters: The correspondence between herbrand and gödel.Wilfried Sieg - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):172-184.
    Two young logicians, whose work had a dramatic impact on the direction of logic, exchanged two letters in early 1931. Jacques Herbrand initiated the correspondence on 7 April and Kurt Gödel responded on 25 July, just two days before Herbrand died in a mountaineering accident at La Bérarde (Isère). Herbrand's letter played a significant role in the development of computability theory. Gödel asserted in his 1934 Princeton Lectures and on later occasions that it suggested to him a crucial part of (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Notation systems for infinitary derivations.Wilfried Buchholz - 1991 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (5-6):277-296.
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    A term calculus for (co-) recursive definitions on streamlike data structures.Wilfried Buchholz - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 136 (1):75-90.
    We introduce a system of simply typed lambda terms and show that a rather comprehensive class of recursion equations on streams or non-wellfounded trees can be solved in our system. Moreover certain conditions are presented which guarantee that the defined functionals are primitive recursive. As a major example we give a co-recursive treatment of Mints’ continuous cut-elimination operator.
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  8. Zeit und Zeitlichkeit beim späten Paul Natorp und bei Heidegger.Wilfried Griesser - 2008 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 115 (2):261-287.
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    From French Horn to Smartphone: Leveraging Digital Technology and Digital Turn.Wilfried Gruhn - 2022 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 30 (1):44-57.
    Abstract:The shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the implementation of digital technology to advance many new applications. Digital applications were believed to be indispensable for changes in learning environments and strategies that would enhance the capacity and quality of learning through focused motivation, communicative interaction, and stronger self-determination. This text will discuss prominent arguments for digital learning and digital technologies that might initiate a digital turn. To this end, this paper reflects on the psychological and mental conditions of (...)
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    Kann historische Urteilskraft ohne Kants Anthropologie auskommen?Wilfried Lehrke & Steffen Dietzsch - 2006 - In Konstantin Broese, Andreas Hütig, Oliver Immel & Renate Reschke (eds.), Vernunft der Aufklärung - Aufklärung der Vernunft. Akademie Verlag. pp. 121-128.
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    Frvctvs amoris: On catullus 55.17–22.Wilfried H. Lingenberg - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (2):656-659.
    In carm. 55, Catullus supposes his friend Camerius may be caught in erotic adventure:num te lacteolae tenent puellae?si linguam clauso tenes in ore,fructus proicies amoris omnes:uerbosa gaudet Venus loquella. 20uel, si uis, licet obseres palatum,dum nostri sis particeps amoris.
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    Avantgarden in den USA: zwischen Mainstream und kritischer Erneuerung 1940-1970.Wilfried Raussert - 2003 - New York: Campus.
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    Vereinheitlichung der öffentlichen Meinung in Meinungsführermedien? Schriftsteller und Intellektuelle über Deutschland 1988-1991.Wilfried Scharf - 1992 - Communications 17 (1):5-42.
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    Popul?r oder elit?r? Anmerkungen zum Kulturbegriff in der Geschichtswissenschaft.Wilfried Witte - 2002 - Berichte Zur Wissenschafts-Geschichte 25 (4):253-264.
    While the Historische Kulturwissenschaft is introduced as a new way of writing history the question has to be answered what Kultur means or how it should be interpreted. The paper deals primarily with the special German notion of ‘Kultur’. The distinction between ‘intension’ and ‘extension’ is made and contrasted with both the narrow and the wide concept of ‘Kultur’. Writing history as new cultural history is shaped at least by five aspects: space, perspective, language, acting and time which are discussed (...)
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    Margrit & Ernst Baumann. Die Welt Sehen: Fotoreportagen 1945–2000.Wilfried Meichtry, Markus Schürpf & Nadine Olonetzky - 2010 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Zuerst im 2CV, dann im umgebauten VW-Bus: Das Zürcher Fotografenpaar Margrit und Ernst Baumann, 1929 bzw. 1928 geboren, begann in den 1950er-Jahren rund um den Erdball zu reisen. Ihre Fotografien publizierten sie in Zeitschriften und Zeitungen wie Stern, Neue Zürcher Zeitung oder Das gelbe Heft und brachten so die Welt in die Wohnzimmer. Kosmopolitan und neugierig kamen sie zu Motiven mit Seltenheitswert: Farbporträts von Che Guevara gehören ebenso dazu wie Reportagen über die letzten Kopfjäger im ecuadorianischen Urwald. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser (...)
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    Calculations by Man and Machine: Mathematical Presentation.Wilfried Sieg - unknown
    Wilfried Sieg. Calculations by Man and Machine: Mathematical Presentation.
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  17.  42
    How Could This Happen?: Narrowing Down the Contagion of COVID-19 and Preventing Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.Wilfried Allaerts - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (4):441-452.
    In this rapid commentary, a mini-review is given of the present state-of-knowledge regarding the etiology and epidemiology of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV and the risks for developing Acute respiratory distress syndrome. The available knowledge on the viral genomics, molecular biology and pathogenicity of viruses of the Coronaviridae family and other Nidovirales, forms a helpful template for understanding the present pandemic outbreak. However, important questions remain unanswered about the underlying mechanism causing the very high case fatality ratios and mechanisms regarding severe (...)
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    Hilbert's Programs and Beyond.Wilfried Sieg - 2013 - Oxford, England: Oup Usa.
    David Hilbert was one of the great mathematicians who expounded the centrality of their subject in human thought. In this collection of essays, Wilfried Sieg frames Hilbert's foundational work, from 1890 to 1939, in a comprehensive way and integrates it with modern proof theoretic investigations.
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    Searching for Proofs.Wilfried Sieg & Richard Scheines - unknown
    The Carnegie Mellon Proof Tutor project was motivated by pedagogical concerns: we wanted to use a "mechanical" (i.e. computerized) tutor for teaching students..
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  20. Mechanical procedures and mathematical experience.Wilfried Sieg - 1994 - In Alexander George (ed.), Mathematics and mind. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 71--117.
    Wilfred Sieg. Mechanical Procedures and Mathematical Experience.
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    Proof-theoretic analysis of termination proofs.Wilfried Buchholz - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (1-2):57-65.
  22.  45
    An independence result for (II11-CA)+BI.Wilfried Buchholz - 1987 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 33 (C):131-155.
  23. Hilbert's Programs: 1917–1922.Wilfried Sieg - 1999 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):1-44.
    Hilbert's finitist program was not created at the beginning of the twenties solely to counteract Brouwer's intuitionism, but rather emerged out of broad philosophical reflections on the foundations of mathematics and out of detailed logical work; that is evident from notes of lecture courses that were given by Hilbert and prepared in collaboration with Bernays during the period from 1917 to 1922. These notes reveal a dialectic progression from a critical logicism through a radical constructivism toward finitism; the progression has (...)
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  24. Conscious control over the content of unconscious cognition.Wilfried Kunde, Andrea Kiesel & Joachim Hoffmann - 2003 - Cognition 88 (2):223-242.
  25.  51
    Gödel’s Philosophical Challenge.Wilfried Sieg - 2020 - Studia Semiotyczne 34 (1):57-80.
    The incompleteness theorems constitute the mathematical core of Gödel’s philosophical challenge. They are given in their “most satisfactory form”, as Gödel saw it, when the formality of theories to which they apply is characterized via Turing machines. These machines codify human mechanical procedures that can be carried out without appealing to higher cognitive capacities. The question naturally arises, whether the theorems justify the claim that the human mind has mathematical abilities that are not shared by any machine. Turing admits that (...)
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  26.  48
    Local and global patterns during morphogenesis of the retinotectal topographical mapping in the vertebrate brain.Wilfried Allaerts - 1999 - Acta Biotheoretica 47 (2):99-122.
    The highly ordered neuronal projections from the retina to the tectum mesencephali (optic tectum) in several vertebrate groups have been intensively studied. Several hypotheses so far have been proposed, suggesting mechanisms to explain the topographical and biochemical specificity of the retinotectal projections during ontogeny. In the present paper we compare the main hypotheses of retinotectal development with respect to the nature of specificity envisaged, the activity-dependence versus inheritance criterium and the strategy of argument, in casu the descriptive versus interferential type (...)
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    Advantageous Falsehood.Wilfried K. Backhaus - 1993 - Philosophy and Theology 7 (3):289-310.
    In Hume’s Of Miracles the person movecl by faith is put in a dilemma between faith and reason. Can one resolve this dilemma as a compleat Humean? The answer is yes. Within the Humean context different approaches can be developed ta overcome Hume’s dilemma. One uses Hume’s theory of utility to defend the belief in the afterlife. The other requires Hume to place faith on a par with beauty and therefore among the passions to which reason must be a slave. (...)
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  28.  9
    De parlementsverkiezingen van 7 november 1971 : Grote personeelswisseling maar weinig verandering.Wilfried Dewachter - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (5):859-879.
    La dissolution assez inattendue des Chambres, le 24 septembre 1971 impliquait une promesse d'élection directe du gouvernement. Cette promesse s'est cependant vite volatilisée. Des élections calmes et traditionnelles ont pris le relais, le gouvernement ayant choisi uniquement le moment le moins défavorable pour les partis de la majorité.La composition des listes s'effectue dans un plus grand calme que de coutume et se déroule davantage par le biais de petits comités ou d'assemblées peu nombreuses. Cependant un grand changement de personnel se (...)
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    Die sogenannte Polis: Entstehung, Geschichte und Kritik der modernen althistorischen Grundbegriffe der griechische Staat, die griechische Staatsidee, die Polis.Wilfried Gawantka - 1985 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
  30.  17
    Kirche und militärische Gewalt: Zum Thema »Kritische Solidarität«.Wilfried Gerhard - 1976 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 20 (1):264-275.
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    12. Das Gut der Gerechtigkeit.Wilfried Hinsch - 2006 - In Otfried Höffe (ed.), John Rawls: Eine Theorie der Gerechtigkeit. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 251-269.
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    Unterschiede, auf die es ankommt – Statistische Diskriminierung durch Computerprogramme.Wilfried Hinsch - 2022 - In Wilfried Hinsch & Susanne Brandtstädter (eds.), Gefährliche Forschung?: Eine Debatte Über Gleichheit Und Differenz in der Wissenschaft. De Gruyter. pp. 67-88.
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    Words also make us: Enhancing the sociology of embodiment with cultural psychology.Wilfried Lignier - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (1):15-32.
    We still lack an operational theory for a complete analysis of early socialization processes. Bourdieu has stressed their bodily dimension but has done so at the expense of more symbolic aspects. This theoretical option corresponds to a very general goal of the Bourdieusian theory of practice: analysing sociality without suffering an intellectualist bias. However, symbolic activity and socializing language in particular can be approached as a practical phenomenon (i.e. habitual, informal, unconscious, etc.). From this viewpoint, the sociology of embodiment may (...)
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    Dialektische Bildungstheorie in dialektischer Kritik.Wilfried Lippitz - 1976 - Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang.
    Thema der vorliegenden Arbeit ist der dialektische Gehalt der wichtigsten bildungstheoretischen Abhandlungen des padagogischen Theoretikers Josef Derbolav. Ergebnis der zum grossten Teil immanent durchgefuhrten Analyse ist der Aufweis, dass Derbolav die dialektische Fassung didaktischer, anthropologischer und handlungstheoretischer Prinzipien aufgrund metaphysischer Denkstrukturen nicht oder nur teilweise gelingt. Inwieweit einige dieser Prinzipien dialektisches Potential enthalten konnten, zeigt der Verfasser anhand der Entwicklung eines eigenen, an der hermeneutischen Philosophie orientierten dialektischen Standpunktes.".
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    Who discovered actin?Wilfried F. Mommaerts - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (1):57-59.
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    Humanistische ästhetische Erziehung: Friedrich Schillers moderne Umgangs- und Geschmackspädagogik.Wilfried Noetzel - 1992 - Weinheim: Deutscher Studien Verlag.
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    Albert Einstein in seinen Beziehungen zu Mitgliedern der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Göttingen.Wilfried Schröder - 1988 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 39 (2):157-171.
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  38. A Brief Note on Gödel, Nagel, Minds, and Machines.Wilfried Sieg - 2017 - In Gerhard Jäger & Wilfried Sieg (eds.), Feferman on Foundations: Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy. Cham: Springer.
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  39. Dedekind’s Analysis of Number: Systems and Axioms.Wilfried Sieg & Dirk Schlimm - 2005 - Synthese 147 (1):121-170.
    Wilfred Sieg and Dirk Schlimm. Dedekind's Analysis of Number: Systems and Axioms.
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    Global Distributive Justice.Wilfried Hinsch - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (1-2):58-78.
    The paper discusses the problem of global distributive justice. It proposes to distinguish between principles for the domestic and for the global or intersocietal distribution of wealth. It is argued that there may be a plurality of partly diverging domestic conceptions of distributive justice, not all of which need to be liberal egalitarian conceptions. It is maintained, however, that principles regulating the intersocietal distribution of wealth have to be egalitarian principles. This claim is defended against Rawls's argument in The Law (...)
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  41.  21
    The AProS Project: Strategic Thinking & Computational Logic.Wilfried Sieg - 2007 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 15 (4):359-368.
    The paper discusses tools for teaching logic used in Logic & Proofs, a web-based introduction to modern logic that has been taken by more than 1,300 students since the fall of 2003. The tools include a wide array of interactive learning environments or cognitive mini-tutors; most important among them is the Carnegie Proof Lab. The Proof Lab is a sophisticated interface for constructing natural deduction proofs and is central, as strategically guided discovery of proofs is the distinctive focus of the (...)
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  42.  33
    Skewed Exposure to Environmental Antigens Complements Hygiene Hypothesis in Explaining the Rise of Allergy.Wilfried Allaerts & Tse Wen Chang - 2017 - Acta Biotheoretica 65 (2):117-134.
    The Hygiene Hypothesis has been recognized as an important cornerstone to explain the sudden increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergic diseases in modernized culture. The recent epidemic of allergic diseases is in contrast with the gradual implementation of Homo sapiens sapiens to the present-day forms of civilization. This civilization forms a gradual process with cumulative effects on the human immune system, which co-developed with parasitic and commensal Helminths. The clinical manifestation of this epidemic, however, became only visible in (...)
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  43.  51
    Natural Formalization: Deriving the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem in Zf.Wilfried Sieg & Patrick Walsh - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (1):250-284.
    Natural Formalization proposes a concrete way of expanding proof theory from the meta-mathematical investigation of formal theories to an examination of “the concept of the specifically mathematical proof.” Formal proofs play a role for this examination in as much as they reflect the essential structure and systematic construction of mathematical proofs. We emphasize three crucial features of our formal inference mechanism: (1) the underlying logical calculus is built for reasoning with gaps and for providing strategic directions, (2) the mathematical frame (...)
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  44. An Abstract Model For Parallel Computations: Gandy’s Thesis.Wilfried Sieg & John Byrnes - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):150-164.
    Wilfried Sieg and John Byrnes. AnModel for Parallel Computation: Gandy's Thesis.
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    Dedekind’s structuralism: creating concepts and deriving theorems.Wilfried Sieg & Rebecca Morris - 2018 - In Reck Erich (ed.), Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, and their History: Essays in Honor W.W. Tait. London, UK: College Publications.
    Dedekind’s structuralism is a crucial source for the structuralism of mathematical practice—with its focus on abstract concepts like groups and fields. It plays an equally central role for the structuralism of philosophical analysis—with its focus on particular mathematical objects like natural and real numbers. Tensions between these structuralisms are palpable in Dedekind’s work, but are resolved in his essay Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? In a radical shift, Dedekind extends his mathematical approach to “the” natural numbers. He creates (...)
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  46.  14
    Inspraak van het lid in het VBO.Wilfried Bernaert - 1995 - Res Publica 37 (1):31-34.
    The Federation of Belgian companies is a confederation which groups 36 branch associations covering 30. 000 individual firms. About 85 % are small and medium-sizedfirms occupying less than 50 employees. The VBO/FEB is the most important exponent of the high degree of affiliation on the employers' side. The process of decision making reflects the structure of the federation. The mandate is defined in the board of the VBO/FEB, composed by a representative ofeach branch association. This representative holds his mandate on (...)
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    Het effect van de samenvoeging van gemeenten op de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen.Wilfried Dewachter - 1982 - Res Publica 24 (3-4):445-460.
    The amalgamation of the municipalities has had profound effects on the municipal character in Belgium : the village has disappeared as a political entity. The «municipality» since 1976 is at least the political and administrative amalgamation of a number of villages.The effect of this amalgamation on the municipal council elections is expressed first of all in the shift in the election form. Uncontested elections disappeared in 1976. The exclusively local election form occurred rarely in 1976, even though this form was (...)
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    Problemen en oplossingen voor het aktuele beleid.Wilfried Dewachter - 1975 - Res Publica 17 (4):501-515.
    According to an opinion poll which was carried out in the middle of 1975 with a representative sample of Belgian citizens, the problems which most imposed themselves about that time were economie problems, viz.inflation and employment. These two problems were perceived as the most pressing by the more active part of the population as well. However, the solutions that citizens favour for a broad range of problems are not logically consistent, and demonstrate that many citizens have but very little insight (...)
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    Peilen naar de politieke kennis van de Belgische burgers.Wilfried Dewachter - 1993 - Res Publica 35 (2):237-268.
    The available studies and opinion polls are examined for indications of the degree and the content of political knowledge of the Belgian citizens. Political knowledge differs strikingly depending on the components of decision making : political parties, office bolders and their competence, power relations, institutional settings, pressure groups, corporatism and policy measures. Proceeding from personification to content and from more important to less important aspects, the knowledge declines noticeably. A marked portion of the populationshows a lack of even the most (...)
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    The ethicist doubtful. Or the one, or the other II, Kierkegaard.Wilfried Greve - 1998 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 29:19.
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