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  1. Hermann Lotze: An Intellectual Biography.William Ray Woodward - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    As a philosopher, psychologist, and physician, the German thinker Hermann Lotze defies classification. Working in the mid-nineteenth-century era of programmatic realism, he critically reviewed and rearranged theories and concepts in books on pathology, physiology, medical psychology, anthropology, history, aesthetics, metaphysics, logic, and religion. Leading anatomists and physiologists reworked his hypotheses about the central and autonomic nervous systems. Dozens of fin-de-siècle philosophical contemporaries emulated him, yet often without acknowledgment, precisely because he had made conjecture and refutation into a method. In spite (...)
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  2. In the Shadow of the Enlightenment. I. Reimarus against the Epicureans.Julian Jaynes & William R. Woodward - 1974 - Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 10:3-15.
  3.  67
    From Association to Gestalt: The Fate of Hermann Lotze's Theory of Spatial Perception, 1846-1920.William Woodward - 1978 - Isis 69 (4):572-582.
    A MAJOR PHILOSOPHICAL INTERPRETER of Kant and critic of Herbart and Hegel, Hermann Lotze ( 1817-1881) is known to historians of psychology primarily for his theory of spatial perception.' As Professor of Philosophy at Gottingen University from 1845 to 1880, he published his theory of the physiological mechanism for spatial consciousness no less than six times.2 Standard accounts present his local sign theory as an associationistic, empiricistic, or empiristic view.3 Yet they also mention its influence among nativists such as Lotze's (...)
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  4. Hiftory of Science.Frank Ajl James, William R. Woodward, Pnina Abir-Am, William Mccrea & Wilma George - forthcoming - History of Science.
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    B. F. Skinner and Behaviorism in American Culture.Laurence D. Smith & William Ray Woodward (eds.) - 1996 - Bethlehem, PA: Associated Universities Press/Lehigh.
    This book is about the eminent behavioral scientist B. F. Skinner, the American culture in which he lived and worked, and the behaviorist movement that played a leading role in American psychological and social thought during the twentieth century. From a base of research on laboratory animals in the 1930s, Skinner built a committed and influential following as well as a utopian movement for social reform. His radical ideas attracted much public attention and generated heated controversy. By the mid-1970s, he (...)
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  6.  24
    An Investigator/Defendant Corrects the Record.William E. Woodward - 1979 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 1 (5):10.
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  7.  45
    Are scientists materialistic monists?William R. Woodward - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):617.
  8.  41
    Committed History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences in the Two Germanies.William R. Woodward - 1985 - History of Science 23 (1):25-72.
    The question of the social commitment of the sociologist, and the scientist in general, has become a burning issue facing the sociology of East and West alike, — though it may take different forms. (P. C. Ludz, “Sociology”, in C. D Kernig (ed.), Marxism, communism, and Western society (New York, 1973), vol. viii, p. 46.).
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  9.  37
    Das Spiel der Gegensatze: Friedrich Engels' Philosophie und die Wissenschaften des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sven-Eric Liedman, Michael Tabukasch.William Woodward - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):640-641.
  10. Frank AJL James 1-24.William R. Woodward, Pnina Abir-Am, W. H. McCrea & Wilma George - forthcoming - History of Science.
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  11.  68
    Hermann Lotze’s Gestalt Metaphysics in Light of the Schelling and Hegel Renaissance (1838–1841).William R. Woodward - 2010 - Idealistic Studies 40 (1-2):163-188.
    Situating Lotze in the School of Speculative Theology, I use debates about Schelling’s critique of Hegel—then and now—to understand Lotze’s critique of Hegel. Lotze’s early metaphysics seems to employ a version of Hegel’s dialectical analysis of being, phenomena, and mind emphasizing “the interconnection of things.” One can equally argue that he proceeds in an analytic style of reviewing and testing alternative theories. My tentative conclusion is that he assumes the existence of reality (the Absolute) like Schelling, and makes cognition a (...)
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  12. Inner migration or disguised reform? Political interests of Hermann Lotze's philosophical anthropology.William R. Woodward - 1996 - History of the Human Sciences 9 (1):1-26.
  13.  37
    International Summer Institute in the German Democratic Republic.William Woodward - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):81-82.
  14.  19
    Johannes Müller, Hermann Lotze, Jakob Henle und die Konstruktion des vegetativen Nervensystems.William R. Woodward - 2018 - In Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt & Michael Hagner, Johannes Müller und die Philosophie. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 155-172.
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  15.  48
    Knowledge, Belief, and Aesthetic SenseJ. F. Fries Frederick Gregory Kent Richter.William Woodward - 1991 - Isis 82 (4):752-753.
  16.  40
    Natur und Erfahrung: Von der mittelalterlichen zur neuzeitlichen NaturwissenschaftMichael Heidelberger Sigrun Thiessen.William Woodward - 1986 - Isis 77 (4):677-678.
  17.  43
    Structures of Knowing: Psychologies of the Nineteenth CenturyKatherine Arens.William Woodward - 1991 - Isis 82 (1):148-149.
  18. (1 other version)Tom Paine, der Taufpate Amerikas.William E. Woodward - 1945 - Salzburg,: Festungsverlag.
  19.  2
    World Views and Scientific Discipline Formation: Science Studies in the German Democratic Republic.William R. Woodward & Robert S. Cohen (eds.) - 1991 - Dordrecht: Kluwer.
    Ca. 40 published papers from a summer institute in the German Democratic Republic in 1988.
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  20.  32
    An Education in Psychology: James McKeen Cattell's Journal and Letters from Germany and England, 1880-1888. James McKeen Cattell, Michael M. Sokal. [REVIEW]William Woodward - 1981 - Isis 72 (4):666-667.
  21.  41
    Fries-Apelt-Schleiden: Verzeichnis der Primar- und Sekundarliteratur 1798-1988. Thomas GlasmacherWissenschaftsphilosophische Schriften. Matthias Jakob Schleiden, Ulrich Charpa. [REVIEW]William Woodward - 1993 - Isis 84 (3):590-591.
  22.  21
    (1 other version)Jürgen Kocka;, Renate Mayntz . Wissenschaft und Wiedervereinigung: Disziplinen im Umbruch. 540 pp., tables, apps. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1998. DM 78. [REVIEW]William R. Woodward - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):745-746.
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  23.  53
    Martin Kusch. Psychological Knowledge: A Social History and Philosophy. London/New York: Routledge, 1999. $99.99, Can $149.99. [REVIEW]William Woodward - 2004 - Isis 95 (4):679-680.
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  24.  36
    Review of William Stern (1871–1938): A brief introduction to his life and works. [REVIEW]William R. Woodward - 2013 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 33 (2):125-129.
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  25.  43
    Urmanuskript "Ueber das Gedachtniss" 1880. Hermann EbbinghausExperimental-psychologische Apparate und Methoden: Die Austellung bei dem 1. Kongress fur experimentelle Psychologie 1904. Robert SommerGeschichte fur die Gegenwart: Vortrage und Aufsatze zur Psychologiegeschichte. Werner Traxel. [REVIEW]William Woodward - 1987 - Isis 78 (1):108-108.