Results for 'Witter Bynner'

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    The Way of Life According to Laotzu.Homer H. Dubs & Witter Bynner - 1945 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 65 (3):212.
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    Long-term persistence of response- repetition tendencies based on performance or observation.David W. Witter, Melvin H. Marx & John Farbry - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (2):65-67.
  3.  55
    Policy Reflections Guided by Longitudinal Study, Youth Training, Social Exclusion, and More Recently Neet.John Bynner - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (1):39-52.
  4. Die Bedeutung von Karl Jaspers für die Psychiatrie.Hermann Witter - 1986 - In Karl Jaspers & Frank Werner Veauthier (eds.), Karl Jaspers zu Ehren: Symposium aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstags. Heidelberg: Winter.
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  5. Economics and ethics in health care: Where can they meet? / Elly stolk, Jan busschbach. Clinical aspects of prenatal diagnosis.Ingrid Witters & Jean-Pierre Fryns - 2002 - In Chris Gastmans (ed.), Between technology and humanity: the impact of technology on health care ethics. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    Pragmatic elements in Kant's philosophy.Charles Edgar Witter - 1913 - Chicago,: University of Chicago.
    This book provides a unique perspective on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, one of the most important figures in the history of Western thought. The author argues that Kant's ideas can be understood in terms of their practical implications, rather than as abstract concepts divorced from concrete experience. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the (...)
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    The medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus is not part of a hippocampal-thalamic memory system.Menno P. Witter & Ysbrand D. Van der Werf - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):467-468.
    Aggleton & Brown propose that familiarity-based recognition depends on a perirhinal-medial dorsal thalamic system. However, connections between these structures are sparse or absent. In contrast, the perirhinal cortex is connected to midline/intralaminar nuclei. In a human, a lesion in this thalamic domain, sparing the medial dorsal nucleus, impaired familiarity-based recognition while sparing recollective-based recognition. It is thus more likely that the intralaminar/midline nuclei are involved in recognition.
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    Repetition of correct responses and errors as a function of performance with reward or information.Melvin H. Marx & David W. Witter - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (1):53.
  9. The intralaminar and midline nuclei of the thalamus. Anatomical and functional evidence for participation in processes of arousal and awareness.Ysbrand D. Van der Werf, Menno P. Witter & Henk J. Groenewegen - 2002 - Brain Research Reviews 39 (2):107-140.
  10.  22
    Blueprint for the Development and Sustainability of National Nanosafety Centers.Neeraj Shandilya, Effie Marcoulaki, Sven Vercauteren, Hilda Witters, Eric Johansson Salazar-Sandoval, Anna-Kaisa Viitanen, Christophe Bressot & Wouter Fransman - 2020 - NanoEthics 14 (2):169-183.
    This work presents a blueprint or set of guidelines for the planning and development of sustainable national centers dealing with the safety of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies toward public health and environment. The blueprint was developed following a methodological approach of EU-wide online survey and workshop with several stakeholders. The purpose was to identify the key elements and challenges in the development and sustainability of a national nanosafety center. The responses were received from representatives of 16 national nanosafety centers across Europe (...)
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    J. Bingen and M. Witter: Greek Ostraca in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and various other collections. Vol. iii: Indexes. Pp. xiii + 246. London: Egypt Exploration Society, 1964. Cloth, £4 net. [REVIEW]B. R. Rees - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (02):246-.
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