Results for 'Wlodzimierz Fijalkowski'

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  1.  7
    U źródeł koncepcji absolutu: od Homera do Platona /c Włodzimierz Dłubacz.Włodzimierz Dłubacz - 2003 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    Filozofia--etyka--ekologia: profesorowi Włodzimierzowi Tyburskiemu w darze = Philosophy--ethics--ecology: the contribution to professor Wlodzimierz Bernard Tyburski.Włodzimierz Tyburski, Piotr Domeracki, Adam Grzeliński & Ryszard Wiśniewski (eds.) - 2015 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
    […] redaktorom udała się rzecz dość rzadka w tego typu publikacjach, mianowicie stworzyli imponujących rozmiarów księgę pamiątkową, która jednak, poza walorami okolicznościowymi, charakteryzuje się wysokim poziomem naukowym i zawiera sporo oryginalnych, wartościowych treści, z konieczności prezentowanych w krótkich formach, co jednak nie obniża ich rangi teoretycznej. Ponadto […] udało się w tej publikacji zgromadzić bardzo liczne, a jednocześnie reprezentatywne grono najwybitniejszych polskich filozofów, którzy ofiarowali profesorowi Tyburskiemu swoje cenne teksty, co czyni tę książkę tym bardziej wartościową i spowoduje, jak można (...)
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    Hare on prudence.Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz - 1989 - Theoria 55 (3):145-151.
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    Surrealism: Key Concepts.Krzysztof Fijalkowski & Michael Richardson (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Emerging from the disruption of the First World War, surrealism confronted the resulting ‘crisis of consciousness’ in a way that was arguably more profound than any other cultural movement of the time._ _The past few decades have seen an expansion of interest in surrealist writers, whose contribution to the history of ideas in the twentieth-century is only now being recognised._ Surrealism: Key Concepts_ is the first book in English to present an overview of surrealism through the central ideas motivating the (...)
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    How to model relational belief revision.Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz & Sten Lindström - 1994 - In Dag Prawitz & Dag Westerståhl (eds.), Logic and Philosophy of Science in Uppsala: Papers From the 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 69--84.
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    Stable and retrievable options.Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (4):624-641.
    An option available to an agent is stable if it maximizes expected utility on the hypothetical assumption that the agent is going to choose it. As is well known, some decision problems lack a stable solution. Paul Weirich (1986 and 1988) has recently proposed a decision principle which prescribes that the option chosen should be at least weakly stable--or "weakly ratifiable", to use his terminology. According to him, full stability is an excessively strong demand. I shall argue that Weirich's proposal (...)
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    Czy filozofia jest w stanie zastąpić religię? Filozofie nadziei radykalnej od Nietzschego po Meillassoux.Włodzimierz Lorenc - 2020 - Principia 2020:159-182.
    Nadzieja radykalna to nadzieja obecna dotąd w dyskursie religijnym. Począwszy od Nietzschego tematyka ta zaczęła się również pojawiać w dyskursie filozoficznym. Punktem wyjścia artykułu jest myśl Ernesta Blocha, który uczynił z nadziei centralną kwestię rozważań filozoficznych, choć nie udało mu się rozwinięcie tej idei. W tym względzie pierwszeństwo przypada Nietzschemu, który dążył do złączenia filozofii z problematyką nadziei. Ostatnim filozofem, którego poglądy zostaną wzięte pod uwagę jest Quentin Meillassoux, dążący w ostatnich latach do filozoficznego podtrzymania nadziej dotąd kojarzącej się z (...)
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    Sens aktywności w Okolicach Sztuki – działo się na Strychu.Włodzimierz Adamiak - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 58 (3):261-286.
    The text is a commentary to the phenomena in Polish modern art in the final years of the 20th century. It constitutes a “first-hand” account by a participant of the events and the host of the location. The location was the author’s private workshop in the attic of a Łódź tenement house in the very centre of the city, in the circles of artists creating situations, meetings, events and objects, which established Kultura Zrzuty [the Whip-round Culture], a phenomenon which described (...)
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    Zum genaueren verständnis Von ἐπιγραβδην.Włodzimierz Appel - 1983 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 127 (1-2):292-293.
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  10. O poznawaniu dzieła sztuki plastycznej: analiza współczynnika interpretacyjnego.Włodzimierz Ławniczak - 1983 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    O uzasadniającej roli analogii na przykładzie wnioskowań z zakresu historii sztuki.Włodzimierz Ławniczak - 1971 - Poznań,:
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  12.  14
    A World Without Wall Street?Krzysztof Fijalkowski & Michael Richardson (eds.) - 2013 - Seagull Books.
    As the aftershocks of the latest economic meltdown reverberate throughout the world, and people organize to physically occupy the major financial centers of the West, few experts and even fewer governments have dared to consider a world without the powerful markets that brought on the crash. Yet, as François Morin explains in _A World Without Wall Street?_, this is the very step that needs to be taken as quickly as possible to avoid a perpetual future of dehumanizing working conditions, devastated (...)
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  13. Die Wendung zum Führerstaat.Jürgen Fijalkowski - 1958 - Köln,: Westdeutscher Verlag.
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    Musine Kokalari and the Power of Images: Law, Aesthetics and Memory Regimes in the Albanian Experience.Agata Fijalkowski - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):577-602.
    Tarot cards are one means to unlocking an image. In this article, the image is that of the Albanian writer and political dissident Musine Kokalari at her 1946 trial. Her photograph features in Albanian discourses about its communist past. I argue that the image provides clues as to the manner in which the country has faced up to its own history. For what is certain is that the Albanian account of the Enver Hoxha dictatorship remains incomplete. Drawing on Walter Benjamin’s (...)
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  15. States of Violence: An Essay on the End of War.Krzysztof Fijalkowski & Michael Richardson (eds.) - 2010 - Seagull Books.
    According to political philosopher Frédéric Gros, traditional notions of war and peace are currently being replaced by ideas of intervention and security. But while we may be able to speak of an end to war, this does not imply an end to violence. On the contrary, Gros argues that what we are witnessing is a reconfiguration of our ideas of war, resulting in new forms of violence—terrorist attacks, armed groups jockeying for territory, the use of precision missiles, and the dangerous (...)
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    W kręgu miłośników i lubych. Homoseksualiści w życiu społecznym i kulturze Aten w VI-IV w. p.n.e.Paweł Fijałkowski - 2003 - Etyka 36:175-192.
    The author discusses the problem of homosexuality in the Hellenic period. The presented analyses are not only historical as the author shows in detail reviewing the evidence of homosexual behaviour, but he also discusses the forms and meanings of that behaviour. He is specially interested in the axiological context. He tries to recreate the system of evaluations according to which these sexual activities were seen as positive and shows the borderline beyond which homosexuality was condemned.
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    Analiza dobra.Włodzimierz Galewicz - 1988 - Kraków: Nakł. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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  18. Czy sądzimy.Włodzimierz Galewicz - 1995 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 15 (3):47-73.
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    The Scope of Corrective Justice in Aristotle’s Ethics.Włodzimierz Galewicz - 2017 - Peitho 8 (1):289-308.
    The task of corrective justice in Aristotle’s ethics is the rectification of harms or injuries resulting from voluntary or involuntary interactions between persons. However, the scope of this form of justice is not clear. In its widest conception it would include all harms done to a person against her will and without her fault. According to a narrower conception, instead, it is only an injury caused by an unjust or wrongful action that requires compensation. But in fact Aristotle distinguishes several (...)
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    Kultura: studia z historii myśli: Krzywicki, Abramowski, Czarnowski, Chwistek.Włodzimierz Kaczocha - 1991 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
  21. Zamieszkiwanie w kulturze - uwarunkowania aksjologiczne i przyrodnicze.Włodzimierz Kaczocha - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5.
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    Can a Physicist Afford not To Be a Platonic?Włodzimierz Kołos - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (4-6):13-25.
    Differences between macro and microphysics. How do we come to know the world? Theories—can they be beautiful? Cloakroom principle. Microparticles are identical—conssquences. Platonian beings.
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    Granice Europy - granice filozofii: filozofia a tożsamość Rosji.Włodzimierz Rydzewski & Leszek Augustyn (eds.) - 2007 - Kraków: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
    Książka zawiera: podsumowanie konferencji naukowej: Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński 2004; pytanie o granice filozofii i różnice w jej rozumieniu; pytanie o specyfikę filozofii rosyjskiej na tle innych tradycji filozoficznych; pytanie o granice teoretyczne i polityczne, geograficzne, narodowe, mentalne; pytanie o rozumienie pojęcia "granica" w myśli rosyjskiej; pytanie o to, co rozumiemy przez pojęcie "Rosja", a co przez pojęcie "Europa"; teksty wybitnych uczonych i naukowe debiuty doktorantów.
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  24. Koncepcja więzi społecznej i wizja dziejów w doktrynie społecznej Piotra A. Kropotkina.Włodzimierz Rydzewski - 1978 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 24.
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    Elektrostaza i ewolucja organiczna.Włodzimierz Sedlak - 1967 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 15 (3):31-58.
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    Z filozoficznych zagadnień czasu.Włodzimierz Skoczny - 1993 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 15.
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  27. Elzenberg.Włodzimierz Tyburski - 2007 - Ruch Filozoficzny 3 (3).
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    Act-utilitarian prisoner's dilemmas.Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz - 1989 - Theoria 55 (1):1-44.
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    Intuitionistic truth.Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (2):191 - 228.
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    Experimental therapies - definitions and regulations.Włodzimierz Galewicz - 2023 - Diametros 20 (78):16-36.
    The subject of this article are the definitional and regulatory aspects of experimental (or innovative) therapies, understood either as new and unproven treatment methods that can be tested – and for this purpose used – also in clinical trials, or as applications of these new and unproven procedures in medical practice. After a short introduction, recalling one of the important sources of the concept of experimental or innovative therapy, which was the Belmont Report, I first discuss the problems related to (...)
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  31. Ratifiability and Stability.Wlodzimierz Rabinowicz - 1988 - In Peter Gärdenfors & Nils-Eric Sahlin (eds.), Decision, Probability and Utility: Selected Readings. Cambridge University Press. pp. 406-425.
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  32. Leontios I trupy. O platońskiej etyce godności.Włodzimierz Galewicz - 1998 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 26 (2-4).
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    The Philosophy of Living Nature. Introductory Essay.Włodzimierz Ługowski & Adrianna Grabizna - 2024 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (12):5-29.
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    Effects of Changes in Ownership of the Polish Hospital on the Patients’ Opinion About Its Functioning.Wlodzimierz Stelmach, Mateusz Kuzdak, Adam Rzeznicki, Iwona Stelmach, Alina Kowalska & Jan Krakowiak - 2014 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 51:004695801456043.
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    O koncepcji filozoficznego poznania Boga u ks. prof. Kazimierza Kłósaka.Włodzimierz Dłubacz - 1981 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 29 (2):142-149.
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  36. O francuskojęzycznych wydaniach i ilustracjach Emila Rousseau w XVIII wieku – zmienne kierunki interpretacji.Adam Fijałkowski - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):109-123.
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    This Strange Idea of the Beautiful.Krysztof Fijalkowski & Michael Richardson (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Seagull Books.
    In _This Strange Idea of the Beautiful_, François Jullien explores what it means when we say something is beautiful. Bringing together ideas of beauty from both Eastern and Western philosophy, Jullien challenges the assumptions underlying our commonly agreed upon definition of what is beautiful and offers a new way of beholding art. Jullien argues that the Western concept of beauty was established by Greek philosophy and became consequently embedded within the very structure of European languages. And due to its relationship (...)
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    Zdrowie jako prawo człowieka.Włodzimierz Galewicz - 2014 - Diametros 42:57-82.
    The subject matter of this article is the right to health as one of the moral rights granted to all human beings. In the first part, I provide an overview of selected international documents that consider health a human right and, in the second part, I investigate the most significant commentaries on these documents. Accordingly, I attempt to bring out and arrange in an order the main ethical claims contained in these documents and commentaries, discussing such issues as the kinds (...)
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    Refining Big Data.Włodzimierz Gogołek - 2017 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 37 (4):212-217.
    Refining big data is a new multipurpose way to find, collect, and analyze information obtained from the web and off-line information sources about any research subject. It gives the opportunity to investigate (with an assumed level of statistical significance) the past and current status of information on a subject, and it can even predict the future. The refining of big data makes it possible to quantitatively investigate a wide spectrum of raw information on significant human issues—social, scientific, political, business, and (...)
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    Kants Theorie der Affinität und das Prinzip der prästabilierten Harmonie.Włodzimierz Heflik - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 347-358.
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  41. Filozofia społeczna Feliksa Grossa.Włodzimierz Kaczocha - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 290 (1).
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  42. Prawda - Znaczenie - Kultura (Rekonstrukcja poglądów J. Deweya).Włodzimierz Kaczocha - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 261 (8).
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    Medicine and pharmacy — facts and myths about the development of an innovative pharmaceutical industry in Poland.Włodzimierz Kubiak - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (1):41-51.
    Innovation is fundamental to the pharmaceutical industry and a key to improvements in healthcare. Its effectiveness depends on huge, constant investments in research. This innovative industry directly affects the course of studies in healthcare and medicine. Its efforts translate directly into the length and quality of our lives. For several years now, the progress underway in pharmaceutical industry has produced measurable benefits. Doctors have new pharmaceuticals at their disposal, including many types of antibiotics and anti-viral drugs, vaccines and a wide (...)
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    Współczesna koncepcja przestrzeni i czasu.Włodzimierz Laprus - 1970 - Warszawa]: Wiedza Powszechna.
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  45. Filozofia hermeneutyczna: perspektywy jej rozwoju.Włodzimierz Lorenc - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 83 (3):533-546.
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  46. Przekształcenie idei podmiotu.Włodzimierz Lorenc - 2005 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 11.
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  47. Kilka słów komentarza do tekstu Brzozowskiego.Włodzimierz Marciniak - 1983 - Colloquia Communia 6 (1):91-94.
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  48. O co w zasadzie chodzi?Włodzimierz Marciniak - 1984 - Colloquia Communia 16 (5-6):201-212.
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    A note on ciris 118.Włodzimierz Olszaniec - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):898-899.
    This note offers a new emendation in the Ciris. The author suggests that the text of line 118 should read: deicere et indomita Minoa retundere mente.
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    More than 15 years of human behaviour genetic research at the University of Warsaw.Wlodzimierz Oniszczenko - 2009 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 40 (3):117-120.
    More than 15 years of human behaviour genetic research at the University of Warsaw Human behaviour genetic research has been conducted at the University of Warsaw for more than 15 years. The main focus of this work have been the origins of individual differences in temperament and other personality traits. Other areas of interest include attitudes, risk factors for human health, and posttraumatic stress disorder. The majority of the research is conducted using quantitative genetic methods although recently work using molecular (...)
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