Results for 'World War, 1914-1918 Personal narratives, Austrian.'

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  1.  19
    Private notebooks: 1914-1916.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 2022 - New York, NY: Liveright Publishing Corporation, a Division of W. W. Norton & Company, Independent Publishers Since 1923. Edited by Marjorie Perloff & Ludwig Wittgenstein.
    Written in code under constant threat of battle, Wittgenstein's searing and illuminating diaries finally emerge in this first-ever English translation. During the pandemic, Marjorie Perloff, one of our foremost scholars of global literature, found her mind ineluctably drawn to the profound commentary on life and death in the wartime diaries of eminent philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951). Upon learning that these notebooks, which richly contextualize the early stages of his magnum opus, the Tractatus-Logico-Philosophicus, had never before been published in English, the (...)
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    Geheime Tagebücher, 1914-1916.Ludwig Wittgenstein - 1991 - Wien: Turia & Kant.
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    Dredging and Projecting the Depths of Personality: The Thematic Apperception Test and the Narratives of the Unconscious.Jason Miller - 2015 - Science in Context 28 (1):9-30.
    ArgumentThe Thematic Apperception Test was a projective psychological test created by Harvard psychologist Henry A. Murray and his lover Christina Morgan in the 1930s. The test entered the nascent intelligence service of the United States during the Second World War due to its celebrated reputation for revealing the deepest aspects of an individual's unconscious. It subsequently spread as a scientifically objective research tool capable not only of dredging the unconscious depths, but also of determining the best candidate for a (...)
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  4. Agency, Identity, and Aesthetic Experience in Three Post-Atomic Japanese Narratives: Yasunari Kawabata’s The Sound of the Mountain, Rio Kushida’s Thread Hell, and the Anime Film Barefoot Gen.Mara Miller - 2014 - In Nguyen Minh, [no title]. Lexington Books.
    Since World War II Japanese artists have employed two seemingly contradictory ways of working, using aesthetics, materials, artistic methods technologies, and approaches that are either radically innovative and wildly experimental, or traditional/classical. Many other artists, however, in a move that seems paradoxical. have combined the two to explore the new themes of the post-atomic period. Three narrative works dealing with the effects of the World War II war effort and the atomic bombings that ended them, Yasunari Kawabata’s novel (...)
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  5. Aestheticism and Spiritualism: A Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese Calligraphy.Ming-tak Hue - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (2):18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aestheticism and SpiritualismA Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese CalligraphyMing-Tak Hue (bio)IntroductionCalligraphy has been used to preserve significant writings and texts in a beautiful form and to make the different styles of writing enjoyable. It is not only the art of beautiful handwriting but also a cultural heritage and tradition that reflects the culture and history of a society, a race, a nation, (...)
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    The Formation of Critical Realism: A Personal Perspective.Roy Bhaskar - 2010 - Routledge. Edited by Mervyn Hartwig.
    This series of interviews, conducted in the form of exchanges between Roy Bhaskar and Mervyn Hartwig, tells a riveting story of the formation and development of critical realism. Three intersecting and interweaving narratives unfold in the course of this unfinished story: the personal narrative of Roy Bhaskar, born of an Indian father and English mother, a child of post-war Britain and Indian partition and independence; the intellectual narrative of the emergence and growth of critical realism; and a world-historical (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Le traître.André Gorz - 1958 - Paris,: Éditions du Seuil.
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  8. Journal d'un condamné à mort. Xxx (ed.) - 1948 - Paris: La Jeune Parque.
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    Personal Narratives: Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to Adulthood.Catherine Cornell, Julie Herren, Susan Osborne & Kelly Weiss - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (3):1-10.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Personal Narratives: Parenting Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Transition to AdulthoodCatherine Cornell, Julie Herren, Susan Osborne, and Kelly WeissTransition years: From Learning, Living and Loving to Maintenance and MediocrityCatherine CornellWhat does every parent of an autistic child worry about the most? For those of us with severely affected children, the answer to that question is: “Who will care for my child and keep her safe when (...)
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  10. Human rights and narrated lives: the ethics of recognition.Kay Schaffer - 2004 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Sidonie Smith.
    Personal narratives have become one of the most potent vehicles for advancing human rights claims across the world. Human Rights and Narrated Lives explores what happens when autobiographical narratives are produced, received, and circulated in the field of human rights. It asks how personal narratives emerge in local settings how international rights discourse enables and constrains individual and collective subjectivities in narration how personal narratives circulate and take on new meanings in new contexts and how and (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Book review: Chris Cuomo. The philosopher queen: Feminist essays on war, love, and knowledge. Lanham, md.: Rowman and Littlefield publishers, inc., 2003. [REVIEW]Alison Bailey - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):218-221.
    The Philosopher Queen: Feminist Essays on War, Love, and Knowledge. By Chris Cuomo. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2003. The Philosopher Queen is a powerful illustration of what Cherríe Moraga calls a "theory in the flesh." That is, theorizing from a place where "physical realities of our lives—our skin color, the land or concrete we grow up on, our sexual longings—all fuse to create a politic [and, I would add, an ethics, spirituality, and epistemology] born out of necessity" (...)
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    World War I — A Personal Story.Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak - 2017 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 4:139-143.
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    Living With the Label “Disability”: Personal Narrative as a Resource for Responsive and Informed Practice in Biomedicine and Bioethics.Jeffery Bishop & Naomi Sunderland - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):183-186.
    What is it like to live with the label “Disability?” NIB editorial staff and narrative symposium editors, Jeffery Bishop and Naomi Sunderland developed a call for stories, which was sent to several list serves, shared with the 1000 Voices Project community and posted on Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics ’ website. The request for personal stories from people who identify with the label “disabled” asked them to: consider how the label “disability” interacts with other aspects of their life in health (...)
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    Full Collection of Personal Narratives.Zohar Lederman, Ola Ziara, Rachel Coghlan, Oksana Sulaieva, Anna Shcherbakova, Oleksandr Dudin, Vladyslava Kachkovska, Iryna Dudchenko, Anna Kovchun, Lyudmyla Prystupa, Yuliya Nogovitsyna, Ghaiath Hussein, Kathryn Fausch, P. P. Kyaw, Ayesha Ahmad, I. I. Richard W. Sams, Handreen Mohammed Saeed, Artem Riga, Ryan C. Maves, Elizabeth Dotsenko, Irina Deyneka, Eva V. Regel & Vita Voloshchuk - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (3).
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Full Collection of Personal NarrativesZohar Lederman, Ola Ziara, Rachel Coghlan, Oksana Sulaieva, Anna Shcherbakova, Oleksandr Dudin, Vladyslava Kachkovska, Iryna Dudchenko, Anna Kovchun, Lyudmyla Prystupa, Yuliya Nogovitsyna, Ghaiath Hussein, Kathryn Fausch, P. P. Kyaw, Ayesha Ahmad, Richard W Sams II, Handreen Mohammed Saeed, Artem Riga, Ryan C. Maves, Elizabeth Dotsenko, Irina Deyneka, Eva V. Regel, and Vita Voloshchuk• An Unsettling Affair• How We Keep Caring While Walking Through Our (...)
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    Freedom Isn't Academic [review of Conrad Russell, Academic Freedom and An Intelligent Person's Guide to Liberalism ].William Bruneau - 2005 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 25 (2):180-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2502\REVIEWS.252 : 2006-02-27 11:52  Reviews FREEDOM ISN’T ACADEMIC W B Educational Studies / U. of British Columbia Vancouver, , Canada   .@. Conrad Russell. An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Liberalism. London: Duckworth, . Pp. . £. (hb). Academic Freedom. London and New York: Routledge, . Pp. xi, . £. (pb). ho is the intelligent person of the first title? Is it the brainy (...)
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    Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy.Peter Trawny - 2015 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Andrew J. Mitchell.
    In 2014, the first three volumes of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks—the personal and philosophical notebooks that he kept during the war years—were published in Germany. These notebooks provide the first textual evidence of anti-Semitism in Heidegger’s philosophy, not simply in passing remarks, but as incorporated into his philosophical and political thinking itself. In Heidegger and the Myth of a Jewish World Conspiracy, Peter Trawny, the editor of those notebooks, offers the first evaluation of Heidegger’s philosophical project in light of (...)
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    Fixing history: Narratives of world war I in France.Ann-Louise Shapiro - 1997 - History and Theory 36 (4):111–130.
    For nearly a century, the French have entertained an unshakable conviction that their ability to recognize themselves-to know and transmit the essence of Frenchness-depended on the teaching of the history of France. In effect, history was a discourse on France, and the teaching of history-"la pédagogie centrale du citoyen"-the means by which children were constituted as heirs and carriers of a common collective memory that made them not only citizens, but family. In this essay, I examine the rhetorical and conceptual (...)
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    Narrative Identity and Personal Responsibility.Linda Ethell - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    The exploration of personal identity and theories of narrative in Narrative Identity and Personal Responsibility is extraordinarily suggestive, resulting in implications for theories of action as well as ethics and psychology. Taking seriously the thought that we mediate our relations with the world by means of self-defining narratives grounded in the natural phenomenon of desire provides new answers to old puzzles of what it means to be human.
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    Critique and Conviction: Conversations with Francois Azouvi and Marc de Launay.Paul Ricoeur - 1998 - Polity.
    _Criticism and Conviction_ offers a rare opportunity to share personally in the intellectual life and journey of the eminent philosopher Paul Ricoeur. Internationally known for his influential works in hermeneutics, theology, psychoanalysis, and aesthetics, until now, Ricoeur has been conspicuously silent on the subject of himself. In this book--a conversation about his life and work with François Azouvi and Marc de Launay--Ricoeur reflects on a variety of philosophical, social, religious, and cultural topics, from the paradoxes of political power to the (...)
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  20.  26
    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle.David Edmonds - 2020 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    From the author of Wittgenstein's Poker and Would You Kill the Fat Man?, the story of an extraordinary group of philosophers during a dark chapter in Europe's history On June 22, 1936, the philosopher Moritz Schlick was on his way to deliver a lecture at the University of Vienna when Johann Nelböck, a deranged former student of Schlick's, shot him dead on the university steps. Some Austrian newspapers defended the madman, while Nelböck himself argued in court that his onetime teacher (...)
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    What is an event?Robin Erica Wagner-Pacifici - 2017 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    We live in a world of breaking news, where at almost any moment our everyday routine can be interrupted by a faraway event. Events are central to the way that individuals and societies experience life. Even life’s inevitable moments—birth, death, love, and war—are almost always a surprise. Inspired by the cataclysmic events of September 11, Robin Wagner-Pacifici presents here a tour de force, an analysis of how events erupt and take off from the ground of ongoing, everyday life, and (...)
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    Narratives of Totalitarianism: Nazism's Anti-Semitic Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust.Jeffrey Herf - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (135):32-60.
    In recent decades, historians have probed the kinds of narratives that they tell in constructing the past. In the process, we have devoted too little attention to the ways that historical actors themselves translate beliefs and ideologies into narratives of events, which themselves become causal factors of great importance. In this essay, and the longer work from which it is drawn, I examine this translation as it emerged in Nazi Germany's anti-Semitic propaganda campaigns during World War II and the (...)
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    Ukrainian Memory and Victimhood Narratives after the Second World War.Katrina Witt - 2010 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 1 (2).
    Memory can be selective and Ukrainian people are no exception. This paper examines the victimhood narrative of Ukrainians following the Second World War. Although they suffered greatly, through the war, the victimhood narrative denies their actions during the war. One component of this narrative involves ignoring Ukrainian involvement with Nazis in order to preserve their memory of their Great Heroes of WWII. Other aspects will also be considered.
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    Narrative and Understanding Persons.Daniel D. Hutto (ed.) - 2007 - Cambridge University Press.
    The human world is replete with narratives - narratives of our making that are uniquely appreciated by us. Some thinkers have afforded special importance to our capacity to generate such narratives, seeing it as variously enabling us to: exercise our imaginations in unique ways; engender an understanding of actions performed for reasons; and provide a basis for the kind of reflection and evaluation that matters vitally to moral and self development. Perhaps most radically, some hold that narratives are essential (...)
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  25. Inventing the Scientific Revolution.James A. Secord - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):50-76.
    As a master narrative for understanding the emergence of the modern world, the concept of a seventeenth-century scientific revolution has been central to the history of science. It is generally believed that this key analytical framework was created in Europe and became widely used for the first time during the Cold War through the writings of Herbert Butterfield and Alexander Koyré. This view, however, is mistaken. The scientific revolution is largely a product of debates about social reconstruction in the (...)
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  26. The Present Conflict of Ideals a Study of the Philosophical Background of the World War.Ralph Barton Perry - 1918 - Longmans.
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    It's about Time! A Sometimes Personal Narrative of Schutz Scholarship.Lester Embree - 2012 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 4:9-22.
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    The Practice Setting: site of ethical conflict for some mothers and midwives.Faye E. Thompson - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (6):588-601.
    Practitioners’ ethical orientation and responses vary between practice settings. Yet, currently, the ethics for midwifery practice that is explicit in the literature and which provides the ideals of socialization into practice, is that of bio(medical)ethics. Traditional bioethics, developed because of World War II atrocities and increased scientific research, is based on moral philosophy, normative theory, abstract universal principles and objective problem solving, all of which focus on right and wrong ‘action’ for resolving dilemmas. They exclude context and relationship. (...) narratives of mothers and midwives contest the appropriateness of these accepted values and systems for childbirth because they induce conflict between work-place/service provider ethics and personal/professional midwifery ethics. In contrast to the disembedded and disembodied approach of biomedical ethics, an ethically adequate response in midwifery practice resonates more with the ethics of intimates, such as feminist virtue ethics. (shrink)
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    The personal writings of First World War nurses: a study of the interplay of authorial intention and scholarly interpretation.Christine E. Hallett - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (4):320-329.
    The personal writings of First World War nurses and VADs (volunteers) provide the historian with a range of insights into the war and women's nursing roles within it. This paper offers a number of methodological perspectives on these writings. In particular, it emphasises two elements of engagement with texts that can act as important influences on subsequent historical writings: authorial intention and scholarly interpretation. In considering the interplay of these two elements, the paper emphasises the motivations both of (...)
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    Hannah Arendt's Rahel Varnhagen.Joanne Cutting-Gray - 1991 - Philosophy and Literature 15 (2):229-245.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Joanne Cutting-Gray HANNAH ARENDT'S RAHEL VARNHAGEN Hannah Arendt fled Nazi Germany in 1933, a year she called the end of Jewish history. She was 27 years old at the time and carried with her a manuscript that was later to become the peculiar biography of an eighteenth-century German-Jewish "pariah," Rahel Varnhagen (1771-1833). The Life of a fewish Woman, subtitle of the biography by Arendt, distills the largely unpublished Varnhagen (...)
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    Verloren im Schützengraben. Zur Raumsemantik der dargestellten Kriegsräume in Erich Maria Remarques „Im Westen nichts Neues”.Wolfgang Brylla - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    During the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War Erich Maria Remarque’s bestseller “All Quiet on the Western Front” is surpassing successive records of popularity. Commonly considered as an antiwar and pacifist novel, the history of Paul Bäumer, a young soldier on the western front, is rather a novel about a war generation lost in the trenches. Remarque describes this written off generation on the stage of various war­-spaces. The first­-person narrator who very often switches to the (...)
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    Narrative Formulation Revisited: On Seeing the Person in Mental Health Recovery.Anna Bergqvist - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (1):7-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Formulation RevisitedOn Seeing the Person in Mental Health RecoveryAnna Bergqvist (bio)The use of narrative in mental health contexts models consciousness as something necessarily embodied, as already part of the world, in an inherently value-laden and perspectival way. As such narrative presents a powerful tool for critical reassessment and reevaluation of preconceived ideas in relating to difficult concepts in clinical interactions.Narrative structures can reveal psychological differences between persons (...)
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  33. Vaunting the independent amateur: Scientific American and the representation of lay scientists.Sean F. Johnston - 2018 - Annals of Science 75 (2):97-119.
    This paper traces how media representations encouraged enthusiasts, youth and skilled volunteers to participate actively in science and technology during the twentieth century. It assesses how distinctive discourses about scientific amateurs positioned them with respect to professionals in shifting political and cultural environments. In particular, the account assesses the seminal role of a periodical, Scientific American magazine, in shaping and championing an enduring vision of autonomous scientific enthusiasms. Between the 1920s and 1970s, editors Albert G. Ingalls and Clair L. Stong (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Narrative and Understanding Persons.Daniel D. Hutto - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 60:1-16.
    The human world is replete with narratives – narratives of our making that are uniquely appreciated by us. Some thinkers have afforded special importance to our capacity to generate such narratives, seeing it as variously enabling us to: exercise our imaginations in unique ways; engender an understanding of actions performed for reasons; and provide a basis for the kind of reflection and evaluation that matters vitally to moral and self development. Perhaps most radically, some hold that narratives are essential (...)
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    American Transcendentalism and the Twenty-First Century.Brian Wolfel - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (2):291-316.
    ABSTRACT American Transcendentalism, as a nineteenth-century intellectual and social movement, can inform both the academic debate surrounding post-liberalism and the social, political, and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global capitalism, and globalization more generally, defined the era subsequent to World War II until the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The manifestation of global capitalism/globalization took place as a function of the rejection, whether conscious or unconscious, of the values embodied in American Transcendentalism as a modern reincarnation of immaterial (...)
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    Mendacity, Rule Consequentialist Ethics and The Ploughman's Lunch.Jonathan Bolton - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (1):26-43.
    This article examines Ian McEwan's script for director Richard Eyre's film, The Ploughman's Lunch, the title of which alludes to a deceptive, post-World War II advertising campaign that promulgated a false narrative about British tradition. McEwan's script, and Eyre's film adaptation of it, offer a prescient exposé of Britain's culture of mendacity in the 1980s in ways that draw on rule-consequentialist ethics to maintain that lying on the personal, professional, and political level has a pernicious effect on society. (...)
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    Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald.Emil Anton - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):963-966.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Benedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter SeewaldEmil AntonBenedict XVI, A Life: Volume 1, Youth in Nazi Germany to the Second Vatican Council 1927–1965 by Peter Seewald, translated by Dinah Livingstone (London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2020), xi + 500 pp.What better way to spend Pope Benedict XVI's ninety-fourth birthday than by reviewing a Ratzinger biography while having Apfelstrudel (...)
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    Red Girls’ Revolutionary Tales: Antifascist Women's Autobiographies in Italy.Chiara Bonfiglioli - 2014 - Feminist Review 106 (1):60-77.
    This essay focuses on recent autobiographies written by Italian women born in the 1920s who engaged in revolutionary politics during and after the Second World War: Luciana Castellina (La scoperta del mondo, 2011), Bianca Guidetti Serra (Bianca la rossa, 2009), Marisa Ombra (La bella politico, 2010), Marisa Rodano (Del mutare dei tempi, 2008) and Rossana Rossanda (La ragazza del secolo scorso, 2005). In these autobiographies, personal narratives of passionate engagement are entangled with the urgency of antifascist resistance, and (...)
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    Introduction.Luk Bouckaert - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):1-3.
    In the Thirties, European personalism was an inspirational philosophical movement, with its birthplace in France, but with proponents and sympathizers in many other countries as well. Following the Second World War, Christian-Democratic politicians translated personalistic ideas into a political doctrine. Sometimes they still refer to personalism, but most often this reference is little more than a nostalgic salute. In the mainstream of Anglo-Saxon political philosophy, there are practically no references to personalistic philosophers. Is personalism exhausted as a philosophy or (...)
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    Max Nordau, Madison Grant, and Racialized Theories of Ideology.Johannes Hendrikus Burgers - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (1):119-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Max Nordau, Madison Grant, and Racialized Theories of IdeologyJohannes Hendrikus BurgersRecently, Jonathan Spiro has undertaken the Herculean task of recovering the ghost of the conservationist and anti-immigrant racist Madison Grant from a very limited archival record. Spiro’s biography is an invaluable resource that covers, in as much detail as possible, Grant’s life and thought. Although largely forgotten now, in the first half of the twentieth century Grant was a (...)
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    (Re)interpretations: the shapes of justice in women's experience.Lisa Dresdner & Laurel S. Peterson (eds.) - 2009 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Patriarchal institutions govern all aspects of women's lives: their minds, their bodies, and their souls. Additionally, they govern the ways in which women are perceived by others and the ways in which women perceive themselves. (Re) Interpretations: The Shapes of Justice in Women's Experience, is a collection of essays on language, religion, war, sex trafficking, and medicine-the patriarchal structures that form the basis of western society and, thus, are in many ways inherently unjust. The essays illustrate the multitude of ways (...)
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  42. After capitalism, cyborgism.Fernando Flores Morador (ed.) - 2015 - Lund: Lund University.
    This book is a personal answer to the crisis of the left. The author of this text belongs to a generation habituated to live with global explanations. During our youth, the future of the world was the future of democracy and socialism. We belong to a generation of “leftist” that found in Marx and Freud, phenomenology and structuralism the most important answers that made sense of the everyday world. However, the developments of events during the last sixty (...)
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    Ideology and science: The story of Polish psychology in the communist period.Leszek Koczanowicz & Iwona Koczanowicz-Dehnel - 2021 - History of the Human Sciences 34 (3-4):195-217.
    This article presents a fragment of the history of psychology in Poland, discussing its development in the years 1945–56, which saw sweeping political and geographical transformations. In that maelstrom of history, psychology was particularly affected by the effects of geopolitical changes, which led to its symbolic ‘arrest’ in 1952, when psychological practice was prohibited and all psychology courses were abolished at universities. Amnesty was declared only in 1956, with the demise of the so-called Stalinist ‘cult of personality’ and the onset (...)
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    “Through blackening pools of blood”: Trauma and Translation in Robert Graves’s The Anger of Achilles.Laura McKenzie - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (2):253-261.
    The Anger of Achilles, Robert Graves’ 1959 translation of Homer’s Iliad, has been variously dismissed by classical scholars as an ‘outrageous sortie into the field of translation’ and a work of ‘sheer egotism’, marred by its author’s ‘scattered yapping’. And yet, it can be read with greater understanding if we approach it not merely as a literary anomaly, but as a refraction of Graves’ experience of ‘Shell Shock,’ or PTSD, following his front line service during the First World War. (...)
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    Depicting teachers' roles in social reconstruction in the social frontier, 1934–1943.Sonia E. Murrow - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (3):311-333.
    According to the dominant historiographical narrative, the social reconstructionists were a homogeneous group with a shared social, political, economic, and educational agenda. However, the pages of the journal The Social Frontier are replete with evidence that they were not in agreement on significant issues, especially when it came to the proper role of teachers in reform efforts. In fact, a close look reveals that the social reconstructionists presented multiple, overlapping, and often conflicting theories and strategies to advance the reconstruction of (...)
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    The Instant of My Death /Demeure: Fiction and Testimony.Elizabeth Rottenberg (ed.) - 2000 - Stanford University Press.
    This volume records a remarkable encounter in critical and philosophical thinking: a meeting of two of the great pioneers in contemporary thought, Maurice Blanchot and Jacques Derrida, who are also bound together by friendship and a complex relation to their own pasts. More than a literary text with critical commentary, it constitutes an event of central significance for contemporary philosophical, literary, and political concerns. The book consists of _The Instant of My Death,_ a powerful short prose piece by Blanchot, and (...)
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    Oppressive Faces of Whiteness in Walter Mosley’s Devil in a Blue Dress.Klara Szmańko - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):258-277.
    Walter Mosley’s Devil in a Blue Dress contributes significantly to the literary debate on the definition of whiteness. The socio-historical construction of whiteness emerging from the novel is amplified by white imagery dovetailing with the claims made about white people directly. For the African American first person narrator, Easy Rawlins, living in post-World War II Los Angeles, whiteness mostly spells terror. The oppressive faces of whiteness consist in the following trajectories: property relations, economic exploitation, labour relations, the legal system, (...)
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    The Rebel Girl Revisited: Rereading Elizabeth Gurley Flynn's Life Story.Lara Vapnek - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (1):13.
    Abstract:Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (1890-1964) is best-remembered for her autobiography, The Rebel Girl (1955). This classic text of labor history recounts Flynn’s her early career as a socialist soapbox speaker, her work as an “agitator” for the Industrial Workers of the World, and her defense of political prisoners during World War I. Despite its iconic status, The Rebel Girl has been subject to little historical analysis. This article examines how Flynn developed her narrative identity as the “Rebel Girl,” contextualizes (...)
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    Michael L. Mark.Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (1):92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Michael L. MarkPatrice Madura Ward-SteinmanI met Michael Mark at the first Philosophy of Music Education conference held at Indiana University in the summer of 1990. I was a doctoral student at IU then and had studied the writings of many of the conference presenters and so the experience of hearing and meeting them in person was a heady one, indeed. I will never forget those impressions of Phil Alperson, (...)
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  50. The Sources of Memory.Jeffrey Andrew Barash - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):707-717.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Sources of MemoryJeffrey Andrew Barash“What does it mean to remember?” This question might seem commonplace when it is confined to the domain of events recalled in past individual experience; but even in this restricted sense, when memory recalls, for example, a first personal encounter with birth or with death, the singularity of the remembered image places the deeper possibilities of human understanding in relief. Such experiences punctuating (...)
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