Results for 'Xhercis Méndez'

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  1. Four kinds of subminimal negation within the context of the basic positive logic b+ Jose M. Mendez, francisco Salto and Pedro Mendez R.Jose M. Mendez - 2002 - Logique Et Analyse 45 (178):119-128.
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    A Routley-Meyer semantics for converse Ackermann property.José M. Méndez - 1987 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 16 (1):65 - 76.
  3.  14
    Francisco Alexander Mendez and Iván Molina Jiménez: a secretive meeting.Laura Fuentes Belgrave, Francisco Alejandro Méndez & Iván Molina - 2021 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (27):85-91.
    Los autores que dialogan en el número 27 de Ístmica con sus respectivos cuentos; el guatemalteco Francisco Alejandro Méndez y el costarricense Iván Molina Jiménez, han encontrado maneras subrepticias y transtemporales de erizarnos la piel a través de la narrativa que nos ofrecen en esta edición. Méndez (1964), es periodista, crítico literario, catedrático universitario y reconocido escritor del istmo, quien obtuvo el Premio Nacional de Literatura de Guatemala en el 2017. Ha publicado los siguientes libros de novela y (...)
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    La búsqueda sapiencial de la verdad como punto de reconciliación entre filosofía y teología en el contexto de la reciente reforma de los estudios eclesiásticos.Benito Méndez - 2012 - Salmanticensis 59 (3):461-498.
    Las relaciones entre Teología y Filosofía son una cons-tante en la Historia de la Iglesia, porque esta ha buscado especial-mente el diálogo con los rastreado-res de la Verdad. Esta convicción aparece de forma concreta en todos los planes de estudio eclesiásticos desde que estos existen; en ellos siempre ha permanecido como ejemplo a seguir el trabajo filosó-fico y teológico de Santo Tomás de Aquino; se trata de una opción filo-sófica que ensancha la razón y le da un carácter sapiencial, porque (...)
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  5. Stem cells and brain repair : ethical considerations.Ivar Mendez - 2020 - In Stephen Honeybul (ed.), Ethics in neurosurgical practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    La Aviación Militar Española: una historia corta pero de gran intensidad.José Sánchez Méndez - 2002 - Arbor 171 (674):187-216.
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  7. Tolerancia religiosa y argumentos liberales. Comentarios a la" Carta sobre la tolerancia" de John Locke.M. Toscano Méndez - 1999 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:163-181.
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  8. From What Age Is Mental Rotation Training Effective? Differences in Preschool Age but Not in Sex.Laura M. Fernández-Méndez, María José Contreras & M. Rosa Elosúa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Converse Ackermann croperty and semiclassical negation.José M. Méndez - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (2):159 - 168.
    A prepositional logic S has the Converse Ackermann Property (CAP) if (AB)C is unprovable in S when C does not contain . In A Routley-Meyer semantics for Converse Ackermann Property (Journal of Philosophical Logic, 16 (1987), pp. 65–76) I showed how to derive positive logical systems with the CAP. There I conjectured that each of these positive systems were compatible with a so-called semiclassical negation. In the present paper I prove that this conjecture was right. Relational Routley-Meyer type semantics are (...)
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  10. A natural negation completion of Urquhart's many-valued logic C.José M. Mendez & Francisco Salto - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (1):75-84.
    Etude de l'extension par la negation semi-intuitionniste de la logique positive des propositions appelee logique C, developpee par A. Urquhart afin de definir une semantique relationnelle valable pour la logique des valeurs infinies de Lukasiewicz (Lw). Evitant les axiomes de contraction et de reduction propres a la logique classique de Dummett, l'A. propose une semantique de type Routley-Meyer pour le systeme d'Urquhart (CI) en tant que celle-la ne fournit que des theories consistantes pour la completude de celui-ci.
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    I and We: Does Identity Explain Undergraduates’ Ethical Intentions?María J. Mendez, David A. Vollrath & Lowell Ritter - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:75-98.
    Concerns about business ethics have led many business schools to integrate ethics into the curriculum, with mixed results (May, Luth, & Schwoerer 2014, Wang & Calvano 2015, Waples, Antes, Murphy, Connelly & Mumford 2009). This paper seeks to improve our understanding of business students’ ethics by looking into their identity, a cognitive lens by which students see themselves and interpret their environment (Triandis 1989) and that can be relatively malleable to priming and socializing processes (Vignoles, Schwartz, & Luyckx 2011, Ybarra (...)
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  12. Las barreras arquitectónicas en la ciudad.Javier Méndez - 2007 - Critica 57 (946):28-33.
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  13. Presentación, selección y traducción del artículo: Líneas fundamentales de una filosofía de la técnica. Acerca de la historia del surgimiento de la cultura desde nuevos puntos de vista.J. A. Méndez - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (3).
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  14. (1 other version)Relevance Logics, Paradoxes Of Consistency And The K Rule Ii.José Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2006 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 15:175-191.
    The logic B+ is Routley and Meyer’s basic positive logic. Wedefine the logics BK+ and BK′+ by adding to B+ the K rule and to BK+the characteristic S4 axiom, respectively. These logics are endowed witha relatively strong non-constructive negation. We prove that all the logicsdefined lack the K axiom and the standard paradoxes of consistency.
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  15.  24
    La lectura simbolista de la obra de Cézanne: la paradoja del modelo.María Elena Muñoz Méndez - 2016 - Aisthesis 60:69-90.
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    An Epistemic Problem for Epistocracy.María Pía Méndez - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (2):153-166.
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    Strengthening Brady’s Paraconsistent 4-Valued Logic BN4 with Truth-Functional Modal Operators.José M. Méndez & Gemma Robles - 2016 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 25 (2):163-189.
    Łukasiewicz presented two different analyses of modal notions by means of many-valued logics: the linearly ordered systems Ł3,..., Open image in new window,..., \; the 4-valued logic Ł he defined in the last years of his career. Unfortunately, all these systems contain “Łukasiewicz type paradoxes”. On the other hand, Brady’s 4-valued logic BN4 is the basic 4-valued bilattice logic. The aim of this paper is to show that BN4 can be strengthened with modal operators following Łukasiewicz’s strategy for defining truth-functional (...)
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  18.  25
    Enforcing Borders in the Nuevo South: Gender and Migration in Williamsburg, Virginia, and the Research Triangle, North Carolina.Jennifer Bickham Mendez & Natalia Deeb-Sossa - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (5):613-638.
    Drawing from ethnographic research in the Research Triangle of North Carolina and Williamsburg, Virginia, the authors build on Anzaldúa's conceptualization of “borderlands” to analyze how borders of social membership are constructed and enforced in “el Nuevo South.” Our gender analysis reveals that intersecting structural conditions—the labor market, the organization of public space, and the institutional organization of health care and other public services—combine with gendered processes in the home and family to regulate women's participation in community life. Enforcers of borders (...)
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  19.  17
    Rural Women's Entry Patterns into the Labour Market and Society.Cecilia Díaz Méndez & Capitolina Díaz Martínez - 1998 - European Journal of Women's Studies 5 (2):155-170.
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  20.  19
    Juan Diego.Mendez Acosta Mario - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (2):45.
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    Axiomatizing E→ and R→ with Anderson and Belnap's 'strong and natural'list of valid entailments.José M. Méndez - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (1):2-7.
    We provide all possible axiomatizations with independent axioms of E→ and R→ formulable with Anderson and Belnap’s list.
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    Customer Experience and Satisfaction in Private Insurance Web Areas.M. Dolores Méndez-Aparicio, Ana Jiménez-Zarco, Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta & Juan Jose Blazquez-Resino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:581659.
    Digital transformation has allowed to offer additional services - which complement the main product - both in terms of use, emotional and relationship terms. Focused on a traditionally rational insurance customer offering a value that explores the customer's emotions, from co-creating with the user, allows brand differentiation. Given this idea, this document has three purposes. First, identify the role of expectations and the perceived quality of the customer's digital experience. Secondly, to identify the relationship between experience and satisfaction gained in (...)
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  23.  43
    Constructive R.José M. Méndez - 1987 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 16 (4):167-173.
    Let R+ be the positive fragment of Anderson and Belnap’s Logic of Relevance, R. And let RMO+ be the result of adding the Mingle principle ) to R+. We have shown in [2] that either a minimal negation or else a semiclassical one can be added to RMO+ preserving the variable-sharing property. Moreover, each of there systems is given a semantics in the Routley-Meyer style. In describing in [2] the models for RMO+ plus minimal negation, we noted that a similar (...)
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    Reading Cristina García's The Agüero Sisters as Latina Feminist Philosophy.Susan C. Méndez - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (2):388-403.
    Through an analysis of the interconnections or lack thereof between gender and epistemology, I present Cristina García's The Agüero Sisters as a text of Latina feminist philosophy. First, I use the works of Linda Alcoff and Walter Mignolo to illustrate the political nature of epistemology and how women and people of color in particular are disenfranchised from such a political endeavor. Then I examine the connections among the concepts of origin, absence, inheritance, and knowledge-construction in García's novel to further a (...)
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  25. What counts as "a" sound and how "to count" a sound, the problems of individuating and identifying sounds.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez - 2019 - Synthesis Philosophica 1 (67):173-190.
    This paper addresses the problem of sound individuation (SI) and its connection to sound ontology (SO). It is argued that the problems of SI, such as aspatiality, extreme individuation, indexical perplexity and duration puzzles are due to SO’s uncertainties. Besides, I describe the views in SO, including the wave view (WV), the property view (PV), and the event view (EV), as Casey O’Callaghan defends it. According to O’Callaghan, EV offers clear standards to individuate sounds. However, this claim is countered by (...)
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  26. Sound Ontology and the Brentano-Husserl Analysis of the Consciousness of Time.Jorge Luis Méndez-martínez - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (1):184-215.
    Both Franz Brentano and Edmund Husserl addressed sound while trying to explain the inner consciousness of time and gave to it the status of a supporting example. Although their inquiries were not aimed at clarifying in detail the nature of the auditory experience or sounds themselves, they made some interesting observations that can contribute to the current philosophical discussion on sounds. On the other hand, in analytic philosophy, while inquiring the nature of sounds, their location, auditory experience or the audible (...)
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  27.  49
    The compatibility of relevance and Mingle.José M. Méndez - 1988 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 17 (3):279 - 297.
  28. Anderson And Belnap's Minimal Positive Logic With Minimal Negation.J. Mendez, F. Salto & G. Robles - 2002 - Reports on Mathematical Logic 36:117-130.
    Our question is: can we embed minimal negation in implicative logics weaker than I→? Previous results show how to define minimal negation in the positive fragment of the logic of relevance R and in contractionless intuitionistic logic. Is it possible to endow weaker positive logics with minimal negation? This paper prooves that minimal negation can be embedded in even such a weak system as Anderson and Belnap’s minimal positive logic.
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  29.  20
    Humanismos al borde del colapso: los anime nihilistamina.Artur Lozano-Méndez & Antonio Loriguillo-López - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):293-327.
    El presente artículo presenta a un nuevo tipo de protagonista desarrollado en el manganime japonés:los héroes/heroínas nihilistamina. A diferencia del entusiasta héroe shōnen, los personajes de algunos de los títulos más populares del medio se sacrifican para la supervivencia de la humanidad pese a su visión nihilista del mundo, marcada por el trauma, la desafección institucional y los trastornos mentales. Mediante un análisis narratológico de sus funciones, apoyado en una presentación del contexto del humanitarismo en Japón,ofrecemos un punto de partida (...)
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    Induced abortion and gender (in)equality in Europe: A panel analysis.Paz Méndez-Rodríguez, Montserrat Díaz-Fernández, Mar Llorente-Marrón & Sandra Dema Moreno - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):250-266.
    Induced abortion is a worldwide practice and its legalisation is a persistent demand of the women’s movement. Although in the academic literature there are numerous studies that address the study of fertility, nowhere near as much attention has been given to the analysis of induced abortion and its determining factors, and even less to the consideration of gender equality as a variable through which to understand it. This article focuses on the influence of gender equality on the rate of induced (...)
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    Key Characteristics of Mexican Spirituality.Dinorah B. Méndez - 2011 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 28 (3):206-223.
    Mexico’s religious context is diverse and complex because of its mestizo origin. The popular religiosity predominant in the country is considered a religious syncretism characterised by some salient and frequent aspects: Sense of ritual, mysticism, sacrifice, festivity and community. These elements are confirmed as outstanding traits of Mexican religiosity because they give cohesion to a very broad and plural religiosity and interact in many religious expressions. This brief analysis also reveals that there exist potential possibilities to study the process of (...)
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  32. La cognición auditiva. Especificidad modal y perplejidad semántico-definicional.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez - 2024 - Andamios 21 (54):27-56.
    Philosophical discussions on cognition (ranging from computational and representational approaches to the 4E fra-mework), on the one hand, and those on sound and auditory per-ception, on the other, have hitherto remained apart. In this paper, the author addresses the concept of “auditory cognition”. While committing to the conceptual analysis of the latter, the author in-troduces the discussion of modality-specif ic approaches. Since the contributions made so far in the domain of the philosophy of sound and auditory perception are prone to (...)
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  33. If Sounds were Dispositions, a framework proposal for an undeveloped theory.Jorge Luis Mendez-Martinez - 2020 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 27 (4):446-479.
    In the realm of the philosophy of sounds and auditory experience there is an ongoing discussion concerned with the nature of sounds. One of the contestant views within this ontology of sound is that of the Property View, which holds that sounds are properties of the sounding objects. A way of developing this view is through the idea of dispositionalism, namely, by sustaining the theory according to which sounds are dispositional properties (Pasnau 1999; Kulvicki 2008; Roberts 2017). That portrayal, however, (...)
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  34.  20
    Ethical implications of fairness interventions: what might be hidden behind engineering choices?Julian Alfredo Mendez, Rüya Gökhan Koçer, Flavia Barsotti & Andrea Aler Tubella - 2022 - Ethics and Information Technology 24 (1).
    The importance of fairness in machine learning models is widely acknowledged, and ongoing academic debate revolves around how to determine the appropriate fairness definition, and how to tackle the trade-off between fairness and model performance. In this paper we argue that besides these concerns, there can be ethical implications behind seemingly purely technical choices in fairness interventions in a typical model development pipeline. As an example we show that the technical choice between in-processing and post-processing is not necessarily value-free and (...)
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    National Reconciliation, Transnational Justice, and the International Criminal Court.Juan E. Méndez - 2001 - Ethics and International Affairs 15 (1):25-44.
    Universal jurisdiction and the existence of an International Criminal Court (ICC) under the Rome Statute provide a framework through which true reconciliation can be achieved simultaneously with truth and justice. The ICC and universal jurisdiction can be viewed as laying out objective limits on the power of domestic and international actors to seek peace at any cost.This paper argues that those objective limits are not necessarily inimical to a just peace, nor are an undue burden on peacemakers. On the contrary, (...)
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    El movimiento animalista en Argentina y la emergencia de los enfoques antiespecistas sobre la relación entre ambiente y sociedad.Anahí Méndez - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 33:244-272.
    El objetivo del artículo es conocer los enfoques planteados por las y los activistas que se identifican con el movimiento animalista en Argentina analizando sus percepciones e imaginarios en torno a cómo interpretan la relación entre ambiente y sociedad, el concepto de especismo y el animalismo. Los resultados se desprenden de entrevistas semiestructuradas llevadas a cabo con referentes e integrantes de tres organizaciones animalistas antiespecistas. El análisis se orienta a un enfoque cualitativo para conocer y comprender las percepciones, los imaginarios, (...)
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    O papel do Valentior pars para a manutenção da liberdade em Defensor Pacis de Marsílio de Pádua.Manuel Mendez Alonzo - 2013 - Filosofia Unisinos 14 (2).
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    Converse Ackermann property and semiclassical negation.J. H. MÉndez - 1988 - Studia Logica 47:159.
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    Civil Power and Natural Rights of the Indigenous Peoples of the New World according to Fray Alonso de la Veracruz.Manuel Méndez Alonzo - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):195-213.
    El presente trabajo investiga las tesis sobre el poder civil de Alonso de la Veracruz que buscan incorporar en la comunidad política española a los habitantes autóctonos del Nuevo Mundo, tesis que suelen relacionarse con F. de Vitoria y el tomismo español, y que últimamente son consideradas parte del republicanismo novohispano elaborado desde la periferia americana. Se busca demostrar que su propósito era aplicar una teoría de derechos naturales, sin que ello implique participación política de los indios americanos. Se analiza (...)
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    La democracia venezolana desde el discurso político de los líderes tradicionales.Ana Irene Méndez & Elda Morales - 2001 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 6 (14):9-39.
    The political discourse of Rafael Caldera and Carlos Andrés Pérez is here analyzed. Thess leaders share features in exercising power as presidents of Venezuela, and in their being members of the traditional political parties that ruled the country in the second half of the XXth century. A crit..
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    Profiles of Mobile Phone Problem Use in Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Adolescents.Inmaculada Méndez, Ana Belén Jorquera Hernández & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    La vejez como proyecto del alma, héroe, carácter, destino y arquetipo.María Pilar Quiroga Méndez - 2013 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 40:393-406.
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    La tolérance et le conflit des raisons.Manuel Toscano-Mendez - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (1):27-46.
  44.  32
    Tolerancia religiosa y argumentos liberales. Comentarios a la Carta sobre la tolerancia de John Locke.Manuel Toscano Méndez - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4.
    RESUMENEn este trabajo quiero examinar la Carta sobre la tolerancia de John Locke, con el propósito de considerar los diferentes tipos de argumentos que propone para justificar la tolerancia en materia de religión y valorar su relevancia para el lector actual. Aunque la línea argumental principal de la Carta es insatisfactoria, cabe encontrar una justiicación alternativa, mucho más afin con la defensa que el liberalismo contemporáneo hace de la libertad de conciencia.PALABRAS CLAVETOLERANCIA-RELIGIÓN-LIBREALISMO-LOCKEABSTRACTIn this paper I will examine John Locke'se Letter (...)
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    Ticket Entailment plus the mingle axiom has the variable-sharing property.José M. Méndez, Gemma Robles & Francisco Salto - 2012 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 20 (1):355-364.
    The logic TM is the result of adding the mingle axiom, M to Ticket Entailment logic, T. In the present study, it is proved that TM has the variable-sharing property . Ternary relational semantics for TM is provided. Finally, an interesting extension of TM with the vsp is briefly discussed.
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  46. Objetores de Descartes, ¿y también de Frege? Apuntes críticos al artículo “La naturaleza de las entidades matemáticas. Gassendi y Mersenne: objetores de Descartes”.Emilio Méndez Pinto - 2021 - Dianoia 66 (86):129-144.
  47. Language Rights as Collective Rights: Some Conceptual Considerations on Language Rights.Manuel Toscano Méndez - 2012 - Res Publica. Murcia 27:109-118.
  48.  56
    An Interpretation of Łukasiewicz’s 4-Valued Modal Logic.José M. Méndez, Gemma Robles & Francisco Salto - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (1):73-87.
    A simple, bivalent semantics is defined for Łukasiewicz’s 4-valued modal logic Łm4. It is shown that according to this semantics, the essential presupposition underlying Łm4 is the following: A is a theorem iff A is true conforming to both the reductionist and possibilist theses defined as follows: rt: the value of modal formulas is equivalent to the value of their respective argument iff A is true, etc.); pt: everything is possible. This presupposition highlights and explains all oddities arising in Łm4.
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  49. Una Introducción no Imparcial a la Fundamentación Metafísica: Determinación y Fundamentalidad.María Pía Méndez Mateluna & Joaquim Giannotti - manuscript
    Este capítulo es una guía para conocer los elementos básicos de la fundamentación metafísica. Ofrece una revisión accesible de sus características y usos, comparando este concepto con otras formas de dependencia que se pueden encontrar en la literatura. Enfatiza dos roles teóricos centrales que la fundamentación supuestamente juega en la teorización filosófica: (i) dar cuenta de una forma distintiva de determinación no causal y (ii) entender mejor la estructura jerárquica de la realidad. El capítulo apunta a persuadir a las lectoras (...)
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    Razones históricas y estructurales de las relaciones entre la fe y la filosofía en la tardoantigüedad y el medioevo.Julio Raúl Méndez - 2016 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 19 (36-37):143-186.
    La cuestión de las relaciones entre la filosofía y la fe es una novedad en la historia a partir de la aparición del cristianismo. Sus razones son de tipo histórico, pero también estructural. Por su misma identidad, el cristianismo generó un ámbito donde este asunto debe resolverse. Desde el comienzo, el proceso no ha sido unidireccional ni pacífico; se generaron diversas posiciones. Las consecuencias son una nueva mirada sobre la filosofía y el desarrollo de una comprensión de la fe que (...)
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