Xue Jiang [3]Xueting Jiang [1]Xuelian Jiang [1]Xuefeng Jiang [1]
Xun Jiang [1]Xu Jiang [1]
  1.  14
    Leveraging A Lenient Category in Practicing Responsible Leadership: A Case Study.Garett DiStefano, Bogdan Prokopovych & Xueting Jiang - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):413-425.
    AbstractIn this extended case study, we examine how business leaders translate a responsible leadership mindset into practice. By studying the leadership team and stakeholders of a large US college dining provider, we found that organization executives leverage the lenient market category of local food to successfully connect with and satisfy the interests of different stakeholder groups. We show that lenient categories, those with ambiguity and unclear boundaries, could be used by organizations as strategic devices to integrate the diverse needs of (...)
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    Alliance Termination After Corporate Misconduct: An Integrated Model of Power and Scrutiny Effects.Xu Jiang & Lulu Shi - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    Building on social network theory and incorporating insights from the literature on corporate misconduct, this study examined how a firm’s centrality within a social network influences terminations of its strategic alliances following public allegations of corporate misconduct. Utilizing a sample of 264 publicly listed companies operating within the global computer industry, the study found an inverted U-shaped relationship between an accused firm’s centrality and terminations of its strategic alliances following corporate misconduct. This relationship was found to be influenced as well (...)
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    The borderline of science: Western exploration and study of Chinese insect white wax from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century.Xue Jiang & Tao Shi - 2024 - History of Science 62 (1):54-80.
    Insect white wax is a type of biological wax, mainly produced in Jiading Fu (now Leshan, Sichuan province) in southern Sichuan province, also known as Sichuan wax. It is a special export product in China and an important source of income for local wax farmers. From the seventeenth century onward, Westerners who traveled deep into southwestern China studied the wax, including its geographical distribution, biological experiments, and production techniques. They assessed its commercial prospects and strove to introduce it to Europe (...)
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    Research on Consumer Purchasing Channel Choice Based on Product Tolerance: The Mediating Role of Rationalization.Jinsong Chen, Yumin Wu & Xue Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Consumers have subjective psychological expectations of the quality and brand of products before purchasing. There is a certain tolerance for products that do not meet expectations. The discomfort caused by tolerance can be smoothly carried out through “reasonable” self-comfort and explanation mechanisms. Based on the theory of rationalization defense mechanism, a 2 × 2 purchase channel matrix of online and offline purchase, online consultation, and the offline experience was constructed to explore the influence of consumers’ tolerance of product quality and (...)
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    Yun dan feng qing: tan dong fang mei xue.Xun Jiang - 2018 - Taibei Shi: You lu wen hua shi ye you xian gong si.
    美學大師蔣勳用文字,在時間裡的俯仰自得,找回東方最美的事物 東方美學即將再崛起,我們都要重新做好東方的文化功課 ★藝術、自然、摯友,蔣勳談東方美學,談美麗心事 ★精采收錄蔣勳水墨油畫創作,以及東方經典美術作品 ★天地、隔水、錦眉、畫心,裝幀再現長卷的荒涼與繁華 東方美學其實是生命的領悟, 領悟能夠永續,才是來日方長,領悟能夠傳承,才是天長地久。 東方美學是在漫長的歲月裡領悟了時間的意義, 領悟了生命是一個圓,周而復始。 ——蔣勳 他在文人山水畫思考時間的過去與未來,他在古典詩詞中找回不遙遠的傳唱歌聲,他在蟲痕鳥跡獸足之中看到天地大美,他在縱谷春秋之中聆聽長卷跋尾餘音裊裊。美學大師蔣勳重新思考東方美學的特殊意義,在連續不斷的心的 收藏印記中,回歸自然、溫文爾雅,在可有也可無之間,綻放最美麗的光亮。 留白、長卷、水墨、跋尾等東方美學元素,在這個全球化的時代靈光乍現,卻也內斂含蓄。也許是時候回頭省思屬於這個時代的東方美學。東方美學若要重新崛起,我們都應該從頭開始,重新做好自己的功課,迎接屬於東方的文 藝復興。.
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    Xin lun li xue jiao cheng.Yingmin Wei, Zeying Wang & Xuelian Jiang (eds.) - 1993 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing shou.
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    Effect of Group Impromptu Music Therapy on Emotional Regulation and Depressive Symptoms of College Students: A Randomized Controlled Study.Ming Zhang, Yi Ding, Jing Zhang, Xuefeng Jiang, Nannan Xu, Lei Zhang & Wenjie Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Difficulty in emotional regulation is significantly correlated with depression. Depression is a psychological disease that seriously affects the physical and mental health of college students. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop diversified preventive interventions such as group impromptu music therapy. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of GIMT on the improvement of emotional regulation ability and the reduction of depressive symptoms in college students. A 71 college students were recruited to carry out randomized (...)
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