Results for 'Y. Inoue'

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  1.  15
    A Study of Japanese Syntax.S. -Y. Kuroda & Kazuko Inoue - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):353.
  2. Precursors for substance P.T. Segawa, Y. Nakata & A. Inoue - forthcoming - Substance.
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    Philosophizing and Power: East–West Encounter in the Formation of Modern East Asian Buddhist Philosophy.Jin Y. Park - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (3):801-824.
    Philosophy claims that its goal is to search for truth. The history of philosophy, however, demonstrates that this search for truth has not been free from the power dynamics of respective eras. In this article, I claim that the formation of modern East Asian philosophy is one occasion in which the power structure of the time was visibly reflected. The East–West power imbalance at the beginning of the modern period was both implicitly and explicitly imbedded in the formation of modern (...)
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  4. The Philosophical World of Meiji Japan: The Philosophy of Organism and Its Genealogy.Inoue Katsuhito & Takeshi Morisato - 2016 - European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 1:9-30.
    Originally published as 「明治の哲学界:有機体の哲学とその系譜」in 井上克人編『豊饒なる明治』, Kansai Daigaku Shuppannbu, 2012, 3–22. Translated by Morisato Takeshi. German Idealism was introduced to Japanese intellectuals in the middle of Meiji era and was mainly received from a mystical or religious perspective, as we see in Inoue Tetsujirō’s “harmonious existence,” Inoue Enryō’s “unity of mind and body,” and Kiyozawa Manshi’s “existentialism.” Since these theories envisioned true reality as a unified and living whole, I group them under the label “philosophy of organism” and from (...)
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  5. Inoue Enryō senshū.Enryo Inoue & Toyo Daigaku Soritsu 100-Shunen Kinen Ronbunshu Hensan Iinkai - 1987 - Tōkyō: Tōyō Daigaku. Edited by Hiroo Takagi.
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  6. Inoue Enryō no gakuri shisō.Tadashi Shimizu & Enryō Inoue (eds.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Tōyō Daigaku Inoue Enryō Kinen Gakujutsu Shinkō Kikin.
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  7. Inoue Enryō Gedō tetsugaku: Kanʾyaku kyōten ni yoru Indo tetsugaku.Enryō Inoue - 2003 - Tōkyō: Kashiwa Shobō.
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  8. Inoue Tetsujirō jiden.Tetsujirō Inoue - 1973
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  9. Discussion note: Beyond a strictly political liberalism? Critical response to Abbey.Akira Inoue - manuscript
    of (from Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy).
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  10. Dialectical Contradictions and Classical Formal Logic.Inoue Kazumi - 2014 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 28 (2):113-132.
    A dialectical contradiction can be appropriately described within the framework of classical formal logic. It is in harmony with the law of noncontradiction. According to our definition, two theories make up a dialectical contradiction if each of them is consistent and their union is inconsistent. It can happen that each of these two theories has an intended model. Plenty of examples are to be found in the history of science.
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  11.  39
    A Defense of Pluralist Egalitarianism under Severe Uncertainty: Axiomatic Characterization.Akira Inoue & Kaname Miyagishima - 2022 - Wiley: Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (3):370-394.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 3, Page 370-394, September 2022.
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    A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Effects of Corporate Social Marketing on Consumer Behavior.Yuhei Inoue & Aubrey Kent - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (4):621-633.
    This theoretical paper develops a conceptual framework that explains how companies can influence consumer behavior in terms of both social and business benefits through their corporate social marketing initiatives. Drawing from the source credibility literature, the article asserts that the effectiveness of CSM depends largely on the corporate credibility of a company in supporting a social cause. Based on this assertion, the framework identifies ten different antecedents of CSM credibility, which are organized into attributes of the company, attributes of the (...)
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  13. Gendai no hōtetsugaku.Shigeru Inoue & Mitsukuni Yazaki (eds.) - 1981
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  14.  46
    (1 other version)Intergroup and intragroup antiphonal songs in wild male Muellers gibbons (Hylobates muelleri).Yoichi Inoue, Waidi Sinun, Shigeto Yosida & Kazuo Okanoya - 2013 - Interaction Studies 14 (1):24-43.
    Mueller's gibbons ( Hylobates muelleri ) sing both sex-specific and duet songs. These songs are thought to be involved in territory maintenance, as well as the maintenance of pair or family bonds. However, few observational studies have examined how gibbons interact with their neighbors through song in the wild. We have been conducting field observations of wild gibbon groups in northeast Borneo since 2001. In the Borneo Rainforest Lodge (BRL) and Danum Valley Field Center (DVFC) at the Danum Valley Conservation (...)
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  15. Ronrigaku.Masakazu Inoue - 1978
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  16. The Origin of the Indirect Passions in the Treatise: An Analogy Between Books 1 and 2.Haruko Inoue - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (2):205-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 2, November 2003, pp. 205-221 The Origin of the Indirect Passions in the Treatise: An Analogy between Books 1 and 2 HARUKOINOUE 1. The Analogy Between Book 1 and Book 2 If the central design of the Treatise is to demonstrate that "the subjects of the Understanding and Passions make a complete chain of reasoning by themselves" (T 2; SBN xii), as Hume advertises, (...)
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    Combinatory rules and chunk structure in male Mueller’s gibbon songs.Yoichi Inoue, Waidi Sinun, Shigeto Yosida & Kazuo Okanoya - 2017 - Latest Issue of Interaction Studies 18 (1):1-25.
    Understanding whether the long and elaborate songs of male gibbons have syntax and hierarchical structures is an interesting question in the evolution of language, because gibbons are near humans in the phylogenetic tree and a hierarchically organized syntax is considered to be a basic component of human language. We conducted field research at Danum Valley Conservation Area in northern Borneo to test the hypothesis that gibbon songs have syntax and chunks. We followed one Mueller’s gibbon group for 1 week in (...)
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  18.  62
    The Harshness Objection is Not (too) Harsh for Luck Egalitarianism.Akira Inoue - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (5):2571-2583.
    The harshness objection is the most important challenge to luck egalitarianism. Very recently, Andreas Albertsen and Lasse Nielsen provided a scrupulous analysis of the harshness objection and claim that only the inconsistency objection—the objection that luck egalitarianism is incompatible with the ideal of basic moral equality—has real bite. I argue that the relevantly construed incoherence objection is not as strong as Albertsen and Nielsen believe. In doing so, first, I show that the deontological luck egalitarian conception of equal treatment does (...)
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  19.  41
    Prometheus as Teacher and the Chorus's Descent, P.V. 278 ff.Eva Inoue - 1977 - Classical Quarterly 27 (2):256-260.
    descent represents a progression in this relationship whereby the Chorus, in finally abandoning their chariot and agreeing to approach Prometheus and listen to him, jeopardize their detachment from him and his fate, offer tentative support, and give him scope to develop his storytelling abilities and apply his persuasive powers. Although this progression does not represent an unequivocal commitment to Prometheus–for the Chorus fluctuate throughout the play between sympathy and reproach for him–it is none the less a crucial step as signalled (...)
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  20.  29
    On Blass Translation for Leśniewski’s Propositional Ontology and Modal Logics.Takao Inoué - 2021 - Studia Logica 110 (1):265-289.
    In this paper, we shall give another proof of the faithfulness of Blass translation of the propositional fragment \ of Leśniewski’s ontology in the modal logic \ by means of Hintikka formula. And we extend the result to von Wright-type deontic logics, i.e., ten Smiley-Hanson systems of monadic deontic logic. As a result of observing the proofs we shall give general theorems on the faithfulness of B-translation with respect to normal modal logics complete to certain sets of well-known accessibility relations (...)
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  21.  51
    Relational Egalitarianism and Intergenerational Justice: Reply to Sommers.Akira Inoue - 2024 - Res Publica (00):1-7.
    It is often argued that relational egalitarianism has a fundamental problem with intergenerational justice when compared to other theories of justice such as utilitarianism, prioritarianism, and luck egalitarianism. Recently, Timothy Sommers argued that there is no such comparative disadvantage for relational egalitarianism. His argument is quite modest: it merely aims to reject the claim that there could be no way to extend relational egalitarianism to intergenerational justice. This may be called the ‘No Comparative Disadvantage Thesis’. The present article challenges Sommers’s (...)
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  22. Hintikka formulas as axioms of refutation calculus, a case study.T. Inoué - 1995 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 24 (2).
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  23. Kōgyō dōtoku.Kakugorō Inoue (ed.) - 1935 - Tōkyō: Kokumin Kōgyō Gakuin.
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  24. Kyōiku hōhō no kihon genri.Hiroshi Inoue - 1957
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  25.  39
    On a combined quantum baker's map and its characterization by entropic chaos degree.Kei Inoue, Masanori Ohya & Igor V. Volovich - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--02.
  26. Rawlsian contractualism and cognitive disabilities.Akira Inoue - 2018 - In Edwin E. Etieyibo, Perspectives in social contract theory. Washington DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
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  27.  18
    Understanding of Interface or Neurotransmitter between Cerebral Lobes and Parts of Speech in Inter-language Interpreting answers Super-language Interpreting Theory and Psychotherapy.Inoue Yoshinori - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  28. Chō gengo no tankyū: kotoba no jihei kūkan o uchiyaburu.Tadashi Inoue - 1992 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  29.  30
    Geographic clustering of the secondary sex ratio in japan: Association with demographic attributes.Yosuke Inoue, Masahiro Umezaki & Chiho Watanabe - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (2):279-284.
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    Loss and Rebirth of the Animal Microtubule Organizing Center: How Maternal Expression of Centrosomal Proteins Cooperates with the Sperm Centriole in Zygotic Centrosome Reformation.Daigo Inoue, Joachim Wittbrodt & Oliver J. Gruss - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (4):1700135.
    Centrosomes are the main microtubule organizing centers in animal cells. In particular during embryogenesis, they ensure faithful spindle formation and proper cell divisions. As metazoan centrosomes are eliminated during oogenesis, they have to be reassembled upon fertilization. Most metazoans use the sperm centrioles as templates for new centrosome biogenesis while the egg's cytoplasm re-prepares all components for on-going centrosome duplication in rapidly dividing embryonic cells. We discuss our knowledge and the experimental challenges to analyze zygotic centrosome reformation, which requires genetic (...)
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  31.  6
    Linear resolution for consequence finding.Katsumi Inoue - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 56 (2-3):301-353.
  32.  28
    In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking of Political Philosophy by Katrina Forrester.Akira Inoue - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (3):527-528.
    In the Shadow of Justice presents a powerful reconstruction of Anglophone political philosophy. Although the central focus of the book is on the origin and influence of John Rawls's theory of justice, it also uncovers the significance of British political theories in ways that contrast them with the Rawlsian liberal egalitarian idea. The book is, thus, a work of intellectual history that engages with the traditions of normative political theories.By referring extensively to the literature of philosophy, political science, economics, sociology, (...)
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  33. Verse.Inoue Keukabo - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (1):41.
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  34. Hōgaku no susume.Shigeru Inoue - 1968 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō. Edited by Toshitaka Ushiomi.
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  35.  7
    (1 other version)Kyūkyoku no tankyū: kami to shi no gengo kikō bunseki.Tadashi Inoue - 1992 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  36.  9
    Wakaki hi no Hirose Tansō.Gengo Inoue - 1998 - Fukuoka-shi: Ashi Shobō.
  37.  63
    Reflective equilibrium in practice and model selection: a methodological proposal from a survey experiment on the theories of distributive justice.Akira Inoue, Kazumi Shimizu, Daisuke Udagawa & Yoshiki Wakamatsu - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-31.
    In political philosophy, reflective equilibrium is a standard method used to systematically reconcile intuitive judgments with theoretical principles. In this paper, we propose that survey experiments and a model selection method—i.e., the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)-based model selection method—can be viewed together as a methodological means of satisfying the epistemic desiderata implicit in reflective equilibrium. To show this, we conduct a survey experiment on two theories of distributive justice, prioritarianism and sufficientarianism. Our experimental test case and AIC-based model selection method (...)
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  38. Kaizōshugi no kyōikugaku.Hiroshi Inoue - 1967
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  39. Shisō mondai ni tsuite.Tetsujirō Inoue - 1921 - [Tokyo]: Rikugun Shikan Gakkō Shōkō Shūkaijo.
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  40.  24
    Rawls’s Efficiency.Akira Inoue - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):127-136.
    The purpose of this paper is to show the plausibility of John Rawls’s treatment of efficiency within the system of justice. While in political philosophy efficiency is often treated as an independent condition for establishing justice, or more precisely, as a necessary condition for establishing justice, Rawls considers efficiency as a non-negligible factor that has normativity in general circumstances. This is similar to the view that efficiency is a presumptive condition for evaluating social arrangements. However, Rawls’s view is salient in (...)
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  41.  54
    The Trolley Problem and the Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles in the Eyes of the Public: Experimental Evidence.Akira Inoue, Kazumi Shimizu, Daisuke Udagawa & Yoshiki Wakamatsu - 2022 - In David Černý, Ryan Jenkins & Tomáš Hříbek, Autonomous Vehicles Ethics: Beyond the Trolley Problem. Oxford University Press. pp. 80-98.
    The trolley problem is a classic thought experiment that evokes an ethical dilemma. Thomson’s “bystander” and “footbridge” versions of the trolley problem induce different intuitive judgments about what to choose in the ethical dilemma. However, we can question how robust these intuitive judgments are. We thus conducted an online survey experiment of Thomson’s versions of the trolley problem which showed that more respondents tended to choose not pulling the lever in the bystander version and pushing a person off the bridge (...)
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  42.  50
    A Lockean Theory of Climate Justice for Food Security.Akira Inoue - 2023 - The Journal of Ethics 27 (2):151-172.
    This paper argues that the Lockean proviso can be utilized as a relevant principle of justice for food security under global climate change. Since reducing GHG emissions is key to enhancing food security, we suggest a global food security scheme that systematically allots, among all people, access to GHG sinks in food systems impacted by global climate change. For consideration of the scheme, it is important to have a principle of justice. Furthermore, it should incorporate the value of fairness. A (...)
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  43.  41
    Making the Veil of Ignorance Work: Evidence from Survey Experiments.Akira Inoue, Masahiro Zenkyo & Haruya Sakamoto - 2022 - In Tania Lombrozo, Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy Volume 4. Oxford University Press. pp. 53-80.
    This chapter purports to give empirical feedback on impartial reasoning to justice by using online survey experiments. More precisely, the study focuses on whether and how the different conceptions of the veil of ignorance and John Rawls’s method of reflective equilibrium affect real people’s impartial reasoning to justice. The findings show that, while ordinary people support impartial reasoning to the difference principle (maximin), their endorsement of it echoes neither John Harsanyi’s nor Rawls’s reasoning. The results illuminate that findings in human (...)
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  44.  38
    Hume’s Hypothesis of the Double Relation of Impressions and Ideas in the Treatise.Haruko Inoue - 2023 - Hume Studies 48 (1):61-77.
    Abstract:What is Hume’s hypothesis of the double relation of impressions and ideas from which a passion arises? How does it operate in structuring his system? These are primary questions that need to be answered in order to understand Hume’s intention in the Treatise. Yet, there exists no reasonable answers, nor serious attempts to answer them, probably because this hypothesis is considered as a limited issue, relevant only to the indirect passions, or because it is too mechanical and unsophisticated to excite (...)
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  45.  22
    Autonomy and Poverty.Akira Inoue - 2023 - In Gottfried Schweiger & Clemens Sedmak, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy and Poverty. Routledge. pp. 329-340.
    In contemporary political philosophy, reflections on poverty demand careful treatment in the light of key ethical concepts—especially autonomy. While the negative effects of poverty on autonomy are acknowledged, the welfare dependency of the poor is seen as an autonomy-undermining factor, which I call the “autonomy–poverty dilemma.” This chapter discusses contemporary political theories about autonomy and poverty in terms of how they relate to this dilemma. The features and problems of three pertinent theories are addressed in such a way as to (...)
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  46.  10
    Commentary: Justice, Fairness, and Deliberative Democracy in Health Care.Akira Inoue - 2014 - In Akira Akabayashi, The Future of Bioethics: International Dialogues. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 579–585.
    First, the author argues that Daniels and Sabin’s way of setting priorities in healthcare is implausible. Daniels and Sanin think there is a lack of consensus on comprehensive principle(s) of justice that can resolve the issue of priority-setting in healthcare. Nevertheless, their argument appeals to the deliberative democracy-based idea of accountability for reasonableness that involve the conception of justice construed naturally as comprehensive. The author then proposes a comprehensive conception of justice, an equal opportunity-based principle of justice, with which the (...)
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  47.  10
    Inequalities, responsibility and rational capacities: A defence of responsibility-sensitive egalitarianism.Akira Inoue - 2016 - Australian Journal of Political Science 51 (1):86-101.
    This article aims to defend responsibility-sensitive egalitarianism by arguing for the rational capacities-based principle of responsibility as a plausible conception of an agent's responsibility for inequalities caused by his or her choice in responsibility-sensitive egalitarianism. I show that the rational capacities-based principle of responsibility is not only philosophically defensible as a conception of genuine choice, but also promising enough to ward off two common worries which cast doubt on responsibility-sensitive egalitarianism (qua luck egalitarianism): first, the rational capacities-based principle of responsibility (...)
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  48. Kanto tetsugaku no ningengakuteki chihei.Yoshihiko Inoue - 1990 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
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  49. Japanese Youth Culture Today: "Play" as a Way of Life.Syun Inoue - 1973 - Diogenes 21 (84):84-100.
    In recent years many essays have been made public and various opinions have been advanced on youth. I would like to conceive one of the salient characteristics in the consciousness and the behavior pattern of today's youth as “play-orientedness” and center my discussion on that particular inclination. “Play-orientedness” here is not intended to mean merely “activeness in sports and hobbies,” nor is it synonymous with “pleasure-orientedness.” It is a broader term and is rather close in meaning to what is commonly (...)
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  50.  42
    Are good leaders truly good?Susumu Cato & Akira Inoue - 2023 - Analysis 83 (3):437-446.
    This paper offers a new insight on the Condorcet Jury Theorem (CJT) in the theory of epistemic democracy. This theorem states that democratic decision-making leads us to correct outcomes under certain assumptions. One key assumption is the ‘independence condition’, which requires that voters form their beliefs independently when they vote. This paper examines the role of an opinion leader as an informational source, which potentially violates independence. We demonstrate that voters’ beliefs may be correlated in the presence of the leader, (...)
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