Results for 'Ynon Wygoda'

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  1.  27
    A Goy Who Studies Torah. Two Unpublished Sources by Ernst Simon and Gershom Scholem on the Spiritual Legacy of Franz Rosenzweig.Ynon Wygoda & Enrico Lucca - 2018 - Naharaim 12 (1-2):197-224.
    In the early 1930s, Franz Rosenzweig’s work was celebrated, criticized and questioned for its relevance within the specific cultural, religious and philosophical preoccupations of the inhabitants of pre-state Israel. This could be seen in nuce at the opening of the Schocken Library in Jerusalem in December 1936 that was marked by a celebratory conference dedicated to the memory of Franz Rosenzweig. The evening featured a collection of four lectures held in Hebrew by eminent German-Jewish scholars: Ernst Simon, Julius Guttmann, Hugo (...)
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    The Unsung Buber-Leibowitz Coda to the German Jewish Swan Song.Ynon Wygoda & Dana Rubinstein - 2021 - Naharaim 15 (2):311-340.
    Among the hidden treasures squirreled away in the archives of Israel’s National Library lies a fragmented correspondence that sheds new light on the afterlife of a project that was long deemed the farewell gift to the German language and culture from the remnants of its Jewry. It is an exchange of letters between two scholars, whose interest in the German rendition of the Bible occupied them for many years, first in Germany, and later in the land where Hebrew was vernacular (...)
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  3.  22
    Indeterministic grounding.Shlomit Wygoda Cohen - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-21.
    Grounding is sometimes thought of as metaphysical causation. If we take this analogy seriously, given the possibility of indeterministic causation we have at least prima facie reason to accept the possibility of indeterministic grounding. However, prima facie reasons are defeasible and there may be stronger reasons to reject this possibility. This paper sets out to critically examine this mostly overlooked possibility. After introducing the possibility of indeterministic grounding as analogous to indeterministic causation (Sect. 1 ), I clarify further the notion (...)
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  4. Not All Partial Grounds Partly Ground: Some Useful Distinctions in the Theory of Grounding.Shlomit Wygoda Cohen - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (1):75-92.
    The aim of this paper is to argue for some useful distinctions in the theory of grounding. I do so by first introducing the notion of grounding, discussing some of its features, and arguing that grounds must play some role in bringing about what they ground (sec.1). I then argue that there are various distinct roles a fact may play in bringing about another, and more particularly that we should distinguish between three such roles; enablers, partial grounds, and facts that (...)
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  5.  73
    Why Does God Command?Shlomit Wygoda Cohen - forthcoming - Religious Studies:1-10.
    Assuming the existence of God and divine commands, it makes sense to ask to what end God issues commands. This question has been raised in recent philosophical literature in the context of whether there can be a divine command to believe in, or to worship, God. In this article, I argue that the answers proposed to this question fail to appreciate the wide range of possible purposes of divine commanding. In particular, I argue that commands that cannot be conformed or (...)
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    Mind Independence versus Mind Nongroundedness: Two Kinds of Objectivism.Shlomit Wygoda Cohen - 2021 - Ethics 132 (1):180-203.
    In this article I argue that we should distinguish two characterizations of objectivism: Mind Nongroundedness Objectivism and Mind Independence Objectivism. I focus on the debate in metaethics, although the distinction may generally apply to others. According to Mind Nongroundedness Objectivism, moral standards are not grounded in any mind, while according to Mind Independence Objectivism, moral standards hold independently of any mind. Despite its importance, this distinction has so far not been noticed in the literature. I argue that this distinction helps (...)
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    Athletic enhancement and human nature.Shlomit Wygoda Cohen - 2024 - Bioethics 39 (1):108-116.
    There is a well‐established asymmetry in our judgments of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports and in other competitive activities. When an athlete is found using such drugs, it is a scandal that prompts public outrage, fan disappointment, and even loss of title. It seems that we judge enhanced results cannot be genuinely attributed to athletes. There is no similar reaction to use of PEDs in art, science, music, literature, business, and other human endeavors. The question I tackle in this (...)
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    Sprawozdanie z konferencji: "Człowiek i społeczeństwo wobec wyzwań technologii. Filozoficzno-kulturowe aspekty postępu technicznego", UKSW, 23.05.2019 r. [REVIEW]Maciej Nowak - 2020 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 56 (1):179-192.
    Współczesność oraz znana nam kultura związane są ściśle z postępem technicznym. Ta kultura w sposób dogłębny przenika nasze codzienne życie – służy jako rozrywka, wygoda, narzędzie pracy czy komunikacji. Fakt, że krocząc w przyszłość, stajemy się coraz bardziej zależni od technologii, jest źródłem wielu problemów różnorakiej natury. Istnieje w konsekwencji potrzeba dyskusji nad zagadnieniami takimi jak: technologiczne uzależnienia, realność rzeczywistości wirtualnej, wpływ technologii na relacje międzyludzkie bądź konsekwencje cyfryzacji. Owa potrzeba jest realizowana w dyskusji uniwersyteckiej, tak jak miało to (...)
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