Results for 'Yoshihiko Gotoh'

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  1. Yoshimitsu Yoshihiko chosaku shū.Yoshihiko Yoshimitsu - 1947
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    The Contribution of Attention to the Mere Exposure Effect for Parts of Advertising Images.Yoshihiko Yagi & Kazuya Inoue - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  3. Rinri no tenkai.Yoshihiko Awata - 1980 - Edited by Haruyoshi Shibuya & Kengo Matsumura.
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    Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen.Reiko Gotoh & Paul Dumouchel (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    The rest of the book addresses a variety of theoretical and empirical issues that relate to this conception, concluding with a response from Sen to his critics.
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  5. Arrow, Rawls and Sen : the transformation of political economy and the idea of liberalism.Reiko Gotoh - 2015 - In Paul Dumouchel & Reiko Gotō (eds.), Social bonds as freedom: revisiting the dichotomy of the universal and the particular. New York: Berghahn Books.
  6. Introduction.Reiko Gotoh & Paul Dumouchel - 2009 - In Reiko Gotoh & Paul Dumouchel (eds.), Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen. Cambridge University Press.
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    Justice and public reciprocity.Reiko Gotoh - 2009 - In Reiko Gotoh & Paul Dumouchel (eds.), Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen. Cambridge University Press. pp. 140.
  8.  11
    Circuit monétaire impérial ou capture financière de valeur.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2003 - Multitudes 3 (3):21-31.
    In the epoch of Empire, the American economy is sustained by a global monetary circuit totally different front that of the imperialist period. Whilst the imperialist countries were constituted as « centres » of production, the contemporary US is no longer just a centre of absorption and evacuation of money which necessitates the existence of a financial pump to the outside. In becoming that pump, the Japanese economy became integral to the global market. The imperial monetary circuit also functions as (...)
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    La fin de l'histoire : un jeu à trois.Yoshihiko Ichida & Yann Moulier-Boutang - 2003 - Multitudes 3 (3):13-20.
    Résumé Par rapport au « renversement » qui, comme dans la dialectique, s’opère entre deux choses ayant le même niveau de substantialité, l’ « inversion » fonde une ontologie paradoxale où les choses à inverser ne préexistent pas à l’inversion elle-même. Tel est le sens d’une thèse ontologique largement partagée dans le marxisme d’aujourd’hui : le primat de la lutte de classes sur les classes. Tout en discernant nettement la différence du renversement et de l’inversion dans Le Capital, Jacques Rancière (...)
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    La politique des Multitudes.Yoshihiko Ichida, Maurizio Lazzarato, François Matheron, Yann Moulier Boutang & Peter Pàl Pelbart - 2002 - Multitudes 2:13-24.
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    La théologie politique japonaise.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2001 - Multitudes 4 (4):63-66.
    Traumatized with the national « blunder » of the Gulf War, the Japanese government tries now to cross a historic threshold: contribution to the war for the « new world order » must not be limited any more to finances, but widened in the military cooperation, which is formally forbidden with the Constitution. A revision of that this is nevertheless unthinkable, because the political tension which would be then created would return the new late Constitution on the situation. Where from (...)
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  12. Imi no sekai.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1978
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  13. Imiron.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1975
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    The Empire of Signs: Semiotic Essays on Japanese Culture.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1993 - Philosophy East and West 43 (4):763-766.
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    Shina jōdai shisō shi kenkyū.Yoshihiko Izushi - 1943
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    Meta baioeshikkusu no kōchiku e: seimei rinri o toinaosu.Yoshihiko Komatsu & Chiaki Kagawa (eds.) - 2010 - Tōkyō: NTT Shuppan.
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    Shūkyō to seimei rinri.Yoshihiko Komatsu & Kenji Doi (eds.) - 2005 - Kyōto-shi: Nakanishiya Shuppan.
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  18. Tetsugakuteki rinrigaku nyūmon.Yoshihiko Matsumoto - 1976
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    Dekaruto no tetsugaku shisō.Yoshihiko Nishimura - 1988 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
  20.  10
    Tetsugaku to shite no igaku gairon: hōhōron, ningenkan, supirichuariti = Philosophy of medicine: methodology, anthropology, and spirituality.Yoshihiko Sugioka - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shunjūsha.
    人のいのちと向き合う医学は、冷徹な科学的思考と人間哲学の激突する現場である。哲学としての医学概論を創始した澤瀉久敬の思想を繙き、分子生物学や臨床疫学、フランクルの人間論、さらには近藤誠のがんもどき理論 やスピリチュアリティなど現代の諸問題をも論じつつ、科学と哲学の葛藤を調停し、医学のあるべき思想的立脚点を探る。.
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  21. Bunka rinri no konpon mondai.Yoshihiko Yoshimitsu - 1936
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    The mental space structure of verbal irony.Yoshihiko Kihara - 2005 - Cognitive Linguistics 16 (3):513-530.
    This article presents a unified theory of irony which claims, with the help of Fauconnier’s (1985) mental space theory, that an ironical utterance refers to the mental space of a mutually manifest expectation. According to this view, what a typical ironical speaker does is to say without any distinct space builders that something is the case in the mental space of expectation in order to make it mutually manifest that it is not so in the initial reality space. This expectation (...)
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  23.  21
    Sur quelques vides ontologiques.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):49-65.
    The ontology of Toni Negri, as political philosophy of the multitude, supposes a very speck relation between philosophy and politics, determined by the non-difference between the two of them, while refusing, at the same time, to make the one proceed from the other, or to médiatise them and to unite them by a third necessity. They unite there only by the univocity of freedom that registers the political-philosophical indeterminacy. Hence the difficulty of making them into a political programme, of «organizing» (...)
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    Hito to kankyō to bunka isan: 21-seiki ni nani o tsutaeru ka.Yoshihiko Amino, Munetoshi Gotō & Kenji Iinuma (eds.) - 2000 - Tōkyō: Yamakawa Shuppansha.
    ヒトと自然の交流の産物として生まれた田舎の景色には、どこか安堵する懐かしさがある。しかし、このような田舎、里山は今どれだけ残っているだろうか?21世紀にむかって、ヒトと自然環境、その産物としての文化遺 産のあり方が地球規模で問われている。本書は、21世紀にむかって文化遺産のあり方を問う。.
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  25. Shūzoku to rinri.Yoshihiko Awata - 1982 - Tokyo: Kōbundō.
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    Descartes politique : Molloy dans la forêt.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):191-197.
    Not turned upside down, as Marx did to Hegel, but « inverted » by the mere contact with speaking beings, the Cartesian order of reasons becomes, according to Antonia Birnbaum, a device which generates both the subject and its environment, all at once, determining them as elements of the political - which has however already become « accidental » due to this invention, which exposes the speaking being to the world, and confronts it with the haecceity of the event. Cartesian (...)
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    Gendai shisō to seiji: shihon shugi, seishin bunseki, tetsugaku.Yoshihiko Ichida & Kenta Ōji (eds.) - 2016 - Kyōto-fu Kyōto-shi: Kyōto Daigaku Jinbun Kagaku Kekyūjo.
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    Les aventures de la Verkehrung.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2005 - Multitudes 3 (3):91-101.
    “Reversal”, in dialectics, takes place between two things located on the same level of substantiality, while “inversion” participates in a paradoxical ontology where the things to be inverted do not pre-exist the inversion itself. Such is the meaning of an ontological thesis largely shared by today’s Marxism : the primacy of class struggle over classes. While making a clear distinction between the two in The Capital, Jacques Rancière insistently asks whether these two operations can be separated without resorting to “kautskism”, (...)
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    Le front populaire du risque face à la New Economy.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2002 - Multitudes 1 (1):218-231.
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    Questions d'Empire.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2001 - Multitudes 4 (4):85-89.
    The attack of September 11 verified M Hardt’s and T Negri’s main thesis and by breaking with the politics of nation-state, Empire materializes under our eyes. At the same time however, event leads us to question definitions proposed in their book. It seems that we attend the end of the « small crises» which characterized Empire. And that the current visibility is how a protest against the definition of its essence as « abstract machine ». But the most serious problem (...)
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    Tōsō no shikō.Yoshihiko Ichida - 1993 - Tōkyō: Heibonsha.
  32. Emikoohnuki-Tierney.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1993 - Semiotica 96:301.
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    Gendai shisō no 20-nen.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Ibunsha.
    冷戦終焉の直後から大震災の直前まで、世紀をまたぎ『現代思想』に毎月書き続けられた編集後記。世界の哲学・思想の最先端から政治・社会・文化の現状に鋭く斬りこみ、ネオリベラリズムにいち早く警鐘を鳴らし、「他 者」「マイノリティ」の声に耳を澄ませながら新しい理論、運動、文化を次々に導入した旺盛にしてスリリングな活動の軌跡。.
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    Ningenron no 21-seikiteki kadai: ōyō rinrigaku no shiren.Yoshihiko Ishizaki & Hirotaka Yamauchi (eds.) - 1997 - Kyōto-shi: Nakanishiya Shuppan.
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    Un, deux, trois, quatre, dix mille Althusser ?Yoshihiko Ichida & François Matheron - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):167-178.
    “Aleatory materialism” does not merely constitute that which, in an overly linear perspective, one would call the “fourth Althusser”. Even if, in the last decade of his life, Althusser did indeed attempt to construct a “new philosophy”, seen as an alternative to “dialectical materialism”, one should rather perceive, behind the past arguments, so assertive and sharp, advanced by the previous Althusser, something like a discreet practical layer, self-conscious or not, wherein such arguments would have found their true point of anchorage. (...)
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    A Stratificational Analysis of the Hand Gestures in Indian Classical Dancing.Yoshihiko Ikegami - 1971 - Semiotica 4 (4).
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    Le blues, cette chanson si bruyante.Yoshihiko Ichida - 2007 - Multitudes 1 (1):147-156.
    From Captain Beefheart to Stockhausen, through the Velvet Underground and La Monte Young, this article redefines the « noise continuum » not so much as a transgeneric reality than, more surprisingly, as the emanation of a raucous « ritournelle » anchored in the work songs of the African-American community. Minor shifts in a chord progression, notes held beyond their expected duration, smoking blabbers : the source of noise music is to be located in the gutters of the musical roads built (...)
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  38. To Watakushitachi: "Gendai Shisō to Seiji" No Genzai.Yoshihiko Ichida & Kenta Ōji (eds.) - 2017 - Kyōto-fu Kyōto-shi: Kyōto Daigaku Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūjo.
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  39. Kanto tetsugaku no ningengakuteki chihei.Yoshihiko Inoue - 1990 - Tōkyō: Risōsha.
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    Posuto modan jidai no rinri.Yoshihiko Ishizaki (ed.) - 2007 - Kyōto-shi: Nakanishiya Shuppan.
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    Posuto modan no ningenron: rekishi shūen jidai no chiteki paradaimu no tame ni.Yoshihiko Ishizaki - 2010 - Kyōto-shi: Nakanishiya Shuppan.
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    Seikenryoku no rekishi: nōshi, songenshi, ningen no songen o megutte.Yoshihiko Komatsu - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Seidosha.
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    Intentional binding coincides with explicit sense of agency.Shu Imaizumi & Yoshihiko Tanno - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 67:1-15.
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    La politique des Multitudes.Yoshihiko Ichida, Maurizio Lazzarato, François Matheron & Yann Moulier-Boutang - 2002 - Multitudes 2 (2):13-24.
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    Attentional resources in social anxiety and the effects of perceptual load.Jun Moriya & Yoshihiko Tanno - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8):1329-1348.
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    Compress global, dilate local: Intentional binding in action–outcome alternations.Shu Imaizumi, Yoshihiko Tanno & Hiroshi Imamizu - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 73:102768.
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    Gijutsusha rinri: gurōbaru shakai de katsuyakusuru tame no ibunka rikai = Engineering ethics.J. Akiyama, Yoshihiko Fujimoto, Shigeya Kihara & Kazuhito Amanai (eds.) - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Jikkyō Shuppan.
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  48. Mitogaku.Usaburo Imai, Yoshihiko Seya & Masahide Bito - 1973 - Iwanami Shoten. Edited by Yoshihiko Seya & Masahide Bitō.
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    Metacognitive Ability and the Precision of Confidence.Keita Somatori & Yoshihiko Kunisato - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    In prior research, signal detection theory has been widely utilized to assess metacognitive ability. However, the SDT metacognitive model requires the use of a two-alternative forced-choice task, while confidence must also be measured discretely. In our model, participants’ cognitive ability and their confidence in the cognitive task were used to estimate their metacognitive abilities. Therefore, in this study, a metacognitive model that can be applied to various cognitive tasks was developed. This model implements the item response theory and Q-learning models (...)
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    A general mechanism for conditional expression of exaggerated sexually‐selected traits.Ian A. Warren, Hiroki Gotoh, Ian M. Dworkin, Douglas J. Emlen & Laura C. Lavine - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (10):889-899.
    Sexually‐selected exaggerated traits tend to be unusually reliable signals of individual condition, as their expression tends to be more sensitive to nutritional history and physiological circumstance than that of other phenotypes. As such, these traits are the foundation for many models of sexual selection and animal communication, such as “handicap” and “good genes” models. Exactly how expression of these traits is linked to the bearer's condition has been a central yet unresolved question, in part because the underlying physiological mechanisms regulating (...)
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