Results for 'Yoshimoto, Takaki'

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    Kokoro to seimei ni tsuite.Takaaki Yoshimoto - 2015 - Tōkyō: Chikuma Shobō.
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    Ningen to shi.Takaaki Yoshimoto (ed.) - 1988 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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  3. NP Zürich.Banana Yoshimoto - forthcoming - Diogenes.
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    Overview of logic and engineering of natural language semantics (LENLS) 2007.Kei Yoshimoto - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 79--80.
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  5. Yomigaeru Veiyu =.Takaaki Yoshimoto - 1992 - Tōkyō: JICC Shuppankyoku.
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    Strong Normalization Theorem for a Constructive Arithmetic with Definition by Transfinite Recursion and Bar Induction.Osamu Takaki - 1997 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 38 (3):350-373.
    We prove the strong normalization theorem for the natural deduction system for the constructive arithmetic TRDB (the system with Definition by Transfinite Recursion and Bar induction), which was introduced by Yasugi and Hayashi. We also establish the consistency of this system, applying the strong normalization theorem.
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  7. Embodied Knowing: The Tacit Dimension in Johnson and Lakoff, and Merleau-Ponty.Kyle Takaki - 2009 - Tradition and Discovery 36 (2):26-39.
    Embodiment is a crucial feature of Polanyi’s tacit knowing. In the following, I synthesize ideas from Polanyi, Johnson and Lakoff, and Merleau-Ponty to further illuminate the embodied dimensions of tacit knowing. I appropriate two widespread embodied structures, image schemas and metaphor, into a Polanyian framework for embodied knowing. I also briefly indicate some important ways in which Polanyi departs from these three thinkers.
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  8. Enactive Realism.Kyle Takaki - 2011 - Tradition and Discovery 38 (1):43-59.
    Polanyi and Merleau-Ponty are often viewed as arguing for philosophical positions that are generally non-Cartesian. Despite their broadly compatible orientations, their overall projects differ at key junctures. What I have called Polanyi’s “enactive realism” is an attempt to clarify what is unique about Polanyi’s epistemology. It is specifically Polanyi’s delineation of the hierarchical, stratified nature of comprehensive entities as brought forth by the structure of tacit knowing (not the hierarchy itself) that marks a key departure from Merleau-Ponty.
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    Failure, instead of inhibition, should be monitored for the distinction of self/other and actual/possible actions.Takaki Makino - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (1):32-33.
    I suggest that layer 4 of the shared circuits model (SCM) should monitor the failure of performing an action, instead of output inhibition, to obtain actual/possible and self/other distinctions. The target article's assumption of selective inhibition leaves some questions unanswered, such as the criteria for the selection. Monitoring failure can answer these questions because failure does not require selection. It also provides a basis for more likely explanation for the phylogenetic and ontogenetic origin of both monitoring and output inhibition.
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    Aristotle and the Potential Infinite: An Intuitionistic Approach.Kyle Takaki - 2009 - Apeiron 42 (4):309-324.
  11. Framing emotion : Concepts, categories, and meta-scientific frameworks.Kyle R. Takaki - unknown
    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2008.
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    From Wisdom to Spirituality : Serres, Polanyi and Complexity.Kyle Takaki - unknown
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    Light and affects from a comparative point of view.Kyle Takaki - 2014 - Comparative Philosophy 5 (1).
    Light metaphors occurring in Chinese philosophy and Stoicism are of special interest for the unique ways they channel potentialities of the self. In this paper I apply ideas from cognitive linguistics to examine selected structural features of these metaphors. I also build on these ideas by presenting a framework regarding affects to assist in disclosing what is at stake for differing Chinese and Stoic technologies of the self. The paper adopts a high-level perspective to see these broad philosophical implications, interleaving (...)
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    Margitay on Emergence and Ontological Hierarchy.Kyle Takaki - 2012 - Tradition and Discovery 39 (2):35-41.
    Tihamér Margitay makes two key moves against Polanyi’s hierarchical ontology in his essay “From Epistemology to Ontology.” I address these two moves and defend Polanyi from a complex-systems point of view.
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    Polanyi and Juarrero: From Tacit Knowing to Ontic Emergence.Kyle Takaki - 2013 - Tradition and Discovery 40 (3):16-22.
    There are potentialities to be harnessed in a fusion between elements of Alicia Juarrero’s views and a Polanyian framework. In this brief response piece, I address the latent Polanyian dimensions of Juarrero’s ontic approach to dynamical systems.
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    Primitive recursive analogues of regular cardinals based on ordinal representation systems for KPi and KPM.Osamu Takaki - 2005 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 44 (6):689-709.
    In this paper, we develop primitive recursive analogues of regular cardinals by using ordinal representation systems for KPi and KPM. We also define primitive recursive analogues of inaccessible and hyperinaccessible cardinals. Moreover, we characterize the primitive recursive analogue of the least (uncountable) regular cardinal.
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    Collectivism in 20th-Century Japanese Art.Reiko Tomii & Midori Yoshimoto - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    This special issue explores the significance of collectivism in modern and contemporary Japanese art. Japanese artists banded together throughout the twentieth century to work in collectives, reflecting and influencing each evolution of their culture. Illuminating the interplay between individual and community throughout Japan’s tumultuous century, the contributors to this issue examine both the practical internal operations of the collectives and the art that they produced. One contributor studies the art societies of prewar imperial Japan, whose juried art salons defined a (...)
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    Event-Related Alpha-Band Power Changes During Self-reflection and Working Memory Tasks in Healthy Individuals.Takahiro Matsuoka, Takaki Shimode, Toshio Ota & Koji Matsuo - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Dysfunctional attentional control is observed in patients with mental disorders. However, there is no established neurophysiological method to assess attention in such patients. We showed a discrepancy in alpha-band power in the tasks that evoked internal and external attention event-related alpha-band power changes in healthy subjects during self-reflection and working memory tasks in a preliminary study. In this study, we aimed at elucidating event-related alpha-band power changes in healthy subjects during the tasks, addressing the shortcomings of the previous study. Sixteen (...)
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    Pupillometric evidence for the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system facilitating attentional processing of action-triggered visual stimuli.Ken Kihara, Tatsuto Takeuchi, Sanae Yoshimoto, Hirohito M. Kondo & Jun I. Kawahara - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Topic/Subject Coreference in the Hierarchy of Japanese Complex Sentences.Alastair Butler, Chidori Nakamura & Kei Yoshimoto - 2009 - In Hiromitsu Hattori, Takahiro Kawamura, Tsuyoshi Ide, Makoto Yokoo & Yohei Murakami (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI 2008 Conference and Workshops, Asahikawa, Japan, June 11-13, 2008, Revised Selected Papers. Springer. pp. 119--132.
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    Ronchu to Yu.Shoshin Higuchi & Ryumei Yoshimoto - 1983 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 3:170.
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    A multimodal type logical grammar analysis of Japanese: word order and quantifier scope.Rui Otake & Kei Yoshimoto - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 135--148.
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  23. Hōgaku gairon.Shinzō Takayanagi & Yoshimoto Yanase (eds.) - 1962 - Tōkyō: Kadokawa Shoten.
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  24. Psychometric assessment of individual differences in second language reading anxiety for identifying struggling students in classrooms.Akira Hamada & Shuichi Takaki - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Assessing learners’ individual differences helps identify students who need teacher support in classrooms. Previous studies have examined second language achievement based on reading anxiety because reading is an input-based activity essential for successful L2 learning. This study applied a latent rank model to identify L2 learners who are likely to be struggling or successful in classrooms according to their L2 reading anxiety symptoms. Moreover, a psychometric function was developed to determine the cutoff anxiety scores that discriminate against their substantial differences. (...)
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    Role of the interleukin 5 receptor system in hematopoiesis: Molecular basis for overlapping function of cytokines.Akira Tominaga, Satoshi Takaki, Yasumichi Hitoshi & Kiyoshi Takatsu - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (8):527-533.
    Interleukin 5 (IL‐5) is a kind of peptide hormone released from T lymphocytes of mammals infected with microorganisms or parasites. It is an acidic glycoprotein with a molecular mass of 40 to 50 kDa that consists of a homodimer of polypeptides. It controls hematopoiesis so that it increases natural immunity. In the mouse, IL‐5 acts on committed B cells to induce differentiation into Ig‐producing cells and on common progenitors for CD5+ pre‐B cells and CD5+ macrophages to support their survival. The (...)
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    Importance of the Habenula for Avoidance Learning Including Contextual Cues in the Human Brain: A Preliminary fMRI Study.Atsuo Yoshino, Yasumasa Okamoto, Yuki Sumiya, Go Okada, Masahiro Takamura, Naho Ichikawa, Takashi Nakano, Chiyo Shibasaki, Hidenori Aizawa, Yosuke Yamawaki, Kyoko Kawakami, Satoshi Yokoyama, Junichiro Yoshimoto & Shigeto Yamawaki - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  27. Symmetry: Art and Science.Ioannis M. Vandoulakis, Dénes Nagy, Ryuji Takaki, Ritsuko Izuhara, Shozo Ishihara & Yoshinori Teshima (eds.) - 2019 - Kanazawa: The International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry.
    Proceedings of the 11th Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress-Festival of the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry. Special Theme: “Tradition and Innovation in Symmetry - Katachi”.
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  28. Avaliação da atividade ácida e alcalina e acúmulo de fosfato inorgânico em amostras de Cunninghamella elegans.L. O. Franco, L. D. Albuquerque, N. P. Stamford, M. A. B. Lima & G. M. C. Takaki - 2011 - Analytica (Rio) 54:70 - 78.
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    Statistical Learning Model of the Sense of Agency.Shiro Yano, Yoshikatsu Hayashi, Yuki Murata, Hiroshi Imamizu, Takaki Maeda & Toshiyuki Kondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A sense of agency (SoA) is the experience of subjective awareness regarding the control of one’s actions. Humans have a natural tendency to generate prediction models of the environment and adapt their models according to changes in the environment. The SoA is associated with the degree of the adaptation of the prediction models, e.g., insufficient adaptation causes low predictability and lowers the SoA over the environment. Thus, identifying the mechanisms behind the adaptation process of a prediction model related to the (...)
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    Maruyama Masao to Yoshimoto Takaaki: kaisōfū shisōron: hoka 3-hen.Katsuo Yanagisawa - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Sōeisha/Sanseidō Shoten.
    Maruyama Masao to Yoshimoto Takaaki : kaisōfū shisōron -- Nihon-teki shii no yōsō -- NIhon kindai ni okeru kojin shugi no keiki to shosō -- Natsume Sōseki no kojin shugi.
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    Flowing along endlessly: Banana Yoshimoto’s female protagonists as an elemental force.Carrie Giunta - 2022 - In Emma Staniland (ed.), Women and Water in Global Fiction. London: Routledge. pp. 191–202.
  32. Kenji Miyazawa and Takaaki Yoshimoto: schizophrenic nature in Japanese thought.Tatsuya Higaki - 2016 - In Tony See (ed.), Deleuze and Buddhism. [New York]: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Kanbandō kara nagameta Kittan Joshin 韓半島から眺 めた契丹・女真 [Khitan and Jurchen as seen from the Korean Peninsula]. By Aisin Gioro Ulhicun 愛新覺羅·烏拉熙春 and Yoshimoto Michimasa 吉本道雅.Lothar von Falkenhausen - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (4).
    Kanbandō kara nagameta Kittan Joshin 韓半島から眺 めた契丹・女真 [Khitan and Jurchen as seen from the Korean Peninsula]. By Aisin Gioro Ulhicun 愛新覺羅·烏拉熙春 and Yoshimoto Michimasa 吉本道雅. Kyōto: Kyōto Daigaku Gakujutsu Shuppankai, 2011.
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    Nihon no nanadai shisōka: Maruyama Masao, Yoshimoto Takaaki, Tokieda Motoki, Ōmori Shōzō, Kobayashi Hideo, Watsuji Tetsurō, Fukuzawa Yukichi.Itsuo Kohama - 2012 - Tōkyō: Gentōsha.
    第二次大戦における敗北は、日本の近代化の行く先に必然的に用意されていた、日本史上最大の事件だった。そして日本はその後遺症を抱えたまま、近代化の極たるグローバリゼーションに翻弄され、「第二の敗戦」を経験 しつつある。我々は精神の構えをどう立て直し、やくざ化した世界と伍していくべきなのか。本書では、敗戦をまたいで現われ、西欧近代とひとり格闘し、創造的思考に到達した七人の足跡を是々非々で批評。西欧思考の限 界を超え、日本から発信する文明的普遍性の可能性を探った野心的論考。.
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  35. Bumon no rinri: kanashiki "samurai" kara, hokori takaki "buke" e.Masayuki Kodama - 1993 - Kyōto-shi: Kōrosha.
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    “Thinking Like an Activist”: Preservice Teachers Make Sense of the Past.Linda Doornbos & Erin Piedmont - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    History education holds strong potential for students to examine how racism and other intersecting forms of oppression embedded within U.S. institutions have and still impact today’s social fabric. When rooted in Martell and Stevens’ “thinking like an activist” framework, history education provides opportunities for preservice teachers (PSTs) to see, understand, and disrupt the dominant narrative. They can begin to reimagine their roles as future leaders in the classroom and beyond to ensure that all students thrive and not just survive. Thus, (...)
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    Evidentials and modals.Chungmin Lee & Jinho Park (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    Evidentials and Modals offers an in-depth account of the meaning of grammatical elements representing evidentiality in connection to modality, focusing on theoretical/formal perspectives by eminent pioneers in the field and on recently discovered phenomena in Korean evidential markers by native scholars in particular. Evidentiality became a hot topic in semantics and pragmatics, trying to see what kind of evidential justification is provided by evidentials to support or be related to the 'at-issue' prejacent propositions. This book aims to provide a deeper (...)
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    Religious Commitment and the Benefits of Cognitive Diversity: a Reply to Trakakis.Kirk Lougheed - 2018 - Sophia 57 (3):501-513.
    Metaphilosophical discussions about the philosophy of religion are increasingly common. In a recent article in Sophia, N.N. Trakakis advances the view that Christian Philosophy is closer to ideology than philosophy. This is because philosophy conducted in the Socratic tradition tends to emphasize values antithetical to religious faith such as independence of thought, rationality, empiricism, and doubt. A philosopher must be able to follow the arguments wherever they lead, something that the religious believer cannot do. I argue that there are two (...)
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