Results for 'Yosuke Koshikawa'

28 found
  1.  25
    Pre-stimulus Brain Activity Is Associated With State-Anxiety Changes During Single-Session Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation.Keiichiro Nishida, Yosuke Koshikawa, Yosuke Morishima, Masafumi Yoshimura, Koji Katsura, Satsuki Ueda, Shunichiro Ikeda, Ryouhei Ishii, Roberto Pascual-Marqui & Toshihiko Kinoshita - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  2.  14
    A confidence framing effect: Flexible use of evidence in metacognitive monitoring.Yosuke Sakamoto & Kiyofumi Miyoshi - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 118 (C):103636.
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    Philosophical Practices in Japan from School to Business Consultancy.Yosuke Horikoshi ) - 2020 - Philosophical Practice and Counseling 10:5-34.
    This article aims to introduce the recent movements regarding philosophical practice in Japan. In order to understand them in a better way, the historical development and background of philosophical practice shall be shown briefly in the first part. In the second part, three cases of relatively popular philosophical practices in Japan, that is, philosophy cafe, philosophy for/with children and philosophical consulting in the business settings are described as successful practices.
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    Toward a Modern Belief: Modernist Protestantism and Problems of National Religion in Meiji Japan.Yosuke Nirei - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 34 (1):151-175.
  5.  33
    Japanese Infertility Patients’ Attitudes towards Directed and Non-Directed Oocyte Donation: Analysis of a Questionnaire Survey and Implications for Public Policy.Yosuke Shimazono & Yuri Hibino - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (4):331-343.
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  6. Almost minimal varieties related to fuzzy logic.Yosuke Katoh, Tomasz Kowalski & Masaki Ueda - 2006 - Reports on Mathematical Logic.
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    Keeping vulnerable elderly patients free from pressure ulcer is associated with high caregiver burden in informal caregivers.Yosuke Yamamoto, Yasuaki Hayashino, Takahiro Higashi, Miho Matsui, Shin Yamazaki, Misa Takegami, Yoshiki Miyachi & Shunichi Fukuhara - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):585-589.
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  8. Genshōgaku kara rekishi tetsugaku e.Yosuke Yamazaki & Yamazaki-sho Senko Iinkai (eds.) - 1981 - Tōkyō: Kawade Shobō Shinsha.
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  9. Shūkyōteki genjitsu.Yosuke Hamada - 1959 - Kyōto-shi: Hatsubaimoto Ōmusha Shoten.
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  10. Die Sichtweise Ernst Cassirers zur modernen Biologie. Cassirers antidarwinistisches Verständnis der biologischen Evolution.Yosuke Hamada - 2017 - In Christian Möckel, Pellegrino Favuzzi, Yosuke Hamada, Timo Klattenhoff & Viola Nordsieck, Symbol und Leben: Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Kultur und Gesellschaft: Festschrift für Christian Möckel. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
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    Symbol und Gefühl: Ernst Cassirers kulturphilosophische Gefühlstheorie.Yosuke Hamada - 2016 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
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  12.  30
    Geographic clustering of the secondary sex ratio in japan: Association with demographic attributes.Yosuke Inoue, Masahiro Umezaki & Chiho Watanabe - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 45 (2):279-284.
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    Utterances in infant-directed speech are shorter, not slower.Andrew Martin, Yosuke Igarashi, Nobuyuki Jincho & Reiko Mazuka - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):52-59.
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  14. A study of fish of Honjo Area in Lake Nakaumi: data analysis of wholesale of fish.T. Koshikawa - 1999 - Laguna 6:157-164.
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  15.  59
    Becoming a Surrogate Online:" Message Board" Surrogacy in Thailand.Yuri Hibino & Yosuke Shimazono - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (1):56-72.
  16.  52
    Lateralized frontal activity for Japanese phonological processing during child development.Takaaki Goto, Yosuke Kita, Kota Suzuki, Toshihide Koike & Masumi Inagaki - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  17. Neukantianismus, Phänomenologie und Kulturphilosophie. Zum Leben und Werk Christian Möckels.Pellegrino Favuzzi, Yosuke Hamada, Timo Klattenhoff & Viola Nordsieck - 2017 - In Christian Möckel, Pellegrino Favuzzi, Yosuke Hamada, Timo Klattenhoff & Viola Nordsieck, Symbol und Leben: Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Kultur und Gesellschaft: Festschrift für Christian Möckel. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
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  18.  26
    Strategyproof matching with regional minimum and maximum quotas.Masahiro Goto, Atsushi Iwasaki, Yujiro Kawasaki, Ryoji Kurata, Yosuke Yasuda & Makoto Yokoo - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 235 (C):40-57.
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    Phase-Dependent Modulation of Signal Transmission in Cortical Networks through tACS-Induced Neural Oscillations.Kristoffer D. Fehér, Masahito Nakataki & Yosuke Morishima - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    It is Not Time to Kick Out Radiologists.Yuta Nakamura, Yuki Sonoda, Yosuke Yamagishi, Tomohiro Kikuchi, Takahiro Nakao, Soichiro Miki, Shouhei Hanaoka, Takeharu Yoshikawa & Osamu Abe - 2025 - Asian Bioethics Review 17 (1):9-15.
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  21.  38
    Failure of informed consent in compensated non-related kidney donation in the Philippines.Tsuyoshi Awaya, Lalaine Siruno, Sarah Jane Toledano, Francis Aguilar, Yosuke Shimazono & Leonardo D. De Castro - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (2):138-143.
  22.  28
    Mapping the pre-reflective experience of “self” to the brain - An ERP study.Maria Chiara Piani, Gerber Bettina Salome, Koenig Thomas, Morishima Yosuke, Nordgaard Julie & Jandl Martin - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 119 (C):103654.
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  23.  49
    A novel Internet‐based blended learning programme providing core competency in clinical research.Yukio Tsugihashi, Naoki Kakudate, Yoko Yokoyama, Yosuke Yamamoto, Hiroki Mishina, Norio Fukumori, Fumiaki Nakamura, Misa Takegami, Shinya Ohno, Takafumi Wakita, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Takuhiro Yamaguchi & Shunichi Fukuhara - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):250-255.
  24.  26
    Effect of Tempo on Temporal Expectation Driven by Rhythms in Dual-Task Performance.Zhihan Xu, Yanna Ren, Yosuke Misaki, Qiong Wu & Sa Lu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Temporal expectation is the ability to focus attention at a particular moment in time to optimize performance, which has been shown to be driven by regular rhythms. However, whether the rhythm-based temporal expectations rely upon automatic processing or require the involvement of controlled processing has not been clearly established. Furthermore, whether the mechanism is affected by tempo remains unknown. To investigate this research question, the present study used a dual-task procedure. In a single task, the participants were instructed to respond (...)
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  25.  24
    Importance of the Habenula for Avoidance Learning Including Contextual Cues in the Human Brain: A Preliminary fMRI Study.Atsuo Yoshino, Yasumasa Okamoto, Yuki Sumiya, Go Okada, Masahiro Takamura, Naho Ichikawa, Takashi Nakano, Chiyo Shibasaki, Hidenori Aizawa, Yosuke Yamawaki, Kyoko Kawakami, Satoshi Yokoyama, Junichiro Yoshimoto & Shigeto Yamawaki - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  26.  33
    Applicability of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-Second Edition for Japanese Children Aged 3–6 Years: A Preliminary Investigation Emphasizing Internal Consistency and Factorial Validity. [REVIEW]Shogo Hirata, Yosuke Kita, Masanori Yasunaga, Kota Suzuki, Yasuko Okumura, Hideyuki Okuzumi, Tomio Hosobuchi, Mitsuru Kokubun, Masumi Inagaki & Akio Nakai - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  27.  10
    Symbol und Leben: Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Kultur und Gesellschaft: Festschrift für Christian Möckel.Christian Möckel, Pellegrino Favuzzi, Yosuke Hamada, Timo Klattenhoff & Viola Nordsieck (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
    Neukantianismus, Phanomenologie und Kulturphilosophie: Die Forschungsinteressen Christian Mockels sind vielfaltig. Seine Arbeiten zu Max Adler, Edmund Husserl und Ernst Cassirer sowie seine editorische Tatigkeit als Herausgeber des Cassirer-Nachlasses haben dazu beigetragen, eine Vielfalt von Themenbereichen und philosophischen Kreisen miteinander zu verknupfen. Eine Philosophie der Kultur und der Gesellschaft als systematische Einheit auszufuhren und sie in der pragmatischen Richtung einer politischen Philosophie auszubauen: darin sieht Christian Mockel die Relevanz einer Philosophie, die sich zwar als Wissenschaft versteht, doch uber die theoretische Dimension (...)
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  28. Buddhist Psychology: Practice, Research & Theory.M. G. T. Kwee, K. J. Gergen & F. Koshikawa (eds.) - forthcoming - Taos Institute Publishing, Taos, New Mexico.