Results for 'Yūsuf ʻAbbās'

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    Western ethical norms and Qur'anic responses.Yusuf Abbas Hashmi - 1994 - Karachi: Area Study Centre for Europe, University of Karachi.
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    Some Hadiths Subjected to Discussion by Supporters of Bishr al-Marīsī Due to Having an Anthropormorphist and Corporealist Content.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):163-188.
    Hadiths that have been discussed in this paper consist of narrations regarding divine attributes and having some problematic meanings between supporters of Bişr al-Marīsī and ʿUthmān al-Dārimī. These narrations were mostly accepted denounced (munkar) by Bişr al-Marīsī and his sopporters due to having an anthropormophist and corporealist content about God. They rejected divine attributes according to their understanding of God based on incomparability (tanzīh) which provided by Mutazilite approach towards divine attributes even though they conveyed some features of Ahl al-Ra’y. (...)
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    Rulings of Wiping Over Socks for Ablution.İsmail Yalçin - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):353-374.
    The issue of wiping over socks is part of the more general issue of wiping over leather socks (khuffayn) for ablution (wuḍū’). Washing feet or wiping over them is a debate whose sides bases their claims on the verses of the Qur’an and supports these claims with narrations. When performing ablution, if shoes or socks are on the feet, whether one can wipe over them without taking these off and the qualities that these clothes should have is a debate based (...)
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    Tecsîm ve Teşbîh İçerdiği İddiasıyla Bişr el-Merīsī Taraftarlarının Tartışma Konusu Yaptığı Bazı Hadisler.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1401-1423.
    Bişr el-Merîsî taraftarları ile Osman ed-Dârimî arasında burada tartışma konusu yapılan hadisler haberî sıfatları konu alan ve müşkil nitelikte olan rivayetlerden oluşmaktadır. Bu rivayetleri genelde Bişr el-Merîsî ve taraftarlarının tecsîm ve teşbîh içerdiği iddiasıyla münker kabul ettikleri görülmektedir. Ehl-i re’y özellikleri taşımakla birlikte ilahî sıfatlar konusunda Mu’tezilî bir anlayışa sahip olduklarından tenzih anlayışları gereği sıfatları reddetmektedirler. Yaratılmışlara ait niteliklerin yaratıcıya nisbet edilmesini tenzîh anlayışlarına aykırı gördüklerinden bu tür müşkil rivayetleri ya kendi anlayışları doğrultusunda te’vîl ya da reddettikleri gözlenmektedir. Sert bir (...)
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    Ḥāshīyat al-Ṣabbān ʻalá al-Sharḥ al-Ṣaghīr lil-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-murawnaq.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ṣabbān - 2020 - İstanbul: Dār Taḥqīq al-Kitāb lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ. Edited by Ḥasan Ibn Raḍwān & Māhir Muḥammad ʻAdnān ʻUthmān.
    1. Ḥāshīyat al-Ṣabbān ʻalá al-Sharḥ al-Ṣaghīr lil-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-murawnaq -- 2. Taqrīrāt Ḥasan ibn Riḍwān al-Ḥusaynī.
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  6. New Conceptual Foundations for Islamic Business Ethics: The Contributions of Abu-Hamid Al-Ghazali.Yusuf Sidani & Akram Al Ariss - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):847-857.
    The dominant approach to understanding Islamic Business Ethics has been based almost exclusively on either interpretations of the Qur’an and Sunna or influenced by Western understanding of Islam and ethics. However, there is a rich—largely ignored-tradition of ethical analysis conducted by Muslim philosophers which would broaden our understanding of Islamic ethics and hence IBE. We seek to correct this imbalance by examining works of Al-Ghazali, an early Muslim philosopher, scholar, and mystic. His approach to Sufism, combining an interpretation of revelation (...)
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    When idealists evade taxes: the influence of personal moral philosophy on attitudes to tax evasion – a Lebanese study.Yusuf M. Sidani, Abdul Jalil Ghanem & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (2):183-196.
    This paper explores attitudes regarding tax evasion and the relationship between personal moral philosophy and such attitudes in a weak tax environment. The results confirm the multidimensionality of tax evasion attitudes. Idealism was negatively related to self-interest tax evasion attitudes while relativism was positively related to such attitudes. Idealism was also positively related to tax evasion attitudes stemming from concerns about the justice of the tax system. Idealists in a weak tax environment seemingly go through a cognitive reframing process where (...)
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    Nepotism in the Arab World: An Institutional Theory Perspective.Yusuf M. Sidani & Jon Thornberry - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (1):69-96.
    ABSTRACT:We examine the practice of nepotism in the Arab World and analyze how a rational-legal model of bureaucracy was never able to take hold. We draw upon ideas from institutional theory and related notions of legitimacy to provide an explanation of nepotism’s extraordinary persistence. Then we use arguments to speculate how the appearance of institutional entrepreneurs who are advocates for a new hybrid form of nepotism might begin to colonize a social space created by larger political and economic changes that (...)
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    Şeyh-i San'n Kıssasına Dair.Yusuf Babür - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):509-509.
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    La personne en Islam: liberté et témoignage.Muḥammad ʻAzīz Ḥabbābī - 2015 - Paris (France): Lessius. Edited by Muḥammad ʻAzīz Ḥabbābī.
    Le dialogue requiert au moins deux personnes. Encore faut-il s'entendre, notamment dans le dialogue interreligieux, sur la définition de la "personne". Rien là d'évident, contrairement aux apparences : à chaque définition du Dieu vivant correspond une définition du croyant dans chaque fibre de son être. D'où la nécessité d'une anthropologie du dialogue, où chacun s'interrogerait : "Y a-t-il réciprocité, de sorte que lui et moi nous considérions comme des égaux?" Cette anthropologie, l'auteur, dès les années 1960, a entrepris de la (...)
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    Latîfe Ez-Zeyy'tın El-B'bul-Meftûh Adlı Romanında Birey ve Ulusun Bağımsızlık Mücadelesi.Yusuf KÖŞELİ - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):1865-1865.
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  12. Nuclear symmetry as a framework for coexistence.Abba P. Lerner - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  13. The problem of evil in theism.Yusuf Shaidaee - 1987 - Pakistan Philosophical Journal 24:41-48.
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  14. Religious education as the pragmatic means of achieving a corruption-free society* an islamic view.Mubashiro Yusuf & Hasana Arazi - 2001 - In Gbola Aderibigbe & Deji Ayegboyin (eds.), Religion and social ethics. Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State [Nigeria]: National Association for the Study of Religions and Education (NASRED). pp. 174.
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  15. Islamic Mystical Dialetheism: Resolving the Paradox of God’s Unknowability and Ineffability.Abbas Ahsan - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):925-964.
    Dialetheism is the view that some contradictions are true. Resorting to either metaphysical dialetheism or semantic dialetheism may seem like an appropriate resolve to certain theological contradictions. At least for those who concede to theological contradictions, and take dialetheism seriously. However, I demonstrate that neither of these types of dialetheism would serve to be amenable in resolving an Islamic theological contradiction. This is a theological contradiction that I refer to as ‘the paradox of an unknowable and ineffable God’. As a (...)
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    Narrations on the Sufyānī Revealed by Political and Sectarian Events.Yusuf Oktan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1135-1156.
    The Sufyānī narration, which is also referred in some studies carried out today, is mentioned in the early Shiite and Sunnī sources. The anticipated savior perception of the period has an important place in understanding the Sufyānī narrations in the emergence process of which political and sectarian events were effective. Narrations stating that the Mahdī named Muḥammad, one of the descendants of the Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh), would appear in the end of times and establish justice by bringing order to the (...)
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    Domains for computation in mathematics, physics and exact real arithmetic.Abbas Edalat - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (4):401-452.
    We present a survey of the recent applications of continuous domains for providing simple computational models for classical spaces in mathematics including the real line, countably based locally compact spaces, complete separable metric spaces, separable Banach spaces and spaces of probability distributions. It is shown how these models have a logical and effective presentation and how they are used to give a computational framework in several areas in mathematics and physics. These include fractal geometry, where new results on existence and (...)
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    The Current Arab Work Ethic: Antecedents, Implications, and Potential Remedies.Yusuf M. Sidani & Jon Thornberry - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (1):35-49.
    This article begins with the premise that market-oriented development strategies require more than the free movement of the factors of production from one use to another; they also require a positive work ethic and an energetic and committed workforce. However, the existing Arab work ethic does not seem conducive to␣development and change. This article assesses some antecedents that might have led to the emergence of the existing work ethic. First, we address the potential role of religion in developing a value (...)
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  19.  35
    A Critique of Contemporary Islamic Bioethics.Abbas Rattani - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):357-361.
    Last year marked a decade since the publication of the book “Islamic Biomedical Ethics” by religious studies professor Abdulaziz Sachedina in which he called for a critical and rigorous analytical approach to the ethical inquiry of biomedical issues from an Islamic perspective. Since the publication of this landmark work, some authors have continued to call into question the ways in which Islam as a religious tradition is engaged with in the secular bioethics literature. This paper describes common argumentative issues with (...)
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    Ḥāshīyat al-ʻAllāmah al-Ṣabbān ʻalá sharḥ al-ʻAllāmah al-Mullawī ʻalá al-Sullam al-munuwraq fī ʻilm al-manṭiq.Muḥammad ibn ʻAlī Ṣabbān - 2015 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Baṣāʼir. Edited by Aḥmad ibn ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Mullawī.
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    A Fifteenth-Century Ottoman Solution to the Liar Paradox by Ḫaṭībzāde Muḥyiddīn.Yusuf Daşdemir - 2023 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 33 (2):237-263.
    RésuméCet article traite d’une solution au tristement célèbre paradoxe du menteur, généralement connu dans la littérature arabe sous le nom de Maġlaṭat al-ǧaḏr al-aṣamm. La solution est donnée dans un traité ottoman du XVe siècle attribué, entre autres, à Ḫaṭībzāde Muḥyiddīn Efendī. L’article la compare également à la solution du philosophe persan contemporain, Ǧalāl al-Dīn al-Dawānī. Le court traité consacré au paradoxe est l’un des rares ouvrages des Ottomans sur le sujet et il aborde de manière exhaustive le paradoxe sous (...)
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    Analytic Theology and its Method.Abbas Ahsan - 2020 - Philotheos 20 (2):173-211.
    I shall present an analysis of analytic theology as primarily characterised by Michael Rea (2011). I shall establish that if analytic theology is essentially characterised with the ambitions outlined by Rea, then it corresponds to a theological realist view. Such a theological realist view would subsequently result in an onto-theology. To demonstrate this, I shall examine how an onto-theological approach to a God of the Abrahamic Faiths (namely, a transcendent God) would prove to be (theologically) incompatible and even hostile. In (...)
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    The Concept of “Free Agency” in Monotheistic Religions: Implications for Global Business.Abbas J. Ali, Robert C. Camp & Manton Gibbs - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (1):103-112.
    The current debate on “free agency” seems to highlight the romantic aspects of free agent and considers it a genuine response to changing economic conditions (e.g., high-unemployment rate, importance of knowledge in the labor market, the eclipse of organizational loyalty, and self pride). Little attention, if any, has been given to the religious root of the free agency concept and its persistent existence across history. In this paper, the current discourse on free agency and the conditions that have led to (...)
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    Nurses’ knowledge and performance of the patients’ bill of rights.Abbas Sheikhtaheri, Monireh Sadeqi Jabali & Zahra Hashemi Dehaghi - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (8):866-876.
    Background: Observance of the patients’ bill of rights is one of the main features of moral codes in hospitals. In this regard, nurses bear great responsibility because they spend a long time with patients. Therefore, the continuous evaluation of the nurses’ performance and assessing their knowledge about the patients’ bill of rights are a need. Objectives: We aimed to determine the nurses’ awareness of the patients’ rights and measure their performance in this regard. Research design and participants: This cross-sectional study (...)
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  25. Rapid Alleviation of Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms via Electrostimulation of Intrinsic Auricular Muscle Zones.Yusuf O. Cakmak, Hülya Apaydin, Güneş Kiziltan, Ayşegül Gündüz, Burak Ozsoy, Selim Olcer, Hakan Urey, Ozgur O. Cakmak, Yasemin G. Ozdemir & Sibel Ertan - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  26. Yūsuf Karam, mufakkiran ʻArabīyan wa-muʼarrikhan lil-falsafah: (buḥūth ʻanhu wa-dirāsāt muhdāh ilayh).Yusuf Karam & Majlis Al-A. Lá Lil-Thaqafah (eds.) - 1988 - [Cairo]: al-Majlis al-Aʻlá lil-Thaqāfah, Lajnat al-Falsafah wa-al-Ijtimāʻ.
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    Feature integration, attention, and fixations during visual search.Abbas Khani & Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    On Keynes, Policy, and Theory--A Grumble.Abba Lerner - 1979 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 46.
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    Kesopanan Islam.Yusuf A. Lubis - 1964 - Medan,: Saiful. Edited by Souflan Ahmad.
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    Islamo-Arabic Culture and Women’s Law: An Introduction to the Sociology of Women’s Law in Islam.Abbas Mehregan - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (2):405-424.
    The present paper addresses the mutual relationship between society and law in shaping women’s law in Islam from the perspective of the sociology of law. It analyzes the role of pre-Islamic social, political, and economic structures in the Arabian Peninsula in modeling women’s law and highlights some customary laws which were rejected or revived and integrated in Islamic jurisprudence. In this regard, the paper reviews issues such as polygyny, rights to inheritance, marriage, the process of testimony and acceptable forms of (...)
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    Falsafah-ʼi qudrat.ʻAbbās Nabavī - 2000 - Tihrān: Sāzmān-i Muṭālaʻah va Tadvīn-i Kutub-i ʻUlūm-i Insānī-i Dānishgāhʹhā.
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    The Legal Definition of Contract and Its Rational Roots in Iran.Abbas Nazifi - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (2):417-425.
    According to some commentators of the Iranian Civil Code, the definition of sale stated in Article 183 is influenced by Article 1101 of French Civil Code. They have concluded that the essence of sale is confined to mutual consent, i.e. the sale would not be valid without the consent of either party. They have taken even a step further and considered the contents of Article 338 of the civil code, which describes contract of sale, contradictory to Article 183 and argued (...)
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    İlk bilgi: Bediüzzaman ve Nietzsche'ye mukayeseli bir yaklaşım denemesi.Abbas Tevfik Pirimoğlu - 2013 - Beyoğlu, İstanbul: Paradoks Yayınları.
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    YD Türkçe ve Fransızca Öğrenen Öğrencilerin Hasar Giderme İsteği Gerçekleştirimleri.Yusuf Polat - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):1083-1083.
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    Atomcu-Dualist-Teslis Anlayışına Karşı Mu’tezile’nin Meydan Okuması: Yeni Bir Tanrı-Âlem Tasavvuru.Yusuf Ötenkaya - 2018 - Kader 16 (2):319-346.
    İslâm teoloji/kelâm geleneğinin filizlenmeye başladığı dönem, yoğun siyasi gelişmelerin, iç savaşların, hilafet tartışmalarının yaşandığı bir evrenin yanısıra, kendisinden önce üretilen fizikî, felsefî ve dinsel anlamda yaşanan gelişmelerle paralel bir sülûk izlemiştir. Bu anlamda kelâm tartışmalarının siyasi olgu ve olaylar kadar, fikrî anlamda tarihsel bağlam etrafında incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Müslüman kelâm geleneğinde Mu’tezile’nin; nasıl, hangi şartlarda ve nelere itiraz ederek ortaya çıktığı, teoloji anlayışlarında neleri slogan haline getirdiği incelenecektir. Buna istinaden Grek geleneğinde üretilen felsefî metinler bilhassa atomculuk tartışmaları, Hıristiyan ve (...)
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    (1 other version)Domination and Global Justice: Implications of a Social-Republican Account.Yusuf Yuksekdag - 2016 - Global Justice : Theory Practice Rhetoric 9 (1).
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    At the cross-roads of participatory research and biomarker discovery in autism: the need for empirical data.Afiqah Yusuf & Mayada Elsabbagh - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundIdentifying biomarkers for autism can improve outcomes for those affected by autism. Engaging the diverse stakeholders in the research process using community-based participatory research can accelerate biomarker discovery into clinical applications. However, there are limited examples of stakeholder involvement in autism research, possibly due to conceptual and practical concerns. We evaluate the applicability of CBPR principles to biomarker discovery in autism and critically review empirical studies adopting these principles.MethodsUsing a scoping review methodology, we identified and evaluated seven studies using CBPR (...)
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    Refusal speech act realization in Sarawani Balochi dialect: A case study of female university students.Abbas Ali Ahangar & Seddigheh Zeynali - 2013 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 9 (2):245-274.
    This study investigates the effect of power and gender of the addressees on the type and number of refusal strategies employed by Sarawani Baloch female university students following Beebe, Takahashi, and Uliss-Weltz’s taxonomy. Employing refusal strategies mostly the same as those in the given classification by SBFUS confirms the universality of applying refusal strategies. However, SBFUS also employed some new strategies not predicted in this scheme, suggesting the effect of their religion and culture. The results also disclose that although power (...)
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    Moral distress and intention to leave intensive care units: A correlational study.Abbas Naboureh, Masoomeh Imanipour & Tahmine Salehi - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):234-239.
    Moral distress is a fundamental problem in the nursing profession that affects nurses. Critical care nurses are more susceptible to this problem due to the nature of their work. Moral distress may, in turn, lead to several undesirable consequences. This study aimed to determine the relationship between moral distress and intention to leave the ward among critical care nurses. This descriptive-correlational study was conducted by census method on all eligible nurses who worked in Coronary Care Unit (CCU) and Intensive Care (...)
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  40. Moral Cosmopolitanism and the Right to Immigration.Yusuf Yuksekdag - 2012 - Public Reason 4 (1-2):262-272.
    This study is devoted to the ways and means to justify a ‘more’ cosmopolitan realization of certain policy implications, in the case of immigration. The raison d’être of this study is the idea that the contemporary debate over open borders suffers from indeterminate discussions on whether liberal states are entitled to restrict immigration. On the other hand, most of the liberal cosmopolitan accounts neglect the detrimental consequences of their open borders argument – which take it as a means to compensate (...)
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    Operationalizing the Ethical Review of Global Health Policy and Systems Research: A Proposed Checklist.Abbas Rattani & Adnan A. Hyder - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (1):92-122.
    There has been growing consensus to develop relevant guidance to improve the ethical review of global health policy and systems research and address the current absence of formal ethics guidance.
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    Answering Divine Love: Human Distinctiveness in the Light of Islam and Artificial Superintelligence.Yusuf Çelik - 2023 - Sophia 62 (4):679-696.
    In the Qur’an, human distinctiveness was first questioned by angels. These established denizens of the cosmos could not understand why God would create a seemingly pernicious human when immaculate devotees of God such as themselves existed. In other words, the angels asked the age-old question: what makes humans so special and different? Fast forward to our present age and this question is made relevant again in light of the encroaching arrival of an artificial superintelligence (ASI). Up to this point in (...)
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  43. A Possible Role of Prolonged Whirling Episodes on Structural Plasticity of the Cortical Networks and Altered Vertigo Perception: The Cortex of Sufi Whirling Dervishes.Yusuf O. Cakmak, Gazanfer Ekinci, Armin Heinecke & Safiye Çavdar - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Methodological Clarity in Religious Perspectives of Bioethical Issues: Lessons from Islamic Studies.Abbas Rattani - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (12):40-42.
    The declining influence of religious approaches to bioethical issues in academic medical discourse has been increasingly evident over recent decades. Most bioethical scholarship today is dominated...
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    Mapping Michel Serres.Niran B. Abbas (ed.) - 2005 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    "Provides an extremely valuable introduction to the work of Michel Serres for an English-speaking audience, as well as offering useful critical approaches for those already familiar with its outlines." ---Robert Harrison, Stanford University [blurb from review pending permission] The work of Michel Serres---including the books Hermes, The Parasite, The Natural Contract, Genesis, The Troubadour of Knowledge, and Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time---has stimulated readers for years, as it challenges the boundaries of science, literature, culture, language, and epistemology. The essays (...)
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    Towards a Historical Ontology of Violence.Yusuf Has - 2015 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 62 (142).
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    Quine’s Ontology and the Islamic Tradition.Abbas Ahsan - 2019 - American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences 2 (36):20-63.
    Analytic theologians seem to unreservedly prioritize a realist view in the way they approach theological dogmas. I have previously argued that this particular type of realist methodological approach is inconsistent with the Islamic tradition. I demonstrated that this inconsistency lies between two primary theses which constitute realism and an absolutely transcendent and ineffable God of the Islamic tradition. I had established how each of these theses proved responsible, in different ways, for divesting the Islamic God of His absolute transcendence. In (...)
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    Ebû Hayy'n el-Endelüsî’nin Kit'bu’l-İdr'k li-lis'ni’l-Etr'k Adlı Eserinin Dilbilim Açısından İncelenmesi.Yusuf Doğan - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):329-329.
    Mamluks reigned in Egypt a long time is an era of Kipchak Turks that have influence management, and Kipchak Turks has been influential in a period in the administration there. During this period, that Turkish rulers do not know Arabic language well, Turkish language is spoken in the palace and also idea of being closer to Turkish manager screated an interest in learning. One of the famous scholars realizing that interest is Abū Ḥayyān al-Andalusī. Abū Ḥayyān by learning Turkish language (...)
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    Responsible management in theory and practice in Muslim societies.Yusuf Sidani - 2022 - Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
    Responsible Management in Theory and Practice in Muslim Societies delineates principles of responsible management from an Islamic perspective, exploring the concept of responsibility in Islamic religious texts, and how the understanding of responsibility evolved in Islamic jurisprudence. He explains aspects of individual and group responsibility in Islam and the dissonance between theoretical discourse and practical application. Yusuf M. Sidani focuses on the factors that have both facilitated and hampered the application of responsible management principles in practice in this unique context. (...)
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  50. Functional finance and the federal debt.Abba P. Lerner - 1943 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 10 (1):38-51.
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