Results for 'YuYu Gleba'

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  1. Genetic manipulation and analysis of higher plant plasmagenes using cell fusion.YuYu Gleba & I. Meshkiene - 1985 - Bioessays 1:199-202.
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    Cha yi yu lei tong: lun bi jiao zhe xue zhong de gai nian hu quan = Difference and similarity cross cultural interpretation of philosophical concepts.Yuyu Liu - 2010 - Zhongqing Shi: Zhongqing da xue chu ban she.
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    Xi fang wen lun zhong de Zhongguo.Yuyu Wu - 2018 - Shanghai: Shanghai ren min chu ban she.
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    Genetic manipulation and analysis of higher plant plasmagenes using somatic cell fusion.Yuri Yu Gleba & Irute Meshkiene - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (5):199-202.
    The majority of higher plants (including almost all important crops) demonstrate strict uniparental maternal inheritance of plasmagenes in the process of conventional sexual crossing; it is therefore impossible to generate heterozygosity for these genes with standard crossing procedures. However, recent experiments have shown that hybrid plants can be produced by somatic cell fusion and that these contain the cytoplasmic genes of both parents. The phenotypic and genetic properties of these hybrid plants are described here.
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    Vorwort.Gudrun Gleba - 2000 - Das Mittelalter 5 (2).
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  6. Modeling Intention-Based Critical Determinants of E-Commerce Utilization: Emerging Business Models and Transformation in the Digital World.Tianjie Tong & Yuyu Xiong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Companies in the world today understand that keeping users in touch is essential to enhancing their trust. The primary objective of this study was to determine the intention-based critical determinants of E-commerce utilization in China from the end users’ perspective. We developed a framework that identifies the factors that influence E-commerce utilization in China. Besides, we introduced observational research conducted in a real-world E-commerce sense. Results are based on a sample of 400 respondents by employing a comprehensive questionnaire survey. The (...)
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    Joint Modeling of Response Accuracy and Time in Between-Item Multidimensional Tests Based on Bi-Factor Model.Xiaojun Guo, Yuyue Jiao, ZhengZheng Huang & TieChuan Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the popularity of computer-based testing, it is easier to collect item response times in psychological and educational assessments. RTs can provide an important source of information for respondents and tests. To make full use of RTs, the researchers have invested substantial effort in developing statistical models of RTs. Most of the proposed models posit a unidimensional latent speed to account for RTs in tests. In psychological and educational tests, many tests are multidimensional, either deliberately or inadvertently. There may be (...)
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    A Pro-Realist Account of Gongsun Long's "White Horse Dialogue".Yuan Ren & Yuyu Liu - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (2):464-483.
    Ever since the ancient Chinese paradox "white horse is not horse" was brought into the context of Western philosophy, various interpretations have been proposed by modern scholars based on different theoretical considerations, although no satisfactory consensus has been reached. Controversy focuses especially on whether the paradox implies a realist or nominalist ontology.The controversy starts from Fung Yu-lan's realist reading of Gongsun Long. Fung read "white horse is not horse" as "white-horseness is different from horseness." "The universal, horseness, is the essential (...)
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    Corporate Board and Corporate Social Responsibility Assurance: Evidence from China.Lin Liao, Teng Lin & Yuyu Zhang - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):211-225.
    This paper investigates the association between board characteristics and the company’s corporate social responsibility assurance decision in China. By examining 2054 firm-years of Chinese listed companies with CSR reports from 2008 to 2012, we find that firms with a large board size, more female directors, and separation of CEO and chairman positions are more likely to engage in CSR assurance. Gender diversity also influences the CSR assurance provider choice. However, board independence and overseas background of the CEO do not affect (...)
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  10. The Effect of Big Data Analytics Capability on Competitive Performance: The Mediating Role of Resource Optimization and Resource Bricolage.Bo Huang, Jianmin Song, Yi Xie, Yuyu Li & Feng He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although big data analytics capability leads to competitive performance, the mechanism of the relationship is still unclear. To narrow the research gap, this paper investigates the mediating roles of two forms of resource integration in the relationship between two forms of BDAC [big data analytics management capability and BDA technology capability] and competitive performance. Supported by Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling and the cross-sectional survey data from 219 Chinese enterprises, the results show that the resource bricolage plays a significantly mediating (...)
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  11. How improvisation drives lean search: The moderating role of entrepreneurial team heterogeneity and environmental uncertainty.Bo Huang, Jianmin Song, Yanguo Jing, Yi Xie & Yuyu Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Although lean search is seen as an important action in lean startup, previous studies have less knowledge on how to realize it, especially in the face of traditional plans that cannot cope with sudden changes in the environment. To fill the research gap, this study investigates the effects of improvisation on lean search. Meanwhile, this research also discusses the moderating effects of entrepreneurial team heterogeneity and the environmental uncertainty to identify the boundary conditions of this relationship. Supported by the cross-sectional (...)
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    Etruscan Religion - Gleba, Becker Votives, Places and Rituals in Etruscan Religion. Studies in Honor of Jean MacIntosh Turfa. Pp. xliv + 291, map, pls. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009. Cased, €104, US$154. ISBN: 978-90-04-17045-2. [REVIEW]Richard de Puma - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):570-572.
  13. Ortega y los siervos de la gleba cultural / Ortega and the Cultural Serfs.Javier Fresnillo Núñez & Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz - 2002 - El Basilisco 32:3-10.
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    The Speaking Book: The Prologue to Apuleius' Metamorphoses.S. J. Harrison - 1990 - Classical Quarterly 40 (02):507-.
    at ego tibi sermone isto Milesio varias fabulas conseram auresque tuas benivolas lepido susurro permulceam, modo si papyrum Aegyptiam argutia Nilotici calami inscriptam non spreveris inspicere. figuras fortunasque hominum in alias imagines conversas et in se rursum mutuo nexu refectas, ut mireris, exordior. ‘quis ille?’ paucis accipe. Hymettos Attica et Isthmos Ephyrea et Taenaros Spartiatica, glebae felices aeternum libris felicioribus conditae, mea vetus prosapia est; ibi linguam Atthidem primis pueritiae stipendiis merui, mox in urbe Latia advena studiorum Quiritium indigenam sermonem (...)
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    The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia: An Example of 'Distribution' of a Lucretian Theme in Virgil.P. R. Hardie - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):406-.
    In his discussion of Virgilian imitations of Lucretian phraseology Cyril Bailey examines the phenomenon of what he terms the ‘doublet’, that is, the procedure whereby Virgil imitates separate elements of a Lucretian phrase at different points in his own work. Take, for example, De Rerum Natura 1. 210–12: esse videlicet in terris primordia rerum, quae nos fecundas vertentes vomere glebas terraique solum subigentes cimus ad ortus.
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    Os líderes Farrapos na Revolta de 1957 no Sudoeste do Paraná: abordagens e revisões.Paulo José Koling - 2020 - Dialogos 24 (3):265-283.
    O artigo visa analisar as abordagens realizadas sobre a participação e importância, ou não, dos líderes farrapos na Revolta de 1957, ocorrida no Sudoeste do Paraná, que resultou na derrota das companhias de terra e do governo de Moysés Lupion que praticavam a grilagem nas terras das glebas Missões e parte da Chopim. Nas abordagens sobre a revolta, predomina a exaltação dos líderes urbanos que atuaram no período de 1951 até outubro de 1957, bem como no período seguinte à derrota (...)
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    Lordship ano freedom in the political theory of the early 14th century.Jürgen Miethke - 1995 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 40 (159):679-694.
    As noções correlatas de senhorio e liberdade foram estudadas na IdadeMédia de forma diferente de hoje. Em inúmerosdocumentos encontra-se a menção de liberdadeda gleba, direito de locomoção, direito de disporda propriedade. Os acadêmicos de fins do séculoXIII e do século XN haverão de volver-se paraeste problema devido à disputa entre o papa e aautoridade civil. Sem dúvida, o que mais aprofundoua questão foi Guilherme de Ockham, ao examinara condição dos fiéis dentro da Igreja.
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