Results for 'Yueqi Yang'

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  1.  25
    Abnormality of Functional Connections in the Resting State Brains of Schizophrenics.Yan Zhu, Geng Zhu, Bin Li, Yueqi Yang, Xiaohan Zheng, Qi Xu & Xiaoou Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    To explore the change of brain connectivity in schizophrenics, the resting-state EEG source functional connections of SCZ and healthy control were investigated in this paper. Different band single-layer networks, multilayer networks, and improved multilayer networks were constructed and their topological attributes were extracted. The topological attributes of SCZ and HC were automatically distinguished using ensemble learning methods called Ensemble Learning based on Trees and Soft voting method, and the effectiveness of different network construction methods was compared based on the classification (...)
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    The Application of Flipped Classroom Combined With Locus of Control Analysis in Lean Entrepreneurship Education for College Students.Yueqi Qin, Runyu Yan & Youxia Sun - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Analysis of the effect of cognitive ability on academic achievement: Moderating role of self-monitoring.Yueqi Shi & Shaowei Qu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study, cognitive ability was classified into memory ability, representational ability, information processing ability, logical reasoning ability, and thinking conversion ability, and analyzed the effects of these five ability values on academic achievement. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the moderating effect of Self-monitoring between cognitive ability and Academic Achievement, using students’ Self-monitoring as moderating variables. The results of the study showed that cognitive ability can significantly and positively affect academic achievement, while Self-monitoring can significantly moderate the effect (...)
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  4.  20
    Cognition and Academic Performance: Mediating Role of Personality Characteristics and Psychology Health.Yueqi Shi & Shaowei Qu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study uses personality and psychology health characteristics of high school students as intermediary variables to study how cognitive ability affects academic performance, and analyzes memory, information processing, presentation, logical reasoning, and thinking transformation ability in high school students. In this study, the structural equation model was used to analyze the mediating effect, and the bootstrap method was used to test the significance of the mediating effect. The participants were 572 high school students from Beijing, China. They completed a survey (...)
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  5. Heart of DARCness.Yang Liu & Huw Price - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (1):136-150.
    There is a long-standing disagreement in the philosophy of probability and Bayesian decision theory about whether an agent can hold a meaningful credence about an upcoming action, while she deliberates about what to do. Can she believe that it is, say, 70% probable that she will do A, while she chooses whether to do A? No, say some philosophers, for Deliberation Crowds Out Prediction (DCOP), but others disagree. In this paper, we propose a valid core for DCOP, and identify terminological (...)
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  6. Countable Additivity, Idealization, and Conceptual Realism.Yang Liu - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (1):127-147.
    This paper addresses the issue of finite versus countable additivity in Bayesian probability and decision theory -- in particular, Savage's theory of subjective expected utility and personal probability. I show that Savage's reason for not requiring countable additivity in his theory is inconclusive. The assessment leads to an analysis of various highly idealised assumptions commonly adopted in Bayesian theory, where I argue that a healthy dose of, what I call, conceptual realism is often helpful in understanding the interpretational value of (...)
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  7.  53
    The Relationship between Job Demands and Employees’ Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Mediating Effect of Psychological Detachment and Job Anxiety.Yang Chen, Shuang Li, Qing Xia & Chao He - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Implications of Affective and Social Neuroscience for Educational Theory.Mary Helen Immordino-Yang - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):98-103.
    The past decade has seen major advances in cognitive, affective and social neuroscience that have the potential to revolutionize educational theories about learning. The importance of emotion and social learning has long been recognized in education, but due to technological limitations in neuroscience research techniques, treatment of these topics in educational theory has largely not had the benefit of biological evidence to date. In this article, I lay out two general, complementary findings that have emerged from the past decade of (...)
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  9.  45
    Me, My “Self” and You: Neuropsychological Relations between Social Emotion, Self-Awareness, and Morality.Mary Helen Immordino-Yang - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):313-315.
    Social emotions about others’ mind states, for example, compassion for psychological pain or admiration for virtue, are an important foundation for morality because they help us decide how to treat other people. Although these emotions are ostensibly concerned with the mental qualities and situations of others, they can precipitate intimately subjective reflections on the quality of one’s own social life and mind, and via these reflections incite a desire to engage in meaningful moral actions. Our interview and neural data suggest (...)
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  10.  49
    Event-Triggered Consensus Control for Leader-Following Multiagent Systems Using Output Feedback.Yang Liu & Xiaohui Hou - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
    The event-triggered consensus control for leader-following multiagent systems subjected to external disturbances is investigated, by using the output feedback. In particular, a novel distributed event-triggered protocol is proposed by adopting dynamic observers to estimate the internal state information based on the measurable output signal. It is shown that under the developed observer-based event-triggered protocol, multiple agents will reach consensus with the desired disturbance attenuation ability and meanwhile exhibit no Zeno behaviors. Finally, a simulation is presented to verify the obtained results.
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  11.  71
    What’s Wrong with Modal Conceptions of Luck and Risk.Di Yang - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (4):773-787.
    The modal account of luck has become very popular and influential in the past decade. More recently, some of its proponents have also put forth a modal account of risk and argued that we ought to apply it to problems both in and out of philosophy. This paper tries to show that modal conceptions of luck and risk are mistaken.
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  12.  20
    Self-Consistency Congruence and Smartphone Addiction in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Subjective Well-Being and the Moderating Role of Gender.Yang Li, Xiaoqing Ma, Chun Li & Chuanhua Gu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Adolescent smartphone addiction has increasingly attracted the attention of scholars because of the widespread use of internet technology in educational environments. In addition, previous studies have found that there is a complex relationship between smartphone addiction and self-consistency congruence, and subjective well-being. This research was conducted to examine whether subjective well-being would mediate the relation between self-consistency congruence and adolescent smartphone addiction, and whether gender would moderate the mediating process. A total of 1,011 Chinese adolescents completed self-report questionnaires measuring self-consistency (...)
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  13.  53
    Toward a Microdevelopmental, Interdisciplinary Approach to Social Emotion.Mary Helen Immordino-Yang - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (3):217-220.
    Social emotions about others’ minds, for example, admiration for virtue and compassion for social pain, play a critical role in interpersonal relationships, motivation, and morality. However, historical biases toward studying emotions as automatic reactions generated within a solitary individual limit our ability to study emotions about others’ minds, which are inherently complex, social, and subjective. Here, I argue that a microdevelopmental approach, that is, considering these emotions as dynamic, context-dependent mental constructions actively organized from simpler cognitive and affective psychological components, (...)
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  14.  44
    The Relationship Between Workplace Ostracism and Sleep Quality: A Mediated Moderation Model.Yang Chen & Shuang Li - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Extant research suggests that workplace ostracism has a detrimental impact on the outcomes of employees. However, very little is known about the impact of workplace ostracism on sleep quality. Therefore, this study aimed to address this gap in the literature. By employing the extended stressor-detachment model, we investigated the mediating role of psychological detachment and the moderating role of coping humor. We used a self-report questionnaire and a time-lagged research design to assess employees’ workplace ostracism, coping humor, psychological detachment, and (...)
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  15. Frege's Begriffsschrift is Indeed First-Order Complete.Yang Liu - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (4):342-344.
    It is widely taken that the first-order part of Frege's Begriffsschrift is complete. However, there does not seem to have been a formal verification of this received claim. The general concern is that Frege's system is one axiom short in the first-order predicate calculus comparing to, by now, the standard first-order theory. Yet Frege has one extra inference rule in his system. Then the question is whether Frege's first-order calculus is still deductively sufficient as far as the first-order completeness is (...)
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  16.  44
    Visual assumption and perceptual social bias.De Yang - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):922-947.
    Siegel recently distinguishes between seven possible ways in which our perceptual access to social information can be biased by flawed practice of either individuals or social structures, two of which, namely attention and cognitive penetration, imply that it is the content of perception, as opposed to that of judgments, that is biased. Both attention and cognitive penetration, however, rely on cognitive states imposing top-down influences on perceptual states. As such, perceptual bias resulting from them is to a large extent merely (...)
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  17.  27
    Try to see it my way: Embodied perspective enhances self and friend-biases in perceptual matching.Yang Sun, Luis J. Fuentes, Glyn W. Humphreys & Jie Sui - 2016 - Cognition 153:108-117.
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  18. Contribution of Vocabulary Knowledge to Reading Comprehension Among Chinese Students: A Meta-Analysis.Yang Dong, Yi Tang, Bonnie Wing-Yin Chow, Weisha Wang & Wei-Yang Dong - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Resisting the Remnant-Person Problem.Eric Yang - 2020 - Acta Analytica 35 (3):389-404.
    Some opponents of animalism have offered a relatively new worry: the remnant-person problem. After presenting the problem, I lay out several responses and show why they are either problematic or come with too many theoretical costs. I then present my own response to the problem, which unlike the other responses, it is one that can be adopted by animalists of any stripe. What I hope to show is that some of the key assumptions of the remnant-person problem can be rejected, (...)
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  20.  31
    Hume’s theory of belief in the Treatise - ‘Force’ and ‘Vivacity’.Sunny Yang - 2018 - Modern Philosophy 12:59-82.
  21.  29
    Worship, Apophaticism, and Non-Propositional Knowledge.Eric Yang - 2022 - Journal of Analytic Theology 10:98-114.
    This paper addresses the alleged tension between the kind of strong apophaticism endorsed by Maimonides and his view of worshiping God. After considering some extant resolutions to this problem, I offer a proposal that utilizes the role of silence and imitative activity in Maimonides. While this solution may not have been one that Maimonides would have offered, I argue that Maimonides had conceptual resources for offering a promising solution within his theological framework.
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  22.  3
    Fa zhi zhe xue tan yuan.Yang Liu - 2022 - Beijing Shi: Zhi shi chan quan chu ban she.
    本书着力讨论法律制度及其理念趋变的道理,逻辑,原则,可能性;对传统的主体构成性的法律体系,既有评判解析,又有引申;还而探讨了人类制度文明走向法治化的前景.从法治概念的探讨切入,大致介绍了中西方法治的发 展历程,再引入不同法治类型背后隐含的法哲学基本问题,从静态到动态审视了自然法学说与法律实证主义的关系;接着讨论了法律规范的逻辑结构,详述权利与权力之间的渊源及其实践类型;然后以较多笔墨着重叙述法治与公 正,法治的制度基础,在法治框架下衍生出的司法能动主义;最后从法治文化论角度重新审视法治,并回顾中国法治思想发展与制度实践的历程.
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  23.  25
    Impacts of Color Coding on Programming Learning in Multimedia Learning: Moving Toward a Multimodal Methodology.Yang Liu, Weifeng Ma, Xiang Guo, Xuefen Lin, Chennan Wu & Tianshui Zhu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In the present study, we tested the effectiveness of color coding on the programming learning of students who were learning from video lectures. Effectiveness was measured using multimodal physiological measures, combining eye tracking and electroencephalography. Using a between-subjects design, 42 university students were randomly assigned to two video lecture conditions. The participants’ eye tracking and EEG signals were recorded while watching the assigned video, and their learning performance was subsequently assessed. The results showed that the color-coded design was more beneficial (...)
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  24.  25
    Online-Offline Optimized Motion Profile for High-Dynamic Positioning of Ultraprecision Dual Stage.Yang Liu, Yue Dong & Jiubin Tan - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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  25.  32
    The Application of Brain-Computer Interface in Upper Limb Dysfunction After Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.Yang Peng, Jing Wang, Zicai Liu, Lida Zhong, Xin Wen, Pu Wang, Xiaoqian Gong & Huiyu Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveThis study aimed to examine the effectiveness and safety of the Brain-computer interface in treatment of upper limb dysfunction after stroke.MethodsEnglish and Chinese electronic databases were searched up to July 2021. Randomized controlled trials were eligible. The methodological quality was assessed using Cochrane’s risk-of-bias tool. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.4.ResultsA total of 488 patients from 16 RCTs were included. The results showed that the meta-analysis of BCI-combined treatment on the improvement of the upper limb function showed statistical significance [standardized (...)
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  26. A Multicultural Retrospective on Endogenous Chinese Sino-Centric Civilizational Becoming.Yang Cao - 2020 - Dissertation,
    Contemporary globalization is largely shaped by the predominant position and strength of the United States, and the concept of globalization is cast upon the polity and social aspects of P.R. China after Reform and Opening. Globalization, though substantially varied in a modern scene, is not without historical and cultural roots. The future holds anew, whereas newly arisen pieces of knowledge and information shed new light on the past, the blood and violence of the political progress on the Chinese soil. This (...)
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  27.  23
    Animation Program History in Fine ART Schools of China.Yang Cao - 2014 - Asian Culture and History 6 (2):16-20.
    The animation industry of China has developed windingly almost 50 years in 20 century, finally obtained the eruption -like growth in the beginning 21st century. Talent cultivation is one of the important elements of Chinese Animation industry, thus animation education also obtained the stimulation. More and more fine art schools began to have animation program after 2000. This paper studies a brief history of animation professionals in Fine Art Schools of China, and the relationship between fine art schools and animation (...)
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  28.  21
    The Impact of Scenarios on the Performance of Entrepreneurial Imaginativeness: Evidence From an Experiment.Yang Chen, Min Wang, Yawen Liu & Ruoyu Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, “scenario” frequently appears in new product development and has gradually become an effective tool for analyzing user needs. However, the reasons for this phenomenon have not been explored in depth. New product development is a creative activity that requires product designers to imagine how people will live in the near future. So, we speculated that a familiar scenario that matches designers’ background can spark their entrepreneurial imaginativeness by empathic simulation and conducted (...)
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  29.  36
    Education in china.Yang Fengzhen - 2002 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 34 (2):135–144.
  30.  26
    An Improved Image Processing Based on Deep Learning Backpropagation Technique.Yang Gao & Yue Tian - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    In terms of image processing, encryption plays the main role in the field of image transmission. Using one algorithm of deep learning, such as neural network backpropagation, increases the performance of encryption by learning the parameters and weights derived from the image itself. The use of more than one layer in the neural network improves the performance of the algorithm. Also, in the process of image encryption, randomness is an important component, especially when used by smart learning methods. Deep neural (...)
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  31.  21
    Postmodern Context and Marxian Philosophy [J].Yang Haifeng - 2004 - Modern Philosophy 4:000.
  32.  10
    Ideollogi ŭi saeroun ihae.Yang-pʻyo Hong - 1995 - Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyŏngbuk Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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  33.  46
    To Reverse our Premiss with the Perverse Core — A Response to Žižek's “Theology” in Chinese Context.Yang Huilin - 2012 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 261 (3):381-397.
    Contemporary Western thought might be somehow characterized by the interaction of theology and humanities, and their refusal to the one-dimension subject. The reason why Slavoj Žižek tries to fight for “the Christian legacy” and “the perverse core of Christianity”— with “structure,” “narrative,” “symbolic order” and other conceptual tools normally used in literary studies—is believed to be a rediscovery of the role of Christianity and theology as the archetype for rendering truth and value system instead of a religious experience merely. And (...)
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  34.  10
    The Union Chinese Version of the Bible and Its Hermeneutical Analysis.Yang Huilin - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 36 (1):85-99.
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    Chŏngŭiroun kukka wa haengbok han sahoe rŭl wihan sinsiryongjuŭi ch'ŏrhak kwa chŏngcha'ek =.Yang-T'aek Im - 2021 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Pagyŏngsa.
    1. Sŏŏn -- 2. Illyu sahoe ŭi tangmyŏn kwaje -- 3. 'Kŭllobŏl ch'ŏrhak (Global Philosophy)' ŭrosŏ sinsiryongjuŭi (Neopragmatism) -- 4. Sinsiryongjuŭi (Neopragmatism) ŭi kyŏngje ch'ŏrhak kwa kyŏngje ironjŏk mohyŏng -- 5. Sinsiryongjuŭi ŭi 'ch'ŏngsajin’ -- 6. Sinsiryongjuŭi (Neopragmatism) wa Miguk, Chungguk siryongjuŭi ŭi ch'aichŏm -- 7. Sinsiryongjuŭi (Neopragmatism) wa Marŭk'ŭsijŭm (Marxism) ŭi ch'aichŏm -- 8. Han'guk sahoe e taehan Sinsiryongjuŭi chŏgyong -- 9. Yoyak mit kyŏllon.
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  36.  25
    Study of Human Motion Recognition Algorithm Based on Multichannel 3D Convolutional Neural Network.Yang Ju - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Aiming at the problem that it is difficult to balance the speed and accuracy of human behaviour recognition, this paper proposes a method of motion recognition based on random projection. Firstly, the optical flow picture and Red, Green, Blue picture obtained by the Lucas-Kanade algorithm are used. Secondly, the data of optical flow pictures and RGB pictures are compressed based on a random projection matrix of compressed sensing, which effectively reduces power consumption. At the same time, based on random projection (...)
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  37.  30
    A Generalization of the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality and Its Application to Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Impulsive Control Systems.Yang Peng, Jiang Wu, Limin Zou, Yuming Feng & Zhengwen Tu - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-7.
    In this paper, we first present a generalization of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. As an application of our result, we obtain a new sufficient condition for the stability of a class of nonlinear impulsive control systems. We end up this note with a numerical example which shows the effectiveness of our method.
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  38. Entstehen und Erstarren: Das Differenzieren und Identifizieren in Husserls Zeitphänomenologie.Yang Peng - 2021 - Berlin: Logos Verlag.
    Der Autor hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, Husserls Phänomemologie der Zeit systematisch zu interpretieren und das Differenzieren und Identifizieren zu problematisieren. Er untersucht Husserls Zeitphänomenologie mit rein phänomenologischem Blick, damit folgende Fragen beantwortet werden können: Worin liegt die Bedeutung von Husserls Zeitforschung? Beschränken sich seine Zeitgedanken noch auf die Denkweise der Metaphysik, wie Natorp und Heidegger behaupten. Wenn ja, worin verkörpert sich die metaphysische Denkweise und inwiefern bewegen sie sich im Rahmen der Tradition? Diese Untersuchung beginnt damit, Husserls Zeitphänomenologie systematisch (...)
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  39. Entstehen und Erstarren: Das Differenzieren und Identifizieren in Husserls Zeitphänomenologie.Yang Peng - 2021 - Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
    Der Autor hat sich die Aufgabe gestellt, Husserls Phänomemologie der Zeit systematisch zu interpretieren und das Differenzieren und Identifizieren zu problematisieren. Er untersucht Husserls Zeitphänomenologie mit rein phänomenologischem Blick, damit folgende Fragen beantwortet werden können: Worin liegt die Bedeutung von Husserls Zeitforschung? Beschränken sich seine Zeitgedanken noch auf die Denkweise der Metaphysik, wie Natorp und Heidegger behaupten. Wenn ja, worin verkörpert sich die metaphysische Denkweise und inwiefern bewegen sie sich im Rahmen der Tradition? Diese Untersuchung beginnt damit, Husserls Zeitphänomenologie systematisch (...)
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    乱数生成課題に速度条件が与える影響: Schema を用いた分析.Gomi Sohei Yang Jinghong - 2007 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 22 (4):436-443.
    In this paper, we analyze the effect of the speed on the task of random number generation. Each subjectgenerates the sequences of ``random'' numbers under various speed conditions. In addition to the 16 indiceswhich have been used in the past studies, we introduce and calculate the new indices called the ``frequency ofschema''. From the statistical analysis, we find that there is an obvious change, along with the speed, in theproperties of sequences, indicating the transition of the underling information processing. It (...)
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    Activities of the Trotskyite Wang Shiwei and Liberalism in the Party, October 31, 1942.Yang Shangkun - 1993 - Chinese Studies in History 26 (3):48-56.
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  42. A Comparison Between Confucian and Christian Concepts of Love in Ethics.Yang Shi - 1998 - In Melville Y. Stewart & Chih-kʻang Chang, The Symposium of Chinese-American Philosophy and Religious Studies. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications. pp. 1--245.
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    A Deep Learning-Based Sentiment Classification Model for Real Online Consumption.Yang Su & Yan Shen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Most e-commerce platforms allow consumers to post product reviews, causing more and more consumers to get into the habit of reading reviews before they buy. These online reviews serve as an emotional feedback of consumers’ product experience and contain a lot of important information, but inevitably there are malicious or irrelevant reviews. It is especially important to discover and identify the real sentiment tendency in online reviews in a timely manner. Therefore, a deep learning-based real online consumer sentiment classification model (...)
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    The necessity of korean studies and the methodological differences between East and West Philosophy.Yang Sunjin - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 80:247-272.
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    马克思哲学与存在论问题.Xuegong Yang - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:303-344.
    This paper begins with a discussion of the translations of the term “ontology” in Chinese language, and argues that its translation as “bentilun”(in Chinese PinYinorthography) can be supported by ample evidence from the history of doctrine and the tradition of Chinese culture. Therefore, It is necessary to keep this translation on condition that one distinguish strictly “ontology” as a branch of philosophy from “bentilun” as a special morphology of philosophical theory. Examining the history of metaphysics, this thesis draws a clear (...)
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    A conceptual framework for society-oriented decision support.Yingjie Yang, David Gillingwater & Chris Hinde - 2005 - AI and Society 19 (3):279-291.
    Inspired by the operation of human social organisation, this paper presents a new architecture—a pyramid-committee—for developing society-oriented intelligence, whose structure imitates the organisation of human society in its decision making. The system takes a pyramid-like hierarchical structure with links in the pyramid forming a semi-lattice, which relate not only to nodes in the same layer, but also to others in different layers. The output of the system is a result of the negotiation and balancing of different interests. For such a (...)
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    A Dynamic Analysis of Minimizers in Chinese lian…dou Construction.Xiaolong Yang & Yicheng Wu - 2021 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 30 (2):429-449.
    Minimizers are widely acknowledged cross-linguistically to denote a minimal quantity, extent or degree. With respect to minimizers in Mandarin Chinese, Shyu claims that their so-called negative polarity is purely syntactically determined and is facilitated by the lian…dou EVEN construction. Within the framework of Dynamic Syntax which allows for interaction between syntactic, semantic and pragmatic information, we demonstrate that the total negation is actually derived from the interaction between syntax, semantics and pragmatics, rather than being determined by purely syntactic means.
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  48. Auf der Suche nach Gerechtigkeit : Nietzsches Lebensprojekt.Due-Jong Yang - 2010 - In Hans-Martin Schönherr-Mann, Der Wille zur Macht und die "grosse Politik": Friedrich Nietzsches Staatsverständnis. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    An investigation of 3rd‐grade Taiwanese students' performance in number sense.Der‐Ching Yang & Mao‐Neng Fred Li - 2008 - Educational Studies 34 (5):443-455.
    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the number sense performance of 3rd?graders in Taiwan, and to diagnose areas of weakness or deficiency in number sense development. A total of 808 3rd?graders participated in this study. The results indicated that these students did not perform well on each of the five number sense components (correct rates approx. 34%), and they appeared worst on the performance of ?Judging the reasonableness of computational results?. Boys and girls did not show any (...)
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  50. Ateisty, materialisty, dialektiki Drevnego Kitai︠a︡.Chu Yang - 1967 - Edited by Liezi & Li︠U︡Bovʹ Dmitrievna[From Old Catalog] Pozdneeva.
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