Results for 'Yuliia Zahorodnia'

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  1. Амбівалентність ролі «автора» у фотографічному зображенні.Yuliia Petruk - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:17-25.
    This article questions the role of the author in the photographical image. Undoubtedly, the invention of photography has changed our attitude towards ourselves, towards the world. The impact of photography on one’s life is growing with the development of technology, mainly the photo-technology. One cannot but trust technological tools more than oneself, because any technological device nowadays is considered to be smarter, faster, and more precise than any human being. The technology plays a special role in photography, and that is (...)
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    The Phenomenon of the Institution of Education in the World Order of Postmodern Globalization.Yuliia Korotkova, Svitlana Romanyuk, Lesia Vysochan, Lesia Shkleda & Liudmyla Kozlova - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (3):244-256.
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  3. Economic Security of the Enterprise Within the Conditions of Digital Transformation.Yuliia Samoilenko, Igor Britchenko, Iaroslava Levchenko, Peter Lošonczi, Oleksandr Bilichenko & Olena Bodnar - 2022 - Economic Affairs 67 (04):619-629.
    In the context of the digital economy development, the priority component of the economic security of an enterprise is changing from material to digital, constituting an independent element of enterprise security. The relevance of the present research is driven by the need to solve the issue of modernizing the economic security of the enterprise taking into account the new risks and opportunities of digitalization. The purpose of the academic paper lies in identifying the features of preventing internal and external negative (...)
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    Метафізичність зла.Yuliia Yu Brodetska - 2019 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 61:91-98.
    In this article, the author explores the metaphysical foundations of evil. Research shows that as a transcendental phenomenon, evil reveals itself in two “optics”. On the one hand, evil means certain ontological aspects, which are distortions of the mode of co-existence. On the other hand, evil is a deformation of the existential nature of man. Thus, evil is a condition for the deformation of the ontological foundations of being, penetrating the world through human. In other words, the metaphysical nature of (...)
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    Екзистенційні основи добра.Yuliia Yu Brodetska - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 62:174-181.
    The article is devoted to the consideration of the good nature existential foundations. Good, as a transcendental phenomenon, reveals itself in a person as a powerful mechanism of its internal development – spiritual needs. Need, unlike desire, is not just a requirement of the human body. Need is a way of relationship, that is, communication with objective reality. This life aspiration is responsible for the personality realization as an active, creative, responsible part of co-existence. Therefore, all aspects of human life (...)
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  6.  23
    Метафізична природа знань: Світло, що просвітлює.Yuliia Yu Brodetska - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63:218-225.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the knowledge phenomenon as a metaphysical basis for the being order. It is the semantic content of this word that retains the meaning of “the light of truth”, “reason”, “word”. This allows a human to see the world around him, that is, makes the world “manifested, clear, understandable”. We are talking about knowledge that reflects a purely spiritual nature, which means that this knowledge is directed to the very essence of the human (...)
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    Development of Ukrainian Choral Art in Conditions of Postmodernism.Yuliia Havrylenko, Yuliia Hrytsun, Iryna Kondratenko & Liubava Sukhova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):345-357.
    The article presents a research work in a context of highlighting the peculiarities of development of Ukrainian choral art. The research describes the main theoretical and methodological approaches to defining the essence of choral art and postmodernism as a basis for the formation of a new worldview, a new thinking, which is a sign of a challenge of modernity. The basic context of formation of choral art is researched. The results of the research form the main historical trends in a (...)
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  8.  13
    Integrated System of Enterprises' Innovative Development Management Under the Conditions of Post-Fordism.Yuliia Horiashchenko, Iryna Taranenko, Svitlana Yaremenko, Valentyna Shevchenko, Tetiana Mishustina & Inna Klimova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1):45-60.
    Basic tendencies of enterprises' innovative development management have been considered from the perspective of postfordist tranformations. It has been determined that mobility is a specificity of postfordist industrial management. Mobility provides dispersion of structural subdivisions all over the world, it doesn't need any governmental support and strict control. Total diversification of the kind allows to implement «high» technologies through global data revolution practically into all spheres of social life. The evolution of social relations types from feudalism up to Post-Fordism has (...)
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    Seraphic Gender in “Doktor Serafikus” by V. Domontovych.Yuliia Karpets - 2024 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 11:160-178.
    The article explores the seraphic gender and its main features as an essential part of groundless existence, which was symptomatic of the Ukrainian 1920s, and examines its existentialist intentions in literature, tracing its origin back to the early European modernist literature. The research closely refers to transformations of seraphic discourse throughout the 1910s-1940s and analyzes the unexplored chapters of the novel that influence the path of Doktor Serafikus. The elaborated theory of seraphic gender is presented through the following components: first, (...)
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    Проблема збереження національної ідентичності української діаспори.Kondrashevska Yuliia - 2017 - Схід 1 (147):64-69.
    The problem of national identity is extremely important especially in the modern realities of life. Particularly relevant this issue is in relation to ukrainians living abroad. The ukrainian ethnic group in Canada, ranked second in the number of ukrainians living outside the country and the first by its activity in the development of social, cultural and spiritual life. In addition to successful integration into a new society, a professional recognition and success in their careers ukrainians are constantly concerned about the (...)
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  11. Роль і місце сучасних українських профспілок у регулюванні колективно-договірних відносин.Yuliia Kormyltseva - 2014 - Схід 3 (129):43-47.
    У статті розглядається діяльність українських профспілок у сфері регулювання колективно-договірних відносин з урахуванням досвіду профспілок радянського зразка. Показано, що діюча за радянських часів колективно-договірна практика в умовах партійного контролю й одержавлення професійних організацій не надавала останнім можливості виконувати функцію соціального захисту населення. Елементи цієї практики перейшли й до пострадянських профспілок, які до того ж ще й були позбавлені права законодавчої ініціативи. Проаналізовано зміст поняття ''колективний договір'' і показано його вагомість у закріпленні трудових відносин між працівниками та роботодавцями в Україні. Встановлено, (...)
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    For the “Global 1960s” in Literature: American, French, and Ukrainian Contexts.Yuliia Kulish - 2023 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 10:214-241.
    This article offers an innovative perspective on the literary landscapes of the 1960s in France, Ukraine, and the USA serving as exemplars of a global literary project that views literary works as heterotopias that, while being distinct, collectively constitute a cohesive whole. Using a comparative approach, complemented with distant reading techniques, the study examines how these literary realms are interconnected, revealing shared aesthetic foundations guided by an overarching law. This law, rooted in Theodor Adorno’s concept of negativity, becomes evident in (...)
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  13.  15
    Artistic Modelling of History in the Literature and Non-Fiction of a Post-Totalitarian Society.Yuliia Laskava, Volodymyr Bondarenko, Olena Shulga, Mykola Stasyk & Olga Stadnichenko - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):228-237.
    An artistic interpretation of historical facts is quite relevant in the literature and non-fiction of a post-totalitarian society. Prose works on historical themes are valuable and interesting in that they create an illusion for readers to be present in a certain period of historical time, and it is the artistic modeling of events that makes priceless facts of history completely disappear. The historical past is an inexhaustible material that word artists have been referring to for centuries, creating the best examples (...)
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  14.  21
    Organization оf Qualitative Education of Music Students in the Conditions of Distance Education.Yuliia Lebid, Valentina Sinelnikova, Tetana Pistunova, Veronika Tormakhova, Alla Popova & Oksana Sinenko - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1):76-93.
    The relevance of the chosen direction of research is determined by the need to improve the higher education system in accordance with the requirements of postmodernism. Based on the results of research by domestic and foreign scientists, the features of distance education, its advantages and disadvantages are established, which are taken into account in further scientific research. Required solutions in order to ensure high-quality distance education for music students, as well as identified topical issues: creation of an organizational model of (...)
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    Міфологеми і мифообрази материнства в дискурсах та наративах сучасної філософії і культури.Yuliia Makieshyna - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 73:96-104.
    Актуальность исследования в том, что анализируются существующие в культуре мифологемы и мифообразы, которые производят «естественный» для нас мир, одновременно устраняя из поля видения альтернативные возможности его устройства. Проблематизируя эту очевидность, осмысливая исключенные властью возможные значения, можно предвидеть последствия определенных дискурсивных концептов, при этом разрушая их идеологическую закрытость, «естественность» и самоочевидность предлагаемых конструкций. Постановка задания заключается в философском осмыслении специфики концептуализации материнства как сложного смыслового поля, которое определяется характером гендерных отношений. Предмет исследования - трансформации социальных форм и диспозитивов в философской проблематике (...)
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    Improving the process of training reserve officers in ukraine as a pedagogical issue.Yuliia Medvid - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 22 (2):9-15.
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  17. Актуальні завдання управління розвитком підприємств ресторанного господарства в україні.Yuliia Petruk - 2014 - Схід 4 (130).
    It is defined in the article that large amount of factors have impact on restaurant businesses' management in Ukraine. Attraction of the business is caused by close links between tourism and recreation businesses and hotel and restaurant business, resulting in a high probability of rapid payback of investments. It is determined that actual problems and tasks have to be solved for restaurant businesses development in Ukraine. Main obstacles that prevent from dynamic growth of restaurant business include military operations in the (...)
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    Основні засади формування та реалізації боргової політики україни.Yuliia Teres - 2017 - Схід 6 (152):28-33.
    The paper reviews the basics of development and implementation of the debt policy of Ukraine, outlines its formation principles and establishes requirements to normative legal documents which specify administrative measures in the field of the public debt. The research conducted shows that the main normative legal documents which govern activities of state administration bodies responsible for the debt policy implementation are the State Budget and the Program for State Debt Management of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. An analysis of (...)
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    Основні напрями зменшення боргових ризиків у середньостроковій перспективі.Yuliia Teres - 2018 - Схід 2 (154):55-63.
    У статті розглядаються засади формування основних напрямів політики у сфері державного боргу, спрямованих на зменшення боргових ризиків у середньостроковій перспективі. Визначено вплив макроекономічних чинників на формування управлінських рішень у борговій сфері та проаналізовано наслідки заходів, що впроваджуються для підтримки банківського сектора в умовах глобальної економічної кризи. Сформовано прогнозну модель, за допомогою якої представлено оцінку змін політики у сфері державного боргу за різними сценаріями розвитку економіки України в середньостроковій перспективі.
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    Ідентичність як результат самовизначеності особистості в освітньому середовищі.Yuliia Vasyuk - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:112-121.
    Topicality is due to the fact that self-identity as the identity of the subject and the result of its self-determination now is explained with the two-sided ascent of human to freedom, when at first the subject realizes the need for self-disclosure of its own essence, the embodiment of human nature, and then it overcomes its dependence from its internal nature and the generation of identity begins as a manifestation of free will and creativity of the person of culture. The purpose (...)
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    Інноваційний розвиток підприємств вугільної галузі: Проблеми та напрями забезпечення.Yuliia Zaloznova - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):35-39.
    Requirements for activization of innovative activity in the coal industry are defined. The reasons, which create barriers for innovation development of the coal industry, are proved. The international experience of introduction of innovations at the coal enterprises is considered. Offers of overcoming of innovation development obstacles at the state, branch and industrial levels of management are given.
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    On the Discourse of the Victim in the Context of Biopolitics.Inna Kovalenko, Yuliia Meliakova, Eduard Kalnytskyi & Svetlana Kachurova - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (3).
    The victim is a universal cultural phenomenon. It consolidates the community, causes a powerful affect that allows the community to experience itself as a collective body. The main hypothesis of the article is that on the basis of understanding the specifics of the victim in modern culture, trauma can be understood as a biopolitical concept. The authors assume that in the modern cultural space the meaning of sacrifice is pushed to marginal positions by the meaning of victim, and show that (...)
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    Postpanopticon: Control and Media in the New Digital Reality.Inna Kovalenko, Yuliia Meliakova, Eduard Kalnytskyi & Ksenia Nesterenko - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (3).
    In this article, the object of research interest is the phenomenon of social control and the role of digital media in the process of digital surveillance. In the first part, the authors characterise the specifics of the panoptical and postpanoptical models of social control. The second part of the article explores the specifics of modern types of surveillance provided by digital media. It is shown that digital media extremely effectively modify communication systems, determine the main vectors of socio-cultural and personal (...)
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    Environmental Anthropogenic Antibiosis as a Consequence of Urbanisation.Lidiya Gaznyuk, Yuliia Semenova, Olena Orlenko & Nataliia Saltan - 2023 - Dialogue and Universalism 33 (3):39-50.
    Modern ecological risks associated with the anthropological crisis of nature, leading to the paradoxes of the ecological state of humanity, are analyzed. It is substantiated that the unlimited use of natural resources causes a misbalance between human actions and the riches of nature. The question of the necessity of exploring the man-nature relation in the context of humanistic revolution is raised; it allows us to perceive the relation to nature as caring which includes such existential elements as agreement, tolerance, respect, (...)
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    Innovative Teaching Technologies in Postmodern Education: Foreign and Domestic Experience.Olena Haidamaka, Yuliia Kolisnyk-Humeniuk, Liudmyla Storizhko, Tetiana Marchenko, Iryna Poluboiaryna & Nataliia Bilova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1 Sup1):159-172.
    The article provides a theoretical analysis of the study of the issue of introducing innovations into educational activities on the basis of foreign and domestic experience of postmodern education. The essence of the problem of introducing innovative technologies in the system of postmodern education in the countries of the world and in Ukraine is revealed. The role of the teacher's professional competence in the application of innovative techniques for organizing the educational process was emphasized. The essential features of postmodern tendencies (...)
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    The Impact of the Crisis on the Socio-Economic System in a Post-Pandemic Society.Oleksandr Sylkin, Yuliia Buhel, Natalia Dombrovska, Iryna Martusenko & Myroslava Karaim - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):368-379.
    The activity of any socio-economic system is associated with the instability of the external environment and the presence of negative factors influencing its functioning, which, in turn, can provoke the emergence of crisis phenomena, slows down the process of development of the organization and makes it less effective. The prerequisites for this may be factors that are formed not only in the external, but also in the internal environment. This issue is of particular relevance today, in the context of the (...)
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    Генезис поняття «простір» та його змістові дефініції.Yuliia Zhuk-Yaremchuk - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (2):114-131.
    The aim of the study is to analyze the terminological origins of the concept of «space», which in turn is one of the fundamental philosophical categories. Thus, the concept of space is used in everyday and scientific life, which allows us to explore its diversity. It was worth referring to the original sources of the concept, so in Hebrew we find the concept of space – אֶרֶץ (eretz / arets), which contains the meaning of “land”, “space”, “land of the people”, (...)
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    Literature as a Reflection of Societies’ Challenges.Svitlana Zubenko & Yuliia Sytnykova - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):196-205.
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    Semantic and Structural Aspects of Donald Trump’s Neologisms.Liudmyla Holubnycha, Ilona Kostikova, Tetiana Besarab, Yevheniia Moshtagh, Yuliia Lushchyk & Olga Dolgusheva - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):43-59.
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    Russian Aggression against Ukraine in the Media Discourse of Asian Countries (Using the Example of China and Japan): Literature Review.Oksana Asadchykh, Liubov Poinar, Tetiana Pereloma, Yuliia Kuzmenko & Nataliia Nechaieva - 2025 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 38 (2):659-676.
    The formation of public opinion in different countries of the world is important for the formation of global media discourse, since ambiguous opinions are produced in the Asian media, it is worth investigating and studying the linguistic nature of journalistic methods of influencing the audience and the peculiarities of communication with readers. The study aimed to decipher the explicit and implicit linguistic techniques employed to construct political narratives in the media domains of China and Japan, while also examining existing research (...)
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    The Role of Human Communicative Competence in Post-Industrial Society.Olha Ilishova, Lesia Moroz-Rekotova, Yuliia Semeniako, Nelia Podlevska, Oksana Raniuk & Inna Horiachok - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):402-426.
    The article considers the scientific category of “educational neuroscience” as a promising interdisciplinary field of research that studies relationship between education and the sciences of higher nervous activity. The role of theoretical research in the field of neuroscience for creation of modern distance educational technologies is determined. It is established that use of neuroscience in learning process expands and enhances competency characteristics of higher education students in research, diagnostic and professional activities. The problem of obtaining neuroscientific knowledge by higher education (...)
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    The Anti-Representational Paradigm of Richard Rorty Regarding the Concept of “Language”.Viktoriia Slabouz, Leonid Mozhovyi, Yuliia Butko & Tamiliia Dotsevych - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (4):226-240.
    The article considers the anti-representational paradigm regarding the concept of “language” presented by the American thinker, the founder of neopragmatism, Richard Rorty. Richard Rorty is the most cited philosopher in the Western philosophical community, the popularity of the texts of the American thinker, and the resonance of his ideas in the modern philosophical community are of great interest and discussion. The relevance of the topic in the context of postmodern society is dictated by the fact that modern American philosophy, in (...)
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    Legal support of gender policy and the correlation with the concept of “equality of rights”.Nataliia A. Bukovynska, Iryna V. Chekhovska, Aliona S. Romanova, Yuliia V. Vyshnevska & Natalia V. Lagovska - 2022 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 13 (1).
    Ambiguous interpretation of the concept of gender equality has caused problems in understanding and legal support of the concept of gender. This and the global democratic process contribute to the relevance of the issue and generate the need for its thorough study. The article aims to define the essence of the concept “gender,” analyze the legal support of gender policy, and develop proposals for its improvement in Ukraine. In the study, we applied theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization) and empirical (observation) (...)
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    Кам'яна доба і світ первісного гірництва.Gennadiy Gayko, Volodymyr Biletsky & Yuliia Hunchenko - 2018 - Схід 1 (153):44-48.
    The role of the primitive mining in providing civilization advancement of the Stone Age communities is shown. The ways of the first minerals development are explored. The technological techniques and mining tools used by miners of the Neolithic flint extraction mines as well as the methods of clay extraction and usage are analyzed. The formation of the established mining communities and their role in obtaining and sharing professional experience is researched. Attention is drawn to the insufficient considering the factors of (...)
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    Measurement and Assessment of Virtual Internationalization Outcomes in Higher Agrarian Education.Alexander Kobzhev, Marina Bilotserkovets, Tatiana Fomenko, Oksana Gubina, Olha Berestok & Yuliia Shcherbyna - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup1):78-92.
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    Peculiarities of Vocal art in the Context of Postmodernism as a Factor of Cultural Value.Mayia Pechenyuk, Olena Priadko, Oleksandr Vozniuk, Liubov Martyniuk, Oleksandr Rudenko & Yuliia Havrylenko - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):56-68.
    This article interprets the formation of personal value orientations in the context of the artistic perception of the world. Personality is formed in the process of socialization and self-realization. Every person in the world is an individual, and individuality is formed in the process of acquiring value orientations, as well as in the conditions of cultural and educational development. Thus, an individual perceives the world and the environment in own way. His or her idea is a consequence of the value (...)
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    Increase of Social Status of Foreign Language in the Processing Academic Integrity in Higher School.Liliia Rebukha, Vira Polishchuk, Larisa Chumak, Yuliia Zahoruiko & Inna Prokopchuk - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):125-144.
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    Ways of improving the efficiency of teaching descriptive geometry.Nataliia Sydorova, Veronika Dumanska & Yuliia Dotsenko - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (6):161-166.
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    Burnout Among Correctional Staff: Effects of Job Satisfaction.Oleksii Tohochynskyi, Ruslan Valieiev, Olena Arsentieva, Yuliia Ivchuk, Natalija Sidash & Volodymyr Pekarchuk - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (2supl1):161-181.
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