Results for 'Zimbabwe’s contemporary politics.'

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  1.  13
    The phallocentric paradox and semantics of Eve’s myth in Zimbabwe’s contemporary national politics: An ecofeminist reading of Bulawayo’s novel, Glory.Esther Mavengano - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):9.
    NoViolet Bulawayo’s recently published novel titled, Glory, fictionalises the tragic fall of Robert Mugabe from the helm of power. The removal of Mugabe from power through the 2017 “military coup” engendered a problematic narrative that depicted the former first lady, Grace Mugabe as the biblical Eve’s doppelganger. The purported resemblance of Eve, a character from sacrosanct text, and Grace of contemporary Zimbabwe is often based on mythical and misogynist (mis)interpretations of the former as an epitome of sin and the (...)
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  2. Contemporary theological approaches in Zimbabwe: Navigating the challenges of the 21st century.Ezekiel Baloyi - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):8.
    The challenges of the 21st century are examined as Zimbabwe’s modern theological views are discussed, and responses are given and analysed in this study. In Zimbabwe, theology is changing quickly to meet the demands of the country’s people in the face of persistent socioeconomic difficulties, political unrest and cultural changes. Contemporary theological debate is structured by the historical background of Zimbabwean theology, which is characterised by colonial influences and the freedom movement. These days, the discussion tackles several urgent (...)
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  3.  15
    Pauline ethics in the context of the socio-political problems in Zimbabwe.Tobias Marevesa - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):6.
    The ethics of Paul has been a subject of research for decades, and they have been applied in various contexts globally. Paul was a founder and nurturer of various early Christian assemblies. He addressed moral matters in these assemblies of groups of concerned people. Recent New Testament scholars have indicated that Paul’s ethical teachings were meant to fit the particular needs of the congregations he had established. However, the principles drawn from Paul’s moral teachings can be applied to any context, (...)
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    A fart in the corridors of power: A socio-theological analysis of Evan Mawarire and Raymond Mpandasekwa’s activism.Prosper Muzambi & Sylvester Dombo - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):6.
    #ThisFlag movement was started by Pastor Evan Mawarire in April 2016 bemoaning the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy at the hands of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) government under President Robert Mugabe. Although it started off as accidental, it, however, galvanised disparate groups and enabled them to transform anger against the state from online media to the streets. #ThisFlag movement officially started on the 20th of April 2016, when Pastor Mawarire wearing the Zimbabwean flag posted a video to (...)
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  5.  11
    The semantics of gender, politics, and religion in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s This Mournable Body.Esther Mavengano - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):9.
    Zimbabwean literature produced after the attainment of independence has been predominantly engrossed with thematisation of the postcolonial subaltern subjects’ existential conditions, enunciated together with gender politics, religion and socio-economic environment that frame politics of difference, and sites of suffering or resistance. These tropes remain absorbing and critical even in contemporary female-authored novels that also engage with a deeply fractured modern-day Zimbabwe. Tsitsi Dangarembga’s novel, This Mournable Body, offers important site to debate the enduring concerns of gender inequalities, politics, and (...)
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  6.  17
    The academic profession and contemporary politics.S. E. - 1988 - Minerva 26 (4):575-579.
  7. Contemporary Political and Social Philosophy.Gregory S. Kavka - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
  8.  8
    Zimbabwe's Migrants and South Africa's Border Farms: The Roots of Impermanence.Maxim Bolt - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    During the Zimbabwean crisis, millions crossed through the apartheid-era border fence, searching for ways to make ends meet. Maxim Bolt explores the lives of Zimbabwean migrant labourers, of settled black farm workers and their dependants, and of white farmers and managers, as they intersect on the border between Zimbabwe and South Africa. Focusing on one farm, this book investigates the role of a hub of wage labour in a place of crisis. A close ethnographic study, it addresses the complex, shifting (...)
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    Euthanasia and the experiences of the Shona People of Zimbabwe.Fainos Mangena & Ezra Chitando - 2013 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 5 (2):123-136.
    In this paper, we critically reflect on the concept of Euthanasia as understood in the West and in Africa, and especially in sub-Saharan Africa. From the Western block, we rely on the contributions of Ronald Otremba and James Rachels. In our view, Otremba represents the Traditional Western view of euthanasia, which holds that life is sacrosanct and therefore ought not to be taken away for whatever reasons. Otremba’s defense of passive euthanasia over active euthanasia stems from this understanding. Rachels, on (...)
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  10.  22
    The labour alienation of civil servants in Zimbabwe: Towards an ubuntu spirituality of work.Blazio M. Manobo - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):8.
    The alienation of labour is both classical and contemporary. In its classical form, it speaks to the potential dehumanisation of workers in capitalist societies. In its contemporary form, it manifests itself in the disenfranchisement of the individual because of changes in organised global workplaces. Over the years, Africa’s labour transition from traditional spirituality to contemporary organised global workplaces has fuelled new forms of public labour alienation. Civil servants, in some African countries, experience labour alienation reminiscent of work (...)
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  11.  30
    Contemporary Political Philosophy. [REVIEW]David S. Stern - 1993 - Teaching Philosophy 16 (3):276-277.
  12.  4
    Hegel's Dialectical Political Economy: A Contemporary Application.Paul Diesing - 2019 - Routledge.
    This book demonstrates how Hegel's dialectic can be used in empirical research, and shows how one can do dialectical research in economics. It also shows how one can use dialectical thinking to interpret some personal or social or political problem and devise a possible solution.
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    Religio-Culture, Fear, and Zimbabwe’s Leadership Perceptions.Muchumayeli Bhebhe - 2016 - Perichoresis 14 (1):75-100.
    The study is a response to the call for papers on African issues and discusses the notion of leadership in the Zimbabwean context. Based on material drawn through an interdisciplinary research process, this article argues that the phenomenon of fear emanating from a Zimbabwean religio-culture cuts across the country’s socio-political structures and affects its different forms of leadership. Therefore, by drawing on primary and secondary as well as literary and non-literary, sources, the article examines how and why religio-culture and especially (...)
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  14. The Crisis of Contemporary Political Theory: On Jacobson's Pride and Solace.Peter Manicas - 1981 - Interpretation 9 (2/3):427-435.
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  15. (1 other version)The Politics of Life Itself.Nikolas Rose - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (6):1-30.
    This article explores contemporary biopolitics in the light of Michel Foucault's oft quoted suggestion that contemporary politics calls `life itself' into question. It suggests that recent developments in the life sciences, biomedicine and biotechnology can usefully be analysed along three dimensions. The first concerns logics of control - for contemporary biopolitics is risk politics. The second concerns the regime of truth in the life sciences - for contemporary biopolitics is molecular politics. The third concerns technologies of (...)
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  16.  16
    Power and accountability – Using Biblical lenses to explore contemporary challenges in Africa.Canisius Mwandayi & Martin Mukole - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):6.
    The Bible is one of the most influential documents in human history that has not only changed believers’ lives but has also greatly influenced our society whether one is a Christian or not. While the Western world has somehow managed to remove the Bible from the public sphere and religion relegated as the opium of the oppressed masses in the Communist bloc, to Africans, the Bible has remained a moral compass without which human life becomes ungovernable. As the Bible has (...)
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  17.  12
    Locke’s Liberal Political Philosophy and Its Contemporary Value.徐 雪 - 2023 - Advances in Philosophy 12 (1):241.
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  18.  50
    Contemporary Political Adventures of Meaning: What Is Hegemony?Catherine Malabou - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 50 (1):54-66.
    This article, originally delivered as a lecture at the University of Chicago, is a critical reading of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s Hegemony and Socialist Strategy: Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. Following Antonio Gramsci, their book reverses the meaning of the term hegemony. The traditional use of the term (for military or political leadership) shifts and gives birth to a new signification. Hegemony currently designates a privilege but a discursive one only. It is the privilege conferred to a certain word (...)
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  19.  3
    Contemporary Politics and Classical Chinese Thought: Toward Globalizing Political Philosophy.Colin J. Lewis & Jennifer Kling - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Jennifer Kling.
    Current approaches to contemporary political philosophy are disproportionately western, and the need for more diverse and global perspectives is urgent. To address this imbalance Colin J. Lewis and Jennifer Kling take up a series of contemporary topics in political philosophy and consider how the application of classical Chinese thought can engender new insights and enable progress on some of the thorniest sociopolitical issues. They argue that classical Chinese political theories and views have much to say that is relevant (...)
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  20. ART(S) OF BECOMING: PERFORMATIVE ENCOUNTERS IN CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL ART.İbrahim Okan Akkin - 2017 - Dissertation, Middle East Technical University
    This thesis analyses Deleuze & Guattari’s notion of becoming through certain performative encounters in contemporary political art, and re-conceptualizes them as “art(s) of becoming”. Art(s) of becoming are actualizations of a non-representational –minoritarian– mode of becoming and creation as well as the political actions of fleeing quanta. The theoretical aim of the study is, on the one hand, to explain how Platonic Idealism is overturned by Deleuze’s reading of Nietzsche and Leibniz, and on the other hand, how Cartesian dualism (...)
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  21.  25
    A Critical Ethics of Care Perspective on Refugee Income Generation: Towards Sustainable Policy and Practice in Zimbabwe’s Tongogara Camp.Raymond Taruvinga, Dorothee Hölscher & Antoinette Lombard - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (1):36-51.
    This article critiques Zimbabwe's refugee policy and practice context, with a focus on the ideological underpinnings of aided income generation activities in Zimbabwe's Tongogara refugee camp. We apply the lenses of Joan Tronto's political, or democratic ethics of care, and Fiona Robinson's critical ethics of care, to conduct an ideology critique of the aid agencies' expressed goal of refugees' economic ‘self-reliance’. We demonstrate that their underlying assumptions about ‘dependency’ and ‘autonomy’, in conjunction with Zimbabwe's policy of refugee encampment, are at (...)
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  22.  75
    Main Tendencies in Contemporary Legal and Political Philosophy in Germany.S. Bovensiepen - 1926 - The Monist 36 (2):311-325.
  23.  15
    Shakespeare's Politics. [REVIEW]S. P. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (2):369-369.
    Exciting analyses of The Merchant of Venice, Othello, Julius Caesar, and King Lear. The authors, political science professors, are anxious to point to the political as an underemphasized dimension of Shakespeare's plays, and they try to substantiate their case by making explicit the political settings of four plays. The deepest, most ingenious political analysis is of the first scene of Lear. Briefly, Jaffa argues that the division of his kingdom by England's most successful king is judiciously calculated to maintain a (...)
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  24. Contemporary political and social philosophy.Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Dycus Miller & Jeffrey Paul (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    These essays represent the latest research of a number of prominent political theorists. The essays explore the role of government, the nature of public discourse and the obligations of citizens. Some examine the sources of our need for government, asking what form of government we should establish and whether a single form can be suitable for all societies. Some seek to discover the proper aims of government - asking, for example, whether government should promote equality among its citizens or whether (...)
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  25.  13
    Nietzsche's great politics.Hugo Drochon - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Nietzsche's impact on the world of culture, philosophy, and the arts is uncontested, but his political thought remains mired in controversy. By placing Nietzsche back in his late-nineteenth-century German context, Nietzsche's Great Politics moves away from the disputes surrounding Nietzsche's appropriation by the Nazis and challenges the use of the philosopher in postmodern democratic thought. Rather than starting with contemporary democratic theory or continental philosophy, Hugo Drochon argues that Nietzsche's political ideas must first be understood in light of Bismarck's (...)
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  26.  32
    Ibn Khaldūn's Notion of 'Umrān: An Alternative Unit of Analysis for Contemporary Politics?M. Akif Kayapınar - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (3):698-720.
    Most studies on Ibn Khaldūn have emphasized the similarities between his thought and the ideas and models of the modern social sciences. It is these similarities and parallels that lie at the root of the high esteem in which he is held in both the East and the West today. But the differences between his thought and the modern social sciences are perhaps more fecund, offering a new window onto the great thinker with the potential to improve our understanding of (...)
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  27.  29
    Folklore’s Contemporariness: Dynamics of Value Orientation in Bihu.Dev Nath Pathak & Moureen Kalita - 2019 - Journal of Human Values 25 (3):177-189.
    The folklore studies scholar, such as Dorson (1976, Folklore and fakelore: Essays toward the discipline of folk studies, Harvard: Harvard University Press), was emphatic about the distinction between folklore and ‘fake lore’, one being authentic and the other as invented by the popular industry; however, he paradoxically maintained interest in the contemporariness of folklore. This was a paradox since the contemporariness of folklore is largely, and usually, due to intersections of folk with popular and political. Nevertheless, the emphasis on contemporariness (...)
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  28.  37
    The ethical concerns of contemporary zimbabwean managers: A preliminary sounding. [REVIEW]Paul Gifford & Peter McBurney - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (5):363 - 372.
    An MBA course has recently been introduced in the Department of Business Studies at the University of Zimbabwe. Applications for the course are numerous, so selection can be very rigorous. Thus the students admitted to the course comprise many of the country's most promising junior managers. As an assignment for a course on business ethics, the students were asked to discuss an ethical problem they had met in the course of business. An analysis of the problems discussed is quite revealing. (...)
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  29.  20
    Introduction to Contemporary Political Theory.Colin Farrelly - 2004 - SAGE.
    Colin Farrelly's central objective in writing this introductory text is to demonstrate to students the practical relevance of contemporary theoretical debates to everyday issues in policy creation and implementation and politics.
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  30.  28
    Equality, Liberty, and Fraternity: The Relevance of Edward Bellamy's Utopia for Contemporary Political Theory.Fernando Alberto Lizárraga - 2021 - Utopian Studies 31 (3):512-531.
    Contemporary political theories have made significant progress toward identifying the principles for an egalitarian society. From this perspective, Edward Bellamy's radical and pluralistic egalitarianism can be read not only as a relevant precedent but as a source of sophisticated arguments capable of enriching current debates. Although unfairly overlooked as theoretical works, Bellamy's utopias can be read today as offering insights that bring together and combine key modern ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Therefore, this article argues that Bellamy's conception (...)
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  31.  75
    Contemporary Political Adventures of Meaning: What Is a Floating Signifier?Catherine Malabou - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (2):305-316.
    This text is the edited transcript of Catherine Malabou’s second Critical Inquiry visiting-professorship lecture at the University of Chicago in January 2022.
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  32.  12
    Resisting Biopolitics: Philosophical, Political, and Performative Strategies.S. E. Wilmer & Audronė Žukauskaitė (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Routledge.
    The topic of biopolitics is a timely one, and it has become increasingly important for scholars to reconsider how life is objectified, mobilized, and otherwise bound up in politics. This cutting-edge volume discusses the philosophical, social, and political notions of biopolitics, as well as the ways in which biopower affects all aspects of our lives, including the relationships between the human and nonhuman, the concept of political subjectivity, and the connection between art, science, philosophy, and politics. In addition to tracing (...)
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  33.  36
    Deliberative Global Politics: Discourse and Democracy in a Divided World.John S. Dryzek - 2006 - Polity.
    Contending discourses underlie many of the worlds most intractable conflicts, producing misery and violence. This is especially true in the post-9/11 world. However, contending discourses can also open the way to greater dialogue in global civil society and across states and international organizations. This possibility holds even for the most murderous sorts of conflicts in deeply divided societies. In this timely and original book, John Dryzek examines major contemporary conflicts in terms of clashing discourses. Topics covered include the alleged (...)
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  34.  7
    Hermeneutics and Politics.Bruce Krajewski - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn (eds.), A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 72–76.
    Interpretation and politics merge in one the famous story of Joseph's power of dream interpretation in the Hebrew Bible. Rome's College of Augurs reinforces the entwinement of interpretation, power, religion, and folklore that one can also find in the earlier context of the Delphic Oracle. Augury reminds us that understanding happens in the context of an event, a context that presupposes one is missing something, lacking the necessary vision or foresight, and help is called for. Most of the contemporary (...)
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  35.  10
    Learning from the History of Political Philosophy.S. A. Lloyd - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy (eds.), A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 526–545.
    This chapter supports three distinct but related claims about the significance of John Rawls′ attention to the history of political philosophy: that such attention offers the most fecund approach to questions of contemporary political philosophy, that it is not objectionably conservative, and that neglecting to learn how Rawls understood the great systems of the past places one at a severe disadvantage in interpreting Rawls's own theory of justice. It describes Rawls’ approach to the history of political philosophy, and his (...)
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  36.  33
    Beyond analytic and continental in contemporary political thought: Pragmatic methodological pluralism and the situated turn.Clayton Chin - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (2):205-222.
    In the division between analytic and continental thought, pragmatism has often been cast as a middle way. Fundamentally critical of each, it also shares resonances with both of these traditions. However, while this observation is common, remarkably little has been done to examine its truth in contemporary political thought. Drawing on recent trends in political theory, including ‘New Realism’, critical genealogical methods and a surge in pragmatic approaches, this article identifies an emerging situated turn in political thought. Emerging from (...)
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  37.  20
    A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine’s Political Thought by Michael LAMB (review).Michael J. S. Bruno - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (1):154-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine’s Political Thought by Michael LAMBMichael J. S. BrunoLAMB, Michael. A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine’s Political Thought. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2022. xiii + 431 pp. Cloth, $39.95In his comprehensive study of Augustinian hope, Michael Lamb seeks to provide a corrective to the common characterization, especially promoted in the last century, of Augustine as politically and socially pessimistic. Lamb asserts that Augustine’s work (...)
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  38.  34
    Confucianism in the Political Life of Contemporary China.L. S. Perelomov - 1977 - Chinese Studies in History 10 (4):73-97.
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  39. Who are we? Who should we be? Two hot issues in contemporary European and American society (I)-The rights and wrongs of identity politics are difficult to determine.S. J. Tong - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (2):72-78.
  40.  62
    Dawson's View of the Contemporary Political Crisis.Christopher Dawson - 1999 - The Chesterton Review 25 (1/2):181-183.
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  41.  23
    (1 other version)Virtue ethics and contemporary Aristotelianism: modernity, conflict and politics.Andrius Bielskis, Eleni Leontsini & Kelvin Knight (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This compelling and distinctive volume advances Aristotelianism by bringing its traditional virtue ethics to bear upon characteristically modern issues, such as the politics of economic power and egalitarian dispute. Clearly divided into three parts and featuring a contribution from Alasdair MacIntyre, this volume bridges the gap between Aristotle's philosophy and the multitude of contemporary Aristotelian theories that have been formulated in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Part I draws on Aristotle's texts and Thomas Aquinas' Aristotelianism to examine the Aristotelian (...)
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  42.  30
    Gramsci and contemporary politics: beyond pessimism of the intellect.Anne Showstack Sassoon - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    Gramsci and Contemporary Politics is a collection of Anne Showstack Sassoon's writing which spans the major transitions from Thatcher and Reagan to Clinton and ...
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  43.  7
    Exegesis of Romans 13:1–7 and its appropriation to the new dispensation of the Second Republic of Zimbabwe.Ishanesu S. Gusha - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4).
    The interpretation and appropriation of Romans 13:1–7 have been a challenge for generations because this text confuses Christians as to how they should relate and participate in the politics of the day. This article interprets the text in its historical and literary context before appropriating it to the Second Republic of Zimbabwe. The conclusion reached is that the text does not directly speak to church–state relations but rather should be understood in its context in Paul’s time. Appropriating the text to (...)
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  44.  1
    (1 other version)A Companion to contemporary political philosophy.Robert E. Goodin & Philip Pettit (eds.) - 1993 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    A comprehensive guide to current thinking in political philosophy, this volume focuses especially on normative issues. The first part of the book consists of a series of extended essays on the contribution that a number of different disciplines - economics, history, legal studies, political science, sociology, and philosophy itself - have made and are making to current debates. Analyses of political ideologies form a separate section, followed by discussions of major concepts ranging from virtue and equality to sociobiology and environmentalism. (...)
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    Hegel's Retreat from Eleusis: Studies in Political Thought. [REVIEW]E. S. Dalrymple - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (1):135-137.
  46.  18
    Spiritualised political theology in a polarised political environment: A Pentecostal movement’s response to party politics in Zimbabwe.Phillip Musoni - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    This article interrogates the interface between the older Pentecostal movement and politics in Zimbabwe. The country continues to face political violence and a breakdown in rule of law. The Zimbabwean populace is asking whether the Zimbabwean Pentecostal movement is ready and able to exercise its prophetic role in promoting real peace and democracy. Many Zimbabweans are asking this question, because the track record shows that whilst most mainline churches have been consistent in becoming the voice of the voiceless, some Zimbabwean (...)
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    (1 other version)Emancipatory Thinking: Simone de Beauvoir and Contemporary Political Thought. Elaine Stavro. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018.Lior Levy - forthcoming - Hypatia:1-4.
  48.  8
    The Appropriation of Political Power in Contemporary Time.Jove Jim S. Aguas - 2018 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 19 (2):219-230.
    In this paper, I will focus on the nature and appropriation of political power, and explore the right appropriation of political power given the present political and social condition. I discuss first the nature of political power, and then the three political alternatives in the appropriation of political power, namely, the centralized, the dispersed, and the balanced power. I argue that although there are still states that hold on to the centralized power, given the present political and social condition, the (...)
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    Zizek's Ontology: A Transcendental Materialist Theory of Subjectivity.Adrian Johnston - 2008 - Northwestern University Press.
    Slavoj Žižek is one of the most interesting and important philosophers working today, known chiefly for his theoretical explorations of popular culture and contemporary politics. This book focuses on the generally neglected and often overshadowed philosophical core of Žižek’s work—an essential component in any true appreciation of this unique thinker’s accomplishment. His central concern, Žižek has proclaimed, is to use psychoanalysis to redeploy the insights of late-modern German philosophy, in particular, the thought of Kant, Schelling, and Hegel. By taking (...)
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  50. Ian H. Angus, George Grant's Platonic Rejoinder to Heidegger: Contemporary Political Philosophy and the Question of Technology Reviewed by.Robert Burch - 1989 - Philosophy in Review 9 (9):345-348.
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