Results for 'Zoltán Gáspári'

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  1.  11
    A redesigned genetic code for selective labeling in protein NMR.Zoltán Gáspári, Gábor Pál & András Perczel - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (8):772-780.
    The outline of a universal cell‐free translation system capable of site‐specific insertion of any types of labeled amino acids is presented. The system could be an invaluable tool for NMR spectroscopy by making the exclusive and exact labeling of the segments of interest possible. Although the development of such a system requires considerable efforts and can not be expected to be available in the next few years, we argue that recent findings concerning the translation apparatus provide clues for overcoming the (...)
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    Zoltan Somhegyi: Mother Nature’s Exhibition: On The Origins Of The Aesthetics Of Contemporary Northern Landscapes.Zoltán Somhegyi - 2017 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 25 (52).
    In this article Zoltán Somhegyi investigates the aesthetic qualities of Northern landscape representations, with a special focus on how contemporary examples are connected to classical ones. First he examines the history of the aesthetic appreciation of these sites, starting from their early modern reception and from the differentiation of “Northern” and “Mediterranean” landscapes: while the Mediterranean ones were highly valued already from the 15th–16th centuries on, the “wilder” Northern landscapes were admired mainly from Romanticism onwards. This has, among others, (...)
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    Semantics Versus Pragmatics.Zoltan Gendler Szabo (ed.) - 2004 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Leading scholars in the philosophy of language and theoretical linguistics present brand-new papers on a major topic at the intersection of the two fields, the distinction between semantics and pragmatics. Anyone engaged with this issue in either discipline will find much to reward their attention here. Contributors: Kent Bach, Herman Cappelen, Michael Glanzberg, Jeffrey C. King, Ernie Lepore, Stephen Neale, F. Recanati, Nathan Salmon, Mandy Simons, Scott Soames, Robert J. Stainton, Jason Stanley, Zoltan Gendler Szabo.
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    Measuring unconscious knowledge: Distinguishing structural knowledge and judgment knowledge.Zoltán Dienes & Ryan Scott - 2005 - Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung 69 (5):338-351.
  5. How Bayesian statistics are needed to determine whether mental states are unconscious.Zoltan Dienes - 2015 - In Morten Overgaard (ed.), Behavioral Methods in Consciousness Research. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Varieties of Relational Egalitarianism.Zoltan Miklosi - 2018 - In David Sobel, Steven Wall & Peter Vallentyne (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. Oxford University Press. pp. 110-136.
    This chapter explores the relational critique of distributive conceptions of justice, according to which the proper focus of egalitarian justice is the egalitarian nature of social relations rather than the equal distribution of certain goods. It maintains that the relational critique constitutes a fundamental challenge to distributive egalitarianism only if it rejects the “core distributive thesis” that holds that the distribution of some nonrelational goods has relation-independent significance for justice. It argues that several relational proposals are compatible with that thesis, (...)
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    Metaphor: A Practical Introduction.Zoltan Kovecses - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Combining up-to-date scholarship with clear and accessible language and helpful exercises, Metaphor: A Practical Introduction is an invaluable resource for all readers interested in metaphor. This second edition includes two new chapters--on 'metaphors in discourse' and 'metaphor and emotion' --along with new exercises, responses to criticism and recent developments in the field, and revised student exercises, tables, and figures.
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  8. Using Bayes to get the most out of non-significant results.Zoltan Dienes - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:85883.
    No scientific conclusion follows automatically from a statistically non-significant result, yet people routinely use non-significant results to guide conclusions about the status of theories (or the effectiveness of practices). To know whether a non-significant result counts against a theory, or if it just indicates data insensitivity, researchers must use one of: power, intervals (such as confidence or credibility intervals), or else an indicator of the relative evidence for one theory over another, such as a Bayes factor. I argue Bayes factors (...)
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    Filosofii︠a︡ soznanii︠a︡ Meraba Mamardashvili.D. Ė Gaspari︠a︡n - 2013 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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  10. Modals with a Taste of the Deontic.Zoltán Gendler Szabó & Joshua Knobe - 2013 - Semantics and Pragmatics 6 (1):1-42.
    The aim of this paper is to present an explanation for the impact of normative considerations on people’s assessment of certain seemingly purely descriptive matters. The explanation is based on two main claims. First, a large category of expressions are tacitly modal: they are contextually equivalent to modal proxies. Second, the interpretation of predominantly circumstantial or teleological modals is subject to certain constraints which make certain possibilities salient at the expense of others.
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    Implicit learning: Below the subjective threshold.Zoltán Dienes & Dianne C. Berry - 1997 - Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 4:3-23.
  12. Semantic Explanations.Zoltan Gendler Szabo - 2019 - In Ernest Lepore & David Sosa (eds.), Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language Volume 1. Oxford University Press. pp. 240-275.
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  13.  40
    Assumptions of a subjective measure of consciousness: Three mappings.Zoltán Dienes & Josef Perner - 2004 - In Rocco J. Gennaro (ed.), Higher-Order Theories of Consciousness: An Anthology. John Benjamins. pp. 56--173.
  14. The Limits of Anthropocene Narratives.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (2):184-199.
    The rapidly growing transdisciplinary enthusiasm about developing new kinds of Anthropocene stories is based on the shared assumption that the Anthropocene predicament is best made sense of by narrative means. Against this assumption, this article argues that the challenge we are facing today does not merely lie in telling either scientific, socio-political, or entangled Anthropocene narratives to come to terms with our current condition. Instead, the challenge lies in coming to grips with how the stories we can tell in the (...)
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  15.  40
    Social Position and Social Status: An Institutional and Relational Sociological Conception.Zoltán Farkas - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (3):417-445.
    In this article, I discuss the concepts of social position and social status, the types of social position, as well as the determinedness of social statuses by the given positions in a new approach. In the first, introductory part of the article, I emphasize that the institutional sociological conception of social position in my approach is relatively closest to the structuralist position conception. In the second part, I introduce two different concepts, labelled social position and social status, and briefly review (...)
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    Constraining Government.Zoltán Balázs - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book argues for the case that governments develop with inherent constraints. These constraints support the case for the normative political theoretical defense of moderate governing.
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    History and the Spectre of Unprecedented Change: A Conversation with Zoltán Boldizsár Simon.Alexandre Leskanich & Zoltán Boldizsár Simon - 2021 - The Philosopher 109 (3):79-88.
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    Interfaces in memory.Zoltán Bánréti - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):96-96.
    A distinction between interpretive processing and post-interpretive processing calls for a consideration of interface relations in systems of verbal memory. Syntactic movement of a phrase and the cognitive system of thought/mind interact. Systems of declarative memory and procedural memory interact.
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    Blessed G. K. Chesterton?Antonio Gaspari & Paolo Gulisano - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (3/4):782-784.
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    Concurrency and knowledge-level communication in agent languages.Mauro Gaspari - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 105 (1-2):1-45.
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    The Reasons for G.K. Chesterton’s Conversion.Antonio Gaspari & Marco Sermarini - 2010 - The Chesterton Review 36 (1-2):190-195.
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  22.  30
    Commentary on P. W. Ross: The location problem for color subjectivism.Zoltán Jakab - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (1):133-139.
  23.  65
    Pelbartus of temesvár: A franciscan preacher and writer of the late middle ages in hungary.Zoltan J. Kosztolnyik - 1967 - Vivarium 5 (1):100-110.
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    Simulated Trading Environment as a Learning Tool in Corporate Finance.Zoltan Murgulov - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 9 (Special Issue):89-103.
    This research explores the application of an innovative learning approach by using trading simulation tutorials to reinforce the conventional learning styles in a corporate finance subject at postgraduate level. The majority of surveyed students perceive that their learning experience has been significantly enhanced through simulated trading tutorials. The post-trading survey shows students also indicate feeling more confident to self-monitor their learning. Furthermore, themajority of students feel able to recognise ethical issues in relation to trading in securities. This research highlights some (...)
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  25.  19
    Algebraically complete semirings and Greibach normal form.Zoltán Ésik & Hans Leiß - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1-3):173-203.
    We give inequational and equational axioms for semirings with a fixed-point operator and formally develop a fragment of the theory of context-free languages. In particular, we show that Greibach’s normal form theorem depends only on a few equational properties of least pre-fixed points in semirings, and eliminations of chain and deletion rules depend on their inequational properties . It follows that these normal form theorems also hold in non-continuous semirings having enough fixed points.
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    Caring, temporality and agency: An analytic and a continental view.Zoltan Wagner - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (9):906.
    There is a striking similarity between the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Harry G. Frankfurt: they both argue that the temporal nature of human existence and agency is due to the fact that humans care about things. Even though Heidegger’s concept of care and Frankfurt’s concept of caring are very different, they are worth comparing because they play a similar role and have similar significance in their thinking. This comparison also offers an opportunity for a desired dialog between philosophers working (...)
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    Janos erdelyi: The individual and the ideal (Janos erdelyi: Das individuelle und Das ideale).Papp Zoltan & Erdelyi Janos - 2008 - Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aestetics; Until 2008: Estetika (Aesthetics) 45 (2).
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  28. (1 other version)Adjectives in Context.Zoltan Szabo - 2001 - In Robert M. Harrish & Istvan Kenesei (eds.), Perspectives on Semantics, Pragmatics, and Discourse. John Benjamins.
    0. Abstract In this paper, I argue that although the behavior of adjectives in context poses a serious challenge to the principle of compositionality of content, in the end such considerations do not defeat the principle. The first two sections are devoted to the precise statement of the challenge; the rest of the paper presents a semantic analysis of a large class of adjectives that provides a satisfactory answer to it. In section 1, I formulate the context thesis, according to (...)
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  29.  22
    From mistaking fakeness to mistake in fakeness. Artificial ruins between aesthetics and deception.Zoltán Somhegyi - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 19.
    Aesthetic attraction and artful execution of the object, careful design and seemingly blatant falsification by the creator, voluntarily accepted counterfeit imitation and celebration of a melancholy-filled illusion – these, and many other, often contradictory, particularities can describe one of the most complex aesthetic phenomena, that of fake ruins. Questions of perfection and mistake, accurate planning and permissive randomness, genuineness and authenticity – or the convincing justification of aesthetic experience despite the complete lack of them – profound references to the nature (...)
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  30. Assumptions of subjective measures of unconscious mental states: Higher order thoughts and bias.Zoltán Dienes - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (9):25-45.
    This paper considers two subjective measures of the existence of unconscious mental states - the guessing criterion, and the zero correlation criterion - and considers the assumptions underlying their application in experimental paradigms. Using higher order thought theory the impact of different types of biases on the zero correlation and guessing criteria are considered. It is argued that subjective measures of consciousness can be biased in various specified ways, some of which involve the relation between first order states and second (...)
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    The problem of equal moral status.Zoltan Miklosi - 2022 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 21 (4):372-392.
    A central puzzle of contemporary moral and political philosophy is that while most of us believe that all or almost all human beings enjoy the same moral status, human beings possess the capacities that supposedly ground moral status to very unequal levels. This paper aims to develop a novel strategy to vindicate the idea of moral equality against this challenge. Its central argument is that the puzzle emerges only if one accepts a usually unstated theoretical premise about value and the (...)
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    Fictional Objects within the Theory of Mental Files: Problems and Prospects.Zoltán Vecsey - 2020 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 9 (2):32-48.
    A recent version of the mental file framework argues that the antirealist theory of fictional objects can be reconciled with the claim that fictional utterances involving character names express propositions that are true in the real world. This hybrid view rests on the following three claims: character names lack referents but express a mode of presentation, fictional utterances introduce oblique contexts where character names refer to their modes of presentation, and modes of presentation are mental files. In this critical paper, (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Things in Progress.Zoltan Szabo - 2008 - Noûs 42 (1):499-525.
    I argue that sentences like ‘ John is building a house’ entail the existence of some thing John is building, althoguh they do not entail that this thing is a house. It is a house in progress. On the way, I argue against intensional analyses of the progressive. This is a follow-up of my earlier paper ‘On the Progressive and the Perfective.’.
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    Earth System Science, Anthropocene Historiography, and Three Forms of Human Agency.Zoltán Boldizsár Simon & Julia Adeney Thomas - 2022 - Isis 113 (2):396-406.
  35. Reflectance Physicalism About Color: The Story Continues.Zoltan Jakab - 2012 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):463-488.
    A stubborn problem for reflectance physicalism about color is to account for individual differences in normal trichromat color perception. The identification of determinate colors with physical properties of visible surfaces in a universal, perceiver-independent way is challenged by the observation that the same surfaces in identical viewing conditions often look different in color to different human subjects with normal color vision. Recently, leading representatives of reflectance physicalism have offered some arguments to defend their view against the individual differences challenge. In (...)
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  36. A theory of implicit and explicit knowledge.Zoltan Dienes & Josef Perner - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):735-808.
    The implicit-explicit distinction is applied to knowledge representations. Knowledge is taken to be an attitude towards a proposition which is true. The proposition itself predicates a property to some entity. A number of ways in which knowledge can be implicit or explicit emerge. If a higher aspect is known explicitly then each lower one must also be known explicitly. This partial hierarchy reduces the number of ways in which knowledge can be explicit. In the most important type of implicit knowledge, (...)
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  37.  37
    Language, Mind, and Culture: A Practical Introduction.Zoltan Kovecses - 2006 - Oxford University Press USA.
    How do we make sense of our experience? In order to understand how we construct meaning, the varied and complex relationships among language, mind, and culture need to be understood. While cognitive linguists typically study the cognitive aspects of language, and linguistic anthropologists typically study language and culture, Language, Mind, and Culture is the first book to combine all three and provide an account of meaning-making in language and culture by examining the many cognitive operations in this process. In addition (...)
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  38. Metameric surfaces: the ultimate case against color physicalism and representational theories of phenomenal consciousness.Zoltan Jakab - manuscript
    In this paper I argue that there are problems with the foundations of the current version of physicalism about color. In some sources laying the foundations of physicalism, types of surface reflectance corresponding to (veridical) color perceptions are characterized by making reference to properties of the observer. This means that these surface attributes are not objective (i.e. observer-independent). This problem casts doubt on the possibility of identifying colors with types of surface reflectance. If this identification cannot be maintained, that in (...)
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  39. Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Economic Growth.Zoltan J. Acs & Catherine Armington - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    The spillovers in knowledge among largely college-educated workers were among the key reasons for the impressive degree of economic growth and spread of entrepreneurship in the United States during the 1990s. Prior 'industrial policies' in the 1970s and 1980s did not advance growth because these were based on outmoded large manufacturing models. Zoltan Acs and Catherine Armington use a knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship to explain new firm formation rates in regional economies during the 1990s period and beyond. The fastest-growing (...)
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    The Crucible of Consciousness: A New Theory of Mind and Brain.Zoltan Torey - 1999 - Cambridge, MA: Oxford University Press.
    First religion explained how the mind emerged, language developed, and overall consciousness came into being. Many of these explanations were challenged during the "age of reason," grand metaphysical theories gradually displaced many of the religious perceptions of the world, only to be displaced by scientific advances at the start of the century. Now, Zoltan Torey, an Australian psychologist, freelance science writer, and science journalist for ABC Radio National in Australia, offers a new science-based theory of the human mind. Torey spent (...)
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    Why not color physicalism without color absolutism?Zoltán Jakab & Brian P. McLaughlin - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):34-35.
    We make three points. First, the concept of productance value that the authors propose in their defense of color physicalism fails to do the work for which it is intended. Second, the authors fail to offer an adequate physicalist account of what they call the hue-magnitudes. Third, their answer to the problem of individual differences faces serious difficulties.
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  42. The Compositionality Papers.Zoltán Gendler Szabó - 2004 - Mind 113 (450):340-344.
  43.  83
    Measuring any conscious content versus measuring the relevant conscious content: Comment on Sandberg et al.Zoltan Dienes & Anil K. Seth - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (4):1079-1080.
    Sandberg et al. show that the Perceptual Awareness Scale scale is sensitive compared to confidence ratings and wagering in detecting accurate perception. They go on to argue that the PAS scale is hence a sensitive measure of conscious perception compared to confidence ratings, a claim disputed here. The fact that some visual content is conscious does not entail that the visual content relevant to making a discrimination is conscious. For example, if one saw a square but was only aware of (...)
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    Against the Principle of All-Affected Interests.Zoltan Miklosi - 2012 - Social Theory and Practice 38 (3):483-503.
    The paper examines the so-called principle of all-affected interests (PAAI), which holds that political decisions ought to be made in such a manner that all those whose interests are affected by them have appropriate opportunity to participate in them. In conjunction with factual observations regarding global economic interdependence, the PAAI is frequently proposed as the normative premise of arguments for global democracy. The paper argues that these arguments underspecify the supposed wrong of affectedness. It argues that the perceived wrongness of (...)
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  45.  39
    Reconsidering the Capacity Principle.Zoltan Miklosi - 2024 - Analysis 84 (1):122-131.
    Avia Pasternak’s admirably clearly and tightly argued book defends four broad theses. First, it argues that contemporary states are appropriately regarded.
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  46. Unifying consciousness with explicit knowledge.Zoltán Dienes & Josef Perner - 2003 - In Axel Cleeremans (ed.), The Unity of Consciousness: Binding, Integration, and Dissociation. Oxford University Press. pp. 214--232.
  47.  55
    Is hypnotic responding the strategic relinquishment of metacognition?Zoltán Dienes, Michael Beran, Johannes L. Brandl, Josef Perner & Joelle Proust - 2012 - In Michael J. Beran, Johannes Brandl, Josef Perner & Joëlle Proust (eds.), The foundations of metacognition. Oxford University Press.
  48. Ineffability of qualia: A straightforward naturalistic explanation.Zoltán Jakab - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (3):329-351.
    In this paper I offer an explanation of the ineffability (linguistic inexpressibility) of sensory experiences. My explanation is put in terms of computational functionalism and standard externalist theories of representational content. As I will argue, many or most sensory experiences are representational states without constituent structure. This property determines both the representational function these states can serve and the information that can be extracted from them when they are processed. Sensory experiences can indicate the presence of certain external states of (...)
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  49. Gambling on the unconscious: A comparison of wagering and confidence ratings as measures of awareness in an artificial grammar task☆.Zoltán Dienes & Anil Seth - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (2):674-681.
    We explore three methods for measuring the conscious status of knowledge using the artificial grammar learning paradigm. We show wagering is no more sensitive to conscious knowledge than simple verbal confidence reports but is affected by risk aversion. When people wager rather than give verbal confidence they are less ready to indicate high confidence. We introduce a “no-loss gambling” method which is insensitive to risk aversion. We show that when people are just as ready to bet on a genuine random (...)
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    Ladislav Tondl. Sémantika otázky v problémové situaci . Kybernetika , vol. 4 , pp. 295–317.Zoltan Domotor - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (2):314.
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