Results for 'accidentes'

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  1. The Philosophy of Accidentality.Manuel Vargas - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (4):391-409.
    In mid-twentieth-century Mexican philosophy, there was a peculiar nationalist existentialist project focused on the cultural conditions of agency. This article revisits some of those ideas, including the idea that there is an important but underappreciated experience of one's relationship to norms and social meanings. This experience—something called accidentality—casts new light on various forms of social subordination and socially scaffolded agency, including cultural alienation, biculturality, and double consciousness.
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    Non‐Accidental Knowing.Niall J. Paterson - 2020 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 58 (2):302-326.
    Knowledge excludes luck. According to the received view, this intuition reveals that knowing is essentially modal in character. This paper demurs. Either knowledge does not exclude luck, or the entailment reveals nothing about its conceptual character. It is argued that knowledge excludesaccidentality, and that this notion is not modal but causal‐explanatory. There are three central tasks. The first is to explicate the concept of accident. The second is to argue that the concepts of luck and accident are “intensionally distinct,” which (...)
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  3. Accidental Beings in Aristotle's Ontology.S. Marc Cohen - 2013 - In David Keyt, Georgios Anagnostopoulos & Fred D. Miller (eds.), Reason and analysis in ancient Greek philosophy: essays in honor of David Keyt. New York: Springer. pp. 231-242.
    This is an examination of Aristotle's notion of an "accidental being" -- something intermediate between a substance and a property. An accidental being (sometimes called "accidental compound" or "kooky object") is an ephemeral object, typically the compound of a substance and a property, that exists for only as long as its components are united. I set out the role that accidental beings play in Aristotle's solutions to several philosophical problems. I also investigate the similarity between these beings and the individual (...)
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    An ‘accidental or unintentional academic’ on becoming a leading philosopher of education: An interview with Tina Besley.Liz Jackson, Amy N. Sojot & Tina Besley - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (9):1036-1047.
    Nicholas Gresson 2001L-RUniversity of Auckland, Faculty of Education PhD graduates in 2001:Elizabeth Grierson/Gresson, Tina Besley, Ho-Chia Chueh, Janet Mansfield, Tina Engels-Schwarzpaul, Nesta De...
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  5. Accidental outcomes guide punishment in a “trembling hand” game.Anna Dreber - unknown
    How do people respond to others' accidental behaviors? Reward and punishment for accidents might be depend on the actor's intentions, or instead on the unintended outcomes she brings about. Yet, existing paradigms in experimental economics do not include the possibility of accidental monetary allocations. We explore the balance of outcomes and intentions in a two-player economic game where monetary allocations are made with a "trembling hand": that is, intentions and outcomes are sometimes mismatched. Player 1 allocates $10 between herself and (...)
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    Accidentality? Thinking Alongside Mexican Existentialists.Carlos Alberto Sánchez, I. I. I. Roberto A. Carleo, Gregory E. Doukas & Imogen M. Sullivan - 2025 - Journal of World Philosophies 9 (2).
    _In this symposium, Roberto A. Carleo III, Gregory Doukas and Imogen M. Sullivan think alongside Carlos Alberto Sánchez about the contingency of human existence as it is understood in Mexican existentialism. They ask: Should the notion of a metaphysical substance be discarded altogether due to its misuse in the history of European philosophy? Or are there philosophical reasons to avoid ontological uncertainty by, for example, postulating the notion of a non-discrete substance? And if attempts to define human substantiality merely seek (...)
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    Accidentally About Me.Daniel Morgan - 2019 - Mind 128 (512):1085-1115.
    Why are de se mental states essential? What exactly is their de se-ness needed to do? I argue that it is needed to fend off accidentalness. If certain beliefs – for example, nociceptive, proprioceptive or introspective beliefs – were not de se, then any truth they achieved would be too accidental for the subject to count as knowing. If certain intentions – intentions that are in play whenever we intentionally do anything – were not de se, then any satisfaction they (...)
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    The Accidental Exorcist.Austin Dacey - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk (eds.), 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 182–186.
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  9. Accidental unities.Gareth B. Matthews - 1981 - In M. Nussbaum & M. Schofield (eds.), Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 223--240.
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    The accidental transgressor: Morally-relevant theory of mind.Melanie Killen, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Cameron Richardson, Noah Jampol & Amanda Woodward - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):197-215.
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    Non-accidental piety: reliable reasoning and modally robust adherence to the divine will.Joona Auvinen - 2021 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 91 (1):43-61.
    In this article I formulate a skeptical argument against the possibility of adhering to the divine will in a non-accidental way. In particular, my focus in the article is on a widely embraced modal condition of accidentality, according to which non-accidentality has to do with a person manifesting dispositions that result in a given outcome in a modally robust way. The skeptical argument arises from two observations: first, various authors in the epistemology of religion have argued that it is often (...)
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    Accidental degeneracies and symmetry groups.Marcos Moshinsky - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (1):73-82.
    It is usually assumed that the appearance of accidental degeneracy in the energy levels of a given Hamiltonian is due to a symmetry group. By considering the elementary problem of a rotator with spin-orbit coupling, when the strength of the latter is equal to the inverse of the moment of inertia, we find that this assumption does not explain the degeneracy of all the levels of the Hamiltonian. Thus the relation between accidental degeneracies and symmetry group merits further probing.
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    Accidental communities: Race, emergency medicine, and the problem of polyheme®.Karla F. C. Holloway - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):7 – 17.
    This article focuses on emergency medical care in black urban populations, suggesting that the classification of a "community" within clinical trial language is problematic. The article references a cultural history of black Americans with pre-hospital emergency medical treatment as relevant to contemporary emergency medicine paradigms. Part I explores a relationship between "autonomy" and "community." The idea of community emerges as a displacement for the ethical principle of autonomy precisely at the moment that institutionalized medicine focuses on diversity. Part II examines (...)
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    Non-Accidental Trauma Associated with Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Medical Treatment in Severe Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury.Jeffry Nahmias, Eric Kuncir, Rebecca Barros, Divya Ramakrishnan, Michael Lekawa, Christian de Virgilio & Areg Grigorian - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (2):111-120.
    IntroductionIn highly developed countries, as many as 16 percent of children are physically abused each year. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most common injury in non-accidental trauma (NAT) and is responsible for 80 percent of fatal NAT cases, with most deaths occurring in children younger than three years old. Cases of abusers who refuse withdrawal of life-sustaining medical treatment (LSMT) to avoid criminal charges have previously been reported. Therefore, we hypothesized that NAT is associated with a lower risk for (...)
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    Foreknowledge, accidental necessity, and uncausability.T. Ryan Byerly - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 75 (2):137-154.
    Foreknowledge arguments attempt to show that infallible and exhaustive foreknowledge is incompatible with creaturely freedom. One particularly powerful foreknowledge argument employs the concept of accidental necessity. But an opponent of this argument might challenge it precisely because it employs the concept of accidental necessity. Indeed, Merricks (Philos Rev 118:29–57, 2009, Philos Rev 120:567–586, 2011a) and Zagzebski (Faith Philos 19(4):503–519, 2002, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2011) have each written favorably of such a response. In this paper, I aim to show that (...)
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  16. The essential and the accidental.Michael Gorman - 2005 - Ratio 18 (3):276–289.
    The distinction between the essential and the accidental characteristics of a thing should be understood not in modal terms (the received view) nor in definitional terms (Fine’s recent proposal) but as follows: an essential characteristic of a thing is one that is not explained by any other of that thing’s characteristics, and an accidental characteristic of a thing is one that is so explained. Various versions of this proposal can be formulated.
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    Openness, Accidentality and Responsibility.Daniel Cohen - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (3):581-597.
    In this paper, I present a novel argument for scepticism about moral responsibility. Unlike traditional arguments, this argument doesn’t depend on contingent empirical claims about the truth or falsity of causal determinism. Rather, it is argued that the conceptual conditions of responsibility are jointly incompatible. In short, when an agent is responsible for an action, it must be true both that the action was non-accidental, and that it was open to the agent not to perform that action. However, as I (...)
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    Lo que es por accidente y sus diversas causas en Metafísica E de Aristóteles.Gabriela Rossi - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 28:190-217.
    Resumen: En Metafísica E 2 y 3 Aristóteles discute el problema de lo que es por accidente y sus causas, con el fin último de examinar si esto puede ser objeto de la filosofía primera. El resultado de esta discusión es, en este sentido, negativo. Sin embargo, la filosofía primera tiene algo que decir acerca del accidente, aunque solo sea mediante un discurso de segundo orden. La naturaleza de lo accidental es así explorada en estas páginas de la Metafísica para (...)
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  19. Accidental causes in Aristotle.Dorothea Frede - 1992 - Synthese 92 (1):39 - 62.
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    Aristotle on Accidental Causation.Tyler Huismann - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (4):561-575.
    I offer a new analysis of Aristotle's concept of an accidental cause. Using passages fromMetaphysics Δ and Ε, as well as Physics II, I argue that accidental causes are causally inert. After defending this reading against some objections, I draw some conclusions about Aristotle's basic understanding of causation.
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    Accidental Agents: Ecological Politics Beyond the Human.Martin Crowley - 2022 - Columbia University Press.
    In the Anthropocene, the fact that human activity is enmeshed with the existence and actions of every kind of other being is inescapable. As a result, the planetary ecological crisis has brought forth an urgent need to rethink understandings of human action. One response holds that the transformations necessary to tackle today’s crises will emerge from the distinctive capacity of human beings to transcend their environment. Another school of thought calls for seeing action as composite, produced by distributed networks of (...)
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  22. Accidentally factive mental states.Baron Reed - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 71 (1):134–142.
    Knowledge is standardly taken to be belief that is both true and justified (and perhaps meets other conditions as well). Timothy Williamson rejects the standard epistemology for its inability to solve the Gettier problem. The moral of this failure, he argues, is that knowledge does not factor into a combination that includes a mental state (belief) and an external condition (truth), but is itself a type of mental state. Knowledge is, according to his preferred account, the most general factive mental (...)
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  23. The Argument from Accidental Truth against Deflationism.Masaharu Mizumoto - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this paper, we present what we call the argument from accidental truth, according to which some instances of deflationist schemata, even those carefully reformulated and adjusted by Field and Horwich to accommodate the truth of utterances, are falsified due to accidental truths. Since the folk concept of truth allows for accidental truths, the deflationary theory of truth will face a serious problem. In particular, it follows that the deflationist schema fails to capture the proper extension of truth by precluding (...)
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    Intentional forgeries and accidental versions: A response to John Dilworth.Peter Kivy - 2002 - British Journal of Aesthetics 42 (4):419-422.
    How to Forge a Musical Work’, I argue that the best way to view an attempted forgery of a lost autograph that accidentally duplicates the lost original is as a ‘version’, not a ‘forgery’, although I acknowledge the plausibility of Jerrold Levinson's alternate view, that it remains a forgery nevertheless. John Dilworth, in his article, ‘A Representational Theory of Artefacts and Artworks’, defends Levinson's ‘intuition’ against mine. In the present article I argue that our ‘intuitions’ here are divided, as they (...)
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  25. The Accidental Properties of Numbers and Properties.Harold Noonan & Mark Jago - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):134-140.
    According to genuine modal realism, some things (including numbers and properties) lack distinct counterparts in different worlds. So how can they possess any of their properties contingently? Egan (2004) argues that to explain such accidental property possession, the genuine modal realist must depart from Lewis and identify properties with functions, rather than with sets of possibilia. We disagree. The genuine modal realist already has the resources to handle Egan's proposed counterexamples. As we show, she does not need to amend her (...)
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  26. Accidental devotion and gratitude : Kierkegaard in my life-story.John Davenport - 2010 - In Robert L. Perkins, Marc Alan Jolley & Edmon L. Rowell (eds.), Why Kierkegaard matters: a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press.
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    The Accidental Optimist.James A. Dunson Iii - 2013 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 18:37-46.
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  28. The accidentality of esse according to Giles of Rome.Peter W. Nash - 1957 - Gregorianum 38:103-115.
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  29. Accidental truth and would-be knowledge.Kent Bach - manuscript
    Nowadays the traditional quest for certainty seems not only futile but pointless. Resisting skepticism no longer seems to require meeting the Cartesian demand for an unshakable foundation for knowledge. True beliefs can be less than maximally justified and still be justified enough to qualify as knowledge, even though some beliefs that are justified to the same extent are false. Yet a few philosophers suggest that there is a special sort of justification that only true beliefs can have. Call it 'full (...)
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  30. Accidental sameness in Aristotle.Frank A. Lewis - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 42 (1):1 - 36.
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    Accidental Democrats? Calvinism’s Ambiguous Contribution to Modern Democratic Ideals.James Gerrie - 2007 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 4:161-185.
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    Accidental Functions.Douglas Ehring - 1986 - Dialogue 25 (2):291-.
    Various philosophical accounts of function attributions have taken the following form:fis a function of a structureXin a systemSif and only ifXdoesfinSandfcausally contributes toG. While sharing this form, these accounts disagree over how “G” is to be specified. Specifications of “G” range from the fairly determinate to the less determinate. Although much of the debate over functions has been concerned with the proper characterization of “G”, it has become apparent that theories which fit this schema are subject to now-standard counterexamples in (...)
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    Concealing accidental nursing home deaths.Steven H. Miles - 2002 - HEC Forum 14 (3):224-234.
    Nursing homes' ethics committees play a role in designing policies to assure ethical care. The administrative structure of nursing homes is not as large as that of hospitals. Nursing home staff and administration can respond to medical accidents in a way that treats family unethically and does serious harm to the facility. This paper describes incidents in which nursing homes attempted to conceal accidental deaths. It describes how such incidents are discovered, and the consequences of such efforts, and suggests ways (...)
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  34. Accidental rightness.Liezl van Zyl - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1):91-104.
    In this paper I argue that the disagreement between modern moral philosophers and (some) virtue ethicists about whether motive affects rightness is a result of conceptual disagreement, and that when they develop a theory of ‘right action,’ the two parties respond to two very different questions. Whereas virtue ethicists tend to use ‘right’ as interchangeable with ‘good’ or ‘virtuous’ and as implying moral praise, modern moral philosophers use it as roughly equivalent to ‘in accordance with moral obligation.’ One implication of (...)
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    The accidental altruist.Jack Wilson - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (1):71-91.
    Operational definitions of biological altruism in terms of actual fitness exchanges will not work because they include accidental acts as altruistic and exclude altruistic acts that have gone awry. I argue that the definition of biological altruism should contain an analogue of the role intention plays in psychological altruism. I consider two possibilities for this analogue, selected effect functions and the proximate causes and effects of behavior. I argue that the selected-effect function account will not work because it confuses the (...)
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    Accidental Rightness.Liezl Zyl - 2008 - Philosophia 37 (1):91-104.
    In this paper I argue that the disagreement between modern moral philosophers and (some) virtue ethicists about whether motive affects rightness is a result of conceptual disagreement, and that when they develop a theory of ‘right action,’ the two parties respond to two very different questions. Whereas virtue ethicists tend to use ‘right’ as interchangeable with ‘good’ or ‘virtuous’ and as implying moral praise, modern moral philosophers use it as roughly equivalent to ‘in accordance with moral obligation.’ One implication of (...)
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    Accidental Environmentalism: Nature and Cultivated Affect in European Neoshamanic Ayahuasca Consumption.Arne Harms - 2021 - Anthropology of Consciousness 32 (1):55-80.
    Existing research demonstrates a positive connection between psychedelics and increased nature relatedness. Enhanced affective ties toward nature are widely framed as being built into the pharmakon itself, and the relevance of experiences remains little understood. This paper turns to neoshamanic ayahuasca ceremonies in Europe, exploring the way specialists and attendants refer to nature in speech and performance. I argue that ritual framings performed during these ceremonies provide fertile ground for affective ties to emerge through substance‐induced experiences. I trace such framings (...)
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    Fundamental and accidental symmetries.Peter Kosso - 2000 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 14 (2):109 – 121.
    The Standard Model of elementary particle physics distinguishes between fundamental and accidental symmetries. The distinction is not based on empirical features of the symmetry, nor on a metaphysical notion of necessity. A symmetry is fundamental to the extent that other aspects of nature depend on it, and it is recognized as fundamental by its being theoretically well-connected. This paper clarifies the concept of what it is to be fundamental in this sense, and suggests broader implications for the analysis of scientific (...)
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    'Accidental Genius' at the Milwaukee Art Museum.Curtis Carter - unknown
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    The Accidental Professor.John Harris - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (4):574-582.
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    El Error accidental en la noética aristotélica.Diego Tabakian - 2022 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 23 (25):73-101.
    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos dilucidar en qué consiste el “error” accidental que tiene lugar en la intelección de los objetos simples, incompuestos e indivisibles (_DI_ 1, _Metaph_. VI. 4 y _De An._ III. 6) en estrecha vinculación con la aprehensión intelectual como proceso cognitivo y con la naturaleza del objeto inteligible. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que Aristóteles extiende la noción de falsedad del ámbito proposicional al ámbito de los ítems simples, nuestra reconstrucción interpretativa ofrece una visión de (...)
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    Accidentally Killing on Purpose: Transferred Malice and Missing Victims.Patrick Tomlin - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (2):329-350.
    Transferred malice, or transferred intent, is the criminal doctrine that states that if D tries to kill A, and accidentally kills B, the intent to kill transfers from A to B, and so D is guilty of murdering B. This is widely viewed as a useful legal fiction. One of the finest essays on this topic was written by our honorand, Douglas N. Husak. Husak views both the potential usefulness of, and his preferred alternative to, transferred malice through the lens (...)
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    Accidental art: Tolstoy's poetics of unintentionality.Michael A. Denner - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):284-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 284-303 [Access article in PDF] Accidental Art:Tolstoy's Poetics of Unintentionality Michael A. Denner I ART'S ABILITY TO INFECT another with an emotion, the concept that has come to be probably the most readily identified catchphrase in What Is Art? (though it crops up in his earlier writings on art), derives from L. N. Tolstoy's dynamic identity claim about art: we know an artist has (...)
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    Accidental Forms as Metaphysical Parts of Material Substances in Aquinas's Ontology.Jeremy W. Skrzypek - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 7 (1).
    Following in the hylomorphic tradition of Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas holds that all material substances are composed of matter and form. Like Aristotle, Aquinas also recognizes two different types of forms that material substances can be said to possess: substantial forms and accidental forms. Of which form or forms, then, are material substances composed? This paper explores two competing models of Aquinas’s ontology of material substances, which diverge on precisely this issue. According to what the author refers to as the “Standard (...)
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    Accidental discrimination in the conflict of laws: Applying, considering, and adjusting rules from different jurisdictions.Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken - 2009 - In Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken (eds.), Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume X. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    The Accidental Philosopher and One of the Hardest Problems in the World.Sonje Finnestad & Eric Neufeld - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (4):76.
    Given the difficulties of defining “machine” and “think”, Turing proposed to replace the question “Can machines think?” with a proxy: how well can an agent engage in sustained conversation with a human? Though Turing neither described himself as a philosopher nor published much on philosophical matters, his Imitation Game has stood the test of time. Most understood at that time that success would not come easy, but few would have guessed just how difficult engaging in ordinary conversation would turn out (...)
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    El accidente veloz:(notas sobre el vértigo contemporáneo).Fernando Castro Flórez - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 47:59-67.
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    An Accidental Displacement of Text in Chapter 4 of Luke.M. Pergnier - 1989 - Mediaevalia 15:1-15.
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    Accidentality, Underdetenninacy, and the Problem of Scepticism.Mark Williamson - 1986 - Southwest Philosophy Review 3:153-160.
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    Non-Accidental Rightness and the Guise of the Objectively Good.Samuel Kahn - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 13 (2):85-106.
    My goal in this paper is to show that two theses that are widely adopted among Kantian ethicists are irreconcilable. The paper is divided into four sections. In the first, I briefly sketch the contours of my own positive view of Kantian ethics, concentrating on the issues relevant to the two theses to be discussed: I argue that agents can perform actions from but not in conformity with duty, and I argue that agents intentionally can perform actions they take to (...)
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