Results for 'algebraic metric, natural metric, separation formula, spacetime interval, proper time, metric tensor,'

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  1.  32
    A Numbers-Based Approach to a Free Particle’s Proper Spacetime.R. Ferber - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (5):1-21.
    This paper contains a proposal for a free, nonzero-rest-mass particle’s proper spacetime, determined exclusively by the particle’s rest mass \ and numbers. The approach defines proper time as de Broglie time, which is isomorphic to a sequence of natural numbers \ that count de Broglie time units \\). The approach is based on defining the spatial coordinate as proper following the constructive definition of positive and negative integers as all possible differences of ordered pairs of (...)
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  2. Killing Symmetries of Generalized Minkowski Spaces. I. Algebraic-Infinitesimal Structure of Spacetime Rotation Groups.Fabio Cardone, Alessio Marrani & Roberto Mignani - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (4):617-641.
    In this paper, we introduce the concept of N-dimensional generalized Minkowski space, i.e., a space endowed with a metric tensor, whose coefficients do depend on a set of non-metrical coordinates. This is the first of a series of papers devoted to the investigation of the Killing symmetries of generalized Minkowski spaces. In particular, we discuss here the infinitesimal-algebraic structure of the space-time rotations in such spaces. It is shown that the maximal Killing group of these spaces is the (...)
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    Forcing axioms and coronas of C∗-algebras.Paul McKenney & Alessandro Vignati - 2021 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (2):2150006.
    We prove rigidity results for large classes of corona algebras, assuming the Proper Forcing Axiom. In particular, we prove that a conjecture of Coskey and Farah holds for all separable [Formula: see text]-algebras with the metric approximation property and an increasing approximate identity of projections.
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  4. A quantum mechanical analysis of time and motion in relativity theory.Diederik Aerts & Massimiliano Sassoli de Bianchi - 2024 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 39 (2):165-191.
    An operational approach to quantum mechanics has been developed in the past decades in our group in Brussels. A similar approach is taken in this work, making use of the extra operational depth offered by this approach, to show that the construction of spacetime is specific to each observer. What is usually referred to as the block universe then emerges by noting that parts of the past and future are also contained in the present, but without the limitations that (...)
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    The Universe Accelerated Expansion using Extra-dimensions with Metric Components Found by a New Equivalence Principle.E. Guendelman & H. Ruchvarger - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (12):1846-1868.
    Curved multi-dimensional space-times (5D and higher) are constructed by embedding them in one higher-dimensional flat space. The condition that the embedding coordinates have a separable form, plus the demand of an orthogonal resulting space-time, implies that the curved multi-dimensional space-time has 4D de-Sitter subspaces (for constant extra-dimensions) in which the 3D subspace has an accelerated expansion. A complete determination of the curved multi-dimensional spacetime geometry is obtained provided we impose a new type of “equivalence principle”, meaning that there is (...)
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    Categorical Ontology of Complex Spacetime Structures: The Emergence of Life and Human Consciousness.I. C. Baianu, R. Brown & J. F. Glazebrook - 2007 - Axiomathes 17 (3):223-352.
    A categorical ontology of space and time is presented for emergent biosystems, super-complex dynamics, evolution and human consciousness. Relational structures of organisms and the human mind are naturally represented in non-abelian categories and higher dimensional algebra. The ascent of man and other organisms through adaptation, evolution and social co-evolution is viewed in categorical terms as variable biogroupoid representations of evolving species. The unifying theme of local-to-global approaches to organismic development, evolution and human consciousness leads to novel patterns of relations that (...)
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    The algebraic structure of the isomorphic types of tally, polynomial time computable sets.Yongge Wang - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (3):215-244.
    We investigate the polynomial time isomorphic type structure of (the class of tally, polynomial time computable sets). We partition P T into six parts: D −, D^ − , C, S, F, F^, and study their p-isomorphic properties separately. The structures of , , and are obvious, where F, F^, and C are the class of tally finite sets, the class of tally co-finite sets, and the class of tally bi-dense sets respectively. The following results for the structures of and (...)
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  8. On geometric objects, the non-existence of a gravitational stress-energy tensor, and the uniqueness of the Einstein field equation.Erik Curiel - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 66:90-102.
    The question of the existence of gravitational stress-energy in general relativity has exercised investigators in the field since the inception of the theory. Folklore has it that no adequate definition of a localized gravitational stress-energetic quantity can be given. Most arguments to that effect invoke one version or another of the Principle of Equivalence. I argue that not only are such arguments of necessity vague and hand-waving but, worse, are beside the point and do not address the heart of the (...)
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  9. Minkowski spacetime and the dimensions of the present.Richard T. W. Arthur - unknown
    In Minkowski spacetime, because of the relativity of simultaneity to the inertial frame chosen, there is no unique world-at-an-instant. Thus the classical view that there is a unique set of events existing now in a three dimensional space cannot be sustained. The two solutions most often advanced are that the four-dimensional structure of events and processes is alone real, and that becoming present is not an objective part of reality; and that present existence is not an absolute notion, but (...)
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  10.  58
    States and operators in the spacetime algebra.Chris Doran, Anthony Lasenby & Stephen Gull - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (9):1239-1264.
    The spacetime algebra (STA) is the natural, representation-free language for Dirac's theory of the electron. Conventional Pauli, Dirac, Weyl, and Majorana spinors are replaced by spacetime multivectors, and the quantum σ- and γ-matrices are replaced by two-sided multivector operations. The STA is defined over the reals, and the role of the scalar unit imaginary of quantum mechanics is played by a fixed spacetime bivector. The extension to multiparticle systems involves a separate copy of the STA for (...)
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  11.  19
    Spacetime physics.Edwin F. Taylor - 1966 - San Francisco,: W. H. Freeman. Edited by John Archibald Wheeler.
    Collaboration on the First Edition of Spacetime Physics began in the mid-1960s when Edwin Taylor took a junior faculty sabbatical at Princeton University where John Wheeler was a professor. The resulting text emphasized the unity of spacetime and those quantities (such as proper time, proper distance, mass) that are invariant, the same for all observers, rather than those quantities (such as space and time separations) that are relative, different for different observers. The book has become a (...)
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  12. Spacetime and the philosophical challenge of quantum gravity.Jeremy Butterfield & Chris Isham - 2001 - In Jeremy Butterfield & Chris Isham, Physics Meets Philosophy at the Panck Scale. Cambridge University Press.
    We survey some philosophical aspects of the search for a quantum theory of gravity, emphasising how quantum gravity throws into doubt the treatment of spacetime common to the two `ingredient theories' (quantum theory and general relativity), as a 4-dimensional manifold equipped with a Lorentzian metric. After an introduction (Section 1), we briefly review the conceptual problems of the ingredient theories (Section 2) and introduce the enterprise of quantum gravity (Section 3). We then describe how three main research programmes (...)
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  13.  73
    A class of metric theories of gravitation on Minkowski spacetime.A. Nairz - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (3):369-389.
    A class of metric theories of gravitation on Minkowski spacetime is considered, which is—provided that certain assumptions (staying close to the original ideas of Einstein) are made—the almost most general one that can be considered. In addition to the Minkowskian metric G a dynamical metric H (called the Einstein metric)is defined by means of a second-rank tensor field S (referred to as gravitational potential).The theory is defined by a Lagrangian ℒ, from which the field equations (...)
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  14. On the Mathematical Representation of Spacetime: A Case Study in Historical–Phenomenological Desedimentation.Joseph Cosgrove - 2011 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 11:154-186.
    This essay is a contribution to the historical phenomenology of science, taking as its point of departure Husserl’s later philosophy of science and Jacob Klein’s seminal work on the emergence of the symbolic conception of number in European mathematics during the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Sinceneither Husserl nor Klein applied their ideas to actual theories of modern mathematical physics, this essay attempts to do so through a case study of the conceptof “spacetime.” In §1, I sketch Klein’s account (...)
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  15.  92
    Proper-Time Formulation of Relativistic Dynamics.J. M. C. Montanus - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (9):1357-1400.
    It will be argued that Minkowski's implementation of distances is inconsistent. An alternative implementation will be proposed. In the new model the proper time of an object is taken as its fourth coordinate. Distances will be measured according to a four dimensional Euclidean metric. In the present approach mass is a constant of motion. A mass can therefore be ascribed to photons and neutrinos. Mechanics and dynamics will be reformulated in close correspondence with classical physics. Of particular interest (...)
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  16. A conceptual construction of complexity levels theory in spacetime categorical ontology: Non-Abelian algebraic topology, many-valued logics and dynamic systems. [REVIEW]R. Brown, J. F. Glazebrook & I. C. Baianu - 2007 - Axiomathes 17 (3-4):409-493.
    A novel conceptual framework is introduced for the Complexity Levels Theory in a Categorical Ontology of Space and Time. This conceptual and formal construction is intended for ontological studies of Emergent Biosystems, Super-complex Dynamics, Evolution and Human Consciousness. A claim is defended concerning the universal representation of an item’s essence in categorical terms. As an essential example, relational structures of living organisms are well represented by applying the important categorical concept of natural transformations to biomolecular reactions and relational structures (...)
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  17. Canonical Proper-Time Dirac Theory.Tepper L. Gill - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (10):1561-1575.
    In this paper, we report on a new approach to relativistic quantum theory. The classical theory is derived from a new implementation of the first two postulates of Einstein, which fixes the proper-time of the physical system of interest for all observers. This approach leads to a new group that we call the proper-time group. We then construct a canonical contact transformation on extended phase space to identify the canonical Hamiltonian associated with the proper-time variable. On quantization (...)
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  18. Intervals in the semantics of gradable adjectives.Roger Schwarzschild - manuscript
    It is natural to think of comparisons in terms of points on a scale. Jack is taller than Jill if the point associated with Jack on the height scale is higher than Jill’s point. Jack is much taller than Jill is if Jack’s point is separated from Jill’s by a sizable amount. It is also natural to think of temporal discourse in terms of points on a time line. The analogy between the two is worth taking seriously.
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  19.  59
    On the Significance of Space-Time.Robert Palter - 1955 - Review of Metaphysics 9 (1):149 - 155.
    Mathematically, the fusion of space and time may be explained as follows. In pre-relativity physics, space was envisaged as a three-dimensional Euclidean continuum. Such a continuum is homogeneous and isotropic, and its metrical character can be specified by the definition of the distance between any two points in the continuum: s2 = 2 + 2 + 2. Now, while it is possible to speak of a four-dimensional continuum in pre-relativity physics by adding the time-coordinate to the three space-coordinates, there is (...)
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  20.  21
    The Evolutionary Versus the All-at-Once Picture of Spacetime.M. Ebrahim Maghsoudi & Seyed Ali Taheri Khorramabadi - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (5):1-24.
    There are two metaphysical pictures of spacetime: The evolutionary picture and the all-at-once picture. According to the evolutionary picture, spacetime is nothing but the evolution of space over time. In contrast, the all-at-once picture considers spacetime as ‘a global, four-dimensional boundary value problem’ that can be solved only in an all-at-once manner, i.e. as a whole which is fundamentally four-dimensional and non-decomposable into spatial and temporal parts. The two most-known formulations of general theory of relativity, i.e. the (...)
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  21.  77
    On the geometrization of electrodynamics.Jose G. Vargas - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (4):379-401.
    This paper develops the conjecture that the electromagnetic interaction is the manifestation of the torsion Ωμ of spacetime. This conjecture is made feasible by the natural separation of the connection ω μ v into “gravitational” and “electromagnetic” parts α μ v and β μ v , respectively, related to the metric and to the torsion. When α μ v is neglected in front of β μ v , the affine geodesics are shown to become the equations (...)
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  22.  17
    Prolepsis: On speed and time's interval.Stephen Crocker - 1998 - Cultural Values 2 (4):485-498.
    Prolepsis is a rhetorical device in which an expected future event is presented as though it was already an accomplished fact. In the speed and instantaneity of current experience, our time is structured like a prolepsis. Through an analysis of the proleptic structure of some contemporary practices, I raise questions concerning the political nature of time's interval. In the proleptic organization of time, the interval between present and future is devalued as an obstacle to an anticipated event. However, with the (...)
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  23.  53
    Algebraic field descriptions in three-dimensional Euclidean space.Nikos Salingaros & Yehiel Ilamed - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (8):777-797.
    In this paper, we use the differential forms of three-dimensional Euclidean space to realize a Clifford algebra which is isomorphic to the algebra of the Pauli matrices or the complex quaternions. This is an associative vector-antisymmetric tensor algebra with division: We provide the algebraic inverse of an eight-component spinor field which is the sum of a scalar + vector + pseudovector + pseudoscalar. A surface of singularities is defined naturally by the inverse of an eight-component spinor and corresponds to (...)
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  24. Newton's Metaphysics: Essays by Eric Schliesser (review).Marius Stan - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):157-159.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Newton's Metaphysics: Essays by Eric SchliesserMarius StanEric Schliesser. Newton's Metaphysics: Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 328. Hardback, $99.90.Newton owes his high regard to the quantitative science he left us, but his overall picture of the world had some robustly metaphysical threads woven in as well. Posthumous judgment about the value of these threads has varied wildly. Christian Wolff thought him a metaphysical rustic, as did Hans (...)
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  25.  14
    Bounds on Scott ranks of some polish metric spaces.William Chan - 2020 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 21 (1):2150001.
    If [Formula: see text] is a proper Polish metric space and [Formula: see text] is any countable dense submetric space of [Formula: see text], then the Scott rank of [Formula: see text] in the natural first-order language of metric spaces is countable and in fact at most [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] is the Church–Kleene ordinal of [Formula: see text] which is the least ordinal with no presentation on [Formula: see text] computable from [Formula: (...)
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  26.  76
    Sensorama: A Phenomenalist Analysis of Spacetime and Its Contents.Michael Pelczar - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    How does the modern scientific conception of time constrain the project of assigning the mind its proper place in nature? On the scientific conception, it makes no sense to speak of the duration of a pain, or the simultaneity of sensations occurring in different parts of the brain. Such considerations led Henri Poincaré, one of the founders of the modern conception, to conclude that consciousness does not exist in spacetime, but serves as the basic material out of which (...)
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  27.  18
    Witt Vectors and Separably Closed Fields with Higher Derivations.Daniel Max Hoffmann - 2023 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 64 (2):173-184.
    The main scope of this short article is to provide a modification of the axioms given by Messmer and Wood for the theory of separably closed fields of positive characteristic and finite imperfectness degree. As their original axioms failed to meet natural expectations, a new axiomatization was given (i.e., Ziegler’s one), but the new axioms do not follow Messmer and Wood’s initial idea. Therefore, we aim to give a correct axiomatization that is more similar to the original one and (...)
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  28.  83
    Kinematics of a Spacetime with an Infinite Cosmological Constant.R. Aldrovandi, A. L. Barbosa, M. Calçada & J. G. Pereira - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (4):613-624.
    A solution of the sourceless Einstein's equation with an infinite value for the cosmological constant Λ is discussed by using Inönü–Wigner contractions of the de Sitter groups and spaces. When Λ→∞, spacetime becomes a four-dimensional cone, dual to Minkowski space by a spacetime inversion. This inversion relates the four-cone vertex to the infinity of Minkowski space, and the four-cone infinity to the Minkowski light-cone. The non-relativistic limit c→∞ is further considered, the kinematical group in this case being a (...)
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  29.  30
    A new algebraic semantic approach and some adequate connectives for computation with temporal logic over discrete time.Alfredo Burrieza & Inma P. De Guzmán - 1992 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 2 (2):181-200.
    ABSTRACT In this paper we present a new semantic approach for propositional linear temporal logic with discrete time, strongly based in the well-order of IN (the set of natural numbers). We consider temporal connectives which express precedence, posteriority and simultaneity, and they provide a family of expressively complete temporal logics. The selection of the new semantics and connectives used in this work was principally to obtain a suitable executable temporal logic, which can be used for the specification and control (...)
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  30.  81
    (1 other version)Quantization of helicity on a compact spacetime.Marcus S. Cohen - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (10):1539-1539.
    The Dirac operator arises naturally on $\mathbb{S}^1 \times \mathbb{S}^3 $ from the connection on the Lie group U(1)×SU(2) and maps spacetime rays into rays in the Lie algebra. We construct both simple harmonic and pulse solutions to the neutrino equations on $\mathbb{S}^1 \times \mathbb{S}^3 $ , classified by helicity and holonomy, using this map. Helicity is interpreted as the internal part of the Noether charge that arises from translation invariance; it is topologically quantized in integral multiples of a constant (...)
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  31.  73
    An adynamical, graphical approach to quantum gravity and unification.William Mark Stuckey & Michael Silberstein - 2016 - In Ignazio Licata, Beyond peaceful coexistence: the emergence of space, time and quantum. London: Imperial College Press.
    We propose an adynamical, background independent approach to quantum gravity and unification whereby the fundamental elements of Nature are graphical units of space, time and sources. The transition amplitude for these elements of “spacetimesource” is computed using a path integral with discrete Gaussian graphical action. The unit of action for a spacetimesource element is constructed from a difference matrix K and source vector J on the graph, as in lattice gauge theory. K is constructed from graphical relations so that it (...)
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  32.  40
    Lexical Predictability During Natural Reading: Effects of Surprisal and Entropy Reduction.Matthew W. Lowder, Wonil Choi, Fernanda Ferreira & John M. Henderson - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S4):1166-1183.
    What are the effects of word-by-word predictability on sentence processing times during the natural reading of a text? Although information complexity metrics such as surprisal and entropy reduction have been useful in addressing this question, these metrics tend to be estimated using computational language models, which require some degree of commitment to a particular theory of language processing. Taking a different approach, this study implemented a large-scale cumulative cloze task to collect word-by-word predictability data for 40 passages and compute (...)
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  33. Null Cones and Einstein's Equations in Minkowski Spacetime.J. Brian Pitts & W. C. Schieve - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (2):211-238.
    If Einstein's equations are to describe a field theory of gravity in Minkowski spacetime, then causality requires that the effective curved metric must respect the flat background metric's null cone. The kinematical problem is solved using a generalized eigenvector formalism based on the Segré classification of symmetric rank 2 tensors with respect to a Lorentzian metric. Securing the correct relationship between the two null cones dynamically plausibly is achieved using the naive gauge freedom. New variables tied (...)
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  34. Natural Cybernetics of Time, or about the Half of any Whole.Vasil Penchev - 2021 - Information Systems eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 4 (28):1-55.
    Norbert Wiener’s idea of “cybernetics” is linked to temporality as in a physical as in a philosophical sense. “Time orders” can be the slogan of that natural cybernetics of time: time orders by itself in its “screen” in virtue of being a well-ordering valid until the present moment and dividing any totality into two parts: the well-ordered of the past and the yet unordered of the future therefore sharing the common boundary of the present between them when the ordering (...)
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  35. Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance: Dis/continuities, SpaceTime Enfoldings, and Justice-to-Come.Karen Barad - 2010 - Derrida Today 3 (2):240-268.
    How much of philosophical, scientific, and political thought is caught up with the idea of continuity? What if it were otherwise? This paper experiments with the disruption of continuity. The reader is invited to participate in a performance of spacetime (re)configurings that are more akin to how electrons experience the world than any journey narrated though rhetorical forms that presume actors move along trajectories across a stage of spacetime (often called history). The electron is here invoked as our (...)
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  36. The Blackbody Radiation Spectrum Follows from Zero-Point Radiation and the Structure of Relativistic Spacetime in Classical Physics.Timothy H. Boyer - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (5):595-614.
    The analysis of this article is entirely within classical physics. Any attempt to describe nature within classical physics requires the presence of Lorentz-invariant classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation so as to account for the Casimir forces between parallel conducting plates at low temperatures. Furthermore, conformal symmetry carries solutions of Maxwell’s equations into solutions. In an inertial frame, conformal symmetry leaves zero-point radiation invariant and does not connect it to non-zero-temperature; time-dilating conformal transformations carry the Lorentz-invariant zero-point radiation spectrum into zero-point radiation (...)
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  37.  13
    The Hidden Clash: Spacetime Outlook and Quantum-State Reductions.Rafael Andrés Alemañ-Berenguer - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):79.
    It is generally assumed that compatibility with special relativity is guaranteed by the invariance of the fundamental equations of quantum physics under Lorentz transformations and the impossibility of transferring energy or information faster than the speed of light. Despite this, various contradictions persist, which make us suspect the solidity of that compatibility. This paper focuses on collapse theories—although they are not the only way of interpreting quantum theory—in order to examine what seems to be insurmountable difficulties we encounter when trying (...)
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    Complex Vector Formalism of Harmonic Oscillator in Geometric Algebra: Particle Mass, Spin and Dynamics in Complex Vector Space.K. Muralidhar - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (3):266-295.
    Elementary particles are considered as local oscillators under the influence of zeropoint fields. Such oscillatory behavior of the particles leads to the deviations in their path of motion. The oscillations of the particle in general may be considered as complex rotations in complex vector space. The local particle harmonic oscillator is analyzed in the complex vector formalism considering the algebra of complex vectors. The particle spin is viewed as zeropoint angular momentum represented by a bivector. It has been shown that (...)
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  39.  8
    Mind underlies spacetime: the axioms describing directly interconnected substance and the model that explains away finiteness.Daniel A. Cowan - 2002 - San Mateo, Calif.: Joseph.
    This book presents a new theory of the nature of the space in which substantial, enduring objects (objects that are identifiable for more than a fleeting instant) connect with each other and cohere within themselves. This posited fundamental space underlies the common perception of space as necessarily having to identify its contents by separating them within finite beginning and ending boundaries. In the real space each entity is positive and is directly connected to every entity. These connections differ depending on (...)
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    The weight of extended bodies in a gravitational field with flat spacetime.Ø Grøn - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (7-8):501-514.
    Einstein's gravitational field equations in empty space outside a massive plane with infinite extension give a class of solutions describing a field with flat spacetime giving neutral, freely moving particles an acceleration. This points to the necessity of defining the concept “gravitational field” not simply by the nonvanishing of the Riemann curvature tensor, but by the nonvanishing of certain elements of the Christoffel symbols, called the physical elements, or the nonvanishing of the Riemann curvature tensor. The tidal component of (...)
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    A New Fate of a Warped 5D FLRW Model with a U Scalar Gauge Field.Reinoud Jan Slagter & Supriya Pan - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (9):1075-1089.
    If we live on the weak brane with zero effective cosmological constant in a warped 5D bulk spacetime, gravitational waves and brane fluctuations can be generated by a part of the 5D Weyl tensor and carries information of the gravitational field outside the brane. We consider on a cylindrical symmetric warped FLRW background a U self-gravitating scalar field coupled to a gauge field without bulk matter. It turns out that brane fluctuations can be formed dynamically, due to the modified (...)
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    Causal Processes in C*-Algebraic Setting.Chrysovalantis Stergiou - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (1):1-23.
    In this paper, we attempt to explicate Salmon’s idea of a causal process, as defined in terms of the mark method, in the context of C*-dynamical systems. We prove two propositions, one establishing mark manifestation infinitely many times along a given interval of the process, and, a second one, which establishes continuous manifestation of mark with the exception of a countable number of isolated points. Furthermore, we discuss how these results can be implemented in the context of the Haag–Araki theories (...)
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  43. Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language.Jakub Szymanik - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    In the dissertation we study the complexity of generalized quantifiers in natural language. Our perspective is interdisciplinary: we combine philosophical insights with theoretical computer science, experimental cognitive science and linguistic theories. -/- In Chapter 1 we argue for identifying a part of meaning, the so-called referential meaning (model-checking), with algorithms. Moreover, we discuss the influence of computational complexity theory on cognitive tasks. We give some arguments to treat as cognitively tractable only those problems which can be computed in polynomial (...)
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    (1 other version)Hermann Weyl's Raum‐Zeit‐Materie and a General Introduction to His Scientific Work. [REVIEW]David Rowe - 2002 - Isis 93:326-327.
    In the range of his intellectual interests and the profundity of his mathematical thought Hermann Weyl towered above his contemporaries, many of whom viewed him with awe. This volume, the most ambitious study to date of Weyl's singular contributions to mathematics, physics, and philosophy, looks at the man and his work from a variety of perspectives, though its gaze remains fairly steadily fixed on Weyl the geometer and space‐time theorist. Structurally, the book falls into two parts, described in the general (...)
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  45.  20
    Computational complexity on computable metric spaces.Klaus Weirauch - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (1):3-21.
    We introduce a new Turing machine based concept of time complexity for functions on computable metric spaces. It generalizes the ordinary complexity of word functions and the complexity of real functions studied by Ko [19] et al. Although this definition of TIME as the maximum of a generally infinite family of numbers looks straightforward, at first glance, examples for which this maximum exists seem to be very rare. It is the main purpose of this paper to prove that, nevertheless, (...)
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    Categorical semantics of metric spaces and continuous logic.Simon Cho - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):1044-1078.
    Using the category of metric spaces as a template, we develop a metric analogue of the categorical semantics of classical/intuitionistic logic, and show that the natural notion of predicate in this “continuous semantics” is equivalent to the a priori separate notion of predicate in continuous logic, a logic which is independently well-studied by model theorists and which finds various applications. We show this equivalence by exhibiting the real interval $[0,1]$ in the category of metric spaces as (...)
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  47.  67
    On the Form of Parametrized Gravitation in Flat Spacetime.J. Brian Pitts & W. C. Schieve - 1999 - Foundations of Physics 29 (12):1977-1985.
    In a framework describing manifestly covariant relativistic evolution using a scalar time τ, consistency demands that τ-dependent fields be used. In recent work by the authors, general features of a classical parametrized theory of gravitation, paralleling general relativity where possible, were outlined. The existence of a preferred “time” coordinate τ changes the theory significantly. In particular, the Hamiltonian constraint for τ is removed From the Euler-Lagrange equations. Instead of the 5-dimensional stress-energy tensor, a tensor comprised of 4-momentum density mid flux (...)
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    Conformal Proper Times According to the Woodhouse Causal Axiomatics of Relativistic Spacetimes.Jacques L. Rubin - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (2):158-178.
    On the basis of the Woodhouse causal axiomatics, we show that conformal proper times and an extra variable in addition to those of space and time, together give a physical justification for the ‘chronometric hypothesis’ of general relativity. Indeed, we show that, with a lack of these latter two ingredients and of this hypothesis, clock paradoxes exist for which the unparadoxical asymmetry cannot be recovered when using the ‘clock and message functions’ only. These proper times originate from a (...)
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    String Without Strings.James T. Wheeler - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (7):1017-1091.
    Scale invariance provides a principled reason for the physical importance of Hilbert space, the Virasoro algebra, the string mode expansion, canonical commutators and Schrödinger evolution of states, independent of the assumptions of string theory and quantum theory. The usual properties of dimensionful fields imply an infinite, projective tower of conformal weights associated with the tangent space to scale-invariant spacetimes. Convergence and measurability on this tangent tower are guaranteed using a scale-invariant norm, restricted to conformally self-dual vectors. Maps on the resulting (...)
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  50. Temporal Experiences without the Specious Present.Valtteri Arstila - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):287-302.
    Most philosophers believe that we have experiences as of temporally extended phenomena like change, motion, and succession. Almost all theories of time consciousness explain these temporal experiences by subscribing to the doctrine of the specious present, the idea that the contents of our experiences embrace temporally extended intervals of time and are presented as temporally structured. Against these theories, I argue that the doctrine is false and present a theory that does not require the notion of a specious present. Furthermore, (...)
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