Results for 'amenable argumentation approach'

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  1.  39
    Amenable Argumentation Approach.Linda Carozza - 2022 - Informal Logic 44 (3):563-582.
    This paper summarizes various interpretations of emotional arguments, with a focus on the emotional mode of argument introduced in the multi-modal argumentation model (Gilbert, 1994). From there the author shifts from a descriptive account of emotional arguments to a discussion about a normative framework. Pointing out problems with evaluative models of the emotional mode, a paradigmatic shift captured by the Amenable Argumentation Approach is explained as a way forward for the advancement of the emotional mode and (...)
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    A choice function approach to null arguments.Takeo Kurafuji - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 42 (1):3-44.
    Recently, null arguments have been treated as an ellipsis phenomenon, derived by PF-deletion or LF-copy under some kind of identity requirements. Focusing on Japanese null arguments, this paper argues that they are base-generated empty nominals which are interpreted via choice functions. The functional approach is supported by cases involving intermediate scope readings, missing antecedents, and implicational bridging. A less standard case of Japanese null arguments anteceded by QPs is also discussed and shown to be amenable to the choice (...)
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    Re-defining moral distress: A systematic review and critical re-appraisal of the argument-based bioethics literature.Christine Sanderson, Linda Sheahan, Slavica Kochovska, Tim Luckett, Deborah Parker, Phyllis Butow & Meera Agar - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (4):195-210.
    The concept of moral distress comes from nursing ethics, and was initially defined as ‘…when one knows the right thing to do, but institutional constraints make it nearly impossible to pursue the right course of action’. There is a large body of literature associated with moral distress, yet multiple definitions now exist, significantly limiting its usefulness. We undertook a systematic review of the argument-based bioethics literature on this topic as the basis for a critical appraisal, identifying 55 papers for analysis. (...)
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    Infinite Regress Arguments as per impossibile Arguments in Aristotle: De Caelo 300a30–b1, Posterior Analytics 72b5–10, Physics V.2 225b33–226a10. [REVIEW]Matthew Duncombe - 2022 - Rhizomata 10 (2):262-282.
    Infinite regress arguments are a powerful tool in Aristotle, but this style of argument has received relatively little attention. Improving our understanding of infinite regress arguments has become pressing since recent scholars have pointed out that it is not clear whether Aristotle’s infinite regress arguments are, in general, effective or indeed what the logical structure of these arguments is. One obvious approach would be to hold that Aristotle takes infinite regress arguments to be per impossibile arguments, which derive an (...)
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  5. The philosophy of law: The argument from authority.Maurice Amen - unknown
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    Reflecting on believability: on the epistemic approach to justifying implicit commitments.Maciej Głowacki & Mateusz Łełyk - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):3135-3163.
    By definition, the implicit commitment of a formal theory Th\textrm{Th} Th consists of sentences that are independent of the axioms of Th\textrm{Th} Th, but their acceptance is implicit in the acceptance of Th\textrm{Th} Th. In Cieśliński (2017, 2018), the phenomenon of implicit commitments was studied from the epistemological perspective through the lenses of the formal theory of believability. The current paper provides a comprehensive proof-theoretic analysis of this approach and compares it to other main theories of implicit commitments. We (...)
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  7. Argumentation. Approaches to Theory Formation.E. M. Barth & J. L. Martens - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):477-478.
  8.  31
    Getting Out in Front of the Owl of Minerva Problem.David Godden - 2021 - Argumentation 36 (1):35-60.
    Our meta-argumentative vocabulary supplies the conceptual tools used to reflectively analyse, regulate, and evaluate our argumentative performances. Yet, this vocabulary is susceptible to misunderstanding and abuse in ways that make possible new discursive mistakes and pathologies. Thus, our efforts to self-regulate our reason-transacting practices by articulating their norms makes possible new ways to violate and flout those very norms. Scott Aikin identifies the structural possibility of this vicious feedback loop as the Owl of Minerva Problem. In the spirit of a (...)
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  9. Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness: A Meta-Causal Approach.John A. Barnden - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (2):397-425.
    I present considerations surrounding pre-reflective self-consciousness, arising in work I am conducting on a new physicalist, process-based account of [phenomenal] consciousness. The account is called the meta-causal account because it identifies consciousness with a certain type of arrangement of meta-causation. Meta-causation is causation where a cause or effect is itself an instance of causation. The proposed type of arrangement involves a sort of time-spanning, internal reflexivity of the overall meta-causation. I argue that, as a result of the account, any conscious (...)
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    The Emotional Illusion of Music: Contemporary Western Musical Aesthetics in Dialogue with Ancient Eastern Philosophy.Yin Zhang - 2021 - Dissertation, Cuny Graduate Center
    This project aims to examine whether music has an emotional nature. I use the ancient Chinese text Music Has No Grief or Joy to construct three arguments for the illusion view, according to which music has no emotional nature and the emotional appearances of music are illusory. These arguments highlight representational inconstancy, expressive incapability, and evocative underdetermination as three ways to problematize the idea that music has an emotional nature. I draw on the Confucian tradition to formulate three responses to (...)
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  11. Argumentative Approaches to Reasoning with Maximal Consistency.Ofer Arieli & Christian Straßer - 2016 - In Chitta Baral, James Delgrande & Frank Wolter (eds.), KR'16: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. pp. 509--512.
  12.  50
    Argumentation: approaches to theory formation: containing the contributions to the Groningen Conference on the Theory of Argumentation, October 1978.Else Margarete Barth & J. L. Martens (eds.) - 1982 - Amsterdam: Benjamins.
    The contributions in the first part Re-modelling logic of this volume take account of formal logic in the theory of rational argumentation.
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    Converging Ways? Conversion and Belonging in Buddhism and Chrisitanity (review).Catherine Cornille - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:161-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Converging Ways? Conversion and Belonging in Buddhism and ChrisitanityCatherine CornilleConverging Ways? Conversion and Belonging in Buddhism and Chrisitanity. By John D’Arcy May. Sankt Ottilien: EOS Klosterverlag, 2007. 207 pp.In the course of the past seven years, the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies has established itself as a locus of serious dialogue and creative religious reflection. This volume, which emerged out of the sixth conference (in 2005) at the (...)
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  14. Evolutionary theories of schizophrenia: An experience-centered review.James McClenon - 2011 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 32 (2):135-150.
    The ongoing incidence of schizophrenia is considered a paradox, as the disorder has genetic basis yet confers survival handicaps. Researchers have not reached consensus regarding theories explaining this contradiction. Major evolutionary theories hypothesize that schizophrenia is: a byproduct of other evolutionary processes, linked to survival advantages that counteract disadvantages, associated with processes such as shamanism conferring advantages to groups, a consequence of modern environments, a result of random processes, such as mutations. A null hypothesis argues that philosophical or methodological problems (...)
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  15.  19
    Reasoning with maximal consistency by argumentative approaches.Ofer Arieli, AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer - 2018 - Journal of Logic and Computation 28 (7):1523--1563.
    Reasoning with the maximally consistent subsets of the premises is a well-known approach for handling contradictory information. In this paper we consider several variations of this kind of reasoning, for each one we introduce two complementary computational methods that are based on logical argumentation theory. The difference between the two approaches is in their ways of making consequences: one approach is of a declarative nature and is related to Dung-style semantics for abstract argumentation, while the other (...)
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  16. Racist value judgments as objectively false beliefs: A philosophical and social-psychological analysis.Sharyn Clough & William E. Loges - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (1):77–95.
    Racist beliefs express value judgments. According to an influential view, value judgments are subjective, and not amenable to rational adjudication. In contrast, we argue that the value judgments expressed in, for example, racist beliefs, are false and objectively so. Our account combines a naturalized, philosophical account of meaning inspired by Donald Davidson, with a prominent social-psychological theory of values pioneered by the social-psychologist Milton Rokeach. We use this interdisciplinary approach to show that, just as with beliefs expressing descriptive (...)
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    Towards an integrated argumentative approach to multimodal critical discourse analysis: evidence from the portrayal of refugees and immigrants in Greek newspapers.Dimitris Serafis, Sara Greco, Chiara Pollaroli & Chiara Jermini-Martinez Soria - 2020 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (5):545-565.
    This paper proposes a methodological synthesis in order to study multimodal media discourse and argumentation in the context of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in Greece. It follows the framework of Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis, integrating this with argumentation studies, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of inference. Our data come from the Greek newspapers Kathimerini and Ta Nea. We contend that the proposed methodological synergy enables scrutiny of (a) racist conceptualizations cultivated by the representation of migrants and (...)
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  18.  30
    Situationism and the Virtues of Business.Joseph Spino - 2020 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 39 (1):97-119.
    Many ethicists endorse a character-based approach to business ethics (CBE). This approach includes a focus on the development of particular traits of character amenable to virtuous business practices. Situationists claim, however, that traditional understandings of character are challenged by various findings in empirical psychology. While defenders of CBE have responded this claim, these responses are very similar to those made in defense of a more general virtue ethical theory against situationist arguments. I argue that whatever promise such (...)
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    Argumentative Approaches to Reasoning with Consistent Subsets of Premises.Ofer Arieli, AnneMarie Borg & Christian Straßer - 2017 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science:455–465.
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  20. Is Husserl’s Antinaturalism up to Date? A Critical Review of the Contemporary Attempts to Mathematize Phenomenology.Andrij Wachtel - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (2):129-150.
    Since the end of the last century, there has been several ambitious attempts to naturalize Husserlian phenomenology by way of mathematization. To justify themselves in view of Husserl’s adamant antinaturalism, many of these attempts appeal to the new physico-mathematical tools that were unknown in Husserl’s time and thus allegedly make his position outdated. This paper critically addresses these mathematization proposals and aims to show that Husserl had, in fact, sufficiently good arguments that make his antinaturalistic position sound even today. The (...)
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    One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Ethics of international nurse recruitment from the conceptual framework of Stakeholder Interests.Yu Xu & Jianhui Zhang - 2005 - Nursing Ethics 12 (6):571-581.
    This theoretical study examines the ethics of international nurse recruitment from the conceptual framework of stakeholder interests. It argues that there are stakeholders at individual, institutional, national and international levels, with overlapping but, more often, different or even conflicting interests. Depending on the interests of given stakeholders, different conclusions regarding the ethics of international nurse recruitment may be reached. There is no right or wrong with these varying ethical positions because they reflect different beliefs and philosophies that are not (...) to value judgment. To illustrate and support this line of argument, this article analyzes the underpinnings of two ethical standards published by the International Council of Nurses and the UK Department of Health. In addition, a case study on China augments the argument by demonstrating limitations of the one-size-fits-all approach to the issue. The most important question in understanding and evaluating the ethical standards of international nurse recruitment is to know whose interests they are designed to represent and protect. (shrink)
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    Investigating cultures: A critique of cognitive anthropology.Julia Tanney - 1998 - Journal of the Royal Institute for Anthropological Studies 4 (4):669-688.
    This paper considers Dan Sperber’s arguments that a more scientific, ‘natural’, approach to anthropology might be pursued by abstracting from interpretive questions as much as possible, and replacing them with questions amenable to a cognitive psychological investigation. It attempts to show that Sperber’s main argument rests on controversial assumptions about the nature of the mental states that are ascribed within our commonsense psychological practices and that any theoretical psychology that accepts these assumptions will be revisionist concerning mental concepts. (...)
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  23.  59
    Clinical Phenomenology: A Method for Care?Giovanni Stanghellini - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (1):25-29.
    I develop here one of the many topics raised by Sass, Parnas, and Zahavi, namely the role of phenomenology in clarifying issues not amenable to standard empirical methods. The authors of this scholarly paper mainly tackle this issue from the angle of psychopathological research in schizophrenia. I would like to build on their argument, having in mind one dimension of clinical phenomenology that has not been approached in their paper: the issue of care, that is the use of the (...)
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    Deep disagreements: A meta-argumentation approach.Maurice Finocchiaro & David M. Godden - unknown
    This paper examines the views of Fogelin, Woods, Johnstone, etc., concerning deep disa-greements, force-five standoffs, philosophical controversies, etc. My approach is to reconstruct their views and critiques of them as meta-arguments, and to elaborate the meta-argumentative aspects of radical disa-greements. It turns out that deep disagreements are resolvable to a greater degree than usually thought, but only by using special principles and practices, such as meta-argumentation, ad hominem argumentation, Ramsey’s principle, etc.
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  25. A natural language bipolar argumentation approach to support users in online debate interactions†.Elena Cabrio & Serena Villata - 2013 - Argument and Computation 4 (3):209-230.
    With the growing use of the Social Web, an increasing number of applications for exchanging opinions with other people are becoming available online. These applications are widely adopted with the consequence that the number of opinions about the debated issues increases. In order to cut in on a debate, the participants need first to evaluate the opinions of the other users to detect whether they are in favour or against the debated issue. Bipolar argumentation proposes algorithms and semantics to (...)
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    A Kleinian Contribution to the External World.Robert D. Hinshelwood - 2001 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 8 (1):17-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 8.1 (2001) 17-19 [Access article in PDF] A Kleinian Contribution to the External World Robert D. Hinshelwood Radical feminism overstates its case and ignores the importance of individual psychology; at the same time, an individual psychology like psychoanalysis lacks a broader perspective that feminism might supply. Sarah Richmond's paper advocates a mutual enhancement of both psychoanalysis and feminism by combining the two perspectives. It is (...)
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  27. Moral Scepticism: Why Ask "Why Should I Be Moral"?Richard Arnot Home Bett - 1986 - Dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
    Many of us have a prereflective sense--or at least, a hope--that there are reasons to be moral which apply to an agent regardless of what his or her existing motivations may be. The view that there are no such reasons may, then, be regarded as a form of moral scepticism. The philosophical position which seems most fit to refute this form of moral scepticism, and hence to support our prereflective sense, is a Kantian view of morality, according to which we (...)
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    Cause, Fault, Norm.John Z. - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):51-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cause, Fault, NormJohn Z. Sadler (bio)Keywordscriminality, mental disorder, responsibilityThanks to the commentators for their fine work. In my brief comments I cannot address all that is raised, but can touch upon everyone’s discussion briefly.In her commentary, Gwen Adshead reflects on her experience as a forensic psychiatrist and therapist for violent offenders. Although Adshead discusses a number of important points, I found her insight into why some vices find their (...)
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    Teaching Early Modern Philosophy as a Bridge between Causal or Naturalistic and Conceptual Thought.Jeremy Barris & Paul M. Turner - 2015 - Metaphilosophy 46 (3):326-343.
    It is a challenge in teaching early modern philosophy to balance historical faithfulness to the arguments and concerns of early modern philosophers and interpreting them as relevant to the kinds of thinking that contemporary undergraduate students find plausible. Early modern philosophy is unique, however, in applying modern scientific method directly to problems concerning nonphysical aspects of reality that our contemporary scientific thought, and with it mainstream contemporary culture, no longer find amenable in their own, independent right to reliable reasoned (...)
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    De ambiguïteit van ‘postseculiere’ en ‘postmetafysische’ verhalen.Guido Vanheeswijck - 2014 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 106 (4):271-296.
    The Ambiguity of ‘Post-Secular’ and ‘Post-Metaphysical’ Stories: On the Place of Religion and Deep Commitments in a Secular Society Words are always important, all over the world. On October 15, 1989, Vaclav Havel underlined their utmost importance in his acceptance speech of the Peace Prize of the German Booksellers Association, entitled ‘A Word about Words’. But he gave us at once a warning: ‘The same word can be humble at one moment and arrogant the next. And a humble word can (...)
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    Slavoj Žižek's Hegelian Reformation: Giving a Hearing to The Parallax View.Adrian Johnston - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (1):3-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Slavoj Žižek’s Hegelian ReformationGiving a Hearing to The Parallax ViewAdrian Johnston (bio)Slavoj Žižek. THE PARALLAX VIEW. Cambridge: MIT P, 2006. [PV]Near the end of a two-hour presentation at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on November 10, 2006, Slavoj Žižek confesses that, in terms of the intellectual ambitions nearest to his heart, “my secret dream is to be Hegel’s Luther” [“Why Only an Atheist Can Believe”]. This confession comes (...)
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  32.  36
    Guiding Covid policy: cost-benefit analysis and beyond.Jonathan Aldred - forthcoming - Cambridge Journal of Economics.
    Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is inappropriate as an aid to Covid policy-making because the plural, incommensurable values at stake are not all amenable to monetary measurement. CBA for Covid policy is also undermined by pervasive uncertainty and ignorance, and has some troubling distributional implications. However, non-consequentialist alternatives to CBA tend towards implausibly absolutist prohibitions on risk imposition. Arguments for setting aside consequentialism for special circumstances (the precautionary principle, or a medical rule of rescue) are also problematic when applied to Covid (...)
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  33.  21
    The Montaignian Moment.Dan Engster - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):625-650.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Montaignian MomentDan EngsterIn the Machiavellian Moment, J. G. A. Pocock argued that the development of modern republican theory was closely bound up with a paradigmatic shift in the early modern discourse of temporality and politics. 1 Whereas medieval thinkers tended to emphasize the supreme importance of eternal and universal principles in politics, the Italian civic humanists turned their attention to the stream of contingent temporal events ruled by (...)
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    Saying Amen to the Light of Dawn: Nietzsche on Praise, Prayer, and Affirmation.Hans Ruin - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):99-116.
    This article addresses the role and meaning of prayer as well as the language of piety and praise in Nietzsche’s writings, notably in Zarathustra. This essay was first presented as a talk in German at the 2017 Nietzsche colloquium in Sils Maria, the theme of which was “Zarathustra und Dionysos”. In preparing it for a publication in English, the argument has been reworked and expanded and references have been added, while partly preserving the tone and structure of the oral delivery. (...)
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  35. The Amenability of Pleasure and Pain to Aggregation.Justin Klocksiem - 2010 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 13 (3):293-303.
    According to several prominent philosophers, pleasure and pain come in measurable quantities. This thesis is controversial, however, and many philosophers have presented or felt compelled to respond to arguments for the conclusion that it is false. One important class of these arguments concerns the problem of aggregation, which says that if pleasure and pain were measurable quantities, then, by definition, it would be possible to perform various mathematical and statistical operations on numbers representing amounts of them. It is sometimes argued (...)
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  36. Reconstructing and assessing the conditions of meaningfulness. An argumentative approach to presupposition.Fabrizio Macagno - 2012 - In Henrique Jales Ribeiro (ed.), Inside Arguments: Logic And The Study of Argumentation. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishers. pp. 247--268.
    Presupposition has been described in the literature as closely related to the listener’s knowledge and the speaker’s beliefs regarding the other’s mind. However, how is it possible to know or believe our interlocutor’s knowledge? The purpose of this paper is to find an answer to this question by showing the relationship between reasoning, presumption and language. Presupposition is analyzed as twofold reasoning process: on the one hand, the speaker by presupposing a proposition presumes that his interlocutor knows it; on the (...)
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  37.  22
    (1 other version)Abduction and comparative weighing of explanatory hypotheses: an argumentative approach.Paula Olmos - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    This paper makes use of the concepts and theoretical framework developed within the field of Argumentation Theory to account for the structure and characteristics of abduction and of the comparative processes of weighing explanatory hypothesis. It elaborates an analysis of abduction based on its consideration as a meta-explanatory argumentation scheme while elucidating its relations with abductive reasoning and inference. The conceptualization of comparative processes of weighing explanatory hypothesis as complex and varied argumentative structures is presented as an alternative (...)
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    On the production of a multimodal news item: An argumentative approach.Marta Zampa & Marina Bletsas - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (220):155-172.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 220 Seiten: 155-172.
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    Feminism, Argumentation and Coalescence.Michael A. Gilbert - 1994 - Informal Logic 16 (2).
    This essay begins with a critique of the Critical-Logical model dominant in contemporary argumentation theory. The concerns raised stem primarily from considerations brought by several feminist thinkers including Carol Gilligan, Karen Warren, Deborah Tannen and, most especially, Andrea Nye. It is argued that, in light of these considerations, and concerns of essentialism or non-essentialism notwithstanding, that the Critical-Logical model is liable to dis-enfranchise a significant part of the population with regard to modes and styles of reasoning. The solution is (...)
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    Argumentation and belief updating in social networks: a Bayesian approach.George Masterton & Erik J. Olsson - unknown
  41. Probabilistic Arguments in the Epistemological Approach to Argumentation.Christoph Lumer - 2011 - In Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, David Godden & Gordon Mitchell (eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation. Rozenberg / Sic Sat. pp. 1141-1154.
    The aim of the paper is to develop general criteria of argumentative validity and adequacy for probabilistic arguments on the basis of the epistemological approach to argumentation. In this approach, as in most other approaches to argumentation, proabilistic arguments have been neglected somewhat. Nonetheless, criteria for several special types of probabilistic arguments have been developed, in particular by Richard Feldman and Christoph Lumer. In the first part (sects. 2-5) the epistemological basis of probabilistic arguments is discussed. (...)
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  42. Argument schemes—an epistemological approach.Christoph Lumer - 2011 - Argumentation. Cognition and Community. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation (OSSA), May 18-22, 2011.
    The paper develops a classificatory system of basic argument types on the basis of the epis-temological approach to argumentation. This approach has provided strict rules for several kinds of argu-ments. These kinds may be brought into a system of basic irreducible types, which rely on different parts of epistemology: deductive logic, probability theory, utility theory. The system reduces a huge mass of differ-ent argument schemes to basic types and gives them an epistemological foundation.
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  43. Argumentation in Discourse: A Socio-discursive Approach to Arguments.Ruth Amossy - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (3):252-267.
    Rather than the art of putting forward logically valid arguments leading to Truth, argumentation is here viewed as the use of verbal means ensuring an agreement on what can be considered reasonable by a given group, on a more or less controversial matter. What is acceptable and plausible is always coconstructed by subjects engaging in verbal interaction. It is the dynamism of this exchange, realized not only in natural language, but also in a specific cultural framework, that has to (...)
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    Arguments and their sources.Peter Collins & Ulrike Hahn - 2016 - In Paglieri Fabio, Bonelli Laura & Felletti Silvia (eds.), The psychology of argument: Cognitive approaches to argumentation and persuasion. College Publications.
    As argumentation theory has moved away from classical logic as a standard, sources have played an increasingly important role in the psychology of argumentation. Considering the connections between arguments and their sources is important for both descriptive and normative projects. This chapter draws together different strands of research in the psychology of argumentation and their differing views on source characteristics: namely, procedural rules, pragmatics, argumentation schemes and Bayesian Argumentation. We argue for a reconciliation of these (...)
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    Argument appraisal strategy: A comprehensive approach.Robert H. Ennis - 2001 - Informal Logic 21 (2).
    A popular three-stage argument appraisal strategy calls for (1) identifying the parts of the argument, (2) classifYing the argument as deductive, inductive, or some other type, and (3) appraising the argument using the standards appropriate for the type. This strategy fails for a number of reasons. I propose a comprehensive alternative approach that distinguishes between inductive, deductive, and other standards; calls for the successive application of standards combined with assumption-ascription, according to policies that depend for their selection on the (...)
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  46. Arguments from Expert Opinion – An Epistemological Approach.Christoph Lumer - 2020 - In Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Henrike Jansen, Jan Albert Van Laar & Bart Verheij (eds.), Reason to Dissent. Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation. College Publications. pp. 403-422.
    In times of populist mistrust towards experts, it is important and the aim of the paper to ascertain the rationality of arguments from expert opinion and to reconstruct their rational foundations as well as to determine their limits. The foundational approach chosen is probabilistic. However, there are at least three correct probabilistic reconstructions of such argumentations: statistical inferences, Bayesian updating, and interpretive arguments. To solve this competition problem, the paper proposes a recourse to the arguments' justification strengths achievable in (...)
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    Events, arguments, and aspects: topics in the semantics of verbs.Klaus Robering (ed.) - 2014 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
    The present volume collects novel approaches to two classical topics within verbal semantics, namely argument structure and the treatment of time and aspect.
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    Two approaches to the problems of self-attacking arguments and general odd-length cycles of attack.Gustavo A. Bodanza & Fernando A. Tohmé - 2009 - Journal of Applied Logic 7 (4):403-420.
    The problems that arise from the presence of self-attacking ar- guments and odd-length cycles of attack within argumentation frameworks are widely recognized in the literature on defeasible argumentation. This paper introduces two simple semantics to capture different intuitions about what kinds of arguments should become justified in such scenarios. These semantics are modeled upon two extensions of argumentation frameworks, which we call sustainable and tolerant. Each one is constructed on the common ground of the powerful concept of (...)
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    Cartoons can talk? Visual analysis of cartoons on the 2007/2008 post-election violence in Kenya: A visual argumentation approach[REVIEW]Nyongesa Ben Wekesa - 2012 - Discourse and Communication 6 (2):223-238.
    The growing influence of the visual media in contemporary society is quite alarming; hence, learning to explicate them is inevitable. This is a paradigm shift from verbal argumentation to visual argumentation. The aim of this article is to contribute to the understanding of visual analysis and visual literacy, a part of discourse analysis. Visuals employ a number of rhetorical devices; however, understanding the effectiveness of these devices is still a challenge. Adopting Visual Argumentation Theory, the article analyzes (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Is it possible to formulate a precise and objective standard of proof? Some questions based on an argumentative approach to evidence.Daniel González Lagier - 2020 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Carmen Vázquez (eds.), Evidential Legal Reasoning: Crossing Civil Law and Common Law Traditions. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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