Results for 'baselines'

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  1.  62
    Assessing Baselines for Identifying Harm: Tricky Cases and Childhood.Monique Jonas - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (4):387-404.
    Baselines are commonly used to enable harm identification. The temporal, the counterfactual and the duty-based normative baselines are the most prominent. Each of these captures an aspect of common conceptions of what it is to harm and be harmed. However, each baseline also fails to deliver workable identifications of harm when presented with certain types of case. Problematic cases are found readily in childhood, a venue in which harm identification is often called for. Without a reliable means of (...)
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  2. Harm, baselines, and the worse than nothing account.Daniel Immerman - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Harm is one of the central concepts of ethics so it would be good to offer an account of it. Many accounts appeal to a baseline: they say that you harm someone if you leave them worse off than in the baseline case. In this paper, I draw some lessons regarding what counts as an appropriate baseline and explore what these general lessons reveal about the nature of harm. In the process of so doing, I argue that a certain rarely-discussed (...)
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    Baseline elaboration and echo-sounding at the adjective adverb interface.Martin Hummel - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (3):407-452.
    The paper examines the semantic effects of modification in phrases combining verbs with so-called short adverbs in French, that is, adjectives (A) used as modifiers of the verb (V), as inaller direct‘to go direct’ (VA structures). For this purpose, a sample of over 3200 attested examples has been analyzed. Far from being simple verb modifiers in the sense of “manner” modification, the qualitative analysis shows that short adverbs also refer to other features of the event, e.g. participant, instrument, source, goal, (...)
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  4. Five Baselines for Justification in Persuasion.Sherry Baker - 1999 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 14 (2):69-81.
    A framework is introduced consisting of five baselines of ethical justification for professional persuasive communications. The models provide a conceptual structure by which to identify and analyze the ethical reasoning, underlying justifications, motivations, and decision making in professional persuasive practices. Although the emphasis of this article is on defining the constructs, their ethical soundness as justification for persuasive practices and their usefulness in establishing direction and methodologies for research in persuasive also are addressed.
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    Health Humanities: A Baseline Survey of Baccalaureate and Graduate Programs in North America.Sarah L. Berry, Craig M. Klugman, Charise Alexander Adams, Anna-Leila Williams, Gina M. Camodeca, Tracy N. Leavelle & Erin G. Lamb - 2023 - Journal of Medical Humanities 44 (4):463-480.
    The authors conducted a baseline survey of baccalaureate and graduate degree health humanities programs in the United States and Canada. The object of the survey was to formally assess the current state of the field, to gauge what kind of resources individual programs are receiving, and to assess their self-identified needs to become or remain programmatically sustainable, including their views on the potential benefits of program accreditation. A 56-question baseline survey was sent to 111 institutions with baccalaureate programs and 20 (...)
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  6.  58
    Modeling: Neutral, Null, and Baseline.William C. Bausman - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (4):594-616.
    Two strategies for using a model as “null” are distinguished. Null modeling evaluates whether a process is causally responsible for a pattern by testing it against a null model. Baseline modeling measures the relative significance of various processes responsible for a pattern by detecting deviations from a baseline model. When these strategies are conflated, models are illegitimately privileged as accepted until rejected. I illustrate this using the neutral theory of ecology and draw general lessons from this case. First, scientists cannot (...)
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  7.  42
    Baseline brain activity fluctuations predict somatosensory perception in humans.Steven Laureys - manuscript
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  8. Being Worse Off: But in Comparison with What? On the Baseline Problem of Harm and the Harm Principle.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2014 - Res Publica 20 (2):199-214.
    Several liberal philosophers and penal theorists have argued that the state has a reason to prohibit acts that harm individuals. But what is harm? According to one specification of harm, a person P is harmed by an act (or an event) a iff, as a result of a, P is made worse off in terms of well-being. One central question here involves the baseline against which we assess whether someone is ‘worse off’. In other words, when a person is harmed (...)
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    Baseline and elaboration.Ronald W. Langacker - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (3):405-439.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Altered baseline brain activity in experts measured by amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (ALFF): a resting state fMRI study using expertise model of acupuncturists.Minghao Dong, Jun Li, Xinfa Shi, Shudan Gao, Shijun Fu, Zongquan Liu, Fanrong Liang, Qiyong Gong, Guangming Shi & Jie Tian - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  11.  40
    One Person, One Vote and the Importance of Baseline.Andreas Bengtson - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    “One person, one vote” is wedded to the idea of democracy to such an extent that many would hesitate to refer to a system, which deviated from this, as a democracy. In this paper, I show why this assumption is hard to defend. I do so by pointing to the importance of baseline in justifying a system of “one person, one vote.” The investigation will show that the reasons underlying the most prominent views on democratic inclusion cannot justify “one person, (...)
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  12.  38
    Restoration, Obligation, and the Baseline Problem.Alex Lee, Adam Pérou Hermans & Benjamin Hale - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (2):171-186.
    Should we restore degraded nature, and if so, why? Environmental theorists often approach the problem of restoration from perspectives couched in much broader debates, particularly regarding the intrinsic value and moral status of natural entities. Unfortunately, such approaches are susceptible to concerns such as the baseline problem, which is both a philosophical and technical issue related to identifying an appropriate restoration baseline. Insofar as restoration ostensibly aims to return an ecosystem to a particular baseline state, and depends upon clearly identifying (...)
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  13.  31
    Baseline radiological staging in primary breast cancer: impact of educational interventions on adherence to published guidelines.Elaine McWhirter, Geetha Yogendran, Frances Wright, George Dranitsaris M. Pharm & Mark Clemons - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):647-650.
  14.  58
    Hypnotic susceptibility, baseline attentional functioning, and the Stroop task.Sandro Rubichi, Federico Ricci, Roberto Padovani & Lorenzo Scaglietti - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):296-303.
    According to the theoretical framework relating hypnosis to attention, baseline attentional functioning in highly hypnotizable individuals should be more efficient than in low hypnotizable individuals. However, previous studies did not find differences in Stroop-like tasks in which the measure indicative of the Stroop interference effect was based on response latencies. This study was designed to determine whether subjects with different levels of hypnotic susceptibility show differences in baseline attentional functioning. To assess this hypothesis, high, medium, and low hypnotizable subjects performed (...)
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  15.  16
    Baseline Differences in Anxiety Affect Attention and tDCS-Mediated Learning.Benjamin C. Gibson, Melissa Heinrich, Teagan S. Mullins, Alfred B. Yu, Jeffrey T. Hansberger & Vincent P. Clark - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Variable responses to transcranial direct current stimulation protocols across individuals are widely reported, but the reasons behind this variation are unclear. This includes tDCS protocols meant to improve attention. Attentional control is impacted by top-down and bottom-up processes, and this relationship is affected by state characteristics such as anxiety. According to Attentional Control Theory, anxiety biases attention towards bottom-up and stimulus-driven processing. The goal of this study was to explore the extent to which differences in state anxiety and related measures (...)
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  16.  30
    Effects of baseline self-reinforcement behavior and training level on posttraining self-reinforcement behavior.Albert Kozma & Pamela Easterbrook - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (2):256.
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    Baseline Brain Activity Changes in Patients With Single and Relapsing Optic Neuritis.Zhuoqiong Ren, Yaou Liu, Kuncheng Li, Yunyun Duan, Huang Jing, Peipeng Liang, Zheng Sun, Xiaojun Zhang & Bei Mao - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  18.  29
    Individual Baseline Performance and Electrode Montage Impact on the Effects of Anodal tDCS Over the Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex.Maike Splittgerber, Ricardo Salvador, Hannah Brauer, Carolin Breitling-Ziegler, Alexander Prehn-Kristensen, Kerstin Krauel, Rafal Nowak, Giulio Ruffini, Vera Moliadze & Michael Siniatchkin - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  19.  12
    Baseline shifts do not predict attentional modulation of target processing during feature-based visual attention.Sean P. Fannon - 2008 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 1.
  20. Baseline, Whose Judgment?Søren Holm & Mike McNamee - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 291.
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  21. “Baseline” and “Snapshot”: Philosophical Reflections on an Approach to Historical Case Studies.Giora Hon - 2016 - In Raphael Scholl & Tilman Sauer, The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies. Springer.
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    Baseline Performance Predicts tDCS-Mediated Improvements in Language Symptoms in Primary Progressive Aphasia.Eric M. McConathey, Nicole C. White, Felix Gervits, Sherry Ash, H. Branch Coslett, Murray Grossman & Roy H. Hamilton - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  23.  30
    Physical Enhancement: what Baseline, Whose Judgment?Søren Holm & Mike McNamee - 2011 - In Julian Savulescu, Ruud ter Meulen & Guy Kahane, Enhancing Human Capacities. Blackwell. pp. 291–303.
    This chapter analyzes the ethical issues that arise in the context of the use of physical enhancement techniques, i.e.techniques that aim at enhancing one or more physical functions of human beings. First, it discusses the different types of physical enhancement and points doping in sports is only a minor part of the whole enhancement field. Considerable attention is devoted to enhancement in sports, primarily because of the extensive extant literature. Then, the chapter moves on to problematize the concept of enhancement. (...)
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  24.  16
    Is baseline pupil size related to cognitive ability? Yes (under proper lighting conditions).Jason S. Tsukahara & Randall W. Engle - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104643.
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  25.  24
    Getting the Baseline Right—or—Why I’m Right and Everyone Else is Wrong, in each of the Two Senses of ‘Why’.Paul Viminitz - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (4):739-757.
    Mes collègues partisans du contractarianisme et moi sommes d’avis qu’il serait irrationnel de se soumettre à une distribution de la dividendecoopérative qui empirerait sa propre condition. Mais par rapport à quoi peut-on dire que cette condition serait «pire»? Selon David Gauthieret al., elle serait pire que la non-interaction, c’est-à-dire ce qui se produirait si les négociateurs ne s’étaient jamais rencontrés. Je soutiens plutôt qu’elle serait pire que le cas où ils ne seraient pas parvenus à une entente. Il se trouve (...)
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  26.  12
    Baseline pupil size is related to fluid intelligence: A reply to.Jason S. Tsukahara, Christopher Draheim & Randall W. Engle - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104826.
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  27. Autarky as a moral baseline.Kristi A. Olson - 2014 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44 (2):264-285.
    In his account of fairness in international trade, Aaron James distinguishes autarkic gains from the gains of trade. Since the autarkic gains are external to the practice of trade, James's account allows each country to keep these gains. The gains of trade, in contrast, must be distributed equally. This distinction suffers from three problems. First, James's autarkic adjustment not only allows inequalities to persist, but exacerbates and creates new ones. Second, there is no non-morally arbitrary way to determine the autarkic (...)
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  28.  53
    Ecocentrism: Resetting Baselines for Virtue Development.Darcia Narvaez - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (2):391-406.
    From a planetary perspective, industrialized humans have become unvirtuous and holistically destructive in comparison to 99% of human genus existence. Why? This paper draws a transdisciplinary explanation. Humans are social mammals who are born particularly immature with a lengthy, decades-long maturational schedule and thus evolved an intensive nest for the young. Neurosciences show that evolved nest components support normal development at all levels, laying the foundations for virtue. Nest components are degraded in industrialized societies. Studies and accounts of societies that (...)
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  29.  39
    Smilansky's Baseline Objection to Choice-Egalitarianism.Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2004 - SATS 5 (1):147-150.
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    Seeking an Alternative Baseline for Birth.Darcia Narváez - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (3):285-286.
    Birth is a spiritual experience for mother and baby. Women need information and psychological preparation before birth, and a knowledgeable companion during birth. Unless medical intervention is needed, medical personnel should step back and stay out of the way.
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    Methodological lessons in neurophenomenology: Review of a baseline study and recommendations for research approaches.Patricia Bockelman, Lauren Reinerman-Jones & Shaun Gallagher - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
    Neurophenomenological (NP) methods integrate objective and subjective data in ways that retain the statistical power of established disciplines (like cognitive science) while embracing the value of first-person reports of experience. The present paper positions neurophenomenology as an approach that pulls from traditions of cognitive science but includes techniques that are challenging for cognitive science in some ways. A baseline study is reviewed for “lessons learned,” that is, the potential methodological improvements that will support advancements in understanding consciousness and cognition using (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Choice-egalitarianism and the paradox of the baseline.Saul Smilansky - 2003 - Analysis 63 (2):146-151.
    Choice-egalitarianism (CE) is, broadly, a version of egalitarianism that gives free choice a pivotal role in justifying any inequality. The basic idea is this: we can morally evaluate equality and inequality in many respects, which we can call factors. Factors might be income, primary goods, wellbeing, how well someone’s life proceeds, and so on. But whatever the relevant factor may be, the baseline for egalitarianism is equality: we start, normatively, by assuming that everyone should receive the baseline, unless not receiving (...)
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  33. A humanistic baseline in the rural school.Sarah Freye & Dini Metro-Roland - 2025 - In Cara E. Furman & Tomas de Rezende Rocha, Teachers and philosophy: essays on the contact zone. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Recovery of post stroke proximal arm function, driven by complex neuroplastic bilateral brain activation patterns and predicted by baseline motor dysfunction severity.Svetlana Pundik, Jessica P. McCabe, Ken Hrovat, Alice Erica Fredrickson, Curtis Tatsuoka, I. Jung Feng & Janis J. Daly - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:135655.
    Objectives: Neuroplastic changes that drive recovery of shoulder/elbow function after stroke have been poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between neuroplastic brain changes related to shoulder/elbow movement control in response to treatment and recovery of arm motor function in chronic stroke survivors.Methods: Twenty-three chronic stroke survivors were treated with 12 weeks of arm rehabilitation. Outcome measures included functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) for the shoulder/elbow components of reach and a skilled motor function test (Arm (...)
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  35.  63
    Enlightened self-interest fails as an ethical baseline in public relations.David L. Martinson - 1994 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 9 (2):100 – 108.
    Some in public relations have suggested that practitioners adopt a philosophy of enlightened self-interest as an ethical baseline. The author contends that such a theory must be rejected because even the enlightened variety does not adequately weigh the needs of significant others - a central consideration in any effort to define ethical behavior. The author maintains that genuine sacrifice - at times required of those desiring to do the right thing - clearly can conflict with any theory espousing self-interest as (...)
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  36.  36
    The Role of Baseline Vagal Tone in Dealing with a Stressor during Face to Face and Computer-Based Social Interactions.Daniele Rigoni, Francesca Morganti & Paride Braibanti - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  37.  37
    Hempel, Grue and the Logical Empiricist Baseline.Mathew Coakley - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (5):969-982.
    A logical empiricist “baseline statement” can formalize some propositions established by a body of evidence or set of observations. However, it may not necessarily capture, of two propositions it entails, whether all the subsets of the evidence that establish one proposition also establish the other, vice versa, or neither. Yet, according to this paper, which obtains should sometimes matter for confirmation. It illustrates by showing how this “evidential dependence” can be used to address problems with generalizations of grue-like predicates, and (...)
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  38.  28
    The meaning of baselines.David Lee Robinson - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):370-370.
    Images of mindsuperbly summarizes work on cognitive neuroscienee using PET scanning. Some of the data emphasized suggests that parietal cortex is involved in the disengagement of attention. We have discovered neurons in awake monkeys which could perform this function. Another point of emphasis is the concept of neutral cues. Although an appealing concept, it is extremely difficult to define what is actually neutral.
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    The Differential Organization of the Structures of Consciousness during Hypnosis and a Baseline Condition.Ronald Pekala & V. Kumar - 1986 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 7 (4).
  40.  96
    Fairness to non-participants: a case for a practice-independent egalitarian baseline.Merten Reglitz - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (4): 466-485.
    Proponents of practice-dependent egalitarianism argue that egalitarian duties and entitlements only apply among participants in morally relevant practices. In this paper, I argue that these views are implausible because they allow for objectionable treatment of non-participants. I show that it is impossible, on the basis of practice-internal considerations alone, to determine the extent to which the pursuit of practices can permissibly limit the opportunities of non-participants. There are opportunities beyond the current holdings of practices to which no one has a (...)
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  41.  11
    A. the baseline for measurement of percentage change.A. A. Lumsdaine & C. I. Hovland - 2017 - In A. A. Lumsdaine & C. I. Hovland, Experiments on Mass Communication. Princeton University Press. pp. 284-292.
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  42.  34
    A Bayesian Baseline for Belief in Uncommon Events.Vesa Palonen - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (3):159-175.
    The plausibility of uncommon events and miracles based on testimony of such an event has been much discussed. When analyzing the probabilities involved, it has mostly been assumed that the common events can be taken as data in the calculations. However, we usually have only testimonies for the common events. While this difference does not have a significant effect on the inductive part of the inference, it has a large influence on how one should view the reliability of testimonies. In (...)
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  43.  28
    No consistent correlation between baseline pupil diameter and cognitive abilities after controlling for confounds—A comment on.Nash Unsworth, Ashley L. Miller & Matthew K. Robison - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104825.
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  44.  10
    SNAP23 is selectively expressed in airway secretory cells and mediates baseline and stimulated mucin secretion.Binhui Ren, Zoulikha Azzegagh, Ana M. Jaramillo, Yunxiang Zhu, Ana Pardo-Saganta, Rustam Bagirzadeh, Jose R. Flores, Wei Han, Yong-jun Tang, Jing Tu, Denise M. Alanis, Christopher M. Evans, Michele Guindani, Paul A. Roche, Jayaraj Rajagopal, Jichao Chen, C. William Davis, Michael J. Tuvim & Burton F. Dickey - unknown
    Airway mucin secretion is important pathophysiologically and as a model of polarized epithelial regulated exocytosis. We find the trafficking protein, SNAP23, selectively expressed in secretory cells compared with ciliated and basal cells of airway epithelium by immunohistochemistry and FACS, suggesting that SNAP23 functions in regulated but not constitutive epithelial secretion. Heterozygous SNAP23 deletant mutant mice show spontaneous accumulation of intracellular mucin, indicating a defect in baseline secretion. However mucins are released from perfused tracheas of mutant and wild-type mice at the (...)
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  45.  33
    The impact of implantable cardiac defibrillators for primary prophylaxis in the community: baseline risk and clinically meaningful benefits.S. Jolly, P. Dorian & D. A. Alter - 2006 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (2):190-195.
  46.  31
    Is Lottery a Better Way of Resource Distribution Than Baseline Funding?Takahiro Sakamoto - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science:1-40.
    Recently, several funding agencies have introduced the distribution of funds by a lottery system; however, its effects on the productivity of the research community are unclear. Simulation studies in philosophy of science have argued that a combination of peer review and lottery is an optimal method. However, these models overlook several important aspects of research activities, such as baseline funding through block grants. In this study, I constructed a general theoretical model that incorporates these aspects and argue that the conventional (...)
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  47.  98
    Ethics, CSR, and Sustainability Education in the Financial Times Top 50 Global Business Schools: Baseline Data and Future Research Directions.Lisa Jones Christensen, Ellen Peirce, Laura P. Hartman, W. Michael Hoffman & Jamie Carrier - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (4):347-368.
    This paper investigates how deans and directors at the top 50 global MBA programs (as rated by the "Financial Times" in their 2006 Global MBA rankings) respond to questions about the inclusion and coverage of the topics of ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability at their respective institutions. This work purposely investigates each of the three topics separately. Our findings reveal that: (1) a majority of the schools require that one or more of these topics be covered in their MBA (...)
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    A replication of the 5–7day dream-lag effect with comparison of dreams to future events as control for baseline matching. [REVIEW]Mark Blagrove, Josie Henley-Einion, Amanda Barnett, Darren Edwards & C. Heidi Seage - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (2):384-391.
    The dream-lag effect refers to there being, after the frequent incorporation of memory elements from the previous day into dreams , a lower incorporation of memory elements from 2 to 4 days before the dream, but then an increased incorporation of memory elements from 5 to 7 days before the dream. Participants kept a daily diary and a dream diary for 14 days and then rated the level of matching between every dream report and every daily diary record. Baseline matching (...)
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  49.  21
    Why Does Cognitive Training Yield Inconsistent Benefits? A Meta-Analysis of Individual Differences in Baseline Cognitive Abilities and Training Outcomes.Hilary J. Traut, Ryan M. Guild & Yuko Munakata - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite growing interest in improving cognitive abilities across the lifespan through training, the benefits of cognitive training are inconsistent. One powerful contributor may be that individuals arrive at interventions with different baseline levels of the cognitive skill being trained. Some evidence suggests poor performers benefit the most from cognitive training, showing compensation for their weak abilities, while other evidence suggests that high performers benefit most, experiencing a magnification of their abilities. Whether training leads to compensation or magnification effects may depend (...)
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  50.  22
    Distributing the Harm of Just Wars: In Defence of an Egalitarian Baseline.Sara Van Goozen - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book argues that the risk of harm in armed conflict should be divided equally between combatants and enemy non-combatants. International law requires that combatants in war take 'all feasible precautions' to minimise damage to civilian objects, injury to civilians, and incidental loss of civilian life. However, there is no clear explanation of what 'feasible precautions' means in this context, or what would count as sufficiently minimised incidental harm. As a result, it is difficult to judge whether a particular war (...)
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