Results for 'bioethics, Christianity, Genesis, cell therapy, translational medicine, in vitro fertilization, human cloning'

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  1.  31
    Christianity and bioethics. Seeking arguments for stem cell research in Genesis.Leabu Mircea - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):72-87.
    Many Christian scholars, if not all of them, consider Genesis to be foundational texts of the Bible and the spring for all the other doctrines of the Scripture. Therefore, I'm considering the attempt to search and find arguments for cell therapy ethical issues in the fundamental text of Genesis as a challenging and educative task. Moreover, this could be the first step in analyzing the relationships between Christian religions and bioethics, in terms of finding reasonable decisions for ethical challenges, (...)
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    Bioethics and cloning, part I.Susan Cartier Poland & Laura Jane Bishop - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (3):305-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.3 (2002) 305-323 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note 41 Bioethics and Cloning, Part I Susan Cartier Poland and Laura Jane Bishop This is Part One of a two part Scope Note on Bioethics and Cloning. Part Two will be published in the December 2002 issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal and as a separate reprint. Contents For Parts 1 (...)
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    Stem Cells Therapy and Research. Benefits and Ethical Challences.Nicolae Ovidiu Grad, Ionel Ciprian Pop & Ion Aurel Mironiuc - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):190-205.
    The research on stem cell-based therapies has greatly expanded in recent years. Our text attempts to seek those religious and ethical challenges that stem cell therapy and research bring into debate. Our thesis is that bioethics can defend its principle without a religious background. We will develop our argumentation on three major points: firstly, a comparison between secular ethics and religious views will clarify why stem cell therapy and research are important from a scientific point of view, (...)
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    Personhood revisited: reproductive technology, bioethics, religion and the law.Howard Wilbur Jones - 2012 - Minneapolis, MN: Langdon Street Press.
    Howard W. Jones, Jr.'s Personhood Revisited chronicles reproductive technology's debate-evoking history meanwhile exploring the ongoing moral dilemmas of the twenty-first century, including: personhood, in vitro fertilization, conjugal love, eugenics, cloning, stem cell research, and more. Balanced readings on each reproductive topic represent conflicting viewpoints from legal, religious, and scientific perspectives. And Jones' personal experiences, such as meetings with the Vatican, add a unique look into the highly political yet benevolent world of reproductive medicine. Author Howard W. Jones, (...)
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  5. A Heideggerian defense of therapeutic cloning.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (1):31-62.
    Debates about the legitimacy of embryonic stem-cell research have largely focused on the type of ethical value that should be accorded to the human embryo in␣vitro. In this paper, I try to show that, to broaden the scope of these debates, one needs to articulate an ontology that does not limit itself to biological accounts, but that instead focuses on the embryo’s place in a totality of relevance surrounding and guiding a human practice. Instead of attempting (...)
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    Human Gene Therapy.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (1):63-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Human Gene TherapyMary Carrington Coutts (bio)On September 14, 1990, researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) performed the first approved gene therapy procedure on a four-year-old girl named Ashanti DeSilva. Born with a rare genetic disease, severe combined immune deficiency (SCID), Ashanti lacked a healthy immune system and was extremely vulnerable to infection. Children with SCID usually develop overwhelming infections and rarely survive to adulthood; even (...)
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    Therapeutic versus Genuine Cloning.Wolfgang Lenzen - 2003 - Ethical Perspectives 10 (3):176-184.
    In order to answer the question raised in the title of my paper, I first put forward a general ethical theory, which is based on the traditional maxim neminem laedere. Second, I show how this principle in conjunction with certain assumptions concerning the value of life entails certain fundamental bioethical principles. Thus killing a living being Y is morally wrong whenever the intrinsic value of the life that Y would otherwise live is positive. But procreating a living being Y is (...)
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  8. “Other selves”: moral and legal proposals regarding the personhood of cryopreserved human embryos.E. Christian Brugger - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (2):105-129.
    This essay has two purposes. The first is to argue that our moral duties towards human embryos should be assessed in light of the Golden Rule by asking the normative question, “how would I want to be treated if I were an embryo?” Some reject the proposition “I was an embryo” on the basis that embryos should not be recognized as persons. This essay replies to five common arguments denying the personhood of human embryos: (1) that early (...) embryos lack ontological individuation; (2) that they are members of the species Homo sapiens but not yet human persons; (3) that the argument for personhood commits the “heap argument” fallacy; (4) that since human procreation in nature is inefficient, human embryos cannot be persons; and (5) the “burning building” scenario proves that all arguments for personhood are irrational or inconsistent. The second purpose is to set forth and criticize in light of the normative judgement defended in part one the present legal situation of cryo-preserved embryos in the U.S. The essay ends by proposing legislative reforms to protect ex utero human embryos. (shrink)
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    James Drane's More Humane Medicine : A New Foundation for Twenty-first Century Bioethics?Brad F. Mellon - 2006 - Christian Bioethics 12 (3):301-311.
    James Drane's More Humane Medicine: A Liberal Catholic Bioethics is an outstanding contribution to the study of bioethics in our day. Catholics and others who are interested in the issues discussed here will benefit from this masterful treatment. The author opens with a set of definitions, starting with what he means by a “more humane medicine.” Drane contends that a more humane medicine has become necessary and desired, but not because the traditional medical ethic as “a self-declared and self-imposed ethic, (...)
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    Bioethics and Sin.Jean-Francois Collange - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (2):175-182.
    On the basis of a historical reconstruction of the stages through which the Christian notion of sin took shape in Protestantism, the significance of this term for modern bioethics is derived from its opposition to a holiness of God and his creatures, which in turn translates into the secular moral concept of dignity. This dignity imposes obligations to respect and to relationships that are sustained by faithfulness and trust. In being based on the gratuitousness of God’s grace, such relationships preclude (...)
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    Banning Human Cloning--Then What?Cynthia B. Cohen - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (2):205-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11.2 (2001) 205-209 [Access article in PDF] Bioethics Inside the Beltway Banning Human Cloning-Then What? Cynthia B. Cohen The public wonder and concern that accompanied the birth of Dolly, the cloned sheep, four years ago died down soon after her arrival. Little has been heard about human reproductive cloning since then in the public square. This silence was pierced recently (...)
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    Taking Persons Seriously: Where Philosophy and Bioethics Intersect.Mihretu P. Guta & Scott B. Rae (eds.) - 2024 - Eugene, Oregon.: Pickwick Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    This volume attempts to show why ontology matters for a proper grasp of issues in bioethics. -/- Contemporary discussions on bioethics often focus on seeking solutions for a wide range of issues that revolve around persons. The issues in question are multi-layered, involving such diverse aspects as the metaphysical/ontological, personal, medical, moral, legal, cultural, social, political, religious, and environmental. In navigating through such a complex web of issues, it has been said that the central problems philosophers and bioethicists face are (...)
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    Öffnung der Humangenetik – ein systemtheoretisches Kommunikationsmodell.Christian Wevelsiep - 2000 - Ethik in der Medizin 12 (2):88-102.
    Definition of the problem: This article describes the communication structure concerning the problems of genetic engineering, in-vitro fertilization and the current debate about „genetic advisory”. Arguments: Proceeding from the social systems theory, two observation types are discriminated: 1st and 2nd orders, which occur here as critical and affirmative positions. The first term refers to specific operations of the social system of medicine, the second to communication of social movements. Neither perspective can deliver total rationality or unity, and the two (...)
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    The Changing Face of Health Care: A Christian Appraisal of Managed Care, Resource Allocation, and Patient-caregiver Relationships.John Frederic Kilner, Robert D. Orr, Judith Allen Shelly & Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity - 1998 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
    In response to the many changes currently going on in health care, this book offers the combined insight and wisdom of a stellar group of scholars and professionals with extensive experience in the health care field. The book opens with a look at people's actual experience of health care today, from four different perspectives. It then addresses foundational questions, including the nature of medicine, nursing, and justice. Surveyed next are the changing economics of health care as well as the impact (...)
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    Der Beginn der menschlichen Person und bioethische Konfliktfälle: Anfragen an das Lehramt.Nikolaus Knoepffler - 2012 - Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
  16.  47
    Therapeutic Access to the Embryo.Mark F. Repenshek - 2011 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 11 (4):735-756.
    Genomic interventions ex utero and in utero are already a reality in medicine. It is plausible to believe that this reality will lead to therapies at the preimplantation level, especially where such interventions are the only safe and effective way to truly prevent human suffering and disease in offspring. The plausibility of this type of genomic therapy is of particular interest for prospective parents who are Roman Catholic, since in vitro fertilization provides the only means by which an (...)
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  17. Germline Manipulation and Our Future Worlds.John Harris - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):30-34.
    Two genetic technologies capable of making heritable changes to the human genome have revived interest in, and in some quarters a very familiar panic concerning, so-called germline interventions. These technologies are: most recently the use of CRISPR/Cas9 to edit genes in non-viable IVF zygotes and Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy the use of which was approved in principle in a landmark vote earlier this year by the United Kingdom Parliament. The possibility of using either of these techniques in humans has encountered (...)
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  18. Developments in stem cell research and therapeutic cloning: Islamic ethical positions, a review.Hossam E. Fadel - 2010 - Bioethics 26 (3):128-135.
    Stem cell research is very promising. The use of human embryos has been confronted with objections based on ethical and religious positions. The recent production of reprogrammed adult (induced pluripotent) cells does not – in the opinion of scientists – reduce the need to continue human embryonic stem cell research. So the debate continues.Islam always encouraged scientific research, particularly research directed toward finding cures for human disease. Based on the expectation of potential benefits, Islamic teachings (...)
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  19. Contemporary debates in bioethics.Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp (eds.) - 2013 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Are there universal ethical principles that should govern the conduct of medicine and research worldwide? -- Is it morally acceptable to buy and sell organs for human transplantation? -- Were it physically safe, would human reproductive cloning be acceptable? -- Is the deliberately induced abortion of a human pregnancy ethically justifiable? -- Is it ethical to patent or copyright genes, embryos, or their parts? -- Should minors have the right to refuse treatment, even when against the (...)
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    Species Choice and Model Use: Reviving Research on Human Development.Nick Hopwood - 2024 - Journal of the History of Biology 57 (2):231-279.
    While model organisms have had many historians, this article places studies of humans, and particularly our development, in the politics of species choice. Human embryos, investigated directly rather than via animal surrogates, have gone through cycles of attention and neglect. In the past 60 years they moved from the sidelines to center stage. Research was resuscitated in anatomy, launched in reproductive biomedicine, molecular genetics, and stem-cell science, and made attractive in developmental biology. I explain this surge of interest (...)
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    This Mortal Flesh: Incarnation and Bioethics.Brent Waters - 2009 - Brazos Press.
    Preface -- How brave a new world? : God, technology, and medicine -- A theological reflection on reproductive medicine -- Are our genes our fate? : genomics and Christian theology -- Persons, neighbors, and embryos : some ethical reflections on human cloning and stem cell research -- Extending human life : to what end? -- What is Christian about Christian bioethics? -- Revitalizing medicine : empowering natality vs. fearing mortality -- The future of the human (...)
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  22.  66
    In Vitro Fertilization, Double Effect, and Stem Cell Research: An Introduction.A. E. Hinkley - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (3):231-234.
  23.  32
    Orthodox Perspectives on In Vitro Fertilization in Russia.Roman Tarabrin - 2020 - Christian Bioethics 26 (2):177-204.
    The views on in vitro fertilization within Russian Orthodox Christian society are diverse. One reason for that variation is the ambiguity found in “The Basis of the Social Concept,” the document issued in 2000 by the Russian Orthodox Church and considered to be the primary guidelines for determining the Church’s stance on bioethics. This essay explores how the treatment of infertility reconciles with the Orthodox Christian faith and what methods of medical assistance for infertility may be appropriate for Orthodox (...)
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    Genetics and bioethics: How our thinking has changed since 1969.LeRoy Walters - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (1):83-95.
    In 1969, the field of human genetics was in its infancy. Amniocentesis was a new technique for prenatal diagnosis, and a newborn genetic screening program had been established in one state. There were also concerns about the potential hazards of genetic engineering. A research group at the Hastings Center and Paul Ramsey pioneered in the discussion of genetics and bioethics. Two principal techniques have emerged as being of enduring importance: human gene transfer research and genetic testing and screening. (...)
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    Bioethics: select laws and issues from around the world.Marshall Breslau & Paige Feldman (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    This book examines the field of bioethics from an international and regional legal perspective. It focuses on major international law documents such as the United Nations Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights and UNESCO declarations on human cloning and the human genome. Coverage of regional legal instruments includes the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (the Oviedo Convention) and its Protocols on cloning, transplantation, and research with human beings. Work (...)
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    “Bioethics” as a New Challenge to Philosophy.Kyungsuk Choi - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:37-51.
    The advance of medical and biological science and technology has presented us with new ethical and legal issues. Is embryonic stem cell research morally justified and legally allowed? What moral status do embryos have? Who can be a morally appropriate user of In Vitro fertilization? Who can use donated sperm and/or egg? What is the scope of reproductive liberty?” What is the meaning of a family and that of reproduction? How far does our genetic intervention go?”Scientists, lawyers, and (...)
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    Estatuto del embrión humano.Pablo Arango Restrepo - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):307-318.
    A significant number of current developments in the field of Biotechnology –such as stem cells, in vitro fertilization, embryo research, cloning, among others– are related directly or indirectly to the beginning of human life. It is important to acknowledge the biological status of the human embryo: when does its life begin and what is it from a biological standpoint. Therefore, by considering such information, informed choices could be made in moral and legal issues. The different biological (...)
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    The Science, Fiction, and Reality of Embryo Cloning.Jacques Cohen & Giles Tomkin - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (3):193-203.
    Although many scientists view cloning as a useful procedure for scientific research into early embryo development—one that cannot currently be used to produce multiple copies of humans—the popular literature has led some individuals to view it as sinister. To address the concerns of the public, various conceptions of cloning are distinguished and their basis in fact analyzed. The possible uses, benefits, and detriments of both embryo splitting and nuclear transplantation are explained. Once the nature and purposes of (...) are understood, and the distinctive ethical dilemmas created by embryo splitting and nuclear transplantation are sorted out, these procedures should be clinically implemented to assist in vitro fertilization treatment for those who are infertile and to further other therapeutic and investigational efforts in medicine. (shrink)
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  29. Aquinas's account of human embryogenesis and recent interpretations.Jason Eberl - 2005 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 30 (4):379 – 394.
    In addressing bioethical issues at the beginning of human life, such as abortion, in vitro fertilization, and embryonic stem cell research, one primary concern regards establishing when a developing human embryo or fetus can be considered a person. Thomas Aquinas argues that an embryo or fetus is not a human person until its body is informed by a rational soul. Aquinas's explicit account of human embryogenesis has been generally rejected by contemporary scholars due to (...)
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  30. Variations and voids: the regulation of human cloning around the world. [REVIEW]Shaun D. Pattinson & Timothy Caulfield - 2004 - BMC Medical Ethics 5 (1):1-8.
    Background No two countries have adopted identical regulatory measures on cloning. Understanding the complexity of these regulatory variations is essential. It highlights the challenges associated with the regulation of a controversial and rapidly evolving area of science and sheds light on a regulatory framework that can accommodate this reality. Methods Using the most reliable information available, we have performed a survey of the regulatory position of thirty countries around the world regarding the creation and use of cloned embryos (see (...)
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    Bioethics and Medical Law.Herman Nys & Paul Schotsmans - 1994 - Ethical Perspectives 1 (4):185-207.
    Bioethics has been in existence now for more than twenty years. Much has changed, however, since Van Rensselaer Potter2 first used the term bioethics in 1971. For Potter, bioethics was an applied science with its roots in the biological sciences and its orientation towards the betterment of human life. Today the concept is used in a different context. It has become the name given to the ethical research that has become necessary in light of the new possibilities created by (...)
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    Bioethics and Medical Law—An Orientation1.Herman Nys & Paul Schotsmans - 1994 - Ethical Perspectives 1 (1):185.
    Bioethics has been in existence now for more than twenty years. Much has changed, however, since Van Rensselaer Potter2 first used the term bioethics in 1971. For Potter, bioethics was an applied science with its roots in the biological sciences and its orientation towards the betterment of human life. Today the concept is used in a different context. It has become the name given to the ethical research that has become necessary in light of the new possibilities created by (...)
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    Suicide gene‐enabled cell therapy: A novel approach to scalable human pluripotent stem cell quality control.Emilie Gysel, Leila Larijani, Michael S. Kallos & Roman J. Krawetz - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (11):2300037.
    There are an increasing number of cell therapy approaches being studied and employed world‐wide. An emerging area in this field is the use of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) products for the treatment of injuries/diseases that cannot be effectively managed through current approaches. However, as with any cell therapy, vast numbers of functional and safe cells are required. Bioreactors provide an attractive avenue to generate clinically relevant cell numbers with decreased labour and decreased batch to (...)
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  34. Human embryonic stem cell research and the discarded embryo argument.Mark Moller - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (2):131-145.
    Many who believe that human embryos have moral status are convinced that their use in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research can be morally justified as long as they are discarded embryos left over from fertility treatments. This is one reason why this view about discarded embryos has played such a prominent role in the debate over publicly funding hESC research in the United States and other countries. Many believe that this view offers the best chance of (...)
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    The singapore approach to human stem cell research, therapeutic and reproductive cloning.Catherine Tay Swee Kian & Tien Sim Leng - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):290–303.
    ABSTRACT With the controversial ethical issues on the creation of human embryos through cloning for therapeutic research, which holds more promise for medical breakthroughs that the world could ever imagine and the acknowledgement by many scientists that this biotechnology may not lead in the near future to therapies; this country report discusses the approach Singapore takes on human stem cell research, interjected with the authors’ own arguments and suggestions especially on research compensation injuries, an often neglected (...)
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    Cutting-edge bioethics: a Christian exploration of technologies and trends.John Frederic Kilner, C. Christopher Hook & Diane B. Uustal (eds.) - 2002 - Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.
    This book from the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity provides a faith-based evaluation of recent technologies and trends in bioethics--including the current debate surrounding stem cell research. Fifteen noted scholars and medical practitioners discuss some of today's new and controversial work in biomedicine--xenotransplantation, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and more--and evaluate from a Christian perspective both the science and the ethical questions it raises. Designed to orient general readers to the current state of biomedical research, Cutting-Edge Bioethics is must (...)
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    Bioethics.Paul B. Thomson - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks, A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 397–401.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References and Further Reading.
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    Human gene therapy and the slippery slope argument.Veikko Launis - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (2):169-179.
    The article investigates the validity of two different versions of the slippery slope argument construed in relation to human gene therapy: the empirical and the conceptual argument. The empirical version holds that our accepting somatic cell therapy will eventually cause our accepting eugenic medical goals. The conceptual version holds that we are logically committed to accepting such goals once we have accepted somatic cell therapy. It is argued that neither the empirical nor the conceptual version of the (...)
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  39. Human cloning and embryo research: The 2003 John J. Conley lecture on medical ethics.Robert P. George - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (1):3-20.
    The author, a member of the U.S.President's Council on Bioethics, discussesethical issues raised by human cloning, whetherfor purposes of bringing babies to birth or forresearch purposes. He first argues that everycloned human embryo is a new, distinct, andenduring organism, belonging to the speciesHomo sapiens, and directing its owndevelopment toward maturity. He then distinguishesbetween two types of capacities belonging toindividual organisms belonging to this species,an immediately exerciseable capacity and abasic natural capacity that develops over time. He argues that (...)
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    Handbook of bioethics and religion.David E. Guinn (ed.) - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What role should religion play in a religiously pluralistic liberal society? Public bioethics unavoidably raises this question in a particularly insistent fashion. As the 20 papers in this collection demonstrate, the issues are complex and multifaceted. The authors address specific and highly contested issues as assisted suicide, stem cell research, cloning, reproductive health, and alternative medicine as well as more general questions such as who legitimately speaks for religion in public bioethics, what religion can add to our understanding (...)
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    Applying Catholic Responsibility to In Vitro Fertilization: Obligations to the Spouse, the Body, and the Common Good.C. Richie - 2012 - Christian Bioethics 18 (3):271-286.
    After the typical theological and bioethical questions about in vitro fertilization (IVF) are vetted, there remains a three-dimensional understanding of responsibility that is not typically considered in Christian bioethics. This paper will explore responsibility to the spouses’ loving union, their bodies, and society in order to ascertain the morality of IVF. In a marriage partnership, the spouses’ primary responsibility is to each other. Although in matrimony physical union is essential to marriage, children are not. The second dimension of responsibility (...)
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  42. Gene therapy: Ethical issues.Isaac Rabino - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (1):31-58.
    To discern the ethical issues involved incurrent gene therapy research, to explore theproblems inherent in possible future genetherapies, and to encourage debate within thescientific community about ethical questionsrelevant to both, we surveyed American Societyof Human Genetics scientists who engage inhuman genetics research. This study of theopinions of U.S. scientific experts about theethical issues discussed in the literature ongene therapy contributes systematic data on theattitudes of those working in the field as wellas elaborative comments. Our survey finds thatrespondents are highly (...)
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    Private Bioethics Forums: Counterpoint to Government Bodies.Cynthia B. Cohen & Elizabeth Leibold McCloskey - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (3):283-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Private Bioethics Forums:Counterpoint to Government BodiesCynthia B. Cohen (bio) and Elizabeth Leibold McCloskey (bio)Ethical issues associated with reproductive technologies quickly gain public attention. The front pages of newspapers have featured stories about grandmothers giving birth to their own grandchildren, couples "renting" wombs from surrogates, and researchers prepared to transplant fetal ovaries into women unable to produce viable eggs. With each new and bolder foray into reproductive realms, the question (...)
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    Russian orthodox church on bioethical debates: the case of ART.Roman Tarabrin - 2022 - Monash Bioethics Review 40 (Suppl 1):71-93.
    This article assesses the role of an important Russian public institution, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), in shaping the religious discourse on bioethics in Russia. An important step in this process was the approval of ‘The Basis of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church’ (2000), one chapter of which is devoted to bioethics. However, certain inadequacies in the creation of this document resulted in the absence of a clear position of the Russian Orthodox Church on some end-of-life issues, (...)
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    The Epistemological Consequences of Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, and Implantable Brain-Computer Interfaces.Ian Stevens - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    ABSTRACT I argue that this examination and appreciation for the shift to abductive reasoning should be extended to the intersection of neuroscience and novel brain-computer interfaces too. This paper highlights the implications of applying abductive reasoning to personalized implantable neurotechnologies. Then, it explores whether abductive reasoning is sufficient to justify insurance coverage for devices absent widespread clinical trials, which are better applied to one-size-fits-all treatments. INTRODUCTION In contrast to the classic model of randomized-control trials, often with a large number of (...)
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    Patients accept therapy using embryonic stem cells for Parkinson’s disease: a discrete choice experiment.Jennifer Viberg Johansson, Mats Hansson, Elena Jiltsova, Trinette van Vliet, Hakan Widner, Dag Nyholm, Jorien Veldwijk, Catharina Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Jennifer Drevin & Karin Schölin Bywall - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundNew disease-modifying ways to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD) may soon become a reality with intracerebral transplantation of cell products produced from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). The aim of this study was to assess what factors influence preferences of patients with PD regarding stem-cell based therapies to treat PD in the future.MethodsPatients with PD were invited to complete a web-based discrete choice experiment to assess the importance of the following attributes: (i) type of treatment, (ii) aim of (...)
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  47. Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (A Recommended Manuscript).Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai Ethics Committee - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (1):47-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.1 (2004) 47-54 [Access article in PDF] Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research*(A Recommended Manuscript) Adopted on 16 October 2001Revised on 20 August 2002 Ethics Committee of the Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, Shanghai 201203 Human embryonic stem cell (ES) research is a great project in the frontier of biomedical science for the twenty-first century. (...)
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  48. The goals of sports medicine: What are they and what should they be?Christian Munthe - manuscript
    While other parts of medicine and health care seems traditionally to be primarily directed at preventing losses of bodily functions, repairing said functions in the case of such losses, or at least to provide ailment for unpleasant symptoms, sports medicine has allready from the beginning been involved with the project of enhancing bodily functions with regard to sports performance. First, when sports medicine involve itself in the traditional health care activity of prevention, therapy and ailment, the aim is often very (...)
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    Patenting humans: Clones, chimeras, and biological artifacts.William B. Hurlbut - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (1):21-29.
    The momentum of advances in biology is evident in the history of patents on life forms. As we proceed forward with greater understanding and technological control of developmental biology there will be many new and challenging dilemmas related to patenting of human parts and partial trajectories of human development. These dilemmas are already evident in the current conflict over the moral status of the early human embryo. In this essay, recent evidence from embryological studies is considered and (...)
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    Achieving Informed Consent for Cellular Therapies: A Preclinical Translational Research Perspective on Regulations versus a Dose of Reality.Aileen J. Anderson & Brian J. Cummings - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (3):394-401.
    A central principle of bioethics is “subject autonomy,” the acknowledgement of the primacy of the informed consent of the subject of research. Autonomy requires informed consent — the assurance that the research participant is informed about the possible risks and benefits of the research. In fact, informed consent is difficult when a single drug is being tested, although subjects have a baseline understanding of the testing of a pharmacological agent and the understanding that they can stop taking the drug if (...)
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