Results for 'biomedical'

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  1.  46
    Biomedical Research and Beyond: Expanding the Ethics of Inquiry.Christopher Tollefsen - 2007 - New York: Routledge.
    What is the relationship between scientific research and ethics? Some think that science should be free from ethical and political considerations. _Biomedical Research and Beyond_ argues that ethical guidance is essential for all forms of inquiry, including biomedical and scientific research. By addressing some of the most controversial questions of biomedical research, such as embryonic research, animal research, and genetic enhancement research, the author argues for a rich moral framework for the ethics of inquiry, based on the ideal (...)
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  2. Biomedical imaging ontologies: A survey and proposal for future work.Barry Smith, Sivaram Arabandi, Mathias Brochhausen, Michael Calhoun, Paolo Ciccarese, Scott Doyle, Bernard Gibaud, Ilya Goldberg, Charles E. Kahn Jr, James Overton, John Tomaszewski & Metin Gurcan - 2015 - Journal of Pathology Informatics 6 (37):37.
    Ontology is one strategy for promoting interoperability of heterogeneous data through consistent tagging. An ontology is a controlled structured vocabulary consisting of general terms (such as “cell” or “image” or “tissue” or “microscope”) that form the basis for such tagging. These terms are designed to represent the types of entities in the domain of reality that the ontology has been devised to capture; the terms are provided with logical defi nitions thereby also supporting reasoning over the tagged data. Aim: This (...)
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    Jewish Biomedical Law: Legal and Extra-Legal Dimensions.Daniel B. Sinclair - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    Dealing with major issues in Jewish biomedical law, this book focuses upon the influence of morality, the rise of patient autonomy, and the role played by scientific progress in this area of Jewish Law. The book examines Jewish Law in comparison with canon, common, and modern Israeli law.
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  4. The biomedical paradigm and the nobel prize: Is it time for a change?Laurence Foss - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (6):621-644.
    An examination of the early history of Nobel Committee deliberations, coupled with a survey of discoveries for which prizes have been awarded to date – and, equally revealing, discoveries for which prizes have not been awarded – reveals a pattern. This pattern suggests that Committee members may have internalized the received, biomedical model and conferred awards in accord with the physicalistic premises that ground this model. I consider the prospect of a paradigm change in medical science and the possible (...)
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    Biomedical Research and Corporate Interests: A Question of Academic Freedom.L. McHenry - 2008 - Mens Sana Monographs 6 (1):146.
    The current situation in medicine has been described as a crisis of credibility, as the profit motive of industry has taken control of clinical trials and the dissemination of data. Pharmaceutical companies maintain a stranglehold over the content of medical journals in three ways: (1) by ghostwriting articles that bias the results of clinical trials, (2) by the sheer economic power they exert on journals due to the purchase of drug advertisements and journal reprints, and (3) by the threat of (...)
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    Biomedical Ethics and Regulatory Capacity Building Partnership for Portuguese-Speaking African Countries (BERC-Luso): A pioneering project.M. Patrão Neves & J. P. B. Batista - 2021 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 14 (3):79-83.
    Biomedical research has a strong impact on a country’s scientific-technological and socioeconomic development. It can make a significant contribution at three different levels: promotion of public health; the exchange of knowledge within the scientific community; and economic/ financial profitability. Africa only attracts ~3.3% of the world’s clinical research. This small proportion is due to, among several factors, the absence of two fundamental aspects: specific robust legislation and capacity for regulatory and ethical evaluation. There are five Portuguese- speaking African countries (...)
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    Biomedical research funding: when the game gets tough, winners start to play.Giorgio A. Ascoli - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (9):933-936.
    Extramural funding provides major support for biomedical research in academia, and National Institutes of Health (NIH) grants often constitute direct evaluation criteria for promotions and tenure. Therefore, NIH budget trends influence long‐term scientific strategies and career decisions, as well as the progress of science itself. Our analysis of the last 37 years of NIH awards, however, reveals that the success rate of grant applications submitted for funding is negatively related to the total yearly amount of (inflation‐adjusted) NIH extramural expenditure. (...)
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    Improving biomedical journals’ ethical policies: the case of research misconduct.Xavier Bosch - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (9):644-646.
    Scientific journals may incur scientific error if articles are tainted by research misconduct. While some journals’ ethical policies, especially those on conflicts of interest, have improved over recent years, with some adopting a uniform approach, only around half of biomedical journals, principally those with higher impact factors, currently have formal misconduct policies, mainly for handling allegations. Worryingly, since a response to allegations would reasonably require an a priori definition, far fewer journals have publicly available definitions of misconduct. While some (...)
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  9. Biomedical ethics in the federal republic of germany (f.R.G.).Hans-Martin Sass - 1988 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 9 (3).
    Biomedical ethics in the FRG is still in an embryonic stage. The Hippocratic tradition of paternalism is still dominant, general debates on Weltanschauungen have not yet been replaced by case-study methods and other means of resolving conflicts more effectively in pluralistic societies. Issues such as IVF and embryo research are predominantly treated in legal rather than in moral terms. Some new developments in moral assessment of prenatal care and care of the dying are reported. Allocational disputes over the future (...)
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  10. Biomedical Ontologies.Barry Smith - 2023 - In Peter L. Elkin (ed.), Terminology, Ontology and their Implementations. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. pp. 125-169.
    We begin at the beginning, with an outline of Aristotle’s views on ontology and with a discussion of the influence of these views on Linnaeus. We move from there to consider the data standardization initiatives launched in the 19th century, and then turn to investigate how the idea of computational ontologies developed in the AI and knowledge representation communities in the closing decades of the 20th century. We show how aspects of this idea, particularly those relating to the use of (...)
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    Biomedical science: law & practice: from R & D to market.Zaid Hamzah - 2007 - Singapore: Sweet & Maxwell Asia.
    Biomedical Science Law & Practice is a practical strategic guide to the management of legal risks in biomedical science transactions, and commercialization of innovation and technology through strategic intellectual property licensing. This book provides a concise introduction to strategic legal risk management issues and strategic value creation in the entire biomedical science value chain, including legal liability issues from R&D, clinical trials, production of devices and market roll-out, protection of innovation through intellectual property (patents, copyrights, trade marks (...)
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    Reflecting biomedical, technological and environmental issues of our modern society. The recent “Forum” section in Poiesis & Praxis.Stephan Lingner - 2011 - Poiesis and Praxis 8 (1):1-2.
    Reflecting biomedical, technological and environmental issues of our modern society. The recent “Forum” section in Poiesis & Praxis Content Type Journal Article Category Editorial Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s10202-011-0097-7 Authors Stephan Lingner, Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH, Wilhelmstr. 56, 53474 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Germany Journal Poiesis & Praxis: International Journal of Technology Assessment and Ethics of Science Online ISSN 1615-6617 Print ISSN 1615-6609 Journal Volume Volume 8 Journal Issue Volume 8, Number 1.
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  13. Formalizing biomedical concepts from textual definitions.Alina Petrova, Yue Ma, George Tsatsaronis, Maria Kissa, Felix Distel, Franz Baader & Michael Schroeder - unknown
    BACKGROUND: Ontologies play a major role in life sciences, enabling a number of applications, from new data integration to knowledge verification. SNOMED CT is a large medical ontology that is formally defined so that it ensures global consistency and support of complex reasoning tasks. Most biomedical ontologies and taxonomies on the other hand define concepts only textually, without the use of logic. Here, we investigate how to automatically generate formal concept definitions from textual ones. We develop a method that (...)
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  14.  8
    Biomedical Ethics and the Law.James M. Humber, Robert F. Almeder & Robert E. Almeder - 1976 - Springer.
    In the past few years an increasing number of colleges and universities have added courses in biomedical ethics to their curricula. To some extent, these additions serve to satisfy student demands for "relevance. " But it is also true that such changes reflect a deepening desire on the part of the academic community to deal effectively with a host of problems which must be solved if we are to have a health-care delivery system which is efficient, humane, and just. (...)
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    Biomedical ethics.Roman Espejo (ed.) - 2003 - San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.
    Recent developments in biomedical research have the potential to radically transform modern medicine. The ethical dilemmas that these advances raise are discussed in the following chapters: Is Human Cloning Ethical? What Ethics Should Guide Organ Donations? Are Reproductive Technologies Ethical? What Ethics Should Guide Genetic Research?
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    A Brief History of Biomedical Research Ethics in Iran: Conflict of Paradigms.Kiarash Aramesh - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (2):107-112.
    During the past two decades, Iran has experienced a noteworthy growth in its biomedical research sector. At the same time, ethical concerns and debates resulting from this burgeoning enterprise has led to increasing attention paid to biomedical ethics. In Iran, Biomedical research ethics and research oversight passed through major periods during the past decades, separated by a paradigm shift. Period 1, starting from the early 1970s, is characterized by research paternalism and complete reliance on researchers as virtuous (...)
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    Covenantal biomedical ethics for contemporary medicine: an alternative to principles-based ethics.James J. Rusthoven - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications. Edited by Craig G. Bartholomew.
    Principles-based biomedical ethics has been a dominant paradigm for the teaching and practice of biomedical ethics for over three decades. Attractive in its conceptual and linguistic simplicity, it has also been criticized for its lack of moral content and justification and its lack of attention to relationships. This book identifies the modernist and postmodernist worldviews and philosophical roots of principlism that ground the moral minimalism of its common morality premise. Building on previous work by prominent Christian bioethicists, an (...)
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  18.  87
    (1 other version)Biomedical Moral Enhancement in the Face of Moral Particularism.Pei-Hua Huang & Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 83:189-208.
    Biomedical moral enhancement, or BME for short, aims to improve people’s moral behaviors through augmenting, via biomedical means, their virtuous dispositions such as sympathy, honesty, courage, or generosity. Recently, it has been challenged, on particularist grounds, however, that the manifestations of the virtuous dispositions can be morally wrong. For instance, being generous in terrorist financing is one such case. If so, biomedical moral enhancement, by enhancing people’s virtues, might turn out to be counterproductive in terms of people’s (...)
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  19.  59
    Biomedical Ethics.David DeGrazia & Jeffrey Brand-Ballard (eds.) - 2010 - Mcgraw-Hill Higher Education.
    This best-selling anthology of readings with case studies provides insightful and comprehensive treatment of ethical issues in medicine. Appropriate for courses taught in philosophy departments, bioethics programs, as well as schools of medicine and nursing, the collection covers such provocative topics as biomedical enhancement, clinical trials in developing countries, animal research, physician-assisted suicide, and health care reform. The text's effective pedagogical features include chapter introductions, argument sketches, explanations of medical terms, headnotes, and annotated bibliographies.
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  20. Putting Biomedical Ontologies to Work.Barry Smith & Mathias Brochhausen - 2010 - Methods of Information in Medicine 49 (2):135-40.
    Biomedical ontologies exist to serve integration of clinical and experimental data, and it is critical to their success that they be put to widespread use in the annotation of data. How, then, can ontologies achieve the sort of user-friendliness, reliability, cost-effectiveness, and breadth of coverage that is necessary to ensure extensive usage? Methods: Our focus here is on two different sets of answers to these questions that have been proposed, on the one hand in medicine, by the SNOMED CT (...)
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  21. Biomedical Terminologies and Ontologies: Enabling Biomedical Semantic Interoperability and Standards in Europe.Bernard de Bono, Mathias Brochhausen, Sybo Dijkstra, Dipak Kalra, Stephan Keifer & Barry Smith - 2009 - In Bernard de Bono, Mathias Brochhausen, Sybo Dijkstra, Dipak Kalra, Stephan Keifer & Barry Smith (eds.), European Large-Scale Action on Electronic Health.
    In the management of biomedical data, vocabularies such as ontologies and terminologies (O/Ts) are used for (i) domain knowledge representation and (ii) interoperability. The knowledge representation role supports the automated reasoning on, and analysis of, data annotated with O/Ts. At an interoperability level, the use of a communal vocabulary standard for a particular domain is essential for large data repositories and information management systems to communicate consistently with one other. Consequently, the interoperability benefit of selecting a particular O/T as (...)
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  22. Biomedical informatics and granularity.Anand Kumar & Barry Smith - 2004 - Comparative and Functional Genomics 5 (6-7):501-508.
    An explicit formal-ontological representation of entities existing at multiple levels of granularity is an urgent requirement for biomedical information processing. We discuss some fundamental principles which can form a basis for such a representation. We also comment on some of the implicit treatments of granularity in currently available ontologies and terminologies (GO, FMA, SNOMED CT).
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  23.  15
    Biomedical ethics in Canada.John Reynold Williams - 1986 - Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press.
    This text attempts to set forth as accurate a picture as possible of the present state of biomedical ethics in Canada, along with recommendations as to how it can be improved. It also shows how far the goal of expanding the field of biomedical ethics is to provide major improvements in the quality of health care in Canada.
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    Biomedical research ethics: updating international guidelines: a consultation: Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17 March 2000.Robert J. Levine, Samuel Gorovitz & James Gallagher (eds.) - 2000 - Geneva: CIOMS.
    Records the papers and commentaries, with an edited discussion, presented at an international consultation convened by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) to guide revision of the CIOMS International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects. The Guidelines, first issued in 1982 and then revised in 1993, are being updated and expanded to address a number of new and especially challenging ethical issues. These include issues raised by international collaborative trials of drugs in developing countries, (...)
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  25.  76
    Islamic biomedical ethics: principles and application.Abdulaziz Sachedina - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In search of principles of health care in Islam -- Health and suffering -- Beginning of life -- Terminating early life -- Death and dying -- Organ donation and cosmetic enhancement -- Recent developments -- Epilogue.
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  26. Will biomedical enhancements undermine solidarity, responsibility, equality and autonomy?Ori Lev - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (4):177-184.
    Prominent thinkers such as Jurgen Habermas and Michael Sandel are warning that biomedical enhancements will undermine fundamental political values. Yet whether biomedical enhancements will undermine such values depends on how biomedical enhancements will function, how they will be administered and to whom. Since only few enhancements are obtainable, it is difficult to tell whether these predictions are sound. Nevertheless, such warnings are extremely valuable. As a society we must, at the very least, be aware of developments that (...)
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    Biomedical Research, Neglected Diseases, and Well-Ordered Science.Julian Reiss & Philip Kitcher - 2010 - Theoria 24 (3):263-282.
    In this paper we make a proposal for reforming biomedical research that is aimed to align re-search more closely with the so-called fair-share principle according to which the proportions of global resources as-signed to different diseases should agree with the ratios of human suffering associated with those diseases.
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  28.  28
    Formal ontologies in biomedical knowledge representation.S. Schulz & L. Jansen - 2013 - In M.-C. Jaulent, C. U. Lehmann & B. Séroussi (eds.), Yearbook of Medical Informatics 8. pp. 132-146.
    Objectives: Medical decision support and other intelligent applications in the life sciences depend on increasing amounts of digital information. Knowledge bases as well as formal ontologies are being used to organize biomedical knowledge and data. However, these two kinds of artefacts are not always clearly distinguished. Whereas the popular RDF(S) standard provides an intuitive triple-based representation, it is semantically weak. Description logics based ontology languages like OWL-DL carry a clear-cut semantics, but they are computationally expensive, and they are often (...)
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    Biomedical ethics.Walter Glannon - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Today, advances in medicine and biotechnology occur at a rapid pace and have a profound impact on our lives. Mechanical devices can sustain an injured person's life indefinitely. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the body and brain can reveal disorders before symptoms appear. Genetic testing of embryos can predict whether people will have diseases earlier or later in life. It may even become possible to clone human beings. These and other developments raise difficult ethical questions. (...)
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  30.  19
    Defending Biomedical Authority and Regulating the Womb as Social Space: Prenatal Testing in the Polish Press.Anne-Marie Kramer - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (1):43-59.
    The issue of abortion has been the topic of heated and frequent debate in post-Communist Poland. Parliamentary debate in 1998—9 centred around a legislative attempt to restrict prenatal testing, specifically amniocentesis, in order to further reduce the numbers of abortions carried out, as it was argued to inevitably result in the termination of pregnancy. Medical professionals are rarely visible as subjects of and authorities on the abortion debate in the Polish context. However, in this debate around prenatal testing, the medical (...)
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    Biomedical moral enhancement for psychopaths.Junsik Yoon - 2025 - Bioethics 39 (2):170-177.
    This study examines the ethical permissibility of biomedical moral enhancement (BME) for psychopaths, considering both coercive and voluntary approaches. To do so, I will first briefly explain what psychopaths are and some normative implications of these facts. I will then ethically examine three scenarios of BME for psychopaths: (1) coercive BME for non‐criminal psychopaths, (2) coercive BME for psychopathic offenders, and (3) voluntary BME for psychopathic offenders. I will argue that coercive BME for non‐criminal psychopaths is ethically problematic due (...)
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  32.  14
    Biomedical controversies in Catholic Ireland: a contemporary history of divisive social issues.Don O'Leary - 2020 - Cork, Ireland: Eryn Press.
    The repeal of the Eighth Amendment was a turning point in Irish social history, especially in relation to the Catholic Church. But abortion is not a settled matter and it will continue to generate controversy. Likewise, issues such as surrogacy and assisted dying will give rise to sharp differences of opinion. Legislation that seeks to address bioethical issues such as these will inevitably provoke demands for amendments or repeal. By examining developments in biomedical science, Irish law and some central (...)
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  33. Anti-Love Biomedical Intervention and the Necessity of Consent.Kiichi Inarimori, Haruna Ichiki & Kengo Miyazono - 2024 - Neuroethics 18 (1):1-16.
    This paper is an investigation into the conditions under which anti-love biomedical intervention is justified. Our central claim is that anti-love biomedical intervention can be justified without the “simultaneous consent” of recipients (where the simultaneous consent of a person S is understood as S’s consent at time t to an intervention at t) when it contributes to increased autonomy. We begin with an overview of earlier discussions of the ethics of anti-love biomedical intervention, focusing on the pioneering (...)
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    Biomedical Research with Dual Use: Ethical Concerns.Simona Loana Gheorghiu - 2015 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 6 (1-2):105-112.
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  35. Biomedical Enhancements as Justice.Jeesoo Nam - 2013 - Bioethics 29 (2):126-132.
    Biomedical enhancements, the applications of medical technology to make better those who are neither ill nor deficient, have made great strides in the past few decades. Using Amartya Sen's capability approach as my framework, I argue in this article that far from being simply permissible, we have a prima facie moral obligation to use these new developments for the end goal of promoting social justice. In terms of both range and magnitude, the use of biomedical enhancements will mark (...)
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  36.  17
    Do biomedical researchers differ in their perceptions of plagiarism across Europe? Findings from an online survey among leading universities.Kris Dierickx, Benoit Nemery & Nannan Yi - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundExisting research on perceptions of plagiarism and cultural influences mainly focuses on comparisons between the Western World and the Eastern World. However, possible differences within the Western World have hardly been assessed, especially among biomedical academics. The authors compared perceptions of plagiarism among European biomedical researchers who participated in an online survey.MethodsThe present work is based on the data collected in a previous online survey done in 2018 among biomedical researchers working in leading European and Chinese universities. (...)
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  37. A Unified Framework for Biomedical Terminologies and Ontologies.Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2010 - Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 160:1050-1054.
    The goal of the OBO (Open Biomedical Ontologies) Foundry initiative is to create and maintain an evolving collection of non-overlapping interoperable ontologies that will offer unambiguous representations of the types of entities in biological and biomedical reality. These ontologies are designed to serve non-redundant annotation of data and scientific text. To achieve these ends, the Foundry imposes strict requirements upon the ontologies eligible for inclusion. While these requirements are not met by most existing biomedical terminologies, the latter (...)
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  38.  72
    The biomedical disciplines and the structure of biomedical and clinical knowledge.H. Nederbragt - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (6):553-566.
    The relation between biomedical knowledge and clinicalknowledge is discussed by comparing their respectivestructures. The knowledge of a disease as a biologicalphenomenon is constructed by the interaction of factsand theories from the main biomedical disciplines:epidemiology, diagnostics, clinical trial, therapydevelopment and pathogenesis. Although these facts andtheories are based on probabilities andextrapolations, the interaction provides a reliableand coherent structure, comparable to a Kuhnianparadigma. In the structure of clinical knowledge,i.e. knowledge of the patient with the disease, notonly biomedical knowledge contributes to (...)
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  39. Enhancement, Biomedical.Thomas Douglas - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
    Biomedical technologies can increasingly be used not only to combat disease, but also to augment the capacities or traits of normal, healthy people – a practice commonly referred to as biomedical enhancement. Perhaps the best‐established examples of biomedical enhancement are cosmetic surgery and doping in sports. But most recent scientific attention and ethical debate focuses on extending lifespan, lifting mood, and augmenting cognitive capacities.
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    Biomedical innovation and world health.Paul F. Basch - 1989 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 33 (4):501-508.
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  41. Biomedical Research.Magí Farré & Josep-E. Baños - 2024 - In Irene Cambra-Badii, Ester Busquets, Núria Terribas & Josep-Eladi Baños (eds.), Bioethics: foundations, applications, and future challenges. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business, A Science Publishers Book.
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    Biomedical Ethical Issues: A Digest of Law and Policy Development.Shelagh Gaskill - 1984 - Journal of Medical Ethics 10 (3):163-163.
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    Biomedical ethics.Andrea C. Nakaya - 2012 - San Diego, CA: ReferencePoint Press.
    Can genetic testing and manipulation be done ethically? -- Is the use of human embryos in stem cell research ethical? -- Chapter 3:is assisted reproductive technology ethical?
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  44. Biomedical Ethics: A Utilitarian Perspective.Kevin Smith - 2008 - Ethics 5 (3-4):179-196.
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  45. Dysgenic Biomedical Practices and Their International Regulation: A Proposal from Biolaw.Erick Valdés - 2019 - In Juan Lecaros & Erick Valdés (eds.), Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Building Answers for New Questions. Springer Verlag.
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  46. Biomedical ontology alignment: An approach based on representation learning.Prodromos Kolyvakis, Alexandros Kalousis, Barry Smith & Dimitris Kiritsis - 2018 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 9 (21).
    While representation learning techniques have shown great promise in application to a number of different NLP tasks, they have had little impact on the problem of ontology matching. Unlike past work that has focused on feature engineering, we present a novel representation learning approach that is tailored to the ontology matching task. Our approach is based on embedding ontological terms in a high-dimensional Euclidean space. This embedding is derived on the basis of a novel phrase retrofitting strategy through which semantic (...)
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    Is Data Science Transforming Biomedical Research? Evidence, Expertise and Experiments in COVID-19 Science.Sabina Leonelli - unknown
    Biomedical deployments of data science capitalise on vast, heterogeneous data sources. This promotes a diversified understanding of what counts as evidence for health-related interventions, beyond the strictures associated with evidence-based medicine. Focusing on COVID-19 transmission and prevention research, I consider the epistemic implications of this diversification of evidence in relation to: (1) experimental design, especially the revival of natural experiments as sources of reliable epidemiological knowledge; and (2) modelling practices, particularly the recognition of transdisciplinary expertise as crucial to developing (...)
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    Biomedical Research: A View from the State Legislature.William D. Delahunt - 1976 - Hastings Center Report 6 (2):25-26.
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    Managing Biomedical News.Dorothy Nelkin - 1985 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 52.
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    Biomedical ethics: philosophical and Islamic perspectives.Shahzad Qaiser - 2009 - Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute.
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