Results for 'class size'

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  1. The Class Size Debate: Is Small Better?Peter Blatchford, Paul Bassett, Harvey Goldstein, Claire Martin, Gemma Catchpole & Suzanne Edmonds - 2003 - British Journal of Educational Studies 51 (4):428-430.
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    The Effects of Class Size on Classroom Processes: ‘It's a Bit Like a Treadmill – Working Hard and Getting Nowhere Fast!’.Peter Blatchford & Clare Martin - 1998 - British Journal of Educational Studies 46 (2):118-137.
    Despite current moves in the UK to limit class sizes for young children in school, there is still a disturbing lack of research evidence on the effect of class size differences on pupils' educational progress and experience. Past research has concentrated on the effects on outcomes such as pupils' school attainments in basic areas. Much less is known about classroom processes that might mediate any such effects, though such knowledge is more useful for practice and policy. Drawing (...)
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    Class Collective Efficacy and Class Size as Moderators of the Relationship between Junior Middle School Students’ Externalizing Behavior and Academic Engagement: A Multilevel Study.Yu Tian, Yulong Bian, Piguo Han, Fengqiang Gao & Peng Wang - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    The size distribution for Markov equivalence classes of acyclic digraph models.Steven B. Gillispie & Michael D. Perlman - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 141 (1-2):137-155.
  5.  22
    The size of family of the business, professional and titled classes.A. Spencer Paterson - 1943 - The Eugenics Review 35 (3-4):57.
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  6. Program Size Complexity for Possibly Infinite Computations.Verónica Becher, Santiago Figueira, André Nies & Silvana Picchi - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (1):51-64.
    We define a program size complexity function $H^\infty$ as a variant of the prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity, based on Turing monotone machines performing possibly unending computations. We consider definitions of randomness and triviality for sequences in ${\{0,1\}}^\omega$ relative to the $H^\infty$ complexity. We prove that the classes of Martin-Löf random sequences and $H^\infty$-random sequences coincide and that the $H^\infty$-trivial sequences are exactly the recursive ones. We also study some properties of $H^\infty$ and compare it with other complexity functions. In particular, (...)
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    Farm size and job quality: mixed-methods studies of hired farm work in California and Wisconsin.Jill Lindsey Harrison & Christy Getz - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (4):617-634.
    Agrifood scholars have long investigated the relationship between farm size and a wide variety of social and ecological outcomes. Yet neither this scholarship nor the extensive research on farmworkers has addressed the relationship between farm size and job quality for hired workers. Moreover, although this question has not been systematically investigated, many advocates, popular food writers, and documentaries appear to have the answer—portraying precarious work as common on large farms and nonexistent on small farms. In this paper, we (...)
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  8. Social network size in humans.R. A. Hill & R. I. M. Dunbar - 2003 - Human Nature 14 (1):53-72.
    This paper examines social network size in contemporary Western society based on the exchange of Christmas cards. Maximum network size averaged 153.5 individuals, with a mean network size of 124.9 for those individuals explicitly contacted; these values are remarkably close to the group size of 150 predicted for humans on the basis of the size of their neocortex. Age, household type, and the relationship to the individual influence network structure, although the proportion of kin remained (...)
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    Minimum‐sized Infinite Partitions of Boolean Algebras.J. Donald Monk - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):537-550.
    For any Boolean Algebra A, let cmm be the smallest size of an infinite partition of unity in A. The relationship of this function to the 21 common functions described in Monk [4] is described, for the class of all Boolean algebras, and also for its most important subclasses. This description involves three main results: the existence of a rigid tree algebra in which cmm exceeds any preassigned number, a rigid interval algebra with that property, and the construction (...)
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    (1 other version)On the size of closed unbounded sets.James E. Baumgartner - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (3):195-227.
    We study various aspects of the size, including the cardinality, of closed unbounded subsets of [λ]<κ, especially when λ = κ+n for n ε ω. The problem is resolved into the study of the size of certain stationary sets. Relative to the existence of an ω1-Erdös cardinal it is shown consistent that ωω3 < ωω13 and every closed unbounded subsetof [ω3]<ω2 has cardinality ωω13. A weakening of the ω1-Erdös property, ω1-remarkability, is defined and shown to be retained under (...)
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    Retail Philanthropy: Firm Size, Industry, and Business Cycle. [REVIEW]Louis H. Amato & Christie H. Amato - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (4):435-448.
    This article investigates the effects of firm size, profitability, industry affiliation, and the business cycle on retailer philanthropy. The importance of industry and firm effects on giving was analyzed with regression models using industry-fixed effects as well as firm strategy variables. The analysis included instrumental variables methodology to account for simultaneity in the charitable giving–profits relationship. Data were gathered from the IRS Corporate Statistics of Income Sourcebook, data that provide firm size class measures covering the entire firm (...)
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    Reference-Class Problems Are Real: Health-Adjusted Reference Classes and Low Bone Mineral Density.Nicholas Binney - 2024 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 49 (2):jhae005.
    Elselijn Kingma argues that Christopher Boorse’s biostatistical theory (the BST) does not show how the reference classes it uses are objective and naturalistic. Recently, philosophers of medicine have attempted to rebut Kingma’s concerns. I argue that these rebuttals are theoretically unconvincing, and that there are clear examples of physicians adjusting their reference classes according to their prior knowledge of health and disease. I focus on the use of age-adjusted reference classes to diagnose low bone mineral density in children. In addition (...)
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    Regional variations in family size in the Republic of Ireland.John Coward - 1980 - Journal of Biosocial Science 12 (1):1-14.
    SummaryDate from the Census Fertility Reports are used to investigate social and regional variations in family size in the Republic of Ireland. Although Ireland is noted for its high level of fertility, average family size declined by approximately 10% between 1946 and 1971. There are distinct socioeconomic variations in family size in that Roman Catholic family size is greater than that of non-Catholics and the middle classes have the smallest families within each of the religious groups. (...)
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    Predicative Classes and Strict Potentialism.Øystein Linnebo & Stewart Shapiro - forthcoming - Philosophia Mathematica:nkae020.
    While sets are combinatorial collections, defined by their elements, classes are logical collections, defined by their membership conditions. We develop, in a potentialist setting, a predicative approach to (logical) classes of (combinatorial) sets. Some reasons emerge to adopt a stricter form of potentialism, which insists, not only that each object is generated at some stage of an incompletable process, but also that each truth is “made true” at some such stage. The natural logic of this strict form of potentialism is (...)
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    Asymptotic Classes of Finite Structures.Richard Elwes - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (2):418 - 438.
    In this paper we consider classes of finite structures where we have good control over the sizes of the definable sets. The motivating example is the class of finite fields: it was shown in [1] that for any formulain the language of rings, there are finitely many pairs (d,μ) ∈ω×Q>0so that in any finite fieldFand for any ā ∈Fmthe size |ø(Fn,ā)| is “approximately”μ|F|d. Essentially this is a generalisation of the classical Lang-Weil estimates from the category of varieties to (...)
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  16. Abstractionist class theory : is there any such thing?Michael Potter - 2009 - In Jonathan Lear & Alex Oliver, The Force of Argument: Essays in Honor of Timothy Smiley. New York: Routledge.
    A discussion of the philosophical prospects for basing a neo-Fregean theory of classes on a principle that attempts to articulate the limitation-of-size conception.
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  17. A New Class of Fictional Truths.Hannah H. Kim - 2021 - The Philosophical Quarterly 72 (1):90-107.
    It is widely agreed that more is true in a work of fiction than explicitly said. In addition to directly stipulated fictional content (explicit truth), inference and background assumptions give us implicit truths. However, this taxonomy of fictional truths overlooks an important class of fictional truth: those generated by literary formal features. Fictional works generate fictional content by both semantic and formal means, and content arising from formal features such as italics or font size are neither explicit nor (...)
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    Forcing Complexity: Minimum Sizes of Forcing Conditions.Toshio Suzuki - 2001 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 42 (2):117-120.
    This note is a continuation of our former paper ''Complexity of the r-query tautologies in the presence of a generic oracle.'' We give a very short direct proof of the nonexistence of t-generic oracles, a result obtained first by Dowd. We also reconstitute a proof of Dowd's result that the class of all r-generic oracles in his sense has Lebesgue measure one.
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    Multidimensional Exact Classes, Smooth Approximation and Bounded 4-Types.Daniel Wolf - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (4):1305-1341.
    In connection with the work of Anscombe, Macpherson, Steinhorn and the present author in [1] we investigate the notion of a multidimensional exact class (R-mec), a special kind of multidimensional asymptotic class (R-mac) with measuring functions that yield the exact sizes of definable sets, not just approximations. We use results about smooth approximation [24] and Lie coordinatization [13] to prove the following result (Theorem 4.6.4), as conjectured by Macpherson: For any countable language$\mathcal {L}$and any positive integerdthe class$\mathcal (...)
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    Big fat inequalities, thin privilege: An intersectional perspective on ‘body size’.Noortje van Amsterdam - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (2):155-169.
    This article aims to claim ‘body size’ as an increasingly important axis of signification. It draws on research from various disciplines to present an exploratory overview of the different ways in which body size categorizations – being fat or slender – intersect with other axes, such as gender, race, sexuality, social class and age. The article argues that an intersectional perspective on body size adds to our understanding of the layeredness and complexity of power differentials, normativities (...)
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  21. ZF + "every set is the same size as a wellfounded set".Thomas Forster - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (1):1-4.
    Let ZFB be ZF + "every set is the same size as a wellfounded set". Then the following are true. Every sentence true in every (Rieger-Bernays) permutation model of a model of ZF is a theorem of ZFB. (i.e.. ZFB is the theory of Rieger-Bernays permutation models of models of ZF) ZF and ZFAFA are both extensions of ZFB conservative for stratified formulæ. The class of models of ZFB is closed under creation of Rieger-Bernays permutation models.
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    Realization of Future Teacher’s Mental Space in the Process of Bite-Sized Learning.Tetiana Kravchyna, Ludmyla Kondratska, Liudmila Romanovska, Nataliia Korolova & Tatiana Gudz - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):97-117.
    As there are contradictions in the digital technology: 1) a tool for professional growth and 2) a tool for imposing a prepared scenario of achieving success on the subject, ignoring the principle of environmental compliance, our study aims to substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the model of realization of modern student’s mental experience. Moreover, the technology of programming as philosophizing in the BSL format is considered to be an element in the humanization of geeks culture in the situation (...)
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    Mitchell-inspired forcing, with small working parts and collections of models of uniform size as side conditions, and gap-one simplified morasses.Charles Morgan - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (1):392-415.
    We show that a $$ -simplified morass can be added by a forcing with working parts of size smaller than $\kappa $. This answers affirmatively the question, asked independently by Shelah and Velleman in the early 1990s, of whether it is possible to do so.Our argument use a modification of a technique of Mitchell’s for adding objects of size $\omega _2$ in which collections of models – all of equal, countable size – are used as side conditions. (...)
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    An Ehrenfeucht‐Fraïssé class game.Wafik Boulos Lotfallah - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (2):179-188.
    This paper introduces a new Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé type game that is played on two classes of models rather than just two models. This game extends and generalizes the known Ajtai-Fagin game to the case when there are several alternating moves played in different models. The game allows Duplicator to delay her choices of the models till the very end of the game, making it easier for her to win. This adds on the toolkit of winning strategies for Duplicator in Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé type (...)
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  25. Of nobel class: A citation perspective on high impact research authors.Eugene Garfield & Alfred Welljams-Dorof - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (2).
    The purpose of this paper was to determine if quantitative rankings of highly cited research authors confirm Nobel prize awards. Six studies covering different time periods and author sample sizes were reviewed. The number of Nobel laureates at the time each study was published was tabulated, as was the number of high impact authors who later became laureates. The Nobelists and laureates-to-be were also compared with non-Nobelists to see if they differed in terms of impact and productivity. The results indicate (...)
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    Some effectively infinite classes of enumerations.Sergey Goncharov, Alexander Yakhnis & Vladimir Yakhnis - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60 (3):207-235.
    This research partially answers the question raised by Goncharov about the size of the class of positive elements of a Roger's semilattice. We introduce a notion of effective infinity of classes of computable enumerations. Then, using finite injury priority method, we prove five theorems which give sufficient conditions to be effectively infinite for classes of all enumerations without repetitions, positive undecidable enumerations, negative undecidable enumerations and all computable enumerations of a family of r.e. sets. These theorems permit to (...)
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    Examples of weak amalgamation classes.Adam Krawczyk, Alex Kruckman, Wiesław Kubiś & Aristotelis Panagiotopoulos - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (2):178-188.
    We present several examples of hereditary classes of finite structures satisfying the joint embedding property and the weak amalgamation property, but failing the cofinal amalgamation property. These include a continuum‐sized family of classes of finite undirected graphs, as well as an example due to Pouzet with countably categorical generic limit.
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    How Do Blended Biochemistry Classes Influence Students’ Academic Performance and Perceptions of Self-Cognition?Guijie Ren, Peiyue Zhuang, Xianren Guan, Keli Tian & Jiping Zeng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The flipped classroom is becoming a popular new instructional model in higher education capable of increasing student performance in higher-order learning outcomes. However, the success of a flipped classroom model depends on various supporting elements, and it may not be appropriate for all students and courses. In this study, a new blended Biochemistry classroom model based on Massive Open Online Courses and a “semi-flipped” environment was applied to Biochemistry instruction of Nursing and Clinical Medicine majors. The students’ academic performance and (...)
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    Effective Concept Classes of PAC and PACi Incomparable Degrees, Joins and Embedding of Degrees.Dodamgodage Gihanee M. Senadheera - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (2):298-299.
    The Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) learning is a machine learning model introduced by Leslie Valiant in 1984. The PACi reducibility refers to the PAC reducibility independent of size and computation time. This reducibility in PAC learning resembles the reducibility in Turing computability. The ordering of concept classes under PAC reducibility is nonlinear, even when restricted to particular concrete examples.Due to the resemblance to Turing Reducibility, we suspected that there could be incomparable PACi and PAC degrees for the PACi and (...)
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    Cantorian Set Theory and Limitation of Size. Michael Hallett.Robert Bunn - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (3):461-478.
    The usual objections to infinite numbers, and classes, and series, and the notion that the infinite as such is self-contradictory, may... be dismissed as groundless. There remains, however, a very grave difficulty, connected with the contradiction [of the class of all classes not members of themselves]. This difficulty does not concern the infinite as such, but only certain very large infinite classes.
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    Structural reflection, shrewd cardinals and the size of the continuum.Philipp Lücke - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 22 (2).
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Volume 22, Issue 02, August 2022. Motivated by results of Bagaria, Magidor and Väänänen, we study characterizations of large cardinal properties through reflection principles for classes of structures. More specifically, we aim to characterize notions from the lower end of the large cardinal hierarchy through the principle [math] introduced by Bagaria and Väänänen. Our results isolate a narrow interval in the large cardinal hierarchy that is bounded from below by total indescribability and from above by subtleness, (...)
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    A strong failure of $$\aleph _0$$ ℵ 0 -stability for atomic classes.Michael C. Laskowski & Saharon Shelah - 2019 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 58 (1-2):99-118.
    We study classes of atomic models \ of a countable, complete first-order theory T. We prove that if \ is not \-small, i.e., there is an atomic model N that realizes uncountably many types over \\) for some finite \ from N, then there are \ non-isomorphic atomic models of T, each of size \.
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    Constraining the Air Giants: Limits on Size in Flying Animals as an Example of Constraint-Based Biomechanical Theories of Form. [REVIEW]Michael Habib - 2013 - Biological Theory 8 (3):245-252.
    The study of biomechanics most often takes a classic adaptationist approach, examining the functional abilities of organisms in relation to what is allowed by physical parameters. This approach generally assumes strong selection and is less concerned with evolutionary stochasticity in determining the presence of biological traits. It is equally important, however, to consider the importance of constraint in determining the form of organisms. If selection is relatively weak compared to stochastic events, then the observed forms in living systems can be (...)
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    Relative Age Effects in Mathematics and Reading: Investigating the Generalizability across Students, Time and Classes.Katharina Thoren, Elisa Heinig & Martin Brunner - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:195306.
    A child’s age in comparison to the age of her or his classmates (relative age) has been found to be an influential factor on academic achievement, particularly but not exclusively at the beginning of formal schooling. However, few studies have focused on the generalizability of relative age effects. To close this gap, the present study analyzes the generalizability across students with and without immigrant backgrounds, across three student cohorts that entered school under a changing law of school enrollment, and across (...)
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    The Poetry of Relativity: Leopoldo Lugones' The Size of Space.Diego Hurtado de Mendoza & Miguel de Asúa - 2005 - Science in Context 18 (2):309-315.
    As in other countries, the public in Argentina became aware of the existence of something called “the theory of relativity” only after November 1919. Although the news of Arthur Eddington's eclipse expedition, which provided the first confirmation of Einstein's theory, was poorly reported in the newspapers, by the end of 1920 Einstein had become a household name for the educated middle class of Buenos Aires, the capital city of the country. This was in great measure the result of the (...)
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    multilevel analysis of a gentrification process in a spanish medium-sized city: the case of A Coruña.Alberto Rodríguez-Barcón, Estefanía Calo & Raimundo Otero-Enríquez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-15.
    This article has deconstructed the general phenomenon of gentrification in the historic centre of A Coruña in two models. On the one hand, a model based on social class promotion, symbolic capital and economic status in the Cidade Vella. On the other hand, the neighbourhood of Orzán as a transformation process resulting from a phenomenon of commercial gentrification based on two interrelated processes: first, the demand for new places of consumption and entertainment and second, the material devaluation of the (...)
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    High-Order Mean-Field Approximations for Adaptive Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Model in Finite-Size Networks.Kai Wang, Xiao Fan Liu & Dongchao Guo - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Exact solutions of epidemic models are critical for identifying the severity and mitigation possibility for epidemics. However, solving complex models can be difficult when interfering conditions from the real-world are incorporated into the models. In this paper, we focus on the generally unsolvable adaptive susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic model, a typical example of a class of epidemic models that characterize the complex interplays between the virus spread and network structural evolution. We propose two methods based on mean-field approximation, i.e., the first-order (...)
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  38. Tiny Proper Classes.Laureano Luna - 2016 - The Reasoner 10 (10):83-83.
    We propose certain clases that seem unable to form a completed totality though they are very small, finite, in fact. We suggest that the existence of such clases lends support to an interpretation of the existence of proper clases in terms of availability, not size.
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    Wives' and husbands' housework reporting: Gender, class, and social desirability.Eleanor Townsley & Julie E. Press - 1998 - Gender and Society 12 (2):188-218.
    This investigation places recent research about changes in wives' and husbands' domestic labor in the context of well-known reporting differences between different kinds of housework surveys. An analysis of the “reporting gap” between direct-question reports of housework hours from the National Survey of Families and Households and time-diary reports from Americans' Use of Time, 1985, shows that both husbands and wives overreport their housework contributions. Furthermore, gender attitudes, total housework, class, education, income, family size, and employment status together (...)
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    Conditional reasoning with negations: Implicit and explicit affirmation or denial and the role of contrast classes.Walter Schroyens, Niki Verschueren, Walter Schaeken & Gery D'Ydewalle - 2000 - Thinking and Reasoning 6 (3):221 – 251.
    We report two studies on the effect of implicitly versus explicitly conveying affirmation and denial problems about conditionals. Recently Evans and Handley (1999) and Schroyens et al. (1999b, 2000b) showed that implicit referencing elicits matching bias: Fewer determinate inferences are made, when the categorical premise (e.g., B) mismatches the conditional's referred clause (e.g., A). Also, the effect of implicit affirmation (B affirms not-A) is larger than the effect of implicit denial (B denies A). Schroyens et al. hypothesised that this interaction (...)
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    Athens' property classes and population in and before 317 BC: Demetrius and Draco.Hans Van Wees - 2011 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 131:95-114.
    The nature of the census figures produced by Demetrius of Phaleron, crucial evidence for the size of the Athenian population, has been misunderstood. The census categories were not 'native Athenians, foreign residents and slaves', but 'citizens above the property qualification, residents without political rights and members of households'. The property qualification of 1,000 drachmas associated with Demetrius' regime was the requirement for holding the highest offices; the property requirement for citizenship rights was lower, as it was in the spurious (...)
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    Building prime models in fully good abstract elementary classes.Sebastien Vasey - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (3-4):193-201.
    We show how to build prime models in classes of saturated models of abstract elementary classes (AECs) having a well‐behaved independence relation: Let be an almost fully good AEC that is categorical in and has the ‐existence property for domination triples. For any, the class of Galois saturated models of of size λ has prime models over every set of the form. This generalizes an argument of Shelah, who proved the result when λ is a successor cardinal.
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    The Impact of Imposing Equality Constraints on Residual Variances Across Classes in Regression Mixture Models.Jeongwon Choi & Sehee Hong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of constraining class-specific residual variances to be equal by examining and comparing the parameter estimation of a free model and a constrained model under various conditions. A Monte Carlo simulation study was conducted under several conditions, including the number of predictors, class-specific intercepts, sample size, class-specific regression weights, and class proportion to evaluate the results for parameter estimation of the free model and the restricted model. (...)
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    Ramsey sets, the Ramsey ideal, and other classes over R.Paul Corazza - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (4):1441 - 1468.
    We improve results of Marczewski, Frankiewicz, Brown, and others comparing the σ-ideals of measure zero, meager, Marczewski measure zero, and completely Ramsey null sets; in particular, we remove CH from the hypothesis of many of Brown's constructions of sets lying in some of these ideals but not in others. We improve upon work of Marczewski by constructing, without CH, a nonmeasurable Marczewski measure zero set lacking the property of Baire. We extend our analysis of σ-ideals to include the completely Ramsey (...)
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    Exact saturation in pseudo-elementary classes for simple and stable theories.Itay Kaplan, Nicholas Ramsey & Saharon Shelah - 2022 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (2).
    We use exact saturation to study the complexity of unstable theories, showing that a variant of this notion called pseudo-elementary class (PC)-exact saturation meaningfully reflects combinatorial dividing lines. We study PC-exact saturation for stable and simple theories. Among other results, we show that PC-exact saturation characterizes the stability cardinals of size at least continuum of a countable stable theory and, additionally, that simple unstable theories have PC-exact saturation at singular cardinals satisfying mild set-theoretic hypotheses. This had previously been (...)
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    The Great World House: Martin Luther King Jr. and Global Ethics by Hak Joon Lee, and: Democracy in Twenty-First Century America: Race, Class, Religion, and Region by Ronald B. Neal.Reggie L. Williams - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):234-236.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Great World House: Martin Luther King Jr. and Global Ethics by Hak Joon Lee, and: Democracy in Twenty-First Century America: Race, Class, Religion, and Region by Ronald B. NealReggie L. WilliamsThe Great World House: Martin Luther King Jr. and Global Ethics HAK JOON LEE Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2011. 256 pp. $25.00Democracy in Twenty-First Century America: Race, Class, Religion, and Region RONALD B. NEAL Macon, (...)
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    Feferman–Vaught Decompositions for Prefix Classes of First Order Logic.Abhisekh Sankaran - 2023 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 32 (1):147-174.
    The Feferman–Vaught theorem provides a way of evaluating a first order sentence \(\varphi \) on a disjoint union of structures by producing a decomposition of \(\varphi \) into sentences which can be evaluated on the individual structures and the results of these evaluations combined using a propositional formula. This decomposition can in general be non-elementarily larger than \(\varphi \). We introduce a “tree” generalization of the prenex normal form (PNF) for first order sentences, and show that for an input sentence (...)
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    Self-interest, compassion, and consistency in an environmental ethics class: would students give up their retirement to stop the coronavirus?Emily A. Davis, Thomas P. Wilson & Bradley R. Reynolds - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (2):311-321.
    During spring of 2020, environmental ethics students at a medium sized metropolitan university in the Southeastern United States were asked to read and comment on classic essays from Robert Heilbroner and Garrett Hardin, essays regarding our responsibilities towards future generations. In general, students seemed to hold more with Heilbroner’s stance, which left room for compassion, while condemning Hardin’s harshness. Students were then asked to provide written responses stating whether they would personally sacrifice their eventual retirement in order to stop COVID-19 (...)
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  49. The Islamization of the Malaysian Media: A Complex Interaction of Religion, Class and Commercialization.Shafizan Mohamed & Tengku Siti Aisha Tengku Mohd Azzman - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):635-658.
    The Islamization of the Malaysian media industry has created a debate on whether Islam has been truly adopted for its religious significance or simply manipulated for commercial gains. While Islamic content is abundant, it seems to grow in size but not in value. This paper offers a political-economic look into this problem by 1) contextualizing the Islamization process in relations to Malaysia’s socio-political environment, 2) delineating the development of Islamic media in Malaysia and, 3) identifying the influence of media (...)
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    Aspects of general topology in constructive set theory.Peter Aczel - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 137 (1-3):3-29.
    Working in constructive set theory we formulate notions of constructive topological space and set-generated locale so as to get a good constructive general version of the classical Galois adjunction between topological spaces and locales. Our notion of constructive topological space allows for the space to have a class of points that need not be a set. Also our notion of locale allows the locale to have a class of elements that need not be a set. Class sized (...)
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