Results for 'complex individuals'

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  1. Complex individuals and multigrade relations.Adam Morton - 1975 - Noûs 9 (3):309-318.
    I relate plural quantification, and predicate logic where predicates do not need a fixed number of argument places, to the part-whole relation. For more on these themes see later work by Boolos, Lewis, and Oliver & Smiley.
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    The Unity of the Complex Individual Body.Christian L. Bonnet - 1944 - Modern Schoolman 22 (1):33-43.
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    Conatus in Complex Individuality in Spinoza. 김은주 - 2016 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 127:53.
    “자기 존재 유지의 노력”(코나투스)은 스피노자의 사상을 “긍정의 철학”으로 규정하게 해 온 핵심 개념이다. 그러나 코나투스는 인간을 예속적이고 심지어 자기 파괴적인 삶으로 몰아가기도 한다. 이것이 모순되어 보인다면 이는 코나투스를 흔히 단순체의 관점에서 보기 때문이다. 나는 스피노자에게서 모든 개체가 복합체인 만큼 코나투스 역시 복합적임을, 그리고 이 복합성은 부분의 다수성이나 전체 구조의 복잡성보다 더 역동적인 갈등적 성격을 가짐을 보여준다. 더 구체적으로는 첫째, 코나투스가 내적 부정을 겪을 수 있으며, 이는 둘째, 전체로서의 개체만이 아니라, 개체의 변용들에도 별도의 코나투스가 있고, 후자의 자기 긍정성이 개체 전체의 본성에 (...)
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    Note on the Thomistic Interpretation of Complex Individual Bodies.Christian L. Bonnet - 1944 - Modern Schoolman 21 (2):101-107.
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    Complex Economics: Individual and Collective Rationality.Alan Kirman - 2011 - Routledge.
    The economic crisis is also a crisis for economic theory. Most analyses of the evolution of the crisis invoke three themes, contagion, networks and trust, yet none of these play a major role in standard macroeconomic models. What is needed is a theory in which these aspects are central. The direct interaction between individuals, firms and banks does not simply produce imperfections in the functioning of the economy but is the very basis of the functioning of a modern economy. (...)
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    Beyond individual sex differences: “Staying alive theory” as an adaptive complex.John Archer - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e129.
    Extended staying alive theory (SAT) raises the issue of the extent to which its various attributes are linked or whether they provide alternative means to the same adaptive ends. Theories such as SAT that consider an array of sex differences may benefit from the application of the multivariateDstatistic, rather than using a series ofdvalues, as is common at present.
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  7. Individual differences in the processing of complex sentences.Wibke Hachmann, Lars Konieczny & Daniel Müller - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 309--314.
  8. Individuality through ecology: Rethinking the evolution of complex life from an externalist perspective.Pierrick Bourrat, Peter Takacs, Guilhem Doulcier, Matthew Nitschke, Andrew Black, Katrin Hammerschmidt & Paul Rainey - manuscript
    The evolution of complex life forms, such as multicellular organisms, is the result of a number of evolutionary transitions in individuality (ETIs). Several attempts have been made to explain their origins, many of which have been internalist (i.e., based largely on internal properties of these life form's ancestors). Here, we show how an externalist perspective, via the ecological scaffolding model in which properties of complex life forms arise from an external scaffold, can shed new light on the question (...)
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    A Complex Story: Universal Preference vs. Individual Differences Shaping Aesthetic Response to Fractals Patterns.Nichola Street, Alexandra M. Forsythe, Ronan Reilly, Richard Taylor & Mai S. Helmy - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:195648.
    Fractal patterns offer one way to represent the rough complexity of the natural world. Whilst they dominate many of our visual experiences in nature, little large-scale perceptual research has been done to explore how we respond aesthetically to these patterns. Previous research (Taylor et al., 2011) suggests that the fractal patterns with mid-range fractal dimensions have universal aesthetic appeal. Perceptual and aesthetic responses to visual complexity have been more varied with findings suggesting both linear (Forsythe et al., 2011) and curvilinear (...)
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    Individuality in complex systems: A constructionist approach.Lynn Anthonissen & Peter Petré - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (2):185-212.
    For a long time, linguists more or less denied the existence of individual differences in grammatical knowledge. While recent years have seen an explosion of research on individual differences, most usage-based research has failed to address this issue and has remained reluctant to study the synergy between individual and community grammars. This paper focuses on individual differences in linguistic knowledge and processing, and examines how these differences can be integrated into a more comprehensive constructionist theory of grammar. The examination is (...)
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    Complex ecological models with simple dynamics: From individuals to populations.Pierre M. Auger & Robert Roussarie - 1994 - Acta Biotheoretica 42 (2-3):111-136.
    The aim of this work is to study complex ecological models exhibiting simple dynamics. We consider large scale systems which can be decomposed into weakly coupled subsystems. Perturbation Theory is used in order to get a reduced set of differential equations governing slow time varying global variables. As examples, we study the influence of the individual behaviour of animals in competition and predator-prey models. The animals are assumed to do many activities all day long such as searching for food (...)
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    Individuation and the Organization in Complex Living Ecosystem: Recursive Integration and Self-assertion by Holon-Lymphocytes.Véronique Thomas-Vaslin - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (1):171-199.
    Individuation and organization in complex living multi-level ecosystem occurs as dynamical processes from early ontogeny. The notion of living “holon” displaying dynamic self-assertion and integration is used here to explain the ecosystems dynamic processes. The update of the living holon state according to the continuous change of the dynamic system allows for its viability. This is interpreted as adaptation, selection and organization by the human that observes the system a posteriori from its level. Our model concerns the complex (...)
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    Individual Differences in Math Ability Determine Neurocognitive Processing of Arithmetic Complexity: A Combined fNIRS-EEG Study.Christina Artemenko, Mojtaba Soltanlou, Silke M. Bieck, Ann-Christine Ehlis, Thomas Dresler & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Ecosystem Complexity Through the Lens of Logical Depth: Capturing Ecosystem Individuality.Cédric Gaucherel - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (4):440-451.
    In this article, I will discuss possible differences between ecosystems and organisms on the basis of their intrinsic complexity. As the concept of complexity still remains highly debated, I propose here a practical and original way to measure the complexity of an ecosystem or an organism. For this purpose, I suggest using the concept of logical depth (LD) in a specific manner, in order to take into account the difficulty as well as the time needed to generate the studied object. (...)
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    Complexity and individual psychology.Yakir Levin & Itzhak Aharon - 2015 - Mind and Society 14 (2):203-219.
    In this paper we examine the question of whether complexity-like explanations can be applied to the psychology of individuals, and its implications for the scope of complexity explanations of social phenomena. We start by outlining two representational-cum-computational models of the mind—a symbolic model and a networks or connectionist one—and their pros and cons. Based on this we then outline a radical, non-representational and non-computational alternative model that has been gaining ground recently, and which has significant affinities with complexity explanations (...)
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    Individual differences in analytical thinking and complexity of inference in conditional reasoning.Robert B. Ricco, Hideya Koshino, Anthony Nelson Sierra, Jasmine Bonsel, Jay Von Monteza & Da’Nae Owens - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning:1-31.
    An outstanding question for Hybrid dual process models of reasoning is whether both basic and more complex forms of conditional inference result...
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    Modeling the Covariance Structure of Complex Datasets Using Cognitive Models: An Application to Individual Differences and the Heritability of Cognitive Ability.Nathan J. Evans, Mark Steyvers & Scott D. Brown - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (6):1925-1944.
    Understanding individual differences in cognitive performance is an important part of understanding how variations in underlying cognitive processes can result in variations in task performance. However, the exploration of individual differences in the components of the decision process—such as cognitive processing speed, response caution, and motor execution speed—in previous research has been limited. Here, we assess the heritability of the components of the decision process, with heritability having been a common aspect of individual differences research within other areas of cognition. (...)
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    Complex calculations: ethical issues in involving at-risk healthy individuals in dementia research.R. Pierce - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):553-557.
    In dementia research evidence is mounting that therapeutic strategies that target moderate and even mild Alzheimer's disease may be missing the ‘therapeutic window’. Given that the neuropathology that leads to Alzheimer's disease probably begins somewhere between 10 and 15 years before symptoms manifest, many believe that the optimal therapeutic strategy would target persons in the earliest phases of disease development or even earlier. This would include, for example, persons with prodromal Alzheimer's and even persons who are deemed at risk. Given (...)
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    The Complexity of the Genotype-Phenotype Relationship and the Limitations of Using Genetic “Markers” at the Individual Level.Alan R. Templeton - 1998 - Science in Context 11 (3-4):373-389.
    The ArgumentMany associations have recently been discovered between phenotypic variation and genetic loci, causing some to advocate what Robert Sinsheimer has called “a new eugenics” that would treat genetic “defects” in individuals prone to a disease. The first premise of this vision is that genetic association studies reveal the biological cause of the phenotypic variation. Once the responsible genes are known, the second premise is that we should focus upon changing “nature” rather than “nurture” by correcting the “defective” genes.The (...)
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    Fitness and Individuality in Complex Life Cycles.Matthew D. Herron - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (5):828-834.
    Complex life cycles are common in the eukaryotic world, and they complicate the question of how to define individuality. Using a bottom-up, gene-centric approach, I consider the concept of fitness in the context of complex life cycles. I analyze the fitness effects of an allele on different biological units within a complex life history and how these effects drive evolutionary change within populations. Based on these effects, I attempt to construct a concept of fitness that accurately predicts (...)
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    The complexities of complex span: explaining individual differences in working memory in children and adults.Donna M. Bayliss, Christopher Jarrold, Deborah M. Gunn & Alan D. Baddeley - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132 (1):71.
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    Questions, complexities, and limitations in disclosing individual genetic results.Robert Klitzman - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):34 – 36.
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    Alleviating suffering of individuals with multimorbidity and complex needs: A descriptive qualitative study.Ahtisham Younas & Shahzad Inayat - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (2-3):189-201.
    Background Individuals living with multimorbidity and/or mental health issues, low education, socioeconomic status, and polypharmacy are often called complex patients. The complexity of their health and social care needs can make them prone to disease burden and suffering. Therefore, they frequently access health care services to seek guidance for managing their illness and suffering. Aims The aim of this research was to describe the approaches used by nurses to alleviate the suffering of individuals with multimorbidity and (...) needs in acute care settings. Research Design A qualitative descriptive approach. Participants and Research Context Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 19 nurses working in general, medical-surgical, specialized, and intensive care settings across five hospitals in Pakistan. Reflexive thematic analysis was used for analysis. Ethical Considerations Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical Committee of Al-Nafees Medical College Islamabad, Pakistan. Findings Four themes were generated: Deeper Exploration of Patients’ Health-Illness Situation and Complexity, Prioritizing Patient Psychosocial and Emotional Needs, Instilling Hope and Encouragement in Patients, and Creating a Comforting Environment to Foster Sharing of felt needs. Discussion Nurses emphasized the need of deeper inquiry into patients illness situation and complexity to discern the impact of determinants on their well-being and develop care plans that are tailored to address psychosocial, emotional, and physical suffering of this patient population. Conclusions Alleviation of patient suffering is integral to compassionate nursing care. Nurses use a multifaceted approach entailing sensitive understanding, recognizing sociocultural and structural determinants impact on patient situation, and individual and interdisciplinary altruistic actions to alleviate patient suffering. (shrink)
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    Visual-Constructional Ability in Individuals with Severe Obesity: Rey Complex Figure Test Accuracy and the Q-Score.Hanna L. Sargénius, Frederick W. Bylsma, Stian Lydersen & Knut Hestad - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Paranoia reveals the complexity in assigning individuals to groups on the basis of inferred intentions.Anna Greenburgh & Nichola Raihani - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    We suggest that variation, error, and bias will be essential to include in a complete computational theory of groups – particularly given that formation of group representations must often rely on inferences of intentions. We draw on the case study of paranoia to illustrate that intentions that do not correspond to group-constitutive roles may often be perceived as such.
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    On the individuation of complex computational models: Gilbert Simondon and the technicity of AI.Susana Aires - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The proliferation of AI systems across all domains of life as well as the complexification and opacity of algorithmic techniques, epitomised by the bourgeoning field of Deep Learning (DL), call for new methods in the Humanities for reflecting on the techno-human relation in a way that places the technical operation at its core. Grounded on the work of the philosopher of technology Gilbert Simondon, this paper puts forward individuation theory as a valuable approach to reflect on contemporary information technologies, offering (...)
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  27. How to Divide a(n Individual) Mind: Ontological Complexity Instead of Mental Monism (for a book symposium on Mark Textor's "Brentano's Mind").Hamid Taieb - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (8):1404-1419.
    This paper addresses the issue of how to best account for the diversity of our (synchronic) mental activities. The discussion starts with Mark Textor’s mental monism. According to mental monism, our mental life is constituted by just one simple mental act, in which different sub-acts can be conceptually distinguished. Textor grounds this view in the work of the early Brentano and contrasts it with the theory of the later Brentano, who introduces a mental substance into his philosophy. According to Textor, (...)
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    Complexity in Individual Trajectories toward Online Extremism.Z. Cao, M. Zheng, Y. Vorobyeva, C. Song & N. F. Johnson - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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    Individual differences in higher-level cognitive abilities do not predict overconfidence in complex task performance.Troy A. W. Visser, Angela D. Bender, Vanessa K. Bowden, Stephanie C. Black, Jayden Greenwell-Barnden, Shayne Loft & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 74:102777.
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    Instrumentality, Complexity, and Reason: A Christian Approach to Religions.Terry C. Muck - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):115-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 115-121 [Access article in PDF] Instrumentality, Complexity, and Reason: A Christian Approach to Religions Terry C. Muck Asbury Theological Seminary I want to call into question The Paradigm, the threefold classification of Christian approaches to other religions as Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism. I call this classification The Paradigm, with a capital T and a capital P, because it is the way we have categorized Christian (...)
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    Psychoanalytic complexity: clinical attitudes for therapeutic change.William J. Coburn - 2014 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    Psychoanalytic Complexity is the application of a multidisciplinary, explanatory theory to clinical psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. It carries with it incisive and pivotal attitudes that aim to transform our understanding of therapeutic action and the change process. Here, William Coburn offers a revolutionary and far-reaching counterpoint to the remnants of Cartesianism and scientism, respecting and encouraging human anomaly rather than pathologizing or obliterating the uniqueness of the individual person. In Psychoanaltyic Complexity, William Coburn explores the value of complexity theory previously understood (...)
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    Individuals and Identity in Economics.John B. Davis - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines the different conceptions of the individual that have emerged in recent new approaches in economics, including behavioral economics, experimental economics, social preferences approaches, game theory, neuroeconomics, evolutionary and complexity economics, and the capability approach. These conceptions are classified according to whether they seek to revise the traditional atomist individual conception, put new emphasis on interaction and relations between individuals, account for individuals as evolving and self-organizing, and explain individuals in terms of capabilities. The method (...)
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    Can Individual Movement Characteristics Across Different Throwing Disciplines Be Identified in High-Performance Decathletes?Fabian Horst, Daniel Janssen, Hendrik Beckmann & Wolfgang I. Schöllhorn - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:561870.
    Although the individuality of whole-body movements has been suspected for years, the scientific proof and systematic investigation that individuals possess unique movement patterns did not manifest until the introduction of the criteria of uniqueness and persistence from the field of forensic science. Applying the criteria of uniqueness and persistence to the individuality of motor learning processes requires complex strategies due to the problem of persistence in the learning processes. One approach is to examine the learning process of different (...)
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  34. Complexity: a guided tour.Melanie Mitchell - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What enables individually simple insects like ants to act with such precision and purpose as a group? How do trillions of individual neurons produce something as extraordinarily complex as consciousness? What is it that guides self-organizing structures like the immune system, the World Wide Web, the global economy, and the human genome? These are just a few of the fascinating and elusive questions that the science of complexity seeks to answer. In this remarkably accessible and companionable book, leading (...) systems scientist Melanie Mitchell provides an intimate, detailed tour of the sciences of complexity, a broad set of efforts that seek to explain how large-scale complex, organized, and adaptive behavior can emerge from simple interactions among myriad individuals. Comprehending such systems requires a wholly new approach, one that goes beyond traditional scientific reductionism and that re-maps long-standing disciplinary boundaries. Based on her work at the Santa Fe Institute and drawing on its interdisciplinary strategies, Mitchell brings clarity to the workings of complexity across a broad range of biological, technological, and social phenomena, seeking out the general principles or laws that apply to all of them. She explores as well the relationship between complexity and evolution, artificial intelligence, computation, genetics, information processing, and many other fields. Richly illustrated and vividly written, Complexity : A Guided Tour offers a comprehensive and eminently comprehensible overview of the ideas underlying complex systems science, the current research at the forefront of this field, and the prospects for the field's contribution to solving some of the most important scientific questions of our time. (shrink)
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  35. The Biological Notion of Individual.Robert A. Wilson & Matthew J. Barker - 2013 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Individuals are a prominent part of the biological world. Although biologists and philosophers of biology draw freely on the concept of an individual in articulating both widely accepted and more controversial claims, there has been little explicit work devoted to the biological notion of an individual itself. How should we think about biological individuals? What are the roles that biological individuals play in processes such as natural selection (are genes and groups also units of selection?), speciation (are (...)
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    It is a complex process, but it’s very important to return these results to participants’. Stakeholders’ perspectives on the ethical considerations for returning individual pharmacogenomics research results to people living with HIV.Sylvia Nabukenya, David Kyaddondo, Adelline Twimukye, Ian Guyton Munabi, Catriona Waitt & Erisa S. Mwaka - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (2):363-387.
    This study aimed to explore stakeholders’ perspectives on the ethical considerations for returning individual pharmacogenomics research results to people living with HIV. A qualitative approach to investigation involved five focus group discussions with 30 Community representatives, 12 key informant interviews with researchers, and 12 in-depth interviews with research ethics committee members. In total, 54 stakeholders who were involved in pharmacogenomics research and HIV treatment and care contributed to the data collection between September 2021 and February 2022. The study explored five (...)
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    Biological complexity and the dynamics of life processes.Jacques Ricard - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
    The aim of this book is to show how supramolecular complexity of cell organization can dramatically alter the functions of individual macromolecules within a cell. The emergence of new functions which appear as a consequence of supramolecular complexity, is explained in terms of physical chemistry. The book is interdisciplinary, at the border between cell biochemistry, physics and physical chemistry. This interdisciplinarity does not result in the use of physical techniques but from the use of physical concepts to study biological problems. (...)
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    Individual-level mechanisms in ecology and evolution.Marie I. Kaiser & Rose Trappes - 2023 - In William C. Bausman, Janella K. Baxter & Oliver M. Lean (eds.), From biological practice to scientific metaphysics. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 116-152.
    Philosophers have studied mechanisms in many fields in biology. The focus has often been on molecular mechanisms in disciplines such as neuroscience, genetics and molecular biology, with some work on population-level mechanisms in ecology and evolution. We present a novel philosophical case study of individual-level mechanisms, mechanisms in ecology and evolution that concern the interactions between an individual and its environment. The mechanisms we analyze are called Niche Choice, Niche Conformance and Niche Construction (NC3) mechanisms. Based on a detailed analysis (...)
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  39. On the evolution of behavioral complexity in individuals and populations.Carl T. Bergstrom & Peter Godfrey-Smith - 1998 - Biology and Philosophy 13 (2):205-31.
    A wide range of ecological and evolutionary models predict variety in phenotype or behavior when a population is at equilibrium. This heterogeneity can be realized in different ways. For example, it can be realized through a complex population of individuals exhibiting different simple behaviors, or through a simple population of individuals exhibiting complex, varying behaviors. In some theoretical frameworks these different realizations are treated as equivalent, but natural selection distinguishes between these two alternatives in subtle ways. (...)
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    The Individual and the Political Order: An Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy.Norman E. Bowie & Robert L. Simon - 2007 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The Individual and the Political Order examines major theoretical perspectives, both historical and contemporary, in major issues in social and political philosophy. It combines accessibility with appreciation of philosophical complexity and discusses applied issues, such as morality and war, as well as theoretical approaches to justice, rights, and democratic liberal thought.
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    Individualization in China under Compressed and Contradictory Modernity.Shi Yunqing - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    Because of its unprecedented speed and scale, urbanization in China during the 1990s is one of the most representative fields in which to explore compressed modernity considering East Asian experiences. This article focuses on a collective litigation including 10,357 people suing the local government for the infringements on their property rights and citizenship during that period of urbanization. To make this massive movement possible under an authoritarian state, a new type of state-individual relationship was created, and a selection mechanism applied (...)
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    Alan Kirman's Complex economics: individual and collective rationality. The Graz Schumpeter Lectures. London: Routledge, 2011, 272pp. [REVIEW]Stefan Mendritzki - 2011 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 4 (2):67.
  43. Individuation without Representation.Joe Dewhurst - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (1):103-116.
    ABSTRACT Shagrir and Sprevak explore the apparent necessity of representation for the individuation of digits in computational systems.1 1 I will first offer a response to Sprevak’s argument that does not mention Shagrir’s original formulation, which was more complex. I then extend my initial response to cover Shagrir’s argument, thus demonstrating that it is possible to individuate digits in non-representational computing mechanisms. I also consider the implications that the non-representational individuation of digits would have for the broader theory of (...)
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  44. Complexity in Economics: Macroeconomics, financial markets, and international economics.John Barkley Rosser - 2004 - Edward Elgar Pub.
    Increasingly in economics what had been considered to be unusual and unacceptable has come to be considered usual and acceptable, if not necessarily desirable. Whereas it had been widely believed that economic reality could be reasonably described by sets of pairs of linear supply and demand curves intersecting in single equilibrium points to which markets easily and automatically moved, now it is understood that many markets and situations do not behave so well. Economic reality is rife with nonlinearity, discontinuity, and (...)
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  45. Complex Systems Approach to the Hard Problem of Consciousness.Sahana Rajan - manuscript
    Consciousness has been the bone of contention for philosophers throughout centuries. Indian philosophy largely adopted lived experience as the starting point for its explorations of consciousness. For this reason, from the very beginning, experience was an integral way of grasping consciousness, whose validity as a tool was considered self-evident. Thus, in Indian philosophy, the question was not to move from the brain to mind but to understand experience of an individual and how such an experience is determined through mental structures (...)
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    Causal complexity demands community coordination.Beau Sievers & Evan DeFilippis - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni's argument risks skepticism about the very possibility of social science: If social phenomena are too causally complex, normal scientific methods could not possibly untangle them. We argue that the problem of causal complexity is best approached at the level of scientific communities and institutions, not the modeling practices of individual scientists.
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  47. Philosophical Dimensions of Individuality.Alan C. Love & Ingo Brigandt - 2017 - In Scott Lidgard & Lynn K. Nyhart (eds.), Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 318-348.
    Although natural philosophers have long been interested in individuality, it has been of interest to contemporary philosophers of biology because of its role in different aspects of evolutionary biology. These debates include whether species are individuals or classes, what counts as a unit of selection, and how transitions in individuality occur evolutionarily. Philosophical analyses are often conducted in terms of metaphysics (“what is an individual?”), rather than epistemology (“how can and do researchers conceptualize individuals so as to address (...)
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    Pointwise complexity of the derivative of a computable function.Ethan McCarthy - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (7):981-994.
    We explore the relationship between analytic behavior of a computable real valued function and the computability-theoretic complexity of the individual values of its derivative almost-everywhere. Given a computable function f, the values of its derivative \\), where they are defined, are uniformly computable from \, the Turing jump of the input. It is known that when f is \, the values of \\) are actually computable from x. We construct a \ function f so that, almost everywhere, \\ge _T x'\). (...)
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    The complexity-cost factor in bilingualism.Julia Festman - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):355-356.
    Language processing changes with the knowledge and use of two languages. The advantage of being bilingual comes at the expense of increased processing demands and processing costs. I suggest considering bilingual complexity including these demands and costs. The proposed model claims effortless monolingual processing. By integrating individual and situational variability, the model would lose its idealistic touch, even for monolinguals.
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    (1 other version)Individual Differences in Sequential Movement Coordination in Hip-Hop Dance: Capturing Joint Articulation in Practicing the Wave.Derrick D. Brown, Guido Wijffels & Ruud G. J. Meulenbroek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The current study highlights individual differences in the joint articulation strategies used by novices practicing a hip-hop dance movement, the wave. Twelve young adults, all naive regarding hip-hop dance performance, practized the wave in 120 trials separated into four blocks with the order of internal or external attentional focus counterbalanced across subjects. Various kinematic analyses were analyzed to capture performance success while exploiting the observed individual differences in order to establish the reliability of the proposed performance indicators. An external focus (...)
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