Results for 'conatus'

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  1.  20
    Conatus E duração na ética de espinosa.Dani Barki Minkovicius - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 38:245-262.
    O artigo visa desenvolver a noção de duração na _Ética_ de Espinosa, mostrando que seu entendimento passa pela discussão de uma outra noção, central na filosofia de Espinosa, qual seja, a noção de conatus. A partir, então, da análise aqui pretendida – análise essa que passará por um estudo sobre a existência, a essência, a substância e o modo, além da noção de definição – será possível uma compreensão positiva da indefinição, e um esclarecimento, enfim, do que Espinosa entende (...)
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    Suicide, conatus et conflictualité chez Spinoza.Eunju Kim - 2020 - Astérion 23 (23).
    Spinoza expounds the doctrine of self-preservation (conatus) in such a profound way that suicide seems incomprehensible. However, this affirmation contrasts with the frequent references to suicidal acts in his works. To address this contrast and thus support the compatibility between suicide and conatus, I refer to a new reading of Proposition 5 of Ethics III on contrariety. I reveal the complexity of every individual, the existence of conflictuality between their parts and the conatus of each part, which, (...)
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    Hobbes, Conatus and the Prisoner’s Dilemma.Juhani Pietarinen - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 11:143-147.
    I want to show the importance of the notion of conatus for Hobbes' political philosophy. According to Hobbes, all motion of bodies consists of elementary motions he called 'endeavors.' They are motions 'made in less space and time than can be given,' and they obey the law of persistence or inertia. A body strives to preserve its state and resist the causal power of other bodies. I call this the conatus-principle. Hobbes' argument for social contract and sovereign is (...)
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    O Conatus em Descartes, Hobbes e Espinosa.Luís César Oliva - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (1).
    Conceito oriundo do debate a respeito do movimento, o conatus, entendido como inclinação ou esforço, será um dos temas centrais da física seiscentista. Este artigo pretende explicitar o contexto de elaboração do conceito de conatus no século XVII, ou pelo menos na obra de três de seus principais filósofos: Descartes, Hobbes e Espinosa. Em Descartes, o conceito de conatus ainda se separa do conceito de movimento propriamente dito. Tal separação desaparece em Hobbes, para quem o conatus (...)
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    Conatus and Suicide in Spinoza"s Philosophy. 장효진 - 2022 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 164:281-303.
    이 논문은 스피노자 철학의 개체론에서 핵심적인 지위를 차지하는 코나투스 개념의 단일성 문제를 살핀다. 최근 스피노자 연구자들은 한 개체의 본질(essentia)로 설명되는 코나투스 개념을 단일성으로 해석할 때의 여러 문제점을 제기하며 코나투스 개념을 복합적인 것으로 이해하는 경향이 있다. 하지만 필자는 스피노자 철학에서 코나투스는 신의 역량이 구체화 된 하나의 단위 혹은 단일성에 속하고, 본성(natura)으로서 운동량이 개체의 복합성과 상황 함수에 종속된다고 이해한다.BR 개체의 본질로서 코나투스는 신의 속성을 어떠한 결정된 방식으로 표현하는 양태이지만, 이때의 결정성은 개체의 역량을 제한하기보다는 신의 무한한 역량 안에 위치시키는 기능을 한다. 따라서 신의 (...)
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  6. Hobbes on ‘Conatus’: A Study in the Foundations of Hobbesian Philosophy.Douglas Jesseph - 2016 - Hobbes Studies 29 (1):66-85.
    _ Source: _Volume 29, Issue 1, pp 66 - 85 This paper will deal with the notion of _conatus_ and the role it plays in Hobbes’s program for natural philosophy. As defined by Hobbes, the _conatus_ of a body is essentially its instantaneous motion, and he sees this as the means to account for a variety of phenomena in both natural philosophy and mathematics. Although I foucs principally on Hobbesian physics, I will also consider the extent to which Hobbes’s account (...)
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  7. "Conatus", Hobbes, and the Young Leibniz.Howard R. Bernstein - 1980 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 11 (1):25.
  8.  6
    La equivalencia dispositio seu conatus en la Ética de Spinoza: Reflexión sobre el rol de la disposición y el esfuerzo en la determinación de lo bueno.Antonio Montes - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):171-184.
    Resumen Este artículo explora la relación entre los conceptos de conatus y disposición en la Ética de Spinoza y su rol en la comprensión de lo "bueno." Mientras que el conatus —el esfuerzo por perseverar en la existencia— ha sido estudiado, la disposición, que se refiere a la capacidad para ser afectado y afectar a otros, ha recibido menos atención. Este estudio examina cómo conatus y disposición se determinan mutuamente, subrayando su importancia en la definición de lo (...)
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    Hobbes e o conatus: da física à teoria das paixões.Maria Isabel Limongi - 2000 - Discurso 31:417-440.
    A noção de conatus desempenha na física hobbesiana um papel inequívoco: o de.explicar as determinações de um movimento sem recorrer à idéia de uma potencialidade ou inclinação para o movimento. Nossa questão consiste em saber se a noção de conatus cumpre a mesma função na teoria das paixões, e, a partir daí, na medida em que respondamos afirmativamente esta questão, trata-se de procurar compreender, minimamente que seja, ao que consiste para Hobbes uma paixão.
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  10.  7
    Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie.Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.) - 2017 - Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
    Als bewegende Bedingungen des Lebens stehen Conatus und Lebensnot im Zentrum aktueller medienanthropologischer Diskussionen über das Verhältnis von Leben und Medien. Spinoza definierte Conatus als Prinzip, nach dem das Wesen jedes Dings darin besteht, ›in seinem Sein zu verharren‹. Er begründete mit diesem Prinzip eine Denktradition, in der Leben und Materie, Rationalität und Vermögen koinzidieren. Der Begriff der Lebensnot dagegen entstammt Diskursen der Physiologie, der Medizin, der Urteilsphilosophie und schließlich der Psychoanalyse, die auf verschiedene Weise körperliche Bedingungen und (...)
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  11.  13
    O Conatus de Spinoza: auto-conservação ou liberdade?Rafael Rodrigues Pereira - 2008 - Cadernos Espinosanos 19:73.
    Este trabalho pretende discutir uma aparente ambigüidade da ética spinozista, que ora é descrita como uma ética da auto-conservação, ora como uma ética da liberdade. Após mostrar por que fracassam as tentativas de diversos comentadores em conciliar estes dois aspectos, argumentaremos que a única maneira de resolver o problema é considerar que o que deve ser mantido na existência não é o indivíduo empírico do senso comum, mas sim a “individualidade”, que estaria ligada à proporção das relações de movimento e (...)
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  12. Conatus and Amor Dei: the total and partial Norm.Nathan Rotenstreich - 1977 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 31 (1):117.
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  13. Late-scholastic and Cartesian conatus.Rodolfo Garau - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (4):479-494.
    Introduction Conatus is a specific concept within Descartes’s physics. In particular, it assumes a crucial importance in the purely mechanistic description of the nature of light – an issue that Des- cartes considered one of the most crucial challenges, and major achievements, of his natural phil- osophy. According to Descartes’s cosmology, the universe – understood as a material continuum in which there is no vacuum – is composed of a number of separate yet interconnected vortices. Each of these vortices (...)
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  14.  32
    Conatus and Feeling of Life: A Genetic Shift in Kant’s Faculty Doctrine?Louis Schreel - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (3):402-427.
    In his reconstruction of Kant’s critical philosophy as a whole, Deleuze argues that the cognitive and practical faculties are genetically grounded in the affective, enlivening dynamics of the reflecting power of judgment. In this paper I propose to take Kant’s account of self-organisation as model for understanding this genesis of the faculties in terms of a circular causality that is purposively animated from within by a self-productive and self-maintaining tendency. The key argument I develop is that this generative tendency may (...)
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  15.  21
    Interrogating Understanding in Conatus: A Commentary on Genevieve Lloyd’s ‘Reconsidering Spinoza’s “Rationalism”’.Steph Marston - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (3):266-270.
    ABSTRACT According to Genevieve Lloyd, conatus is manifested in body as a fixed ratio of motion and rest and in mind as increasing adequate understanding. The commentary provides textual analysis to resolve the apparent paradox that bodily stability corresponds to intellectual growth. The activity of adequate ideas and passivity of inadequate ideas are identified as analogues of motion and rest in Spinoza’s philosophy of mind and these are put to work in exploring what is required for increasing one’s adequate (...)
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  16. Espinosa: Conatus e a Geometria dos Afetos.Lia Levy - 2004 - In Freud e seus Filósofos. A Brasileira na Cultura. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de Porto Alegre. pp. 185-201.
    A presentation of Spinoza's theory of affections and concept of conatus aimed at a psychoanalyst audience.
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    Conatus in Complex Individuality in Spinoza. 김은주 - 2016 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 127:53.
    “자기 존재 유지의 노력”(코나투스)은 스피노자의 사상을 “긍정의 철학”으로 규정하게 해 온 핵심 개념이다. 그러나 코나투스는 인간을 예속적이고 심지어 자기 파괴적인 삶으로 몰아가기도 한다. 이것이 모순되어 보인다면 이는 코나투스를 흔히 단순체의 관점에서 보기 때문이다. 나는 스피노자에게서 모든 개체가 복합체인 만큼 코나투스 역시 복합적임을, 그리고 이 복합성은 부분의 다수성이나 전체 구조의 복잡성보다 더 역동적인 갈등적 성격을 가짐을 보여준다. 더 구체적으로는 첫째, 코나투스가 내적 부정을 겪을 수 있으며, 이는 둘째, 전체로서의 개체만이 아니라, 개체의 변용들에도 별도의 코나투스가 있고, 후자의 자기 긍정성이 개체 전체의 본성에 (...)
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  18.  11
    Conatus mathematico-philosophicus.Roy Wagner - 2020 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 45 (1).
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  19. Spinoza on Conatus and Persistence through Time.Jason Waller - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37:51-72.
    This paper concerns Spinoza’s theory of conatus and an important consequence of this theory concerning how bodies persist through time. I first argue that a conatus is the self-maintaining activity of a mode and not a tendency toward self-preservation or some kind of force. I then argue that it follows from this theory of conatus that bodies persist through time by having temporal parts. I conclude the paper by arguing that attributing a temporal parts metaphysic to Spinoza (...)
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  20. Theory of Conatus.Valtteri Viljanen - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos (ed.), Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic. pp. 95-105.
    In this essay, I will begin by delineating the context of the conatus principle, after which I will provide a reading of the two propositions (EIIIP6 and P7) that contain the very core of the theory. This in turn will enable me to explain how Spinoza’s theory of conatus is connected to his views on desire, activity, and teleology.
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  21.  18
    O Conatus em Espinosa e a Todestrieb de Freud: uma antinomia ontológica ou puramente imaginativa?Lucas Carpinelli - 2012 - Cadernos Espinosanos 26:129.
    Das muitas aproximações perpetradas nas últimas nove décadas entre Sigmund Freud e Espinosa, talvez nenhuma seja tão problemática quanto o cotejamento entre o conatus – esforço de perseveração no ser que, na Ética de Espinosa, constitui a essência atual das coisas – e aquela força autodestrutiva a que Freud, em Além do Princípio do Prazer, dá o nome de Todestrieb, ou pulsão de morte. De que forma, à luz de uma ontologia absolutamente positiva como a de Espinosa – uma (...)
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  22.  85
    Conatus as active power in Hobbes.Juhani Pietarinen - 2001 - Hobbes Studies 14 (1):71-82.
    The idea of active power played central role in the 17th Century philosophy and science. The idea is as follows: if not prevented, bodies necessarily do certain things in virtue of their power. This kind of thought naturally arose from what might properly be called the law of persistence, according to which moving bodies continue their motion unchanged if no new external force intervenes.1 What bodies do in virtue of their power was called actions, and in terms of actions such (...)
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  23.  32
    Liberty and representation in Hobbes: a materialist theory of conatus.Andrea Bardin - 2022 - History of European Ideas 48 (6):698-712.
    ABSTRACT The concepts of liberty and representation reveal tensions in Hobbes's political anthropology that only a study of the development of his philosophical materialism can fully elucidate. The first section of this article analyses the contradictory definitions of liberty offered in De cive, and explains them against the background of Hobbes's elaboration of a deterministic concept of conatus during the 1640s. Variations in the concepts of conatus and void between De motu and De corpore will shed light on (...)
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  24. The Organic Roots of Conatus in Early Greek Thought.Christopher Kirby - 2021 - Conatus 6 (2):29-49.
    The focus of this paper will be on the earliest Greek treatments of impulse, motivation, and self-animation – a cluster of concepts tied to the hormē-conatus concept. I hope to offer a plausible account of how the earliest recorded views on this subject in mythological, pre-Socratic, and Classical writings might have inspired later philosophical developments by establishing the foundations for an organic, wholly naturalized approach to human inquiry. Three pillars of that approach which I wish to emphasize are: practical (...)
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  25. "Conatus" e "Multitudo". Il percoso antropo-fenomenologico nel pensiero di Spinoza.Emilio Maria de Tommaso - 2009 - Filosofia Oggi 32 (125):29-50.
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  26. Conatus versus cogito : der Streit um Spinozas spekulativen Materialismus in der postmarxistischen Philosophie.Katja Diefenbach - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.), Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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    Le conatus du capital.Frédéric Lordon - 2001 - Actuel Marx 29 (1):61-78.
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    Power (conatus-endeavour) in the "kinetic actualism" and in the "inertial" psychology of Thomas Hobbes1.Agostino Lupoli - 2001 - Hobbes Studies 14 (1):83-103.
  29.  30
    Conatus e libertà: colpa, pena, punizione in Paul Ricoeur. Per una genealogia concettuale.Stefania Mazzone - 2017 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 29 (57).
    Obiettivo della presente indagine è la ricostruzione di una circolarità ermeneutica tra alcune delle categorie più puramente psicologiche dell’elaborazione di Paul Ricoeur e i concetti chiave della sua analisi morale, giuridica e politica. Ciò cercando di evidenziare le ascendenze e i confronti intellettuali del Ricoeur teoretico, ritrovandone gli esiti in sede più esplicitamente giuridico-sociale, in un excursus che mira all’ipotesi di una fondazione categoriale rizomatica del pensiero politico di Paul Ricoeur.
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  30. On the Derivation and Meaning of Spinoza's Conatus Doctrine.Valtteri Viljanen - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 4:89-112.
    In this paper I begin by discussing the different ways in which Spinoza’s famous conatus argument has been understood, after which I present my own reconstruction of the derivation: each and every true finite thing is, in itself, an expresser of power (E1p25c, 1p34) that never acts self-destructively (E3p4) but instead strives to drive itself through opponents to produce effects as they follow from the definition of the thing in question (E1p25c, 1p34, and 3p5). This tells us something decisive (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Conatus and Perfection in Spinoza.John Carriero - 2011 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 35 (1):69-92.
  32.  23
    La democracia de los conatus. Balibar y la igualibertad en Spinoza.Aurelio Sainz Pezonaga - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e13.
    En este artículo relaciono la reflexión de Balibar en torno a la proposición de la igualibertad con su lectura de la filosofía de Spinoza. Balibar examina esta última desde la necesidad de teorizar una respuesta a la pregunta por el hombre en la nueva coyuntura política de los años ochenta y noventa del siglo XX. Y expone la antropología política spinoziana a través de la presentación y el análisis de tres correlaciones: entre las identidades individuales y la colectiva, entre las (...)
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  33.  21
    A ética como conatus de espinosa.Ana Pedro - 2013 - Cadernos Espinosanos 29.
    Neste artigo, procuraremos analisar o papel e a importância do conatus na economia do pensamento espinosiano, bem como a novidade que, a este propósito, o mesmo encerra para o entendimento de uma ética imanente do sujeito. Compreendido como o esforço despendido pelo sujeito no sentido de perseverar no seu ser, o qual, enquanto individualidade, procura o que é bom e útil para si, o conatus, tal como Espinosa o entende, é, no entanto, um princípio dinâmico que não pode (...)
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    The Relation Between Life, Conatus, and Virtue in Spinoza’s Philosophy.Sylvain Zac - 1996 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 19 (1):151-173.
    In order to further clarify the meaning of Spinoza’s teachings, I will demonstrate in the following article that, according to the author of the Ethics, God is life, that the conatus, the internal dynamism of all singular things, are the manifestations of the life of God in different degrees, in the infinity of his modes relating to the infinity of his attributes, that virtue, the most perfect form of the conatus in man, is the “true life,” participation in (...)
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    Discussion: Conatus in Spinoza's Ethics.E. M. Brecher - 1933 - Psychological Review 40 (4):388-390.
  36. Conatus Errans : Paradoxe Lust zwischen Teleologie und Mechanik.Holzhey Christoph F. E. - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.), Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  37. El conatus como categoría radical en la teoría política de Spinoza.Fabrizio Fallas Vargas - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 42 (106):25-34.
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    Conatus in Hobbes' De Corpore.Martin A. Bertman - 2001 - Hobbes Studies 14 (1):25-39.
  39. Conatus und Lebensnot.Monique David-Ménard - 2017 - In Astrid Deuber-Mankowsky & Anna Tuschling (eds.), Conatus und Lebensnot: Schlüsselbegriffe der Medienanthropologie. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  40. (2 other versions)Nietzsche and Unamuno on Conatus and the Agapeic Way of Life.Alberto Oya - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (2-3):303-317.
    Unamuno saw in his defense of religious faith a response to Nietzsche’s criticisms of the Christian, agapeic way of life. To Nietzsche’s claim that engaging in this way of life is something antinatural and life-denying, insofar as it goes against the (alleged) natural tendency to increase one’s own power, Unamuno responded that an agapeic way of life is precisely a direct expression of this natural tendency. Far from being something that goes against our natural inclinations, Unamuno says, an agapeic way (...)
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    Spinoza's Conatus Argument.Don Garrett - 2002 - In Olli Koistinen & John Ivan Biro (eds.), Spinoza: Metaphysical Themes. New York: Oup Usa.
    This essay contends that Spinoza’s argument for the conatus doctrine does not commit any of the five fallacies of equivocation. The key to a better understanding of his argument lies in a Spinoza’s “theory of inherence” — that is, his theory of what it is to be “in” something. Spinoza’s conatus argument is a valid demonstration from Spinozistic premises about inherence, conception, causation, and related matters. These premises reflect his deep commitment to a rigorous Principle of Sufficient Reason, (...)
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    Spi̇noza'da conatus kavrami.Mevlüt Albayrak & Alev Aksünger - 2021 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 36:21-26.
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  43. Conatus, freedom and the market.Michiel Keyzer - 1992 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 8:117-146.
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    Lucretius and Spinoza or clinamen and conatus.Pedro Mauricio Garcia Dotto - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 41:241-277.
    Este artigo compara e contrasta dois conceitos filosóficos provenientes de distintas linhagens de pensamento: de um lado, o _clinamen _de Lucrécio; do outro, o _conatus _de Espinosa. O que fomentou minha pesquisa foi uma conjugação dessas noções tal como proposto por Deleuze no apêndice de seu _Logique du sens_. Nesse sentido, a primeira seção está orientada tendo em vista uma elucidação da filosofia de Lucrécio — consequentemente, também a de Epicuro — e, especificamente, uma interpretação do desvio dos átomos ou (...)
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    Le principe d’inertie et le conatus du corps.Épaminondas Vamboulis - 2005 - Astérion 3 (3).
    Le principe d’inertie constitue la loi fondamentale qui a permis à la nouvelle physique du XVIIe siècle de construire son édifice en s’opposant aux explications scolastiques des phénomènes physiques. Tant Descartes que Spinoza ont proposé des démonstrations de cette loi physique en l’intégrant chacun dans son propre système philosophique. Spinoza dans ses Principes de la philosophie de Descartes propose même implicitement une critique de la démonstration cartésienne. Nous analysons cette critique dans la première partie de cet article et dans la (...)
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    The Cultural- Ecological Reading on the 'Conatus'․ 'Body'․ 'Flesh'․ 'Egg' - Focused on Spinoza's ‘Conatus’ -. 성회경 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 85:21-40.
    Spinoza has three names. Bento built by Portuguese Jewish parents, Baruch called by friends of Jewish community, and Benetictus named himself after being expelled from a 24-year-old Jewish church. Although he lived a short life, he was as diverse as the three names. He lived with various identities as a minority Jew. He lived as minority among the minorities. His life as a minority is intermingled with his Ethica line. This article is a cultural-ecological reading of his life and ideas (...)
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    Paul Ricoeur y la noción de conatus de Spinoza.Jorge Olaechea Catter - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (1):59-77.
    A pesar de que Paul Ricoeur no ha escrito una obra sobre Spinoza, muchos autores han señalado la relevancia del pensamiento del filósofo holandés, y sobre todo de su Ética, en la obra de aquel. Este trabajo busca evidenciar la importancia de la noción spinoziana de conatus en la propuesta hermenéutica y ontológica del filósofo francés, analizando de modo específico un importante nodo conceptual del último estudio de Sí mismo como otro. El análisis tendrá particularmente en cuenta los pasajes (...)
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  48. Spinoza" protobiologo"?:" conatus" e teoria dell'organismo.Francesca Michelini - 2009 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 38 (1):1-23.
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    Spinoza: O conatus E a liberdade humana.André Paes Leme - 2013 - Cadernos Espinosanos 1 (28):109.
    Este artigo tem por objetivo compreender o papel representado pelo conceito de conatus na filosofia de Baruch de Spinoza. Partindo da leitura da da Ética III buscaremos reconstruir a teoria da afetividade postulada pelo filósofo para demonstrar como a noção de conatus opera ao mesmo tempo como perseveração na existência e afirmação do desejo. O passo posterior será projetar uma unidade entre o existir e o desejar como a base para o correto entendimento da concepção de liberdade desenvolvida (...)
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    Springs, Nitre, and Conatus. The Role of the Heart in Hobbes's Physiology and Animal Locomotion.Rodolfo Garau - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):231-256.
    This paper focuses on an understudied aspect of Hobbes's natural philosophy: his approach to the domain of life. I concentrate on the role assigned by Hobbes to the heart, which occupies a central role in both his account of human physiology and of the origin of animal locomotion. With this, I have three goals in mind. First, I aim to offer a cross-section of Hobbes's effort to provide a mechanistic picture of human life. Second, I aim to contextualize Hobbes's views (...)
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