Results for 'congestion games'

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  1.  50
    Equilibrium and potential in coalitional congestion games.Sergey Kuniavsky & Rann Smorodinsky - 2014 - Theory and Decision 76 (1):69-79.
    The model of congestion games is widely used to analyze games related to traffic and communication. A central property of these games is that they are potential games and hence posses a pure Nash equilibrium. In reality, it is often the case that some players cooperatively decide on their joint action in order to maximize the coalition’s total utility. This is modeled by Coalitional Congestion Games. Typical settings include truck drivers who work for (...)
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    Leadership in singleton congestion games: What is hard and what is easy.Matteo Castiglioni, Alberto Marchesi, Nicola Gatti & Stefano Coniglio - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 277 (C):103177.
  3.  18
    Generalized mirror descents in congestion games.Po-An Chen & Chi-Jen Lu - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 241:217-243.
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    Congestion models and weighted Bayesian potential games.Giovanni Facchini, Freek van Megen, Peter Borm & Stef Tijs - 1997 - Theory and Decision 42 (2):193-206.
    Games associated with congestion situations à la Rosenthal have pure Nash equilibria. This result implicitly relies on the existence of a potential function. In this paper we provide a characterization of potential games in terms of coordination games and dummy games. Second, we extend Rosenthal's congestion model to an incomplete information setting, and show that the related Bayesian games are potential games and therefore have pure Bayesian equilibria.
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    Should I stay or should I go? Congestion pricing and equilibrium selection in a transportation network.Enrica Carbone, Vinayak V. Dixit & E. Elisabet Rutstrom - 2022 - Theory and Decision 93 (3):535-562.
    When imposing traffic congestion pricing around downtown commercial centers, there is a concern that commercial activities will have to consider relocating due to reduced demand, at a cost to merchants. Concerns like these were important in the debates before the introductions of congestion charges in both London and Stockholm and influenced the final policy design choices. This study introduces a sequential experimental game to study reactions to congestion pricing in the commercial sector. In the game, merchants first (...)
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    Evolutionary Games in Natural, Social, and Virtual Worlds.Daniel Friedman & Barry Sinervo - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Over the last 25 years, evolutionary game theory has grown with theoretical contributions from the disciplines of mathematics, economics, computer science and biology. It is now ripe for applications. In this book, Daniel Friedman---an economist trained in mathematics---and Barry Sinervo---a biologist trained in mathematics---offer the first unified account of evolutionary game theory aimed at applied researchers. They show how to use a single set of tools to build useful models for three different worlds: the natural world studied by biologists; the (...)
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    The precautionary principle when project implementation capacity is congestible.Anthony Heyes & Sandeep Kapur - 2023 - Theory and Decision 95 (4):691-711.
    The precautionary principle justifies postponing the implementation of development projects to await better information about their environmental impacts. But if implementation capacity is congestible, as is often the case in practical settings, a postponed project may have to vie for implementation priority with projects that arrive later. Limitations of implementation capacity create two risks. First, it may sometimes not make sense to go back to a postponed project, even if it is later revealed to be a good one. Second, the (...)
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  8.  85
    Axiomatic characterizations of solutions for Bayesian games.Robert van Heumen, Bezalel Peleg, Stef Tijs & Peter Borm - 1996 - Theory and Decision 40 (2):103-129.
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    Spatial Dispersion as a Dynamic Coordination Problem.Steve Alpern & Diane J. Reyniers - 2002 - Theory and Decision 53 (1):29-59.
    Following Schelling (1960), coordination problems have mainly been considered in a context where agents can achieve a common goal (e.g., rendezvous) only by taking common actions. Dynamic versions of this problem have been studied by Crawford and Haller (1990), Ponssard (1994), and Kramarz (1996). This paper considers an alternative dynamic formulation in which the common goal (dispersion) can only be achieved by agents taking distinct actions. The goal of spatial dispersion has been studied in static models of habitat selection, location (...)
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    Paradoxes in social networks with multiple products.Krzysztof R. Apt, Evangelos Markakis & Sunil Simon - 2016 - Synthese 193 (3):663-687.
    We show that various paradoxes can arise in a natural class of social networks. They demonstrate that more services or products may have adverse consequences for all members of the network and conversely that restricting the number of choices may be beneficial for every member of the network. These phenomena have been confirmed by a number of empirical studies. In our analysis we use a simple threshold model of social networks introduced in Apt and Markakis, and more fully in Apt (...)
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    Degrading network capacity may improve performance: private versus public monitoring in the Braess Paradox.Eyran J. Gisches & Amnon Rapoport - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (2):267-293.
    The Braess Paradox (BP) is a counterintuitive finding that degrading a network that is susceptible to congestion may decrease the equilibrium travel cost for each of its users. We illustrate this paradox with two networks: a basic network with four alternative routes from a single origin to a single destination, and an augmented network with six alternative routes. We construct the equilibrium solutions to these two networks, which jointly give rise to the paradox, and subject them to experimental testing. (...)
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  12. Saṅgameśvarakrodam...Gummalūri Saṅgameśvarasāstri - 1933 - [Waltair],: Edited by Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra.
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  13. Gender at Work.Ann Game & Rosemary Pringle - 1984
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    Riding: Embodying the Centaur.Ann Game - 2001 - Body and Society 7 (4):1-12.
    Through a phenomenological study of horse-human relations, this article explores the ways in which, as embodied beings, we live relationally, rather than as separate human identities. Conceptually this challenges oppositional logic and humanist assumptions, but where poststructuralist treatments of these issues tend to remain abstract, this article is concerned with an embodied demonstration of the ways in which we experience a relational or in-between logic in our everyday lives.
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    The Teacher’s Vocation: Ontology of Response.Ann Game & Andrew Metcalfe - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):461-473.
    We argue that pedagogic authority relies on love, which is misunderstood if seen as a matter of actions and subjects. Love is based not on finite subjects and objects existing in Euclidean space and linear time, but, rather, on the non-finite ontology, space and time of relations. Loving authority is a matter of calling and vocation, arising from the spontaneous and simultaneous call-and-response of a lively relation. We make this argument through a reading of Buber’s I–You relation and Murdoch’ s (...)
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  16.  26
    A Question of Fit: Cultural and Individual Differences in Interpersonal Justice Perceptions.Annilee M. Game & Jonathan R. Crawshaw - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):279-291.
    This study examined the link between employees’ adult attachment orientations and perceptions of line managers’ interpersonal justice behaviors, and the moderating effect of national culture. Participants from countries categorized as low collectivistic and high collectivistic completed an online survey. Attachment anxiety and avoidance were negatively related to interpersonal justice perceptions. Cultural differences did not moderate the effects of avoidance. However, the relationship between attachment anxiety and interpersonal justice was non-significant in the Southern Asia cultural cluster. Our findings indicate the importance (...)
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  17.  39
    Do brokers act in the best interests of their clients? New evidence from electronic trading systems.Annilee M. Game & Andros Gregoriou - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):187-197.
    Prior research suggests brokers do not always act in the best interests of clients, although morally obligated to do so. We empirically investigated this issue focusing on trades executed at best execution price, before and after the introduction of electronic limit-order trading, on the London Stock Exchange. As a result of limit-order trading, the proportion of trades executed at the best execution price for the customer significantly increased. We attribute this to a sustained increase in the liquidity of stocks as (...)
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  18. Foreword vii Acknowledgements viii.Essays on Cooperative Games, in Honor of Guillermo Owen & Gianfranco Gambarelli - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56:405-408.
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    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and the brain.C. J. A. Game - 1994 - In Karl H. Pribram (ed.), Origins: Brain and Self Organization. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 196.
  20. Primary literature.Mike Game - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery (eds.), Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 159.
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  21.  35
    RASMUSEN, ERIC, Folk Theorems for the Observable Implications of Repeated.Implications of Repeated Games - 1992 - Theory and Decision 32:147-164.
  22.  17
    Comments on "A power comparison of the F and L tests: I.".Paul A. Games - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (4):372-375.
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    A factorial analysis of verbal learning tasks.Paul A. Games - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (1):1.
  24.  64
    ‘In the Beginning is Relation’: Martin Buber’s Alternative to Binary Oppositions. [REVIEW]Andrew Metcalfe & Ann Game - 2012 - Sophia 51 (3):351-363.
    Abstract In this article we develop a relational understanding of sociality, that is, an account of social life that takes relation as primary. This stands in contrast to the common assumption that relations arise when subjects interact, an account that gives logical priority to separation. We will develop this relational understanding through a reading of the work of Martin Buber, a social philosopher primarily interested in dialogue, meeting, relationship, and the irreducibility and incomparability of reality. In particular, the article contrasts (...)
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  25. Nikil Mukerji.Christoph Schumacher, Economics Order Ethics & Game Theory - 2016 - In Christoph Luetge & Nikil Mukerji (eds.), Order Ethics: An Ethical Framework for the Social Market Economy. Cham: Springer.
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  26. Theory and decison.Richard G. Brody, John M. Coulter, Alireza Daneshfar, Auditor Probability Judgments, Discounting Unspecified Possibilities, Paula Corcho, José Luis Ferreira & Generalized Externality Games - 2003 - Theory and Decision 54:375-376.
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  27.  22
    Asymmetry – where evolutionary and developmental genetics meet.Philip Batterham, Andrew G. Davies, Anne Y. Game & John A. McKenzie - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (10):841-845.
    The mechanisms responsible for the fine tuning of development, where the wildtype phenotype is reproduced with high fidelity, are not well understood. The difficulty in approaching this problem is the identification of mutant phenotypes indicative of a defect in these fine‐tuning control mechanisms. Evolutionary biologists have used asymmetry as a measure of developmental homeostasis. The rationale for this was that, since the same genome controls the development of the left and right sides of a bilaterally symmetrical organism, departures from symmetry (...)
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  28.  73
    Dynamic Traffic Congestion Simulation and Dissipation Control Based on Traffic Flow Theory Model and Neural Network Data Calibration Algorithm.Li Wang, Shimin Lin, Jingfeng Yang, Nanfeng Zhang, Ji Yang, Yong Li, Handong Zhou, Feng Yang & Zhifu Li - 2017 - Complexity:1-11.
    Traffic congestion is a common problem in many countries, especially in big cities. At present, China’s urban road traffic accidents occur frequently, the occurrence frequency is high, the accident causes traffic congestion, and accidents cause traffic congestion and vice versa. The occurrence of traffic accidents usually leads to the reduction of road traffic capacity and the formation of traffic bottlenecks, causing the traffic congestion. In this paper, the formation and propagation of traffic congestion are simulated (...)
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  29. Games: Agency as Art.C. Thi Nguyen - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Games occupy a unique and valuable place in our lives. Game designers do not simply create worlds; they design temporary selves. Game designers set what our motivations are in the game and what our abilities will be. Thus: games are the art form of agency. By working in the artistic medium of agency, games can offer a distinctive aesthetic value. They support aesthetic experiences of deciding and doing. -/- And the fact that we play games shows (...)
  30.  9
    Gaming and the virtual sublime: rhetoric, awe, fear, and death in contemporary video games.Matthew Spokes - 2020 - United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.
    Gaming and the Virtual Sublime considers the 'virtual sublime' as a conceptual toolbox for understanding our affective engagement with contemporary interactive entertainment.
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  31. Games and the art of agency.C. Thi Nguyen - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (4):423-462.
    Games may seem like a waste of time, where we struggle under artificial rules for arbitrary goals. The author suggests that the rules and goals of games are not arbitrary at all. They are a way of specifying particular modes of agency. This is what make games a distinctive art form. Game designers designate goals and abilities for the player; they shape the agential skeleton which the player will inhabit during the game. Game designers work in the (...)
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  32.  15
    Game theory in jurisprudence.Wojciech Załuski - 2013 - Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
    Game theory is a branch of mathematics that studies strategic interactions, i.e., interactions which involve more than one agent and in which each agent makes her/his decision while striving to predict the decisions of other agents. Game theory has been successfully applied in many areas of both the natural and social sciences, and it is the belief of this book's author that it can also be gainfully invoked in the area of legal philosophy. In this book, Wojciech Zaluski analyzes legal-philosophical (...)
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    Game theory and rational decision.Julius Sensat - 1997 - Erkenntnis 47 (3):379-410.
    In its classical conception, game theory aspires to be a determinate decision theory for games, understood as elements of a structurally specified domain. Its aim is to determine for each game in the domain a complete solution to each player's decision problem, a solution valid for all real-world instantiations, regardless of context. "Permissiveness" would constrain the theory to designate as admissible for a player any conjecture consistent with the function's designation of admissible strategies for the other players. Given permissiveness (...)
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  34.  25
    Smart Congestion Control in 5G/6G Networks Using Hybrid Deep Learning Techniques.Saif E. A. Alnawayseh, Waleed T. Al-Sit & Taher M. Ghazal - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-10.
    With the mobility and ease of connection, wireless sensor networks have played a significant role in communication over the last few years, making them a significant data carrier across networks. Additional security, lower latency, and dependable standards and communication capability are required for future-generation systems such as millimeter-wave LANs, broadband wireless access schemes, and 5G/6G networks, among other things. Effectual congestion control is regarded as of the essential aspects of 5G/6G technology. It permits operators to run many network illustrations (...)
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  35.  21
    Metagames: Games about G ames.Agata Waszkiewicz - 2024 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    Metagames: Games About Games scrutinizes how various meta devices, such as breaking the fourth wall and unreliable narrator, change and adapt when translated into the uniquely interactive medium of digital games. Through its theoretical analyses and case studies, the book shows how metafictional experimentation can be used to both challenge and push the boundaries of what a game is and what a player's role is in play, and to raise more profound topics such as those describing experiences (...)
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  36.  45
    Game Theory and the Social Contract.Ken Binmore - 1994 - MIT Press.
    Binmore argues that game theory provides a systematic tool for investigating ethical matters.
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  37.  75
    Population Games and Evolutionary Dynamics.William H. Sandholm - 2010 - MIT Press.
    A systematic, rigorous, comprehensive, and unified overview of evolutionary game theory.
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  38.  39
    Games and Decisions: Introduction and Critical Survey.Robert Duncan Luce & Howard Raiffa - 1957 - New York: Wiley.
    "The best book available for non-mathematicians." — Contemporary Psychology. Superb nontechnical introduction to game theory and related disciplines, primarily as applied to the social sciences. Clear, comprehensive coverage of utility theory, 2-person zero-sum games, 2-person non-zero-sum games, n-person games, individual and group decision-making, much more. Appendixes. Bibliography. Graphs and figures.
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  39. (2 other versions)The explanation game: a formal framework for interpretable machine learning.David S. Watson & Luciano Floridi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):1–⁠32.
    We propose a formal framework for interpretable machine learning. Combining elements from statistical learning, causal interventionism, and decision theory, we design an idealised explanation game in which players collaborate to find the best explanation for a given algorithmic prediction. Through an iterative procedure of questions and answers, the players establish a three-dimensional Pareto frontier that describes the optimal trade-offs between explanatory accuracy, simplicity, and relevance. Multiple rounds are played at different levels of abstraction, allowing the players to explore overlapping causal (...)
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  40. Game Relativity: How Context Influences Strategic Decision Making.Nick Chater - unknown
    Existing models of strategic decision making typically assume that only the attributes of the currently played game need be considered when reaching a decision. The results presented in this article demonstrate that the so-called “cooperativeness” of the previously played prisoner’s dilemma games influence choices and predictions in the current prisoner’s dilemma game, which suggests that games are not considered independently. These effects involved reinforcement-based assimilation to the previous choices and also a perceptual contrast of the present game with (...)
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  41.  10
    Congestion and road pricing.Walter Block - 1980 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 4 (3):299-330.
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  42. (2 other versions)Games and the good.Thomas Hurka - 2006 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 106 (1):217-235.
    Using Bernard Suits’s brilliant analysis (contra Wittgenstein) of playing a game, this paper examines the intrinsic value of game-playing. It argues that two elements in Suits’s analysis make success in games difficult, which is one ground of value, while a third involves choosing a good activity for the property that makes it good, which is a further ground. The paper concludes by arguing that game-playing is the paradigm modern (Marx, Nietzsche) as against classical (Aristotle) value: since its goal is (...)
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  43. Video Games, Violence, and the Ethics of Fantasy: Killing Time.Christopher Bartel - 2020 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Is it ever morally wrong to enjoy fantasizing about immoral things? Many video games allow players to commit numerous violent and immoral acts. But, should players worry about the morality of their virtual actions? A common argument is that games offer merely the virtual representation of violence. No one is actually harmed by committing a violent act in a game. So, it cannot be morally wrong to perform such acts. While this is an intuitive argument, it does not (...)
  44. Action Video Game Training for Healthy Adults: A Meta-Analytic Study.Ping Wang, Han-Hui Liu, Xing-Ting Zhu, Tian Meng, Hui-Jie Li & Xi-Nian Zuo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:187309.
    Action video game (AVG) has attracted increasing attention from both the public and from researchers. More and more studies found video game training improved a variety of cognitive functions. However, it remains controversial whether healthy adults can benefit from AVG training, and whether young and older adults benefit similarly from AVG training. In the present study, we aimed to quantitatively assess the AVG training effect on the cognitive ability of adults and to compare the training effects on young and older (...)
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  45. Games Unlike Life.C. Thi Nguyen - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 23 (3).
    This is a reply to Elisabeth Camp's and Elijah Millgram's probing discussions of "Games and the Art of Agency", in a symposium in Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy. Millgram argues that games cannot function as a guide to life, because they are too different from life. Games are limited in a special way: in life, we deliberate about what goals we want to take on, but in games, the goals are fixed and given to us. (...)
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  46. Language-Games for Quantifiers.Jaakko Hintikka - 1968 - In Nicholas Rescher (ed.), Studies in Logical Theory. Oxford,: Blackwell. pp. 46--72.
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  47.  57
    Game theory and global environmental policy.Alfred Endres - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (s 1-2):123-139.
    Economists interpret global environmental quality to be a pure public good. Each country should contribute to its provision. However, this is hard to achieve because each government is tempted to take a free ride on the other governments' efforts. Not only has this dilemma been analysed with game theoretical methods but game theory has also been used to think about how to make amends. This paper reviews the game theoretical discussion on how international policy frameworks may be designed to improve (...)
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  48. Too Much Playing Games – A Response to Kretchmar.Alex Wolf-Root - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (2):264-268.
    Scott Kretchmar recently put forth a new definition of what it is to play a game. Unfortunately, it must be rejected. In this paper, I show that this new definition is far too broad by discussing an activity that is not an instance of playing a game but is wrongfully ruled as one on this new definition.
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  49. Game Theory and the Self-Fulfilling Climate Tragedy.Matthew Kopec - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (2):203-221.
    Game theorists tend to model climate negotiations as a so-called ‘tragedy of the commons’. This is rather worrisome, since the conditions under which such commons problems have historically been solved are almost entirely absent in the case of international greenhouse gas emissions. In this paper, I will argue that the predictive accuracy of the tragedy model might not stem from the model’s inherent match with reality but rather from the model’s ability to make self-fulfilling predictions. I then sketch some possible (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Video Games as Self‐Involving Interactive Fictions.Jon Robson & Aaron Meskin - 2012 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (2):165-177.
    This article explores the nature and theoretical import of a hitherto neglected class of fictions which we term ‘self-involving interactive fictions’. SIIFs are interactive fictions, but they differ from standard examples of interactive fictions by being, in some important sense, about those who consume them. In order to better understand the nature of SIIFs, and the ways in which they differ from other fictions, we focus primarily on the most prominent example of the category: video-game fictions. We argue that appreciating (...)
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