Results for 'constitutional democracy'

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  1. Ideal proportional representation 87.Constitutional Democracy - 1995 - Journal of Political Philosophy 3 (1):86-109.
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  2. Constitutional democracy and the legitimacy of judicial review.Samuel Freeman - 1990 - Law and Philosophy 9 (4):327 - 370.
    It has long been argued that the institution of judicial review is incompatible with democratic institutions. This criticism usually relies on a procedural conception of democracy, according to which democracy is essentially a form of government defined by equal political rights and majority rule. I argue that if we see democracy not just as a form of government, but more basically as a form of sovereignty, then there is a way to conceive of judicial review as a (...)
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    (1 other version)Constitutional Democracy in the Age of Populisms: A Commentary to Mark Tushnet’s Populist Constitutional Law.Valerio Fabbrizi - 2019 - Res Publica:1-17.
    This contribution aims at discussing constitutional democracy in the age of populisms, by explaining how populist movements oppose liberal-democratic constitutionalism and by presenting the thesis of a so-called ‘populist constitutionalism’, as proposed by Mark Tushnet. In the first section, a general and analytic exploration of populist phenomena will be drawn, by focusing on the so-called thesis of a ‘populist’ constitutionalism. In the second part, Tushnet’s arguments for a populist constitutionalism will be presented, through the analysis of his two (...)
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    Modern Constitutional Democracy and Imperialism.James Tully - 2008 - Osgoode Hall Law Journal 46 (3):461-494.
    To what extent is the development of modern constitutional democracy as a state form in the West and its spread around the world implicated in western imperialism? This has been a leading question of legal scholarship over the last thirty years. James Tully draws on this scholarship to present a preliminary answer. Part I sets out seven central features of modern constitutional democracy and its corresponding international institutions of law and government. Part II sets out three (...)
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  5. Constitutional Democracy.Jürgen Habermas - 2001 - Political Theory 29 (6):766-781.
  6. The Normative Paradigm of Constitutional Democracy.Luigi Ferrajoli - 2011 - Res Publica 17 (4):355-367.
    This piece criticizes traditional formal and procedural conceptions of democracy, which fail to account for the development of contemporary constitutional democracy. The latter is characterized by a substantive dimension with respect to the content of the decisions taken through the democratic process. The validity of such decision is conditioned by the respect and actualization of fundamental rights, which are established by the constitution. The limits and constraints established by the constitution require juridical science to play a critical (...)
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  7. The Other Prince : Ambedkar, Constitutional Democracy, and the Agency of the Law.Jon Soske - 2013 - In Cosimo Zene, The Political Philosophies of Antonio Gramsci and B. R. Ambedkar: Itineraries of Dalits and Subalterns. New York: Routledge.
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  8. The Unfreedom of the Moderns in relation the ideals of constitutional democracy.James Tully - 2002 - Modern Law Review 65 (2):204-228.
    The paper is a critical survey of the last ten years of research on the principles of legitimacy of constitutional democracy and their application in practice in Europe and North America. A constitutional democracy is legitimate if it meets the test of two principles: the principles of democracy or popular sovereignty and of constitutionalism or the rule of law. There are three contemporary trends which tend to conflict with the principle of democracy and thus (...)
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    Must Constitutional Democracy Be "Responsive"?:Constitutional Domains: Democracy, Community, Management. Robert C. Post.Frank I. Michelman - 1997 - Ethics 107 (4):706-.
  10. Political Offices and American Constitutional Democracy: Senator, Activist, Organizer.Andrew Sabl - 1997 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    A constitutional democracy is characterized by "governing pluralism": there is no single source of sovereignty and no single consensus on what political life should look like. Starting from this premise, and using the United States as the example of such a democracy, the work treats the ethics of three kinds of political leaders in American politics. The work examines the offices of senator, moral activist, and community organizer, in each case trying to identify the distinctive purpose of (...)
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  11.  30
    Constituting Democracy.David Gauthier - unknown
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 1989, given by David Gauthier, a Canadian philosopher.
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  12. Personal identity in multicultural constitutional democracies.H. P. P. Lotter - 1998 - South African Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):179-198.
    Awareness of, and respect for differences of gender, race, religion, language, and culture have liberated many oppressed groups from the hegemony of white, Western males. However, respect for previously denigrated collective identities should not be allowed to confine individuals to identities constructed around one main component used for political mobilisation, or to identities that depend on a priority of properties that are not optional, like race, gender, and language. In this article I want to sketch an approach for accommodating different (...)
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    “Homogeneity” and Constitutional Democracy: Coping with Identity Conflicts through Group Rights.Claus Offe - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 6 (2):113-141.
    In this article I explore some ancient issues of political theory in the light of some contemporary social and cultural issues. After developing a check list of the virtues and vulnerabilities of constitutional democracy (Section I), I go on to discuss some types and symptoms of difference, conflict, fragmentation and heterogeneity (Section II). I then proceed to a critical review of a particular set of strategies and institutional solutions—political group rights—that are often thought promising devices for strengthening the (...)
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    The Foundations of Constitutional Democracy: The Kelsen-Natural Law Controversy.Nathan Gibbs - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 37 (1):79-107.
    In the immediate post-war period, a set of thinkers, most notably Jacques Maritain, developed influential natural law theories of constitutional democracy. The central tenet of the natural law approach to the post-war settlement was that, without the type of foundational understanding of the constitutional system it was proposing, the new democratic political institutions would relapse into totalitarianism. In response to this natural law challenge, Hans Kelsen sought to explicate and defend a self-consciously secular and relativistic understanding of (...)
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    On Constitutional Democracy and Robust International Law.Pietro Maffettone - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (4):451-460.
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    Liberal Constitutional Democracies in Times of Crisis.C. Corradetti - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (1):1-10.
  17. Popular Sovereignty and Constitutional Democracy.Philip Pettit - 2022 - University of Toronto Law Journal 72:251-86.
    In recent times, the idea of popular sovereignty has figured prominently in the rhetoric of neo-populist thinkers and activists who argue that legal and political authority must be concentrated in one single body or individual elected by the people to act in its name. The thesis of this article is that, while the notion of popular sovereignty may seem to offer some support to the neo-populist image of democracy, it serves more persuasively to support the idea of a polycentric, (...)
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    A Political Theory of Constitutional Democracy: On Legitimacy of Constitutional Courts in Stable Liberal Democracies.Pasquale Pasquino - 2017 - In Thomas Christiano, Ingrid Creppell & Jack Knight, Morality, Governance, and Social Institutions: Reflections on Russell Hardin. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 197-232.
    My text offers an attempt to justify theoretically the existence of an important pillar of contemporary constitutional democracy: judicial review. Why do Supreme and Constitutional Courts that are not electorally accountable organs have the power to modify and occasionally cancel from the books statutory legislation passed by elected and accountable representatives? The argument presented discusses and questions the standard doctrine of the separation of powers and is based on the foundations of modern political authority as the agency (...)
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  19.  12
    The Living Tree: Fixity and Flexibility a General Theory of (Judicial Review in a) Constitutional Democracy?Imer B. Flores - 2008 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (2):285-305.
    In this article the author aims to assess Wilfrid J. Waluchow’s more recent book, by depicting its main aim, namely to provide a better understanding of judicial review in a constitutional democracy via the “living tree” metaphor; by disapproving an unwarranted claim, purposely to reduce the metaphor to the common law (bottom-up) methodology; and by re-developing his alternative, specifically to identify the community’s constitutional political morality, with a friendly amendment, which is already explicit —or at least somehow (...)
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  20.  27
    Must Constitutional Democracy Be "Responsive"? [REVIEW]Robert C. Post - 1997 - Ethics 107 (4):706-723.
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  21. The logic of legitimacy: Bootstrapping paradoxes of constitutional democracy.Christopher Zurn - 2010 - Legal Theory 16 (3):191-227.
    Many have claimed that legitimate constitutional democracy is either conceptually or practically impossible, given infinite regress paradoxes deriving from the requirement of simultaneously democratic and constitutional origins for legitimate government. This paper first critically investigates prominent conceptual and practical bootstrapping objections advanced by Barnett and Michelman. It then argues that the real conceptual root of such bootstrapping objections is not any specific substantive account of legitimacy makers, such as consent or democratic endorsement, but a particular conception of (...)
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  22.  96
    Survey article: Constitutional democracy and the rule of international law: Are they compatible?Allen Buchanan & Russell Powell - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (3):326-349.
  23.  24
    Summary: Why Constitutional Democracy Requires International Human Rights Law.Jamie Mayerfeld - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (3):369-371.
  24. The Political Ethos of Constitutional Democracy and the Place of Natural Law in Public Reason: Rawls's “Political Liberalism” Revisited.Martin Rhonheimer - 2005 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 50 (1):1-70.
  25. Social Choice Theory and Constitutional Democracy.William H. Riker - 2003 - In Thomas Christiano, Philosophy and democracy: an anthology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 161--194.
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    Personal identity in multicultural constitutional democracies.H. P. P. Hennie Lötter - 1998 - South African Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):179-197.
  27.  20
    Can Federalism Save India’s Constitutional Democracy?Sujit Choudhry - 2022 - Jus Cogens 4 (1):69-77.
    Madhav Khosla’s brilliant book, India’s Founding Moment, is self-consciously a work on the history of ideas. Nonetheless, the subtitle of India’s Founding Moment—The Constitution of a Most Surprising Democracy—implies that Khosla draws a connection between the ideas that shaped the creation of constitutional democracy in India and its endurance. In this review, I pose the question of whether the design of the Constitution can be a source of constitutional resilience against the rising threat of authoritarianism and (...)
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    The “Era of the City” as an Emerging Challenge to Liberal Constitutional Democracy.Ran Hirschl - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (4):455-473.
    Extensive urbanization is one of the most significant demographic and geopolitical phenomena of our time. Yet, with few exceptions, constitutional theory has failed to turn its attention to this crucial trend. In particular, the burgeoning constitutional literature aimed at addressing phenomena such as democratic backsliding, constitutional retrogression, and populist threats to judicial independence and the rule of law has failed to respond to the significance of place as an emerging cleavage in contemporary politics. An alarming disconnect has (...)
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  29. Political Liberalism: Public Justification Within and Outside the Borders of a Constitutional Democracy [Spanish].Mariano Garreta - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 17:192-223.
    La meta del presente artículo es defender la tesis de que la aceptación de las ideas fundamentales del liberalismo político no conducen necesariamente a una concepción de la justicia global minimalista como la que desarrolló John Rawls en The Law of Peoples. Sostendré, contra lo que el filósofo explícitamente afirma, que las democracias liberales contemporáneas pueden apelar públicamente, en la esfera política global, a los ideales igualitarios y a una concepción robusta de los derechos humanos como justificación de ciertos aspectos (...)
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    The making of constitutional democracy: from creation to application of law. [REVIEW]Conor Crummey - 2022 - Jurisprudence 14 (1):127-133.
    Paolo Sandro’s book is the latest volume in Hart Publishing’s excellent ‘Law and Practical Reason’ series. The book’s theoretical scope is wide, engaging with analytical legal philosophy (of both A...
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    Is confucianism compatible with liberal constitutional democracy?Albert H. Y. Chen - 2007 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 34 (2):195–216.
  32.  16
    Introduction: New Directions in the Study of Constitutional Democracy.David Ragazzoni - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (4):409-412.
    Constitutional (liberal) democracy pursues an ambitious project. It weaves together majority rule and minority rights and encapsulates a political and institutional organization of public life deliberately orchestrated to guarantee and safeguard rights and freedoms, the peaceful resolution of social and political conflict, and the widest-possible participation of citizens in democratic self-rule. Critical for these goals are procedural mechanisms that enhance the responsiveness and accountability of elected officeholders, contain the power of the governing majority, enable the mutual checks and (...)
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    On Populism and Civil Society: The Challenge to Constitutional Democracy by Andrew Arato and Jean L. Cohen.María Pía Lara - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (6):855-861.
    I will critically explore Arato and Cohen’s work on populism acknowledging areas of agreement while noting gaps in their reasoning particularly regarding the complex relations between capitalism and democracy and the recent erosion of democracy replacing it with authoritarian regimes that are better suited for neoliberal policies.
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    Book reviews : Constitutional democracy: Essays in comparative politics. Edited by Fred Eidlin. Boulder, colorado: Westview press, 1983. Pp. 516. $42.50. [REVIEW]William T. Bluhm - 1988 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (3):409-411.
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    Does the Constitutional and Democratic System Work? The Ecological Crisis as a Challenge to the Political Order of Constitutional Democracy.Tine Stein - 1998 - Constellations 4 (3):420-449.
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    Democracy and constitutional reform: Deliberative versus populist constitutionalism.Simone Chambers - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1116-1131.
    Constitutional reform has been an important means to push populist authoritarian agendas in Hungary, Poland, Turkey and Venezuela. The embrace of constitutional means and rhetoric in pursuit of these agendas has led to the growing recognition of ‘populist constitutionalism’ as a contemporary political phenomenon. In all four examples mentioned above, democracy, popular sovereignty and direct plebiscitary appeal to the people is the rhetorical and justificatory framework for constitutional reform. This, I worry, gives democracy a bad (...)
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    National Constitutions in European and Global Governance: Democracy, Rights, the Rule of Law: National Reports.Anneli Albi & Samo Bardutzky (eds.) - 2019 - The Hague: Imprint: T.M.C. Asser Press.
    This two-volume book, published open access, brings together leading scholars of constitutional law from twenty-nine European countries to revisit the role of national constitutions at a time when decision-making has increasingly shifted to the European and transnational level. It offers important insights into three areas. First, it explores how constitutions reflect the transfer of powers from domestic to European and global institutions. Secondly, it revisits substantive constitutional values, such as the protection of constitutional rights, the rule of (...)
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    Methodism and transformation in South Africa: 20 years of constitutional democracy.Wessel Bentley - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    Confucian meritocracy, political legitimacy and constitutional democracy.Zhuoyao Li - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 46 (9):1076-1092.
    The article will argue that neither what may be called ‘multiple legitimacies’ nor what Leigh Jenco refers to as the hybrid view of legitimacy provides substantial guidance in reconceiving legitima...
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  40. Constitutional Rights and Democracy: A Reply to Professor Bellamy.Wilfrid J. Waluchow - 2013 - German Law Journal 14:1039-1051.
    -/- In his rich and thoughtful paper, Richard Bellamy sketches a theory of individual rights that ascribes to them an inherently democratic character that “is best captured by a republican view of liberty as non-domination, rather than the standard liberal account of liberty as non-interference.” According to this view, “rights involve an implicit appeal to democratic forms of reasoning.” That is, the only justifiable “foundation of rights must be some form of ongoing democratic decision making that allows rights to be (...)
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    The Indeterminacy of an Emergency: Challenges to Criminal Jurisdiction in Constitutional Democracy[REVIEW]Mireille Hildebrandt - 2010 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 4 (2):161-181.
    In this contribution I address the type of emergency that threatens a state’s monopoly of violence, meaning that the state’s competence to provide citizens with elementary security is challenged. The question is, whether actions taken by the state to ward off these threats (should) fall within the ambit of the criminal law. A central problem is the indeterminacy that is inherent in the state of emergency, implicating that adequate measures as well as constitutional constraints to be imposed on such (...)
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  42. The Priority of Public Reasons and Religious Forms of Life in Constitutional Democracies.Cristina Lafont - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (4):45-60.
    In this essay I address the difficult question of how citizens with conflicting religious and secular views can fulfill the democratic obligation of justifying the imposition of coercive policies to others with reasons that they can also accept. After discussing the difficulties of proposals that either exclude religious beliefs from public deliberation or include them without any restrictions, I argue instead for a policy of mutual accountability that imposes the same deliberative rights and obligations on all democratic citizens. The main (...)
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  43. Deliberative Democracy and Constitutional Review.Christopher F. Zurn - 2002 - Law and Philosophy 21 (4/5):467 - 542.
    Recent work in democratic theory has seriously questioned the dominant pluralist model of self-government and recommended the adoption of a ‘deliberative’ conception of constitutional democracy. With this shift in basic political theory, the objection to judicial review, often voiced in jurisprudential theory, as an anti-democratic instance of paternalism merits another look. This paper argues that the significant differences between four recent theories of constitutional review—put forward by Ely, Perry, Dworkin, and Habermas—are best understood as arising from different (...)
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  44. The expressive agon : On political agency in a constitutional democracy.David Owen - 2008 - In Andrew Schaap, Law and Agonistic Politics. Ashgate Pub. Company.
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    Radbruch’s Formula Revisited: The Lex Injusta Non Est Lex Maxim in Constitutional Democracies.Seow Hon Tan - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 34 (2):461-491.
    According to German legal philosopher Gustav Radbruch, laws that are substantively unjust to an intolerable degree should not be regarded as legally valid, even if they were promulgated according to stipulated procedure. Radbruch’s Formula (as his position has been termed) contradicts the central tenet of legal positivism, according to which the existence of laws does not necessarily depend on their merit.1 While some legal positivists suppose that legal invalidity based on the content of particular laws is a central tenet of (...)
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  46.  40
    Populism and civil society: The challenge to constitutional democracy By AndrewArato, Jean L.Cohen, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022.Ross Poole - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):358-360.
  47.  12
    Democracy: constrained or militant? Carl Schmitt and Karl Loewenstein on what it means to defend the constitution.Mariano Croce - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    In the recent literature on militant democracy, two claims are made on the relation between its most famous advocate, Karl Loewenstein, and German jurist Carl Schmitt. The first claim is that, although the latter came to support the Nazi regime, in the late 1920s he provided an early model of militant democracy that looks more robust and elaborated than Loewenstein’s. Schmitt’s constrained democracy is believed to cut deeper into that which militancy is supposed to safeguard. The second (...)
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    Rawls and Derrida on the historicity of constitutional democracy and international justice.Johan van der Walt - 2009 - Constellations 16 (1):23-43.
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    The civic constitution: Civic visions and struggles in the path toward constitutional democracy.Robert L. Tsai - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (3):e33-e36.
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    An interview with Andrew Arato: Critically revisiting civil society, constituent power and constitutional democracy in populist times.Giorgio Fazio, Paul Blokker, Manuel Anselmi & Giuseppe Allegri - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (2):330-340.
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