Results for 'constraint and freedom in creativity'

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  1.  22
    Aesthetics as a Habit: Between Constraints and Freedom, Nudges and Creativity.Mariagrazia Portera - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):24.
    This paper is a preliminary attempt to bring to the fore some questions and issues regarding the role of habits in aesthetics. Indeed, much attention has recently been given to habits across a wide range of fields of inquiry: philosophers turn to the concept to investigate its significance to the historical development of Western thought; neuroscientists look into the role that habits play in the functioning of the human mind and identify the neural and psychological underpinnings of habitual behavior; anthropologists, (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Abstraction, law, and freedom in computer science.Timothy Colburn & Gary Shute - 2010 - Metaphilosophy 41 (3):345-364.
    Abstract: Laws of computer science are prescriptive in nature but can have descriptive analogs in the physical sciences. Here, we describe a law of conservation of information in network programming, and various laws of computational motion (invariants) for programming in general, along with their pedagogical utility. Invariants specify constraints on objects in abstract computational worlds, so we describe language and data abstraction employed by software developers and compare them to Floridi's concept of levels of abstraction. We also consider Floridi's structural (...)
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    Artistic Manner as Autonomy: Creative Freedom and the Constraint of Rules in Vasari, Bellori and Kant.Aviv Reiter - forthcoming - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    §49 of the Critique of the Power of Judgment concludes with a striking claim regarding the freedom required for artistic expression. Kant classifies Mannerism as aping, but considers manner the only valid means of artistic expression. These opposed uses of maniera echo a historical controversy, which finds reconciliation in Kant in what I call artistic autonomy. For Kant, artistic expression of genuine originality requires autonomous action, the individual manner in which an artist selects, transforms and applies given academic rules, (...)
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    Constraint and Freedom in the Common Law.John Horty - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15:1-27.
    This paper contributes to our formal understanding of the common law — especially the nature of the reasoning involved, but also its point, or justification, in terms of social coordination. I present two apparently distinct models of constraint by precedent in the common law, establish their equivalence, and argue for a perspective according to which courts are best thought of, not as creating and modifying rules, but as generating a social priority ordering on reasons through a procedure that is (...)
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  5. Understanding Creativity: Affect Decision and Inference.Avijit Lahiri - manuscript
    In this essay we collect and put together a number of ideas relevant to the under- standing of the phenomenon of creativity, confining our considerations mostly to the domain of cognitive psychology while we will, on a few occasions, hint at neuropsy- chological underpinnings as well. In this, we will mostly focus on creativity in science, since creativity in other domains of human endeavor have common links with scientific creativity while differing in numerous other specific respects. (...)
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  6. Constraint and freedom in the movement from quantum physics to theology.Philip Clayton - 2009 - In Fount LeRon Shults, Nancey C. Murphy & Robert John Russell (eds.), Philosophy, science and divine action. Boston: Brill.
  7.  8
    3 Constraint and Freedom in the Evolution of Human Nature.Justin Aronfreed - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):31-35.
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    Creativity, Freedom, and Authority: A New Perspective On the Metaphysics of Mathematics.Julian C. Cole - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (4):589-608.
    I discuss a puzzle that shows there is a need to develop a new metaphysical interpretation of mathematical theories, because all well-known interpretations conflict with important aspects of mathematical activities. The new interpretation, I argue, must authenticate the ontological commitments of mathematical theories without curtailing mathematicians' freedom and authority to creatively introduce mathematical ontology during mathematical problem-solving. Further, I argue that these two constraints are best met by a metaphysical interpretation of mathematics that takes mathematical entities to be constitutively (...)
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  9.  11
    The Logic of Precedent: Constraint, Freedom, and Common Law Reasoning.John Horty - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    Unlike statutory law, which relies on the explicit formulation of rules, common law is thought to emerge from a complex doctrine of precedential constraint, according to which decisions in earlier cases constrain later courts while still allowing these courts the freedom to address new situations in creative ways. Although this doctrine is applied by legal practitioners on a daily basis, it has proved to be considerably more difficult to develop an adequate theoretical account of the doctrine itself. Drawing (...)
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    Review of A Strange Freedom: New Meanings of Liberalism and Humanism in the 21st Century [De vreemde vrijheid. Nieuwe betekenissen van vrijzinnigheid en humanisme in de 21ste eeuw]. [REVIEW]Martijn Boven - 2016 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 56 (4):42-43.
    In philosophical discourse, the notion of freedom demands rigorous examination. Traditionally, a distinction has been made between negative freedom (freedom from external constraints that impede one's self-realization) and positive freedom (freedom to utilize one's own capabilities). In the essay "A Strange Freedom: New Meanings of Liberalism and Humanism in the 21st Century [De vreemde vrijheid. Nieuwe betekenissen van vrijzinnigheid en humanisme in de 21ste eeuw]," philosopher and theologian Laurens ten Kate proposes a conceptualization of (...)
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  11.  20
    Artistic Genius and Freedom of Creativity in Kant’s Critique of Judgement.Rintje Theoren Tolsma - 2022 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 34 (1-2):129-146.
    This essay explores Immanuel Kant’s notion of artistic genius and how it relates to the modern conception of the interrelated ideas of nature and freedom as they appear in his Critique of Judgement. Genius works as a unique concept in Kant’s oeuvre, showing how art provides a harmony within what, in Reformational philosophy, they call the “ground-motive” “nature-freedom.” The concept of originality as it relates to genius has the potential for an alternative reading to what was held subsequent (...)
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  12.  27
    Gandhi and Tagore on the Idea of the Surplus, Creativity and Freedom: In Conversation with Richard Sorabji.Bindu Puri - 2016 - Sophia 55 (4):563-572.
    This paper is in conversation with Richard Sorabji’s reading of the Gandhi Tagore debate. On Sorabji’s account freedom was an important issue in that debate as Gandhi was unable to appreciate Tagore’s emphasis on individual freedom as creativity. While I agree that freedom was an important issue, I argue that Gandhi understood and employed the resources made available by individual creativity. The differences arose because Gandhi thought of freedom as creativity primarily in moral (...)
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  13.  11
    Imprisonment, freedom, and literary opacity in the work of Nawal El Saadawi and Assia Djebar.Jane Hiddleston - 2010 - Feminist Theory 11 (2):171-187.
    In her astute study of contemporary Arab women writers, Anastasia Valassopoulos begins by noting the pitfalls of much existing criticism of writers such as El Saadawi and Djebar in the West. Citing Amal Amireh’s article on the fraught history of the reception of El Saadawi in Egypt and in Europe, Valassopoulos comments that Arab women’s literature tends to be seen as ‘documentary’, and this obscures the ‘core issue of representation’ as it is explored and challenged by women writers. In the (...)
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  14.  60
    Scientific Methods and Creative Practices. An Evaluation of Constraints and Possibilities in an Experimental Research Environment.Elena Bougleux - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):560-567.
    How do scientists who devote their entire lives to solving a small problem in theoretical physics work? What causes a team of young researchers to be completely devoted to its work? What do they share with and what distinguishes them from teams who do not have creativity as a necessary goal of their mission? This article discusses some possible answers to these questions, starting from a research team in physics, in which the author took part as a researcher over (...)
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  15.  13
    Constraints and Creativity: In Search of Creativity Science.Feiwel Kupferberg - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book studies creativity in its own right in the search for a creativity science. If we assume that creativity can best be described by constraint theory, the complexity and paradoxes of creativity can be reduced by dividing it into manageable sections. The model is tested and evidenced by numerous historical cases of pioneering work within the three intellectual fields: science, art, and technology. The model guides non-specialists from the many disciplines studying creativity and (...)
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  16.  10
    Freedom in Resistance and Creative Transformation.Michael St A. Miller - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    The practice of freedom that is finite, realistically libertarian, and relational is vital for the wholesome development of human beings. In promoting this idea, Michael Miller challenges traditional Christian teachings that have hindered the pursuit of freedom by human beings on the basis of their humanity per se. It also provides theological, ethical, and ecclesiological insights to inspire ventures in freedom and guidance to those who are on the path of freedom.
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  17. Property and Freedom in Kant, Hegel, and Marx.Jacob Blumenfeld - 2020 - In Victoria Fareld & Hannes Kuch (eds.), From Marx to Hegel and Back. Bloomsbury. pp. 73=90.
    In this chapter, I criticize some common approaches to conceptualizing property, and I propose instead a more normatively attuned, historically situated framework for thinking about what it means to call something mine. Whereas many legal theorists are busy constructing elaborate doctrines for justifying the absolute supremacy of property rights (and, consequently, normalizing the status quo distribution of wealth), I am more interested in understanding the social bonds, normative expectations, and material constraints produced in property relations. I do this with the (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Freedom and agency in the Zhuangzi: navigating life’s constraints.Karyn Lai - 2021 - Tandf: British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-21.
    The Zhuangzi, a 4th century BCE Chinese text, is optimistic about life unrestrained by entrenched values. This paper contributes to existing debates on Zhuangzian freedom in three ways. First, it reflects on how it is possible to enjoy the freedom envisaged in the Zhuangzi. Many discussions welcome the Zhuangzi’s picture of release from life shaped by canonical visions, without also giving thought to life without these driving visions. Consider this scenario: in a world with limitless possibilities, would it (...)
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  19.  25
    Creativity and Freedom.Nicholas Allott - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 87:55-60.
    Nicholas Allott considers Chomsky at ninety. [This is a short introduction to Chomsky's linguistic work, its implications for our knowledge about language and the mind, and its connections with the political philosophy that is implicit in his work on international relations and the media. I argue that Chomsky's contribution to linguistics, cognitive science and philosophy should not be controversial. He has been a major influence on the computational/representational view of the mind that is now taken for granted in serious work (...)
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  20.  15
    Understanding Freedom in the Creatives of the Revolution.Павло Васильович ОБЛАП - 2023 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 6 (1):118-124.
    The article considers the meaning of freedom in the context of the revolution, its interpretation by social philosophers of the second half of the 20th century (H.Arendt, H.Marcuse, E.Fromm, Y.Habermas and other scientists). It is emphasized that the struggle for freedom can be one of the factors of the beginning of revolutionary events, at the same time, revolutionary events can cause a new round of the struggle for freedom. Investigating the genesis of the concept of “revolution”, it (...)
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  21. The mindsponge and BMF analytics for innovative thinking in social sciences and humanities.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Viet-Phuong La (eds.) - 2022 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    Academia is a competitive environment. Early Career Researchers (ECRs) are limited in experience and resources and especially need achievements to secure and expand their careers. To help with these issues, this book offers a new approach for conducting research using the combination of mindsponge innovative thinking and Bayesian analytics. This is not just another analytics book. 1. A new perspective on psychological processes: Mindsponge is a novel approach for examining the human mind’s information processing mechanism. This conceptual framework is used (...)
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  22. Its Own Reward: A Phenomenological Study of Artistic Creativity.David Rawlings & Barnaby Nelson - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (2):217-255.
    The phenomenology of the creative process has been a neglected area of creativity research. The current study investigated the phenomenology of artistic creativity through semi-structured interviews with 11 artists. The findings consisted of 19 interlinked constituents, with 3 dynamics operating within these constituents: an intuition-analysis dynamic, a union-division dynamic, and a freedom-constraint dynamic. The findings are discussed in relation to the issues of creativity and spirituality, intuition and analysis, the creative synthesis, affective components, and flow. (...)
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  23. Creativity : method or magic?Stevan Harnad - 2007 - In Henri Cohen & Brigitte Stemmer (eds.), Consciousness and Cognition: Fragments of Mind and Brain. Boston: Academic Press.
    Creativity may be a trait, a state or just a process defined by its products. It can be contrasted with certain cognitive activities that are not ordinarily creative, such as problem solving, deduction, induction, learning, imitation, trial and error, heuristics and "abduction," however, all of these can be done creatively too. There are four kinds of theories, attributing creativity respectively to (1) method, (2) "memory" (innate structure), (3) magic or (4) mutation. These theories variously emphasize the role of (...)
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  24. Consciousness, Creativity, and Freedom: On the Creative and Free Nature of Consciousness in the Bohm-Biederman Correspondence.Manuel Bejar Gallego - 2008 - Pensamiento 64 (241):447-471.
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    Constraints and the Measurement of Freedom of Choice.Sebastiano Bavetta & Marco Del Seta - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (3):213-238.
    This paper introduces considerations about constraints in the construction of measures of an agent's freedom. It starts with motivating the exercise from both the philosophical and the informational point of view. Then it presents two rankings of opportunity sets based on information about the extent of options and the constraints that a decision maker faces. The first ranking measures freedom as variety of choice; the second as non-restrictedness in choice.
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  26.  52
    The city: Rationalization and freedom in Max Weber.José Maurício Domingues - 2000 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 26 (4):107-126.
    Weber's piece on the development of the north-European Western city has not commanded attention in the recent theoretical literature. This article argues that it can however provide fresh insights into some key problems of Weber's diagnosis of modernity and into his general sociological theory, especially as to his theory of action and creativity. A more open-ended conception of modernity can be gained from its analysis, which is more compatible with Weber's own methodological assumptions. A different relationship between freedom (...)
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  27.  14
    The philosophy of metaReality: creativity, love, and freedom.Roy Bhaskar - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The Vedanta of conciousness : transcendence, enlightenment and everyday life -- The alienated self and the Kabbala of transformation -- The Zen of creativity and the critique of the discursive intellect -- The Tao of love and unconditionality in commitment -- The yoga of action and effortless efficiency -- The nous of perception and the re-enchantment of the tree of life -- The gnosis of freedom and the Fana of fulfilment.
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  28.  58
    The Trade-off between Impartiality and Freedom in the 21st Century Cures Act.David Fraile Navarro, Niccolò Tempini & David Teira - 2021 - Philosophy of Medicine 2 (1).
    Randomized controlled trials test new drugs using various debiasing devices to prevent participants from manipulating the trials. But participants often dislike controls, arguing that they impose a paternalist constraint on their legitimate preferences. The 21st Century Cures Act, passed by US Congress in 2016, encourages the Food and Drug Administration to use alternative testing methods, incorporating participants’ preferences, for regulatory purposes. We discuss, from a historical perspective, the trade-off between trial impartiality and participants’ freedom. We argue that the (...)
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  29.  22
    The agonistic turn of critical reason: Critique and freedom in Foucault and Castoriadis.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (3):385-402.
    Straddling the divide between universalism and relativism, agonistic reason as construed by Foucault and Castoriadis dismisses universal foundations without becoming context-bound or inescapably subjectivist. It is propelled by a strong commitment to freedom and it draws flexibly on available resources and its creative potentials in order to vindicate its conditional claims. This provides a hyper-critical and liberating mode of critical reason which delves into the underlying norms of agency in order to open them up to question and to enhance (...)
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  30.  30
    More Constraints, More Freedom: Revisit Semiotic Scaffolding, Semiotic Freedom, and Semiotic Emergence.Liqian Zhou - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (3):395-413.
    How semiotic freedom emerges in the evolution and development of organisms through semiotic scaffolding is a core problem for biosemiotics. There is a paradox in explaining this semiotic emergence: reduction in (semiotic) freedom leads to the creation of new semiotic freedom. Semiotic emergence is a species of dynamic emergence. Accordingly, the paradox of semiotic emergence is a species of the paradox of dynamic emergence. The latter paradox claims that reducing lower-level freedom generates new freedom at (...)
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  31.  68
    God, Freedom, and Creation in Cross-Cultural Perspective.Keith E. Yandell - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 4:147-168.
    Crossculturally, monotheistic traditions view God as occupying the apex of power, knowledge and goodness, and as enjoying independent existence. This conceptual context provides room for maneuvering concerning God’s nature (e.g., does God have logically necessary existence?) and God’s creatures (e.g., do created persons have libertarian freedom?). Logical consistency is always a constraint on such maneuvering. With that constraint in mind, our purpose here is to consider different conceptual maneuvers concerning God, created persons, and freedom (both human (...)
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  32.  8
    Preceptions of human creativity and freedom: a study in Western and Indian perspectives.Lakshmī Saksenā - 1999 - Gorakhpur: Lokayat Prakashan.
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    Freedom as Creativity: On the Origin of the Positive Concept of Liberty.Boris DeWiel - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):42-57.
    The concept of positive liberty includes both the regulative autonomy to do what we will and the constitutive autonomy to become what we will. However, the latter represents the full meaning of the idea. Liberty in this meaning is a creative power: we are most free in the positive sense when we give our defining constitutive rules to ourselves. The original conceptual model for liberty as creativity did not belong to classical Greek tradition but came to us from Judaism. (...)
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  34.  14
    Living on Rails: Freedom, Constraint, and Political Judgment in Beauvoir's 'Moral'Essays and The Mandarins.Sonia Kruks - 2005 - In Sally J. Scholz & Shannon M. Mussett (eds.), The Contradictions of Freedom: Philosophical Essays on Simone de Beauvoir's the Mandarins. State University of New York Press. pp. 67--86.
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    Freedom, Teleodynamism, Creativity.William E. Connolly - 2014 - Foucault Studies 17:60-75.
    After presenting a critique of both negative and positive freedom this essay pursues the relation between creativity and freedom, drawing upon Foucault, Deleuze and Nietzsche to do so. Once you have understood Nietzsche’s reading of a culturally infused nest of drives in a self, the task becomes easier. A drive is not merely a force pushing forward; it is also a simple mode of perception and intention that pushes forward and enters into creative relations with other drives (...)
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  36. Freedom in the market.Philip Pettit - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (2):131-149.
    The market is traditionally hailed as the very exemplar of a system under which people enjoy freedom, in particular the negative sort of freedom associated with liberal and libertarian thought: freedom as noninterference. But how does the market appear from the perspective of a rival conception of freedom (freedom as non-domination) that is linked with the Roman and neo-Roman tradition of republicanism? The republican conception of freedom argues for important normative constraints on property, exchange, (...)
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  37.  30
    Freedom in Sartre’s Phenomenology: The Kantian Limits of a Radical Project.Sorin Baiasu - 2021 - In Cynthia D. Coe (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 107-128.
    An easily recognizable feature of Sartre’s phenomenological existentialism is his conception of freedom. According to a popular interpretation, we are absolutely free, not only from factual constraints, but also free to create and pursue our own values. In this respect, Sartre appears to continue in a radical direction the Kantian project of making room for freedom in a world colonized by scientific determinism and dogmatic moralism. This chapter challenges the popular reading. It argues that Sartre extends the implications (...)
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  38.  42
    Constraint is freedom. An application of zombie to certain aspects of art and cognitive psychology.Brian Reffin Smith - 2006 - Technoetic Arts 4 (1):55-64.
    Given that computers are not merely information-processors but rather representation-processors, who are the people most suited to dealing with representations of consciousness or the lack of it, once these consist in a computer? Who are the experts on irredundant holism when it comes to making sense of and manipulating these representations? Neither scientists nor philosophers, but rather artists, poets and so on. If this is the case it is not surprising that there already exists, in and out of the computational (...)
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  39. Peirce on the role of poietic creation in mathematical reasoning.Daniel G. Campos - 2007 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 43 (3):470 - 489.
    : C.S. Peirce defines mathematics in two ways: first as "the science which draws necessary conclusions," and second as "the study of what is true of hypothetical states of things" (CP 4.227–244). Given the dual definition, Peirce notes, a question arises: Should we exclude the work of poietic hypothesis-making from the domain of pure mathematical reasoning? (CP 4.238). This paper examines Peirce's answer to the question. Some commentators hold that for Peirce the framing of mathematical hypotheses requires poietic genius but (...)
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  40.  13
    Self-constraint, Human Freedom, and the Conditions of Socialist Democracy.Jeff Noonan - unknown
    “The re-discovery of Marx,” Marcello Musto argues, “is based on his persistent capacity to explain the present: he remains an indispensible instrument for understanding it and transforming it.”. It is true that the continuity of problems connecting our world to Marx’s ensures the relevance of historical materialism. At the same time, changes in the structure and scale of capitalism, as well as failures of nineteenth and twentieth century socialism to build a democratic and life-affirming alternative, force twenty-first century socialists to (...)
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  41.  27
    Flourishing and Freedom: Exploring Their Tensions and Their Relevance to Chronic Disease.João Calinas Correia - 2016 - Health Care Analysis 24 (2):148-160.
    In this paper I will briefly discuss flourishing and freedom, relating them to health and disease; discuss the tensions between flourishing and freedom; and exemplify how those discussions are relevant to chronic disease suffering. The concept of freedom has significant connections with the concepts of health, disability and disease. Understanding disease and disability in terms of the loss of aspects of freedom may help our understanding of the suffering that arises from chronic disease. On the other (...)
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    Subjective Freedom and Necessity in Hegel's Philosophy of Right.David James - 2012 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 59 (131):41-63.
    Hegel associates 'subjective' freedom with various rights, all of which concern the subject's particularity, and with the demand that this particularity be accorded proper recognition within the modern state. I show that Hegel's account of subjective freedom can be assimilated to the 'positive' model of freedom that is often attributed to him because of the way in which the objective determinations of right recognise the subject's particularity in the form of individual welfare. To this extent, the practical (...)
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    Permanent Tenure and Academic Freedom in Engineering.Roli Varma - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (3):193-201.
    The tenure system exists in most public and private universities and 4-year public colleges in the United States. The American Association of University Professors has argued that tenure provides the most reliable means of assuring academic freedom, faculty quality, and educational excellence. However, budgetary constraints and the end of mandatory retirement in the ’90s have resulted in questioning the merits of the tenure system. It is argued that tenure entrenches a lazy professoriate, encourages the creation of temporary faculty positions, (...)
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    Wrestling with the Angel: Experiments in Symbolic Life.Tracy McNulty - 2014 - Columbia University Press.
    Wrestling with the Angel is a meditation on contemporary political, legal, and social theory from a psychoanalytic perspective. It argues for the enabling function of formal and symbolic constraints in sustaining desire as a source of creativity, innovation, and social change. The book begins by calling for a richer understanding of the psychoanalytic concept of the symbolic and the resources it might offer for an examination of the social link and the political sphere. The symbolic is a crucial dimension (...)
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    Justice and Freedom: The Continuing Promise of the Reformation.Christoph Schwöbel - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (4):595-614.
    SummaryAgainst the backdrop of the debates on the appropriate understanding of the Reformation in the context of the 500 year anniversary of the Reformation the attempt is made to elaborate the continuing promise of the Reformation with regard to the understanding of justice and freedom. The view of justice as a creative gift and the understanding of freedom as promise presuppose that the character of the Reformation can be understood as the reconfiguration of the traditional theological authorities. The (...)
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  46. Freedom, Truth, and Possibility in Foucault's Ethics.Réal Fillion - 2005 - Foucault Studies 3:50-64.
    Like Kant, Foucault challenges us to rethink the way we relate freedom and truth by stressing the idea of "maturity" understood as a release from the "self-incurred tutelage" (the expression is from Kant) that otherwise characterizes so much of our lives. Though, rather than linking freedom and truth via the concept of autonomy (or lawfulness), as Kant does, Foucault outlines a possible experience of ethics as an individualizing ideal that contrasts with the model of establishing codes within a (...)
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  47. Freedom and Leisure in the Networks of Technological Objects and Many Others.Vincent Shen - 2010 - Philosophy and Culture 37 (9):91-104.
    In this paper, comparative philosophy from the point of view, accusing both the freedom of human existence is related to: human freedom is the freedom in the relationship, human relationship is the relationship in freedom. Today, however, are in a rapidly changing technology and globalization are shaping the technology products and among the diverse network of his freedom and development of their relationship. For me, if not free then there is no leisure at all, even (...)
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    Existence hacked: meaning, freedom, death, and intimacy in the age of AI.Florentina C. Andreescu - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Everyday life is increasingly restructured by algorithms that participate, not only as medium, but also as partners, co-creators, mentors, and figures of authority, in our affective and creative experiences. Their agentic capacity is enabled by big data capitalism as well as through the newly acquired ability to generate meaning (text) and visuals (images, videos, holograms). AI technology engages with aspects of existence that constitute the core of what it means to be human. Promising transcendence of existential givens it induces an (...)
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  49.  28
    Personhood, Creativity and Freedom[REVIEW]Alicia J. Roqué - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (3):623-624.
    Being a person, unlike being just an individual, Deutsch argues, represents an achievement and not just a "given." A person "is a dynamic integration of the particular conditions and universal features of his individual being... in a manner that... is appropriate for himself". This articulation takes the form of "masking," the creation of a mask that fits properly and which allows for self-expression. If the mask is too tight the person and his appearance are coextensive; if it is too loose (...)
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    The effects of constrained autonomy and incentives on the experience of freedom in everyday decision-making.Stephan Lau & Mario Wenzel - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (7):967-979.
    The present study examines the influence of constrained autonomy and incentives on the experience of freedom in decision-making in everyday settings. We tested the prediction that both factors constitute independent influences on the experience of freedom against the alternative that an incentive might outbalance the influence of a constraint. The experimental setting incorporated a decision about whether to continue a psychological experiment. The choice set of the participant was either restricted or not and the tasks announced were (...)
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