Results for 'coordinatively compound argumentation'

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  1. Analysing complex argumentation: the reconstruction of multiple and coordinatively compound argumentation in a critical discussion.Snoeck Henkemans & Arnolda Francisca - 1992 - Amsterdam: SicSat.
    Snoeck, A. F. (1997) Analysing Complex Argumentation. The reconstruction of Multiple and Coordinatively Argumentation in a Critical Discussion.
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    A.F. Snoeck Henkemans,analysing complex argumentation: The reconstruction of multiple and coordinatively compound argumentation in a critical discussion. [REVIEW]Robert Pinto - 1994 - Argumentation 8 (3):314-318.
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    State-of-the-Art: The Structure of Argumentation[REVIEW]A. Francisca Snoeck Henkemans - 2000 - Argumentation 14 (4):447-473.
    In this paper, a survey is presented of the main approaches to the structure of argumentation. The paper starts with a historical overview of the distinctions between various types of argument structure. Next, the main definitions given in the various approaches are discussed as well as the methods that are proposed to deal with doubtful cases.
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    Inorganic Coordination Compounds. George B. Kauffman.Sheldon Kopperl - 1983 - Isis 74 (1):112-113.
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    The Discovery of Optically Active Coordination Compounds: A Milestone in Stereochemistry.George Kauffman - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):38-62.
    THE CONCEPTS OF ASYMMETRY and optical activity, although introduced fairly late into inorganic chemistry, have played venerable and central roles in organic chemistry. Modern organic chemistry is usually considered to commence with Friedrich Wohler's synthesis of urea in 1828, and Jean Baptiste Biot's discovery of optical activity in 1812 antedates the very genesis of this field. Moreover, Joseph Achille Le Bel and Jacobus Henricusvan't Hoff's concept of the tetrahedral carbon atom, which constitutes the foundation of stereochemistry, was proposed a century (...)
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    Response to the Commentaries.Sean Spence - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (2):99-100.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to the CommentariesSean A. SpenceIn “Free Will in the Light of Neuropsychiatry,” I have attempted to present an argument from the perspective of materialist neuroscience, pushing the latter to its logical conclusion: that if the human nervous system is consistent in its properties, then the only place for “free will” is in the non-conscious processes which underpin conscious awareness. This argument I have based on two supports: the (...)
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    Coordination in Morphology and Syntax: The Case of Copulative Compounds.Susan Olsen - 2004 - In Alice G. B. ter Meulen & Werner Abraham (eds.), The composition of meaning: from Lexeme to discourse. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. pp. 17--37.
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    Coordinating own and other perspectives in argument.Deanna Kuhn & Wadiya Udell - 2007 - Thinking and Reasoning 13 (2):90 – 104.
    What does it take to argue well? The goal of this series of studies was to better understand the cognitive skills entailed in argument, and their course of development, isolated from the verbal and social demands that argumentive discourse also entails. Findings indicated that young adolescents are less able than adults to coordinate attention to both positions in an argument, an age-related pattern that parallels one found in discourse. Contributing to this weakness was inattention to the opposing position (in both (...)
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    Argumentation Evolved: But How? Coevolution of Coordinated Group Behavior and Reasoning.Fabian Seitz - 2020 - Argumentation 34 (2):237-260.
    Rational agency is of central interest to philosophy, with evolutionary accounts of the cognitive underpinnings of rational agency being much debated. Yet one building block—our ability to argue—is less studied, except Mercier and Sperber’s argumentative theory :57–74,, 2011, in The enigma of reason. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 2017). I discuss their account and argue that it faces a lacuna: It cannot explain the origin of argumentation as a series of small steps that reveal how hominins with baseline abilities (...)
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    Against ellipsis: arguments for the direct licensing of ‘noncanonical’ coordinations.Yusuke Kubota & Robert Levine - 2015 - Linguistics and Philosophy 38 (6):521-576.
    Categorial grammar is well-known for its elegant analysis of coordination enabled by the flexible notion of constituency it entertains. However, to date, no systematic study exists that examines whether this analysis has any obvious empirical advantage over alternative analyses of nonconstituent coordination available in phrase structure-based theories of syntax. This paper attempts precisely such a comparison. We compare the direct constituent coordination analysis of non-canonical coordinations in categorial grammar with an ellipsis-based analysis of the same phenomena in the recent HPSG (...)
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  11. Aristotle's Argument for Why the Understanding is not Compounded with the Body'.Victor Caston - 2000 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 16:135-75.
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    Argument Structure and Disciplinary Perspective.James B. Freeman - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):397-423.
    Many in the informal logic tradition distinguish convergent from linked argument structure. The pragma-dialectical tradition distinguishes multiple from co-ordinatively compound argumentation. Although these two distinctions may appear to coincide, constituting only a terminological difference, we argue that they are distinct, indeed expressing different disciplinary perspectives on argumentation. From a logical point of view, where the primary evaluative issue concerns sufficient strength of support, the unit of analysis is the individual argument, the particular premises put forward to support (...)
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    Release from proactive interference in compound and coordinate bilinguals.R. F. Dillon, P. D. McCormack, W. M. Petrusic, Gaynoll M. Cook & Luce Lafleur - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (5):293-294.
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    The Compound of Substratum and Essence. On a Puzzling Reference in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Z 13.1038b2–3.Simone G. Seminara - 2019 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 40 (2):363-381.
    In this paper I deal with a puzzling passage, which occurs in Metaphysics Z 13.1038b2 – 3 and where Aristotle mentions four possible meanings of substance: the substratum, the essence, the compound of these (τὸ ἐκ τούτων) and the universal. This list accords only partially with the previous one in Z 3.1028b33–36, where Aristotle mentions the substratum, the essence, the universal and the genus. Thus, Z 13’s list omits Z 3’s genus, but includes τὸ ἐκ τούτων, which is standardly (...)
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  15. Mindshaping, Coordination, and Intuitive Alignment.Daniel I. Perez-Zapata & Ian A. Apperly - forthcoming - In Tad Zawidzki (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Mindshaping.
    In this chapter, we will summarize recent empirical results highlighting how different groups of people solve pure coordination games. Such games are traditionally studied in behavioural economics, where two people need to coordinate without communicating with each other. Our results suggest that coordination choices vary across groups of people, and that people can adapt flexibly to these differences in order to coordinate between groups. We propose that pure coordination games are a useful empirical platform for studying aspects of mindshaping. Drawing (...)
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  16. Coordination Cannot Establish Political Authority.Matthias Brinkmann - 2018 - Ratio Juris 31 (1):49-69.
    One of the most common arguments in favour of the state's authority is that without the coordinating hand of political institutions, we could not achieve important moral benefits. I argue that if we understand authority correctly, then coordination cannot even in principle establish that coordinators have political authority.
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  17. Compound Nominals, Context, and Compositionality.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2007 - Synthese 156 (1):161-204.
    There are good reasons to think natural languages are compositional. But compound nominals (CNs) are largely productive constructions that have proven highly recalcitrant to compositional semantic analysis. I evaluate existing proposals to treat CNs compositionally and argue that they are unsuccessful. I then articulate an alternative proposal according to which CNs contain covert indexicals. Features of the context allow a variety of relations to be expressed using CNs, but this variety is not expressed in the lexicon or the semantic (...)
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    Southgate's compound only‐way evolutionary theodicy: Deep appreciation and further directions.Robert John Russell - 2018 - Zygon 53 (3):711-726.
    Christopher Southgate offers a remarkable evolutionary theodicy that includes six affirmations and arguments; together they form a unique and very persuasive proposal which he terms a “compound evolutionary theodicy.” Here I summarize the arguments and offer critical reflections on them for further development, with an emphasis on the ambiguity in the goodness of creation; the role of thermodynamics in evolutionary biology; the challenge of horrendous evil in nature; and the theological response to theodicy in terms of eschatology, with its (...)
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    Compounding Objects.Zvonimir Šikić - 2020 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 49 (2).
    We prove a characterization theorem for filters, proper filters and ultrafilters which is a kind of converse of Łoś's theorem. It is more natural than the usual intuition of these terms as large sets of coordinates, which is actually unconvincing in the case of ultrafilters. As a bonus, we get a very simple proof of Łoś's theorem.
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    An observational analysis of argument structures: The case of Nightline. [REVIEW]BrentG Brossmann & DanielJ Canary - 1990 - Argumentation 4 (2):199-212.
    An observational analysis of selected Nightline program transcripts was undertaken to advance understanding of conversational arguments used in the service of public policy debate. Results indicate that Nightline discussions involved more compound structural variations, but fewer simple, convergent and eroded argument structures than had been found in previous research. In contrast to previous efforts, the development of prompter and delimitor argument structures was also identified. In addition, the program's moderator, Ted Koppel, used challenge structures as his primary method of (...)
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    Coordination of space and unity of science.Chuang Liu - unknown
    In this essay, I explore a metaphor in geometry for the debate between the unity and the disunity of science, namely, the possibility of putting a global coordinate system (or a chart) on a manifold. I explain why the former is a good metaphor that shows what it means (and takes in principle) for science to be unified. I then go through some of the existing literature on the unity/disunity debate and show how the metaphor sheds light on some of (...)
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    Argument structure: representation and theory.James B. Freeman - 2011 - New York: Springer.
    An approach to argument macrostructure -- The dialectical nature of argument -- Toulmin's problematic notion of warrant -- The linked-convergent distinction, a first approximation -- Argument structure and disciplinary perspective : the linked-convergent versus multiple-co-ordinatively compound distinctions -- The linked-convergent distinction, refining the criterion -- Argument structure and enthymemes -- From analysis to evaluation.
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    Phrasal Coordination Relatedness Logic.Nissim Francez - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-14.
    I presented a sub-classical relating logic based on a relating via an NL-inspired relating relation Rcss. The relation Rcss is motivated by the NL-phenomenon of phrasal (subsentential) coordination, exhibiting an important aspect of contents relating among the arguments of binary connectives. The resulting logic Lcss can be viewed as a relevance logic exhibiting a contents related relevance, stronger than the variable-sharing property of other relevance logics like R. Note that relating here is not “tailored” to justify some predetermined logic; rather, (...)
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    Rational Coordination Without Beliefs.Camilla Colombo & Francesco Guala - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):3163-3178.
    Can rational agents coordinate in simultaneous interactions? According to standard game theory they cannot, even if there is a uniquely best way of doing so. To solve this problem we propose an argument in favor of ‘belief-less reasoning’, a mode of inference that leads to converge on the optimal solution ignoring the beliefs of the other players. We argue that belief-less reasoning is supported by a commonsensical Principle of Relevant Information that every theory of rational decision must satisfy. We show (...)
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  25. Assessment of Bis-macrocyclic Compounds as Calcium-sensitive MR Contrast Agents.Josef Pfeuffer - unknown
    The ability of non-invasively observing changes in the Ca2+ concentrations is important in the understanding of a great variety of neuronal processes. Several compounds were designed (Fig.1) to take advantage of the different binding abilities of carboxylates and phosphonates to gadolinium. Furthermore the different affinities of the two functional groups to Ca2+ permit to obtain free coordination sites at gadolinium. The generation of these coordination sites, which are mandatory for water relaxivity, depends on the structure of the complexes and the (...)
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    Compound powerful qualities: properties as compounds of distinct powers and qualities.Henry Taylor - 2023 - Synthese 202 (4):1-22.
    This paper develops and defends a compound powerful qualities view of properties. According to this view, properties are essentially composed of distinct powerful and qualitative elements. First, I outline an argument for the compound powerful qualities view, based on the claim that it has the explanatory power of other views, without incurring their costs. Second, I argue that the view has the resources to explain how properties are individuated, by claiming that properties are partially individuated by their qualitative (...)
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    Coordination and obsolescence: a response on behalf of measurement realism.J. E. Wolff - 2023 - Synthese 201 (3):1-20.
    Measurement realism, the view that measurement targets quantitative attributes and that not all attributes are quantitative, has come under attack both from metrologists and philosophers. In this paper, I take a close look at two influential arguments against measurement realism: the argument from obsolescence and the argument from coordination. I concede that these arguments do challenge the epistemological position traditionally taken by measurement realists, but argue that the metaphysical core of measurement realism survives the challenge posed by these arguments. This (...)
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    Coordination and Embodiment in the Operating Room.Tiago Moreira - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (1):109-129.
    In this article, I investigate the process of coordination between three ‘bodies’ of surgery: the patient-ensemble(s) constructed in pre-operative activities; the surgeon-body constructed with these ensembles in the operating room; and the body-world inhabited by the surgeon. This investigation is done through an ethnography of a neurosurgical clinic, with an analytical focus on the relationship between the spatial configuration of the body of the surgeon and the embodied practices of operating that this configuration demands. My argument is that coordination between (...)
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    Complex Argumentation in a Critical Discussion.A. F. Snoeck Henkemans - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (4):405-419.
    In this paper, it is explained that a dialogical approach to complex argumentation can be fruitful for solving two important problems concerning the analysis of the argumentation structure. First, such an approach makes it possible to clarify the distinction between coordinative and multiple argumentation structures, and to identify clues in the presentation for each of these structures. Second, a dialogical approach can provide a basis for dealing more adequately with refutations of counterarguments.
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    Specialty Boundaries, Compound Problems, and Collaborative Complexity.Elihu M. Gerson - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (3):247-252.
    Donald T. Campbell argued that the organization of university departments shaped the boundaries among specialties. This article extends his argument in two ways. First, specialties are also shaped by other institutions, such as sponsors and learned societies. Second, the intersection among specialties is shaped by the complexity of the problems that research addresses. Specialization of research is a way to deal with the complexity of nature. One way of doing this is to erect specialties that focus on different aspects of (...)
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  31. Unconscious perception and central coordinating agency.Joshua Shepherd & Myrto Mylopoulos - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):3869-3893.
    One necessary condition on any adequate account of perception is clarity regarding whether unconscious perception exists. The issue is complicated, and the debate is growing in both philosophy and science. In this paper we consider the case for unconscious perception, offering three primary achievements. First, we offer a discussion of the underspecified notion of central coordinating agency, a notion that is critical for arguments that purportedly perceptual states are not attributable to the individual, and thus not genuinely perceptual. We develop (...)
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    The Normative, the Proper, and the Sublime: Notes on the Use of Figure and Emotion in Prophetic Argument.Margaret D. Zulick - 1998 - Argumentation 12 (4):481-492.
    Too often in argumentation studies, an emphasis on argumentative norms fails to give adequate weight to elements of emotion and style that are essential to public speech at its best, not only in ordinary practice but especially in those rare moments where public speech arrives at the sublime. In this paper we examine the coordination of argument with figurative and emotive language whose combination yields sublime effects in the poetry of the Hebrew prophets as well as in examples of (...)
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    Coordination and Hyperrationality.Paul Weirich - 2018 - ProtoSociology 35:197-214.
    Margaret Gilbert (1990) argues that although the rationality of the agents in a standard coordination problem does not suffice for their coordination, a social convention of coordination, understood as the agents’ joint acceptance of a principle requiring their coordination, does the job. Gilbert’s argument targets agents rational in the game-theoretic sense, which following Sobel (1994: Chap. 14), I call hyperrational agents. I agree that hyperrational agents may fail to coordinate in some cases despite the obvious benefits of coordination. However, I (...)
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    Causal complexity demands community coordination.Beau Sievers & Evan DeFilippis - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni's argument risks skepticism about the very possibility of social science: If social phenomena are too causally complex, normal scientific methods could not possibly untangle them. We argue that the problem of causal complexity is best approached at the level of scientific communities and institutions, not the modeling practices of individual scientists.
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  35. Coordinates and covariance: Einstein's view of space-time and the modern view. [REVIEW]John Norton - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (10):1215-1263.
    Where modern formulations of relatively theory use differentiable manifolds to space-time, Einstein simply used open sets of R 4 , following the then current methods of differential geometry. This fact aids resolution of a number of outstanding puzzles concerning Einstein's use of coordinate systems and covariance principles, including the claimed physical significance of covariance principles, their connection to relativity principles, Einstein's apparent confusion of coordinate systems and frames of reference, and his failure to distinguish active and passive transformations, especially in (...)
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  36. Disagreement about Taste: Commonality Presuppositions and Coordination.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (4):701-723.
    The paper confronts the disagreement argument for relativism about matters of taste, defending a specific form of contextualism. It is first considered whether the disagreement data might manifest an inviariantist attitude speakers pre-reflectively have. Semantic and ontological enlightenment should then make the impressions of disagreement vanish, or at least leave them as lingering ineffectual Müller-Lyer-like illusions; but it is granted to relativists that this does not fully happen. López de Sa’s appeal to presuppositions of commonality and Sundell’s appeal to metalinguistic (...)
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  37. A Quasi-Deflationary Solution to the Problems of Mixed Inferences and Mixed Compounds.Zhiyuan Zhang - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Truth pluralism is the view that there is more than one truth property. The strong version of it (i.e. strong pluralism) further contends that no truth property is shared by all true propositions. In this paper, I help strong pluralism solve two pressing problems concerning mixed discourse: the problem of mixed inferences (PI) and the problem of mixed compounds (PC). According to PI, strong pluralism is incompatible with the truth- preservation notion of validity; according to PC, strong pluralists cannot find (...)
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    (1 other version)Large-scale temporal coordination of cortical activity as a prerequisite for conscious experience.Wolf Singer - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 570-583.
    Phenomenal awareness, the ability to be aware of one's sensations and feelings, emerges from the capacity of evolved brains to represent their own cognitive processes by iterating and self-reapplying the cortical operations that generate representations of the outer world. Search for the neuronal substrate of awareness therefore converges with the search for the neuronal code through which brains represent their environment. The hypothesis is put forward that the mammalian brain uses two complementary representational strategies. One consists of the generation of (...)
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  39. Argument Petera Ungera za nihilizmem mereologicznym.Krzysztof Hansen - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (2).
    In this paper I am analyzing Peter Unger’s famous argument in favour of mereological nihilism (according to this view elementary particles are the only existing objects), called: „Sorites of Decomposition”. This argument is based on the fact that we can remove one, single atom from a compound object without making it ceased to exist.
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  40. The argument for near-term human disempowerment through AI.Leonard Dung - 2024 - AI and Society:1-14.
    Many researchers and intellectuals warn about extreme risks from artificial intelligence. However, these warnings typically came without systematic arguments in support. This paper provides an argument that AI will lead to the permanent disempowerment of humanity, e.g. human extinction, by 2100. It rests on four substantive premises which it motivates and defends: first, the speed of advances in AI capability, as well as the capability level current systems have already reached, suggest that it is practically possible to build AI systems (...)
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    Semantic Normativity and Coordination Games: Social Externalism Deflated.Daniel Lassiter - 2010 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):209-228.
    Individualists and externalists about language take themselves to be disagreeing about the basic subject matter of the study of language. Are linguistic facts are really facts about individuals, or really facts about language use in a community?The right answer to this question, I argue, is ‘Yes’. Both individualistic and social facts are crucial to a complete understanding of human language. The relationship between the theories inspired by these facts is analogous to the relationship between anatomy and ecology, or between micro- (...)
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  42. Clarke, Collins and compounds.Robin Attfield - unknown
    Can room be found in between the matter and void of a Newtonian universe for an immaterial and immortal soul? Can followers of Locke with his agnosticism about the nature of substances claim to know that some of them are immaterial? Samuel Clarke, well versed in Locke's thought and a defender both of Newtonian science and Christian orthodoxy, believed he could do both and attempted to prove his case by means of some hard-boiled reductionism. Anthony Collins, a deist whose only (...)
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  43. Salience reasoning in coordination games.Julius Schönherr - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6601-6620.
    Salience reasoning, many have argued, can help solve coordination problems, but only if such reasoning is supplemented by higher-order predictions, e.g. beliefs about what others believe yet others will choose. In this paper, I will argue that this line of reasoning is self-undermining. Higher-order behavioral predictions defeat salience-based behavioral predictions. To anchor my argument in the philosophical literature, I will develop it in response and opposition to the popular Lewisian model of salience reasoning in coordination games. This model imports the (...)
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    Context-dependent feature discovery is evidence that the coordination of function is a basic cognitive capacity.W. A. Phillips - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):34-35.
    Schyns et al. make a strong case for context-dependent feature discovery. The features computed from specialized and diverse data-sets help to coordinate their activity by adapting so as to emphasize what is related across sets. Their perspective can be strengthened and extended by formal arguments for the contextual guidance of learning and processing and by neurobiological and psychological evidence of structures and processes that implement this guidance.
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  45. The Virtuous Troll: Argumentative Virtues in the Age of (Technologically Enhanced) Argumentative Pluralism.Daniel H. Cohen - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (2):179-189.
    Technology has made argumentation rampant. We can argue whenever we want. With social media venues for every interest, we can also argue about whatever we want. To some extent, we can select our opponents and audiences to argue with whomever we want. And we can argue however we want, whether in carefully reasoned, article-length expositions, real-time exchanges, or 140-character polemics. The concepts of arguing, arguing well, and even being an arguer have evolved with this new multiplicity and diversity; theory (...)
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  46. The Einstein-podolsky-Rosen argument in quantum theory.Arthur Fine - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In the May 15, 1935 issue of Physical Review Albert Einstein co-authored a paper with his two postdoctoral research associates at the Institute for Advanced Study, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. The article was entitled “Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?” (Einstein et al. 1935). Generally referred to as “EPR”, this paper quickly became a centerpiece in the debate over the interpretation of the quantum theory, a debate that continues today. The paper features a striking case (...)
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    Coordinates, Structure, and Classical Mechanics: A review of Jill North’s Physics, Structure, and Reality. [REVIEW]Thomas William Barrett - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (3):644-653.
    This is an essay review of Jill North’s book Physics, Structure, and Reality. It focuses on two of the main topics of the book. The first is North’s idea that we can use coordinates as a window into the structure that a theory posits; the second is North’s argument for the inequivalence of Lagrangian and Newtonian mechanics.
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    The Relevance of Scientific Practice to The Problem of Coordination.Andrew Peterson - 2011 - Spontaneous Generations 5 (1):44-57.
    In his early work on the problem of coordination, Hans Reichenbach introduced axioms of coordination to describe the relationship between theory and observation. His insistence that these axioms are determinable a priori, however, causes him to ignore the normative dimensions of scientific inquiry and, in turn, generates a misleading interpretation of the theory-observation relationship. In response, I propose an alternative approach that describes this relationship through the framework of scientific practices. My argument will draw on two examples that have not (...)
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    A system of methodological coordinates for a historiographer of medieval philosophy: a proposal of an explanatory tool.Rostislav Tkachenko - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (2):8-28.
    The last thirty years of scholarship in western medieval philosophical historiography have seen a number of reflections on the methodological paradigms, schools, trends, and dominant approaches in the field. As a contribution to this ongoing assessment of the existing methods of studies in medieval philosophy and theology and a supplement to classifications offered by M. Colish, J. Inglis, C. König-Pralong, J. Marenbon, A. de Libera, and others, the article offers another explanatory tool. Here is a description of an imaginary system (...)
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  50. Undead argument: the truth-functionality objection to fuzzy theories of vagueness.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2017 - Synthese 194 (10):3761–3787.
    From Fine and Kamp in the 70’s—through Osherson and Smith in the 80’s, Williamson, Kamp and Partee in the 90’s and Keefe in the 00’s—up to Sauerland in the present decade, the objection continues to be run that fuzzy logic based theories of vagueness are incompatible with ordinary usage of compound propositions in the presence of borderline cases. These arguments against fuzzy theories have been rebutted several times but evidently not put to rest. I attempt to do so in (...)
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