Results for 'correspondence theory of truth'

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  1. (1 other version)Between Deflationism and the Correspondence Theory.Matthew McGrath - 1998 - Dissertation, Brown University
    I offer an account of truth that combines elements of deflationism and traditional correspondence theories. We need such an intermediary account, I argue, in order to adequately answer two kinds of questions: "Why do we find it obvious that 'p' is true iff p?" and "Why is it contingent that 'p' is true iff p?" If what it is for 'p' to be true is explained by simply saying that p, as the deflationist claims, it is hard to (...)
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    Tarskian truth and the correspondence theory.Luis Fern & Ndez Moreno - 2001 - Synthese 126 (1-2):123-147.
    Tarski's theory of truth brings out the question of whether he intended his theory to be a correspondence theory of truth and whether, whatever his intentions, his theory is, in fact, a correspondence theory. The aim of this paper is to answer both questions. The answer to the first question depends on Tarski's relevant assertions on semantics and his conception of truth. In order to answer the second question Popper's and (...)
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  3.  83
    Tarskian Truth And The Correspondence Theory.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2001 - Synthese 126 (1-2):123-148.
  4. Quine and the correspondence theory.Hartry Field - 1974 - Philosophical Review 83 (2):200-228.
    A correspondence theory of truth explains truth in terms of various correspondence relations (e.G., Reference) between words and the extralinguistic world. What are the consequences of quine's doctrine of indeterminacy for correspondence theories? in "ontological relativity" quine implicitly claims that correspondence theories are impossible; that is what the doctrine of 'relative reference' amounts to. But quine's doctrine of relative reference is incoherent. Those who think the indeterminacy thesis valid should not try to relativize (...)
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    Veritas: The Correspondence Theory and its Critics.Gerald Vision - 2009 - Bradford.
    In Veritas, Gerald Vision defends the correspondence theory of truth -- the theory that truth has a direct relationship to reality -- against recent attacks, and critically examines its most influential alternatives. The correspondence theory, if successful, explains one way in which we are cognitively connected to the world; thus, it is claimed, truth -- while relevant to semantics, epistemology, and other studies -- also has significant metaphysical consequences. Although the correspondence (...)
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  6. Correspondence Theory of Truth.A. N. Prior - 1967 - In Paul Edwards (ed.), The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan.
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  7. There is No TruthTheory Like the Correspondence Theory.Rognvaldur Ingthorsson - 2019 - Discusiones Filosóficas 20 (34):15–41.
    I challenge the assumption that the pragmatist-, coherence-, identity- and deflationary theories of truth are essentially incompatible and rival views to the correspondence theory, without endorsing pluralism. With the exception of some versions of the identity theory, the alternative theories only appear to genuinely contradict the correspondence theory, either when they are wedded to a rejection of an objective reality, or when it is assumed that a ‘theory of truth’ is a (...) of the function of the truth-predicate. I argue that the correspondence theory should not be understood as a theory about the function of the truth-predicate, and that the core ideas of the alternative views, once separated from any anti-realist convictions, are best understood as complementary views about different aspects of a fairly complex phenomenon, notably of how our beliefs relate to their subject matter and how we reason and talk about that relation. (shrink)
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    Ramsey and the Correspondence Theory.Vann McGee - 2002 - In Volker Halbach & Leon Horsten (eds.), Principles of truth. New York: Hänsel-Hohenhausen. pp. 153-168.
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  9. Structural correspondence, indirect reference, and partial truth: phlogiston theory and Newtonian mechanics.Gerhard Schurz - 2011 - Synthese 180 (2):103-120.
    This paper elaborates on the following correspondence theorem (which has been defended and formally proved elsewhere): if theory T has been empirically successful in a domain of applications A, but was superseded later on by a different theory T* which was likewise successful in A, then under natural conditions T contains theoretical expressions which were responsible for T’s success and correspond (in A) to certain theoretical expressions of T*. I illustrate this theorem at hand of the phlogiston (...)
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    Does Aquinas Hold a Correspondence Theory of Truth in De Veritate?Joshua Lee Harris - 2014 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 88:285-300.
    At least since Martin Heidegger’s influential reading of Thomas Aquinas’s account of truth as a precursor to modern philosophy’s unfortunate “forgetfulness of being,” it has been popular to classify the Angelic Doctor as one of the fore­runners of the modern “correspondence theory” of truth. In what follows, I attempt to answer the question of whether or not this is a correct assessment. I want to suggest that Aquinas’s account of truth has superficial concord but deep (...)
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    Nietzsche Scholarship and "the Correspondence Theory of Truth": The Danto Case.John T. Wilcox - 1986 - In Mazzino Montinari, Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Heinz Wenzel, Günter Abel & Werner Stegmaier (eds.), 1986. De Gruyter. pp. 337-357.
  12. The correspondence theory of truth.Joseph Ratner - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (6):141-152.
  13. Nietzsche and the correspondence theory of truth.George J. Stack - 1981 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 16 (38):93.
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    Has the Correspondence Theory of Truth Been Refuted? From Gottlob Frege to Donald Davidson.Lorenz Krüger - 1995 - European Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):157-172.
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    Structural correspondence between theories and convergence to truth.Gerhard Schurz - 2011 - Synthese 179 (2):307 - 320.
    This paper utilizes a logical correspondence theorem (which has been proved elsewhere) for the justification of weak conceptions of scientific realism and convergence to truth which do not presuppose Putnam's no-miracles-argument (NMA). After presenting arguments against the reliability of the unrestricted NMA in Sect. 1, the correspondence theorem is explained in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, historical illustrations of the correspondence theorem are given, and its ontological consequences are worked out. Based on the transitivity of the (...)
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  16. Correspondence Truth and Quantum Mechanics.Vassilios Karakostas - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (3):343-358.
    The logic of a physical theory reflects the structure of the propositions referring to the behaviour of a physical system in the domain of the relevant theory. It is argued in relation to classical mechanics that the propositional structure of the theory allows truth-value assignment in conformity with the traditional conception of a correspondence theory of truth. Every proposition in classical mechanics is assigned a definite truth value, either ‘true’ or ‘false’, describing (...)
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    X.—The Correspondence Theory of Truth.H. B. Action - 1935 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 35 (1):177-194.
  18.  8
    Bare Facts and Naked Truths: A New Correspondence Theory of Truth.George Englebretsen - 2006 - Routledge.
    "This accessibly written book surveys all of the major competing theories of truth before formulating the new defence of the correspondence theory and then exploring the consequences of the theory for issues in epistemology and ontology. The book concludes by showing how the idea of 'propositional depth' can be used to dissolve the Liar paradoxes."--BOOK JACKET.
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    Hegel and the Correspondence Theory of Truth in the Science of Logic.Kaveh Boveiri - 2016 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2016 (1).
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  20. The Correspondence Theory of Truth: An Essay on the Metaphysics of Predication.Andrew Newman - 2002 - Cambrifge: Cambridge University Press.
    This work presents a version of the correspondence theory of truth based on Wittgenstein's Tractatus and Russell's theory of truth and discusses related metaphysical issues such as predication, facts and propositions. Like Russell and one prominent interpretation of the Tractatus it assumes a realist view of universals. Part of the aim is to avoid Platonic propositions, and although sympathy with facts is maintained in the early chapters, the book argues that facts as real entities are (...)
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  21.  52
    Platonism and Recent Correspondence Theories of Truth.Jim D. Shelton - 2010 - Southwest Philosophy Review 26 (1):197-204.
  22.  24
    On Contemporary Forms of the Correspondence Theory of Truth.G. A. Kursanov - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 8 (1):26-44.
    In a number of contemporary writings on epistemology, the theory of coherence is contrasted to the correspondence theory of truth, according to which the logical truth of forms of cognition is determined by correspondence to their external referent: material reality, an object, a fact, an event, etc. This counterposition makes a certain kind of sense but, as we shall see, the coherence and correspondence theories are not mutually exclusive.
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  23. Lest we forget 'the correspondence theory of truth'.Gerald Vision - 2003 - Analysis 63 (2):136-142.
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    Realism and the Correspondence Theory of Truth.Richard A. Fumerton - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    This book is a defense of realism about truth.
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    Franz Brentano's theory of judgment (1889): a critique of Aristotle's correspondence theory of truth.Evandro Oliveira de Brito - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (3):39-56.
    Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a análise, o problema, a solução, mas, em particular, o conceito de verdade formulado por Franz Brentano, em 1889. Como base textual, eu analiso a comunicação de Brentano apresentada à comunidade filosófica de Viena, em março de 1889, intitulada Sobre o conceito de verdade (Über den Begriff der Wahrheit), e faço uma exposição sistemática da análise de Brentano acerca dos problemas que envolvem a interpretação do conceito aristotélico de verdade como correspondência. Minha interpretação (...)
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  26. Scientific realism with correspondence truth: A reply to Asay (2018).Brian D. Haig & Denny Borsboom - 2018 - Theory and Psychology 28 (3):398-404.
    Asay (2018) criticizes our contention that psychologists do best to adhere to a substantive theory of correspondence truth. He argues that deflationary theory can serve the same purposes as correspondence theory. In the present article we argue that (a) scientific realism, broadly construed, requires a version of correspondence theory and (b) contrary to Asay’s suggestion, correspondence theory does have important additional resources over deflationary accounts in its ability to support generalizations (...)
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    Defending the Correspondence Theory of Truth.Joshua L. Rasmussen - 2014 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    The correspondence theory of truth is a precise and innovative account of how the truth of a proposition depends upon that proposition's connection to a piece of reality. Joshua Rasmussen refines and defends the correspondence theory of truth, proposing new accounts of facts, propositions, and the correspondence between them. With these theories in hand, he then offers original solutions to the toughest objections facing correspondence theorists. Addressing the Problem of Funny Facts, (...)
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    Davidson, correspondence truth and the Frege-Gödel-Church argument.Manuel Garcia-Carpintero & Manuel Pérez Otero - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (2):63-81.
    This paper argues for a conditional claim concerning a famous argument—developed by Church in elucidation of some remarks by Frege to the effect that the bedeutung of a sentence is the sentence’s truth-value—the Frege–Gödel–Church argument, or FGC for short. The point we make is this :if, and just to the extent that, Arthur Smullyan’s argument against Quine's use of FGC is sound, then essentially the same rejoinder disposes also of Davidson's use of FGC against ‘correspondence’ theories of (...). We thus dispute a contention by Professor Davidson that it is coherent to accept that Smullyan’s rejoinder takes away the force of Quine’s version of FGC, while still consistently using FGC to establish that if true sentences (or utterances) correspond to anything, they all correspond to the same thing. We show that the differences between the cases discussed by Smullyan and Davidson’s version of FGC on which Davidson relies for his contention are irrelevant to the point under dispute. (shrink)
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    (1 other version)Brentano’s Criticism of the Correspondence Theory of Truth and the Principle “Ens et verum convertuntur”.Paul Weingartner - 1978 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 5 (1):183-195.
    This paper investigates Brentano's criticism of the correspondence theory of truth within the context of a discussion of his ontological assumptions. Brentano's interpretation of the formula Veritas est adaequatio rei et intellectus and of the principle ens et verum convertuntur is shown to fit into the history of these principles and into modern interpretations like that of Tarski.
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    Why one should forget about the correspondence theory of truth?T. Szubka - 2006 - Filozofia Nauki 14 (2 (54)):59-73.
  31. Truth and reference. Deflationism, pragmatism, and metaphysics / Rebecca kukla and Eric Winsberg ; Does the expressive role of 'true' preclude deflationary Davidsonian semantics? / Steven Gross ; An inferential account of referential success / Alexis Burgess ; Representation and the modern correspondence theory of truth / Michale Glanzberg ; Deflationism, truth, and accuracy.Dean Pettit - 2015 - In Steven Gross, Nicholas Tebben & Michael Williams (eds.), Meaning Without Representation: Expression, Truth, Normativity, and Naturalism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Correspondence via the Backdoor and Other Stories.Peter Alward - 2003 - Disputatio 1 (14):2-21.
    Much has been written of late concerning the relative virtues and views of correspondence and deflationary theories of Truth. What is troubling, however, is that it is not always entirely clear exactly what distinguishes different conceptions of truth. Characterizations of the distinction are often vague and sometimes vary from writer to writer. One central thing I want to do here is to diagnose the source of the difficulty in providing a clear characterization of the distinction. In light (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Hegel's Correspondence Theory Of Truth.H. Harris - 1994 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 29:1-13.
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  34. Can We Still Believe in Correspondence? An Attempted Vindication of the Correspondence Theory of Truth in the Face of Contemporary Challenges.John Knox - 1961 - Dissertation, Yale University
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  35. Correspondence truth and scientific realism.Stephen Leeds - 2007 - Synthese 159 (1):1 - 21.
    I argue that one good reason for Scientific Realists to be interested in correspondence theories is the hope they offer us of being able to state and defend realistic theses in the face of well-known difficulties about modern physics: such theses as, that our theories are approximately true, or that they will tend to approach the truth. I go on to claim that this hope is unlikely to be fulfilled. I suggest that Realism can still survive in the (...)
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  36. The slingshot argument troubles for the correspondence theory of truth.Gaetano Licata - 2010 - Giornale di Metafisica 32 (1):53-82.
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    "The Correspondence Theory of Truth," by D. J. O'Connor. [REVIEW]Herbert E. Hendry - 1977 - Modern Schoolman 55 (1):92-95.
  38. Truth, correspondence and deflationism.James O. Young - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (4):563-575.
    The central claim of this essay is that many deflationary theories of truth are variants of the correspondence theory of truth. Essential to the correspondence theory of truth is the proposal that objective features of the world are the truthmakers of statements. Many advocates of deflationary theories (including F. P. Ramsay, P. F. Strawson and Paul Horwich) remain committed to this proposal. Although T-sentences (statements of the form “ s is true iff p (...)
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    Structural Correspondence Between Organizational Theories.Herman Aksom & Svitlana Firsova - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (3):307-336.
    Organizational research constitutes a differentiated, complex and fragmented field with multiple contradicting and incommensurable theories that make fundamentally different claims about the social and organizational reality. In contrast to natural sciences, the progress in this field can’t be attributed to the principle of truthlikeness where theories compete against each other and only best theories survive and prove they are closer to the truth and thus demonstrate scientific knowledge accumulation. We defend the structural realist view on the nature of organizational (...)
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  40. The slingshot argument and the correspondence theory of truth.James O. Young - 2002 - Acta Analytica 17 (2):121-132.
    The correspondence theory of truth holds that each true sentence corresponds to a discrete fact. Donald Davidson and others have argued (using an argument that has come to be known as the slingshot) that this theory is mistaken, since all true sentences correspond to the same “Great Fact.” The argument is designed to show that by substituting logically equivalent sentences and coreferring terms for each other in the context of sentences of the form ‘P corresponds to (...)
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  41. Truth, pluralism, monism, correspondence.Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2010 - In Cory Wright & Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    When talking about truth, we ordinarily take ourselves to be talking about one-and-the-same thing. Alethic monists suggest that theorizing about truth ought to begin with this default or pre-reflective stance, and, subsequently, parlay it into a set of theoretical principles that are aptly summarized by the thesis that truth is one. Foremost among them is the invariance principle.
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    Translation in the Most Reverent Theory of Truth: A Self-Translative Act as an Illusion of Correspondence.Giulia Cirillo - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (3):155-181.
    Being the most intuitive and yet perhaps most contestable of all, the correspondence theory remains an axis around which the philosophical debate on truth incessantly spins, with indefiniteness remaining as its main propelling force. The following work presents one more interpretative attempt; it will be argued that each classical contemporary version of the theory incorporates an idea of translation process. For this purpose, initially one was specified what notion of translation should be applied here by enumerating (...)
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  43. Truth, correspondence, and non-denoting singular terms.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1980 - Philosophia 9 (2):219-229.
    The correspondence theory of truth provides standard semantics with a simple scheme for evaluating sentences. This scheme however depends on the existence of basic correspondences between singular terms and objects, And thus breaks down in the case of non-Denoting singular terms. An alternative to the correspondence theory is thus called for in dealing with such terms. The author criticizes various positions discussed in the literature in this regard, And then presents a solution of his own.
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    Interpretation, truth and correspondence.Pentti Moilanen - 2000 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 30 (4):377–390.
  45. O'CONNOR, D. J. "The Correspondence Theory of Truth". [REVIEW]O. R. Jones - 1977 - Mind 86:458.
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    Is Correspondence Truth One or Many?Joseph Ulatowski - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (3):1003-1022.
    On the correspondence theory of truth, a proposition is true if and only if it corresponds to fact. Criticisms of the correspondence theory of truth have argued that such a strict interpretation of the correspondence relation will not be able to account for the truth of statements about fiction or mathematics. This challenge has resulted in the introduction of more permissive correspondence relations, such as Austin’s correspondence as correlation or Tarski’s (...)
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    Bare Facts and Naked Truths: A New Correspondence Theory of Truth. By George Englebretsen. [REVIEW]Hugo Meynell - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (3):524-525.
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    Alethic Pluralism and the Correspondence Theory of Truth.Richard Fumerton - 2012 - In Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright (eds.), Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 197.
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  49. Heidegger and truth as correspondence.Mark A. Wrathall - 1999 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 7 (1):69 – 88.
    I argue in this paper that Heidegger, contrary to the view of many scholars, in fact endorsed a view of truth as a sort of correspondence. I first show how it is a mistake to take Heidegger's notion of 'unconcealment' as a definition of propositional truth. It is thus not only possible but also essential to disambiguate Heidegger's use of the word 'truth', which he occasionally used to refer to both truth as it is ordinarily (...)
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  50. The correspondence theory of truth in the field of empirical knowledge.S. Sousedik - 1999 - Filosoficky Casopis 47 (4):531-544.
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