Results for 'cosmopolitan justice'

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  1.  35
    Cosmopolitan Justice.Darrel Moellendorf - 2019 - Routledge.
    Increasing global economic integration and recent military interventions in the name of human rights have forced questions of global justice into political discussions. Is the unequal distribution of wealth across the globe just? What's wrong with imperialism? Are the most indebted countries obligated to pay back their loans to international financ.
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    Cosmopolitan justice and the league of democracies.Avia Pasternak - 2012 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 15 (5):649-666.
    Cosmopolitan justice calls for extensive institutional transformations at the international level. But in the absence of a global enforcing authority, such transformations are bound to be hampered by a range of obstacles, including non-compliance and coordination problems. What solutions can a cosmopolitan thinker offer to address these challenges? In answering this question, the paper focuses on the role that international cooperation between the world?s democracies can play in promoting cosmopolitan aspirations. It argues that such cooperation has (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Justice and Immigration: A Critical Theory Perspective.Omid A. Payrow Shabani - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):87-98.
    The pressures of globalization have resulted in shrinking distances and increased contact among people, rendering state boundaries and jurisdiction insufficient to deal with claims of justice exclusively. This challenge requires that we move beyond the limits of statism in political theorizing and acquire a cosmopolitan approach. In this article, from a discourse theoretic perspective, I consider what cosmopolitan justice would entail for policy and law-making concerning immigration. It is argued that: (1) from a moral point of (...)
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    Pathways to Cosmopolitan Knowledges.Cosmopolitan Knowledges - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos (ed.), Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledges for a Decent Life. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 49.
  5. Liberal nationalism and cosmopolitan justice.Kok-Chor Tan - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (4):431-461.
    Many liberals have argued that a cosmopolitan perspective on global justice follows from the basic liberal principles of justice. Yet, increasingly, it is also said that intrinsic to liberalism is a doctrine of nationalism. This raises a potential problem for the liberal defense of cosmopolitan justice as it is commonly believed that nationalism and cosmopolitanism are conflicting ideals. If this is correct, there appears to be a serious tension within liberal philosophy itself, between its (...) aspiration on the one hand, and its nationalist agenda on the other. I argue, however, that this alleged conflict between liberal nationalism and cosmopolitan liberalism disappears once we get clear on the scope and goals of cosmopolitan justice and the parameters of liberal nationalism. Liberal nationalism and cosmopolitan global justice, properly understood, are mutually compatible ideals. (shrink)
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  6. Questioning cosmopolitan justice.Tom Campbell - 2010 - In Stan van Hooft & Wim Vandekerckhove (eds.), Questioning Cosmopolitanism. Springer. pp. 121--135.
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  7. Does Cosmopolitan Justice Ever Require Restrictions on Migration?José Jorge Mendoza - 2015 - Public Affairs Quarterly 29 (2):175-186.
    In this essay, I argue that even when they appear to help, restrictions on migration are usually only an impediment, not an aid, to cosmopolitan justice. Even though some egalitarian cosmopolitans are well intentioned in their support of migration restrictions, I argue that migration restrictions are (i) not truly cosmopolitan and (ii) will not have the kinds of consequences they expect. My argument in defense of this claim begins, in section 1, by outlining a defense of migration (...)
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    What Does Cosmopolitan Justice Demand of Us?Gillian Brock - 2004 - Theoria 51 (104):169-191.
    In this paper I raise three challenges for Moellendorf's account of cosmopolitan justice. First, I argue that in a reconstructed cosmopolitan original position we would choose a 'needs-based minimum floor principle' rather than a 'global difference principle', if these are not co-extensive. Second, I argue that Moellendorf's version of the 'equality of opportunity principle' is too vulnerable to criticisms of cultural insensitivity, though I also note that there are problems with versions of the ideal that aim for (...)
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  9. Cosmopolitan Justice, Responsibility, and Global Climate Change.Simon Caney - 2005 - Leiden Journal of International Law 18 (4):747-775.
    It is widely recognized that changes are occurring to the earth’s climate and, further, that these changes threaten important human interests. This raises the question of who should bear the burdens of addressing global climate change. This paper aims to provide an answer to this question. To do so it focuses on the principle that those who cause the problem are morally responsible for solving it (the ‘polluterpays’ principle). It argues thatwhilethishasconsiderable appeal it cannot provide a complete account of who (...)
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  10. Cosmopolitan justice, democracy and the world state.Catherine Lu - 2018 - In Luis Cabrera (ed.), Institutional cosmopolitanism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  11. Cosmopolitan Justice and Equalizing Opportunities.Simon Caney - 2001 - Metaphilosophy 32 (1-2):113-134.
    This paper defends a global principle of equality of opportunity, which states that it is unfair if some have worse opportunities because of their national or civic identity. It begins by outlining the reasoning underpinning this principle. It then considers three objections to global equality of opportunity. The first argues that global equality of opportunity is an inappropriate ideal given the great cultural diversity that exists in the world. The second maintains that equality of opportunity applies only to people who (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Justice and Criminal States.Avia Pasternak - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (3):366-374.
    Cécile Fabre's monumental work Cosmopolitan Peace offers a thorough investigation of the responsibilities that agents incur through their involvement in armed conflict. However, her analysis fails to acknowledge the central role that states play in initiating and orchestrating acts of war. I argue that states are corporate moral agents, who are morally responsible for their own wrongdoings during an unjust war, and that this argument is compatible with Fabre's cosmopolitan premises. I then suggest that a systematic account of (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Justice Reconsidered.Darrel Moellendorf - 2004 - Theoria 51 (104):203-225.
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    Cosmopolitan Justice and Minority Rights: The Case of Minority Nations.Ferran Requejo - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):83.
    This chapter links a conception of global justice, moral cosmopolitanism, with plurinational democracies. After giving a brief description of moral cosmopolitanism, I go on to analyse notions of cosmopolitanism and patriotism in Kant's work and the political significance that the notion of unsocial sociability and the Ideas of Pure Reason of Kant's first Critique have for cosmopolitanism. Finally, I analyse the relationship between cosmopolitanism and minority nations based on the preceding sections. I postulate the need for a moral and (...)
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  15. Cosmopolitan Justice and Institutional Design.Simon Caney - 2006 - Social Theory and Practice 32 (4):725-756.
    What kind of political systems should there be? In this paper I examine two competing principles of institutional design — an instrumental view, which maintains that one should design institutions so as to realize the most plausible conception of justice, and a democratic view, which maintains that one should design institutions so as to enable persons to participate in the decisions that impact their lives. I argue for a mixed view that combines these two principles. In the second stage (...)
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  16. Cosmopolitan Justice, Rights, and Global Climate Change.Simon Caney - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 19 (2).
    The paper has the following structure. In Section I, I introduce some important methodological preliminaries by asking: How should one reason about global environmental justice in general and global climate change in particular? Section II introduces the key normative argument; it argues that global climate change damages some fundamental human interests and results in a state of affairs in which the rights of many are unprotected: as such it is unjust. Section III addresses the complexities that arise from the (...)
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  17. Enforcing Cosmopolitan Justice: the problem of intervention.Kok-Chor Tan - 2010 - In Roland Pierik & Wouter Werner (eds.), Cosmopolitanism in Context: Perspectives from International Law and Political Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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    The Territorial State in Cosmopolitan Justice.Avery Kolers - 2002 - Social Theory and Practice 28 (1):29-50.
    Cosmopolitans oppose excluding persons from political institutions on grounds of geographic location. But this problem of illegitimate exclusion is parallel to an equally pressing, but widely ignored, problem of illegitimate inclusion. Best understood, cosmopolitanism requires small-scale territorial self-determination. Impoverished states' inability to exclude powerful governments and regulatory institutions from decision procedures is a grave injustice that cosmopolitans ignore. Cultural groups have a strong interest in maintaining effective control of land use by excluding nonresidents. Appealing to democracy and political equality, the (...)
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    Critical Times, Cosmopolitan Justice and the Responsiveness Rhetoric.Papastephanou M. - 2024 - Philosophy International Journal 7 (4):1-12.
    Several crises render our times inter alia “difficult”, “viral”, “testing”, and “uncertain”. A related rhetoric of responsiveness to crises becomes globally dispersed and is commonly used by researchers, intellectuals and global publics. In this article, after some preliminary comments on the responsiveness to our times, I critique the “uncertain/critical times” responsiveness rhetoric and explore some of its prescriptions for a better future. I single out indicative pros and cons of this rhetoric and discuss the related politics of exalting recommendations such (...)
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  20. Payne. Great Books in Philosophy. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2003, xlv+ 308 pp., pb. $11.00. Socializing Metaphysics: The Nature of Social Reality, Frederick Schmitt (ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2003, ix+ 389 pp., $75.00, pb. $29.95. [REVIEW]Donald Davidson, Richard Rorty, Cosmopolitan Justice, John Searle & Friedrich Nietzsche - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47:99-101.
  21. Cosmopolitan Justice and Rightful Enforceability.Laura Valentini - 2013 - In Gillian Brock (ed.), Cosmopolitanism Versus Non-Cosmopolitanism: Critiques, Defenses, Reconceptualizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 92-100.
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    Cosmopolitan Justice[REVIEW]Robert Sharp - 2003 - Teaching Philosophy 26 (3):319-321.
  23. Supplementary Volume 31.Cosmopolitan Ideal - 2007 - In Daniel M. Weinstock (ed.), Global justice, global institutions. Calgary, Alta.: University of Calgary Press. pp. 31--363.
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  24. Kok-Chor Tan.Cosmopolitan Impartiality & Patriotic Partiality - 2007 - In Daniel M. Weinstock (ed.), Global justice, global institutions. Calgary, Alta.: University of Calgary Press. pp. 31--165.
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  25. Egalitarianism, ideals, and cosmopolitan justice.Gillian Brock - 2005 - Philosophical Forum 36 (1):1–30.
    Cosmopolitans believe that all human beings have equal moral worth and that our responsibilities to others do not stop at borders. Various cosmopolitans offer different interpretations of how we should understand what is entailed by that equal moral worth and what responsibilities we have to each other in taking our equality seriously. Two suggestions are that a cosmopolitan should endorse a 'global difference principle' and a 'principle of global equality of opportunity'. In the first part of this paper I (...)
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  26. Axel Gosseries.Cosmopolitan Luck Egalitarianism - 2007 - In Daniel M. Weinstock (ed.), Global justice, global institutions. Calgary, Alta.: University of Calgary Press. pp. 279.
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    Cosmopolitan Europe? Cosmopolitan justice against EU-centredness.R. Kamminga Menno - 2017 - Ethics and Global Politics 10 (1):1-18.
  28. On the very idea of cosmopolitan justice: Constructivism and international agency.Saladin Meckled-Garcia - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (3):245-271.
    Cosmopolitan critics attack the scope-limitation of justice of egalitarian liberal theorists to states. They treat justice as the production of a given set of outcomes for people regardless of location or relationship. However, in doing so they either ignore the relevant agent towards whom principles of justice are addressed or see the question of agency as a practical, derivative question, of a secondary character. This paper argues that a principle of justice without a clearly justified (...)
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    Nationalist Criticisms of Cosmopolitan Justice.András Miklós - 2009 - Public Reason 1 (1):105-124.
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    Liberal Nationalism and Cosmopolitan Justice.Will Kymlicka - 2006 - In Seyla Benhabib (ed.), Another Cosmopolitanism. Hospitality, Sovereignty, and Democratic Iterations. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book discusses a number of important developments in Europe, developments that challenge our most basic ideas of the nature of political community and of membership within it. This chapter has a different interpretation of some of these developments and of their implications for political philosophy, which it tries to spell out here. It discusses that the predominant ideal of political community and of citizenship has two main features. They are underlying values, which have typically been defined in liberal-democratic terms (...)
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  31. Europe: From Warfare to Cosmopolitan Justice.Vojin Rakic - 2011 - Europe in the Emerging World Order: Searching for a New Paradigm:63-78.
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    Bounded and cosmopolitan justice.Onora O’Neill - 2001 - Review of International Studies 26 (5).
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  33. Public health, beneficence and cosmopolitan justice.L. Horn - 2015 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 8 (2):30.
    This article proposes that, in line with moral-cosmopolitan theorists, affluent nations have an obligation, founded in justice and not merely altruism or beneficence, to share the responsibility of the burden of public health implementation in low-income contexts. The current Ebola epidemic highlights the fact that countries with under-developed health systems and limited resources cannot cope with a significant and sudden health threat. The link between burden of disease, adverse factors in the social environment and poverty is well established (...)
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  34. From Enlightened Positivism to Cosmopolitan Justice.Steven Ratner - 2011 - In Ulrich Fastenrath, Rudolf Geiger, Daniel-Erasmus Khan, Andreas Paulus, Sabine von Schorlemer & Christoph Vedder (eds.), From Bilateralism to Community Interest: Essays in Honour of Judge Bruno Simma. Oxford University Press.
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    Darrel Moellendorf, Cosmopolitan Justice, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 2002, pp. xiii + 226.Jon Mandle - 2003 - Utilitas 15 (1):123.
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    Civic and Cosmopolitan Justice.Onora O'Neill - unknown
    This is the text of The Lindley Lecture for 2000, given by Onora O'Neill, a British philosopher.
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    Europe as a political society: Emile Durkheim, the federalist principle and the ideal of a cosmopolitan justice.Francesco Callegaro & Nicola Marcucci - 2018 - Constellations 25 (4):1-14.
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    Cosmopolitan regard: political membership and global justice.Richard Vernon - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Cosmopolitan theory suggests that we should shift our moral attention from the local to the global. Richard Vernon argues, however, that if we adopt cosmopolitan beliefs about justice we must re-examine our beliefs about political obligation. Far from undermining the demands of citizenship, cosmopolitanism implies more demanding political obligations than theories of the state have traditionally recognized. Using examples including humanitarian intervention, international criminal law, and international political economy, Vernon suggests we have a responsibility not to enhance (...)
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  39. The difference principle, equality of opportunity, and cosmopolitan justice.Gillian Brock - 2005 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 2 (3):333-351.
    What kinds of principles of justice should a cosmopolitan support? In recent years some have argued that a cosmopolitan should endorse a Global Difference Principle. It has also been suggested that a cosmopolitan should support a Principle of Global Equality of Opportunity. In this paper I examine how compelling these two suggestions are. I argue against a Global Difference Principle, but for an alternative Needs-Based Minimum Floor Principle (where these are not co-extensive, as I explain). Though (...)
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  40. Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account.Gillian Brock - 2009 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. Edited by Catriona McKinnon.
    Gillian Brock develops a model of global justice that takes seriously the moral equality of all human beings notwithstanding their legitimate diverse identifications and affiliations. She addresses concerns about implementing global justice, showing how we can move from theory to feasible public policy that makes progress toward global justice.
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    Global Justice, Cosmopolitan Duties and Duties to Compatriots: The Case of Healthcare.Gillian Brock - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (2):110-120.
    How are we to navigate between duties to compatriots and duties to non-compatriots? Within the literature there are two important kinds of accounts that are thought to offer contrasting positions on these issues, namely, cosmopolitanism and statism. We discuss these two rival accounts. I then outline my position on global justice and how to accommodate insights from both the cosmopolitan and statist traditions within it. Having outlined my ideal theory account of what global justice requires, I discuss (...)
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  42. Justice, borders and the cosmopolitan ideal: A reply to two critics.Simon Caney - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (2):269 – 276.
    (2007). Justice, Borders and the Cosmopolitan Ideal: A Reply to Two Critics. Journal of Global Ethics: Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 269-276. doi: 10.1080/17449620701456178.
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    The Cosmopolitan Imperative: Global Justice Through Accountable Integration.Luis Cabrera - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (1-2):171-199.
    Cosmopolitan political theorists hold that our obligations to distribute resources to others do not halt at state borders, but most do not advocate a restructuring of the global system to achieve their distributive aims. This article argues that promoting democratically accountable economic and political integration between states would be the most effective way to enable cosmopolitan, or routine, tax-financed, trans-state distributions. Movement toward a more integrated global system should encourage the view that larger sets of persons have interests (...)
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    Global Justice, Markets and Domination: A Cosmopolitan Theory.Fausto Corvino - 2020 - Cheltenham, UK – Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
    This thought-provoking book analyses the process of labour commodification, through which the individual’s ability to earn a basic living becomes dependent on the conditions of the market relationship. Building on the premise that the separation of a group of individuals from the means of production is an intrinsic element of capitalism, Fausto Corvino theorises that this implies a form of domination in a neo-republican sense. -/- Proposing an original theory of global justice denoted as a minimum de-commodification of labour (...)
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  45. Restorative justice in international and cosmopolitan law.Peter Niesen - 2014 - In Katrin Flikschuh & Lea Ypi (eds.), Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  46. Global warming and the cosmopolitan political conception of justice.Aaron Maltais - 2008 - Environmental Politics 17 (4):592-609.
    Within the literature in green political theory on global environmental threats one can often find dissatisfaction with liberal theories of justice. This is true even though liberal cosmopolitans regularly point to global environmental problems as one reason for expanding the scope of justice beyond the territorial limits of the state. One of the causes for scepticism towards liberal approaches is that many of the most notable anti-cosmopolitan theories are also advanced by liberals. In this paper, I first (...)
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  47. Cosmopolitan democracy and justice: Held versus Kymlicka.Gillian Brock - 2002 - Studies in East European Thought 54 (4):325-347.
    There has been much interest in cosmopolitan models of democracy in recent times. Arguably, the most developed of these is the model articulated by David Held, so it is not surprising that it has received the most attention and criticism. In this paper, I outline Held's model of cosmopolitan democracy and consider the objections Will Kymlicka raises to this account. I argue that Kymlicka's objections do not undermine Held's central claims and that Held's cosmopolitanism remains a very promising (...)
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    Do Cosmopolitans Have Reasons to Object to Global Distributive Justice?Idil Boran - 2008 - American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (1):1 - 17.
  49. Immigration and Global Justice: What kinds of policies should a Cosmopolitan support?Gillian Brock - 2010 - Etica E Politica 12 (1):362-376.
    What kind of role, if any, can immigration policies play in moving us towards global justice? On one view, the removal of restrictions on immigration might seem to constitute great progress in realizing the desired goal. After all, people want to emigrate mainly because they perceive that their prospects for better lives are more likely to be secured elsewhere. If we remove restrictions on their ability to travel, would this not constitute an advance over the status quo in which (...)
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    Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account, by Gillian Brock.C. H. Wellman - 2011 - Mind 120 (480):1229-1232.
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