Results for 'credo'

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  1. Mi credo pedagógico: una aproximación a la filosofía educativa en el primer Dewey.Carlos Manuel Montenegro Ortiz - 2014 - Escritos 22 (49):415-429.
    En Mi credo pedagógico, ensayo publicado por primera vez en enero de 1897, John Dewey plasmaría aquellas ideas que más adelante, y con gran amplitud, desarrollaría a lo largo de su vida profesional. De corta extensión, pero con una alta carga temática, este “credo” proporciona las ideas que sobre educación, psicología, filosofía y democracia, dejara el célebre pragmatista norteamericano. Es interesante entonces, mediante un análisis de texto , interpretar los mensajes enviados por Dewey en materia de Educación hace (...)
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  2. «Credo in Deum Patrem»: Sul primo articolo della fede.F. -A. Pastor - 1999 - Gregorianum 80 (3):469-488.
    This study analyzes the meaning of the first article of faith: In the biblical message the unique and true God appears as the ultimate principle of all realities, as the object of the religious sense of all people, as the 'deus ignotus', creator of the universe and provident father of the human race, who, as the 'deus revelatus' manifests himself as the God of Israel, Lord of the covenant and Father of Jesus . Taking into account the Gospel message on (...)
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  3. Credo ut mirer: Anselm on Sacred Beauty.Thomas Williams - 2012 - Modern Schoolman 89 (3/4):181-188.
    Anselm had a particular interest in the art of painting. He saw a close analogy between physical beauty and rational beauty. Both can be represented—physical beauty by paintings, rational beauty through discourse—and Anselm was especially attentive to the possibility of misrepresentation. Deceptive rhetorical coloring can mislead; unworthy discourse can obscure the truth’s inherent beauty. Yet even when discourse does justice to the beauty it is intended to represent, Anselm places strict limits on the appeal to beauty. For beauty by itself (...)
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    Reformation credo of Alexandria and later of the Ecumenical Patriarch Cyril Lucaris.M. Maksys - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 25:82-87.
    Protestantism came to Ukraine on a foreign, Polish-German basis and, to some extent, because of this, the Reformation currents failed to kidnap the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Moreover, they even brought to it the mediating benefit of arousing interest in dogmatic disputes, acquainted with new forms and methods of religious struggle in upholding their religious doctrine.
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  5. Un credo su l'arte.Leonardo Margiacchi - 1973 - Fiesole,: Tip. A. Sbolci.
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    » Credo* me* cogitare ergo scio* me* esse1/2 « — Descartes' »cogito ergo sum« reinterpreted.Rainer Trapp - 1988 - Erkenntnis 28 (2):253-267.
    At first sight one might be tempted to regard Descartes' "cogito ergo sum" as logically true by existential generalisation. This however would neither exhaust the specific epistemic content of "cogito" nor reveal the philosophical peculiarities of "sum" which the author takes to have two ontologically different meanings. The full sense of "cogito ergo sum" finally turns out to be "Credo* me* cogitare ergo scio* me* $\text{esse}_{1/2}$ ". Furthermore this proposition can formally be proved to be true by means of (...)
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  7. Credo in unam credentiam: religious beliefs are standard beliefs.Liam D. Ryan - 2024 - Synthese 204 (73):31.
    Does religious belief differ in any interesting way from other kinds of belief? For now, take ‘belief’ to mean how one takes the world to be, on the basis of which they act. Call beliefs like this ‘ordinary beliefs’. There are also more complicated, or abstract, beliefs. Call such beliefs ‘non-ordinary beliefs’. Are religious beliefs different in any significant or interesting way from what we call ‘standard belief’? Our analysis shows that they are not. Although the content of religious belief (...)
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  8. Mi credo.Ezequiel A. Chávez - 1968 - México,: Asociación Civil Ezequiel A. Chávez.
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    Credo in spiritum sanctum: Pneumatología del catecismo de Carranza.José Ignacio Tellechea Idígoras - 1983 - Salmanticensis 30 (2):149-189.
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    The Constructivist Credo.Yvonna S. Lincoln & Egon G. Guba - 2013 - Left Coast Press.
    The Constructivist Credo is a set of foundational principles for those wishing to conduct social science research within the constructivist paradigm. They were distilled by Yvonna Lincoln and Egon Guba from their many writings on this topic and are provided in the form of 150 propositional statements. After Guba’s death in 2008, the Credo was completed by Lincoln and is presented here. In addition to the key principles of constructivist thought, the volume also contains an introduction to constructivism, (...)
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    Credo Credit Crisis: Speculations on Faith and Money.Aidan Tynan, Laurent Milesi & Christopher John Müller (eds.) - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Bringing together both established and emerging scholars from critical and cultural theory, literature, philosophy, and theology, this book examines the intersection of economics and religion.
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  12. Credo sceptyka.Ireneusz Ziemiński & Andrzej Tarnopolski - 2005 - Diametros 4:49-75.
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    Il "credo" di Simone Weil.Sabina Moser - 2013 - Firenze: Le lettere.
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  14. Credo del maestro venezolano.Córtés Pérez & Antonio[From Old Catalog] - 1952 - Caracas,: Tip. Americana.
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  15. Credo.Stewart Edward White - 1925 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Doubleday, Page & company.
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    Katz' credo.Gilbert Harman - 1976 - Synthese 32 (3-4):387 - 394.
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  17. The credo of Maimonides.Yekutiel Klein - 1958 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  18. El credo del hombre libre y otros ensayos, de Bertrand Russell.Elisa Lucena - 1998 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (1):137-139.
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  19. Le Credo du Peuple de Dieu.Michel Cagin - 2009 - Nova et Vetera 84 (1):7-43.
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  20. Credo of an Empiricist.B. Magee - 1958 - Hibbert Journal 57:375.
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  21. Credo jako system.Korneliusz Policki - 2006 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 42 (1):55-59.
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  22. Credo ut intellegam” ou “intellego ut credam”? Reflexões a partir da Fides et ratio e São Tomás de Aquino.Felipe de Azevedo Ramos - 2013 - Lumen Veritatis 6 (22):38-59.
    "Do I believe to understand or do I understand to believe? From an analysis of chapters II and III of Fides et ratio, and the texts of St. Thomas Aquinas, an analysis is sought that aims to offer a response that reconciles these two ambits within an anthropological perspective.".
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    Ego Credo.Michel Serres - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ego CredoMichel Serres (bio)Saint Paul combines in one singular person the three ancient formats, Jewish, Greek, and Latin, from which the Western World sprang. A devout Pharisee, he was born in Tarsus into a family of the Diaspora, and educated in Jerusalem under Gamaliel; he observed Mosaic Law and constantly cited the Torah, both Psalms and Prophets, with erudition. It also seems likely that he knew Greek philosophy, at (...)
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    Credo for optimality.Alan A. Stocker - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Le credo de la psychologie objective.Erwin Straus - 1986 - Études Phénoménologiques 2 (4):3-17.
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    Credo Quia Absurdum?Robert D. Sider - 1980 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 73 (7):417.
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  27. Credo.W. E. B. DuBois - unknown
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    Credo: teaching and sharing.Pacita Guevara-Fernandez - 1985 - Quezon City, Philippines: Distributed outside the Philippines by the University of Hawaii Press.
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    Credo: Much more doer than philosopher.Fred Kobrak - 2007 - Logos 18 (2):86-88.
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    Le Credo dans la méthode théologique de la première période carolingienne.Kristina Mitalaite - 2007 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 74 (2):377-421.
    During the first Carolingian period, the creed, defined as symbolum, not only signified the political and ecclesiological unity of Charlemagne’s kingdom and then empire, but was also a factor in the organization of theological treatises. The collection of creeds, initially included in Dagulf ’s manuscript — made as a gift for Pope Hadrian I — was widely copied and «corrected» in the Carolingian world. These emendations to the creed reveal the Carolingian desire to defend faith against new «heresies» like adoptianism (...)
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  31. 'Credo* Me Cogitare Ergo Scio Me Esse 'subscript' 1/2 ' - Descartes' 'Cogito Ergo sum' Reinterpreted.Rainer Trapp - 1988 - Erkenntnis: An International Journal of Analytic Philosophy 28:253-267.
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  32. Credos de pensadores.Clifton Fadiman - 1941 - Buenos Aires,: Editiorial sudamericana. Edited by Jiménez, A. Román & [From Old Catalog].
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    Credo Quia Absurdum: No Strawman for the Revolution.Marc James Léger - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (3).
    Debates in radical cultural praxis reflect conflicting viewpoints on the left. While one might assume that the enormity of the challenges facing the left would lead to a common front this is rarely the case as communist and horizontalist viewpoints clash. This essay addresses new possibilities for thinking about avant-garde art and vanguard politics by considering the recent debates between Slavoj Žižek and McKenzie Wark and further, by looking at the limits of the cultural revolution as we have known it (...)
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  34. Un Credo cathare?P. David - 1939 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 35:756-761.
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    A Technological Literacy Credo.Leonard J. Waks - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):357-366.
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    Essais philosophiques. Du credo ancien à l'homme technologique.Jean-Claude Gens - 2015 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 15 (2):183-186.
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    Perché io credo in colui che ha fatto il mondo: tra fede e scienza.Antonino Zichichi - 2006 - Milano: Il saggiatore.
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    Expliquer le credo à des scientifiques?Paul Tihon - 2003 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 34 (3):354-365.
    Le livre d’Albert Jacquard, « Dieu ? », fait voir à quel point le langage du credo est devenu inintelligible pour des esprits contemporains. Il oblige à s’interroger sur le sens d’une récitation non comprise, à reconnaître la légitimité de textes plus parlants, mais aussi à contester les limites d’une approche purement objectivante du réel. Cela admis, il reste que c’est l’interprétation du contenu même de la foi qui divise aujourd’hui les croyants les plus sincères, alors que leur apport (...)
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    The Credo of Maimonides. [REVIEW]Lottie H. Kendzierski - 1959 - New Scholasticism 33 (2):249-250.
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    Facing Creation: When the Pragmatic Credo Masks the Orders of Action.Mathias Béjean & Armand Hatchuel - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (3):197-210.
    This paper discusses the problematic use of the “pragmatic credo” – defined as a minimal set of basic pragmatist propositions – in practice, especially when facing creation. To do so, we analyze how managers deal with “art-based firms” and provide results from an in-depth case study of a small firm operating in garden art and design (Béjean 2015; 2008). The findings are interpreted in light of previous theoretical developments in management theory (Hatchuel European Management Review, 2(1): 36–47.), as well (...)
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    Credo: Banque de données: cultures et religions antiques. 7 vols. Pp. 34 + Appendices [pp. 97 + 97 , pp. 174 + 46 + 42 , pp. 164 + 169, 1–394, 395–762 , pp. 40 , Guide d'indexation, not numbered]. Lille: Université de Lille III, 1987. Paper. [REVIEW]Elizabeth M. Craik - 1989 - The Classical Review 39 (2):402-403.
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    Het krediet van het credo: godsdienst, ongeloof, katholicisme.Ger Groot - 2006 - Amsterdam: SUN.
    Atheïstisch-filosofische poging tot begrip van de relevantie en continuering van christelijke religiositeit in een moderne en seculiere Europese cultuur.
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    What’s in a Credo? A Critique of the Academy of Management’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Code of Ethics.Daniel Walter Skubik & Bruce W. Stening - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (4):515 - 525.
    The Academy of Management formally adopted a Code of Ethical Conduct in 1990. During the subsequent 15 years, almost nothing had been published about it and its value as a formal document meant to guide professional practice. Rather surprisingly then, in December 2005 an entirely new Code of Ethics was introduced by the Academy’s Board, to take effect in February 2006. Why was a new code promulgated? More broadly, what do the contents of these codes, the processes of their promulgation, (...)
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    Credo in unum deum P. Athanassiadi, M. Frede (edd.): Pagan monotheism in late antiquity . Pp. 211, 3 pls, maps. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1999. Cased, £40. Isbn: 0-19-815252-. [REVIEW]Christopher Kelly - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (01):135-.
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  45. Foi et Credo, collection « Langages ».Henri-L. Miéville - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (2):229-230.
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    Transculturalità del Credo e verità della fede.Vittorio Possenti - 2002 - Philosophy, Culture, and Traditions 1:1-9.
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    „Dichtung kann, in geheimnisvoller Weise, tiefste Ohnmacht spüren lassen und letzte Macht zugleich ausüben”. Rudolf Hagelstanges Sonettenzyklus „Venezianisches Credo”.Jörg Thunecke - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    The origin of Rudolf Hagelstange’s cycle of sonnets "Venezianisches Credo" was Venice, while he was temporarily stationed in northern Italy in 1944 as a soldier. Twenty-four sonnets were written in the lagoon city, four more in Breganze, the remainder in Verona, where a limited edition was published in spring 1945, after some of the sonnets had already been distributed in military circles over some months. This contribution attempts on the one hand to analyze Hagelstange’s choice of the sonnet–form – (...)
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    Anatomia de um credo.John Kennedy Ferreira - 2020 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 26 (1):385-389.
    Resenha feita do livro de Rocha, que mostra a fusão entre capitais industriais e financeiros no Brasil.
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  49. The Protestant Credo.Vergilius Ferm - 1953
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    Apology for a Credo Maximum: On Three Basic Rules in Leibniz's Method of Religious Controversy.Mogens Laerke - 2008 - In Marcelo Dascal (ed.), Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 397--407.
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