Results for 'curriculum, Causal Layered Analysis, approach discipline, pluri-disciplinary, multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary'

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  1.  15
    Toward a Transdisciplinary Integration of the Health Disciplines: The Case of the Fibromyalgia Syndrome.Emanuele Maria Giusti - 2017 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 23 (1-2):155-171.
    Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain disorder with a multifaceted nature and its biological, psychological and social aspects are strongly interconnected. Therefore, the integration of the different health disciplines is strongly recommended for its care. There is a growing number of interventions based on this principle but each of them is heterogeneous with regards to how the included disciplines are integrated with each other. With this regards, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary programs are distinguished. The former are organized in order to treat (...)
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    Transdisciplinary research for wicked problems.Michelle R. Worosz - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1185-1189.
    Addressing “wicked” socio-ecological problems necessitate the integration of knowledge and methods from multiple disciplines. Transdisciplinarity (TD) is one such strategy; its focus is to enhance the comprehensiveness, robustness, and relevance of science via cross-disciplinary team science (CDTS). What separates TD from other forms of CDTS (e.g., multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary) is the meaningful inclusion of a diverse set of nonacademic stakeholders. In collaboration, the TD team draws on tacit and explicit knowledge to co-develop new understandings of vexing “real-world” problems. However, guidance (...)
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  3. Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research Integrity: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. 31 May - 3 June 2015.Lex Bouter, Melissa S. Anderson, Ana Marusic, Sabine Kleinert, Susan Zimmerman, Paulo S. L. Beirão, Laura Beranzoli, Giuseppe Di Capua, Silvia Peppoloni, Maria Betânia de Freitas Marques, Adriana Sousa, Claudia Rech, Torunn Ellefsen, Adele Flakke Johannessen, Jacob Holen, Raymond Tait, Jillon Van der Wall, John Chibnall, James M. DuBois, Farida Lada, Jigisha Patel, Stephanie Harriman, Leila Posenato Garcia, Adriana Nascimento Sousa, Cláudia Maria Correia Borges Rech, Oliveira Patrocínio, Raphaela Dias Fernandes, Laressa Lima Amâncio, Anja Gillis, David Gallacher, David Malwitz, Tom Lavrijssen, Mariusz Lubomirski, Malini Dasgupta, Katie Speanburg, Elizabeth C. Moylan, Maria K. Kowalczuk, Nikolas Offenhauser, Markus Feufel, Niklas Keller, Volker Bähr, Diego Oliveira Guedes, Douglas Leonardo Gomes Filho, Vincent Larivière, Rodrigo Costas, Daniele Fanelli, Mark William Neff, Aline Carolina de Oliveira Machado Prata, Limbanazo Matandika, Sonia Maria Ramos de Vasconcelos & Karina de A. Rocha - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (Suppl 1).
    Table of contentsI1 Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Research IntegrityConcurrent Sessions:1. Countries' systems and policies to foster research integrityCS01.1 Second time around: Implementing and embedding a review of responsible conduct of research policy and practice in an Australian research-intensive universitySusan Patricia O'BrienCS01.2 Measures to promote research integrity in a university: the case of an Asian universityDanny Chan, Frederick Leung2. Examples of research integrity education programmes in different countriesCS02.1 Development of a state-run “cyber education program of research ethics” in (...)
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  4. Integrating Ethics into Computer Science Education: Multi-, Inter-, and Transdisciplinary Approaches.Trystan S. Goetze - 2023 - Proceedings of the 54Th Acm Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1 (Sigcse 2023).
    While calls to integrate ethics into computer science education go back decades, recent high-profile ethical failures related to computing technology by large technology companies, governments, and academic institutions have accelerated the adoption of computer ethics education at all levels of instruction. Discussions of how to integrate ethics into existing computer science programmes often focus on the structure of the intervention—embedded modules or dedicated courses, humanists or computer scientists as ethics instructors—or on the specific content to be included—lists of case studies (...)
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  5. Too many cities in the city? Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary city research methods and the challenge of integration.Machiel Keestra - 2020 - In Nanke Verloo & Luca Bertolini, Seeing the City: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Study of the Urban. pp. 226-242.
    Introduction: Interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and action research of a city in lockdown. As we write this chapter, most cities across the world are subject to a similar set of measures due to the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus, which is now a global pandemic. Independent of city size, location, or history, an observer would note that almost all cities have now ground to a halt, with their citizens being confined to their private dwellings, social and public gatherings being almost entirely (...)
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    What is Interdisciplinary? How is it Different from Multidisciplinary?Rajan Gurukkal - 2018 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):15-29.
    Discipline based approach to knowledge and specialization goes back to the classical Graeco-Roman times. It was Isaac Newton’s Principia, which represented academic perfection of Renaissance inquiry, criticism, creativity and theorization. Principia set the epochal model of knowledge and led to the making of the Age of Enlightenment and the Age of Reason. August Comte heralded an era of Positivism in academic research and prepared the ground for the making of disciplines. As new knowledge accrued over centuries, specialization got diversified (...)
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    Navigating causal reasoning in sustainability science.Maja Schlüter, Tilman Hertz, María Mancilla García, Thomas Banitz, Volker Grimm, Lars-Göran Johansson, Emilie Lindkvist, Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Sonja Radosavljevic, Karl Wennberg & Petri Ylikoski - unknown
    When reasoning about causes of sustainability problems and possible solutions, sustainability scientists rely on disciplinary-based understanding of cause–effect relations. These disciplinary assumptions enable and constrain how causal knowledge is generated, yet they are rarely made explicit. In a multidisciplinary field like sustainability science, lack of understanding differences in causal reasoning impedes our ability to address complex sustainability problems. To support navigating the diversity of causal reasoning, we articulate when and how during a research process researchers engage in (...)
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    Editorial: Transdisciplinary Research on Learning and Teaching: Chances and Challenges.Matthias Stadler, Arthur Graesser & Frank Fischer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The goal of the present Research Topic is to provide a forum where research groups, investigating teaching and teachers from multiple perspectives involving multidisciplinary (i.e., different disciplines working on different aspects of a problem independently within their disciplinary boundaries), interdisciplinary (i.e., restructuring and integrating existing disciplinary approaches to address problems relevant for all participating disciplines) and ideally transdisciplinary (i.e., seeking to integrate different lines of work from contributing disciplines to create new approaches or even new scientific disciplines) approaches (...)
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  9.  34
    Intellectual Virtues for Interdisciplinary Research: A Consensual Qualitative Analysis.Claudia E. Vanney, Belén Mesurado, José Ignacio Aguinalde Sáenz & María Cristina Richaud - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (9):e13348.
    Through a qualitative approach, this study identified a specific subgroup of intellectual virtues necessary for developing interdisciplinary research. Cognitive science was initially conceived as a new discipline emerging from various fields, including philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and anthropology. Thus, a frequent debate among cognitive scientists is whether the initial multidisciplinary program successfully developed into a mature interdisciplinary field or evolved into a set of independent sciences of cognition. For several years, interdisciplinarity has been an aspiration for (...)
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  10.  75
    Analysing biodiversity: The necessity of interdisciplinary trends in the development of ecological theory.Broder Breckling & Hauke Reuter - 2004 - Poiesis and Praxis 3 (s 1-2):83-105.
    Technological advancement has an ambivalent character concerning the impact on biodiversity. It accounts for major detrimental environmental impacts and aggravates threads to biodiversity. On the other hand, from an application perspective of environmental science, there are technical advancements, which increase the potential of analysis, detection and monitoring of environmental changes and open a wider spectrum of sustainable use strategies.The concept of biodiversity emerged in the last two decades as a political issue to protect the structural and functional basis of earthbound (...)
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  11.  39
    The phenomenon of transdisciplinary cognitive revolution.V. A. Bazhanov & A. G. Kraeva - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 5 (2):91.
    Phenomenon of transdisciplinarity was put into the fore of analysis rather recently. In the article an attempt is made to find out whether it is possible to attribute this phenomenon not only to a science of the 21st century, or we have here the case where some scientific realities come to the attention of researchers with certain delay and has its value for the culture in general? It is possible to judge even the emergence of a kind of cognitive revolution (...)
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  12.  4
    Transitioning from Monodisciplinary in Arabic Education: Indonesian Insights.R. Taufiqurrochman & Lubna Farah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:915-924.
    This study reveals that monodisciplinary approaches still dominate student research in Indonesia, including at Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang Indonesia. This research aims to identify and analyze the distribution of research approaches and the factors influencing student preferences. The methods used include data analysis from the titles of theses and dissertations from 2018 to 2024, as well as interviews with program heads. The results show that although there is an increase in the use of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary (...)
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  13.  40
    A Metadisciplinary Course as a Means of Incorporating Applied Ethics into the Undergraduate Curriculum.Judy E. Stern - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (2):163-170.
    This paper details a “metadisciplinary” applied ethics course jointly taught and pioneered by a biologist, psychologist, and ethicist on the subject of Assisted Reproduction. Contrasted with a transdisciplinary approach (whose content involves themes or issues that span traditional disciplinary lines) and a multidisciplinary approach (which involves experts from several disciplines working side by side), a metadisciplinary approach involves both of these former characteristics while incorporating a continuous, critical appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of the contrasting (...)
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  14. Interdisciplinary Higher Education.W. Martin Davies & Marcia Devlin - 2010 - In W. Martin Davies, Marcia Devlin & Malcolm Tight, Interdisciplinary Higher Education: Perspectives and Practicalities. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. pp. 3-28.
    In higher education, interdisciplinarity involves the design of subjects that offer the opportunity to experience ‘different ways of knowing’ from students’ core or preferred disciplines. Such an education is increasingly important in a global knowledge economy. Many universities have begun to introduce interdisciplinary studies or subjects to meet this perceived need. This chapter explores some of the issues inherent in moves towards interdisciplinary higher education. Definitional issues associated with the term ‘academic discipline’, as well as other terms, including (...)
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  15.  26
    What Makes an Interdisciplinary Feminist Scholar? Preparing for the Unknown in a Skill-centered Curriculum.Ashley Glassburn Falzetti - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (2):363.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 2. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 363 Ashley Glassburn Falzetti What Makes an Interdisciplinary Feminist Scholar? Preparing for the Unknown in a Skill-centered Curriculum I first read the 1998 special issue of Feminist Studies “Disciplining Feminism? The Future of Women’s Studies” in a monthly reading group of scholars from across the globe working on PhDs in women’s, gender, feminist, and/or queer studies (WGFQS).1 (...)
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  16.  30
    A Metadisciplinary Course as a Means of Incorporating Applied Ethics into the Undergraduate Curriculum.Catherine P. Cramer, Ronald M. Green & Judy E. Stern - 1998 - Teaching Philosophy 21 (2):163-170.
    This paper details a “metadisciplinary” applied ethics course jointly taught and pioneered by a biologist, psychologist, and ethicist on the subject of Assisted Reproduction. Contrasted with a transdisciplinary approach (whose content involves themes or issues that span traditional disciplinary lines) and a multidisciplinary approach (which involves experts from several disciplines working side by side), a metadisciplinary approach involves both of these former characteristics while incorporating a continuous, critical appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of the contrasting (...)
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  17.  55
    Reference: interdisciplinary perspectives.Jeanette K. Gundel & Nancy Ann Hedberg (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The ability to produce and understand referring expressions is basic to human language use and human cognition. Reference comprises the ability to think of and represent objects (both real and imagined/fictional), to indicate to others which of these objects we are talking about, and to determine what others are talking about when they use a nominal expression. The articles in this volume are concerned with some of the central themes and challenges in research on reference within the cognitive sciences - (...)
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  18.  43
    Towards disciplinary disintegration in biology.Wim J. Steen - 1993 - Biology and Philosophy 8 (3):259-275.
    Interdisciplinary integration has fundamental limitations. This is not sufficiently realized in science and in philosophy. Concerning scientific theories there are many examples of pseudo-integration which should be unmasked by elementary philosophical analysis. For example, allegedly over-arching theories of stress which are meant to unite biology and psychology, upon analysis, turn out to represent terminological rather than substantive unity. They should be replaced by more specific, local theories. Theories of animal orientation, likewise, have been formulated in unduly general terms. A (...)
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  19.  98
    Countering misinformation: A multidisciplinary approach.Krzysztof Suchecki, Julian Sienkiewicz, Wesley R. Moy, Janusz A. Hołyst & Kacper T. Gradoń - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    The article explores the concept of infodemics during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the propagation of false or inaccurate information proliferating worldwide throughout the SARS-CoV-2 health crisis. We provide an overview of disinformation, misinformation and malinformation and discuss the notion of “fake news”, and highlight the threats these phenomena bear for health policies and national and international security. We discuss the mis-/disinformation as a significant challenge to the public health, intelligence, and policymaking communities and highlight the necessity to design measures (...)
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  20.  31
    Stratigraphy in the early nineteenth century: a transdisciplinary approach, with special reference to Central Europe.Claudia Schweizer - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (2):257-274.
    Summary The development of stratigraphy started with the work of the Danish scientist Nicolaus Steno (1638–1696), who ascribed the formation of strata to the gradual deposition of sediment in the sea. In the course of the eighteenth century, his work was complemented by the independent observations of various European scientists, who recorded deposits of fossilized plants and animals in sedimentary strata. Late in the eighteenth century, William Smith (1769–1839) discovered the specificity of fossil deposits in successive strata, an observation that (...)
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  21.  62
    Concerning the integration of sciences: Kinds and stages. [REVIEW]A. Polikarov - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (2):297 - 312.
    The detailed analysis allows to discern seven kinds of integration, namely: I₁ consisting in the synthesis of scientific disciplines from their elements, including disciplinary unification I₁; I₂ inclusion of a science in (reduction to) another, more general; I₃ - links between different sciences, especially establishing of common elements; I₄ - interdisciplines bridging various sciences; I₅ - combination of two (or more) disciplines into a new (complex) science; I₆ - a general approach to several domains or multidisciplinary unification; I₇ - (...)
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  22.  52
    Dimensions of integration in interdisciplinary explanations of the origin of evolutionary novelty.Alan C. Love & Gary L. Lugar - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):537-550.
    Many philosophers of biology have embraced a version of pluralism in response to the failure of theory reduction but overlook how concepts, methods, and explanatory resources are in fact coordinated, such as in interdisciplinary research where the aim is to integrate different strands into an articulated whole. This is observable for the origin of evolutionary novelty—a complex problem that requires a synthesis of intellectual resources from different fields to arrive at robust answers to multiple allied questions. It is an (...)
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  23.  34
    Conceptual foundations for multidisciplinary thinking.Stephen Jay Kline - 1995 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Our current intellectual system provides us with a far more complete and accurate understanding of nature and ourselves than was available in any previous society. This gain in understanding has arisen from two sources: the use of the 'scientific method', and the breaking up of our intellectual enterprise into increasingly narrower disciplines and research programmes. However, we have failed to keep these narrow specialities connected to the intellectual enterprise as a whole. The author demonstrates that this causes a number of (...)
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  24.  26
    Levels of Analysis in Psychopathology: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives.Kenneth S. Kendler, Josef Parnas & Peter Zachar (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Levels of Analysis in Psychopathology draws research from psychiatry, philosophy, and psychology to explore the variety of explanatory approaches for understanding the nature of psychiatric disorders both in practice and research. The fields of psychiatry and clinical psychology incorporates many useful explanatory approaches and this book integrates this range of perspectives and makes suggestions about how to advance etiologic theories, classification, and treatment. The editors have brought together leading thinkers who have been widely published and are well-respected in their area (...)
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  25.  20
    Case analysis in ethics instruction: bootlegging theory in a topical structure.Amy Haddad - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (4):235-251.
    Robert Veatch was a notable and prolific author in a variety of areas in philosophy, health care practice, and policy. However, it is evident by the sheer number of case study in ethics books, eighteen editions of case collections in all, that this approach to teaching ethics in the health sciences was especially important to him. A few of these case study collections he wrote alone, but the majority were written with co-authors from nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, allied health, and (...)
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  26.  23
    The Influence of Disciplinary Origins on Peer Review Normativities in a New Discipline.Kacey Beddoes, Yu Xia & Stephanie Cutler - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (3):390-404.
    STS scholarship has produced important insights about relationships between the roles of peer review and the social construction of knowledge. Yet, barriers related to access have been a continual challenge for such work. This article overcomes some past access challenges and explores peer review normativities operating in the new discipline of Engineering Education. In doing so, it contributes new insights about disciplinary development, interdisciplinarity, and peer review as a site of knowledge construction. In particular, it draws attention to an aspect (...)
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  27.  17
    Designing Technology, Developing Theory: Toward a Symmetrical Approach.Andreas Kolb & Cornelius Schubert - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (3):528-554.
    We focus on collaborative activities that engage computer graphics designers and social scientists in systems design processes. Our conceptual symmetrical account of technology design and theory development is elaborated as a mode of mutual engagement occurring in an interdisciplinary trading zone, where neither discipline is placed at the service of the other and nor do disciplinary boundaries dissolve. To this end, we draw on analyses of mutual engagements between computer and social scientists stemming from the fields of computer-supported cooperative (...)
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  28.  5
    From chaos to complexity science: 20 years of multidisciplinary explorations.Franco Orsucci & Nicoletta Sala (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    This book is dedicated to the first ten years of Chaos and Complexity Letters - International Journal of Dynamical Systems Research. This journal was born to collect and disseminate complexity science related information to anybody interested in the topic; to speed up the evolutionary development of complexity science; to extend its interactions crossing over disciplines, levels of knowledge and geography; and to foster finding new pathways in research and new applications. The structure of CCL was specifically designed to add value (...)
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    Africana Studies as an Interdisciplinary Discipline.Paget Henry - 2019 - CLR James Journal 25 (1):7-37.
    This paper outlines a code-theoretic approach to the substantive and pedagogical challenges created by the distinct interdisciplinary nature of the field of Africana Studies. It identifies some of the key discourse-constitutive codes and some strategies for suspending disciplinary boundaries created by these necessary codes, which should help us to navigate better the spaces between the disciplines engaged by Africana Studies. After examining these codes and methods for transcending them, the paper concludes with some pedagogical strategies for teaching these (...)
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  30.  24
    Constructivist Curriculum Design for the Interdisciplinary Study Programme MEi:CogSci – A Case Study.Elisabeth Zimmermann, Markus Peschl & Brigitte Römmer-Nossek - 2010 - Constructivist Foundations 5 (3):144-157.
    Context: Cognitive science, as an interdisciplinary research endeavour, poses challenges for teaching and learning insofar as the integration of various participating disciplines requires a reflective approach, considering and making explicit different epistemological attitudes and hidden assumptions and premises. Only few curricula in cognitive science face this integrative challenge. Problem: The lack of integrative activities might result from different challenges for people involved in truly interdisciplinary efforts, such as discussing issues on a conceptual level, negotiating colliding frameworks or (...)
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  31. A Multidisciplinary Understanding of Polarization.Jiin Jung, Patrick Grim, Daniel J. Singer, Aaron Bramson, William J. Berger, Bennett Holman & Karen Kovaka - 2019 - American Psychologist 74:301-314.
    This article aims to describe the last 10 years of the collaborative scientific endeavors on polarization in particular and collective problem-solving in general by our multidisciplinary research team. We describe the team’s disciplinary composition—social psychology, political science, social philosophy/epistemology, and complex systems science— highlighting the shared and unique skill sets of our group members and how each discipline contributes to studying polarization and collective problem-solving. With an eye to the literature on team dynamics, we describe team logistics and processes that (...)
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  32. Eliciting the plurality of causal reasoning in social-ecological systems research.Tilman Hertz, T. Homas Banitz, Rodrigo Martínez-Peña, Sonja Radosavljevic, Emilie Lindkvist, Lars-Göran Johansson, Petri Ylikoski & Maja Schlüter - 2024 - Ecology and Society 29 (1).
    Understanding causation in social-ecological systems (SES) is indispensable for promoting sustainable outcomes. However, the study of such causal relations is challenging because they are often complex and intertwined, and their analysis involves diverse disciplines. Although there is agreement that no single research approach (RA) can comprehensively explain SES phenomena, there is a lack of ability to deal with this diversity. Underlying this diversity and the challenge of dealing with it are different causal reasonings that are rarely explicit. (...)
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    Essais de définition du sémiotique, de la sémiotique et de l’interdisciplinarité.Louis Hébert - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (234):123-143.
    This article seeks to define what is semiotic and what is Semiotics. Provided first is a brief presentation of various perspectives of Semiotics. Pursuant to this, we will seek to uncover Semiotics’ particulars by evaluating various approaches. We will commence by framing the definitions of the word “Semiotic” to consider then Semiotics via eight particular anthropic – human-related – levels. This partition, derived by the author from a Rastier typology, defines the following levels: noumenophysical, phenophysical, semiotic, representational (“mental images” and (...)
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    Boleo: A postcolonial feminist reading.Musa W. Dube - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):8.
    The relationship between postcolonialism and feminism is often complicated and conflict-laden in its struggles against empire and patriarchy and its related social categories of oppression. The question is, How have African women in former colonies balanced their act? To address this question, the article focusses on Boleo, A Setswana Novel. Firstly, theories of post-coloniality and feminism are explored. Secondly, four creative African women writers are analysed for their take on the intersection of postcolonialism and feminism prior to reading Boleo, A (...)
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    Advancing Transdisciplinary and Translational Research Practice: Issues and Models of Doctoral Education in Public Health.Linda Neuhauser, Dawn Richardson, Sonja Mackenzie & Meredith Minkler - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (2):Article M19.
    Finding solutions to complex health problems, such as obesity, violence, and climate change, will require radical changes in cross-disciplinary education, research, and practice. The fundamental determinants of health include many interrelated factors such as poverty, culture, education, environment, and government policies. However, traditional public health training has tended to focus more narrowly on diseases and risk factors, and has not adequately leveraged the rich contributions of sociology, anthropology, economics, geography, communication, political science, and other disciplines. Further, students are often not (...)
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    (2 other versions)Warranting the use of causal claims.Menno Rol & Nancy Cartwright - 2012 - Theoria 27 (2):189-202.
    To what use can causal claims established in good studies be put? We give examples of studies from which inaccurate inferences were made about target policy situations. The usual diagnosis is that the studies in question lack external validity, which means that the same results do not hold in the target as in study. That’s a label that just repeats what we already knew. We offer a deeper analysis. Our analysis points to the need for interdisciplinarity and to the (...)
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    Multidisciplinary Inquiry in the Study of Religion: The Next Generation.F. LeRon Shults - 2024 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 45 (1):5-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Multidisciplinary Inquiry in the Study of Religion:The Next GenerationF. LeRon Shults (bio)Bob Neville and I began our introduction to Religion in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Philosophical, Theological, and Scientific Approaches to Wesley J. Wildman, by describing the latter as "the most original, audacious, creative, encyclopedic, and integrative thinker working within and across the fields of philosophy, ethics, theology, and the scientific study of religion in our time."1 Notice we did not (...)
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    International Health Practices: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapeutic Mediations With an Artistic Medium Based on the Model of Play.Anne Brun, Louis Brunet, Denis Cerclet, Antonie Masson, Magali Ravit, Jean-Pol Tassin, Silvia Zornig, Maria Clelia Zurlo, Tamara Guénoun, Sylvain Missonnier, Vincent Di Rocco, Lila Mitsopoulou, Eric Jacquet, Johan Jung & René Roussillon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article, corresponding to a part of the restitution of a financed international research project between France, Brazil, Canada, Italy and Belgium, aims to offer a modelisation and qualitative evaluation of mediation care settings based on an original methodological tool that involves identifying the typical games at the foundations of creativity, following a multidisciplinary perspective. Therapeutic mediations are settings or devices organised around a “pliable medium”, often artistic, like painting, modeling, writing, ​and theatre, which are very widespread in institutional practices, (...)
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  39. Introduction: Interdisciplinary model exchanges.Till Grüne-Yanoff & Uskali Mäki - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 48:52-59.
    The five studies of this special section investigate the role of models and similar representational tools in interdisciplinarity. These studies were all written by philosophers of science, who focused on interdisciplinary episodes between disciplines and sub-disciplines ranging from physics, chemistry and biology to the computational sciences, sociology and economics. The reasons we present these divergent studies in a collective form are three. First, we want to establish model-exchange as a kind of interdisciplinary event. The five case studies, which (...)
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    Medical Assistance in Dying for Persons Suffering Solely from Mental Illness in Canada.Chloe Eunice Panganiban & Srushhti Trivedi - 2025 - Voices in Bioethics 11.
    Photo ID 71252867© Stepan Popov| Abstract While Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has been legalized in Canada since 2016, it still excludes eligibility for persons who have mental illness as a sole underlying medical condition. This temporary exclusion was set to expire on March 17th, 2024, but was set 3 years further back by the Government of Canada to March 17th, 2027. This paper presents a critical appraisal of the case of MAiD for individuals with mental illness as the (...)
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    A especificidade e a transversalidade do Ensino de Filosofia na educação Básica brasileira: desafios frente ao cenário contempor'neo e à BNCC.Adriana Mattar Maamari - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-22.
    Resumo: O Ensino de Filosofia no Brasil atravessou um longo período de interdição na Educação Básica brasileira para, a partir da LDB de 1996 e dos PCN-EM 1999, ressurgir como necessidade de presença difusa na escola, em abordagem temática e transdisciplinar. Uma década adiante, a Filosofia alcança uma presença ainda mais importante, constituindo-se como disciplina obrigatória do currículo escolar da educação básica a partir de 2008. Em um contexto mais recente, com a BNCC a partir de 2015, a Filosofia segue (...)
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  42.  32
    An experiential account of a large-scale interdisciplinary data analysis of public engagement.Julian “Iñaki” Goñi, Claudio Fuentes & Maria Paz Raveau - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):581-593.
    This article presents our experience as a multidisciplinary team systematizing and analyzing the transcripts from a large-scale (1.775 conversations) series of conversations about Chile’s future. This project called “Tenemos Que Hablar de Chile” [We have to talk about Chile] gathered more than 8000 people from all municipalities, achieving gender, age, and educational parity. In this sense, this article takes an experiential approach to describe how certain interdisciplinary methodological decisions were made. We sought to apply analytical variables derived from (...)
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    An Exercise in a Transdisciplinary Approach for New Knowledge Paradigms.Irina Crumpei, Alina Gavriluţ, Maricel Agop & Gabriel Crumpei - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (3):114-143.
    In this paper, we aim at an exercise that is transdisciplinary, involving science and religion, and interdisciplinary, involving disciplines and theories which appeared in the second half of the 20th century. The latter required the reformulation of quantum mechanics theories starting with the beginning of the century, based on the substance-energy-information triangle. We focus on information and we also attempt a transdisciplinary approach to the imaginary from a psychological - physical - mathematical perspective, but the religious (...)
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    “There is No Such Thing as an Interdisciplinary Relationship”: A Žižekian Critique of Postmodern Music Analysis.Rebecca Day - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (3).
    The postmodern criticism of music analysis remains unwittingly preoccupied with a false image of ‘the Whole’, or with the construction of unity precisely through privileging its opposite. At the centre of this discourse there often emerges a split between two things—analysis/aesthetics, part/whole, subject/object—where the question then becomes one of reconciliation: how can the analytical methods be subsumed into aesthetic discussions of subjectivity to better represent the ‘thing itself’? This problem is now a cross-disciplinary one, with criticism favouring the application of (...)
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    Many layers of ecocentrism: revering life, revering the earth.Abhik Gupta - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book unveils the myriad streams of ecocentric thoughts that have been flowing through the human mind - in indigenous communities, in the wisdom of philosophers, in the creative expressions of poets and writers - sometimes latent, but sometimes more explicit. The strength of this book lies in the fact that it attempts to show that ecocentrism had not emerged suddenly as a distinct line of philosophical thought or found its place among the various normative approaches towards nature, but the (...)
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    Broadening horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study.Bart Ooghe & Geert Verhoeven (eds.) - 2007 - Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    'Broadening Horizons: multidisciplinary approaches to landscape study' presents nine papers on physical landscape research in the Mediterranean and the Near East. Giving prime place to young researchers working in this field, it brings together highly diverse applications ranging from ground survey to semi-automated remote sensing, from cuneiform studies to palynology and from human geography to paradigm re-evaluation. Aimed at a public of both students and scholars with a shared interest in the study of past landscapes, its aims are dual. In (...)
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  47. Understanding the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: A Multidisciplinary Analysis.Erica Preston-Roedder, Hannah Fagen, Jessica Martucci & Anne Barnhill - 2019 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 12 (2):117-147.
    In the United States, roughly 1 out of 4 births takes place at a hospital certified as Baby-Friendly. This paper offers a multi-disciplinary perspective on the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), including empirical, normative, and historical perspectives. Our analysis is novel in that we trace how medical practices of “quality improvement,” which initially appear to have little to do with breastfeeding, may have shaped the BFHI. Ultimately, we demonstrate that a rich understanding of the BFHI can be obtained by tracing how (...)
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    The Positioning Diamond: A Trans‐Disciplinary Framework for Discourse Analysis.Nikki Slocum-Bradley - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (1):79-107.
    Social science requires a dual ontology: one for the physical realm, and one for the symbolic realm of meaning. Much research produced in social science remains based in an old paradigm, which entirely neglects the symbolic realm. While social scientists attempting to forge a new paradigm have embraced a discursive approach, this approach lacks a coherent framework that can be systematically applied in the analysis of meaning. This paper presents the positioning diamond as a framework that can be (...)
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    Debating the Vulnerability Zeitgeist: Introduction to an Interdisciplinary Trialogue.Frithjof Nungesser & Antonia Schirgi - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-10.
    The article serves as an introduction to the special section “Vulnerability: An Interdisciplinary Trialogue,” which brings together three researchers who have made important contributions to the field of vulnerability studies from different perspectives and in different disciplines: Elodie Boublil, Kate Brown, and Erinn Gilson. At the outset, the article discusses some characteristic features of the current discourse on vulnerability, in particular the question of why the concept of vulnerability is not only very popular but is also often used in (...)
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    Jeopardizing Biomedical Creative Abduction Through Impoverished Epistemic Niches.Lorenzo Magnani - 2024 - Global Philosophy 34 (1):1-18.
    In this article the problem of _discoverability_ and _abductive creativity_ in scientific cognition will be characterized by the analysis of current difficulties that affect various aspects of the scientific enterprise such as in the case of the organization of Research and Development in biopharmaceutical companies. I will contend that this case symbolizes a paradigmatic example of what I have called “impoverished epistemic niches” in which it seems that some of the fundamental aspects that qualify modern science are jeopardized. To refer (...)
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