Results for 'degeneracy'

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  1.  40
    Degeneracy at Multiple Levels of Complexity.Paul H. Mason - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (3):277-288.
    Degeneracy is a poorly understood process, essential to natural selection. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the concept of degeneracy was commandeered by the colonial imagination. A rigid understanding of species, race, and culture grew to dominate the normative thinking that persisted well into the burgeoning new industrial age. A 20th-century reconfiguration of the concept by George Gamow highlighted a form of intraorganismic variation that is still underexplored. Degeneracy exists in a population of variants where structurally different (...)
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    Kramers degeneracy without eigenvectors.Bryan W. Roberts - 2012 - Physical Review A 86 (3):034103.
    Wigner gave a well-known proof of Kramers degeneracy, for time reversal invariant systems containing an odd number of half-integer spin particles. But Wigner's proof relies on the assumption that the Hamiltonian has an eigenvector, and thus does not apply to many quantum systems of physical interest. This note illustrates an algebraic way to talk about Kramers degeneracy that does not appeal to eigenvectors, and provides a derivation of Kramers degeneracy in this more general context.
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    Exchange Degeneracy of Relativistic Two-Particle Quantum States.S. Rupp, S. Hunzinger & M. Sorg - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (5):705-750.
    The phenomenon of exchange degeneracy of 2-particle quantum states is studied in detail within the framework of Relativistic Schrödinger Theory (RST). In conventional quantum theory this kind of degeneracy refers to the circumstance that, under neglection of the interparticle interactions, symmetric and anti-symmetric 2-particle states have identical energy eigenvalues. However the analogous effect of RST degeneracy is rather related to the emergence of two types of mixtures (positive and negative) in connection with the vanishing or non-vanishing of (...)
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    Degeneracy in the nervous system: from neuronal excitability to neural coding.Mohammad Amin Kamaleddin - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100148.
    Degeneracy is ubiquitous across biological systems where structurally different elements can yield a similar outcome. Degeneracy is of particular interest in neuroscience too. On the one hand, degeneracy confers robustness to the nervous system and facilitates evolvability: Different elements provide a backup plan for the system in response to any perturbation or disturbance. On the other, a difficulty in the treatment of some neurological disorders such as chronic pain is explained in light of different elements all of (...)
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    Accidental degeneracies and symmetry groups.Marcos Moshinsky - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (1):73-82.
    It is usually assumed that the appearance of accidental degeneracy in the energy levels of a given Hamiltonian is due to a symmetry group. By considering the elementary problem of a rotator with spin-orbit coupling, when the strength of the latter is equal to the inverse of the moment of inertia, we find that this assumption does not explain the degeneracy of all the levels of the Hamiltonian. Thus the relation between accidental degeneracies and symmetry group merits further (...)
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    Degeneracy and cognitive anatomy.Cathy J. Price & Karl J. Friston - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (10):416-421.
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    Degeneracy and Complexity in Neuro-Behavioral Correlates of Team Coordination.Silke Dodel, Emmanuelle Tognoli & J. A. Scott Kelso - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  8.  23
    Degeneracy: A reading of Peirce's writing.Dinda L. Gorlée - 1990 - Semiotica 81 (1-2):71-92.
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    Degeneracy: Demystifying and destigmatizing a core concept in systems biology.Paul H. Mason - 2015 - Complexity 20 (3):12-21.
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    Spoken language achieves robustness and evolvability by exploiting degeneracy and neutrality.Bodo Winter - 2014 - Bioessays 36 (10):960-967.
    As with biological systems, spoken languages are strikingly robust against perturbations. This paper shows that languages achieve robustness in a way that is highly similar to many biological systems. For example, speech sounds are encoded via multiple acoustically diverse, temporally distributed and functionally redundant cues, characteristics that bear similarities to what biologists call “degeneracy”. Speech is furthermore adequately characterized by neutrality, with many different tongue configurations leading to similar acoustic outputs, and different acoustic variants understood as the same by (...)
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    Degeneracy of Categorical Disease Paradigms.C. Robert Cloninger - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (3):275-279.
  12.  51
    Development, Resilience Engineering, Degeneracy, and Cognitive Practices.Alexander James Gillett - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (3):645-664.
    Drawing on a range of literature, I introduce two new concepts for understanding and exploring distributed cognition: resilience engineering and degeneracy. By re-examining Ed Hutchins’ (1995) ethnographic study of the navigation team I show how a focus on the developmental acquisition of cognitive practices can draw out several crucial insights that have been overlooked. Firstly, that the way in which agents learn and acquire cognitive practices enables a form of resilience engineering: the process by which the system is able (...)
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    Phases of degeneracy of the genetic code.Manfred Welti - 1987 - Acta Biotheoretica 36 (2):51-60.
    The universally valid genetic code is the final result of a multi-stage course of development. Degeneracy, as an important property of the genetic code, was possibly not yet present in the earliest code, first appearing at a later stage of development. Possibly this step in development is coupled with the presence of a total of four amino acid groups. Each group contains a specific number of amino acid. Amino acid groups: — hydrophobic– - weakly hydrophobic or polar but uncharged (...)
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    Redundancy, degeneracy and deviance in action.Berent Enc - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 48 (3):353 - 374.
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    Degeneracy of the local structure renormalizing infinite time and space.Yukio-Pegio Gunji - 1997 - World Futures 50 (1):495-510.
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    Semiotic degeneracy of social life: Prolegomenon to a human science of semiosis.Richard J. Parmentier - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202):1-20.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2014 Heft: 202 Seiten: 1-20.
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  17. Freud and Degeneracy: a Turning Point.Jean-Marc Dupeu - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (97):43-64.
    In the second half of the 19 th century an “anthropologico-psychiatrical “ doctrine proposed a conception of mental illness which remained prevalent in Europe for a long time: the doctrine of degeneracy. Modern psychiatrical texts and works devoted to the history of ideas usually dismiss it with the slightly annoyed contempt of those who have long since given up such obsolete notions. The doctrine is most often referred back to a purely “hereditary” concept of alienation which psychoanalysis long ago (...)
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    Degeneracy: Its Causes, Signs, and Results. Eugene S. Talbot.J. Arthur Thomson - 1899 - International Journal of Ethics 9 (4):524-526.
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  19. Time Lapse and the Degeneracy of Time: Gödel, Proper Time and Becoming in Relativity Theory.Richard T. W. Arthur - unknown
    In the transition to Einstein’s theory of Special Relativity (SR), certain concepts that had previously been thought to be univocal or absolute properties of systems turn out not to be. For instance, mass bifurcates into (i) the relativistically invariant proper mass m0, and (ii) the mass relative to an inertial frame in which it is moving at a speed v = βc, its relative mass m, whose quantity is a factor γ = (1 – β2) -1/2 times the proper mass, (...)
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    On the Degeneracy of the Full AGM-Theory of Theory-Revision.Neil Tennant - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (2):661 - 676.
    A general method is provided whereby bizarre revisions of consistent theories with respect to contingent sentences that they refute can be delivered by revision-functions satisfying both the basic and the supplementary postulates of the AGM-theory of theory-revision.
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  21.  17
    Infinity, Technology, Degeneracy: A Note on Werkhoven’s Dispositional Theory of Health.Shane N. Glackin - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (3):797-807.
    Werkhoven’s ‘A Dispositional Theory of Health’ is an important and original contribution to debates about the disease concept, which persuasively demonstrates that dispositions must play some role in a full account of what it is to be healthy or ill. Unfortunately, as a theory, it cannot as it stands be correct.I first demonstrate what appears to be a significant, and possibly fatal, flaw; the proliferation of dispositions which Werkhoven’s theory requires makes impossible, at least in the absence of significant further (...)
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  22.  26
    A study in degeneracy.Arabella Kenealy - 1911 - The Eugenics Review 3 (1):37.
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    Stardom and symbolic degeneracy: Television and the transformation of the stars as public symbols.Barry King - 1992 - Semiotica 92 (1-2):1-48.
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  24.  24
    Desire for Degeneracy: On the Tendency Among Intellectuals to Become Ruffian-Like.Wang Lixiong - 1997 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (2):45-54.
    People who dislike the garishness of Wang Shuo all have their own explanations—Wang Shuo, as he says in his books, is a hoodlum who has switched to "stringing words together." He is a ruffian writing about ruffians, and the large numbers of ruffians in Chinese society who grew up on the rubble of the Cultural Revolution have provided him with a best-seller market and a basis for gaining popularity and wealth. Actually, this explanation avoids one phenomenon: Why do Wang Shuo's (...)
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    Debunking New World degeneracy: Lee Alan Dugatkin: Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose: natural history in early America. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2009, 166 pp, $26.00 HB.Stephen Rowland - 2010 - Metascience 19 (2):259-261.
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    Infinity, Technology, Degeneracy: A Note on Werkhoven’s Dispositional Theory of Health.Shane N. Glackin - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axz033.
    Werkhoven’s ‘A Dispositional Theory of Health’ is an important and original contribution to debates about the disease concept, which persuasively demonstrates that dispositions must play some role in a full account of what it is to be healthy or ill. Unfortunately, as a theory, it cannot as it stands be correct.I first demonstrate what appears to be a significant, and possibly fatal, flaw; the proliferation of dispositions which Werkhoven’s theory requires makes impossible, at least in the absence of significant further (...)
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    The danger of degeneracy.Herman Lundborg - 1922 - The Eugenics Review 13 (4):531.
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    Dexterity and Degeneracy, for a “Neural Phenomenology”.Carmela Morabito - 2015 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 38:225-239.
    Mettant en perspective historique le parallèle entre sciences cognitives et phénoménologie, nous revenons sur « l’architecture ouverte », qui pour Bernstein expliquait la richesse du comportement à la lumière de la physiologie cérébrale. Sa conception de la « dextérité » sera interprétée en rapport à la « dégénérescence » du système nerveux au sens d’Edelman, de façon à mettre au jour les « contraintes dynamiques » entre l’environnement, le corps humain sensori-moteur et le cerveau. Les deux concepts renvoient, en effet, (...)
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  29. Desire for degeneracy: On the tendency among intellectuals to become ruffian-like.L. X. Wang - 1998 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 29 (2):45-54.
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    Stigmata of degeneracy.William W. Graves - 1932 - The Eugenics Review 23 (4):378.
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    The cost of degeneracy: Being part of the annual presidential address.Leonard Darwin - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 5 (2):93.
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    Race decadence: an examination of the causes of racial degeneracy in the United States.R. Austin Freeman - 1923 - The Eugenics Review 15 (3):513.
  33. The Gothic Body: Sexuality, Materialism and Degeneracy at the Fin de Siecle. By Kelly Hsurley.E. H. Lemay - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:118-119.
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  34. Lee-Yang Theorem on Generalized Ising Models with Degeneracy.Mamoru Yamashita & Huzio Nakano - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart (ed.), Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Dynamic evolution: a study of the causes of evolution and degeneracy.L. Doncaster - 1915 - The Eugenics Review 7 (2):137.
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    (1 other version)Canalization of Language Structure From Environmental Constraints: A Computational Model of Word Learning From Multiple Cues.Padraic Monaghan - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4).
    There is substantial variation in language experience, yet there is surprising similarity in the language structure acquired. Constraints on language structure may be external modulators that result in this canalization of language structure, or else they may derive from the broader, communicative environment in which language is acquired. In this paper, the latter perspective is tested for its adequacy in explaining robustness of language learning to environmental variation. A computational model of word learning from cross-situational, multimodal information was constructed and (...)
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    Biological Indeterminacy.Ralph J. Greenspan - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):447-452.
    Reductionist explanations in biology generally assume that biological mechanisms are highly deterministic and basically similar between individuals. A contrasting view has emerged recently that takes into account the degeneracy of biological processes—the ability to arrive at a given endpoint by a variety of available paths, even within the same individual. This perspective casts significant doubt on the prospects for the ability to predict behavior accurately based on brain imaging or genotyping, and on the ability of neuroscience to stipulate ethics.
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  38. The neurological dynamics of the imagination.John Kaag - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 8 (2):183-204.
    This article examines the imagination by way of various studies in cognitive science. It opens by examining the neural correlates of bodily metaphors. It assumes a basic knowledge of metaphor studies, or the primary finding that has emerged from this field: that large swathes of human conceptualization are structured by bodily relations. I examine the neural correlates of metaphor, concentrating on the relation between the sensory motor cortices and linguistic conceptualization. This discussion, however, leaves many questions unanswered. If it is (...)
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    How to Justify the Symmetrization Postulate in Quantum Mechanics.Tomasz Bigaj - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (3):239-257.
    The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and correct one argument in support of the symmetrization postulate in quantum mechanics. I identify the central premise of the argument as a thesis specifying a particular ontic property of quantum superpositions. The precise form of this thesis depends on some underlying assumptions of a metaphysical character. I compare the exchange degeneracy argument with alternative formal arguments for the symmetrization postulate, and I discuss the role and meaning of labels in the (...)
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  40.  5
    Maxmin expected utility with non-unique prior.Itzhak Gilboa & David Schmeidler - 1989 - Journal of Mathematical Economics 18 (2):141–53.
    Acts are functions from states of nature into finite-support distributions over a set of ‘deterministic outcomes’. We characterize preference relations over acts which have a numerical representation by the functional J(f)=min>∫u∘ f dP¦PϵC where f is an act, u is a von Neumann-Morgenstern utility over outcomes, and C is a closed and convex set of finitely additive probability measures on the states of nature. In addition to the usual assumptions on the preference relation as transitivity, completeness, continuity and monotonicity, we (...)
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  41. Continuity and discontinuity of definite properties in the modal interpretation.Matthew Donald - unknown
    Technical results about the time dependence of eigenvectors of reduced density operators are considered, and the relevance of these results is discussed for modal interpretations of quantum mechanics which take the corresponding eigenprojections to represent definite properties. Continuous eigenvectors can be found if degeneracies are avoided. We show that, in finite dimensions, the space of degenerate operators has co-dimension 3 in the space of all reduced operators, suggesting that continuous eigenvectors almost surely exist. In any dimension, even when degeneracies are (...)
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  42.  64
    Evolving Concepts of Functional Localization.Joseph B. McCaffrey - 2023 - Philosophy Compass 18 (5):e12914.
    Functional localization is a central aim of cognitive neuroscience. But the nature and extent of functional localization in the human brain have been subjects of fierce theoretical debate since the 19th Century. In this essay, I first examine how concepts of functional localization have changed over time. I then analyze contemporary challenges to functional localization drawing from research on neural reuse, neural degeneracy, and the context-dependence of neural functions. I explore the consequences of these challenges for topics in philosophy (...)
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  43. Exporting causal knowledge in evolutionary and developmental biology.Sandra D. Mitchell - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):697-706.
    In this article I consider the challenges for exporting causal knowledge raised by complex biological systems. In particular, James Woodward’s interventionist approach to causality identified three types of stability in causal explanation: invariance, modularity, and insensitivity. I consider an example of robust degeneracy in genetic regulatory networks and knockout experimental practice to pose methodological and conceptual questions for our understanding of causal explanation in biology. †To contact the author, please write to: Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University (...)
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    The White Working Class, Racism and Respectability: Victims, Degenerates and Interest-Convergence.David Gillborn - 2010 - British Journal of Educational Studies 58 (1):3-25.
    This paper argues that race and class inequalities cannot be fully understood in isolation: their intersectional quality is explored through an analysis of how the White working class were portrayed in popular and political discourse during late 2008 (the timing is highly significant). While global capitalism reeled on the edge of financial melt-down, the essential values of neo-liberalism were reasserted as natural, moral and efficient through two apparently contrasting discourses. First, a victim discourse presented White working people, and their children (...)
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    The Matter-Gravity Entanglement Hypothesis.Bernard S. Kay - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (5):542-557.
    I outline some of my work and results on my matter-gravity entanglement hypothesis, according to which the entropy of a closed quantum gravitational system is equal to the system’s matter-gravity entanglement entropy. The main arguments presented are: that this hypothesis is capable of resolving what I call the second-law puzzle, i.e. the puzzle as to how the entropy increase of a closed system can be reconciled with the asssumption of unitary time-evolution; that the black hole information loss puzzle may be (...)
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    Freedom, Compulsion, and Causation.Jenann Ismael - 2007 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 13.
    The intuitive notion of cause carries with it the idea of compulsion. When we learn that the dynamical laws are deterministic, we give this a causal reading and imagine our actions compelled to occur by conditions laid down at the beginning of the universe. Hume famously argued that this idea of compulsion is borrowed from experience and illegitimately projected onto regularities in the world. Exploiting the interventionist analysis of causal relations, together with an insight about the degeneracy of one’s (...)
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  47. Three merry roads to T-violation.Bryan W. Roberts - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 52 (Part A):8-15.
    This paper is a tour of how the laws of nature can distinguish between the past and the future, or be T-violating. I argue that, in terms of the basic argumentative structure, there are basically just three approaches currently being explored. The first is an application of Curie's Principle, together with the CPT theorem. The second route makes use of a principle due to Pasha Kabir which allows for a direct detection. The third route makes use of a Non-degeneracy (...)
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    Reciprocal Linkage between Self-organizing Processes is Sufficient for Self-reproduction and Evolvability.Terrence W. Deacon - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (2):136-149.
    A simple molecular system is described consisting of the reciprocal linkage between an autocatalytic cycle and a self-assembling encapsulation process where the molecular constituents for the capsule are products of the autocatalysis. In a molecular environment sufficiently rich in the substrates, capsule growth will also occur with high predictability. Growth to closure will be most probable in the vicinity of the most prolific autocatalysis and will thus tend to spontaneously enclose supportive catalysts within the capsule interior. If subsequently disrupted in (...)
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    Evolution and RNA Relics. A Systems Biology View.Jacques Demongeot, Nicolas Glade & Andrés Moreira - 2008 - Acta Biotheoretica 56 (1-2):5-25.
    The genetic code has evolved from its initial non-degenerate wobble version until reaching its present state of degeneracy. By using the stereochemical hypothesis, we revisit the problem of codon assignations to the synonymy classes of amino-acids. We obtain these classes with a simple classifier based on physico-chemical properties of nucleic bases, like hydrophobicity and molecular weight. Then we propose simple RNA ring structures that present, overlap included, one and only one codon by synonymy class as solutions of a combinatory (...)
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  50. Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl.Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (4):818-837.
    There seems to be something self-evident—irresistibly so, to judge from its gleeful propagation—about the use of the phrase, “Jane Austen and the Masturbating Girl,” as the Q.E.D. of phobic narratives about the degeneracy of academic discourse in the humanities. But what? The narrative link between masturbation itself and degeneracy, though a staple of pre-1920s medical and racial science, no longer has any respectable currency. To the contrary: modern views of masturbation tend to place it firmly in the framework (...)
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