Results for 'differential forms'

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  1.  9
    Differential forms in general relativity.Werner Israel - 1970 - Dublin,: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
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    Differential forms in the model theory of differential fields.David Pierce - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3):923-945.
    Fields of characteristic zero with several commuting derivations can be treated as fields equipped with a space of derivations that is closed under the Lie bracket. The existentially closed instances of such structures can then be given a coordinate-free characterization in terms of differential forms. The main tool for doing this is a generalization of the Frobenius Theorem of differential geometry.
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    Affective entropy: Art as differential form.Felicity Colman - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):169-178.
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    Forms of differential social inclusion.Jonathan Wolff - 2017 - Social Philosophy and Policy 34 (1):164-185.
    :Advocates of social equality need to develop an account of the society they favor. I have argued elsewhere that social equality should be conceived negatively: in terms of opposition to asymmetric and alienating relations such as hierarchy, domination and social exclusion, rather than in terms of a positive model of equality. This essay looks in detail at social exclusion, or rather “differential social inclusion,” and especially at the mechanisms that create exclusion and bind excluded groups together, and the consequent (...)
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  5. Differential time and aesthetic form : uneven and combined capitalism in the work of Allan Sekula.Gail Day & Steve Edwards - 2019 - In James Christie & Nesrin Degirmencioglu (eds.), Cultures of uneven and combined development: from international relations to world literature. Boston: Brill.
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    Differential recall of derived and inflected word forms in working memory: examining the role of morphological information in simple and complex working memory tasks.Elisabet Service & Sini Maury - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Preexposure to visually presented forms and non-differential reinforcement in perceptual learning.Larry C. Kerpelman - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3):257.
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    Differentiating between different forms of moral obligations.Rajen A. Anderson, Benjamin C. Ruisch & David A. Pizarro - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e57.
    We argue that Tomasello's account overlooks important psychological distinctions between how humans judge different types of moral obligations, such as prescriptive obligations (i.e., what oneshoulddo) and proscriptive obligations (i.e., what oneshould notdo). Specifically, evaluating these different types of obligations rests on different psychological inputs and has distinct downstream consequences for judgments of moral character.
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  9. The common but differentiated responsibilities of states to assist and receive ‘climate refugees’.Robyn Eckersley - 2015 - European Journal of Political Theory 14 (4):481-500.
    This paper examines the responsibilities of states to assist and to receive stateless people who are forced to leave their state territory due to rising seas and other unavoidable climate change impacts and the rights of ‘climate refugees’ to choose their host state. The paper employs a praxeological method of non-ideal theorising, which entails identifying and negotiating the unavoidable tensions and trade-offs associated with different framings of state responsibility in order to find a path forward that maximises the protection of (...)
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    Style differentiation of modern literary language.O. I. Tayupova - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 2 (1):87.
    Problems of functional style differentiation of modern literary language are considered and analyzed in the article. Taking into account the communicative and pragmatic function, various substyles and sublanguages formed as a result of practical language usage in society are singled out on the example of the scientific style.
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    Differentiation between populations and its measurement.Hans-Rolf Gregorius - 1996 - Acta Biotheoretica 44 (1):23-36.
    When applied to a family of sets, the term differentiation designates a measure of the totality of those members which appear in only one of the sets. This basic set theoretic concept involves the formation of intersections, unions, and complements of sets. However, populations as special kinds of sets may share types, but they do not share the carriers of these types; intersections of different populations are thus always empty. The resulting conceptual dilemma is resolved by considering the joint representation (...)
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    The changing functions of competing forms: Attraction and differentiation.Hendrik De Smet, Frauke D’Hoedt, Lauren Fonteyn & Kristel Van Goethem - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (2):197-234.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Questioning some basic assumptions on the form of psychometric functions, differential coupling, and the amplitude-discrimination of pure tones.Brian C. J. Moore - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):306-307.
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    Differential heterogenesis and the emergence of semiotic function.Alessandro Sarti, Giovanna Citti & David Piotrowski - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (230):1-34.
    In this study, we analyse the notion of “differential heterogenesis” proposed by Deleuze and Guattari on a morphogenetic perspective. We propose a mathematical framework to envisage the emergence of singular forms from the assemblages of heterogeneous operators. In opposition to the kind of differential calculus that is usually adopted in mathematical-physical modelling, which tends to assume a homogeneous differential equation applied to an entire homogeneous region, heterogenesis allows differential constraints of qualitatively different kinds in different (...)
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    Second-Order Differential Equation with Multiple Delays: Oscillation Theorems and Applications.Shyam Sundar Santra, Omar Bazighifan, Hijaz Ahmad & Shao-Wen Yao - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-6.
    Differential equations of second order appear in physical applications such as fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, acoustic vibrations, and quantum mechanics. In this paper, necessary and sufficient conditions are established of the solutions to second-order half-linear delay differential equations of the form ς y u ′ y a ′ + ∑ j = 1 m p j y u c j ϑ j y = 0 for y ≥ y 0, under the assumption ∫ ∞ ς η − 1 / (...)
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    Differentiation of endothelial cells: Analysis of the constitutive and activated endothelial cell phenotypes.Hellmut G. Augustin, Detlef H. Kozian & Robert C. Johnson - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (12):901-906.
    Endothelial cells line the inside of all blood vessels, forming a structurally and functionally heterogenous population of cells. Their complexity and diversity has long been recognized, yet very little is known about the molecules and regulatory mechanisms that mediate the heterogeneity of different endothelial cell populations. The constitutive organ‐ and microenvironment‐specific phenotype of endothelial cells controls internal body compartmentation, regulating the trafficking of circulating cells to distinct vascular beds. In contrast, surface molecules associated with the activated cytokine‐inducible endothelial phenotype play (...)
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  17. Differentiating insight from non-insight problems.K. J. Gilhooly & P. Murphy - 2005 - Thinking and Reasoning 11 (3):279 – 302.
    This study aimed to investigate whether a range of tasks that have been generally classed as requiring insight form an empirically separable group of tasks distinct from tasks generally classed as non-insight. In this study, 24 insight tasks, 10 non-insight tasks, and tests of individual differences in cognitive abilities and working memory were administered to 60 participants. Cluster analysis of the problem-solving tasks indicated that the presumed insight problems did tend to cluster with other presumed insight problems, and similarly the (...)
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    The Difference Differentiation Makes: Extending Eisner's Account.Jane Blanken-Webb - 2014 - Educational Theory 64 (1):55-74.
    In this analysis Jane Blanken-Webb extends Elliot Eisner's account of how learning in the arts contributes to the creation of mind. Drawing on the psychoanalytic theory of D. W. Winnicott, Blanken-Webb argues that the acts of meaning making to which Eisner attends rely on a prior developmental achievement — namely, the establishment of self-in-relation-to-world. This prior development is important to recognize in order to appreciate all that is at stake and at play within acts of meaning making. To demonstrate this, (...)
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    Differentiation with Stratification: A Principle of Theoretical Physics in the Tradition of the Memory Art.Claudia Pombo - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (10):1301-1310.
    The art of memory started with Aristotle’s questions on memory. During its long evolution, it had important contributions from alchemists, was transformed by Ramon Llull and apparently ended with Giordano Bruno, who was considered the best known representative of this art. This tradition did not disappear, but lives in the formulations of our modern scientific theories. From its initial form as a method of keeping information via associations, it became a principle of classification and structuring of knowledge. This principle, which (...)
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    Political Differentiability.Janar Mihkelsaar - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (6):698-710.
    The urgent task of political ontology is, I believe, neither to investigate the nature of the political nor to define politics; instead, the pressing task is to put into question the political difference itself between the political and politics. The subject of my inquiry is, in other words, the political difference as political difference. To demonstrate this thesis, I examine Oliver Marchart’s and Giorgio Agamben’s positions. The political difference takes in Marchart the form of the never-ending play between the political (...)
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    Referential Form and Memory for the Discourse History.Si On Yoon, Aaron S. Benjamin & Sarah Brown-Schmidt - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12964.
    The way we refer to things in the world is shaped by the immediate physical context as well as the discourse history. But what part of the discourse history is relevant to language use in the present? In four experiments, we combine the study of task‐based conversation with measures of recognition memory to examine the role of physical contextual cues that shape what speakers perceive to be a part of the relevant discourse history. Our studies leverage the differentiation effect, a (...)
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    Differentiating defensive and predatory aggression: Neuropsychological systems and personality in sex differences.Philip J. Corr & Adam M. Perkins - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):274-275.
    We draw a distinction between defensive and predatory forms of aggression, and how these forms relate to basic neuropsychological systems, especially the Fight-Flight-Freeze-System (FFFS; putatively related to defensive aggression), and the Behavioural Approach System (BAS; putatively related to predatory aggression). These systems may help further to account for proximal brain processes and personality influences in the context of sex differences.
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    Progress or Pathology? Differential Diagnosis and Intervention Criteria for Meditation-Related Challenges: Perspectives From Buddhist Meditation Teachers and Practitioners.Jared R. Lindahl, David J. Cooper, Nathan E. Fisher, Laurence J. Kirmayer & Willoughby B. Britton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:560411.
    Studies in the psychology and phenomenology of religious experience have long acknowledged similarities with various forms of psychopathology. Consequently, it has been important for religious practitioners and mental health professionals to establish criteria by which religious, spiritual, or mystical experiences can be differentiated from psychopathological experiences. Many previous attempts at differential diagnosis have been based on limited textual accounts of mystical experience or on outdated theoretical studies of mysticism. In contrast, this study presents qualitative data from contemporary Buddhist (...)
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  24. How functional differentiation originated in prebiotic evolution.Argyris Arnellos & Álvaro Moreno - 2012 - Ludus Vitalis 20 (37):1-23.
    Even the simplest cell exhibits a high degree of functional differentiation (FD) realized through several mechanisms and devices contributing differently to its maintenance. Searching for the origin of FD, we briefly argue that the emergence of the respective organizational complexity cannot be the result of either natural selection (NS) or solely of the dynamics of simple self-maintaining (SM) systems. Accordingly, a highly gradual and cumulative process should have been necessary for the transition from either simple self-assembled or self-maintaining systems of (...)
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    CD44 isoforms during differentiation and development.Patricia Ruiz, Christoph Schwärzler & Ursula Günthert - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (1):17-24.
    During mouse early development cell adhesion molecules are indispensable for the embryo organisation. A family of molecules probably involved in development is the transmembrane glycoprotein CD44 family, which exists in multiple isoforms. These are generated by alternative splicing of the pre‐mRNA, resulting in the enlargement of the extracellular part of the molecule. The standard form of CD44 is widely expressed in adult tissues and in embryos from day 9.5 post coitum onwards, while the numerous variant isoforms exhibit highly specialised patterns (...)
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    On the differential calculus and mathematical constraints.Noah Stemeroff & Charles Dyer - unknown
    In this article, we argue that the application of mathematics in the construction of physical theories constrains the form of our scientific understanding. Specifically, we discuss the constraints that the mathematical structure of the differential calculus imposes on the understanding of the structure of the world within a Newtonian worldview. In the first section of the paper, we develop the formal structure of the differential calculus. In the second section, we provide a discussion of the constraints that the (...)
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    Form class as an effective encoding dimension in short-term memory.Charles P. Bird & C. James Goodwin - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):625.
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    Two Forms of Conditionality of Intercultural Understanding and Three Contemporary Responses.Timo Ennen - 2022 - Culture and Dialogue 10 (2):180-194.
    Building on a distinction between two kinds of skepticism recently worked out by the American philosopher James Conant, we can differentiate the question of how to overcome the gap between two cultural horizons in intercultural dialogue from the question of how there could even be such dialogue, irrespective of its method, success or failure. While the first question concerns practical conditionality, that is, something we as philosophers have to achieve, the second question concerns transcendental conditionality. After making this distinction clear, (...)
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  29. Differentiating Derrida and Deleuze.Gordon C. F. Bearn - 2000 - Continental Philosophy Review 33 (4):441-465.
    Repetition plays a significant, productive role in the work of both Derrida and Deleuze. But the difference between these two philosophers couldn''t be greater: it is the difference between negation and affirmation, between Yes and No. In Derrida, the productive energy of repetition derives from negation, from the necessary impossibility of supplementing an absence. Deleuze recognizes the kind of repetition which concerns Derrida, but insists that there is another, primary form of repetition which is fully positive and affirmative. I will (...)
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    Regulation of vertebrate muscle differentiation by thyroid hormone: the role of the myoD gene family.George E. O. Muscat, Michael Downes & Dennis H. Dowhan - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (3):211-218.
    Skeletal myoblasts have their origin early in embryogenesis within specific somites. Determined myoblasts are committed to a myogenic fate; however, they only differentiate and express a muscle‐specific phenotype after they have received the appropriate environmental signals. Once proliferating myoblasts enter the differentiation programme they withdraw from the cell cycle and form post‐mitotic multinucleated myofibres (myogenesis); this transformation is accompanied by muscle‐specific gene expression. Muscle development is associated with complex and diverse protein isoform transitions, generated by differential gene expression and (...)
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    Differentiated Integration in the EU Regarding the Migration Crisis: Disputes Between the Member States.Buket Ökten Sipahioğlu - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (1):81-92.
    The European Union (EU) has been challenged by several crises lately. In addition to Brexit, the Euro crisis, and the migration crisis; global issues such as the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian attack on Ukraine affected the EU. The migration crisis, on the one hand, differs from the above-mentioned crises with one remarkable feature. The member states have no real consensus about forming a common migration policy. Besides, for geographic reasons, some member states put much more burden on immigrants. Agreeing (...)
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    Strong density of definable types and closed ordered differential fields.Quentin Brouette, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Françoise Point - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):1099-1117.
    The following strong form of density of definable types is introduced for theoriesTadmitting a fibered dimension functiond: given a modelMofTand a definable setX⊆Mn, there is a definable typepinX, definable over a code forXand of the samed-dimension asX. Both o-minimal theories and the theory of closed ordered differential fields are shown to have this property. As an application, we derive a new proof of elimination of imaginaries for CODF.
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    Differentiating “Attachment Difficulties” From Autism Spectrum Disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Qualitative Interviews With Experienced Health Care Professionals.Barry Coughlan, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Matt Woolgar, Emma J. L. Weisblatt & Robbie Duschinsky - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objectives“Attachment difficulties” is an umbrella term often used to describe various forms of non-secure attachment. Differentiating “attachment difficulties” from autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been characterized as challenging. Few studies have explored how this happens in practice, from the perspective of professionals.DesignQualitative study.MethodsWe conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with healthcare professionals from five NHS Foundation Trusts in the United Kingdom. Participants were recruited using a combination of snowballing, convenience and purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using a (...)
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    Individual responsibility, solidarity and differentiation in healthcare.I. Stegeman, D. L. Willems, E. Dekker & P. M. Bossuyt - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (11):770-773.
    Objectives Access to healthcare in most western societies is based on equality. Rapidly rising costs have fuelled debates about differentiation in access to healthcare. We assessed the public's perceptions and attitudes about differentiation in healthcare according to lifestyle behaviour. Methods A vignette study was undertaken in participants in a colorectal cancer screening pilot programme in the Netherlands. Screenees with a negative test result received a questionnaire in which nine hypothetical situations were described: three different healthcare settings (screening, lung cancer, chronic (...)
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    Croizat’s form-making, RNA networks, and biogeography.Lynne R. Parenti & Karin Mahlfeld - 2023 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 45 (4):1-11.
    Advances in technology have increased our knowledge of the processes that effect genomic changes and of the roles of RNA networks in biocommunication, functionality, and evolution of genomes. Natural genetic engineering and genomic inscription occur at all levels of life: cell cycles, development, and evolution. This has implications for phylogenetic studies and for biogeography, particularly given the general acceptance of using molecular clocks as arbiters between vicariance and dispersal explanations in biogeography. Léon Croizat’s development of panbiogeography and his explanation for (...)
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    Vitali’s generalized absolute differential calculus.Alberto Cogliati - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (1):15-43.
    The paper provides an analysis of Giuseppe Vitali’s contributions to differential geometry over the period 1923–1932. In particular, Vitali’s ambitious project of elaborating a generalized differential calculus regarded as an extension of Ricci-Curbastro tensor calculus is discussed in some detail. Special attention is paid to describing the origin of Vitali’s calculus within the context of Ernesto Pascal’s theory of forms and to providing an analysis of the process leading to a fully general notion of covariant derivative. Finally, (...)
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    Differentiations of Modernity.Klaus Lichtblau - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (3):1-30.
    In contrast to other approaches, `modernity' in this article is not dealt with as a historical concept but as a normative-aesthetic term and as a mythical narrative in the sense of Nietzsche's `eternal recurrence of the same'. Paradoxically, there still exists a semantic shift between different historical concepts of modernity beginning in late antiquity and the Middle Ages up to the present confusions about `postmodernity'. However, the aesthetical bias of the discourse of modernity prevents any serious interpretation which is able (...)
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    The One and Differentiating Principles of Hypostases in Plotinus’ Metaphysics.Miroslav Vacura - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (2):201-222.
    Three hypostases and their relations form the core of Plotinus’ philosophical system. We claim that contrary to some interpretations, there are no overlaps or blurred borders between hypostases, and we demonstrate that mature Plotinus philosophy presents them as clearly defined and separated. This article begins by providing an overall overview of the structure of Plotinus’ metaphysics. We then briefly characterize each of the hypostases to provide firm support for our claims. After this exposition, we discuss the relations of these hypostases (...)
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    Polysubjectivity as a Factor of Social Development in the Context of Dialogization and Differentiation of Center–Region Relations in the Federal State.Иван Александрович Савельев - 2024 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 67 (2):97-116.
    The article explores the phenomenon of polysubjectivity as a factor of social development from the perspective of post-non-classical scientific methodology. The author proposes conceptualizing polysubjectivity (multiple subjectivity) as a category describing the multifaceted nature, diversity, and dynamics of the social environment. This environment is formed through the dialogue of managed subjects who are bearers of diverse value-goal structures, possess certain resources, and are interconnected with other subjects of social action. Attention is drawn to the dual nature of poly-subjectivity. On one (...)
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    Form and formless: A discussion with the authors of Anticipating China. [REVIEW]Gang Zhang - 2011 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 6 (4):585-608.
    Chinese culture is neither the first problematic thinking (analogy) claimed by the authors of Anticipating China , nor the second one (logical inference). On the one hand, analogies are one of the most remarkable aspects of Chinese thinking, while on the other hand, Yin-Yang, Dao and Fo are all universal codes that could neither be reached by analogy nor by logical inference. In fact, both the first and second problematic thinking share the same world view, taking the world as a (...)
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    The regulation of cellular differentiation in the dimorphic yeast Candida albicans.David R. Soll - 1986 - Bioessays 5 (1):5-11.
    Dimorphism in the yeast Candida albicans provides an unusually simple model system for investigating the mechanisms which regulate cellular differentiation, or cell divergence. Under the regime of pH‐regulated dimorphism, it has been demonstrated that the programs of protein synthesis accompanying bud and hypha formation are strikingly similar. Instead of dramatic differences in the repertoire of gene products possessed by bud‐ and hypha‐forming cells, subtle temporal, spatial and quantitative differences in the same architectural events appear to be basic to the genesis (...)
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    Interpreted logical forms as objects of the attitudes.M. Dusche - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (4):301-315.
    Two arguments favoring propositionalist accounts of attitude sentences are being revisited: the Church-Langford translation argument and Thomason's argument against quotational theories of indirect discourse. None of them proves to be decisive, thus leaving the option of searching for a developed quotational alternative. Such an alternative is found in an interpreted logical form theory of attitude ascription. The theory differentiates elegantly among different attitudes but it fails to account for logical dependencies among them. It is argued, however, that the concept of (...)
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    Differentiating risks to academic freedom in the globalised university in China.Sophia Woodman & Tim Pringle - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):642-651.
    Academic freedom in China is unquestionably under threat from various quarters. Yet the assumption that only the logics of authoritarian Communist Party power shape the terrain in which scholars operate provides us with a limited perspective on these threats. The Chinese academy has become deeply entangled with transnational forces, and is increasingly driven by similar business logics to those in play in universities around the world. We argue that these forces too contribute to the context for the exercise of academic (...)
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    Forms and Conceptions of Dike in Euripides′ Heracleidae, Suppliants, and Phoenissae.Efstathia Papadodima - 2011 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 155 (1):14-38.
    The term dikē has a wide range of meanings in tragic poetry. However, we could identify two distinctively or predominantly Euripidean trends that are closely associated with the use of dikē and are actually interdependent. Heracleidae, Suppliants, and Phoenissae are good test-cases in that regard. Whilst the plays bear strong resemblances to Aeschylean and secondarily Sophoclean dramas, the treatment of dikē is differentiated. 1) By contrast with Aeschylus and secondarily Sophocles, dikē in these Euripidean plays is viewed in connection to (...)
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    Group-differentiated rights for Indigenous communities that straddle borders.Michael Luoma - 2025 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 28 (1):121-142.
    This paper examines the normative justification for special rights for Indigenous peoples whose traditional territories straddle contemporary international borders. Examining the Mohawks of Akwesasne (Quebec, Ontario, and New York state) and the Tohono O’odham (Arizona and Sonora, Mexico) as cases, I demonstrate how state claims to territorial jurisdiction and border regulation often interfere with the lives of Indigenous people whose social, cultural, economic, spiritual and political practices and relationships cluster across contemporary international boundaries. Through the concept of group occupancy interests, (...)
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    Differentiating risks to academic freedom in the globalised university in China.Sophia Woodman & Tim Pringle - 2022 - Sage Publications Ltd: Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):642-651.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 4, Page 642-651, May 2022. Academic freedom in China is unquestionably under threat from various quarters. Yet the assumption that only the logics of authoritarian Communist Party power shape the terrain in which scholars operate provides us with a limited perspective on these threats. The Chinese academy has become deeply entangled with transnational forces, and is increasingly driven by similar business logics to those in play in universities around the world. We argue that (...)
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    Binding and differentiation in multisensory object perception.E. J. Green - 2019 - Synthese 198 (5):4457-4491.
    Cognitive scientists have long known that the modalities interact during perceptual processing. Cross-modal illusions like the ventriloquism effect show that the course of processing in one modality can alter the course of processing in another. But how do the modalities interact in the specific domain of object perception? This paper distinguishes and analyzes two kinds of multisensory interaction in object perception. First, the modalities may bind features to a single object or event. Second, the modalities may cooperate when differentiating an (...)
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    Introduction: De-differentiation.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (3):419-432.
    In this introduction to part three of the Common Knowledge symposium “Fuzzy Studies: On the Consequence of Blur,” the journal’s editor argues that blur is not a medium of concealment, confusion, or evasion. Making distinctions between kinds of relative unclarity, he reserves the word blur for the kind that results from de-differentiating objects or qualities or states of affairs whose differences have been overstated. To refine what blur is and is not, he compares kinds of unclarity found in images by (...)
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    Forming the Individual: Lacan and Castoriadis on the Socio-Symbolic Function of Violence.Gavin Rae - 2019 - In Laura Smith Lode Lauwaert (ed.), Violence and Meaning. pp. 239–265.
    This chapter explores the ways in which Jacques Lacan and Cornelius Castoriadis understand the role(s) that violence plays in the formation of the individual. While the majority of the literature tends to focus on their accounts of the symbolic and imaginary to highlight the differences between them, this chapter claims that a different and more harmonious relationship appears once we focus on their respective claims regarding the roles that violence plays in relation to the formation of the individual. For Lacan, (...)
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    (1 other version)Law Along the Frontier: Differential Equations and Their Boundary Conditions.Mark Wilson - 1990 - PSA Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990 (2):565-575.
    This essay will survey various considerations that arise when a branch of physics requires formulation in terms of partial differential equations (or some facsimile thereof). My examples will derive almost exclusively from classical continuum (=smeared out matter) mechanics. Although the relevant formal facts are well known, it is difficult to find coherent discussions of how the underlying phenomena ought to be viewed. In this paper, I will give an introduction to some of the issues, although I will confess at (...)
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