Włodzisław Duch [12]Wlodzislaw Duch [7]Luis Duch [5]Lluís Duch [5]
Helena Duch [1]Anna Gené Duch [1]Gustavo Duch [1]W. Duch [1]

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  1.  51
    Defending constructivism in science education.Daniel Gil-Pérez, Jenaro Guisasola, Antonio Moreno, Antonio Cachapuz, Anna M. Pessoa De Carvalho, Joaquín Martínez Torregrosa, Julia Salinas, Pablo Valdés, Eduardo González & Anna Gené Duch - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (6):557-571.
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  2.  29
    Why minds cannot be received, but are created by brains.Włodzisław Duch - 2017 - Scientia et Fides 5 (2):171-198.
    There is no controversy in psychology or brain sciences that brains create mind and consciousness. Doubts and opinions to the contrary are quite frequently expressed in non-scientific publications. In particular the idea that conscious mind is received, rather than created by the brain, is quite often used against “materialistic” understanding of consciousness. I summarize here arguments against such position, show that neuroscience gives coherent view of mind and consciousness, and that this view is intrinsically non-materialistic.
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  3. Brain-Inspired Conscious Computing Architecture.Wlodzislaw Duch - 2005 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 26 (1-2):1-22.
    What type of artificial systems will claim to be conscious and will claim to experience qualia? The ability to comment upon physical states of a brain-like dynamical system coupled with its environment seems to be sufficient to make claims. The flow of internal states in such systems, guided and limited by associative memory, is similar to the stream of consciousness. A specific architecture of an artificial system, termed articon, is introduced that by its very design has to claim being conscious. (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Brain-inspired conscious computing architecture.Włodzisław Duch - 2005 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 26 (1-2):1-21.
    What type of artificial systems will claim to be conscious and will claim to experience qualia? The ability to comment upon physical states of a brain-like dynamical system coupled with its environment seems to be sufficient to make claims. The flow of internal states in such system, guided and limited by associative memory, is similar to the stream of consciousness. Minimal requirements for an artificial system that will claim to be conscious were given in form of specific architecture named articon. (...)
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  5.  17
    Estaciones del laberinto: ensayos de antropología.Luis Duch - 2004 - Barcelona: Herder.
    A partir de temáticas diferentes pero profundamente conectadas entre sí, los siete ensayos que componen este libro tienen en común un interés básico: «la situación del hombre en el mundo» en estos inicios del siglo XXI. En ninguno de ellos nos referimos directamente a la crítica situación seguramente, prebélica de la hora presente. Sin embargo, las alusiones, las referencias indirectas y las evocaciones históricas permiten una reconstrucción de las etapas del camino que ha seguido y que todavía sigue nuestra cultura (...)
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  6. Synchronicity, Mind, and Matter.Wlodzislaw Duch - 2002 - International Journal of Transpersonal Studies 21:153-168.
    Experiments with remote perception and Random Event Generators (REG) performed over the last decades show small but significant anomalous effects. Since these effects seem to be independent of spatial and temporal distance, they appear to be in disagreement with the standard scientific worldview. A very simple explanation of quantum mechanics is pre- sented, rejecting all unjustified claims about the world. A view of mind in agreement with cognitive neuroscience is introduced. It is argued that mind and consciousness are emer- gent (...)
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  7.  36
    Parent Involvement in the Getting Ready for School Intervention Is Associated With Changes in School Readiness Skills.Maria Marti, Emily C. Merz, Kelsey R. Repka, Cassie Landers, Kimberly G. Noble & Helena Duch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  8.  35
    Concept Representation and the Geometric Model of Mind.Włodzisław Duch - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):151-167.
    Current cognitive architectures are either working at the abstract, symbolic level, or the low, emergent level related to neural modeling. The best way to understand phenomena is to see, or imagine them, hence the need for a geometric model of mental processes. Geometric models should be based on an intermediate level of modeling that describe mental states in terms of features relevant from the first-person perspective but also linked to neural events. Concepts should be represented as geometrical objects that have (...)
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  9. Economía solidaria y soberanía alimentaria.Patricia Dopazo & Gustavo Duch - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (980):21-24.
    La actividad económica ha existido siempre, la pregunta es ¡qué leyes económicas deben regirla? Curiosamente debemos rescatar valores que hoy las escuelas de negocios dirían "antieconómicos".
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  10.  9
    Antropologia de la vida quotidiana.Luis Duch - unknown - Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. Edited by Joan-Carles Mèlich.
    Reflexió dedicada al cos humà. Per tal d’analitzar algunes de les característiques del cos humà en la societat dels nostres dies, es procedeix, d’entrada, a una breu exposició de la història del cos en la cultura occidental i, més endavant, s’analitzen alguns aspectes laterals, però tanmateix essencials per a un tractament antropològic del cos com poden ser, per exemple, el cos de la dona en la cultura occidental i el patriarcalisme com a forma d’organitzar els cossos humans.
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  11.  10
    Conversación con Lluís Duch: religión, comunicación y política.Luis Duch - 2019 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial. Edited by Ignasi Moreta.
    The work of Lluís Duch spans topics religion, politics, ethics, family, the city, and more. In this interview, he discusses topics including his time in Germany, his devotion to both monastic and intellectual life, and the ambiguous and adverbial human condition.
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  12.  28
    Challenges for Computational Intelligence.Wlodzislaw Duch & Jacek Mandziuk (eds.) - 2007 - Springer.
    The book written by top experts in CI provides such clear directions and the much-needed focus on the most important and challenging research issues, showing a ...
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  13. Escenaris de la corporeïtat.Lluís Duch & Joan-Carles Mèlich - unknown - In Luis Duch (ed.), Antropologia de la vida quotidiana. Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat.
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  14.  9
    El exilio de Dios.Luis Duch - 2017 - Barcelona: Fragmenta Editorial.
    Over the last sixty to seventy years, our cultures have undergone an immense shift: the "official" God has become a strange, distant, and for some, non-existent God. Does that mean that God no longer claims a presence and influence in public and private life, or that He is of no interest to 21st-century societies? Lluís Duch explores this exile of God from our present-day societies.
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  15.  41
    Facing the hard question.Włodzisław Duch - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):187-188.
    The following questions are considered: Why is it difficult to create a theory of consciousness? What are the contents of consciousness? What kind of theory is acceptable as transparent? and, What is the value of conscious experience?
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  16.  13
    Just bubbles?Włodzisław Duch - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):410-411.
    Lehar misrepresents the Neuron Doctrine and indirect realism. His conclusions on consciousness are unjustified. The Bubble Gestalt perceptual modeling disconnected from neuroscience has no explanatory power.
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  17.  54
    Just bubbles?Wlodzislaw Duch - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):410-411.
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  18. (1 other version)Lectura i societat.Lluís Duch - 2000 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 31:69-79.
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  19. La memoria que salva.Lluís Duch - 2005 - In Antonio Arellano (ed.), La educación en tiempos débiles e inciertos. Bogotá (Colombia): Convenio Andrés Bello. pp. 137--147.
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  20.  22
    Rules, similarity, and threshold logic.Włodzisław Duch - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):23-23.
    Rules and similarity are two sides of the same phenomenon, but the number of features has nothing to do with transition from similarity to rules; threshold logic helps to understand why.
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  21.  77
    Rules, similarity, and threshold logic.Wlodzislaw Duch - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (1):23-23.
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  22. Reprezentacje umysłowe jako aproksymacje stanów mózgu.Włodzisław Duch - 2009 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 3.
    Neuronauki dokonały znacznego postępu w rozumieniu wyższych czynności poznawczych, w tym procesów decyzyjnych. Brakuje jednak zarówno prostych modeli, które pozwolą wyobrazić sobie te procesy, jak i głębszej refleksji nad wpływem tych wyników na zrozumienie natury umysłu, rozproszenia obaw, że nie jesteśmy tylko automatami. Płodny punkt widzenia na kwestię reprezentacji mentalnych daje próba zrozumienia, w jaki sposób informacja reprezentowana jest przez mózgi, jak w przybliżony sposób opisać stany mózgu tak, by można je było zinterpretować jako reprezentacje mentalne odnoszące się do umysłu. (...)
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  23.  54
    Towards comprehensive foundations of computational intelligence.Włodzisław Duch - 2007 - In Wlodzislaw Duch & Jacek Mandziuk (eds.), Challenges for Computational Intelligence. Springer. pp. 261--316.
  24. What would the robots play? Interview with J. Kevin O’Regan.Wlodzislaw Duch, Przemyslaw Nowakowski & Witold Wachowski - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (2):21-34.
  25. Yves Burnod, An Adaptive Neural Network: The Cerebral Cortex.W. Duch - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7:144-147.
  26.  26
    What would the robots play? Interview with J. Kevin O’Regan.J. Kevin O’Regan, Włodzisław Duch, Przemysław Nowakowski & Witold Wachowski - 2011 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (2).
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  27.  24
    Improving the generalizability of infant psychological research: The ManyBabies model.Ingmar Visser, Christina Bergmann, Krista Byers-Heinlein, Rodrigo Dal Ben, Wlodzislaw Duch, Samuel Forbes, Laura Franchin, Michael C. Frank, Alessandra Geraci, J. Kiley Hamlin, Zsuzsa Kaldy, Louisa Kulke, Catherine Laverty, Casey Lew-Williams, Victoria Mateu, Julien Mayor, David Moreau, Iris Nomikou, Tobias Schuwerk, Elizabeth A. Simpson, Leher Singh, Melanie Soderstrom, Jessica Sullivan, Marion I. van den Heuvel, Gert Westermann, Yuki Yamada, Lorijn Zaadnoordijk & Martin Zettersten - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni's analysis clearly articulates a number of concerns limiting the generalizability and explanatory power of psychological findings, many of which are compounded in infancy research. ManyBabies addresses these concerns via a radically collaborative, large-scale and open approach to research that is grounded in theory-building, committed to diversification, and focused on understanding sources of variation.
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