Results for 'efficiency of studying, Bologna reforms, university, teachers, students, education, Serbia'

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  1.  25
    Bologna reform in higher education in Serbia: Mapping factors of low efficiency of studding.Isidora Jaric & Martina Vukasovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):119-151.
    Tekst analizira nacin na koji nastavnici i studenti u cetiri univerzitetska centara u Srbiji percipiraju problem efikasnosti studiranja u novom bolonjskom univerzitetskom okruzenju. Empirijska baza podataka na kojoj pociva prezentovana analiza sastoji se iz dve vrste podataka, kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim, koji su prikupljeni uz pomoc dve vrste metodoloskih instrumenata - anketnim upitnikom i produbljenim intervjuom, pri cemu je kvantitativni deo istrazivanja sproveden na sva cetiri univerziteta, a kvalitativni deo samo na Beogradskom univerzitetu. Dobijeni rezultati analize mapiraju kljucne faktore koji uticu (...)
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    The University Teacher and His World: A Sociological and Educational Study.Richard Startup - 2021 - London: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1979, the aim of this work was to analyse the occupational role of the university teacher, with the help of data collected within a specific university institution. This involves examining both what is expected of university teachers and what they actually do, and accounting for the patterns which their activities exhibit. Since the university teacher's occupation is multi-faceted it is necessary to examine several areas of activity including teaching, research and 'external' professional activities, as well as a (...)
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    Labour conditions of university teachers on Belgrade University: Relationship toward administration.Isidora Jaric - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (3):23-39.
    Tekst analizira nacin na koji nastavno osoblje na Beogradskom univerzitetu percipira bolonjski proces, nacelno i unutar lokalnog srpskog socijalnog i univerzitetskog konteksta; razlicite upravne instance unutar univerzitetskog obrazovnog sistema, mesto nastavnika unutar obrisa novog visokoskolskog obrazovnog sistema u procesu bolonjske transformacije. Empirijsku osnovu predstavlja istrazivanje o uslovima rada nastavnog osoblja koje je Centar za obrazovne politike iz Beograda izveo na pet fakulteta Beogradskog univerziteta tokom 2008 godine.
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    University EFL Students’ Perspectives on Educators’ Digital Competence at Qassim University.Nawrs Sarhan Mardan, Dr Atard Awad Al-Sharifi & Dr Abdul Ali Kazim Al-Maamouri - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:2015-2027.
    Personal and professional success in the digital age requires digital abilities. Increased expectations that graduates be adept in digitisation while joining the job need higher education institutions to successfully incorporate digital aspects. This study evaluates university EFL students' digital integrative attitudes and instructors' digital proficiency. Digital tools are emphasised for collaborative learning. Researchers seek to address two key questions: What are EFL students’ perspectives on digital learning? How do they assess teachers' IT skills? It appears through the end result not (...)
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  5. Performance Efficiency of University Education from Students Perspective.Samia A. M. Abdalmenem, Rasha O. Owda, Amal A. Al Hila, Samy S. Abu-Naser & Mazen J. Al Shobaki - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (11):10-24.
    The study aims to identify the efficiency of the university education performance from the perspective of postgraduate and undergraduate students in international and Palestinian universities. The analytical descriptive approach was used for this purpose and the questionnaire was used as a main tool for data collection. The study community consists of: post graduate students, (23850) graduate students and (146355) undergraduate students. The sample of the study was 378 graduate students and 383 undergraduate students. The random stratified sample was used. (...)
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    The application of artificial intelligence assistant to deep learning in teachers' teaching and students' learning processes.Yi Liu, Lei Chen & Zerui Yao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the emergence of big data, cloud computing, and other technologies, artificial intelligence technology has set off a new wave in the field of education. The application of AI technology to deep learning in university teachers' teaching and students' learning processes is an innovative way to promote the quality of teaching and learning. This study proposed the deep learning-based assessment to measure whether students experienced an improvement in terms of their mastery of knowledge, development of abilities, and emotional experiences. It (...)
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    Про підвищення якості сучасної вищої освіти і духовно-морального виховання молоді: Німецький та інший європейський досвід.S. V. Blaginina, S. P. Pylypenko & O. M. Osnatch - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 75:90-104.
    The relevance of the study has two sides — individual and general. In its essential aspect, it is the development of achievements of predecessors by consistently taking into account the latest data on trends and changes in the interconnected spheres of education, economics and culture. In the individual aspect, it is about improving the professional means of improving the efficiency of teaching foreign languages in order to form students with a high level of linguistic-professional competence. Public relevance is the (...)
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    Teacher Self-Education in a Pedagogical Context: Posthistory.Vyacheslav Pasternatskyi, Volodymyr Nosachenko, Olena Hrechanovska, Svitlana Bilozerska, Viktoriia Railianova & Olha Zabudkova - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):216-230.
    The importance of the topic of the article lies in the fact that in our time there is a need for innovation of the educational process, the use of innovations in teacher self-training is therefore important teacher self-education in a pedagogical context. The purpose of the article is the need to explore and substantiate the importance of teacher self-education in a pedagogical post-historical context. The article provides a theoretical foundation of the concepts of self-education and self-development of the teacher in (...)
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  9. (1 other version)On becoming an innovative university teacher: reflection in action.John Cowan - 1998 - Philadelphia, PA: Society for Research into Higher education & Open University Press.
    This book will assist university teachers to plan & run innovative activities to enable their students to engage in effective learning and give them a rationale for the place of reflective teaching and learning in higher education.
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    Students Without Teachers: The Crisis in the University.Harold Taylor - 1969 - New York: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Contending that universities as presently organized have become educationally bank­rupt and irrelevant to the needs of society, Harold Taylor, former president of Sarah Lawrence College and well known in inter­national circles for his contributions to edu­cational philosophy, presents an incisive blueprint for the meaningful reform of American higher education in the 1970s. Among other proposals he argues for a na­tional system of volunteer service by stu­dents in the field of teaching, community action, the creative arts and social research.
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  11. Promoting Pre-service Teacher Students’ Learning Engagement: Design-Based Research in a Flipped Classroom.Jianjun Gu, Lin Tang, Xiaohong Liu & Jinlei Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Students’ learning engagement is recognized as one of the main components of effective instruction and a necessary prerequisite for learning, but students’ learning engagement in flipped classroom poses some pedagogical challenges. This study aimed to promote students’ learning engagement via the flipped classroom approach. Design-based research was adopted in this study to conduct an experiment involving three iterations in a Modern Educational Technology course in a Chinese university. The participants included 36 third-year pre-service teacher undergraduates. Classroom observations and a learning (...)
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    How do bioethics teachers in Japan cope with ethical disagreement among healthcare university students in the classroom? A survey on educators in charge.K. Itai - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (5):303-308.
    Objective: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate how educators involved in the teaching of bioethics to healthcare university students in Japan would cope with ethical disagreement in the classroom, and to identify factors influencing them.Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted using self administered questionnaires mailed to a sample of university faculty in charge of bioethics curriculum for university healthcare students.Results: A total of 107 usable questionnaires were returned: a response rate of 61.5%. When facing ethical disagreement in (...)
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    The Study of the Enhancing Program on Double-Qualified Teachers Competency in Local Applied University.Qing Luo & Thatchai Chittranun - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1233-1241.
    Enhancing the competency of double-qualified teachers can significantly improve educational quality, adapt to industry demands, drive educational reform, and support teachers' personal career development and students' overall growth. This study aims to investigate and identify the components of double-qualified teachers' competency in local applied universities by distributing expert confirmation forms to experts in the field of educational management. Additionally, a survey will be conducted among 228 double-qualified teachers from Baise University to explore the current and desired states of their competencies. (...)
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    The social foundations classroom: Charting "unexplored territory"1 in the social foundations: Pedagogical practice in urban teacher education.Sonia E. Murrow - 2006 - Educational Studies 40 (3):296-312.
    The aim of this article is to describe and analyze the undergraduate Social Foundations course I taught at an urban, inclusive university that attempted to provide students with, among other things, a forum for them to develop both a self-confident personal voice and a view of self as potential change agent of schools. In brief, with what I term pedagogical scaffolding, including the use of key essential questions and double-entry journals, undergraduate students develop personal philosophy statements that are coherent, thoughtful, (...)
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    Agency as power: An ecological exploration of an emerging language teacher leaders’ emotional changes in an educational reform.Yuan Gao & Yaqiong Cui - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teacher emotion, an important aspect of language teacher psychology, has recently drawn growing attention in language teacher development studies. Previous research has shown that language teachers, typically pressured by heavy workloads, may face emotional challenges from multiplied sources, especially in the context of educational changes such as curriculum reform and the COVID-19 emergency. Current literature on teachers’ emotions largely centers around ordinary language teachers, with teacher leaders whose agentic actions often exert greater influence on the effectiveness of educational changes rarely (...)
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    “Why are you doing this?” Questions on Purpose, Structure, and Outcomes in Participatory Action Research Engaging Youth and Teacher Candidates.Anne Galletta & Vanessa Jones - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (3):337-357.
    Our article is based on a study of our integration of social foundations coursework with filmmaking and participatory action research, bringing teacher candidates and middle and high school students together. The project was carried out in partnership between an urban university and two nearby public schools within a Midwestern city known for high child poverty rates and weak academic outcomes. The project sought to stretch the imagination of teacher candidates in areas related to school reform and to provide opportunities for (...)
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    Investigating teachers’, students’ and parents’ perspectives concerning school-based morality education: a case study in a multicultural background in Mauritius.Wajiihah Banu Shah Emambokus - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):21-35.
    The importance of Morality Education is globally recognized. Effectiveness of such programs necessitates that due consideration be given to sociocultural factors, which consist of enablers and potential barriers. Several research work have been conducted in this specific domain, highlighting its importance in numerous aspects of adolescents’ lives. This calls to the need to integrate ME in lives of school-aged adolescents from a multicultural background and socioeconomically deprived regions. This small-scale intervention’s aim was to investigate the perspectives concerning ME, taking into (...)
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  18. Stanley Cavell and criticizing the university from within.Michael Fischer - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):471-483.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Stanley Cavell and Criticizing the University from WithinMichael FischerStanley Cavell has spoken often of his "lifelong quarrel with the profession of philosophy" but he has said less about the university as a whole and its pressures on all academic disciplines, philosophy included. 1 In Cavell's work, "academic" or "professional" philosophy takes shape in an institutional context he has not yet fully analyzed. I want here to extrapolate from Cavell's (...)
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    The University Teacher and His World: A Sociological and Educational Study.David McNamara & Richard Startup - 1980 - British Journal of Educational Studies 28 (2):160.
  20.  23
    Law abidance leadership education for university students in Hong Kong: Post-lecture evaluation.Daniel T. L. Shek, Diya Dou, Xiaoqin Zhu & Xiang Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Law abidance is very important for effective leaders. Without law abidance, abuse of power and corruption would easily happen, which would eventually erode organizational health. To promote law abidance leadership in university students in Hong Kong, we developed a law abidance leadership program with 3 h of face-to-face lecture and 7 h of self-study of materials disturbed to students. To understand students’ perception of the 3-h lecture, we conducted a post-lecture evaluation study using a 26-item measure. Results showed that the (...)
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    Plagiarism policies in Iranian university TEFL teachers’ syllabuses: an exploratory study.Amir Hossein Firoozkohi & Musa Nushi - 2017 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 13 (1).
    Plagiarism has been on the rise amongst university students in recent decades. This study puts university teachers in the spotlight and investigates their role in raising students’ awareness about plagiarism. To that end, plagiarism policies in 207 Iranian university TEFL teachers’ syllabuses were analyzed. The researchers analyzed the syllabuses to find out if they contain a plagiarism policy, and if so, how the term is defined; whether they approach the issue of plagiarism directly; if they offer students any guidelines on (...)
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    BEEd Students' Challenges in the New Normal Instructional Shift.Regie Bangoy & Virgie Tan - 2023 - European Chemical Bulletin 12 (10):2982-3005.
    Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic greatly affected the education system and led West Visayas State University-Himamaylan City Campus to modular distance learning. The purpose of this study is to find out the challenges of elementary-pre-service teachers in the use of modular distance learning modality. It employed a qualitative-phenomenological approach deemed most applicable in discovering students' lived experiences in modular distance learning modality amidst the pandemic. The participants of the study were the ten (10) Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEEd) students on the (...)
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    Exploring the educational aspirations–expectations gap in eighth grade students: implications for educational interventions and school reform.Chris Michael Kirk, Rhonda K. Lewis, Angela Scott, Denise Wren, Corinne Nilsen & Deltha Q. Colvin - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (5):507-519.
    Over the past three decades, more and more students are expressing a desire to attend college, yet for many members of disenfranchised groups, this goal is often not attained. While many factors contribute to these disparities, research has shown that students begin adjusting their expectations (what they think they can achieve) for the future in relation to their idealised aspirations (what they would like to achieve). The current study explores this gap among 207 eighth grade students from two urban middle (...)
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    Preparing Teachers to Educate Whole Students: An International Comparative Study.Fernando Reimers & Connie K. Chung (eds.) - 2018 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Preparing Teachers to Educate Whole Students_ offers a wide-ranging comparative account of how innovative professional development programs in a number of countries guide and support teachers in their efforts to promote cognitive and socio-emotional growth in their students._ The book focuses on holistic educational outcomes in an effort to better serve students in the twenty-first century and examines seven programs in all—in Chile, China, Colombia, India, Mexico, the United States, and Singapore. Fernando M. Reimers, Connie K. Chung, and their contributors (...)
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  25. Reform, Inclusion and Teacher Education: Towards a New Era of Special Education in the Asia-Pacific Region.Christine Forlin & Ming-Gon John Lian (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    This ground-breaking book considers current perspectives on special education reform in the Asia-Pacific region. It has a major focus on a new era of special education, and how this relates to education reform towards inclusive education. With major changes being proposed under current educational reform and confusion as to how to instigate these measures, this book provides ways to better prepare teachers. It is helpfully divided into three different sections of education reform: "Education Reform in the Asia-Pacific region" reviews broad (...)
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    Cooperating Teachers’ Impact on Preservice Social Studies Teachers’ Autonomous Practices: A Multi-Case Study.Rory P. Tannebaum - 2016 - Journal of Social Studies Research 40 (2):97-107.
    This multi-case study explores the impact of cooperating teachers (CTs) on the autonomous pedagogical practices of preservice social studies teachers at a large southeastern university. The study examines participants’ written reflections, social studies teaching philosophies, lesson plans, and interview transcripts to identify how field placements and, more specifically, cooperating teachers directly influence the autonomous decision-making practices of student teachers (STs). The author will discuss the socialization of the participants and the role of the CTs in both preventing and promoting the (...)
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    Students’ Online Cheating Reasons and Strategies: EFL Teachers’ Strategies to Abolish Cheating in Online Examinations.Reza Taherkhani & Saba Aref - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (3):539-559.
    The current study aimed to explore effective strategies for preventing cheating in online examinations by surveying students to determine their cheating strategies. A total of 406 Iranian students at BA, MA, and PhD levels in four programs, including English language teaching, English literature, Linguistics, and English language translation, participated in this study using a convenient sampling technique. The sample was drawn from 83 universities across all 31 provinces of Iran. The researchers developed a 30-item questionnaire and a 4-item interview to (...)
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  28.  41
    Efficiency of mind mapping for the development of speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields.Nataliia Orlova - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (6):151-161.
    Teaching the art of profession-related communication to students of non-linguistic study fields allows instructors to explain their students how to keep up the conversation using facts, data, concepts etc. specific to the area of their future profession. It activates the acquisition processes as well as increases students' motivation to study. The formation of oral monologue speaking skills in students of non-linguistic study fields is one of the tasks within the course of Foreign ( English) Language for Specific Purposes.This process is (...)
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  29.  8
    PISA and teachers’ reflexivities. A mixed methods case study.Terje André Bringeland & Tone Skinningsrud - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):53-80.
    Neoliberal educational reforms include extensive use of standardized tests. We examine the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) initiated and developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Examining previous research on teachers’ reactions to neoliberal reforms altering their work context, we have identified three theoretical frameworks in use: labour process theory, derived from structural Marxism; post-structuralism, relying primarily on Foucault’s conceptualizations; and ‘new professionalism’, which has emerged from the theory of professions. A major weakness in these frameworks (...)
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  30.  12
    Changes and Adaptations: How University Students Self-Regulate Their Online Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Felicitas Biwer, Wisnu Wiradhany, Mirjam Oude Egbrink, Harm Hospers, Stella Wasenitz, Walter Jansen & Anique de Bruin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities had to shift from face-to-face to emergency remote education. Students were forced to study online, with limited access to facilities and less contact with peers and teachers, while at the same time being exposed to more autonomy. This study examined how students adapted to emergency remote learning, specifically focusing on students’ resource-management strategies using an individual differences approach. One thousand eight hundred university students completed a questionnaire on their resource-management strategies and indicators of successful adaptation (...)
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    Using a global competence model in an instructional design course before social studies methods: A developmental approach to global teacher education.Elizabeth O. Crawford, Heidi J. Higgins & Jeremy Hilburn - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (4):367-381.
    This case study describes the design, learning experiences, and student outcomes in one Instructional Design course with an explicit focus on globally competent teaching. We make the argument that forefronting global competence in an Instructional Design course, prior to social studies methods, is a necessary precursor to accelerate students’ progress on a pathway towards teaching for global competence. In support of this argument, we (a) describe the ways in which an Instructional Design course in one university forefronted global competence; (b) (...)
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    Teachers’ Beliefs About Multilingualism at Universities in North Macedonia.Jeta Hamzai, Uskana Smajlaj & Brikena Xhaferi - 2023 - Seeu Review 18 (1):75-91.
    The purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism at universities in North Macedonia. Multilingualism as a concept is related to an individual’s ability to speak three or more languages. Given the educational and cultural globalization, multilingualism is crucial in many countries in the world. North Macedonia is an excellent example of multilingualism where different cultures live together and learn the languages of each other. At Universities across the country, teachers face different challenges while teaching multilingual classes. (...)
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    Nursing students’ ethical challenges in the clinical settings: A mixed-methods study.Roghayeh Mehdipour Rabori, Mahlagha Dehghan & Monirosadat Nematollahi - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):1983-1991.
    Background: Nursing students experience ethical conflicts and challenges during their clinical education. These may lead to moral distress and disturb the learning process. Objectives: This study aimed to explore and to evaluate the nursing students’ ethical challenges in the clinical settings in Iran. Research design: This was a mixed-methods study with an exploratory sequential design. Participants and research context: A total of 37 and 120 Iranian nursing students participated in the qualitative and quantitative phases, respectively. Ethical considerations: The ethical committee (...)
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    Is systemic reform in education morally justifiable?Barry L. Bull - 1996 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 15 (1):13-23.
    Systemic education reform calls for state imposition of uniform standards for student performance, the curriculum, and student opportunities to learn that curriculum, coupled with the alignment of basic state accountability, teacher education, and financing policies and expanded school decision-making authority. Proponents argue that systemic reform will have the effect of enhancing overall economic growth and equalizing opportunities for the most disadvantaged. Analysis of the first claim suggests that the inherent tension between employment-oriented outcome standards and discipline-oriented curriculum frameworks and the (...)
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    The University Student is Seen as a Customer: A Qualitative Analysis to Enhance Academic Performance from Satisfaction.Luis Miguel Olórtegui Alcalde - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1553-1566.
    In this article a study is carried out to identify the aspects of student satisfaction that allow improving university academic performance through applied educational research with a qualitative approach. Likewise, it is specified that the study problem is: how to enhance academic performance based on the satisfaction of the university student seen as a customer? The theoretical framework states that the way to be able to plan, know, and evaluate the satisfaction of students concerning the service they usually receive in (...)
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    The Note on the Humanities and Education.Theodor W. Adorno - 2019 - Філософія Освіти 24 (1):24-31.
    The article “The Note on the Humanities and Education” by the german social philosopher Theodor Adorno, a representative of the critical theory of society, was published in 1962. In this philosophical-educational work Theodor Adorno continued the preliminary theme of his critical consideration of the unity of the elements of the culture of the industrial-mass society, which contribute to establishment in social life of industrial-mass ideology as completely dominant. In his philosophical-educational works Theodor Adorno also carried out a critical attack on (...)
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    Response to Masafumi Ogawa, "Music Teacher Education in Japan: Structure, Problems, and Perspectives".Peggy Wheeler - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):205-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Masafumi Ogawa, “Music Teacher Education in Japan: Structure, Problems, and Perspectives”Peggy WheelerMasafumi Ogawa's paper presents challenge after challenge facing the teacher and the teacher educator in Japan. One has the sense that a lifetime of frustrations with the national curriculum, the set-up of student teaching, and the definition of music as a school subject each made its way into the paper. Even choosing to focus on teacher (...)
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    What do academics know and do about plagiarism? An interview study with Chinese university teachers of English.Xiaoya Sun & Guangwei Hu - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (6):459-479.
    Previous research on plagiarism has increased awareness and knowledge of the various aspects of this issue, such as contributing factors to plagiarism, students’ and teachers’ perceptions of plagiarism, and institutional policies and regulations on plagiarism. Yet much of this research, especially on the latter two aspects, has been conducted in Anglo-American contexts or English-as-a-second-language settings, while the diversity of English-as-a-foreign-language contexts remains relatively under-researched. Of those studies that did focus on EFL contexts, the majority were based on survey data that (...)
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  39. Developing Education in Israa University Using Intelligent Tutoring System.Hasan A. Abu Hasanein & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (5):1-16.
    This study was conducted with the aim of developing the academic work in the Palestinian universities. No one can deny the technological stage that we are witnessing in the present era. Our mission is to use this development to develop the educational process. The Artificial Intelligence of the most important branches of computer science, which is interested in the development of computer software in order to make them simulate intelligent human, recently it emerged promised based on artificial intelligence applications are (...)
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    Assessing the Learning Outcomes of Food-related Educational Tourism Events for University Students: The Case of the International Student Competition of Fermo, Italy.Sabrina Tomasi, Alessio Cavicchi, Gigliola Paviotti, Giovanna Bertella & Cristina Santini - 2019 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 24 (2):95-125.
    This paper examines the International Student Competition on Place Brand­ing and Mediterranean Diet held in Fermo, Italy, in the context of the devel­opment of rural areas. This one-week food-related educational programme was organised by the University of Macerata’s Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism in collaboration with The Piceno Laboratory on the Mediterranean Diet, a local network of public and private stakehold­ers committed to the promotion of Fermo area as a touristic destination based on traditional gastronomy. The aim of (...)
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    From Psychology Management Innovation and Education Reform in the Digital Age: Role of Disruptive Technologies.Lin Bao & Tian Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the main body of colleges and universities, the effect of college teaching psychology management is an important standard to test the quality of college teaching psychology management and its effects on the development of college teaching psychology management. However, the psychology management system used by traditional colleges and universities is challenging to meet the needs of the innovation of the new talent training model of higher vocational education. The construction of the new micro-level teaching organization inevitably requires the psychology (...)
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  42. Influence of Gender and Ethical Training on University Teachers Sensitivity Towards the Integration of Ethics in Business Studies.Marcela Espinosa-Pike, Edurne Aldazabal & Ana Martín-Arroyuelos - 2012 - Journal of Academic Ethics 10 (1):9-25.
    The aim of this work is to analyse the effect of gender and ethical training received on the sensitivity of university teachers towards the inclusion of ethics in graduate business studies. To this end, a study has been carried out that uses four ethical sensitivity indicators for teachers: their opinion about the need to include ethics in the world of business, their opinion about the need to include ethics in University education involving business studies, the current integration of ethics by (...)
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    English Language Teacher Agency in Response to Curriculum Reform in China: An Ecological Approach.Lian Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study draws on the ecological perspective of teacher agency to examine the manifestation of English teachers' agency toward the ongoing curriculum reform in China and the factors that impact it. This study surveyed 353 high school English teachers and then collected data from three case study participants through in-depth interviews. The findings showed that the majority of teachers surveyed exhibited positive attitudes and beliefs about implementing the reform and inclinations to change, but the teachers also showed a constrained state (...)
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  44.  14
    A Study of Student-Teachers' Emotional Experiences and Their Development of Professional Identities.Zehang Chen, Yin Sun & Zhenhui Jia - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A reciprocal relation has been identified between teacher emotion and teacher professional identity. However, the underlying mechanism explaining this complex interaction remains underexamined. Moreover, limited attention has been paid to the emotional dimension of student-teachers' development of professional identity during university coursework. To bridge this gap, the present study explores how student-teachers' emotions reciprocally interact with their professional identities, drawing data from questionnaires, reflections, and interviews with students taking courses related to language teaching in a teacher-training university. Both quantitative and (...)
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    Chinese university teachers’ perceptions and practices regarding plagiarism: knowledge, stance, and intertextual competence.Guangwei Hu & Yunhua Shen - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (6):433-450.
    ABSTRACT Although much has been written about Chinese students’ understandings of illegitimate intertextual practices, few studies have investigated Chinese university teachers’ perceptions of plagiarism, let alone the effects of their disciplinary background on their knowledge of and attitudes toward plagiarism. This paper reports on a study that examined the knowledge that 128 Chinese university teachers of different disciplinary backgrounds had of plagiarism, their attitudes toward identified plagiarism, and their own ability to engage in legitimate paraphrasing. Multiple regression analyses showed that (...)
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    Everybody present: mindfulness in education.Nikolaj Flor Rotne - 2013 - Berkeley, California: Parallax Press. Edited by Didde Flor Rotne.
    Everybody Present seeks to create a new kind of culture in our schools: one that counters stress and facilitates learning. It reframes the student-teacher relationship, showing teachers how to supplant antagonism and foster strong relationships by planting seeds of mindfulness in their students and encouraging them to embark on a mindfulness practice of their own. Illustrating the transformative effects of mindfulness on educators, students, and their classrooms, Everybody Present shows how mindfulness helps to strengthen inner peace and prevent stress, foster (...)
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    Characterizing graduate education development for creating world-class universities: Evidence from doctoral education in China.Eryong Xue & Jian Li - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1878-1886.
    The purpose of this study is to characterize the graduate education development for creating world-class universities from the insight of the doctoral education in China. A systematic review is applied to examine the doctoral education development in contemporary China. The findings argue that there are tremendous challenges in China’s current doctoral cultivation system. The current doctoral talent cultivation encountered various difficulties, specifically for creating the effectiveness of world-class universities. The student–faculty relations were regard as a key theme to investigate the (...)
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    This research assesses the factors influencing students' decision-making when choosing a university. The study proposes eight factors, such as parental or guardian influence, high school teacher recommendations, graduate quality, colleague recommendations, location, school fees, learning environment, and university reputation, on students' university choices. A quantitative approach was employed, utilizing both secondary and primary data. A total of 330 students were sampled for this study. The data were analyzed using SPSS, employing descriptive statistics for data summarization and inferential statistics for analysis. (...)
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    Імідж викладача як основа підвищення конкурентоспроможності внз: Парадигма сучасного освітнього процесу.R. I. Oleksenko, O. M. Sytnyk & I. G. Denisov - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:164-172.
    The urgency of the research topic is that the attempt, through the prism of higher education in Ukraine, is to outline the factors and opportunities for forming a positive image of a modern teacher as the basis for the competitiveness of a higher educational institution. The purpose of the article is: rethinking the teacher’s image in conditions of growing demands and increasing competitiveness among higher education institutions. The objectives of the study are to summarize the data of the investigated problem (...)
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    Teachers’ Ideas about what and how they Contribute to the Development of Students’ Ethical Compasses. An Empirical Study among Teachers of Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences.Lieke Van Stekelenburg, Chris Smerecnik, Wouter Sanderse & Doret J. De Ruyter - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-22.
    In this empirical study, we investigate _what_ and _how_ teachers in Dutch universities of applied sciences (UAS) think they contribute to the development of students’ ethical compasses. Six focus groups were conducted with teachers across three programmes: Initial Teaching Education, Business Services, and Information and Communication Technology. This study revealed that teachers across the three different professional disciplines shared similar ideas about what should be addressed in the development of students’ ethical compasses. Their contributions were grouped into three core themes: (...)
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