Results for 'ethical climate in organizations'

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  1.  29
    Remapping the organ donation ethical climate: a care ethics consideration.Hui Yun Chan - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (2):295-308.
    Organ donation has gained much attention as the need for transplant exceeds the supply of organs. Various proposals have been put forward to address the organ shortage challenge, ranging from offering incentives to donors, addressing family refusals to donations and instituting presumed consent laws. Presumed consent as the favoured approach has not been universally effective in increasing actual transplants despite its appeal. Few considerations have been given to the broader ethical climate influencing the organ donation debate. This paper (...)
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    Ethical Climates in Organizations: A Review and Research Agenda.Alexander Newman, Heather Round, Sukanto Bhattacharya & Achinto Roy - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (4):475-512.
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  3. On the Effects of Ethical Climate(s) on Employees’ Behavior: A Social Identity Approach.Stefano Pagliaro, Alessandro Lo Presti, Massimiliano Barattucci, Valeria A. Giannella & Manuela Barreto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:372639.
    The spread and publicity given to questionable practices in the corporate world during the last two decades has fostered an increasing interest about the importance of ethical work for organizations, practitioners, scholars and, last but not least, the wider public. Relying on the Social Identity Approach, we suggest that the effects of different ethical climates on employee behaviors are driven by affective identification with the organization and, in parallel, by cognitive moral (dis)engagement. We compared the effects of (...)
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  4.  95
    The Effect of Ethical Leadership Behavior on Ethical Climate, Turnover Intention, and Affective Commitment.A. Asuman Akdogan & Ozgur Demirtas - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):59-67.
    This study examines a mediated model of ethical leadership on ethical climate, turnover intention, and affective commitment. It is suggested that managers are role models in their organizations. Specifically, through ethical leadership behavior, managers can influence perceptions of ethical climate, which in turn will positively influence organizational members’ turnover intention, and affective commitment. The results indicate that ethical leadership has both direct and indirect effect on affective commitment and turnover intention. The indirect (...)
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  5. Critical Role of Leadership on Ethical Climate and Salesperson Behaviors.Jay P. Mulki, Jorge Fernando Jaramillo & William B. Locander - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):125-141.
    Leaders play a critical role in setting the tone for ethical climate in organizations. In recent years, there has been an increased skepticism about the role played by corporate executives in developing and implementing ethics in business practices. Sales and marketing practices of businesses, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry, have come under increased scrutiny. This study identifies a type of leadership style that can help firms develop an ethical climate. Responses from 333 salespeople working for (...)
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  6. Individual Moral Development and Ethical Climate: The Influence of Person–Organization Fit on Job Attitudes.Maureen L. Ambrose, Anke Arnaud & Marshall Schminke - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (3):323-333.
    This research examines how the fit between employees moral development and the ethical work climate of their organization affects employee attitudes. Person-organization fit was assessed by matching individuals' level of cognitive moral development with the ethical climate of their organization. The influence of P-O fit on employee attitudes was assessed using a sample of 304 individuals from 73 organizations. In general, the findings support our predictions that fit between personal and organizational ethics is related to (...)
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  7. The relationship between unethical behavior and the dimensions of the ethical climate questionnaire.D. K. Peterson - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):313 - 326.
    This study examined the relationship between unethical employee behavior and the dimensions of the Ethical Climate Questionnaire (ECQ). In order to explore the relationship between the dimensions of the ECQ and unethical behavior, the factor structure of five previously identified empirical models and the hypothesized nine-dimension model for the ECQ was tested with a confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis revealed that the hypothesized nine-dimension model provided as good or even better fit to the data than the five empirically (...)
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  8. Morality, Ethics, and Values Outside and Inside Organizations: An Example of the Discourse on Climate Change.Cristina Besio & Andrea Pronzini - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):287-300.
    The public debate on climate change is filled with moral claims. However, scientific knowledge about the role that morality, ethics, and values play in this issue is still scarce. Starting from this research gap, we focus on corporations as central decision makers in modern society and analyze how they respond to societal demands to take responsibility for climate change. While relevant literature on business ethics and climate change either places a high premium on morality or presents a (...)
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  9.  42
    The Relationship between Ethical Climate and Ethical Problems within Human Resource Management.L. K. Battels, E. Harrick, K. Martell & D. Strickland - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (7):799-804.
    The study examines the relationship between the strength of an organizationÕs ethical climate and ethical problems involving human resource management. Data were collected through a survey of 1078 human resource managers. The results indicate a statistically significant negative relationship between the strength of an organization'ss ethical climate and the seriousness of ethical violations and a statistically significant positive relationship between an organization'ss ethical climate and success in responding to ethical issues. Thus, (...)
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  10.  83
    The relationship between ethical climate and ethical problems within human resource management.Kynn K. Bartels, Edward Harrick, Kathryn Martell & Donald Strickland - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (7):799-804.
    The study examines the relationship between the strength of an organizationÕs ethical climate and ethical problems involving human resource management. Data were collected through a survey of 1078 human resource managers. The results indicate a statistically significant negative relationship between the strength of an organization'ss ethical climate and the seriousness of ethical violations and a statistically significant positive relationship between an organization'ss ethical climate and success in responding to ethical issues. Thus, (...)
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  11.  71
    Moral reasoning and ethical climate: Not-for-profit vs. for-profit boards of directors. [REVIEW]Holly Henderson Brower & Charles B. Shrader - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (2):147 - 167.
    Utilizing Rest's moral development and Victor and Cullen's ethical climate surveys, we examine differences in moral reasoning and ethical climate between board members in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. Six for-profit corporations and seven not-for-profit corporations, all with base operations in a major midwestern state, participated in the study. We find that profit and not-for-profit boards may not differ in moral reasoning, but do exhibit different types of ethical climates. We also find that for-profit board (...)
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  12.  50
    Crisis, ethical leadership and moral courage: Ethical climate during COVID-19.Nadia Hassan Ali Awad & Heba Mohamed Al-Anwer Ashour - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1441-1456.
    Background The global COVID-19 pandemic has challenged nurse leaders in ways that one could not imagine. Along with ongoing priorities of providing high quality, cost-effective and safe care, nurse leaders are also committed to promote an ethical climate that support nurses’ moral courage for sustaining excellence in patient and family care. Aim This study is directed to develop a structure equation model of crisis, ethical leadership and nurses’ moral courage: mediating effect of ethical climate during (...)
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  13. Toward an understanding of ethical climate: Its relationship to ethical behavior and supervisory influence. [REVIEW]James C. Wimbush & Jon M. Shepard - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (8):637 - 647.
    In recent years, theoretical and empirical developments in the area of organizational climate has provided the impetus for research concerning ethical climate. According to this latter research, ethical climate is a multi-dimensional construct which is manifested in organizations. Studies, however, have not focused on the relationship between ethical climate and ethical behavior. Furthermore, an enhanced understanding of the multi-dimensionality of ethical climate will likely advance what we know about organizational (...)
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  14.  23
    Discussion of “Ethical Climate, Social Responsibility and Earnings Management”.Mary Curtis - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (1):61-63.
    In this discussion of Shafer’s empirical research published in this issue, I raise several issues for future research. For example, I encourage ethics research to more carefully consider their use of climate versus culture, and call for an elucidation of the different characteristics of the two constructs. Additionally, the relationship between corporate ethical climate and employees’ perceptions of the importance of ethical behavior is complex. Because research commonly calls for organizations to improve their climate (...)
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  15. Examining the Link Between Ethical Leadership and Employee Misconduct: The Mediating Role of Ethical Climate[REVIEW]David M. Mayer, Maribeth Kuenzi & Rebecca L. Greenbaum - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (1):7-16.
    Drawing on theory and research on ethical leadership and ethical climate, we examine ethical climate as a mediator of the relationship between ethical leadership and employee misconduct. Using a sample of 1,525 employees and their supervisors in 300 units in different organizations, we find support for our hypothesized model. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of these findings.
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  16.  80
    Exploring the Influence of Organizational Ethical Climate on Knowledge Management.Fan-Chuan Tseng & Yen-Jung Fan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (2):325 - 342.
    In recent years, knowledge management has been utilized as an essential strategy to foster the creation of organizational intellectual capital. Organizational intellectual capital can be derived both individually and collectively in the process to create, store, share, acquire, and apply personal and organizational knowledge. However, some organizations only focus on the development of public good, despite the concerns arising from individuals' self-interest or possible risks. The different concern of individual and collective perspectives toward knowledge management inevitably leads to (...) conflicts and ethical culture in the organization (Jarvenpaa et al., J Manage Inf Syst 14(4): 29-64, 1998; Ruppel and Harrington, IEEE Trans Prof Commun 44(l): 37-52, 2000). The purpose of this study is to examine the ethical climate within the organization and its possible influence on members' evaluation, satisfaction, engagement, and job performance with respect to knowledge management practice. The research results reveal that several types of organizational ethical climate coexist in the organization and have different degrees of influence on employees' attitude as well as participation in knowledge management activities. In this article, we argue the importance of organizational ethical climate and highlight the implications of such a climate for facilitating knowledge management. (shrink)
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  17. Toward a Better Understanding of the Link Between Ethical Climate and Job Satisfaction: A Multilevel Analysis. [REVIEW]Yau-De Wang & Hui-Hsien Hsieh - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):535-545.
    Research concerning the relationship between psychological ethical climate and job satisfaction is popular in the literature. However, to date, no study in the literature has simultaneously investigated both the effects of individual-level and organization-level ethical climates on employees’ job satisfaction. On the basis of a multilevel analysis, the present study used a sample of 472 full-time employees from 31 organizations in Taiwan to examine the above two effects. Results from the analyses showed that within the (...), individual employees’ instrumental climate perceptions were negatively related to job satisfaction, whereas their caring climate perceptions and rules climate perceptions were positively related to job satisfaction. Also, the results indicated that between organizations, organizational instrumental climate was negatively related to job satisfaction, whereas organizational caring, independence, and rules climates were positively related to job satisfaction. Implications for research and managerial practices were derived from these findings. (shrink)
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  18.  86
    An empirical examination of the relationship between ethical climate and ethical behavior from multiple levels of analysis.James C. Wimbush, Jon M. Shepard & Steven E. Markham - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (16):1705-1716.
    Victor and Cullen (1988) identified several dimensions of ethical climate that exist in organizations and organizational subunits. We tested the relationship between these dimensions of ethical climate and ethical behavior at different levels of analysis. Using Within and Between Analysis (WABA) (cf. Dansereau, Alutto and Yammarino, 1984), partial support was found for a relationship between dimensions of ethical climate and ethical behavior.
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  19.  50
    Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical Leadership, and Trust Propensity: A Multi-Experience Model of Perceived Ethical Climate.S. Duane Hansen, Benjamin B. Dunford, Bradley J. Alge & Christine L. Jackson - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (4):649-662.
    Existing research on the formation of employee ethical climate perceptions focuses mainly on organization characteristics as antecedents, and although other constructs have been considered, these constructs have typically been studied in isolation. Thus, our understanding of the context in which ethical climate perceptions develop is incomplete. To address this limitation, we build upon the work of Rupp to develop and test a multi-experience model of ethical climate which links aspects of the corporate social responsibility, (...)
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  20. An empirical examination of the multi-dimensionality of ethical climate in organizations.James C. Wimbush, Jon M. Shepard & Steven E. Markham - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (1):67-77.
    The purpose of this study was to determine whether the ethical climate dimensions identified by Victor and Cullen (1987, 1988) could be replicated in the subunits of a multi-unit organization and if so, were the dimensions associated with particular types of operating units. We identified three of the dimensions of ethical climate found by Victor and Cullen and also found a new dimension of ethical climate related to service. Partial support was found for Victor (...)
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  21.  20
    A multi-level study on whether ethical climate influences the affective well-being of millennial employees.Wei Su & Juhee Hahn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Millennial employees are increasingly paying more attention to well-being in the workplace and it has become an important issue for managers. Given that millennial employees are more sensitive to ethical issues, this study began by analyzing an ethical element in the organization—the ethical climate—and explored whether millennial employees have higher affective well-being in organizations with a good ethical climate. We verified our hypotheses based on 288 valid questionnaires collected from 40 teams. The results (...)
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  22.  35
    The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Ethical Climates: An Employee Perspective. [REVIEW]M. Guerci, Giovanni Radaelli, Elena Siletti, Stefano Cirella & A. B. Rami Shani - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (2):1-18.
    The increasing challenges faced by organizations have led to numerous studies examining human resource management (HRM) practices, organizational ethical climates and sustainability. Despite this, little has been done to explore the possible relationships between these three topics. This study, based on a probabilistic sample of 6,000 employees from six European countries, analyses how HRM practices with the aim of developing organizational ethics influence the benevolent, principled and egoistic ethical climates that exist within organizations, while also investigating (...)
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  23.  74
    Ethical climates and managerial success in Russian organizations.Satish P. Deshpande, Elizabeth George & Jacob Joseph - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (2):211 - 217.
    This study investigated employee perceptions of ethical climates in a sample of Russian organizations and the relationship between ethical climate and behaviors believed to characterize successful managers. A survey of managerial employees in Russia (n = 136) indicates that "rules" was the most reported and "independence" was the least reported ethical climate type. Those who perceived a strong link between success and ethical behavior report high levels of a "caring" climate and low (...)
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  24.  85
    Business ethics: A study of the moral reasoning of selected business managers and the influence of organizational ethical climate[REVIEW]Almerinda Forte - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 51 (2):167-173.
    Since manager's decisions impact organizational goals and organizational ethical behavior, this researcher investigated the degree to which there are differences in the moral reasoning ability of business managers of selected industries and whether there are significant differences between top, middle, and first-line management levels. To determine the relationship between managers' locus of control and their moral reasoning ability, this study considered three independent variables: reported organizational ethical climate, locus of control, and selected demographic and institutional variables. For (...)
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  25.  28
    An Assessment of Ethical Climate in Three Healthcare Organizations.Carolyn Ells, Jocelyn Downie & Nuala Kenny - 2002 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 13 (1):18-28.
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  26.  67
    Relationship between ethical work climate and nurses’ perception of organizational support, commitment, job satisfaction and turnover intent.Ebtsam Aly Abou Hashish - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (2):151-166.
    Background: Healthcare organizations are now challenged to retain nurses’ generation and understand why they are leaving their nursing career prematurely. Acquiring knowledge about the effect of ethical work climate and level of perceived organizational support can help organizational leaders to deal effectively with dysfunctional behaviors and make a difference in enhancing nurses’ dedication, commitment, satisfaction, and loyalty to their organization. Purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between ethical work climate, and perceived organizational support (...)
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  27. Leaders, Values, and Organizational Climate: Examining Leadership Strategies for Establishing an Organizational Climate Regarding Ethics.Michael W. Grojean, Christian J. Resick, Marcus W. Dickson & D. Brent Smith - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (3):223-241.
    This paper examines the critical role that organizational leaders play in establishing a values based climate. We discuss seven mechanisms by which leaders convey the importance of ethical values to members, and establish the expectations regarding ethical conduct that become engrained in the organizations climate. We also suggest that leaders at different organizational levels rely on different mechanisms to transmit values and expectations. These mechanisms then influence members practices and expectations, further increase the salience of (...)
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  28. The relationship of communication, ethical work climate, and trust to commitment and innovation.Cynthia P. Ruppel & Susan J. Harrington - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (4):313 - 328.
    Recently, Hosmer (1994a) proposed a model linking right, just, and fair treatment of extended stakeholders with trust and innovation in organizations. The current study tests this model by using Victor and Cullen''s (1988) ethical work climate instrument to measure the perceptions of the right, just, and fair treatment of employee stakeholders.In addition, this study extends Hosmer''s model to include the effect of right, just, and fair treatment on employee communication, also believed to be an underlying dynamic of (...)
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  29. Climate change ethics: navigating the perfect moral storm.Donald A. Brown - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Part 1. Introduction -- Introduction: Navigating the Perfect Moral Storm in Light of a Thirty-Five Year Debate -- Thirty-Five Year Climate Change Policy Debate -- Part 2. Priority Ethical Issues -- Ethical Problems with Cost Arguments -- Ethics and Scientific Uncertainty Arguments -- Atmospheric Targets -- Allocating National Emissions Targets -- Climate Change Damages and Adaptation Costs -- Obligations of Sub-national Governments, Organizations, Businesses, and Individuals -- Independent Responsibility to Act -- Part 3. The Crucial (...)
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  30.  49
    Ethical Leadership and Team-Level Creativity: Mediation of Psychological Safety Climate and Moderation of Supervisor Support for Creativity.Yidong Tu, Xinxin Lu, Jin Nam Choi & Wei Guo - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (2):551-565.
    This study explores how and when ethical leadership predicts three forms of team-level creativity, namely team creativity, average of member creativity, and dispersion of member creativity. The results, based on 230 members of 44 knowledge work teams from Chinese organizations, showed that ethical leadership was positively related to team creativity and average of member creativity but was negatively related to dispersion of member creativity. Consistent with the predictions of uncertainty reduction theory, psychological safety climate mediated the (...)
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  31.  33
    Ethical workplace climate in nonprofit organizations: Conceptualization and measurement.Govind Gopi Verma & Saswata Narayan Biswas - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1217-1232.
    Ethical workplace climate has been extensively researched in the for-profit context but neglected in nonprofits. Perhaps because nonprofits promote shared values, engage with people, and implement development interventions creating public good, they are considered implicitly ethical. This assumption has been questioned in recent studies. We attempted to develop a psychometrically valid scale measuring ethical workplace climate following a sequential research design to fill this gap. We interviewed 74 employees from 30 nonprofit organizations using the (...)
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  32.  41
    Ethical Work Climate 2.0: A Normative Reformulation of Victor and Cullen’s 1988 Framework.James Weber & Akwasi Opoku-Dakwa - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):629-646.
    Ethical work climate, introduced by Bart Victor and John Cullen, plays a central role in the business ethics literature due to its influence on employee’s ethical decision-making. Yet, the often-used framework is limited as a descriptive and prescriptive model because it lacks a normative focus and does not allow for organizations guided by universal ethical principles. We revisit Victor and Cullen’s original conceptualization of ethical climate and propose a reformulation of the ethical (...)
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  33. Creating and Maintaining Ethical Work Climates.Deborah Vidaver Cohen - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (4):343-358.
    This paper examines how unethical behavior in the workplace occurs when management places inordinately strong emphasis on goalattainment without a corresponding emphasis on following legitimate procedures. Robert Merton's theory of sodal structure and anomie provides a foundation to discuss this argument. Key factors affecting ethical climates in work organizations are also addressed. Based on this analysis, the paper proposes strategies for developing and changing aspects of organizational culture to reduce anomie, thereby creating work climates which discourage unethical practices (...)
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  34. Spiritual Climate of Business Organizations and Its Impact on Customers’ Experience.Ashish Pandey, Rajen K. Gupta & A. P. Arora - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (2):313-332.
    This study examines the notion of 'spirituality' as a dimension of human self, and its relevance and role in management. Major thesis of this research is that spirituality of employees is reflected in work climate. This may in turn affect the employees' service to the customers. In the first part of the study a Spiritual Climate Inventory is developed and validated with the data from manufacturing and service sector employees. In the later part, hypothesis of positive impact of (...)
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  35. Business, Ethics, and Global Climate Change.Denis G. Arnold & Keith Bustos - 2005 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 24 (1):103-130.
    After providing a brief history of global climate change, we consider and reject the influential position that free markets and responsive democracies relieve corporations of obligations to protect the environment. Five main objections to the free market view are presented, focusing in particular on the roles of business organizations in the transportation and electricity generation sectors. Ethically grounded management and public policy recommendations are offered.
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    Climate Change Ethics and the Non-Human World.Brian G. Henning & Zack Walsh (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    This book examines from different perspectives the moral significance of non-human members of the biotic community and their omission from climate ethics literature. The complexity of life in an age of rapid climate change demands the development of moral frameworks that recognize and respect the dignity and agency of both human and non-human organisms. Despite decades of careful work in non-anthropocentric approaches to environmental ethics, recent anthologies on climate ethics have largely omitted non-anthropocentric approaches. This multidisciplinary volume (...)
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  37.  9
    Ethics, Faith, and Engagement: Unpacking the Effect of Voice Climate on Work Engagement.Yasir Mansoor Kundi, Fawad Ahmad & Usman Nazir - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-15.
    To remain competitive, organizations need an engaged workforce. Although ample research has been carried out on the antecedents of employee work engagement, a comprehensive understanding of how and when voice climate is associated with employee work engagement is currently lacking. Drawing on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study examines the pathway by which voice climate affects employee work engagement. Two studies were conducted to test the proposed linkages. More specifically, in field and experimental studies, we (...)
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  38.  15
    Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics.Donna M. Orange - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalysis engages with the difficult subjects in life, but it has been slow to address climate change. Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics draws on the latest scientific evidence to set out the likely effects of climate change on politics, economics and society more generally, including impacts on psychoanalysts. Despite a tendency to avoid the warnings, times of crisis summon clinicians to emerge from comfortable consulting rooms. Daily engaged with human suffering, they now face the inextricably bound (...)
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  39.  77
    Perceptions of the ethical work climate and covenantal relationships.Tim Barnett & Elizabeth Schubert - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 36 (3):279 - 290.
    Employees perception of the existence of a covenantal relationship between themselves and their employer indicates that they believe there is a mutual commitment to shared values and the welfare of the other party in the relationship. Research suggests that these types of employment relationships have positive benefits for both employees and employers. There has been little research, however, on the factors that determine whether such relationships will develop and thrive.In this paper, we suggest that the organizations ethical work (...)
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  40.  34
    Ethics, Values, and Organizational Justice: Individuals, Organizations, and Beyond.Marshall Schminke, Anke Arnaud & Regina Taylor - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):727-736.
    This paper seeks to advance our thinking about values and justice by studying the relationship between these constructs at the organizational level. We hypothesize that collective perceptions of moral values in organizational settings will influence collective perceptions of justice. Survey results from 619 individuals in 108 departments strongly support our hypothesis that collective values influence perceptions of both procedural and overall justice climate. We discuss these results, and their implications for thinking about relationships between moral values and justice at (...)
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    How and When Does Leader Behavioral Integrity Influence Employee Voice? The Roles of Team Independence Climate and Corporate Ethical Values.He Peng & Feng Wei - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):505-521.
    Management literature has repeatedly shown that an absence of voice can have serious negative influences on team and organization performance. However, employees often withhold suggestions or advices when they have ideas, concerns, or opinions. The present study proposes leader behavioral integrity as a key antecedent of employee voice, and investigates how and when leader behavioral integrity influences employee voice. Specifically, we argue that leader behavioral integrity affects employee voice via team independence climate. In addition, we propose a moderating effect (...)
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  42.  99
    The federal sentencing guidelines for organizations: A framework for ethical compliance. [REVIEW]O. C. Ferrell, Debbie Thorne LeClair & Linda Ferrell - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (4):353-363.
    After years of debate over the importance of ethical conduct in organizations, the federal government has decided to institutionalize ethics as a buffer to prevent legal violations in organizations. The key requirements of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines (FSG) are outlined, and suggested actions managers should adopt to improve ethical compliance are presented. An effective compliance program is more a process and commitment than a specific blueprint for conduct. The organization has the responsibility to create an organizational (...)
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    Norms of Species Translocation 50 Years After the Ethic of Organic Diversity.Colby J. Clark - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (2):271-279.
    From island biogeography theory, the ethic of organic diversity was posited as a precept to guide applied biogeography. It states that humanity must act in such a way as to reduce the rate of worldwide species extinction for an indefinite period of time. Almost 50 years later, the ethic of organic diversity remains relevant in the context of the debate over species translocation practices. Ultimately, matters of biodiversity conservation are too complex to expect an exceptionless moral framework to determine whether (...)
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  44.  10
    Ethics reflection groups for school nurses.Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Reidun Førde, Morten Magelssen & Birgit Arnekleiv - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):210-220.
    Background: School nurses have great responsibilities as the connecting link between school, children/adolescents, parents, and other healthcare services. Being in this middle position, and handling complex situations and problems related to children in school, may be demanding and also lead to ethical challenges. Clinical ethics support, such as ethics reflection groups, may be of help when dealing with ethical challenges. However, there is little research on experiences with ethics reflection groups among school nurses. Aim: The aim of this (...)
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  45.  10
    Bioethical Insights into Values and Policy: Climate Change and Health.Cheryl C. Macpherson (ed.) - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Changes in earth's atmosphere, oceans, soil, weather patterns, and ecosystems are well documented by countless scientific disciplines. These manifestations of climate change harm public health. Given their goals and social responsibilities, influential health organizations recognize health impacts compounded by geography, social values, social determinants of health, health behaviors, and relationships between humans and environments primarily described in feminist ethics and environmental ethics. Health impacts are relevant to, but seldom addressed in bioethics, global health, public policy, or health or (...)
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  46. Climate Induced Migration: A Pragmatic Strategy for Wildlife Conservation on Farmland.Samantha Noll - 2017 - Pragmatism Today 2 (8):143-159.
    This paper turns to pragmatism for strategies to assist with the timely implementation of conservation efforts, as it provides tools to unfreeze policy decision making so that stakeholders, from farmers to wildlife organizations, can readily address impacts associated with climate induced non-human migration. The first section of this essay introduces readers to the topic of climate induced migration and provides an overview of how agriculture could either inhibit or help facilitate migrating species. The second section then applies (...)
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  47.  45
    The Relationship Between Informal Controls, Ethical Work Climates, and Organizational Performance.Sebastian Goebel & Barbara E. Weißenberger - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):505-528.
    Due to the frequent occurrence of ethical transgressions and unethical employee behaviors, there has lately been an increasing interest in the ethical foundations of contemporary organizations. However, large-scale comprehensive analyses of organizational ethics are still comparatively limited. Our study contributes to both management control and business ethics literature by empirically examining potential antecedents as well as resulting effects of ethical work climates on organizational-level outcomes. Based on a cross-sectional survey among 295 large- and medium-sized companies, we (...)
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  48. Is Climate Change Morally Good from Non-Anthropocentric Perspectives?Toby Svoboda & Jacob Haqq-Misra - 2018 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 21 (2):215-228.
    Anthropogenic climate change poses some difficult ethical quandaries for non-anthropocentrists. While it is hard to deny that climate change is a substantial moral ill, many types of non-human organisms stand to benefit from climate change. Modelling studies provide evidence that net primary productivity (NPP) could be substantially boosted, both regionally and globally, as a result of warming from increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. The same holds for deployment of certain types of climate engineering, or large-scale, (...)
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    Impact of ethical factors on job satisfaction among Korean nurses.Yujin Jang & Younjae Oh - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (4):1186-1198.
    Background: Although numerous studies on job satisfaction among nurses have been conducted, there is a lack of research considering the ethical perspectives of leadership and organizational climate in job satisfaction. Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify the impact of the ethical climate and ethical leadership as perceived by nurses on job satisfaction in South Korea. Research design: A descriptive and correlational study was conducted with a convenience sample of 263 nurses from four (...)
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    From Fear to Courage: Indian Lesbians’ and Gays’ Quest for Inclusive Ethical Organizations.Ernesto Noronha, Nidhi S. Bisht & Premilla D’Cruz - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):779-797.
    This paper focusses on the experiences of Indian lesbians and gays who are subjected to unethical acts of workplace bullying which get manifested through constant guesswork, comments and questioning about their sexual identity in the hostile Indian context. Given this, LG participants usually opt for secrecy and lead a double life, using ‘passing’ and ‘covering’ strategies to manage economic, social and psychological risks. Nonetheless, this paper rewrites the negative tenor of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transexuals research by underscoring how LG (...)
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