Results for 'evolutionary method'

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  1.  29
    The evolutionary method as applied to morality: II. Its significance for conduct.John Dewey - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11 (4):353-371.
  2.  66
    The Evolutionary Method as Applied to Morality.John Dewey - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11 (2):107.
  3. Evolutionary method in ethical research.Theodore de Laguna - 1904 - Philosophical Review 13 (3):328-337.
  4.  77
    Brief Remarks on the Evolutionary Method.Robert A. Phillips - 2004 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 4:235-238.
    There are explicit claims to Darwinian thinking in numerous fields of study. A common temptation associated with this method across disciplines is to call some attributes “natural” and others “cultural” in origin. But this distinction can be dangerous—particularly when applied to ethics. When employing the Darwinian method, ideas should be evaluated in the same way whether the characteristics are described as natural or as cultural. We should ascertain the moral usefulness of a trait irrespective of its genetic basis (...)
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    Contemporary evolutionary theory as a new heuristic model for the socioscientific method in biblical studies.Robert Gnuse - 1990 - Zygon 25 (4):405-431.
    Notions of uniform and gradual evolution have been replaced in some circles by biological and paleontological models that postulate that periods of rapid change punctuate long periods of evolutionary stasis. This new theory, called punctuated equilibria (or PE for short), may have implications for paradigms in scholarly disciplines other than the sciences. Whereas old evolutionary models exerted great influence upon historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and students of religion for more than a century, the new model may provide heuristic paradigms (...)
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    An Evolutionary Paradigm For International Law: Philosophical Method, David Hume And The Essence Of Sovereignty.John Martin Gillroy - 2013 - New York, NY, USA: Palgrave MacMillan.
    Preface The status of sovereignty as a highly ambiguous concept is well established. Pointing out or deploring, the ambiguity of the idea has itself become a recurring motif in the literature on sovereignty. As the legal theorist and international lawyer Alf Ross put it, “there is hardly any domain in which the obscurity and confusion is as great as here.” 1 The concept of sovereignty is often seen as a downright obstacle to fruitful conceptual analysis, carried over from its proper (...)
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    An evolutionary account of chronic pain: Integrating the natural method in evolutionary psychology.Kenneth Sufka & Derek Turner - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (2):243-257.
    This paper offers an evolutionary account of chronic pain. Chronic pain is a maladaptive by-product of pain mechanisms and neural plasticity, both of which are highly adaptive. This account shows how evolutionary psychology can be integrated with Flanagan's natural method, and in a way that avoids the usual charges of panglossian adaptationism and an uncritical commitment to a modular picture of the mind. Evolutionary psychology is most promising when it adopts a bottom-up research strategy that focuses (...)
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  8. Evolutionary epistemology as a scientific method: a new look upon the units and levels of evolution debate.Nathalie Gontier - 2010 - Theory in Biosciences 2 (129):167-182.
  9. Evolutionary Epistomology and the Scientific Method.A. J. Clark - 1986 - Philosophica 37.
  10. Evolutionary Epistemology and the Scientific Method in Current Issues in the Philosophy of Biology.Andy J. Clark - 1986 - Philosophica 37:151-162.
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  11.  27
    Evolutionary hypotheses and behavioral genetic methods: Hopes for a union of two disparate disciplines.David M. Buss - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):20-20.
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    An evolutionary analysis of rules regulating human inbreeding and marriage.Nancy Wilmsen Thornhill - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):247-261.
    Evolutionary theory predicts that humans should avoid incest because of the negative effects incest has on individual reproduction: production of defective offspring. Selection for the avoidance of close-kin mating has apparently resulted in a psychological mechanism that promotes voluntary incest avoidance. Most human societies are thought to have rules regulating incest. If incest is avoided, why are social rules constructed to regulate it? This target article suggests that incest rules do not exist primarily to regulate close-kin mating but to (...)
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  13. Evolutionary Perspectives on Emotion.Paul E. Griffiths - 2001 - In Alfred W. Kazniak (ed.), Emotions, Qualia and Consciousness. World Scientific. pp. 106--123.
    Evolutionary Psychology links the methodology for cognitive science associated with the late David Marr to evolutionary theory. The mind is conceived as a bundle of modules which can be described at three theoretical levels. Each module represents an adaptation to some specific ecological problem. Evolutionary psychologists try to derive the highest level of description using a heuristic method called 'adaptive thinking'. This paper questions the value of the official EP methodology and reasserts the value of the (...)
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    Sense and Nonsense: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behaviour.Kevin N. Laland & Gillian R. Brown - 2002 - Oxford University Press. Edited by Kevin N. Laland & Gillian R. Brown.
    This book asks whether evolution can help us to understand human behaviour and explores diverse evolutionary methods and arguments. It provides a short, readable introduction to the science behind the works of Dawkins, Dennett, Wilson and Pinker. It is widely used in undergraduate courses around the world.
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  15. Evolutionary theory meets cognitive psychology: A more selective perspective.Lawrence Shapiro & William Epstein - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (2):171-94.
    Quite unexpectedly, cognitive psychologists find their field intimately connected to a whole new intellectual landscape that had previously seemed remote, unfamiliar, and all but irrelevant. Yet the proliferating connections tying together the cognitive and evolutionary communities promise to transform both fields, with each supplying necessary principles, methods, and a species of rigor that the other lacks. (Cosmides and Tooby, 1994, p. 85).
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  16. The Evolutionary Development of Scientific Method in England From Bacon to Mill, Being an Historical Analysis of the Methods of Experimental Investigation.Stuart Silvers - 1963 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
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    Concepts and Methods in Evolutionary Biology.Robert N. Brandon - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    Robert Brandon is one of the most important and influential of contemporary philosophers of biology. This collection of his recent essays covers all the traditional topics in the philosophy of evolutionary biology and as such could serve as an introduction to the field. There are essays on the nature of fitness, teleology, the structure of the theory of natural selection, and the levels of selection. The book also deals with newer topics that are less frequently discussed but are of (...)
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  18.  17
    An Evolutionary Algorithm with Clustering-Based Assisted Selection Strategy for Multimodal Multiobjective Optimization.Naili Luo, Wu Lin, Peizhi Huang & Jianyong Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    In multimodal multiobjective optimization problems, multiple Pareto optimal sets, even some good local Pareto optimal sets, should be reserved, which can provide more choices for decision-makers. To solve MMOPs, this paper proposes an evolutionary algorithm with clustering-based assisted selection strategy for multimodal multiobjective optimization, in which the addition operator and deletion operator are proposed to comprehensively consider the diversity in both decision and objective spaces. Specifically, in decision space, the union population is partitioned into multiple clusters by using a (...)
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  19.  27
    The evolutionary stability of optimism, pessimism, and complete ignorance.Burkhard C. Schipper - 2021 - Theory and Decision 90 (3-4):417-454.
    We seek an evolutionary explanation for why in some situations humans maintain either optimistic or pessimistic attitudes toward uncertainty and are ignorant to relevant aspects of their environment. Players in strategic games face Knightian uncertainty about opponents’ actions and maximize individually their Choquet expected utility with respect to neo-additive capacities allowing for both an optimistic or pessimistic attitude toward uncertainty as well as ignorance to strategic dependencies. An optimist overweighs good outcomes. A complete ignorant never reacts to opponents’ changes (...)
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  20. Gestalt-Switching and the Evolutionary Transitions.Peter Godfrey-Smith & Benjamin Kerr - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (1):205-222.
    Formal methods developed for modeling levels of selection problems have recently been applied to the investigation of major evolutionary transitions. We discuss two new tools of this kind. First, the ‘near-variant test’ can be used to compare the causal adequacy of predictively equivalent representations. Second, ‘state-variable gestalt-switching’ can be used to gain a useful dual perspective on evolutionary processes that involve both higher and lower level populations.
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    (1 other version)Evolutionary epidemiology.Daniel R. Wilson - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (1):87-90.
    Epidemiology is a science of disease which specifies rates . Evolution is a science of life which specifies changes . ‘Evolutionary Epidemiology’ is a synthesis of these two sciences which combines the empirical power of classical methods in genetical epidemiology with the interpretive capacities of neo-darwinian evolutionary genetics. In particular, prevalence rates of genetical diseases are important data points when reformulated for the purpose of analysis in terms of their evolutionary frequencies. Traits which exceedprevalences beyond the rates (...)
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  22.  24
    Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning for Adaptively Detecting Database Intrusions.Seul-Gi Choi & Sung-Bae Cho - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):449-460.
    Relational database management system is the most popular database system. It is important to maintain data security from information leakage and data corruption. RDBMS can be attacked by an outsider or an insider. It is difficult to detect an insider attack because its patterns are constantly changing and evolving. In this paper, we propose an adaptive database intrusion detection system that can be resistant to potential insider misuse using evolutionary reinforcement learning, which combines reinforcement learning and evolutionary learning. (...)
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  23.  36
    Measuring evolutionary independence: A pragmatic approach to species classification.Stijn Conix - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (6):1-18.
    After decades of debates about species concepts, there is broad agreement that species are evolving lineages. However, species classification is still in a state of disorder: different methods of delimitation lead to competing outcomes for the same organisms, and the groups recognised as species are of widely different kinds. This paper considers whether this problem can be resolved by developing a unitary scale for evolutionary independence. Such a scale would show clearly when groups are comparable and allow taxonomists to (...)
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  24.  32
    An evolutionary view of science: Imitation and memetics.Aharon Kantorovich - 2014 - Social Science Information 53 (3):363-373.
    Scientific thought is characterized in general as methodical and rational. I would like to present here an opposing view which treats science as a non-systematic activity, where serendipity, tinkering and imitation, rather than so-called rational thought, characterizes it. All these kinds of acts, which are considered to be a-rational, are related to an evolutionary view of science. I will deal here with a version of evolutionary epistemology as applied to science, integrated with the concept uf "meme". Richard Dawkins, (...)
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  25.  23
    Evolutionary stakeholder theory in action: Adaptation of public utility regulation in the post‐OPEC world.Karl A. McDermott - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):203-223.
    This article extends the Humean example of evolutionary stakeholder theory introduced in Kline and McDermott (2019). In that article, it was established that the Cost of Service Regulation (COSR) rules created by regulatory commissions, courts, and legislation was an example of evolutionary stakeholder theory. Ultimately, the Supreme Court decision in the Hope Natural Gas case established that it was not the method, but the result reach that was important. If the result reach balanced the interests of stakeholders (...)
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  26.  23
    Evolutionary ideas and ‘empirical’ methods: the analogy between language and species in works by Lyell and Schleicher.Liba Taub - 1993 - British Journal for the History of Science 26 (2):171-193.
    In theOrigin of Species, Charles Darwin (1809–82) briefly drew an analogy between languages and species, suggesting that the genealogical relationships between languages provide a model for discussing the descent and modification of species. Further, he suggested that just as languages often contain some vestige of earlier speech, for example silent, unpronounced letters, so the rudimentary organs of animals can provide clues about genealogy and descent.
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    Explanatory Integration Challenges in Evolutionary Systems Biology.Sara Green, Melinda Fagan & Johannes Jaeger - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (1):18-35.
    Evolutionary systems biology (ESB) aims to integrate methods from systems biology and evolutionary biology to go beyond the current limitations in both fields. This article clarifies some conceptual difficulties of this integration project, and shows how they can be overcome. The main challenge we consider involves the integration of evolutionary biology with developmental dynamics, illustrated with two examples. First, we examine historical tensions between efforts to define general evolutionary principles and articulation of detailed mechanistic explanations of (...)
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  28.  37
    Evolutionary Epistemology: Random Change in Science.Aharon Kantorovich - unknown
    Scientific thought is generally characterized as methodical and rational. I would like to present here an opposing view which treats science as a non-systematic activity, where serendipity, tinkering and imitation, rather than so-called rational thought, characterizes it. All these kinds of acts, which are considered to be a-rational, are related to an evolutionary view of science. I will deal here with a version of evolutionary epistemology as applied to science. The combination of variation and competition for survival is (...)
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  29.  15
    Cognitive and Evolutionary Approaches to Religion.Robert N. Mccauley - 2015 - In Kelly James Clark (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 462–480.
    The cognitive science of religion (CSR) was born from dissatisfaction with traditional interpretative accounts of religious symbolism and with the doctrine of the primacy of texts. The theories, methods, and findings of the cognitive sciences provide means for escaping the interpretative circling the former entails and for addressing the myriad nontextual religious phenomena for which the latter is ill‐suited. Whatever else each affirms, all of the pioneering theorists in CSR agree that religions involve cultural arrangements that engage ordinary cognitive systems, (...)
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  30. Emergent Probability and the Method of an Evolutionary World View.Leo J. O'donovan - 1973 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 54 (3):250.
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    Answering evolutionary questions: A guide for mechanistic biologists.Joanna Masel & Daniel E. L. Promislow - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):704-711.
    The questions and methods of molecular biology and evolutionary biology are clearly distinct, yet a unified approach can lead to deep insights. Unfortunately, attempts to unify these approaches are fraught with pitfalls. In this informal series of questions and answers, we offer the mechanistically oriented biologist a set of steps to come up with evolutionarily reasonable and meaningful hypotheses. We emphasize the critical power and importance of carefully constructed null hypotheses, and we illustrate our ideas with examples representing a (...)
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  32.  17
    Evolutionary inference from genomic data.David B. Goldstein & Paul H. Harvey - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (2):148-156.
    The rapid accumulation of gene sequence data is allowing evolutionary inferences of unprecedented resolution. In the area of population genetics, gene trees and polymorphism data are being used to study demographic parameters. In the area of comparative biology, the shapes of phylogenetic trees provide information about patterns of speciation, coevolution, and macroevolution. A variety of statistical methods have been developed for exploiting the information contained within organismal genomes. In this paper, we emphasise the conceptual bases of the tests, rather (...)
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  33.  20
    Evolutionary rates and adaptive radiations.Tania Hernández-Hernández - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (4):41.
    The term adaptive radiation has been recurrently used to describe evolutionary patterns of several lineages, and has been proposed as the main driver of biological diversification. Different definitions and criteria have been proposed to distinguish an adaptive radiation, and the current literature shows disagreements as to how radiating lineages should be circumscribed. Inconsistencies increase when authors try to differentiate a clade under adaptive radiation from clades evolving under ‘regular’ speciation with adaptation, a pattern anticipated and predicted by the (...) theory in any lineage. The most important disagreement is as to which evolutionary rate authors analyze to characterize a radiation; a discussion embedded in a prevailing inability to provide mechanistic explanations of the relationship among evolutionary rates. The union of pattern and process in the same term, the inadequacy of reported null hypotheses, and the frequent use of ad hoc comparisons between lineages have also contributed to the lack of consensus. A rigorous use of available terms and the articulation of solid criteria with objective methodologies in distinguishing evolutionary patterns are imperative. Given the difficulties in detecting adaptation, the use of the ‘adaptive’ term to qualify a radiation should be avoided unless methodologically tested. As an unambiguous method to distinguish radiating lineages, the statistical detection of significant increases in taxonomic diversification rates on monophyletic lineages can be considered a distinctive signature of a radiation. After recognizing this pattern, causal hypotheses explaining them can be stated, as well as correlates with other rates of evolution. (shrink)
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    An evolutionary approach to revising modernization theory: An introduction to the credible polity.Prateek Goorha - 2009 - World Futures 65 (3):176 – 203.
    The future global distribution of the political regimes of countries, just like that of their economic incomes, displays a surprising tendency for polarization into only two clubs of convergence at the extrema. This, in itself, is a persuasive reason to analyze afresh the logical validity of an endogenous theory for political and economic development inherent in modernization theory. I suggest how adopting a simple evolutionary game theoretic view on the subject allows an explanation for these parallel clubs of convergence (...)
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  35.  8
    Evolutionary Theory and Christian Belief: The Unresolved Conflict.David Lack - 1957 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1957. This book is concerned with the conflict between "Darwinism" as the Victorians called it, and Christianity, a conflict here re-stated in modern terms because it so vitally affects our understanding of human nature and human values today. The opening chapter describes the historical background. There is a short account of evolution and the argument over Genesis. The importance of natural selection is stressed, and rival theories as to the means of animal evolution are criticised. Discussions follow (...)
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  36.  9
    Bringing Statistical Methods to Community and Evolutionary Ecology: Daniel S. Simberloff.William Dritschilo - 2008 - In Oren Harman & Michael Dietrich (eds.), Rebels, Mavericks, and Heretics in Biology. Yale University Press. pp. 356.
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    Evidence for evolutionary specialization in human limbic structures.Nicole Barger, Kari L. Hanson, Kate Teffer, Natalie M. Schenker-Ahmed & Katerina Semendeferi - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:87910.
    Increasingly, functional and evolutionary research has highlighted the important contribution emotion processing makes to complex human social cognition. As such, it may be asked whether neural structures involved in emotion processing, commonly referred to as limbic structures, have been impacted in human brain evolution. To address this question, we performed an extensive evolutionary analysis of multiple limbic structures using modern phylogenetic tools. For this analysis, we combined new volumetric data for the hominoid (human and ape) amygdala and 4 (...)
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  38.  15
    Evolutionary Game Analysis of E-Commerce Intellectual Property Social Cogovernance with Collective Organizations.Ji Li & Chunming Xu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    China’s E-commerce market is very active. Despite the impact of COVID-19, the market has ushered in major development opportunities. Alongside, the level of intellectual property protection in China is constantly improving. However, there are relatively few studies on intellectual property protection in the field of E-commerce. This study introduces the theory of social cogovernance and explores the construction of China’s E-commerce intellectual property protection system with the participation of collective organizations. Evolutionary game method is applied to model construction. (...)
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  39.  17
    Evolutionary physiology at 30+: Has the promise been fulfilled?Ismael Galván, Tonia S. Schwartz & Theodore Garland - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (1):2100167.
    Three decades ago, interactions between evolutionary biology and physiology gave rise to evolutionary physiology. This caused comparative physiologists to improve their research methods by incorporating evolutionary thinking. Simultaneously, evolutionary biologists began focusing more on physiological mechanisms that may help to explain constraints on and trade‐offs during microevolutionary processes, as well as macroevolutionary patterns in physiological diversity. Here we argue that evolutionary physiology has yet to reach its full potential, and propose new avenues that may lead (...)
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  40.  68
    On inference in ecology and evolutionary biology: The problem of multiple causes.Ray Hilborn & Stephen C. Stearns - 1982 - Acta Biotheoretica 31 (3):145-164.
    If one investigates a process that has several causes but assumes that it has only one cause, one risks ruling out important causal factors. Three mechanisms account for this mistake: either the significance of the single cause under test is masked by noise contributed by the unsuspected and uncontrolled factors, or the process appears only when two or more causes interact, or the process appears when there are present any of a number of sufficient causes which are not mutally exclusive. (...)
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  41. Brandon, R.-Concepts and Methods in Evolutionary Biology.V. Pratt - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:145-149.
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    Beyond congruence: evidential integration and inferring the best evolutionary scenario.Arsham Nejad Kourki - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (5):1-25.
    Molecular methods have revolutionised virtually every area of biology, and metazoan phylogenetics is no exception: molecular phylogenies, molecular clocks, comparative phylogenomics, and developmental genetics have generated a plethora of molecular data spanning numerous taxa and collectively transformed our understanding of the evolutionary history of animals, often corroborating but at times opposing results of more traditional approaches. Moreover, the diversity of methods and models within molecular phylogenetics has resulted in significant disagreement among molecular phylogenies as well as between these and (...)
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  43.  60
    Communication: Where Evolutionary Linguistics Went Wrong.Guillermo Lorenzo & Sergio Balari - 2010 - Biological Theory 5 (3):228-239.
    In this article we offer a detailed assessment of current approaches to the origins of language, with a special foots on their historical and theoretical underpinnings. It is a widely accepted view within evolutionary linguistics that an account of the emergence of human language necessarily involves paying special attention to its communicative function and its relation to other animal communication systems. Ever since Darwin, some variant of this view has constituted the mainstream version in evolutionary linguistics; however, it (...)
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  44.  25
    Epistasis-Based Basis Estimation Method for Simplifying the Problem Space of an Evolutionary Search in Binary Representation.Junghwan Lee & Yong-Hyuk Kim - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-13.
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    The evolutionary contingency thesis and evolutionary idiosyncrasies.T. Y. William Wong - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (2):22.
    Much philosophical progress has been made in elucidating the idea of evolutionary contingency in a recent re-burgeoning of the debate. However, additional progress has been impaired on three fronts. The first relates to its characterisation: the under-specification of various contingency claims has made it difficult to conceptually pinpoint the scope to which ‘contingency’ allegedly extends, as well as which biological forms are in contention. That is—there appears to be no systematic means with which to fully specify contingency claims which (...)
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  46.  84
    Evolutionary systems biology: What it is and why it matters.Orkun S. Soyer & Maureen A. O'Malley - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (8):696-705.
    Evolutionary systems biology (ESB) is a rapidly growing integrative approach that has the core aim of generating mechanistic and evolutionary understanding of genotype‐phenotype relationships at multiple levels. ESB's more specific objectives include extending knowledge gained from model organisms to non‐model organisms, predicting the effects of mutations, and defining the core network structures and dynamics that have evolved to cause particular intracellular and intercellular responses. By combining mathematical, molecular, and cellular approaches to evolution, ESB adds new insights and methods (...)
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  47. What Makes the Identity of a Scientific Method? A History of the “Structural and Analytical Typology” in the Growth of Evolutionary and Digital Archaeology in Southwestern Europe (1950s–2000s).Sébastien Plutniak - 2022 - Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology 5 (1).
    Usual narratives among prehistoric archaeologists consider typological approaches as part of a past and outdated episode in the history of research, subsequently replaced by technological, functional, chemical, and cognitive approaches. From a historical and conceptual perspective, this paper addresses several limits of these narratives, which (1) assume a linear, exclusive, and additive conception of scientific change, neglecting the persistence of typological problems; (2) reduce collective developments to personal work (e.g. the “Bordes’” and “Laplace’s” methods in France); and (3) presuppose the (...)
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    Evolutionary Constraints: Gauss’ Law as a Toy Model for Gluing.Ingemar Bengtsson & István Rácz - 2025 - Foundations of Physics 55 (1):1-8.
    It is possible to solve the Einstein constraint equations as an evolutionary rather than an elliptic system. Here we consider the Gauss constraint in electrodynamics as a toy model for this. We use a combination of the evolutionary method with the gluing construction to produce initial data for an electromagnetic pulse surrounded by vacuum. It turns out that solving the evolutionary form of the constraint is straightforward, and explicitly yields the desired type of initial data. In (...)
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    Evolutionary Game Analysis of Knowledge Sharing in Low-Carbon Innovation Network.Cuicui Zheng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Low-carbon technological innovation is the main means to develop a low-carbon economy, and network knowledge sharing and collaborative innovation is an effective model for the development of low-carbon technologies. First of all, this article adopts a decision-making experiment and evaluation laboratory method and interpretation structure model, combines the two methods, extracts the advantages of the two, and discards the shortcomings of the two, thus constructing a new optimized and upgraded interpretation structure model. We give methods to explore the main (...)
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    Ideas, Principles, and Lateral Progress in Jane Addams’s Evolutionary Theorizing.Barbara J. Lowe - 2021 - The Pluralist 16 (1):107-112.
    my comments focus on jane addams's methode of ethical deliberation, as understood through Dr. Fischer's detailed explication, especially as offered in chapter 2, "An Evolutionary Method of Ethical Deliberation." As Fischer points out, this explication is of one iteration of Jane Addams's method, a particularized response to how Jane Addams believed the settlement residents should respond to the many labor strikes in Chicago during the 1890s. I offer my comments from the perspective of both a scholar, seeking (...)
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