Results for 'existence, consciousness, Dasein, unauthenticity'

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  1. Expansion of Self-consciousness in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Olga Lenczewska - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (4):554–594.
    This paper is a novel attempt at reconstructing Kant’s account of self-consciousness in the first Critique by making evident its gradual expository progression, and at identifying the epistemic status of the two modes of self-consciousness: pure and empirical. I trace the gradual exposition of theoretical self-consciousness across three crucial parts of the book: the Transcendental Deduction, the Refutation of Idealism, and the Paralogisms of Pure Reason. In doing so, I show that the account of theoretical self-consciousness is not presented to (...)
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    Gefühl in Kant’s Gefühl eines Daseins: Clues from Tetens and Feder.Apaar Kumar - 2022 - In Giuseppe Motta, Dennis Schulting & Udo Thiel, Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Theory of Apperception: New Interpretations. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 219-250.
    Kant claims that the transcendental self can be represented as a “feeling of existence” (Gefühl eines Daseins). Some interpreters take this claim to be inconsistent with Kant’s larger theory of self-consciousness. I consider the extent to which two eighteenth-century philosophy texts that Kant knew well - Tetens’ Philosophische Versuche über die menschliche Natur und ihre Entwickelung and Feder’s Logik und Metaphysik - can contribute to our understanding of Gefühl eines Daseins. I point to some continuities between Kant’s characterization of “Gefühl” (...)
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    The Ethics of Authenticity in Being and Time [Spanish].Héctor Oscar Arrese Igor - 2011 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 15:118-141.
    In this paper I try to show that Heidegger develops in Being and Time an ethics of the authenticity, which doesn´t consist in the prescription of rules of action, but in a certain attitude, which the Dasein has to adopt toward his own mortality. In relation to this aim I will consider the problems of the state of Verfallenheit, the anxiety and the death as an own possibility. These themes are analyzed from the point of view of the dichotomy that (...)
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    Cosmologies of life after Peirce, Heidegger and Darwin.Otto Lehto - 2023 - In Eero Tarasti, Transcending Signs: Essays in Existential Semiotics. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 273-287.
    My paper proposes a tentative framework of bio-existential semiotics based on a reading of Peirce, Darwin, Heidegger, Tarasti, and others. According to this view, there is an evolutionary continuum to life. Human beings are natural organisms and they exhibit many similar bio-existential phenomena. Natural evolution also produces the anthropological, societal and global semiotic processes that constitute cultural evolution as an outgrowth. In the bio-existential perspective, the world is composed of imperfect systems and imperfect consciousnesses where every lifeform must struggle for (...)
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    Internalizacja wartości.Maria Gołaszewska - 1978 - Etyka 16:81-102.
    It is presumed that there is an opposition between the spontaneous, discovered, personal and natural on the one hand, and the taught, imitated, adopted, and artificial, on the other. The opposition is manifested in different kinds of human activity and its products. It can be evaluated and provides a framework for several theories. It is accepted, for instance that, on the one hand, the most valuable are expressive experiences which harmonize with dispositions and sensitivity of man, and on the other, (...)
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    A Levinasian Opening on the Affirmative Ethics of Care.Antonio Sandu - 2016 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (43):28-47.
    In the order of beingness, duty is a state much closer to Dasein than any form of rationality could be. The true duty and the true respect for the golden rule can only come from the authenticity of one’s beingness. The same goes for what we call humility. This duty, as an existential state, is a movement of the spirit which seems to be overwhelmed by the care for the Other, towards the Other. Any duty which does not “move the (...)
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    Ser si-mesmo: uma abordagem fenomenológica à autenticidade e inautenticidade.Philippe Cabestan - 2010 - Natureza Humana 12 (2):1-15.
    Nous prendrons pour point de départ la célèbre distinction de Winnicott entre un vrai soi et un faux soi ou, en d'autres termes, empruntés à la phénoménologie, entre un soi authentique et un soi inauthentique . Mais le soi est une notion qui ne va pas sans soulever bien des difficultés, y compris aux yeux des spécialistes de l'œuvre de Winnicott, ne serait-ce que dans son rapport au moi. Il nous semble cependant possible d'élucider certaines d'entre elles grâce à l'élaboration (...)
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    Language and facticity in Heidegger's lecture of Saint Augustine.Maria Adelaide Pacheco - 2012 - Phainomenon 24 (1):63-77.
    Language and facticity in Heidegger’s lecture of Saint Augustine. The phenomenological analysis of the Confessions of Saint Augustine gave to Heidegger the opportunity to radicalize the deconstruction of the theoretical path do God and to discover the factical life under the “formal indication” of “the historical”. In Book X of the Confessions Heidegger found an authentic experience of temporality, breaking down with the cosmological concept of time characteristic of Greek philosophy and of metaphysical tradition. The confrontation with such an experience (...)
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    Some Lessons in Metaphysics. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):746-747.
    This book represents the text used by Ortega for presentation of his lecture course on metaphysics at the University of Madrid in 1932-1933. Stylistically, the manuscript is illustrative of his pedagogical method, rather than his method of philosophical exposition. In its own way it demonstrates how the literal transcription of what is effective orally can become in written form tiresomely repetitious and frustratingly slow in development. The thesis of the lectures is that metaphysics is implicit in man's basic orientation toward (...)
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  10. Consciousness and the Existence of God: A Theistic Argument.James Porter Moreland - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    In _Consciousness and the Existence of God_, J.P. Moreland argues that the existence of finite, irreducible consciousness provides evidence for the existence of God. Moreover, he analyzes and criticizes the top representative of rival approaches to explaining the origin of consciousness, including John Searle’s contingent correlation, Timothy O’Connor’s emergent necessitation, Colin McGinn’s mysterian ‘‘naturalism,’’ David Skrbina’s panpsychism and Philip Clayton’s pluralistic emergentist monism. Moreland concludes that these approaches should be rejected in favor of what he calls ‘‘the Argument from Consciousness.’’.
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    Historicity as a Principle of Interpretation of Analytics of Human Being in Philosophy of M. Heidegger.Irina Nikolayevna Sidorenko - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (3):457-469.
    Analysis of the state and possible options for the development of modern humanities gives the grounds to assert the growing importance of the idea of historicity in culture and philosophy during the 20th and early 21st centuries. In this regard, both the disclosure of the concept of historicity and the substantiation of the significance of the principle of historicity, both for the methodology of historical and philosophical knowledge and for humanitarian knowledge in general become relevant. The author of this article (...)
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  12. Consciousness without Existence: Descartes, Severino and the Interpretation of Experience.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2023 - In Andrea Strazzoni & Marco Sgarbi, Reading Descartes. Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning. Florence: Firenze University Press. pp. 169-198.
    Consciousness is connected with the fact that a subject is aware and open to the manifestation of whatever appears. Existence, by contrast, is used to express the fact that something is given in experience, is present, or is real. Usually, the two notions are taken to be somehow related. This chapter suggests that existence is at best introduced as a metaphysical (or meta-experiential) concept that inevitably escapes the domain of conscious experience. In order to illustrate this claim, two case studies (...)
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    (1 other version)Consciousness as Existence, and the End of Intentionality.Ted Honderich - 2001 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 48:1-26.
    It was only in the last century of the past millennium that the Philosophy of Mind began to flourish as a part of philosophy with some autonomy, enough for students to face examination papers in it by itself. Despite an inclination in some places to give it the name of Philosophical Psychology, it is not any science of the mind. This is not to say that the Philosophy of Mind is unempirical, but that it is like the rest of philosophy (...)
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  14. Does consciousness exist independently of present time and present time independently of consciousness.Birgitta Dresp-Langley & Jean Durup - 2012 - Open Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):45-49.
    While some are currently debating whether time may or may not be an illusion, others keep devoting their time to the science of consciousness. Time as such may be seen as a physical or a subjective variable, and the limitations in our capacity of perceiving and analyzing temporal order and change in physical events definitely constrain our understanding of consciousness which, in return, constrains our conceptual under-standing of time. Temporal codes generated in the brain have been considered as the key (...)
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  15.  18
    From the Visual to the Auditory in Heidegger’s Being and Time and Augustine’s Confessions.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2024 - Open Philosophy 7 (1):11-34.
    Studies about the influence of sound and ambient environments on understanding and the affects, prior to intentional acts of consciousness, are employed to rectify self-fragmentation exemplified in Heidegger and Augustine. Due to a visual bias that suppresses his auditory disposition in Being and Time, Heidegger gestures toward Dasein’s fulfillment in social-being yet also recoils from it. To ameliorate this impasse, his underdeveloped modification of existence is revisited by way of Augustine’s attunement to rhetoricity during his conversion experience. As a result (...)
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  16. Consciousness as existence as a form of neutral monism.Ingmar Persson - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (7-8):128-146.
    I shall here raise and attempt to answer -- given the constraints of space, rather dogmatically -- some fundamental questions as regards the fertile and far-reaching doctrine Ted Honderich has in the past called Consciousness as Existence.
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  17. Gadamer – Cheng: Conversations in Hermeneutics.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (3):245-249.
    1 Introduction1 In the 1980s, hermeneutics was often incorporated into deconstructionism and literary theory. Rather than focus on authorial intentions, the nature of writing itself including codes used to construct meaning, socio-economic contexts and inequalities of power,2 Gadamer introduced a different perspective; the interplay between effects of history on a reader’s understanding and the tradition(s) handed down in writing. This interplay in which a reader’s prejudices are called into question and modified by the text in a fusion of understanding and (...)
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    (1 other version)Consciousness as Existence Again.Ted Honderich - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 9:65-81.
    Perceptual and other consciousness is left out of or is not adequately characterized in naturalist accounts, including eliminative materialism and neural functionalism. We need a radically new start. Phenomenologically, if you are perceptually conscious, then a world—a changing totality of things—must somehow exist. Partly because with consciousness nothing is hidden and all can be reported without inference, perceptual consciousness itself is literally to be understood as things existing spatio-temporally. This account of consciousness as existence does not reduce it to mental (...)
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    Gadamer on the Subject’s Participation in the Game of Truth.Rudolf Bernet - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (4):785-814.
    THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE HEIDEGGERIAN CRITIQUE of subjectivity has left a profound mark on the philosophy of the twentieth century. Anyone who has read Sartre, Lacan, Lévinas, Foucault, or Derrida can attest to this. Paradoxically, this critique resulted less in a complete disappearance of the subject from the philosophical scene than in its preservation under the minimal form of what one could call “a subject without qualities.” Like the Heideggerian Dasein before them, “consciousness” for Sartre, “the subject of (...)
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  20. Defining consciousness and denying its existence. Sailing between Charybdis and Scylla.François Kammerer - 2025 - Philosophical Studies 182 (2).
    Ulysses, the strong illusionist, sails towards the Strait of Definitions. On his left, Charybdis defines “phenomenal consciousness” in a loaded manner, which makes it a problematic entity from a physicalist and naturalistic point of view. This renders illusionism attractive, but at the cost of committing a potential strawman against its opponents – phenomenal realists. On the right, Scylla defines “phenomenal consciousness” innocently. This seems to render illusionism unattractive. Against this, I show that Ulysses can pass the Strait of Definitions. He (...)
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    Immortality Revisited.Konstantin Kolenda - 1980 - Philosophy and Literature 4 (2):167-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Konstantin Kolenda IMMORTALITY REVISITED In his essay, "Poets and Thinkers: Their Kindred Roles in the Philosophy of Martin Heidegger," J. Glenn Gray points out that Heidegger "does not treat imaginative literature and other works of art qua literature and art but as aspects of philosophy or meditative thought." To Heidegger's question, "How long are we going to prevent ourselves from experiencing the actual as actual?", Gray is inclined to (...)
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    Transcendence in Heidegger’s Early Thought: Toward Being as Event.Erik Kuravsky - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book demonstrates how Heidegger's departure from ontotheology occurs initially as a preparation for the concept of Dasein's transcendence and subsequently as its explicit development and overcoming. Dasein's transcendence is revealed as the foundation for the subsequent concept of Beyng as an Event, which stands in contrast to all ontotheological perspectives that assert a singular a priori foundation of the universe attributed to beings, God, consciousness, or even an independent "process" of Being that doesn't rely on Dasein. The book illustrates (...)
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    From Personal to Social Transaction: A Model of Aesthetic Reading in the Classroom.Mark A. Pike - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 61-72 [Access article in PDF] From Personal to Social Transaction:A Model of Aesthetic Reading in the Classroom Mark A. Pike This article seeks to define more precisely the nature of the individual transaction that occurs between reader and text and the potential for aesthetic reading in literature classrooms by relating knowledge of the way pupils engage in literary transactions to theoretical perspectives (...)
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    Phenomenology and Mathematics in Oscar Becker.Jassen Andreev - 2023 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 32 (4):412-429.
    According to Becker, the dispute between the intuitionistic (construction as the guarantor of mathematical existence) and the formalistic (non-contradiction as the guarantor of mathematical existence) definition should be resolved in a phenomenological perspective on the problem. The question of the legitimacy of the transfinite should also be resolved in the perspective of a phenomenological constitutive analysis. This analysis provides the key to the problematic of mathematical existence: the result of Becker’s investigations on the logic and ontology of the mathematical is (...)
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    The Philosophical Lineage of Mr. Cogito (part 3).Halina Kozdęba-Murray - 2021 - Philosophical Discourses 3:111-125.
    The third part of the article is focused on the interpretation of a well-known poem by Zbigniew Herbert, “The Message of Mr. Cogito”. The rhetorical figure, the golden fleece of nothingness, has been interpreted in the context of Meister Eckhart’s apophatic theology, as well as the phenomenology of Bertrand Welte. Since nothingness has been described by the predicate of the golden fleece, it paradoxically comes across as something that is. The golden fleece, in turn, alludes to the ancient Greek poem (...)
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    Information—Consciousness—Reality: How a New Understanding of the Universe Can Help Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence.James B. Glattfelder - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book chronicles the rise of a new scientific paradigm offering novel insights into the age-old enigmas of existence. Over 300 years ago, the human mind discovered the machine code of reality: mathematics. By utilizing abstract thought systems, humans began to decode the workings of the cosmos. From this understanding, the current scientific paradigm emerged, ultimately discovering the gift of technology. Today, however, our island of knowledge is surrounded by ever longer shores of ignorance. Science appears to have (...)
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  27. Philosophical Hermeneutics Ⅰ: Early Heidegger, with a Preliminary Glance Back at Schleiermacher and Dilthey.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):45-68.
    1施莱尔玛赫 contribution to the development施莱尔玛赫for hermeneutics in the development of Historically hermeneutics In order to make a decisive turn when he made ​​the future "general hermeneutics" , hermeneutics will be applied to all text interpretation. When the traditional hermeneutics contains In order to understand, description and application,施莱尔玛赫the attention is hermeneutics as "the art of understanding." 施莱尔玛赫also introduced the interpretation of psychology, can penetrate the text by means of its author's individuality and flexibility soul. He wanted to become a systematic hermeneutics, (...)
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  28. The Universal Process of Understanding: Seven Key Terms in Gadamer's Hermeneutics.Richard Palmer & Katia Ho - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):121-144.
    In order to introduce the text description of this class will show seven keywords, they represent In order to understand the general process for the seven. Need to mention is that the author published in Chinese script - title "Gadamer's philosophy of the seven key" - and this content is not the same. In fact, only one in that the use of key words in this speech mentioned the four key words will be used the next article. 1 Linguistics as (...)
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    ""Where the" They" Lies: Feminist Reflection on Pedagogical Innovation.Andrea Janae Sholtz - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (1):72-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Where the “They” LiesFeminist Reflection on Pedagogical InnovationAndrea Janae SholtzAs feminist philosophers attempt to articulate problems of marginalization based on race, class, gender, sexuality, we navigate a complex and confusing set of paradigms of exclusion and inclusion. A significant barrier is that binary logic is difficult to eradicate even in calls for greater inclusivity, and the language and mentality of “us” versus “them,” where “them” indicates an imposing force, (...)
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    Poetry as the Naming of the Gods.Phyllis Zagano - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):340-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:POETRY AS THE NAMING OF THE GODS by Phyllis Zagano There have been many attempts to define poetry, and there is copious advice to would-be poets. Horace writes somewhere "Sit quod vis, simplex dumtaxat et unum" which can be comfortably rendered as "make anything at all, so long as it hangs together." The hanging together is the quality most writers point to as evidence of success: simply, it works. (...)
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    (1 other version)Perceptual, Reflective and Affective Consciousness as Existence.Ted Honderich - 2003 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 53:1-24.
    One criterion of an adequate analysis of the nature of consciousness has to do with its three parts, sides or elements. These are seeing and the like, thinking and the like, and desiring and the like. The seeming natures of the perceptual, reflective and affective parts or whatever of consciousness are different despite similarity. An adequate analysis of consciousness, even if general, will preserve the differences. It will pass the test of what you can call differential phenomenology.
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    Heidegger and German Idealism.Daniel O. Dahlstrom - 2005 - In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall, A Companion to Heidegger. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 65–79.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The First Phase: Fichte's “Metaphysics of Dasein” and Its Systemic Betrayal The Second Phase: Onto‐theo‐ego‐logy and the Question of Infinity at a “Crossroads” with Hegel The Third Phase: Schelling on the Basic Distinction, the Primal Being of the Will, and the Existence of Evil The Fourth Phase: Hegel's Completion of Western Philosophy and “Getting over” Metaphysics by Thinking Its Forgotten Ground.
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    Arguments from consciousness to God’s existence (ACs) contend that physicalism is too problematic to explain the mind’s ultimate source. They add that theism probably better explains this source in terms of God making us in his own image (with conscious, unified, rational minds). But ACs are problematic too. First, physicalism has various competitors beside theism. Russellian monism and dual-aspect theory are examples. Second, all these theories, including theism, are seriously flawed. For example, it’s tied to traditional dualism, which has causal (...)
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  34.  7
    Consciousness and the synaisthison in regard to the concept of "Soul": an investigation into Prânavichâra's proposition that consciousness is a positioning of existence. Atmasavichara & Intelligence Gate Enterprises - 2012 - [Japan?]: Intelligence Gate Enterprises.
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    The Meaning of Human Existence / The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss.Francis X. Clooney - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (1):125-128.
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    The Autobiographical Consciousness: A Philosophical Inquiry into Existence, by William Earle.Donald V. Morano - 1974 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 5 (2):176-178.
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  37. (4 other versions)Does "consciousness" exist?William James - 1904 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods 1 (18):477-491.
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    (1 other version)Consciousness as Existence.Ted Honderich - 1998 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 43:137-155.
    The difference for present purposes between ourselves and stones, chairs and our computers is that we are conscious. The difference is fundamental. Being conscious is sufficient for having a mind in one sense of the word ‘mind’, and being conscious is necessary and fundamental to having a mind in any decent sense.Whatis this difference between ourselves and stones, chairs and our computers? The question is not meant to imply that there is a conceptual or a nomic barrier in the way (...)
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  39. Consciousness as existence, devout physicalism, spiritualism.Ted Honderich - 2004 - Mind and Matter 2 (1):85-104.
    Consider three answers to the question of what it actually is for you to be aware of the room you are in. It is for the room in a way to exist. It is for there to be only physical activity in your head, however additionally described. It is for there to be non-spatial facts somehow in your head. The first theory, unlike the other two, satisfies five criteria for an adequate account of consciousness itself. The criteria have to do (...)
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  40. “存在”、“此在”与“是非”——兼论庄子、海德格尔对人的存在问题观点之异同(“Sein”, “Dasein” and “Shi Fei”: Zhuang Zi and Heidgger’s Opinions on the Issue of Human Existence).Keqian Xu - 1999 - 南京师大学报(Journal of Nanjing Normal University) 1999 (6):25-30.
    The thorny problem, which we are confronted with in translating the term of “Sein”(Being) from western Philosophy into Chinese, highlights the ambiguity, paradoxy and vagueness of the issue of Sein from a specific viewpoint. Although there is no exact equivalent in Chinese for the word of “Sein”, we use several different words to express the meanings consisted in the issue of “Sein”. By comparison we may find that what is discussed by Zhuang Zi using the terms of “Shi” and “Fei” (...)
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    Roger Nelson’s “Global Consciousness” Does Not Exist.Dominique J. Persoons - 2024 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 4 (3):20-28.
    In 1999, physicist Roger Nelson of the Princeton Institute began a worldwide experiment in the search for Global Consciousness by installing tunneling computers in the USA and Europe. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the presence of psychic synchronicities and prove the existence of a cloud of consciousness around our Earth. 24 years later, the experiment is still running. However, we consider that this cloud of supra-human consciousness is nonsense and that this experiment is philosophically aberrant.
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    Time, atemporal existence, and divine temporal consciousness: a bimodalist account for divine consciousness.Lyu Zhou - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 95 (3):285-305.
    If God exists atemporally, could God still be temporally conscious? This article aims to clarify a conceptual space for a divine temporal mode of consciousness under the traditional assumption that God exists atemporally. I contend that an atemporally existing and conscious God – by the divine nature, and not just the human nature in Christ – could also be conscious of the temporal world – and indeed, all possible temporal worlds – through a temporal mode that is akin to human (...)
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    The Marvel of Consciousness: Existence and Manifestation in Jñānaśrīmitra’s Sākārasiddhiśāstra.Davey K. Tomlinson - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (1):163-199.
    This paper considers Jñānaśrīmitra’s defense of manifestation as the criterion of ultimate existence. In the first section, "Asatkhyāti and Adhyavasāya: making sense of manifestation as the criterion of the real", I show the way that, in response to Ratnākaraśānti’s Nirākāravāda, Jñānaśrīmitra argues for a sharp distinction between manifestation and determination in an effort to establish that the manifestation of something unreal is incoherent. The unreal, he thinks, is only ever determined; it is never manifest to consciousness, properly speaking. In the (...)
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    Functional theories can describe many features of conscious phenomenology but cannot account for its existence.Max Velmans - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e62.
    Merker, Williford, and Rudrauf argue persuasively that integrated information is not identical to or sufficient for consciousness, and that projective geometries more closely formalize the spatial features of conscious phenomenology. However, these too are not identical to or sufficient for consciousness. Although such third-person specifiable functional theories can describe the many forms of consciousness, they cannot account for its existence.
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    Consciousness and existence: Remarks on the relation between Husserl and Heidegger.J. N. Mohanty - 1978 - Man and World 11 (3-4):324-335.
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    Conscious influences on subliminal cognition exist and are asymmetrical: Validation of a double prediction☆.Lionel Naccache - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1359-1360.
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    Does Consciousness Exist?L. P. Chambers - 1930 - The Monist 40 (2):256-280.
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    Philosophical universes: images, notions, frames of reference for consciousness, experience, thinking, understanding, existence, etc.Ulrich Verster - 1993 - Oxford, England: Academic Publications. ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8.
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    Existence Versus Consciousness.Zbigniew Jacyna-Onyszkiewicz - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (4-6):27-37.
    A theocentric model of reality based on the postulate that God is love, which explains the frameworks of mathematical formalism of quantum theory and solves basic problems in interpretation of this theory, has been proposed. The model proposed is metaphysical and thanks to the use of the mathematical language it may bring important implications concerning a general structure of fundamental physical theories.
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    Consciousness and existence as a process.Riccardo Manzotti - 2006 - Mind and Matter 4 (1):7-43.
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