Results for 'expansion of the universe'

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  1.  26
    Expansion of the Universe and Spacetime Ontology.Giovanni Macchia - 2018 - Humana Mente 4 (13).
    The debate on the ontological status of spacetime in General Relativity has historically seen two principal philosophical contenders: substantivalism, roughly the view that holds that spacetime exists apart from the material contents of the universe, and relationism, the doctrine that spacetime does not exist, i.e., it is a mere abstract web of spatiotemporal relations among bodies. This dispute, however, has rarely been fought on a cosmological battlefield. In this paper an attempt in this direction is made. The question at (...)
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    Modeling The Expansion Of The Universe By A Steady Flow Of Space-Time.Juan Casado Giménez - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (2):161.
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    4. Expansion and Transformation of the Universal Viewpoint.Ivo Coelho - 2001 - In Hermeneutics and Method: A Study of the 'Universal Viewpoint' in Bernard Lonergan. University of Toronto Press. pp. 78-98.
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    Expansions of the real field with power functions.Chris Miller - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (1):79-94.
    We investigate expansions of the ordered field of real numbers equipped with a family of real power functions. We show in particular that the theory of the ordered field of real numbers augmented by all restricted analytic functions and all real power functions admits elimination of quantifiers and has a universal axiomatization. We derive that every function of one variable definable in this structure, not ultimately identically 0, is asymptotic at + ∞ to a real function of the form x (...)
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    Security Glitches: The Failure of the Universal Camouflage Pattern and the Fantasy of “Identity Intelligence”.Rebecca A. Adelman - 2018 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 43 (3):431-463.
    Focusing on the paradoxes revealed in the multibillion dollar mistake of the Universal Camouflage Pattern and the expansive ambit of a leaked National Security Agency briefing on its approach to “identity intelligence,” this article analyzes security glitches arising from the state’s application of mechanized logics to security and visibility. Presuming that a digital-looking pattern would be more deceptive than designs inspired by natural forms, in 2004, the US Army adopted a pixelated “digital” camouflage pattern, a print that rendered soldiers more, (...)
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    Dimensions of Creation of the Universe and the Living Worlds.Mahesh M. Shrestha - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (4):1-8.
    The Cosmos we live in consists of Invisible Prakriti and Visible World. In Visible World, we do live. All the galaxies, Milky Ways, nebulas and planets, stars, and physical bodies belong to this world are governed by the physical and mathematical laws of nature. Prakriti which is invisible spiritually governed and wave-formed existed even before the Big-Bang. Purush holds the Visible World and Prakriti around makes entire Cosmos in existence. Purush which is an absolutely positively charged and quality less with (...)
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    The universal covering homomorphism in o‐minimal expansions of groups.Mário J. Edmundo & Pantelis E. Eleftheriou - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (6):571-582.
    Suppose G is a definably connected, definable group in an o-minimal expansion of an ordered group. We show that the o-minimal universal covering homomorphism equation image: equation image→ G is a locally definable covering homomorphism and π1 is isomorphic to the o-minimal fundamental group π of G defined using locally definable covering homomorphisms.
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    The Role of Energy Conservation and Vacuum Energy in the Evolution of the Universe.Jan M. Greben - 2010 - Foundations of Science 15 (2):153-176.
    We discuss a new theory of the universe in which the vacuum energy is of classical origin and dominates the energy content of the universe. As usual, the Einstein equations determine the metric of the universe. However, the scale factor is controlled by total energy conservation in contrast to the practice in the Robertson–Walker formulation. This theory naturally leads to an explanation for the Big Bang and is not plagued by the horizon and cosmological constant problem. It (...)
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  9.  47
    The Expansion of Autonomy: Hegel's Pluralistic Philosophy of Action.Christopher Yeomans - 2015 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Georg Lukács wrote that "there is autonomy and 'autonomy.' The one is a moment of life itself, the elevation of its richness and contradictory unity; the other is a rigidification, a barren self-seclusion, a self-imposed banishment from the dynamic overall connection." Though Lukács' concern was with the conditions for the possibility of art, his distinction also serves as an apt description of the way that Hegel and Hegelians have contrasted their own interpretations of self-determination with that of Kant. But it (...)
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  10.  24
    The expansion of British universities and their struggle to maintain Autonomy: 1943–46. [REVIEW]Geoffrey L. Price - 1978 - Minerva 16 (3):357-381.
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    The Scientific Field During Argentina’s Latest Military Dictatorship : Contraction of Public Universities and Expansion of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research. [REVIEW]Fabiana Bekerman - 2013 - Minerva 51 (2):253-269.
    This study looks at some of the traits that characterized Argentina’s scientific and university policies under the military regime that spanned from 1976 through 1983. To this end, it delves into a rarely explored empirical observation: financial resource transfers from national universities to the National Scientific and Technological Research Council (CONICET, for its Spanish acronym) during that period. The intention is to show how, by reallocating funds geared to Science and Technology, CONICET was made to expand and decentralize to the (...)
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  12.  34
    The Rationalization of Korean Universities.Bo Kyoung Kim, Hokyu Hwang, Hee Jin Cho & Yong Suk Jang - 2019 - Minerva 57 (4):501-521.
    The expansion of the higher education system and the rationalization of universities in South Korea, while broadly following the global patterns, reflect the characteristics of the national political system. We show the rapid growth of universities and document core organizational changes among universities: the elaboration of faculty performance evaluation rules, the expansion and differentiation of central administrations, and the emergence of engagement in vision statements. These changes, constructing universities as organizational actors, parallel the changes in higher education systems (...)
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  13.  60
    (1 other version)The Coming Emptiness: On the Meaning of the Emptiness of the Universe in Natural Philosophy.Gregor Schiemann - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (1).
    The cosmological relevance of emptiness—that is, space without bodies—is not yet sufficiently appreciated in natural philosophy. This paper addresses two aspects of cosmic emptiness from the perspective of natural philosophy: the distances to the stars in the closer cosmic environment and the expansion of space as a result of the accelerated expansion of the universe. Both aspects will be discussed from both a historical and a systematic perspective. Emptiness can be interpreted as “coming” in a two-fold sense: (...)
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  14.  2
    After the Expansion: The Japanese University Crisis and a Vision of the Post-University.Shunya Yoshimi - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):137-146.
    The university is in a state of crisis. This crisis has both quantitative and qualitative, or structural, aspects. Additionally, there are predicaments unique to Japanese universities as well as difficulties being faced by universities worldwide. The main focus of this paper is to explain the dire situation that contemporary Japanese universities are confronting and to suggest ways to overcome it. However, it will also touch upon the broader crisis facing universities in the 21st century.
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    Origin of Matter and the outside of the Universe.Yosef Joseph Segman - 2020 - Science and Philosophy 8 (1):31-62.
    This short paper is to provide answer to the question what is there outside the Universe? If the Universe is expending, what does it expend into? An answer was provided, the universe is expanding into its complementary universe. If that is so, then what the complementary universe is? A new perception is provided that matter exist as a logical state. What is the logical state creating matter? This question is being answered by the relationship between (...)
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  16.  94
    University expansion and the knowledge society.David John Frank & John W. Meyer - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (4):287-311.
    For centuries, the processes of social differentiation associated with Modernity have often been thought to intensify the need for site-specific forms of role training and knowledge production, threatening the university’s survival either through fragmentation or through failure to adapt. Other lines of argument emphasize the extent to which the Modern system creates and relies on an integrated knowledge system, but most of the literature stresses functional differentiation and putative threats to the university. And yet over this period the university has (...)
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  17.  86
    The bottom of the universe: Flat earth science in the Age of Encounter.James J. Allegro - 2017 - History of Science 55 (1):61-85.
    This essay challenges the dominance of the spherical earth model in fifteenth- and early-sixteenth-century Western European thought. It examines parallel strains of Latin and vernacular writing that cast doubt on the existence of the southern hemisphere. Three factors shaped the alternate accounts of the earth as a plane and disk put forward by these sources: (1) the unsettling effects of maritime expansion on scientific thought; (2) the revival of interest in early Christian criticism of the spherical earth; and (3) (...)
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  18.  11
    Philosophy in the (Post) Humanitarian Mission of the University.I. V. Karpenko & O. M. Perepelytsia - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:5-13.
    _Purpose._ The current crisis situation is connected with the tendency to eliminate the philosophical basis of higher education, the classical university, whose mission is to form a certain type of state, culture, and person. Philosophy and humanities in general played an important role in forming the modern concept of man. In the context of the expansion of the information society and the development of the latest technologies (biotechnologies, artificial intelligence), which stimulates the world market, the problem of the fundamentals (...)
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  19.  49
    Cah III - J. Boardman, I. E. S. Edwards, N. G. L. Hammond, E. Sollberger (edd.): The Cambridge Ancient History (2nd edn.), Vol. III. Part 1, The Prehistory of the Balkans, and the Middle East and the Aegean World, tenth to eighth centuries B.C. Pp. 1059, illust. Part 3, The Expansion of the Greek World, eighth to sixth centuries B.C. Pp. 530, illust. Cambridge University Press, 1982. Part 1, £40; Part 3, £25. [REVIEW]A. R. Burn - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (02):249-255.
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  20.  19
    Christopher Yeomans. The Expansion of Autonomy. Hegel’s Pluralistic Philosophy of Action. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. ISBN 978-0-19-939454-8 . Pp. 228. £45.90. [REVIEW]Edgar Maraguat - 2019 - Hegel Bulletin 40 (3):514-518.
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    The Universe Accelerated Expansion using Extra-dimensions with Metric Components Found by a New Equivalence Principle.E. Guendelman & H. Ruchvarger - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (12):1846-1868.
    Curved multi-dimensional space-times (5D and higher) are constructed by embedding them in one higher-dimensional flat space. The condition that the embedding coordinates have a separable form, plus the demand of an orthogonal resulting space-time, implies that the curved multi-dimensional space-time has 4D de-Sitter subspaces (for constant extra-dimensions) in which the 3D subspace has an accelerated expansion. A complete determination of the curved multi-dimensional spacetime geometry is obtained provided we impose a new type of “equivalence principle”, meaning that there is (...)
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  22.  47
    Non-minimal Coupling of the Higgs Boson to Curvature in an Inflationary Universe.Xavier Calmet, Iberê Kuntz & Ian G. Moss - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (1):110-120.
    In the absence of new physics around \ GeV, the electroweak vacuum is at best metastable. This represents a major challenge for high scale inflationary models as, during the early rapid expansion of the universe, it seems difficult to understand how the Higgs vacuum would not decay to the true lower vacuum of the theory with catastrophic consequences if inflation took place at a scale above \ GeV. In this paper we show that the non-minimal coupling of the (...)
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  23.  37
    Christopher Yeomans: The Expansion of Autonomy: Hegel’s Pluralistic Philosophy of Action: New York: Oxford University Press. 978–0-19-939,454-8 228 pp. Hardback. Index. 74.00$.Tim Rojek - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (3):801-803.
  24.  13
    Design of Life Expansion and the Human Mind.Natasha Vita-More - 2014 - In Russell Blackford & Damien Broderick (eds.), Intelligence Unbound. Wiley. pp. 240–247.
    A goal of expanding life over time, space, and substrate requires that we look beneath the surface of technology and the universal norms placed on human nature to a vision of its future that could be realized. There is a visible fracturing of the personal and social behaviors of its hybrid users – a process that we might call data‐clatter. While life expansion seeks the continuation of persons over time and space and beyond the physical body, there is no (...)
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  25.  5
    Unseating Mastery: The University and the Promise of the New.Erich Hörl & Premesh Lalu - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):219-238.
    The conversation between Erich Hörl and Premesh Lalu draws on their extended conversation on efforts to link discordant temporal and spatial encounters with the idea of the university and how, more importantly, to care for the future of its educational responsibilities. While much of the debate on the university is focused on how it is affected by large-scale geopolitical shifts and the rapid expansion of technological resources, Hörl and Lalu bring into view a language of the university that holds (...)
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  26.  59
    The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe.Michael Lockwood - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    Modern physics has revealed the universe as a much stranger place than we could have imagined. The puzzle at the centre of our knowledge of the universe is time. Michael Lockwood takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the nature of things. He investigates philosophical questions about past, present, and future, our experience of time, and the possibility of time travel. We zoom in on the behaviour of molecules and atoms, and pull back to survey the (...) of the universe. We learn about entropy and gravity, black holes and wormholes, about how it all began and where we are all headed. Things will never seem the same again after a voyage through The Labyrinth of Time. (shrink)
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  27.  14
    An Expressivist Disability Critique of the Expansion of Prenatal Genomics.Chris Kaposy - 2021 - In Megan A. Allyse & Marsha Michie (eds.), Born Well: Prenatal Genetics and the Future of Having Children. Springer Verlag. pp. 57-77.
    Prenatal genomics appears to be on an expansive trajectory toward universally-available, routine, whole-genome prenatal sequencing. But for people living with disabilities, this expansion of prenatal genomics may not be a welcome development. This chapter explores some of the objections arising from the community of people with disabilities, and articulates a defense of one particular form of objection: the claim that the expansion of prenatal genomics expresses negative messages about people with disabilities.
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  28.  14
    John Gribbin. The Birth of Time: How Astronomers Measured the Age of the Universe. x + 237 pp., illus., bibl., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press, 1999. $22.50. [REVIEW]Margaret Burbidge - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):284-285.
    The cover page of John Gribbin's The Birth of Time, listing more than thirty books he has written on astronomy, physics, and general science, shows the success this author has had in making these subjects interesting to and understandable by the general public. The eight chapters of The Birth of Time, ending with a useful list of books for further reading and a well‐compiled index, do indeed present a readable account of a difficult subject: man's attempts, from the time of (...)
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  29. The Discovery of the Expanding Universe: Philosophical and Historical Dimensions.Patrick M. Duerr & Abigail Holmes - manuscript
    What constitutes a scientific discovery? What role do discoveries play in science, its dynamics and social practices? Must every discovery be attributed to an individual discoverer (or a small number of discoverers)? The paper explores these questions by first critically examining extant philosophical explications of scientific discovery—the models of scientific discovery, propounded by Kuhn, McArthur, Hudson, and Schindler. As a simple, natural and powerful alternative, we proffer the “change-driver model”: in a nutshell, it takes discoveries to be cognitive scientific results (...)
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  30.  17
    The Idea of a University.Frank M. Turner (ed.) - 1996 - Yale University Press.
    Since its publication almost 150 years ago, The Idea of a University has had an extraordinary influence on the shaping and goals of higher education. The issues that John Henry Newman raised--the place of religion and moral values in the university setting, the competing claims of liberal and professional education, the character of the academic community, the cultural role of literature, the relation of religion and science--have provoked discussion from Newman's time to our own. This edition of The Idea of (...)
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  31.  18
    What is educational entrepreneurship? Strategic action, temporality, and the expansion of US higher education.Alexander T. Kindel & Mitchell L. Stevens - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (4):577-605.
    The massive expansion of US higher education after World War II is a sociological puzzle: a spectacular feat of state capacity-building in a highly federated polity. Prior scholarship names academic leaders as key drivers of this expansion, yet the conditions for the possibility and fate of their activity remain under-specified. We fill this gap by theorizing what Randall Collins first callededucational entrepreneurshipas a special kind of strategic action in the US polity. We argue that the cultural authority and (...)
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  32.  45
    Williamson (C.) The Laws of the Roman People. Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic. Pp. xxviii + 506, maps. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2005. Cased, £43, US$75. ISBN: 978-0-472-11053-. [REVIEW]Tom Stevenson - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (01):170-.
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    The denial of absolute space and the hypothesis of a universal noctural expansion: A rejoinder to George Schlesinger.Adolf GrÜnbaum - 1967 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):61 – 91.
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  34.  8
    I The human cost of French University expansion.Frédéric Gaussen - 1973 - Minerva 11 (3):372-386.
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    Does the University Have a Future?Bryan S. Turner - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):123-135.
    Although this article examines the problems facing modern universities such as their loss of independence and shortage of funding, similar problems faced universities throughout the 20th century. The focus is on the post-war generation, the creation of new universities and the political and economic changes that were brought about by Thatcherism. In the growth period between 1945 and the 1970s, many working-class children gained social mobility through the expansion of the university sector. This period also attracted large numbers of (...)
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  36.  6
    The theory of celestial influence: man, the universe, and cosmic mystery.Rodney Collin - 1968 - [New York]: Distributed in the U.S. by Random House.
    An exploration of the universe and man's place in it. Rodney Collin examines 20th-century scientific discoveries and traditional esoteric teachings and concludes that the driving force behind everything is neither procreation nor survival, but expansion of awareness. Collin sets out to reconcile the considerable contradictions of the rational and imaginative minds and of the ways we see the external world versus our inner selves.
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    Walls of resonance: Institutional history and the buildings of the University of Manchester.James Sumner - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):700-715.
    The built environments of universities are useful for telling stories about their development. Exteriors – walls, windows, doorways, the relative positioning of different facilities – are particularly suited to broad institutional narratives: the rise and decline of scientific disciplines, for instance, or the institution’s changing relationship with benefactors and the wider public. Exteriors are also conveniently accessible to public audiences.This paper explores the possibilities through the case of the University of Manchester. The approach is in a sense the converse of (...)
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  38.  29
    The Laws of the Roman People: Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic.Daniel J. Gargola - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (3):469-473.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Laws of the Roman People: Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman RepublicDaniel J. GargolaCallie Williamson. The Laws of the Roman People: Public Law in the Expansion and Decline of the Roman Republic. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005. xxviii + 506 pp. 39 tables. 4 maps. Cloth, $75.Laws enacted by citizen assemblies occupy a prominent place in the history of (...)
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  39.  24
    Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America by Michael John Witgen.Geronimo Barrera de la Torre - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (2):138-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America by Michael John WitgenGeronimo Barrera de la TorreSeeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America BY MICHAEL JOHN WITGEN Williamsburg, Va., and Chapel Hill, N.C.: Omohundro Institute for the Study of Early American History and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press, 2022The (...)
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  40. (1 other version)Psychological Expanses of Dune: Indigenous Philosophy, Americana, and Existentialism.Matthew Crippen - forthcoming - In Dune and Philosophy: Mind, Monads and Muad’Dib. London:
    Like philosophy itself, Dune explores everything from politics to art to life to reality, but above all, the novels ponder the mysteries of mind. Voyaging through psychic expanses, Frank Herbert hits upon some of the same insights discovered by indigenous people from the Americas. Many of these ideas are repeated in mainstream American and European philosophical traditions like pragmatism and existential phenomenology. These outlooks share a regard for mind as ecological, which is more or less to say that minds extend (...)
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  41.  17
    An ‘ingenious system of practical contacts’: Historical origins and development of the Institute of Child Welfare Research at Columbia University's Teachers College.Catriel Fierro - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (1):56-86.
    During the first two decades of the 20th century, the expansion of private foundations and philanthropic initiatives in the United States converged with a comprehensive, nationwide agenda of progressive education and post-war social reconstruction that situated childhood at its core. From 1924 to 1928, the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial was the main foundation behind the aggressive, systematic funding of the child development movement in North America. A pioneering institution, the Institute of Child Welfare Research, established in 1924 at Columbia's (...)
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  42. On the expansion (n, +, 2x) of Presburger arithmetic.Harvey Friedman - unknown
    oris, 1986, 17-34, Seminarberichte 86, Humboldt University, Berlin, where, with G. Cherlin, we gave a detailed proof of a result of Alexei L. Semenov that the theory of (N, +, 2x) is decidable and admits quantifier elimination in an expansion of the language containing the Presburger..
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  43. Review of P. Copan and Craig, W. (eds.) The Kalām Cosmological Argument Volume Two: Scientific Evidence for the Beginning of the Universe[REVIEW]Graham Oppy - 2019 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (3):225-229.
    This is a commissioned review of Copan, P. and Craig, W. The Kalām Cosmological Argument Volume Two: Scientific Evidence for the Beginning of the Universe New York: Bloomsbury, US$172.50, ISBN 978-1-50-133587-7.
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    University Quarter as a form of cultural interaction between the University and the city.Natal'ya Vladimirovna Baraboshina, Larisa Gennad'evna Ilivitskaya & Ivan Viktorovich Stepanov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The object of the study is the university quarter as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The subject of the study is the forms of cultural interaction between the university quarter and the city. The use of comparative and typological methods made it possible to identify and describe four forms of university presence in the city space, grouped around two basic directions. The first direction assumes the priority of the university in relation to the city, which gives rise to such a form of (...)
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    Aspects of the Mach–Einstein Doctrine and Geophysical Application (A Historical Review).W. Schröder & H. -J. Treder - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (6):883-901.
    The present authors have given a mathematical model of Mach's principle and of the Mach–Einstein doctrine about the complete induction of the inertial masses by the gravitation of the universe. The analytical formulation of the Mach–Einstein doctrine is based on Riemann's generalization of the Lagrangian analytical mechanics (with a generalization of the Galilean transformation) on Mach's definition of the inertial mass and on Einstein's principle of equivalence. All local and cosmological effects—which are postulated as consequences of Mach's principle by (...)
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  46. Wendell Stanley's dream of a free-standing biochemistry department at the University of California, Berkeley.Angela N. H. Creager - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (3):331-360.
    Scientists and historians have often presumed that the divide between biochemistry and molecular biology is fundamentally epistemological.100 The historiography of molecular biology as promulgated by Max Delbrück's phage disciples similarly emphasizes inherent differences between the archaic tradition of biochemistry and the approach of phage geneticists, the ur molecular biologists. A historical analysis of the development of both disciplines at Berkeley mitigates against accepting predestined differences, and underscores the similarities between the postwar development of biochemistry and the emergence of molecular biology (...)
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    Echo of the Big Bang.Michael D. Lemonick - 2005 - Princeton University Press.
    Describes how the scientific discoveries of the Microwave Anisotropy Probe satellite have transformed the modern science of cosmology, describing its revelations in terms of the origins and history of the universe, the nature of dark matter, the expansion of the universe, and other key topics.
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    Taking Aim at Long-Range: Marginalia on W.E.B. Du Bois’s Intellectual Maturation and His Root Expansion of Human Thought Through the Ideology of Pan-Africanism.Miron Javionne Clay-Gilmore - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (3):649-679.
    This essay conducts a diachronic examination of the thought of W.E.B. Du Bois. In so doing, it reveals a corpus that is marked by a tradition of thinking rarely acknowledged by scholars today: Black nationalism. Du Bois’s early focus on the relationship between racism and imperialism and ideological conflicts with Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey laid the basis for his intellectual maturation around the concept of self-determination. After synthesizing the insights of his former ideological rivals, this essay will show (...)
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    A Global Art System: An Exploration of Current Literature on Visual Culture, and a Glimpse at the Universal Promethean Principle--with Unintended Oedipal Consequences.Christopher Nokes - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (3):92-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 40.3 (2006) 92-114 [Access article in PDF] A Global Art System: An Exploration of Current Literature on Visual Culture, and a Glimpse at the Universal Promethean Principle—with Unintended Oedipal Consequences Art Education 11-18: Meaning, Purpose And Direction, edited by Richard Hickman; New York, Continuum; 2nd edition, 2004; 176 pp. Global Visual Culture within a Global Art System I have harbored misgivings about the term (...)
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    Generic Expansions of Countable Models.Silvia Barbina & Domenico Zambella - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (4):511-523.
    We compare two different notions of generic expansions of countable saturated structures. One kind of genericity is related to existential closure, and another is defined via topological properties and Baire category theory. The second type of genericity was first formulated by Truss for automorphisms. We work with a later generalization, due to Ivanov, to finite tuples of predicates and functions. Let $N$ be a countable saturated model of some complete theory $T$ , and let $(N,\sigma)$ denote an expansion of (...)
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