Results for 'explanation in normative political philosophy'

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  1.  16
    The normative and the explanatory in Hobbes's political philosophy.Tom Sorell - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1.
    Tom Sorell modifies an interpretation he presented in his book, Hobbes (1986) . He continues to maintain that Hobbesian natural philosophy and Hobbesian civil philosophy are methodologically quite distinct, as well as distinct in subject-matter. But it is misleading to put this by saying that civil philosophy is normative and natural philosophy is explanatory, as if civil philosophy itself weren’t supposed to be explanatory. Civil philosophy can be explanatory in the sense of specifying (...)
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    Experiments in moral and political philosophy.Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán & Fernando Aguiar González (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This volume presents new research on the use of experimental methodologies in moral and social philosophy. The contributions reflect the growing plurality of methodologies and strategies for implementing experimental work on morality to new domains, problems, and topics. Philosophers are exploring the ways in which empirical approaches can transform our idea of the good, our understanding of the social nature of norms and morality, as well as our methods of fulfilling ethical goals. The chapters in this volume extend experimental (...)
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    Positive Liberty: An Essay in Normative Political Philosophy.Lawrence C. Becker - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (2):243.
  4. Positive liberty: an essay in normative political philosophy.Lawrence Crocker - 1980 - Hingham, MA: distributor, Kluwer Boston.
    CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Liberty is perhaps the most praised of all social ideals. Rare is the modern political movement which has not inscribed "liberty," ...
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    Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy.Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán & Fernando Aguiar (eds.) - 2023 - Routledge.
    This volume presents new research on the use of experimental methodologies in moral and social philosophy. The contributions reflect the growing plurality of methodologies and strategies for implementing experimental work on morality to new domains, problems, and topics. Philosophers are exploring the ways in which empirical approaches can transform our idea of the good, our understanding of the social nature of norms and morality, as well as our methods of fulfilling ethical goals. The chapters in this volume extend experimental (...)
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  6. Realism in Normative Political Theory.Enzo Rossi & Matt Sleat - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):689-701.
    This paper provides a critical overview of the realist current in contemporary political philosophy. We define political realism on the basis of its attempt to give varying degrees of autonomy to politics as a sphere of human activity, in large part through its exploration of the sources of normativity appropriate for the political and so distinguish sharply between political realism and non-ideal theory. We then identify and discuss four key arguments advanced by political realists: (...)
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  7. Feasibility and Stability in Normative Political Philosophy: The Case of Liberal Nationalism.Sune Lægaard - 2006 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (4):399-416.
    Arguments from stability for liberal nationalism rely on considerations about conditions for the feasibility or stability of liberal political ideals and factual claims about the circumstances under which these conditions are fulfilled in order to argue for nationalist conclusions. Such reliance on factual claims has been criticised by among others G. A. Cohen in other contexts as ideological reifications of social reality. In order to assess whether arguments from stability within liberal nationalism, especially as formulated by David Miller, are (...)
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    Building a symbiosis of praxis and theory in normative political philosophy.Daniel Blanch - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (3):347-348.
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    Introduction: Methods in Normative Political Theory/Philosophy.Ruhi Demiray & Aaran Burns - 2017 - Public Reason 9 (1-2).
    This special volume of Public Reason consists of the papers developed out of the delegates` presentations in two subsequent ECPR Summer School on Methods in Normative Political Theory/Philosophy at Keele University organized in 2014 and 2015. They reflect the diversities of the problems and the richness of the discussions concerning the methodologies in contemporary philosophy, as they were discussed deeply in the foregoing events. In other words, they well illustrate the multi-layered and multi-dimensional problems of the (...)
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  10.  56
    The Limits of Homo Economicus in Public Choice and in Political Philosophy.Karen I. Vaughn - 1988 - Analyse & Kritik 10 (2):161-180.
    This paper argues that there are areas of political behavior for which the usual assumption of wealth maximizing homo economicus is to narrow to generate convincing explanation of behavior. In particular, it is argued that for many political decisions, people choose according to some set of moral preconceptions while for others, people have insufficient information to make economic choices even if they were inclined to do so. This implies that normative public choice can only be part (...)
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  11. Toward Political Explanation of Change in Corporate Responsibility: Political Scholarship on CSR and the Case of Palm Oil Biofuels.Martin Fougère & Ville-Pekka Sorsa - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (8):1895-1923.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been recently conceptualized and studied as a political phenomenon. Most debates in this scholarship have thus far focused on normative issues. Less attention has been paid to the explanatory potential of CSR research grounded in political theory and philosophy. In this article, we conduct a pragmatist reading of political scholarship on CSR and seek to deploy existing knowledge for research pursuing political explanation. We argue that the political (...)
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  12.  50
    Contextualism in Normative Political Theory and the Problem of Critical Distance.Sune Lægaard - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):953-970.
    Political theory is contextualist when factual claims about context are part of the justification of normative political judgments. There are different kinds of contextualism depending on whether context is relevant for the formulation and justification of political principles, whether principles themselves are contextually specific, or whether context is only relevant for the application of principles. An important challenge to contextualism is the problem of critical distance: how can theories ensure a critical perspective if facts about the (...)
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  13.  6
    Is political philosophy impossible?: thoughts and behaviour in normative political theory.Jonathan Floyd - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A major new statement on how we do, and we ought to do, political philosophy.
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  14.  21
    Review of Lawrence Crocker: Positive liberty: an essay in normative political philosophy[REVIEW]Carl Hedman - 1983 - Ethics 93 (3):598-600.
  15.  42
    Justice and judgment: the rise and the prospect of the judgment model in contemporary political philosophy.Alessandro Ferrara - 1999 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
    This text is an integrated and comprehensive account of theories of justice and judgement in contemporary political and moral philosophy. It offers a critical examination of judgement and normative validity in the recent works of Rawls, Habermas, Ackerman, Michaleman, and Dworkin. Ferrara demonstrates how the understanding of justice and normative validity, since the linguistic turn in philosophy, is defined in terms of reflective judgement. This demonstration comprises of an historical overview of the judgement model in (...)
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  16.  23
    Classics in Moral & Political Philosophy: An Open Collection.Rafael Martins (ed.) - 2018 - University of Kansas Libraries.
    This is a collection of classics in moral and political philosophy containing only public domain and fair-use material. The primary role of this collection is to provide instructors, students, and researchers with a set of free materials. It unites in chronological order the most indispensible historical texts for an introduction to value theory, broadly construed. As such, the collection includes foundational works in intrinsic value theory, practical reason, normative ethics, metaethics, political theory, and political economy. (...)
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    A paradigm shift in normative political theory: grappling with Mills’s the racial contract 25 Years Later.Elvira Basevich - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (1):1-8.
    The late Charles W. Mills achieved public renown in North America and around the world that academics seldom achieve. His untimely death from cancer in 2021 was reported by The New York Times, Nati...
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    The varieties of idealization and the politics of economic growth: a case study on modality and the methodology of normative political philosophy.David Plunkett - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1908-1946.
    Are societies required to pursue continual economic growth as a matter of justice? In “The Value of Economic Growth”, Julie Rose considers three arguments in favor of the need for continual economic growth, each of which revolves around the instrumental value of economic growth for promoting an important good that is needed for a just society. In each case, Rose argues that there are mechanisms other than economic growth that could allow a society to deliver the relevant goods, and thus (...)
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  19.  46
    Political philosophy versus history?: contextualism and real politics in contemporary political thought.Jonathan Floyd & Marc Stears (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Is the way in which political philosophy is conducted today too ahistorical? Does such ahistoricism render political philosophy too abstract? Is political philosophy thus incapable of dealing with the realities of political life? This volume brings together some of the world's leading political philosophers to address these crucial questions. The contributors focus especially on political philosophy's pretensions to universality and on its strained relationship with the world of real politics. Some (...)
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  20.  49
    Consequentialism and the Role of Practices in Political Philosophy.Andreas T. Schmidt - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (3):429-450.
    Political philosophers have recently debated what role social practices should play in normative theorising. Should our theories be practice-independent or practice-dependent? That is, can we formulate normative institutional principles independently of real-world practices or are such principles only ever relative to the practices they are meant to govern? Any first-order theory in political philosophy must contend with the methodological challenges coming out of this debate. In this article, I argue that consequentialism has a plausible account (...)
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  21.  31
    Aesthetic experience in the political philosophy of A. Kojève: towards understanding the practice and theory of the total state.Pavel Egorov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 4 (98):21-36.
    Introduction. The article is focused on analyzing the aesthetic aspect of A. Kojève’s philosophy, the ability of his philosophy, from an aesthetic point of view, to clarify a number of key problems of the modern political and cultural environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the epistemological attitude of A. Kojève’s philosophy able to clarify the way in which his philosophy problematizes the current cultural and political reality. Methods. Hermeneutics, comparative analysis and (...)
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    Evolutionary considerations in the framing of social norms.Brian Skyrms & Kevin J. S. Zollman - 2010 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 9 (3):265-273.
    In this article, we aim to illustrate evolutionary explanations for the emergence of framing effects, discussed in detail in Cristina Bicchieri’s The Grammar of Society . We show how framing effects might evolve which coalesce two economically distinct interactions into a single one, leading to apparently irrational behavior in each individual interaction. Here we consider the now well-known example of the ultimatum game, and show how this ‘irrational’ behavior might result from a single norm which governs behavior in multiple games. (...)
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  23. Debates in Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Anthology.Derek Matravers & Jonathan E. Pike (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    This textbook reflects the buoyant state of contemporary political philosophy, and the development of the subject in the past two decades. It includes seminal papers on fundamental philosophical issues such as: the nature of social explanation distributive justice liberalism and communitarianism citizenship and multiculturalism nationalism democracy criminal justice. A range of views is represented, demonstrating the richness of the philosophical contribution to some of the most contested areas of public policy and political decision making. Each section (...)
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  24.  53
    Explanation and justification in political philosophy.Alan Nelson - 1986 - Ethics 97 (1):154-176.
  25. Beasts, Human Beings, or Gods? Human Subjectivity in Medieval Political Philosophy.Juhana Toivanen - 2016 - In Jari Kaukua & Tomas Ekenberg (eds.), Subjectivity and Selfhood in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy. Cham: Springer. pp. 181-197.
    Human beings are not only self-conscious minds but embodied and social beings, whose subjectivity is conditioned by their social surroundings. From this point of view, it is natural to suppose that the development and existence of a subject that is distinctively human requires contact with other people. The present contribution discusses medieval ideas concerning the intersubjective constitution of human being by looking at the medieval reception of two ideas, which Aristotle presents at the beginning of his Politics: (1) human beings (...)
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    Reasonableness in Liberal Political Philosophy.Shaun P. Young (ed.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    Previously published as a special issue of the Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy, this collection offers a thought-provoking critique of the role of the concept of reasonableness in liberal political theory, focusing on the proposed relationship between reasonableness and the establishment and preservation of a just and stable liberal polity. The essays explore the explicit and implicit use of the idea of reasonableness, presenting an analysis that incorporates normative and empirical observations and employs a (...)
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    (1 other version)Is Political Philosophy Impossible? Thoughts and Behaviour in Normative Political Theory. [REVIEW]Burke Hendrix - 2017 - Political Theory 48 (1):126-130.
  28. Reaching for my gun: why we shouldn't hear the word "culture" in normative political theory.Simon Cushing - 2007 - 1st Global Conference: Multiculturalism, Conflict and Belonging.
    Culture is a notoriously elusive concept. This fact has done nothing to hinder its popularity in contemporary analytic political philosophy among writers like John Rawls, Will Kymlicka, Michael Walzer, David Miller, Iris Marion Young, Joseph Raz, Avishai Margalit and Bikhu Parekh, among many others. However, this should stop, both for the metaphysical reason that the concept of culture, like that of race, is itself either incoherent or lacking a referent in reality, and for several normative reasons. I (...)
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  29. The future for philosophy.Brian Leiter (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Where does philosophy, the oldest academic subject, stand at the beginning of the new millennium? This remarkable volume brings together leading figures from most major branches of the discipline to offer answers. What remains of the "linguistic turn" in twentieth-century philosophy? How should moral philosophy respond to and incorporate developments in empirical psychology? Where might Continental and Anglophone feminist theory profitably interact? How has our understanding of ancient philosophy been affected by the emergence of analytic (...)? Where does the mind-body problem stand today? What role must value judgments play in science? Do Marx, Nietzsche, or Freud matter in the 21st century? These and many other questions at the cutting edge of the discipline are addressed by distinguished philosophers from Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States. They aim not only to stimulate philosophical debate, but to introduce those in cognate disciplines--biology, classics, economics, history, law, linguistics, literary studies, mathematics, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, among others--to what is happening in contemporary philosophy. In a substantial introduction, the editor gives an overview of the state of philosophy today and helps orient non-philosophers. List of Contributors Julia Annas: Ancient Philosophy for the Twenty-First Century Don Garrett: Philosophy and History in the History of Modern Philosophy Brian Leiter: The Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Recovering Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud Timothy Williamson: Past the Linguistic Turn? Jaegwon Kim: The Mind-Body Problem at Century's Turn David J. Chalmers: The Representational Character of Experience Alvin I. Goldman: The Need for Social Epistemology Philip Kitcher: The Ends of the Sciences Nancy Cartwright: From Causation to Explanation and Back Thomas Hurka: Normative Ethics: Back to the Future Peter Railton: Toward an Ethics that Inhabits the World Rae Langton: Projection and Objectification Philip Pettit: Existentialism, Quietism, and the Role of Philosophy. (shrink)
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  30.  35
    The role of interpretation of existing practice in normative political argument.Sune Lægaard - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (1):87-102.
  31.  77
    Philosophy and Computing: Essays in epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and ethics.Thomas M. Powers (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    This book features papers from CEPE-IACAP 2015, a joint international conference focused on the philosophy of computing. Inside, readers will discover essays that explore current issues in epistemology, philosophy of mind, logic, and philosophy of science from the lens of computation. Coverage also examines applied issues related to ethical, social, and political interest. -/- The contributors first explore how computation has changed philosophical inquiry. Computers are now capable of joining humans in exploring foundational issues. Thus, we (...)
  32.  20
    Political philosophy and social welfare: essays on the normative basis of welfare provision.Raymond Plant - 1980 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Edited by Harry Lesser & Peter Taylor-Gooby.
    First published in 1980. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Virtue, Reason and Toleration: The Place of Toleration in Ethical & Political Philosophy.Glen Newey - 1999 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Toleration is becoming an increasingly questioned issue in modern democratic and multicultural societies and is debated within the academic disciplines of politics, history and cultural and literary studies. In this book Glen Newey systematically analyses toleration in relation to broader issues in meta-ethical theory and offers a new, rigorous philosophical theory of toleration as a virtue. A wide range of questions in ethical theory is addressed, including ethical responsibility, character and virtue, the nature of reasons for action, the acts/omissions doctrine, (...)
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  34.  46
    Logics of critical explanation in social and political theory.Jason Glynos - 2007 - New York: Routledge. Edited by David R. Howarth.
    Retroduction -- Contextualized self-interpretations -- Causal mechanisms -- Ontology -- Logics -- Articulation.
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    Replacing Mythos by Logos: An Analysis of Conditions and Possibilities in the Light of Information-Thermodynamic Principles of Social Synergetics and of Their Normative Implications.J. Z. Hubert - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):93-104.
    Religions, ideologies try to give a complete vision of the world a vision containing both its origin, explanation and a “normative kit”: a collection of precepts and rules, which should regulate human activities and behavior. Their synergetic meaning is clear: if embraced by all they allow for development of strong synergetic effects on the social macro scales. These in turn may lead to creation of order and beauty, of intellectual, spiritual and moral development within men and in society. (...)
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    Political Philosophy of Science in Nineteenth-Century France: From Comte’s Positivism to Renouvier’s Conventionalism.Warren Schmaus - 2017 - In Marcus P. Adams, Zvi Biener, Uljana Feest & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan (eds.), Eppur Si Muove: Doing History and Philosophy of Science with Peter Machamer: A Collection of Essays in Honor of Peter Machamer. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Recent controversy over whether the Vienna Circle can provide a model for today’s political turn in the philosophy of science indicates the need to clarify just what is meant by the term political philosophy of science. This paper finds fourteen different meanings of the term, including both descriptive and normative usages, having to do with the roles of political values in the sciences, the political consequences and significance of the sciences and scientific modes (...)
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  37. Anchors in a Boundless Sea: Human Nature, History and Religion as Sources of Coherence in the Political Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott.Paul T. Foster - 2003 - Dissertation, The Catholic University of America
    This study argues that a much richer and more coherent account of Michael Oakeshott's political philosophy is gained by examining it in light of three customary sources for ordering human experience: human nature, religion and history. While the historical character of Oakeshott's thought has been readily recognized, too often the roles of human nature and religion have been neglected by commentators, leading to an impoverished account of his work. And even regarding history, there has been confusion concerning Oakeshott's (...)
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  38.  9
    Justification.Cindy Holder - 2012 - In Antonella Besussi (ed.), A Companion to Political Philosophy: Methods, Tools, Topics. Ashgate. pp. 99-110.
    In political philosophy and political theory justification is an important element of normative force – of rightful pull to compliance. To justify is to address a subject in a form or with a substantive content in virtue of which the subject is supposed to be bound. Theories of justification spell out how addresses are supposed to establish subjects as rightfully bound. All arguments that purport to establish that a practice, institution, requirement or legal regime rightfully exerts (...)
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  39.  10
    Concepts and reason in political theory.Iain Hampsher-Monk - 2015 - Colchester, United Kingdom: ECPR Press.
    This volume brings together a selection of Iain Hampsher-Monk's writings on questions of historicity and rationality in political theory, together with a substantial introduction written for the volume. There are two loci around which the work revolves - one is the relationship between history and philosophy in the analysis of key concepts such as liberty, democracy and toleration, the other is the role of reason in political science's explanations. Despite a background in PPE, the author played a (...)
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  40.  28
    Scientific Explanation and Norms in Science.David Gruender - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:329 - 335.
    The paper discusses theories of scientific explanation from the point of view of the norms or ideals of science they exemplify. The relationship of the adoption of these norms to metaphysical positions on determinism is explored, and means for reducing the conflict between methodological and metaphysical issues are suggested.
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  41.  30
    In search of a political philosophy: ideologies at the close of the twentieth century.W. J. Stankiewicz - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    In Search of a Political Philosophy is an analysis of the three democratic `isms'--conservatism, liberalism, and socialism--and of the distinct nature of the all-consuming ideology of Marxist communism. W. J. Stankiewicz is concerned with the conscious and unconscious assumptions of the proponents and followers of each ideology, and those of their theoreticians and critics. Stankiewicz examines the norms by which political ideologies are characterized, and discusses which of these are given precedence. He provides an analysis of how (...)
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  42. Lawyers, Context, and Legitimacy: A New Theory of Legal Ethics.Alexander Guerrero - 2012 - Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 25 (1):107-164.
    Even good lawyers get a bad rap. One explanation for this is that the professional rules governing lawyers permit and even require behavior that strikes many as immoral. The standard accounts of legal ethics that seek to defend these professional rules do little to dispel this air of immorality. The revisionary accounts of legal ethics that criticize the professional rules inject a hearty dose of morality, but at the cost of leaving lawyers unrecognizable as lawyers. This article suggests that (...)
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  43. The Normative Role of Utopianism in Political Philosophy.Christopher C. Yorke - 2004 - New Thinking 2 (1).
    The thesis of this paper is that utopianism is a theoretical necessity—we couldn’t, for example, engage in normative political philosophy without it—and, further, that in consciously embracing utopianism we will consequently experience an enrichment of our political lives. Thus, the title of my paper has a double meaning: it highlights the fact that utopianism always plays a normative role in political philosophy, as its concern is inevitably the promotion of a certain vision of (...)
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  44.  22
    Righting Health Policy: Bioethics, Political Philosophy, and the Normative Justification of Health Law and Policy.D. Robert MacDougall - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In Righting Health Policy, MacDougall argues that bioethics has not developed the tools best suited for justifying health law and policy. Using Kant’s practical philosophy as an example, he explores the promise of political philosophy for making normatively justified recommendations about health law and policy.
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  45. Explanation, justification, and egalitarianism.Jesse Spafford - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):9699-9724.
    This paper argues that the philosophy of explanation can help inform core debates in value theory. Specifically, it argues that there is a consistent parallelism between the properties of explanation and the properties of justification such that one can reasonably infer that any property of explanation has a counterpart property of justification. Thus, by appealing to facts about the nature of explanation, one can derive various conclusions about the justifications offered by normative theorists. The (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, vol. 2.David Sobel, Peter Vallentyne & Steven Wall (eds.) - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This is the second volume of Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy. Since its revival in the 1970s political philosophy has been a vibrant field in philosophy, one that intersects with jurisprudence, normative economics, political theory in political science departments, and just war theory. OSPP aims to publish some of the best contemporary work in political philosophy and these closely related subfields. The papers in this volume address a range of central (...)
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  47. Cultural Domination: Philosophical Perspectives.Thomas M. Besch, Raphael Van Riel, Harold Kincaid & Tarun Menon (eds.) - 2024 - Routledge.
    Cultural domination has received attention inside and outside of academia, but it remains under-explored in recent philosophical debate. To fill this gap, this book brings together ten original research contributions that engage the theme from a variety of different perspectives. They range from contributions to the philosophy of social science to advanced work in normative political philosophy. The diversity of approaches reflects the intellectual richness of the theme. Ideas of cultural domination not only raise complex conceptual (...)
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  48. Reasons why in normative explanation.Pekka Väyrynen - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (6):607-623.
    Normative explanations, which specify why things have the normative features they do, are ubiquitous in normative theory and ordinary thought. But there is much less work on normative explanation than on scientific or metaphysical explanation. Skow (2016) argues that a complete answer to the question why some fact Q occurs consists in all of the reasons why Q occurs. This paper explores this theory as a case study of a general theory that promises to (...)
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    Philosophy after Marx: 100 years of misreadings and the normative turn in political philosophy.Christoph Henning - 2014 - Leiden: Brill.
    Henning's Philosophy after Marx recapitulates the history of Marx-interpretations as a history of misinterpretation. Illustrating how Marx's original theories are more sustainable than their critiques from sociology, economics or philosophy, the work culminates in a criticism of recent critical theories.
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    Social Norms as Signals.Lina Eriksson - 2019 - Social Theory and Practice 45 (4):579-599.
    According to the signaling theory of social norms, people comply with social norms in order to signal that they have a low discount rate for future costs and benefits and thereby that they are reliable cooperation partners. But the theory does not take into sufficient account the fact that the signaling value of social norm compliance depends on how many other people that comply, and that the signaling value at high compliance levels is rather low. Therefore, although signaling can explain (...)
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