Results for 'filozofia polityki, John Rawls, polityka, prawda, rozum publiczny, konsensus, metoda unikania, pluralizm światopoglądowy'

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  1. John Rawls: polityka i prawda.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2010 - In Dorota Sepczyńska & Piotr Wasyluk, Z filozofii współczesnej. O prawdzie. Instytut Filozofii UWM, Centrum Badań Europy Wschodniej UWM w Olsztynie. pp. 107-142.
    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja najnowszego liberalnego projektu rozstrzygnięcia dylematu statusu prawdy w polityce. Tylko tyle i aż tyle, bowiem jest to próba wprowadzenia na polski rynek idei liberalnych odpowiedzi na rodzime wyzwania, palące problemy. Przy tak ambitnym dążeniu należy przedstawić poglądy największego z wielkich liberałów współczesnych – Johna Rawlsa. Jego dzieło na tzw. Zachodzie nikogo nie pozostawia obojętnym, jest źródłem inspiracji czy to w postaci apologetycznej interpretacji czy krytycznej recepcji, będącej często początkiem formułowania własnego stanowiska. Dzisiaj, prawie czterdzieści lat (...)
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  2.  26
    Filozofia tolerancji wobec filozofii: liberalizm polityczny Johna Rawlsa.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2010 - In Marcin Bogusławski, Filozofia: ogląd, namysł, krytyka? Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. pp. 158-172.
    John Rawls w ostatnim okresie swojej twórczości, zwanym liberalizmem politycznym, zaproponował zastosowanie w praktyce politycznej demokracji liberalnej zasady tolerancji względem filozofii. Jak mamy rozumieć owo zalecenie?
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    „Późny” Rawls o pluralizmie teorii i stabilności politycznej.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2006 - In Sebastian Richert, Pluralizm filozofii, filozofia wobec pluralizmu. Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne Oddział Modus. pp. 119-133.
    Różnorodność doktryn rodzi rozmaite problemy praktyczne. Dla filozofii polityki podstawowy jest dylemat: jak w warunkach wielości nie dających się ze sobą pogodzić teorii, wyznawanych przez obywateli i tworzone przez nich grupy, uzyskać i utrzymać stabilność państwa. Spróbuję rozwiązać go w ramach kategorii wypracowanych przez liberalizm polityczny Johna Rawlsa.
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  4. Co to jest sprawiedliwość i w jak sposób ją urzeczywistnić? Perspektywa współczesnej filozofii polityki.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2009 - In Mieczysław Jagłowski, Z filozofii współczesnej. Rekonstrukcje–interpretacje– polemiki. Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytet Warmińsko Mazurski w Olsztynie. pp. 171-212.
    Sprawiedliwość należy do najważniejszych i zawsze aktualnych problemów życia społeczno-politycznego. Dotyczy każdego z nas. Nikomu bowiem nie jest obojętne, jak jest traktowany przez prawo i władzę, jak są dzielone korzyści wynikające ze społecznej współpracy. Sprawiedliwość mobilizuje nas do społecznego zaangażowania i solidarności, ze względu na nią wciągamy się w obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo czy decydujemy się na emigrację. Odwołania do niej pojawiają się zarówno w okrzykach burzycieli, jak i obrońców starego porządku. Nie jesteśmy jednak pierwszymi, którzy stawiają pytania o sprawiedliwość. Mają one (...)
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    W poszukiwaniu najlepszego modelu polityki. C. Schmitt, J. Rawls, Ch. Mouffe.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2010 - In Dorota Sepczyńska, Piotr Wasyluk & Jadwiga Błahut-Prusik, Współczesne dylematy filozofii i kultury. Instytut Filozofii UWM w Olsztynie, Centrum Badań Europy Wschodniej UWM w Olsztynie. pp. 177-221.
    Bez wątpienia w historii filozofii polityki istnieją pytania, które mają pozaczasowy charakter, jednym z nich jest pytanie o to, czym jest polityka. Nie oznacza to jednak, że filozofia polityki to jedna tradycja powiązanych ze sobą idei, która rozpoczęła się w starożytnej Grecji i trwa do dziś. Istnieją bowiem w jej ramach pytania związane z duchem czasów i określoną kulturą. Także odpowiedzi na odwieczne pytania zależą od problemów danej kultury i epoki, od tez nurtu filozoficznego, z którym identyfikuje się dany (...)
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    Katolicyzm a liberalizm. Szkic z filozofii społecznej.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2008 - Zakład Wydawniczy Nomos.
    In the individual, social, and political dimensions, the shaping of the liberal tradition has met up with and will continue to meet up with the presence of the Roman Catholic Church with its own philosophy. Yet has this always led to sharp conflict between Catholicism and liberalism? Has the social thinking of the Church evolved in its assessment of the liberal tradition and vice versa? Have there been points in common in the two systems of thinking? In contrast, where have (...)
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    O osobliwości filozofii polityki.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2011 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 56: 275-301.
    Artykuł stanowi próbę syntetycznego spojrzenia na filozofię polityki. Autorka porządkując sposoby rozumienia i opisywania tej dyscypliny dąży do umieszczenia filozofii polityki w całości myślenia filozoficznego (filozofia polityki jako metafizyka polityki, etyka polityczna czy refleksja metafizyczno-normatywna, filozofia polityki a filozofia społeczna), określenia jej przedmiotu (filozofia polityki sensu largo i sensu stricto) i problematyki (holizm – indywidualizm, elitaryzm – egalitaryzm, pesymizm – optymizm, racjonalizm – antyracjonalizm, monizm – pluralizm). Omawia także historyczny rozwój filozofii polityki (różnice między klasyczną, (...)
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    Právo národů.John Rawls - 2009 - Filozofia 65 (5):513.
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    John Gray, legalizm i filozofia polityki – odpowiedź Adamowi Chmielewskiemu.Beata Polanowska-Sygulska - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:183-187.
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  10. Pluralizm doktryn a stabilność społeczeństwa (John Rawls: Liberalizm polityczny).Anna Musiał - 1999 - Civitas 3 (3):258-264.
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  11. Oblast politična a překrývající konsensus.John Rawls - 2003 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 24:41-68.
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  12.  37
    Ernesto Laclau – postmarksistowska koncepcja wspólnoty politycznej.Dorota Sepczyńska - 2006 - In Dorota Sepczyńska & Mieczysław Jagłowski, Z myśli hiszpańskiej i iberoamerykańskiej.Filozofia-literatura-mistyka. Instytut Cervantesa, Instytut Filozofii UWM w Olsztynie, Katedra UNESCO UWM, Wydział Socjologii i Pedagogiki WSIiE TWP w Olsztynie. pp. 279-291.
    Celem artykułu jest prezentacja filozofii polityki Ernesto Laclau, w szczególności ujęcia możliwości istnienia wspólnoty politycznej w warunkach trwałego, konfliktowego pluralizmu.
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    The Role and Significance of Karl Barth`s Works for the Protestant Theology of the Twentieth Century.Андрій Шиманович - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 90:105-123.
    Annotation: The article contains the research concerning the possible impact of Karl Barth`s figure and theological issues on the theology of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century. There is a comparative analysis of how powerful and significant was the level of impact of Barth`s scientific experience on the theologians of his era, in comparison with the most prominent representatives of Christian thought from the earlier centuries, beginning with the times of ancient church, the Middle Ages, (...)
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  14. Addresses and Papers of John R. Mott.[author unknown] - 1946–47
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    Climate-Change Effects: Global and Local Views.John Abatzoglou, Joseph Fc Dimento, Pamela Doughman & Stefano Nespor - 2007 - In Joseph F. DiMento & Pamela Doughman, Climate Change: What It Means for Us, Our Children, and Our Grandchildren. MIT Press.
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    Giving a Damn: Essays in Dialogue with John Haugeland.Zed Adams & Jacob Browning (eds.) - 2016 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Pres.
    In his work, the philosopher John Haugeland (1945–2010) proposed a radical expansion of philosophy's conceptual toolkit, calling for a wider range of resources for understanding the mind, the world, and how they relate. Haugeland argued that “giving a damn” is essential for having a mind—suggesting that traditional approaches to cognitive science mistakenly overlook the relevance of caring to the understanding of mindedness. Haugeland's determination to expand philosophy's array of concepts led him to write on a wide variety of subjects (...)
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  17. Hope, truth, and rhetoric : prophecy and pragmatism in service of feminism's cause.John C. Adams - 2010 - In Marianne Janack, Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty. Pennsylvania State University Press.
  18. Interpersonal Comparisons of Well-being, Jon Elster and John E. Roemer . Cambridge University Press, 1991, x + 400 pages and The Quality of Life, Martha C. Nussbaum and Amartya Sen . Oxford University Press, 1993, xi + 453 pages. [REVIEW]Adam Morton - 1996 - Economics and Philosophy 12 (1):101.
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    Interpersonal exchange and freedom for resource acquisition.John Adamopoulos - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):480 - 481.
    The relationship of climate and monetary resources to various freedoms can be enriched if the conceptual links psychobehavioral adaptations are conceptualized more broadly as reflections of a richer cultural context that involves multiple physical and psychological resources, as proposed by social resource theory and a number of models of the emergence of social meaning.
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  20.  43
    In search of a nuanced understanding of Filipino philosophy of education.Genejane M. Adarlo - 2025 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 57 (1):6-18.
    Similar to ongoing discussions about the existence of Filipino philosophy, questions remain whether there is indeed a Filipino philosophy of education or not. Several scholars have sought an authentic Filipino philosophy of education that is untouched by colonization, while others have acknowledged that foreign influence cannot be taken away from the different aspects of being Filipino including their philosophy of education. Additionally, some scholars have criticized the coloniality that is evident in the nation-state’s perspectives on education, whereas others have recognized (...)
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  21.  76
    James A. Herrick, The Radical Rhetoric of the English Deists: The Discourse of Skepticism, 1680–1750. [REVIEW]John C. Adams - 1999 - Argumentation 13 (1):119-121.
  22. KEATINGE, M. W. -Studies in the History of Teaching. [REVIEW]John Adams - 1910 - Mind 19:425.
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  23. Materialistické pojetí dejín a dialektika výrobních sil.Stanislav Adam - 1979 - Filozofia 34:70.
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    Poetry and Prayer: Power of the Word II. Edited by Francesca Bugliani Knox and John Took. Pp. xii, 250, Surrey, Ashgate, 2015, £67.99. [REVIEW]Peter Admirand - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (1):139-139.
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    The Knowledge of God’s Quid Sit in Dominican Theology.Igor Agostini - 2019 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):191-210.
    In this article I argue that although the prevailing interpretation within the Thomistic contemporary critical literature, claiming the inaccessibility of God’s quid sit, is faithful both to Saint Thomas and to John Capreolus’s account of Aquinas’s doctrine, it is far from being uncontroversial in the first steps of the history of Thomism. A central step in this history is marked by the Parisian Condemnation of 1277, which is at the origin of relevant debate within the Dominican Order on the (...)
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    Power in/and the University.Sabeen Ahmed, Adam Burgos, George Fourlas & John Harfouch - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (1):207-222.
    The following conversation examines the role of the university in our present moment and examines the necessity of anti-colonial praxis in the academy. The dialogue takes as its starting point the long history of white, heteropatriarchal capitalist supremacy that has oriented the institutional production of knowledge and considers its present permutations in such practices as diversity initiatives in teaching and hiring. The discussants in turn reflect on their own approaches and strategies for enacting liberatory pedagogy in light of the contingent, (...)
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  27. (2 other versions)Leibniz.Eric John Aiton, Giulietta Paoni Mugnai & Massimo Mugnai - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 24 (2):226-228.
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    Reactive oxygen species generation and human spermatozoa: The balance of benefit and risk.John Aitken & Helen Fisher - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (4):259-267.
    Although the generation of reactive oxygen species is an activity normally associated with phagocytic leucocytes, mammalian spermatozoa were, in fact, the first cell type in which this activity was described. In recent years it has become apparent that spermatozoa are not the only nonphagocytic cells to exhibit a capacity for reactive oxygen species production, because this activity has been detected in a wide variety of different cells including fibroblasts, mesangial cells, oocytes, Leyding cells endothelial cells, thryroid cells, adipocytes, tumour cell (...)
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    The Aesthetics of a Blood Sport.Alexander J. Argyros - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (145):46-58.
    With the earliest known reference to angling with a fly dating from the Chou Dynasty, more than 2,300 years ago, it should come as no surprise that when asked to justify their passionate devotion to fly fishing, many anglers will refer to the rich and venerable literature the sport has generated. Ranging from Plutarch's references to Nile fishing in the Life of Antonius, to Pliny the Elder's Historia Naturalis, to the fifteenth century classic, Dame Julian Berner's The Treatyse of Fysshynge (...)
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  30.  50
    On Syntactical Coherence.Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz & P. T. Geach - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (4):635 - 647.
    So, e.g., this arrangement of terms "John loves Anne" is syntactically built up in a coherent way out of terms that make sense in the English language and is itself an expression that makes sense in the English language. On the other hand "Perhaps a horse if to shine however" is indeed an arrangement of words that make sense in the English language, but it lacks syntactical coherence and is not itself an expression that makes sense in the English (...)
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    John Duns Scotus: A Teacher for our Times. [REVIEW]C. P. A. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):183-183.
    A rather popular mixture of biography, philosophy, and theology, for the Catholic layman. Scotus' role in the defense of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception receives special emphasis. --A. C. P.
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    Szczęście i wolność: utylitarystyczny liberalizm Johna Stuarta Milla = Happiness and liberty: the utilitarian liberalism of John Stuart Mill.Kamil Aksiuto - 2016 - Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk. Edited by Irena Pańków.
    Praca zawiera pogłębioną analizę dwóch ważnych, powiązanych ze sobą doktryn – utylitaryzmu i liberalizmu. Ich powstanie i rozwój zbiega się z historią uprzemysłowionego świata Zachodu. XIX wiek to bez wątpienia okres pełnego rozkwitu liberalizmu w jego klasycznej postaci. John Stuart Mill (1806–1873) jest kluczową postacią w historii obydwu doktryn. Jego dialog z utylitaryzmem ma w tle współczesne dylematy i takież interpretacje.
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    pascal The Writer.S. Alexander - 1931 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 15 (2):317-335.
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  34. Humanity on the threshold of ecological revolution.Z. Androvicova - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (2):118-120.
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    Inferring beliefs as subjectively imprecise probabilities.Steffen Andersen, John Fountain, Glenn W. Harrison, Arne Risa Hole & E. Elisabet Rutström - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (1):161-184.
    We propose a method for estimating subjective beliefs, viewed as a subjective probability distribution. The key insight is to characterize beliefs as a parameter to be estimated from observed choices in a well-defined experimental task and to estimate that parameter as a random coefficient. The experimental task consists of a series of standard lottery choices in which the subject is assumed to use conventional risk attitudes to select one lottery or the other and then a series of betting choices in (...)
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  36. Peter of Auvergne's Commentary on Aristotle's "Categories": Edition, Translation, and Analysis.Robert R. Andrews - 1988 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    This study comprises an analysis of the Categories commentary of Peter of Auvergne, based upon an edition from the manuscripts, and supplemented by a translation. Much information about other Categories commentaries has been included to place the work in its historical and philosophical perspective. ;Peter of Auvergne, active in Paris in the late thirteenth century, had a long career as an Aristotelian commentator and continuator of Thomas Aquinas. His Categories commentary provides me the occasion to survey the genre of Categories (...)
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  37. Language and mlndstyle ln anglophone popular.Romantlc Flctlon Under Apartheld & John A. Stotesbury - 1994 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14:18.
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  38. How “Catholic” Is Personal Catholicism?John V. Apczynski - 2001 - Tradition and Discovery 28 (1):28-30.
    This review essay argues that the emphasis on the personal commitments sustaining all knowledge, while permitting some fruitful insights into structural parallels between Newman's and Polanyi’s epistemological positions, finally is not fully satisfactory for developing a theological program. Moleski’s effort to develop such theological insights may be advanced if it were supplemented by incorporating a more detailed structural analysis of the illative sense and of tacit knowing.
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  39. Theorie der Schule in einer demokratischen Industriegesellschaft: Rekonstruktion d. Zusammenhangs von Erziehung, Ges. u. Politik bei John Dewey.Hans-Jürgen Apel - 1974 - Düsseldorf: Pädagogischer Verlag Schwann.
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    Philosophy in the West: Readings in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. [REVIEW]E. J. A. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):164-164.
    A well-chosen selection of readings from ancient and medieval philosophy, including such seldom-anthologized figures as Origen, Tertullian, Walter Burley, and Pomponazzi, and such seldom anthologized works as Augustine's De Magistro. One outstanding feature of the book is the inclusion of new translations of the pre-Socratics by John Wilkinson and of Aquinas' On Being and Essence by John Wellmuth. Several selections from Aquinas and Scotus plus Burley's On the Existence of Universals appear in English for the first time, all (...)
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    Probleme de logică dialectică în filozofia lui G. W. F. Hegel.Pavel Apostol - 1957 - [București]: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne.
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    A new perspective on John Rowley, Virtuoso Master of mechanics and hydraulic engineer.John H. Appleby - 1996 - Annals of Science 53 (1):1-27.
    Although best known as a scientific instrument maker, John Rowley extended his sphere of activity very considerably as Master of Mechanics to George I and as a hydraulic engineer at the Offices of Ordnance and Works. Re-examined and untapped sources provide fresh evidence of these aspects of his work and highlight his predilection for the arts and the virtuosity of his artefacts. The findings also have implications for studies of the instrument-making trade in the early eighteenth century.
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    Applying Rawls’ Theory of Public Reason to Controversies over Parental Surrogacy.Jacob M. Appel - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-12.
    Parental surrogacy remains a highly controversial issue in contemporary ethics with considerable variation in the legal approaches of different jurisdictions. Finding a societal consensus on the issue remains highly elusive. John Rawls’ theory of public reason, first developed in his A Theory of Justice (1971), offers a unifying model of political discourse and engagement that enables reasonable citizens to accept policies that they do not necessarily support at a personal level. The theory established a promising framework for private citizens (...)
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  44. Creatures of the Nihil.John Appleby - 2001 - Pli 11:270-277.
    Keith Ansell Pearson and Diane Morgan , Nihilism Now! Monsters of Energy ISBN - 9780333732922Gary Banham and Charlie Blake , Evil Spirits: Nihilism and the Fate of Modernity ISBN - 9780719056420.
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    Darwin.Philip Appleman - 1970 - New York,: Norton. Edited by Philip Appleman.
    Overview * Part I: Introduction * Philip Appleman, Darwin: On Changing the Mind * Part II: Darwin’s Life * Ernst Mayr, Who Is Darwin? * Part III: Scientific Thought: Just before Darwin * Sir Gavin de Beer, Biology before the Beagle * Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population * William Paley, Natural Theology * Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet Lamarck, Zoological Philisophy * Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology * John Herschell, The Study of Natural (...)
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    The Ethics of Mitochondrial Replacement.John B. Appleby, Rosamund Scott & Stephen Wilkinson - 2016 - Bioethics 31 (1):2-6.
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    What price cheap food?Michael C. Appleby, Neil Cutler, John Gazzard, Peter Goddard, John A. Milne, Colin Morgan & Andrew Redfern - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (4):395-408.
    This paper is the report of a meetingthat gathered many of the UK's most senioranimal scientists with representatives of thefarming industry, consumer groups, animalwelfare groups, and environmentalists. Therewas strong consensus that the current economicstructure of agriculture cannot adequatelyaddress major issues of concern to society:farm incomes, food security and safety, theneeds of developing countries, animal welfare,and the environment. This economic structure isbased primarily on competition betweenproducers and between retailers, driving foodprices down, combined with externalization ofmany costs. These issues must be addressed (...)
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    (1 other version)History: a very short introduction.John Arnold - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Series Copy Oxford's celebrated Very Short Introductions series offers concise and original introductions to a wide range of subjects--from Islam to Sociology, Politics to Classics, Literary Theory to History, and Archaeology to the Bible. Each volume provides trenchant and provocative--yet always balanced and complete--discussions of the central issues in a given discipline or field. Every Very Short Introduction gives a readable evolution of the subject in question, demonstrating how the subject developed in its own right and how it influenced society. (...)
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    Reflective equilibrium or evolving tradition?Hilliard Aronovitch - 1996 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 39 (3 & 4):399 – 419.
    This paper presents criticisms of the method for moral and political philosophy known as ?reflective equilibrium? (RE), or in its fuller form ?wide reflective equilibrium? (WRE). This negative purpose has an ulterior positive aim: to set off, by favourable contrast, an alternative approach based on analogical argument as an instrument of an evolving (liberal) tradition. WRE derives from John Rawls but has been broadly endorsed. Though a meta?theory, it involves a certain way of construing liberalism. This essay's target is (...)
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    John Leach: Pompey the Great. Pp. 265; 4 plates. London : Croom Helm , 1978. £6·50.Alan E. Astin - 1980 - The Classical Review 30 (1):159-159.
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