Results for 'financial collateral'

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  1.  38
    Problems of Enforcement of Financial Collateral in an Insolvency of a Debtor.Salvija Kavalnė & Rimvydas Norkus - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):247-265.
    The adoption of the Collateral Directive 2002/47/EC represents an important progress towards the implementation of a truly harmonized single financial market. The Lithuanian Financial Collateral Arrangements Act (the Law) has implemented the Directive 2002/47/EC in time. The Law establishes special regulation for financial securities given in transactions between „professional market participants“, between market participants and other companies, inclusive small and medium-sized enterprises. The Law applies to certain transactions on the financial markets and aims at (...)
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    Criminalization and the Collateral Consequences of Conviction.Zachary Hoskins - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (4):625-639.
    Convicted offenders face a host of so-called “collateral” consequences: formal measures such as legal restrictions on voting, employment, housing, or public assistance, as well as informal consequences such as stigma, family tensions, and financial insecurity. These consequences extend well beyond an offender’s criminal sentence itself and are frequently more burdensome than the sentence. This essay considers two respects in which collateral consequences may be relevant to the question of what the state should, or may, criminalize. First, they (...)
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    Structured Finance and the Social Contract: How Tranching Challenges Contractualist Approaches to Financial Risk.Tobey Scharding - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (1):1-24.
    ABSTRACT:Many ethicists argue that contract theory offers the most promising strategy for regulating risks. I challenge the adequacy of the contractualist approach for evaluating the complicated, novel risks associated with some structured financial products, particularly focusing on risks to third parties. Structured financial products like collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) divide a pool of financial assets into risk “tranches” organized from least to most risky. Investors purchase various tranches based on their individual risk-and-return preferences. Whereas contract theory holds (...)
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    When Washington Shut Down Wall Street: The Great Financial Crisis of 1914 and the Origins of America's Monetary Supremacy.William L. Silber - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    When Washington Shut Down Wall Street unfolds like a mystery story. It traces Treasury Secretary William Gibbs McAdoo's triumph over a monetary crisis at the outbreak of World War I that threatened the United States with financial disaster. The biggest gold outflow in a generation imperiled America's ability to repay its debts abroad. Fear that the United States would abandon the gold standard sent the dollar plummeting on world markets. Without a central bank in the summer of 1914, the (...)
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    Do Banks Value Borrowers' Environmental Record? Evidence from Financial Contracts.I. -Ju Chen, Iftekhar Hasan, Chih-Yung Lin & Tra Ngoc Vy Nguyen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (3):687-713.
    Banks play a unique role in society. They not only maximize profits but also consider the interests of stakeholders. We investigate whether banks consider firms’ pollution records in their lending decisions. The evidence shows that banks offer significantly higher loan spreads, higher total borrowing costs, shorter loan maturities, and greater collateral to firms with higher levels of chemical pollution. The costly effects are stronger for borrowers with greater risk and weaker corporate governance. Further, the results show that banks with (...)
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  6.  90
    Keeping Ethical Investment Ethical: Regulatory Issues for Investing for Sustainability.Benjamin J. Richardson - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (4):555-572.
    Regulation must target the financial sector, which often funds and profits from environmentally unsustainable development. In an era of global financial markets, the financial sector has a crucial impact on the state of the environment. The long-standing movement for ethically and socially responsible investment (SRI) has recently begun to advocate environmental standards for financiers. While this movement is gaining more adherents, it has increasingly justified responsible financing as a path to be prosperous, rather than virtuous. This trend (...)
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  7. The Harms Beyond Imprisonment: Do We Have Special Moral Obligations Towards the Families and Children of Prisoners?William Bülow - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (4):775-789.
    This paper discusses whether the collateral harm of imprisonment to the close family members and children of prison inmates may give rise to special moral obligations towards them. Several collateral harms, including decreased psychological wellbeing, financial costs, loss of economic opportunities, and intrusion and control over their private lives, are identified. Two competing perspectives in moral philosophy are then applied in order to assess whether the harms are permissible. The first is consequentialist and the second is deontological. (...)
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  8.  38
    The austerity bargain and the social self: conceptual clarity surrounding health cutbacks.David A. Buchanan - 2013 - Nursing Philosophy 14 (1):38-44.
    As necessary austerity measures make major inroads into western health services, this paper investigates the philology of austerity and finds that there are two subtly similar yet importantly different derivations from the Latin and the Greek. The Latin austerus is an abstract term meaning dry, harsh, sour; whereas the Greek austeros has a more embodied and literal meaning of making the tongue dry. What seems an initially subtle difference between the metaphorical and the metonymic plays out as involving seriously different (...)
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    Experiments in Relational Finance: Harnessing the Social in Everyday Debt and Credit.Lauren Tooker & Chris Clarke - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (3):57-76.
    In the wake of successive crises, novel politics and ethics are emerging around attempts to institute a ‘new’ world of finance in the name of social relations. Financial start-ups and development organizations, often working alongside established financial institutions, are experimenting with the ‘social’ in order to create markets and scale up their activities. At the same time, people continue to advance social claims in finance out of concern for others. This article examines the rise, politics and ethics of (...)
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  10.  56
    Money creation, debt, and justice.Peter Dietsch - 2021 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 20 (2):151-179.
    Theories of justice rely on a variety of criteria to determine what social arrangements should be considered just. For most theories, the distribution of financial resources matters. However, they take the existence of money as a given and tend to ignore the way in which the creation of money impacts distributive justice. Those with access to collateral are favoured in the creation of credit or debt, which represents the main form of money today. Appealing to the idea that (...)
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  11.  19
    Microfinance Performance and Social Capital: A Cross-Country Analysis.Luminita Postelnicu & Niels Hermes - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):427-445.
    In recent years, the microfinance industry has received a substantial amount of cross-border funding from both public and private sources. This funding reflects the increasing interest in microfinance as part of a more general trend towards socially responsible investments. In order to be able to secure sustained interest from these investors, it is important that the microfinance industry can show evidence of its contribution to reducing poverty at the bottom of the pyramid. For this, it is crucial to understand under (...)
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  12.  29
    Defending Civilians from Defensive Killing.Adil Ahmad Haque - 2018 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 15 (6):731-749.
    Helen Frowe’s Defensive Killing is in many respects an excellent book, full of arguments that are original, interesting, important, and often persuasive. In other respects, the book is deeply unsettling, as it forcefully challenges the belief that killing ordinary civilians in armed conflict is a paradigmatic moral wrong. In particular, Frowe argues that civilians who make political, material, strategic, or financial contributions to an unjust war may lose their moral protection from intentional and collateral harm. On this point, (...)
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  13.  10
    The Renewable City: Dawn of an Urban Revolution.Peter Droege - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (2):141-150.
    A vexing modern conundrum is to be solved. The use of oil, gas, and coal is extremely short-lived as a historical phenomenon: a mere blink of an eye at a little more than 1% of total urban history of 10,000 years to-date. Yet current urban civilization is almost entirely based on it. And the fossil-fuel economy poses not only a massive security risk, it also lies at the root of the vast majority of urban sustainability problems. Fresh water depletion, air (...)
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  14.  42
    Wall Street and Main Street in Schutzian Perspective.Dennis E. Skocz - 2011 - Schutzian Research 3:165-184.
    Wall Street and Main Street have become opposing icons in narratives of boom and bust that endeavor to account for the financial meltdown in fall 2008 and the Great Recession that followed. In many such narratives, Wall Street denizens are said to have brought on the economic collapse in which ordinary Main Streeters became collateral damage. Economic analysis and political advocacy are carried on in a metaphorics which implicates the fate of Main Street in the rituals of Wall (...)
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  15.  8
    From Austerity to Expansion? Consolidation, Budget Surpluses, and the Decline of Fiscal Capacity.Philip Mehrtens & Lukas Haffert - 2015 - Politics and Society 43 (1):119-148.
    In the wake of the financial crisis, many developed countries have embarked upon ambitious fiscal consolidation programs. While the success of austerity programs is still unclear, it is also an open question what success would mean for activist government in the long run. This study rejects the progressive belief that successful fiscal consolidation will strengthen fiscal capacity, arguing that consolidations transform the political context in which fiscal policy is made. By analyzing public expenditure in six countries with sustained budget (...)
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  16.  80
    Governing the Agent-to-Agent Economy of Trust via Progressive Decentralization.Tomer Jordi Chaffer - manuscript
    Current approaches to AI governance often fall short in anticipating a future where AI agents manage critical tasks, such as financial operations, administrative functions, and beyond. As AI agents may eventually delegate tasks among themselves to optimize efficiency, understanding the foundational principles of human value exchange could offer insights into how AI-driven economies might operate. Just as trust and value exchange are central to human interactions in open marketplaces, they may also be critical for enabling secure and efficient interactions (...)
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  17.  30
    Impact of COVID-19 on the Income of Entrepreneurs Who Borrowed from SHG.Nishi Malhotra & Pankaj Kumar Baag - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (2):153-167.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world. After liberalization in 1991, microfinance became a panacea for poor people without collateral and information asymmetry. The higher cost of microfinance and debt traps highlighted the need for the state to intervene in resource redistribution. In addition, national lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions have made it difficult for emerging economies like India to achieve this sustainable development goal. The Reserve Bank of India introduced self-help group (SHG) bank linkage to ensure the financial (...)
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  18.  30
    Ethics of Imprisonment : Essays in Criminal Justice Ethics.William Bülow - 2014 - Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
    This licentiate thesis consists of three essays which all concern the ethics of imprisonment and what constitutes an ethically defensible treatment of criminal offenders. Paper 1 defends the claim that prisoners have a right to privacy. I argue that the right to privacy is important because of its connection to moral agency. For that reasons is the protection of inmates’ right to privacy also warranted by different established philosophical theories about the justification of legal punishment. I discuss the practical implications (...)
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  19.  11
    The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Networks.Bramoullé Yann, Andrea Galeotti & Brian Rogers - 2016 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Networks represents the frontier of research into how and why networks they form, how they influence behavior, how they help govern outcomes in an interactive world, and how they shape collective decision making, opinion formation, and diffusion dynamics. From a methodological perspective, the contributors to this volume devote attention to theory, field experiments, laboratory experiments, and econometrics. Theoretical work in network formation, games played on networks, repeated games, and the interaction between linking and (...)
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  20.  45
    Unfit to live among others : Essays on the ethics of imprisonment.William Bülow - unknown
    This thesis provides an ethical analysis of imprisonment as a mode of punishment. Consisting in an introduction and four papers the thesis addresses several important questions concerning imprisonment from a number of different perspectives and theoretical starting points. One overall conclusion of this thesis is that imprisonment, as a mode of punishment, deserves more attention from moral and legal philosophers. It is also concluded that a more complete ethical assessment of prison conditions and prison management requires a broader focus. It (...)
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  21.  10
    Introduction to the Handbook.Andrea Galeotti, Brian Rogers & Yann Bramoullé - 2016 - In Bramoullé Yann, Andrea Galeotti & Brian Rogers (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Networks. Oxford University Press USA.
    This handbook represents the frontier of research into the economics of networks: how and why they form, how they influence behavior, how they help govern outcomes in an interactive world, and how they shape collective decision making, opinion formation, and diffusion dynamics. From a methodological perspective, the handbook devotes attention to theory, field experiments, laboratory experiments, and econometrics. Theoretical work in network formation, games played on networks, repeated games, and the interaction between linking and behavior are synthesized. A number of (...)
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  22.  29
    Discussion Paper for the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations - The housing crisis as a problem of intergenerational justice: The case of Germany.Elena Lutz - 2020 - Intergenerational Justice Review 6 (1).
    Executive summary In this discussion paper, it is shown that the current housing affordability crisis in Germany is a problem of intergenerational injustice since it affects young Germans disproportionately negatively. To address these injustices, the following policy measures are suggested. 1. Policies to assure affordable rents a. Rent controls : Well-designed rent controls help keep rentprice increases in re-lettings in check, while still allowing landlords to pass renovation costs on to their renters and to increase their rents by a small (...)
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  23.  14
    Risk Assessment of Biological Asset Mortgage Loans of China’s New Agricultural Business Entities.Shuzhen Zhu, Yutao Chen & Wenwen Wang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    The large-scale proliferation of China’s new type of agricultural entities has given rise to a higher demand for funds. Farmers have insufficient effective collateral, which makes it difficult for them to obtain sufficient loans. Chinese financial institutions have developed a biological asset mortgage loan business to cope with this situation. China has not considered biological mortgages but has been using real estate and asset mortgage models with strong realizability. This innovative financial business has achieved positive results since (...)
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  24. Twenty-Five Years of Incomparable Research.Financial Performance Debate - forthcoming - Business and Society.
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  25.  19
    Traditions and innovations in the reign of Aurelian.Political Aurelian’S. & Financial Amnesties - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54:568-578.
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  26.  66
    Corruption, Types of Corruption and Firm Financial Performance: New Evidence from a Transitional Economy.Steven Lim, Tuan Nguyen, Tuyen Tran & Huong Vu - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):847-858.
    Using a nationwide survey of provincial institutional quality and a sample of private manufacturing small and medium scale enterprises, this paper contributes to the literature by considering for the first time the effects of corruption on the financial performance of Vietnamese private SMEs. Interestingly, contrary to previous findings, we find that corruption when measured by a dummy variable, does not affect firms’ financial performance after controlling for heterogeneity, simultaneity and dynamic endogeneity. However, the intensity of bribery and the (...)
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  27.  34
    Describing model relations: The case of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) family in financial economics.Melissa Vergara-Fernández, Conrad Heilmann & Marta Szymanowska - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 97 (C):91-100.
    The description of how individual models in families of models are related to each other is crucial for the general philosophical understanding of model-based scientific practice. We focus on the Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM) family, a cornerstone in financial economics, to provide a descriptive analysis of model relations within a family. We introduce the concepts of theoretical and empirical complementarity to characterise model relations. Our complementarity analysis of model relations has two types of payoff. Specifically regarding the CAPM, (...)
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  28.  32
    Carrot or Stick? CSR and Firm Financial Performance.Chen Ma & Latif Yasir - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (2):349-365.
    In this study, we propose and test the relationship between CSR and firm financial performance, how this relationship differs between firms led by CEOs with political connections and those led by CEOs without political connections, and how this relationship differs between state-owned firms and nonstate-owned firms. Based on a sample of 1645 Chinese listed firms during the period 2011 and 2020 (inclusive), we find that CSR has an inverted U-shaped relationship with firm financial performance. As the level of (...)
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  29.  20
    Collateral consequences and the perils of categorical ambiguity.Alec C. Ewald - 2011 - In Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey (eds.), Law as punishment/law as regulation. Stanford, California: Stanford Law Books.
    This chapter explores collateral sanctions' awkward straddling of punitive and regulatory aims. In showing that these restrictions do not fit clearly into either category, it demonstrates the real dangers of that ambiguity. The harmful consequences of the massive, murky, ill-defined collateral-sanctions regime extend well beyond those directly affected, rendering citizens unable to judge the efficacy of such restrictions and undermining core commitments of the American political order. While many such restrictions seem quite unlikely to fulfill their purported objectives, (...)
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  30.  26
    Family Firms Amidst the Global Financial Crisis: A Territorial Embeddedness Perspective on Downsizing.Stefano Amato, Alessia Patuelli, Rodrigo Basco & Nicola Lattanzi - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):1-24.
    This study explores the downsizing propensity of family and non-family firms by considering their territorial embeddedness during both periods of economic stability and financial crisis. By drawing on a panel dataset of Spanish manufacturing firms for the period 2002–2015, we show that, all things being equal, family firms have a lower propensity to downsizing than non-family firms. When considering the effect of territorial embeddedness, we found that territorially embedded family firms have an even lower propensity to downsizing than their (...)
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  31.  20
    Experimenting with modifications to consent forms in comparative effectiveness research: understanding the impact of language about financial implications and key information.Neal W. Dickert, Yi-An Ko, Ofer Sadan, Andrea R. Mitchell, Gabriel Najarro, Candace D. Speight & Nyiramugisha K. Niyibizi - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundInformed consent forms are intended to facilitate research enrollment decisions. However, the technical language in institutional templates can be unfamiliar and confusing for decision-makers. Standardized language describing financial implications of participation, namely compensation for injury and costs of care associated with participating, can be complex and could be a deterrent for potential participants. This standardized language may also be misleading in the context of comparative effectiveness trials of standard care interventions, in which costs and risk of injury associated with (...)
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  32.  15
    The Influence of Cognitive Biases and Financial Factors on Forecast Accuracy of Analysts.Paula Carolina Ciampaglia Nardi, Evandro Marcos Saidel Ribeiro, José Lino Oliveira Bueno & Ishani Aggarwal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective of this study was to jointly analyze the importance of cognitive and financial factors in the accuracy of profit forecasting by analysts. Data from publicly traded Brazilian companies in 2019 were obtained. We used text analysis to assess the cognitive biases from the qualitative reports of analysts. Further, we analyzed the data using statistical regression learning methods and statistical classification learning methods, such as Multiple Linear Regression, k-dependence Bayesian, and Random Forest. The Bayesian inference and classification methods (...)
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  33.  9
    Complex Interplay of Eastern Bloc SMEs Trade Credit Determinants: Changes due to the Global Financial Crisis.Tamara Teplova, Tatiana Sokolova, Kristina Galenskaya & Mariya Gubareva - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    We investigate whether the determinants of small and medium enterprises’ trade credits taken for purchasing fixed assets suffered substantial changes due to the global financial crisis. The geographical focus of this paper covers 18 former Eastern bloc countries. The data sample comprises opinions of the SMEs top managers relative to the trade credit financing. The two-step Heckman procedure is applied to study complexity of the trade credit determinants. We find that before the GFC the equity concentration and inflation have (...)
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  34. Terror and Collateral Damage: Are they Permissible?F. M. Kamm - 2005 - The Journal of Ethics 9 (3-4):381-401.
    This article begins by comparing terror and death and then focuses on whether killing combatants and noncombatants as a mere means to create terror, that is in turn a means to winning a war, is ever permissible. The role of intentions and alternative acts one might have done is examined in this regard. The second part of the article begins by criticizing a standard justification for causing collateral (side effect) deaths in war and offers an alternative justification that makes (...)
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  35.  17
    Does Tourism Induce Sustainable Human Capital Development in BRICS Through the Channel of Capital Formation and Financial Development? Evidence From Augmented ARDL With Structural Break and Fourier-TY Causality.Jun Li & Md Qamruzzaman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The motivation of the study is to explore the nexus tourism-led sustainable human capital development in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa for the period 1984–2019. The study applied several econometrical techniques for exposing the empirical association between tourism and HCD, such as the conventional and structural break unit root test, the combined cointegration test, long-run and short-run coefficients detected through implementing the Augmented Autoregressive Distributed Lagged, and directional causality by following Toda-Yamamoto with Fourier function. The unit-roots test established (...)
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  36.  20
    Accountability in an Independent Regulatory Setting: The Use of Impact Assessment in the Regulation of Financial Reporting in the UK.W. Stuart Turley & Anna Samsonova-Taddei - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1053-1076.
    The growing reliance on non-governmental independent regulators in many social and economic domains, including corporate financial reporting, has brought to the fore concerns over their regulatory accountability. This study looks at one aspect of the regulatory due process-regulatory impact assessment (IA). Drawing on the analytical framework developed by Bovens (Public accountability: a framework for the analysis and assessment of accountability arrangements in the public domain. CONNEX papers, Research Group 2, Democracy and Accountability in the EU, 2006, Eur Law J (...)
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  37.  59
    The End-Means Continuum as Management of Human Action: An Application to the Financial Sector.Liviu Drugus - 2010 - The European Legacy 15 (4):489-492.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Prices After the Financial Crisis: The Role of Strategic CSR Activities.Aneta Havlinova & Jiri Kukacka - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):223-242.
    We analyze the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the stock market performance in the post-global financial crisis period. A new measure of social responsibility by Thomson Reuters, called the ESG Combined Score, is used. As a novel feature of our analysis, socially responsible engagement is divided into the strategic activities closely related to the examined companies’ core business and the remaining secondary activities. The results of the fixed effects regression show a positive and statistically, as well as economically, (...)
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    Do we make decisions for other people based on our predictions of their preferences? evidence from financial and medical scenarios involving risk.Eleonore Batteux, Eamonn Ferguson & Richard J. Tunney - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (2):188-217.
    The ways in which the decisions we make for others differ from the ones we make for ourselves has received much attention in the literature, although less is known about their relationship to our p...
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    Blinded by worries: sin taxes and demand for temptation under financial worries.Lucia Savadori, Piero Ronzani, Austėja Kažemekaitytė & Sergiu Burlacu - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (1):141-187.
    Imposing “sin” taxes has been the preferred way governments tried to discourage the over-consumption of temptation goods for decades. However numerous evidence shows that consumers exhibit behavioral biases which can affect their reaction to taxes. This paper investigates a potential bias and how it affects demand for temptation: financial worries associated with poverty have been shown to shift attention towards pressing needs, often at the expense of forward-looking decisions. In an online experiment with UK participants, we randomly induce (...) worries and ask participants to allocate a budget between basic necessities and temptation goods in an experimental market. We randomly impose “taxes” on temptation by increasing its price. We find that, in the absence of any tax, inducing financial worries lowers demand for temptation, effect stronger for lower-income participants. However, when financial concerns are salient, increasing the tax does not lower demand among lower-income participants. While financial worries might protect against over-consumption of temptation in the absence of tax changes, they also might hurt the poor the most when additional taxes are introduced. (shrink)
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  41. Collateral Damage and the Principle of Due Care.Anne Schwenkenbecher - 2014 - Journal of Military Ethics 13 (1):94-105.
    This article focuses on the ethical implications of so-called ‘collateral damage’. It develops a moral typology of collateral harm to innocents, which occurs as a side effect of military or quasi-military action. Distinguishing between accidental and incidental collateral damage, it introduces four categories of such damage: negligent, oblivious, knowing and reckless collateral damage. Objecting mainstream versions of the doctrine of double effect, the article argues that in order for any collateral damage to be morally permissible, (...)
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  42. Cultural Influences on Indigenous Users’ Perception of the Importance of Disclosure Items in Financial Statements: Empirical Evidence from Papua New Guinea.Ken Ngangan & Benedict Imbun - 2010 - South Pacific Journal of Philosophy and Culture 11.
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  43. Crisis as a Catalyst for Federal Regulation in Financial Markets: The Rise of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.Kyle C. Worrell - 2010 - Nexus - Chapman's Journal of Law & Policy 16:195.
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    Integrating text mining and system dynamics to evaluate financial risks of construction contracts.Mahdi Bakhshayesh & Hamidreza Abbasianjahromi - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (3):741-768.
    Financial risks are among the most important risks in the construction industry projects, which significantly impact project objectives, including project cost. Besides, financial risks have many interactions with each other and project parameters, which must be taken into account to analyze risks correctly. In addition, a source of financial risks in a project is the contract, which is the most important project document. Identifying terms related to financial risks in a contract and considering their effects on (...)
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  45. Moment of Opportunity: Reimagining International Securities Regulations in the Shadow of Financial Crisis, A.Eric C. Chaffee - 2009 - Nexus - Chapman's Journal of Law & Policy 15:29.
  46. The state muddled in co-dependencies and Incremental policy making : the case of the economic and financial crisis in the European Union.Alain Guggenbuhl & Frank Lambremont - 2018 - In Elena Aoun & Pierre Vercauteren (eds.), The state between interdependence and power in the contemporary world: a reassessment. Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
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  47. Transaction Costs and Informational Cascades in Financial Markets: Theory and Experimental Evidence.I. I. I. Session - unknown
    We study the effect of transaction costs (e.g., a trading fee or a transaction tax, like the Tobin tax) on the aggregation of private information in financial markets. We analyze a financial market à la Glosten and Milgrom, in which informed and uninformed traders trade in sequence with a market maker. Traders have to pay a cost in order to trade. We show that, eventually, all informed traders decide not to trade, independently of their private information, i.e., an (...)
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  48. Medicare prospective payment-the ethical implications of converging clinical and financial decisions in long-term care.Don F. Reynolds - 1999 - Bioethics Forum 15:29-34.
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    Resisting the lure of the paycheck: Freedom and dependence in financial self-help.Daniel Fridman - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:90-112.
    Based on two years of fieldwork with fans of financial success best-sellers, this article analyzes the idea of financial freedom, which is the cornerstone of popular financial self-help resources. Fans of the genre train themselves and engage in business and investing with the main goal of reaching something that is at once mathematical and a condition of the self. Financial freedom is a specific equation between income and expenses that makes it possible to quit one’s job (...)
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  50. What next for risk-based financial regulation.Joanna Gray - 2010 - In Iain G. MacNeil & Justin O'Brien (eds.), The Future of Financial Regulation. Hart. pp. 123--140.
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