Results for 'forced female migrants from Ukraine'

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  1. „Maniau, kad išvykstu dviem savaitėms“: karo nulemtų krizių įveikimo strategijos migrančių iš Ukrainos Lietuvoje pasakojimuose.Kristina Šliavaitė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (4).
    Straipsnyje analizuojami interviu, atlikti su priverstinę migraciją dėl Rusijos pradėto karo Ukrainoje patyrusiomis migrantėmis iš Ukrainos, kurios atvyko į Lietuvą po 2022 m. vasario 24 d. Gilinamasi į pasakojimus apie karo bei priverstinės migracijos patirtis bei aiškinamasi, kokios situacijos įvardijamos kaip kritinės individualiame, šeimos bei bendruomenės lygmenyse, taip pat – kokios strategijos pasitelkiamos minėtoms krizėms įveikti.
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    “My Lady Tells Me I'm Good Woman…”: a Bulgarian Female Migrant's Life-Story Between Assistance Relations and Care Practices.Eugenio Zito - 2017 - World Futures 73 (4-5):334-352.
    In this article, I report on a Bulgarian female migrant caregiver's “life-story,” especially focusing on her relationship with an old Italian woman, on the care practices performed in her favor in Italy, and on her daughter and parents still living in Bulgaria. I chose to do it by means of an anthropological approach based on experience as field of mediation between personal dimensions and historical and social processes and therefore centered on the body conceived as historical product, the influence (...)
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    The migrant wife: The worst of all worlds. [REVIEW]Lorna R. Marsden & Lorne J. Tepperman - 1985 - Journal of Business Ethics 4 (3):205 - 213.
    This study reanalyses data on migrants to Alberta, collected by Statistics Canada in a 1980 Labour Force Survey. The findings indicate that migrant men are gainers and migrant women, particularly migrant wives are the losers from such movement, even during a period of relative economic prosperity in the Province. Women's occupational status tends to improve with time spent in the new labour force. However there is a failure to return to occupational statuses enjoyed before the move. This means, (...)
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    The Mystery Revealed—Intersectionality in the Black Box: An Analysis of Female Migrants' Employment Opportunities in Urban China.Yixuan Wang - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):862-880.
    Female migrant workers are doubly disadvantaged in China's urban labor market because of their doubly marginalized identities as both women and rural residents. This article takes a process-centered approach to explore how female migrants' two identity categories generate intersectional effects on their job-search experiences in cities. Data from in-depth interviews conducted in Xi'an city, China, in 2010 and 2011 reveal that three patterns of relationship explain the processes where the gender–hukou intersection affects female migrants. (...)
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    Understanding the complexity of identity and belonging: A case study of French female migrants in Manchester and London.Leila Goulahsen - 2017 - European Journal of Women's Studies 24 (2):158-173.
    This article presents the results of a case study that aims to highlight the processes by which French female migrants in London and Manchester attempt to de/re/construct identities to negotiate the challenges of the cultural and social structures in England. This research centres on 15 semi-structured interviews with French women residents of diverse backgrounds. The interviews conducted represent counter-narratives to existing studies which focus only on highly skilled French migrants in London and define them as free movers (...)
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    Colorism as Marriage Capital: Cross-Region Marriage Migration in India and Dark-Skinned Migrant Brides.Reena Kukreja - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (1):85-109.
    This article, based on original research from 57 villages in four provinces from North and East India, sheds light on a hitherto unexplored gendered impact of colorism in facilitating noncustomary cross-region marriage migrations in India. Within socioeconomically marginalized groups from India’s development peripheries, the hegemonic construct of fairness as “capital” conjoins with both regressive patriarchal gender norms governing marriage and female sexuality and the monetization of social relations, through dowry, to foreclose local marriage options for darker-hued (...)
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    A escrita feminina entre a fronteira e o não lugar: discursos femininos em ascensão na Literatura Italiana de Migração.Laura Gherlone - 2019 - Bakhtiniana 14 (2):6-24.
    RESUMO Durante o processo da Perestroika soviética, Iuri Lotman escreveu reflexões sobre o conceito de fronteira. Como testemunhou migrações em massa, expulsões forçadas e reconfigurações etnogeográficas sem precedentes, sabia o quanto uma fronteira pode ser carregada de significado cultural que transcende sua dimensão espacial. Ter esse tipo de consciência era ainda mais urgente tendo em vista ser esse um período histórico de transição, reconstrução e abertura, quando as políticas linguístico-culturais poderiam ser um meio de promover integração e aceitação do "estrangeiro". (...)
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    Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants Edited by David Hollenbach, SJ, and: Kinship across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration by Kristen Heyer.René M. Micallef - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):230-233.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants Edited by David Hollenbach, SJ, and: Kinship across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration by Kristen HeyerRené M. Micallef SJDriven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants EDITED BY DAVID HOLLENBACH, SJ Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, 2010. 296 pp. $20.46Kinship across Borders: A Christian Ethic of Immigration KRISTEN HEYER Washington DC: (...)
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    Vulnerability in Domestic Discourses on Trafficking: Lessons from the Indian Experience.Prabha Kotiswaran - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (3):245-262.
    In recent years, rather than addressing the needs of sex workers themselves or of trafficked persons, international anti-trafficking law has been mobilised towards an ideological end, namely the abolition of sex work. The vulnerability of ‘third world’ female sex workers in particular has provided a potent image for justifying state intervention backed by the full force of the criminal law. Moral legitimacy has been afforded to this by a radical feminist discourse which views sex workers as nothing but hapless (...)
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    Labour Force Participation and Employment of Humanitarian Migrants: Evidence from the Building a New Life in Australia Longitudinal Data.Zhiming Cheng, Ben Zhe Wang & Lucy Taksa - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (4):697-720.
    This study uses the longitudinal data from the Building a New Life in Australia survey to examine the relationships between human capital and labour market participation and employment status among recently arrived/approved humanitarian migrants. We find that the likelihood of participating in the labour force is higher for those who had pre-immigration paid job experience, completed study/job training and have better job searching knowledge/skills in Australia and possess higher proficiency in spoken English. We find that the chance of (...)
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    Women Leadership, Culture, and Islam: Female Voices from Jordan.Tamer Koburtay, Tala Abuhussein & Yusuf M. Sidani - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):347-363.
    This paper aims to explore the experiences of female leaders considering the interplay of gender, religion, and culture. Drawing on an inductive-qualitative study, the paper examines perceptions regarding the role of religion and cultural norms in women’s ascension into leadership positions in Jordan. The results indicated that Jordanian women leaders adopted an Islamic feminist worldview and did not embrace a liberal nor a socialist/Marxist feminist worldview. Women leaders seemed wanting to claim their religion back from those forces that (...)
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    Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants. Edited by David Hollenbach, SJ . Pp. viii, 287, Washington, DC, Georgetown University Press, 2010, $29.95. [REVIEW]John R. Williams - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (3):533-534.
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    Ukrainian diaspora churches looking for cultural codes to a new immigrant generation from Ukraine.Georgii Fylypovych - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 73:186-192.
    The article deals with the activities of the UGCC in the field of preservation of Ukrainian identity of a new wave of migration. Using traditional strategy, the church is looking for new approaches to migrants, based on old and seeking new cultural codes which are understandable for present-day Ukrainian in his incultural intentions in abroad.
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    Making Migrants’ Input Invisible: Intersections of Privilege and Otherness From a Multilevel Perspective.Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck - 2022 - Social Inclusion 10 (1):184–193.
    some years, the German public has been debating the case of migrant workers receiving German benefits for children living abroad, which has been scandalised as a case of “benefit tourism.” This points to a failure to recognise a striking imbalance between the output of the German welfare state to migrants and the input it receives from migrant domestic workers. In this article I discuss how this input is being rendered invisible or at least underappreciated by sexist, racist, and (...)
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    Female immigration in Russia: Social risks and prevention.Veronika Romanenko & Olga Borodkina - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):174-187.
    There is an increasing number of female migrants among the international migrants in Russia. The purpose of this study is to identify the social risks female migrants face. Statistics and data from surveys were analyzed, interviews were held with experts providing practical assistance to women and focus groups were conducted with female migrants. The employment sector in which young female migrants face the most risks and are likely to work illegally (...)
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    Чоловічі споживчі потреби в міському просторі радянської україни в 1920-1930-ті роки.Iryna Skubii - 2018 - Схід 1 (153):79-83.
    The basic features and problems of male consumption in 1920-1930s are considered. The main aim of research is to analyze the material world and everyday life of the male consumer and his demands mainly in the urban space of Soviet Ukraine. The crucial role of Communist ideology and propaganda in the emergence of male consumer culture is discussed. It has been also paid attention on the great role of Soviet planned economic system that influenced on the material needs of (...)
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    Harsh realities of female migration during the COVID epoch.Tarak Nath Sahu, Sudarshan Maity & Manjari Yadav - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (2):293-312.
    The study examines the consequences of the COVID‐19 pandemic‐induced lockdown on the socio‐economic status of 212 female migrant workers employed in the informal sector, originating from four underprivileged districts of West Bengal, India. The study assesses the changes in their scope of employment, financial instability, and the level of violence experienced within households and workplaces in the pre‐pandemic and post‐lockdown phases. We apply the binary logistic regression to identify factors influencing their low employment scope, the t‐test to observe (...)
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    Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants. Edited by David Hollenbach, SJ. Pp. viii, 287, Washington, DC, Georgetown University Press, 2010, $29.95. [REVIEW]John R. Williams - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (5):892-893.
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    Old and new differences: social (re)integration after the war.Volodymyr Fadieiev - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 2:99-116.
    This article examines the issues of social (re)integration in Ukraine, which were actualized during the Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014-2022. The first part of the article is devoted to the consideration of theoretical issues related to the conceptualization of social integration in the social sciences and the role of the state in reproducing social relations. The author assumes that during the last decades, ideas about the role of the state in these processes have changed significantly, which was caused by the (...)
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    Um olhar sobre a configuração dos direitos humanos dos migrantes forçados.Filipe Gabriel Benigno Silva & Rita de Cássia Souza Tabosa Freitas - 2024 - Controvérsia 20 (1):58-79.
    The article proposes to analyse whether the current configuration of national migration legislation from Arendt's perspective on the universalization of human rights and Agamben's reflections on bare life and the state of exception demonstrates its capacity to protect the human rights of people undergoing forced migration. To this end, a literature review of a bibliographical nature was used, using the historical procedure method. In order to interpret the effectiveness of the current configuration of the human rights of this (...)
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  21. Russia and Ukraine : conflicting time perspectives in recognition policies and the use of force.Bruno Coppieters - 2023 - In Hannes Černy & Janis Grzybowski (eds.), Variations on sovereignty: contestations and transformations from around the world. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Tied Migrant Labor Market Integration: Deconstructing Labor Market Subjectivities in South Africa.Farirai Zinatsa & Musawenkosi D. Saurombe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The South African labor market is characterized by a high degree of inflexibility and complexity which poses significant challenges for both indigenes and migrants looking to be integrated into the labor market. These challenges are likely to be more poignant for international migrants as they face additional barriers owing to a chronically high employment rate, xenophobic sentiments, and racial exclusion. For female tied migrants, gender bias, expressed through migration policies and legislation, adds yet another layer of (...)
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    13 Gender, Ethnicity and Familial Ideology in Georgetown, Guyana.Female Labour Force & Participation Reconsidered - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies.
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    Social Integration and Health Among Young Migrants in China: Mediated by Social Mentality and Moderated by Gender.Jingjing Zhou, Li Zhu & Junwei Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Population mobility has been one of the most basic social characteristics of China’s reform and opening up for more than 40 years. As the main labor force in Chinese cities, young migrants have made major contributions toward China’s economic miracle as the country has experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization. However, frequent mobility has caused an imbalanced social mentality in young migrants and often leads to issues with social integration, which has made this group more vulnerable with respect to (...)
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    Undocumented migrants’ access to healthcare in Sweden, and the impact of Act 2013:407.Anna O’Sullivan - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (7):1349-1360.
    Background Research shows that undocumented migrants have difficulties in accessing healthcare. Act 2013:407 came into force in 2013 and entitled undocumented migrants to healthcare that cannot be deferred. To date, studies about undocumented migrants’ access to care in Sweden and the impact of Act 2013:407 are sparse. Hence, the aim of this study was to describe professionals’ experiences of access to healthcare for undocumented migrants in Sweden and the impact of Act 2013:407. Methods A qualitative design (...)
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    Ethical Issues and Their Practical Application in Researching Mental Health and Social Care Needs with Forced Migrants.David Palmer - 2008 - Research Ethics 4 (1):20-25.
    There is a growing interest in researching the plight, health, and social care needs of forced migrants and the complex ethical issues related to researching this vulnerable group. Conducting health and social care research with forced migrants is a sensitive and complex issue and can place emotional demands on contributors, requiring high ethical and moral standards which safeguard participants, researchers and the integrity of the study. Researchers and those who review research need to be sensitive to (...)
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    Trafficking and Prostitution: The Growing Exploitation of Migrant Women in Greece.Gabriella Lazaridis - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (1):67-102.
    This article concentrates on the rapid growth of trafficking in women from Eastern and Central Europe who end up working in the sex industry in Athens. Such movement of people is constituted around global networks of female labour. The social processes and mechanisms that produce and reproduce the somatic and social exploitation of female migrants caught in the web of the sex industry are analysed. These processes are responsible for a continuation and accentuation of women’s loss (...)
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    Illegal migrant Basotho women in South Africa: Exposure to vulnerability in domestic services.Mosiuoa B. Makhata & Maake J. Masango - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2).
    The illegal migration of Basotho women to South Africa in order to render domestic service is alarming because they are subjected to harsh treatment. This is a pastoral and theological concern for the church. As migrants, their struggle begins from the household circumstances that often force them to leave and seek job opportunities undocumented or without following prescribed migration procedures. They are then subjected to migration processes and procedures: for example, corruption and bribery by migration officers and illegal (...)
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    Migrant Memories and Temporality.Luiz Felipe Baêta Neves - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (1):27-33.
    The text analyses rituals as endeavours to preserve the identity of a people or a portion of a people. Rituals present or re-present the supposed common history of all the migrants. Social memory and history then tend to merge and to forget... forgetfulness is the driving force behind the writing of history. Particularly critical is the moment when the migration starts, because the need to adapt to new conditions as well as to maintain what is represented as their social (...)
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    Macro-Lessons from Micro-Crime: Understanding Migrant Crime through the Comparative Examination of Local Markets.Harlan Koff - 2009 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 56 (121):92-117.
    Immigration politics are almost universally characterized by their complexity, their ability to raise public passions, and misinformation, often based on generalizations and stereotypes. Recently, immigration has been intrinsically linked to crime, and public agendas have squarely focused on security issues as nativist political forces have successfully created a prominent image of migrants as threats to public security. This article argues that immigrant participation in criminal markets should be studied at the local level, where micro-criminal economies often dominated by (...) actually develop. By examining criminal activity at its base, the article investigates the nature of power in these markets. Specifically, it examines migrant crime in four cities and compares it to migrant integration in regular labour markets. By doing so, the article studies levels of migrant autonomy in both criminal and regular markets and argues that this autonomy indicates whether migrant crime is entrepreneurial or a sign of social deviance. (shrink)
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    In Search of a Model: Evolution of a Feminist Consciousness in Ukraine and Russia.Marian J. Rubchak - 2001 - European Journal of Women's Studies 8 (2):149-160.
    Unlike Russia, one of the most potent forces in reinterpretations of Ukraine’s cultural legacy is its matriarchal myth. This article explores the ways in which that myth has been reconfigured to conform to the requirements of Ukraine’s contemporary historical circumstances. It also examines how a cult figure, known variously as the great goddess, domestic madonna, hearth mother and today as the nation’s mother, and widely portrayed in the media as such, can be transformed into an instrument of women’s (...)
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    Tragic Victims of Mania a Potu (“Madness from Drink”): A Study of Literary Nineteenth-Century Female Drunkards.Irina Rabinovich - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:299-318.
    Temperance literature, though widely popular in America and Britain between 1830–80, lost its allure in the decades that followed. In spite of its didactic and moralistic nature, the public eagerly consumed temperance novels, thus reciprocating contemporaneous writers’ efforts to promote social ideals and mend social ills. The main aim of this paper is to redress the critical neglect that the temperance prose written by women about women has endured by looking at three literary works—two novellas and one confessional novelette—written by (...)
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    Institutional processes in the Muslim Umma of Ukraine.A. Aristova, Anatolii M. Kolodnyi & D. Shestopalec - 2013 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 65:135-145.
    In Ukraine, there are now officially registered six All-Ukrainian Muslim departments and centers, a number of Islamic-based public and political organizations, associations of national minorities, the Islamic lands dominated by Islamic religion. The Islamic community of the country is replenished annually by migrants and students from countries of different Islamic orientation. It is clear that all this actualizes the problem of inter-institutional relations in the Islam of Ukraine, the search for ways and means of minimizing and (...)
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    The Citizen and the Migrant: Postcolonial Anxieties, Law, and the Politics of Exclusion/inclusion.Ratna Kapur - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):537-570.
    This Article examines how the legal subjectivity of the migrant subject is intimately connected to the construction of the citizenship subject and how both have been products of the colonial encounter. Deploying the lens of postcolonialism, I argue that the migrant is addressed through a spectrum of legal rules based on normative criteria reminiscent of the colonial encounter. These criteria reinscribe citizenship within dominant racial, sexual, and cultural norms as well as claims of civilizational superiority. That which does not fall (...)
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    Peculiarities of the Legal Regulation of Temporary Protection in the European Union in the Context of the Aggressive War of the Russian Federation Against Ukraine.Tamara Kortukova, Yevgen Kolosovskyi, Olena L. Korolchuk, Rostyslav Shchokin & Andrii S. Volkov - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (2):667-678.
    After the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, the flow of forced migration from Ukraine has significantly increased as people tried to protect their lives and find a safe place to live. Given that Ukraine shares the external border with the European Union, most people sought protection precisely in the Member States of the European Union. The study aims to analyze the features of the legal regulation of the provision of temporary protection in (...)
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    Female friendship and gender transformation.Laurence Bachmann - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (2):165-179.
    This article explores the ways in which friendships between women may promote gender transformation. The study is based on 25 in-depth interviews with young women in Geneva disposed to gender transformation but not necessarily considering themselves to be ‘feminist’. The findings, based on a dispositional and contextual analysis, show that female friendships provide women with a place where they find respite from men, become aware of gender relations, take action to further their emancipation and receive support for changes (...)
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    From local control to remote control: an excavation of international mobility constraints.Jacob Thomas - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):33-64.
    Before the passage of the US Immigration Act of 1924, governments of migrant-receiving countries decided whether to admit most prospective immigrants only after they arrived at the border; afterward, the United States and then later other migrant-receiving states required prospective migrants and visitors to apply for visas in their country of residence before coming—an institution that Zolberg has termed “remote control.” Previous scholars wrote about remote control in terms of how it increased the capacity of states to reduce immigration, (...)
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    Ukraine's Ancient Matriarch as a Topos in Constructing a Feminine Identity.Marian J. Rubchak - 2009 - Feminist Review 92 (1):129-150.
    In 1991, Ukrainian independence opened an important theoretical channel for debating the status of its women. The people's collective memory of an ancient matriarchy generated a neo-matriarchal mythology which has been transformed into a delusional ideology that legitimizes female subordination, in the name of her alleged empowerment. Fieldwork in Ukraine – annual visits, including travel from one end of the country to another in official capacities, and many extended stays in Ukraine, as a scholar, researcher, educator (...)
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    Undocumented Migrants and Resistance in the Liberal State.Antje Ellermann - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (3):408-429.
    This article explores the possibility of resistance under conditions of extreme state power in liberal democracies. It examines the strategies of migrants without legal status who, when threatened with one of the most awesome powers of the liberal state—expulsion—shed their legal identity in order to escape the state’s reach. Remarkably, in doing so, they often succeed in preventing the state from exercising its sovereign powers. The article argues that liberal states are uniquely constrained in their dealing with undocumented (...)
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    Determinants of firm’s holding female directors: evidence from Australia.Aimin Qian & Ummya Salma - 2021 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 10 (2):245-273.
    This research paper aims to examine the association between product market competition and gender diversity on the corporate board. More specifically, this paper examines the likely corporate governance determinants of firms operating by female directors. This study included all the Australian listed companies in the primary list of samples from 2001 to 2015. This research explored that low competition increases the probability of existing female directors on the corporate board. Results also reveal that low product market competition (...)
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    Orthodoxy of pre-war Ukraine : the main tendencies of development.Oleksandr N. Sagan - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 19:44-54.
    The violent events of the revolutionary 1917 rocked the church life in Ukraine. Church movement began to become quite controversial in its content of national-political character. In the new political conditions, not only the clergy but also secular authorities, public organizations and private individuals took an active part in discussing the problems of church life, which politicized in some way Orthodoxy. The Civil War of 1918-1920 did all the efforts of church activists and clergy dependent on the state of (...)
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    From Ruth to the “Global Woman”: Social and Legal Aspects.Athalya Brenner - 2010 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 64 (2):162-168.
    In this short study, the Scroll of Ruth, and especially Ruth's undisclosed motives for following her mother-in-law, are read alongside the situation of foreign, female migrant workers in contemporary Israel—and vice versa. This allows a bi-directional reading that supplies a possible context both for the biblical text and for the evaluation of today's issues.
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    Sexual Issues: The Analysis of Female Role Portrayal Preferences in Taiwanese Print Ads.Chyong-Ling Lin - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (3):409-418.
    For a long time, female endorsers in advertising have been doing product information promotion in the market. However, with more and more highly educated women participating in the labor force, the conception of feminist depictions in advertising have become a perplexing issue. The traditional female role portrayals or stereotypes of the past are not able to totally reflect the expectations, behavior, attitudes, and beliefs of contemporary women. The author collected print ads as data from three types of (...)
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    The Cost of Atrocity: Strategic Implications of Russian Battlefield Misconduct in Ukraine.Neil Renic - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (1):6-16.
    Since commencing its illegal invasion in 2022, the Russian military and authorities have committed numerous war crimes against the people of Ukraine. These include the mutilation and execution of combatants; the torture, kidnapping, forced expulsion, rape, and massacre of civilians; and indiscriminate attacks on densely populated areas. In this essay, I evaluate the strategic implications of this misconduct, focusing exclusively on Western responses. I argue that war crimes can and often do negatively impact the strategic goals of the (...)
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    Fashion Culture: Creative Work, Female Individualization.Angela McRobbie - 2002 - Feminist Review 71 (1):52-62.
    This article explores some of the key dynamics of the UK fashion sector as an example of a post-industrial, urban based, cultural economy comprising of a largely youthful female workforce. It argues that the small scale, independent activities which formed the backbone of the success of British fashion design as an internationally recognized phenomenon from the mid 1980s to the mid 1990s, represented a form of female self-generated work giving rise to collaborative possibilities and co-operation. However without (...)
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    Female Literature of Migration in Italy.Lidia Curti - 2007 - Feminist Review 87 (1):60-75.
    Starting symbolically from a place of transit and mobility such as the Galleria in Naples, I look at the pace of immigration movements to Italy from both ex-colonial territories and other countries. Precarity characterizes the migrant condition in Italy: entrance and stay permits; work and housing, which are difficult to obtain and always temporary; bureaucratic control is severe and the right to citizenship is distant. The collective amnesia of the colonial enterprise obscures the fact that at least some (...)
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    The Medicalisation of the Female Body and Motherhood: Some Biological and Existential Reflections.Zairu Nisha - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (1):25-40.
    Maternity is a biological process that has increasingly changed into an authoritative medicalized phenomenon and requires techno-medical intervention today. Modern medicine perceives women’s procreative functions as pathological that need medical involvement and control. Medical biologists claim that the female body is destined to procreate in which medical sciences can assist them with techniques. But is a woman’s body biologically evolved merely for procreation? Or is it a sexist interpretation of her socially situated self? How can we justify the idea (...)
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    Conceptual issues and stages of establishment of military chaplainty in independent Ukraine.Oleksandr Sagan & Ivan Harat - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:59-74.
    The formation of the chaplaincy movement in the context of the formation of independent Ukraine (after 1991) required the solution of a number of issues, primarily of a conceptual nature. The initiators of the restoration of chaplaincy faced the underestimation of the chaplaincy factor, the risks of transferring interfaith disputes to the military environment. In fact, it was a question of finding their own model of chaplaincy service, which would provide an optimal model for organizing the work of chaplains. (...)
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    Ukraine, Islam, Europe: Contemporary World Context.Serhiy I. Zdioruk - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 37:95-113.
    It is well known that the European cultural space has been developing under the slogan of secularization over the last five centuries. It is social secularization that has become one of the main forces that has shaped the modern image of Europe. Secularization has affirmed the secular spirit inherent in modern man. Therefore, we Europeans now live in a secularized society. This is manifested in the fact that the appeal of citizens to God, the scale of appeals to religious interpretation (...)
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    Seeing pink: Searching for gender justice through opposition in Ukraine.Marian Rubchak - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (1):55-72.
    The collapse of the Soviet empire in 1991 opened up an important window of opportunity for female self-reidentification in Ukraine. Broadly speaking, thus far the country’s transition from a totalitarian society to a democratizing one has produced two waves of opposition. The First Wave began with a neotraditional form of rejection of communist values. Eventually, it was succeeded by a new opposition, this time to the newly established dominant cultural code. One of the most important characteristics to (...)
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