Results for 'forest commercial exploitation'

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  1.  30
    The role of foreign assistance and commercial interests in the exploitation of the Sundarbans.Florence E. McCarthy - 1990 - Agriculture and Human Values 7 (2):52-60.
    This paper analyzes resource utilization of the Sundarbans in terms of the contradictory issues and pressures generated by foreign assistance and commercial interests in Bangladesh. In the paper, the historical legacy of resource definition and use that shaped the development of forest policy under the British is considered. In addition, the critical role of the state and the interests and pressures on the Government are explored as these shape the larger context in which current natural resource policy is (...)
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    Valuation Contests over the Commoditisation of the Moabi Tree in South-Eastern Cameroon.Sandra Veuthey & Julien-François Gerber - 2011 - Environmental Values 20 (2):239-264.
    We analyse the nature of grassroots conflicts over the commercial logging of moabi by foreign firms in South-eastern Cameroon. Moabi offers a good starting point for understanding forest resistances because it crystallises nature conservation, commercial, as well as local interests as it provides oil, medicine and other use values to local populations and particularly to women. Combining a political ecology approach with elements of ecological economics, we find that the conflicts on moabi extraction can be analysed in (...)
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    Commercial Exploitation of the Human Genome.Ruth Chadwick & Adam Hedgecoe - 2002 - In Justine Burley & John Harris (eds.), A Companion to Genethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 334–345.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Commerce, Ethics, and Science: Gene Sequencing Commercial Marketing of Genetic Tests Conclusion.
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    (1 other version)The commercial exploitation of ethics.Tim Lewens - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (1):145-153.
    In the first part of this paper I consider whether an academic bioethicist is likely to change the arguments she is prepared to voice if she is in receipt of payment from a corporation. I argue that she is not, so long as a number of conditions are met regarding the size of payment, the values of the academic bioethics community, the degree to which she participates in that community, and the transparency of corporate involvements. In the second half I (...)
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    Biomedical Research and the Commercial Exploitation of Human Tissue.Stephen Wilkinson - 2005 - Genomics, Society and Policy 1 (1):1-14.
    There is widespread anxiety about the commercialisation and commodification of human tissue. The aims of this paper are: (a) to analyse some of these concerns, and (b) to see whether some of the main ethical arguments that lie behind them are sound. Part 1 looks at 'inducement arguments' against paying individuals for their tissue and concludes that these are generally quite weak. Part 2 examines some ethical objections to third parties (e.g. biotechnology companies and researchers) commercially exploiting human tissue. Firstly, (...)
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  6.  80
    On the commercial exploitation of participants of research.J. Savulescu - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (6):392-392.
  7.  18
    Discourses of Nature in New Perceptions of the Natural Landscape in Southern Chile.Enrique Aliste, Mauricio Folchi & Andrés Núñez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:296209.
    Landscapes are shaped over time by the changing imaginaries that result from new representations of nature and the value associated with it. This paper discusses the evolving discourses which have shaped the perception of the landscape in two socially and ecologically significant contexts in Chile. The first is the central-southern region of the country, a large portion of which is now devoted to commercial forestry plantations. The second is the Patagonia-Aysén region, where since the 1990s, colonisation of a land (...)
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  8. The exploitation argument against commercial surrogacy.Stephen Wilkinson - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (2):169–187.
    It is argued that there are good reasons for believing that commercial surrogacy is often exploitative. However, even if we accept this, the exploitation argument for prohibiting (or otherwise legislatively discouraging) commercial surrogacy remains quite weak. One reason for this is that prohibition may well 'backfire' and lead to potential surrogates having to do other things that are more exploitative and/or more harmful than paid surrogacy. It is concluded, therefore, that those who oppose exploitation should concentrate (...)
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  9.  57
    Optimal Exploitation for a Commercial Fishing Model.Chakib Jerry & Nadia Raissi - 2012 - Acta Biotheoretica 60 (1-2):209-223.
    A two non-linear dynamic models, first one in two state variables and one control and the second one with three state variables and one control, are presented for the purpose of finding the optimal combination of exploitation, capital investment and price variation in the commercial fishing industry. This optimal combination is determined in terms of management policies. Exploitation, capital and price variation are controlled through the utilization rate of available capital. A novel feature in this model is (...)
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  10. Exploitation and commercial surrogate motherhood.Hugh McLachlan & J. Swales - 2001 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 7 (1):8--14.
    Various authors, for instance Elizabeth Anderson, Rosemary Tong, Mary Warnock and Margaret Brazier have argued that commercial surrogate motherhood is exploitative and that it should be prohibited. Their arguments are unconvincing. Exploitation is a more complex notion than it is usually presented as being. Unequal bargaining power can be a cause of exploitation but the exercise of unequal bargaining power is not inevitably or inherently exploitative. Exploitation concerns unfair and/or unjust strategies - rather than the exercise (...)
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  11.  85
    Commercial surrogacy: how provisions of monetary remuneration and powers of international law can prevent exploitation of gestational surrogates.Louise Anna Helena Ramskold & Marcus Paul Posner - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (6):397-402.
    Increasing globalisation and advances in artificial reproductive techniques have opened up a whole new range of possibilities for infertile couples across the globe. Inter-country gestational surrogacy with monetary remuneration is one of the products of medical tourism meeting in vitro fertilisation embryo transfer. Filled with potential, it has also been a hot topic of discussion in legal and bioethics spheres. Fears of exploitation and breach of autonomy have sprung from the current situation, where there is no international regulation of (...)
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  12.  18
    Charles Hall: exploitation, commercial society and political economy.J. Cunliffe - 1994 - History of Political Thought 15 (4):535-553.
    This paper examines the intellectual position of Charles Hall as presented in his one major work, The Effects of Civilisation on the People in European States, which was first published in 1805 along with a briefer pamphlet attacking Malthus. Hall's contributions to the development of `socialism' in general and theories of `exploitation' in particular are assessed in the context of the controversies of his time over the benefits of commercial society and economic modernization.
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    An ethnomethodological approach to examine exploitation in the context of capacity, trust and experience of commercial surrogacy in India.Sheela Saravanan - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:10.
    The socio-ethical concerns regarding exploitation in commercial surrogacy are premised on asymmetric vulnerability and the commercialization of women’s reproductive capacity to suit individualistic motives. In examining the exploitation argument, this article reviews the social contract theory that describes an individual as an ‘economic man’ with moral and/or political motivations to satisfy individual desires. This study considers the critique by feminists, who argue that patriarchal and medical control prevails in the surrogacy contracts. It also explores the exploitative dynamics (...)
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  14.  20
    Hope and Exploitation in Commercial Provision of Assisted Reproductive Technologies.Anthony Wrigley, Gabriel Watts, Wendy Lipworth & Ainsley J. Newson - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (5):30-41.
    Innovation is a key driver of care provision in assisted reproductive technologies (ART). ART providers offer a range of add‐on interventions, aiming to augment standard in vitro fertilization protocols and improve the chances of a live birth. Particularly in the context of commercial provision, an ever‐increasing array of add‐ons are marketed to ART patients, even when evidence to support them is equivocal. A defining feature of ART is hope—hope that a cycle will lead to a baby or that another (...)
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  15.  40
    Exploitation as Domination: What Makes Capitalism Unjust.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2022 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The exploitation of human by human is a globally pervasive phenomenon. Slavery, serfdom, and the patriarchy are part of its lineage. Guest and sex workers, commercial surrogacy, precarious labour contracts, sweatshops, and markets in blood, vaccines or human organs, are some contemporary manifestations of exploitation. What makes these exploitative transactions unjust? And is capitalism inherently exploitative? This book offers answers to these two questions. In response to the first question, it argues that exploitation is a form (...)
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  16.  16
    Exploitation: From Practice to Theory.Monique Deveaux - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Rowman & Littlefield.
    Contemporary theoretical discussions of exploitation are dominated by thinkers in the liberal and Marxian traditions. Exploitation: From Practice to Theory, pushes past these traditional and binary explanations, to focus on unjust practises that both depend on and perpetuate inequalities central to exploitation. -/- Using real-world examples, the chapters in this collection address key questions, including, in what ways are exploitation practices globalised, racialized and gendered? How do cases of organ selling, price gouging and commercial gestational (...)
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  17.  55
    Appropriation and commercialization of the Pasteur anthrax vaccine.Maurice Cassier - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (4):722-742.
    Whereas Pasteur patented the biotechnological processes that he invented between 1857 and 1873 in the agro-food domain, he did not file any patents on the artificial vaccine preparation processes that he subsequently developed. This absence of patents can probably be explained by the 1844 patent law in France that established the non-patentable status of pharmaceutical preparations and remedies, including those for use in veterinary medicine. Despite the absence of patents, the commercial exploitation of the anthrax vaccine in the (...)
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  18.  42
    Ethical Conflicts in Commercialization of University Research in the Post–Bayh–Dole Era.Malhar N. Kumar - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (5):324-351.
    Protection of intellectual property as well as its exploitation for monetary benefit have existed for centuries. However, commercialization of intellectual property had not entered the precincts of academic universities in a significant way until the introduction of the Bayh–Dole Act in the 1980s in the United States. The post–Bayh–Dole era has seen a quantitative increase in patenting activity in universities. This article summarizes the ethical conflicts ushered in by increasing commercialization of academic university research. Activities related to the protection (...)
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  19.  97
    Exploitation in International Paid Surrogacy Arrangements.Stephen Wilkinson - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (2):125-145.
    Many critics have suggested that international paid surrogacy is exploitative. Taking such concerns as its starting point, this article asks: how defensible is the claim that international paid surrogacy is exploitative and what could be done to make it less exploitative? In the light of the answer to, how strong is the case for prohibiting it? Exploitation could in principle be dealt with by improving surrogates' pay and conditions. However, doing so may exacerbate problems with consent. Foremost amongst these (...)
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  20.  76
    Exploitation in Cross-Border Reproductive Care.Angela Ballantyne - 2014 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7 (2):75-99.
    Concerns about exploitation pervade the literature on commercial cross-border reproductive care, particularly egg selling and surrogacy. But what constitutes exploitation, and what moral weight does it have? I consider the relationship between vulnerability, limited choice, consent, and mutually advantageous exploitation. To elucidate the difference between limited choice and consent, I draw on an account of relational autonomy. In the absence of a normative principle of fair distribution, it is unclear whether the providers of reproductive goods and (...)
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  21.  64
    We’re not in it for the money—lay people’s moral intuitions on commercial use of ‘their’ biobank.Kristin Solum Steinsbekk, Lars Øystein Ursin, John-Arne Skolbekken & Berge Solberg - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):151-162.
    Great hope has been placed on biobank research as a strategy to improve diagnostics, therapeutics and prevention. It seems to be a common opinion that these goals cannot be reached without the participation of commercial actors. However, commercial use of biobanks is considered morally problematic and the commercialisation of human biological materials is regulated internationally by policy documents, conventions and laws. For instance, the Council of Europe recommends that: “Biological materials should not, as such, give rise to financial (...)
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  22.  41
    Vulnerability, Exploitation and Autonomy.Catriona Mackenzie - 2021 - In James F. Childress & Michael Quante (eds.), Thick (Concepts of) Autonomy: Personal Autonomy in Ethics and Bioethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 175-187.
    Bioethicists who seek to defend commercial transactions that intuitively seem exploitative, such as organ sales and commercial surrogacy, typically pair a liberal analysis of exploitation with a libertarian analysis of autonomy. In this paper, I argue that the liberal analysis of exploitation, which focuses primarily on two party transactions between individuals, occludes the structural dimensions of exploitation. This occlusion then paves the way for the transaction to be understood in terms of libertarian autonomy. I propose (...)
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  23.  37
    Anatomy of forest-related corruption in Tanzania: theoretical perspectives, empirical explanations, and policy implications.Joseph Perfect-Mrema - 2017 - Journal of Global Ethics 13 (2):221-240.
    The majority of studies on natural resources management in both developed and developing countries are silent on the issue of analysis of corruption – or they treat it tangentially, as an annoying anomaly, or simply deviance from the rules. As a result, the issue has hardly been subjected to in-depth characterisation or reforms. This study employed and integrated mainstream principal-agent theory and more recently developed collective action theory to enhance our understanding – in different but complementary ways − of the (...)
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  24. Bodies for Sale: Ethics and Exploitation in the Human Body Trade.Stephen Wilkinson - 2003 - Routledge.
    _Bodies for Sale: Ethics and Exploitation in the Human Body Trade _explores the philosophical and practical issues raised by activities such as surrogacy and organ trafficking. Stephen Wilkinson asks what is it that makes some commercial uses of the body controversial, whether the arguments against commercial exploitation stand up, and whether legislation outlawing such practices is really justified. In Part One Wilkinson explains and analyses some of the notoriously slippery concepts used in the body commodification debate, (...)
  25. For your first born child: an ethical defense of the exploitation argument against commercial surrogacy.Brendan Osberg - 2006 - Penn Bioethics Journal 2 (2):42-45.
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    Ovid's Epic Forest: A Note on Amores 3.1.1–6.Jessica Westerhold - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):899-903.
    As the first poem of the last book of Ovid'sAmores, 3.1 parallels the programmaticrecusatioof the first two books, which present the traditional opposition of elegy to epic. InAmores3.1, the personified Elegy and Tragedy compete for Ovid's poetic attention, and scholars have accordingly scrutinized the generic tension between elegy and tragedy in this poem. My study, by contrast, focusses on the import of the metapoeticlocusin which Ovid sets his contest between the two genres, by considering the linguistic and allusive play in (...)
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  27.  68
    The Politics of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: The Crisis of the Forest Stewardship Council.Steffen Böhm, André Spicer & Sandra Moog - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (3):469-493.
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives have become a vital part of the organizational landscape for corporate social responsibility. Recent debates have explored whether these initiatives represent opportunities for the “democratization” of transnational corporations, facilitating civic participation in the extension of corporate responsibility, or whether they constitute new arenas for the expansion of corporate influence and the private capture of regulatory power. In this article, we explore the political dynamics of these new governance initiatives by presenting an in-depth case study of an organization often (...)
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  28.  69
    The Ethics of Commercial Surrogate Mothering: A Response to Casey Humbyrd.Peter Omonzejele - 2011 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 17 (1):110-121.
    This article critically examines the argument advanced by Casey Humbyrd in support of international commercial surrogate mothering. It finds her arguments unconvincing especially at the point of implementation. This is because the author was unable to demonstrate how regulation and her notion of fair compensation would not lead to undue inducement and exploitation in resource-poor settings where urgent needs often exist. In fact, the argument advanced in this article is that commercial surrogate mothering cannot but be exploitative (...)
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  29.  53
    The Commercialization of Human Eggs in Mitochondrial Replacement Research.Donna L. Dickenson - 2013 - The New Bioethics 19 (1):18-29.
    After the commercialisation of induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs) in 2007, the pressure to commercialise women's eggs for stem cell research could have been expected to lessen. However, the pressure to harvest human eggs in large quantities for research has not diminished; rather, it has taken different directions, for example, in germline mitochondrial research. Yet there has been little acknowledgement of these technologies' need for human eggs, the possible risks to women and the ethical issues concerning potential exploitation. Rather, (...)
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  30. Liberalism, neutrality and exploitation.Hillel Steiner - 2013 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 12 (4):335-344.
    This essay argues that a liberalism that avoids legal moralism – that is neutral between rival conceptions of the good – cannot embrace intervention in commercial transactions, but is thereby precluded neither from identifying some such transactions as exploitative nor from redressing them by other means.
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    The Causes and Prevention of Commercial Contract Cheating in the Era of Digital Education: A Systematic & Critical Review.Yujun Xu & Wenlong Li - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (2):303-321.
    This paper provides a systematic and critical review of the existing literature on the phenomenon of ‘commercial contract cheating’ (CCC). Unlike some existing systematic reviews _generally_ on CCC, this paper focuses on the potential causes and suggested preventative measures specifically, intending to develop effective interventions on the basis of empirical insights. We reviewed primary studies with empirical data and systematic reviews focusing on higher education published between 2012 and 2020. A logic model is developed to graphically indicate the complex (...)
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  32.  23
    The advantages and disadvantages of altruistic and commercial surrogacy in India.Yuri Hibino - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-10.
    Background Comprehensive commercial surrogacy became legal in India in 2002, and many foreigners, including individuals and same-sex couples, sought Indian surrogacy services due to their affordability. Numerous scandals resulted, with increasing calls for the government to eliminate the exploitation of women in lower social strata. In 2015, the Indian government decided to exclude foreign clients and commercial surrogacy remained legal for local Indian couples only. Furthermore, to eliminate exploitation, the concept of altruistic surrogacy was introduced in (...)
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  33.  24
    The dynamics of economic action and the problems of its social embedding – Ethical challenges in view of the nascent commercial use of outer space.Traugott Jaehnichen - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    As a result of the increasing economical exploitation of outer space, humanity faces a new challenge that, as well as having economic advantages, also entails a great many ecological hazards. At present, the human race is encroaching on outer space, particularly in the form of almost 5000 active satellites and the corresponding space debris they produce. For the large part, this debris burns up on entering the Earth’s atmosphere, yet time and again it still does cause damage. However, this (...)
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  34.  40
    Morality Provisions in Law Concerning the Commercialization of Human Embryos and Stem Cells.A. M. Viens - 2009 - In Aurora Plomer & Paul Torremans (eds.), Embryonic Stem Cell Patents: European Patent Law and Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    The aim of establishing a consistent and unified approach in law concerning the ethics of commercializing human embryos and their derivative parts, products, or related technologies remains incomplete within the European Union. In an attempt to elucidate these problems and implications, I examine three separate moral considerations (i.e., exploitation, commodification, and objectification) that could be used to ground the putative wrongness associated with commercializing stem cells—in particular patenting these materials. It is argued that the moral justification for legal prohibitions (...)
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  35.  75
    To Buy or Not to Buy? Vulnerability and the Criminalisation of Commercial BDSM.Sharon Cowan - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (3):263-279.
    This paper examines the interaction of law and policy-making on prostitution, with that of BDSM (bondage and discipline, sadism and masochism). Recent policy and legal shifts in the UK mark out prostitutes as vulnerable and in need of ‘rescue’. BDSM that amounts to actual bodily harm is unlawful in the UK, and calls to decriminalise it are often met with fears that participants will be left vulnerable to abuse. Where women sell BDSM sex, even more complex questions of choice, (...), vulnerability, power and agency might be thought to arise. Does the combination of activities take two singular behaviours into the realm of compound harm? Are those who sell BDSM doubly vulnerable in a way that would justify criminal intervention? This paper argues that in imposing categories of vulnerability, the state engages in the heteronormative construction of risky sexual subjects who must be rehabilitated, responsiblised or punished. Through an examination of existing empirical studies on BDSM, the paper offers a feminist critique of the potential criminalisation of commercial BDSM and calls for more research on the lived experiences of those who buy and sell BDSM. (shrink)
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    Land Ethics from the Borneo Tropical Rain Forests in Sarawak, Malaysia: An Empirical and Conceptual Analysis.Yee Keong Choy - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (4):421-441.
    The tropical rain-forest regions in Borneo Island have in place various tough environmental policies to manage the economic use of natural resources sustainably. Nevertheless, their biological landscapes are struggling against unprecedented ecological assault amid rapid industrial transformations which have involved massive and irreversible exploitation of land resources. The main reason behind this mismatch of sustainable resource management vis-à-vis unsustainable resource use is the failure on the part of the policy makers to act under the guidance of certain ethical (...)
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    Regulating the international surrogacy market:the ethics of commercial surrogacy in the Netherlands and India.Jaden Blazier & Rien Janssens - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):621-630.
    It is unclear what proper remuneration for surrogacy is, since countries disagree and both commercial and altruistic surrogacy have ethical drawbacks. In the presence of cross-border surrogacy, these ethical drawbacks are exacerbated. In this article, we explore what would be ethical remuneration for surrogacy, and suggest regulations for how to ensure this in the international context. A normative ethical analysis of commercial surrogacy is conducted. Various arguments against commercial surrogacy are explored, such as exploitation and commodification (...)
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  38.  81
    What's Love Got to Do With It? The Interplay of Sex and Gender in the Commercial Breeding of Welsh Cobs.Samantha Hurn - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (1):23-44.
    The lack of importance traditionally ascribed to human-nonhuman animal relationships in the social sciences has meant that while commercial sex in the human realm has been well documented, very few socio-cultural studies of commercial sex involving nonhuman animals have been undertaken to date. However, the growing recognition that nonhuman, as well as human, animals are “actors” means that their role in the sex trade, becomes problematic and eminently worthy of academic attention. This article considers a very particular instance (...)
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    Mega‐interest on Microcredit: Are Lenders Exploiting the Poor?Joakim Sandberg - 2012 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 29 (3):169-185.
    abstract Microcredit is often hailed as an effective way of alleviating poverty. In recent years, however, microfinance institutions have been the target of much criticism due to their comparatively high interest rates (which may be as high as 70–100% per annum). This paper discusses whether it can be morally justified to charge very high rates of interest when lending money to the poor. Arguments are drawn from contemporary as well as historical debates on usury, exploitation, egalitarianism and consequentialism. It (...)
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    Consent and Exploitation in Bioethics: Individual Ethics and Legal Regulation.Eduardo Rivera-López - 2019 - In Eduardo Rivera-López & Martin Hevia (eds.), Controversies in Latin American Bioethics. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 83-95.
    In this paper, I discuss exploitative transactions in bioethics. Examples of this kind of transactions allegedly include, among others, commercial surrogacy, organ selling, and research with human subjects in developing countries. The most problematic kind of exploitation is what Allan Wertheimer calls “mutually advantageous exploitation:” the weak party’s consent for the transaction is an effective and rational consent. Moreover, W does not suffer any harm by the transaction; on the contrary, the transaction benefits W. My aim in (...)
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    Uterus Transplants and the Potential for Harm: Lessons From Commercial Surrogacy.Gulzaar Barn - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (3):111-122.
    Developing World Bioethics, Volume 21, Issue 3, Page 111-122, September 2021.
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  42. A legal market in organs: the problem of exploitation.Kate Greasley - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1):51-56.
    The article considers the objection to a commercial market in living donor organs for transplantation on the ground that such a market would be exploitative of the vendors. It examines a key challenge to that objection, to the effect that denying poor people the option to sell an organ is to withhold from them the best that a bad situation has to offer. The article casts serious doubt on this attempt at justifying an organ market, and its philosophical underpinning. (...)
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    Knowledge-based systems and issues of integration: A commercial perspective. [REVIEW]Karl M. Wiig - 1988 - AI and Society 2 (3):209-233.
    Commercial applications of knowledge-based systems are changing from an embryonic to a growth business. Knowledge is classified by levels and types to differentiate various knowledge-based systems. Applications are categorized by size, generic types, and degree of intelligence to establish a framework for discussion of progress and implications. A few significant commercial applications are identified and perspectives and implications of these and other systems are discussed. Perspectives relate to development paths, delivery modes, types of integration, and resource requirements. Discussion (...)
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    Whores, Slaves and Stallions: Languages of Exploitation and Accommodation among Boxers.LoÏc Wacquant - 2001 - Body and Society 7 (2-3):181-194.
    This article draws on 35 months of ethnographic fieldwork and apprenticeship in a boxing gym located in Chicago's black ghetto to explicate how prizefighters apperceive and express the fact of being live commodities of flesh and blood, and how they practically reconcile themselves to ruthless exploitation in ways that enable them to maintain a sense of personal integrity and moral purpose. The boxer's experience of corporeal exploitation is expressed in three kindred idioms, those of prostitution, slavery and animal (...)
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    The Invisible Patient: Concerns about Donor Exploitation in Stem Cell Research.Pär Segerdahl - 2022 - Health Care Analysis 30 (3):240-253.
    As embryonic stem cell research is commercialized, the stem cell debate may shift focus from concerns about embryo destruction to concerns about exploitation of the women who donate eggs and embryos for research. Uncomfortable with the polarization of the embryo debate, this paper proposes a more “contemplative” approach than intellectual debate to concerns about exploitation. After examining pitfalls of rigid intellectual positions on exploitation, the paper investigates the possibility of a broader understanding of donation for research where (...)
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  46.  13
    The Complicated Web of Trauma Proliferation Experienced by ‘Un-homed’ Immigrant Women Exploited in Illicit Massage Businesses.Lumina S. Albert & Hansa Lysander Manohar - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (3):265-291.
    There has been an alarming increase in the numbers of illicit massage businesses (IMB) in the United States and the revenue generated by this illegal industry. Although empirical research on IMBs is scant, it is well documented that most of the women exploited in IMBs are immigrant women entrapped in trafficking situations involving commercial sex and/or labor exploitation. First, our research comprises an exploratory study of women exploited in US illicit massage parlors using a sample of news articles (...)
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    Nobody owns the moon: the ethics of space exploitation.Tony Milligan - 2015 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company.
    Space exploration and off-world commercial activity engage both skeptics and its enthusiasts. What does seem clear, however, is that such activity has increased and is set to expand further during the present century. This book explores some of the emerging ethical issues of the space frontier and evaluates the prospects for the medium-range future.
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  48.  96
    Vulnerability in Intimate Relationships.George Tsai - 2016 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (S1):166–182.
    Intimate relationships such as love and friendship involve familiar patterns of vulnerability. Loving someone renders one susceptible to distress and sorrow when the beloved is harmed and when the loving relationship is impaired. The distinctive kind of vulnerability bound up with intimate relationships also presents an opportunity for wrongful exploitation: for one participant to unfairly use, take advantage of, the other. In the case of commercial exploitation (e.g., exploitation of sweatshop workers), the remedy typically involves either (...)
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    Moral Legislation and Crime Against Women: Explorations in Indian and Western Values.Mayavee Singh - 2023 - Journal of Human Values 29 (3):209-221.
    In recent years, the National Crime Records Bureau recommendation is that the growth rate of crime against women has skyrocketed in India, even higher than the population growth rate. According to lawyer, Kamlesh Vaswani, the commercial exploitation of coital activity paramount in pornography is the result of crimes against women, and fills perverse traits in the roots of society. Following that, he filed a petition (2013) in the Honourable Supreme Court to blanket ban pornography with the aim of (...)
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    Human Rights and Japanese Bioethics.Kenzo Hamano - 1997 - Bioethics 11 (3-4):328-335.
    The main contentions of this paper are twofold. First, there is a more than century‐old Japanese tradition of human rights based on a fusion of Western concepts of natural rights and a radical reinterpretation of Confucianism, the major proponent of which was the Japanese thinker Nakae Chomin. Secondly, this tradition, although a minority view, is crucial for remedying the serious defects in the present Japanese medical system. In the latter half of the nineteenth century, Nakae Chomin sought to reinterpret Chinese (...)
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