Results for 'general proof theory'

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  1.  61
    General Proof Theory: Introduction.Thomas Piecha & Peter Schroeder-Heister - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (1):1-5.
    This special issue on general proof theory collects papers resulting from the conference on general proof theory held in November 2015 in Tübingen.
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    The Fundamental Problem of General Proof Theory.Dag Prawitz - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (1):11-29.
    I see the question what it is that makes an inference valid and thereby gives a proof its epistemic power as the most fundamental problem of general proof theory. It has been surprisingly neglected in logic and philosophy of mathematics with two exceptions: Gentzen’s remarks about what justifies the rules of his system of natural deduction and proposals in the intuitionistic tradition about what a proof is. They are reviewed in the paper and I discuss (...)
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  3. Structural Proof Theory.Sara Negri, Jan von Plato & Aarne Ranta - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Jan Von Plato.
    Structural proof theory is a branch of logic that studies the general structure and properties of logical and mathematical proofs. This book is both a concise introduction to the central results and methods of structural proof theory, and a work of research that will be of interest to specialists. The book is designed to be used by students of philosophy, mathematics and computer science. The book contains a wealth of results on proof-theoretical systems, including (...)
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  4. Towards a Foundation of General Proof Theory.Dag Prawitz - 1973 - In ¸ Itetsuppes1973. North Holland, Amsterdam.
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  5. Reprint of: A more general general proof theory.Heinrich Wansing - 2017 - Journal of Applied Logic 25:23-46.
    In this paper it is suggested to generalize our understanding of general (structural) proof theory and to consider it as a general theory of two kinds of derivations, namely proofs and dual proofs. The proposal is substantiated by (i) considerations on assertion, denial, and bi-lateralism, (ii) remarks on compositionality in proof-theoretic semantics, and (iii) comments on falsification and co-implication. The main formal result of the paper is a normal form theorem for the natural deduction (...)
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  6. Proof Theory of Finite-valued Logics.Richard Zach - 1993 - Dissertation, Technische Universität Wien
    The proof theory of many-valued systems has not been investigated to an extent comparable to the work done on axiomatizatbility of many-valued logics. Proof theory requires appropriate formalisms, such as sequent calculus, natural deduction, and tableaux for classical (and intuitionistic) logic. One particular method for systematically obtaining calculi for all finite-valued logics was invented independently by several researchers, with slight variations in design and presentation. The main aim of this report is to develop the proof (...)
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  7.  18
    Proof theory: sequent calculi and related formalisms.Katalin Bimbó - 2015 - Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Sequent calculi constitute an interesting and important category of proof systems. They are much less known than axiomatic systems or natural deduction systems are, and they are much less known than they should be. Sequent calculi were designed as a theoretical framework for investigations of logical consequence, and they live up to the expectations completely as an abundant source of meta-logical results. The goal of this book is to provide a fairly comprehensive view of sequent calculi -- including a (...)
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  8. On the idea of a general proof theory.Dag Prawitz - 1974 - Synthese 27 (1-2):63 - 77.
  9. Pure proof theory aims, methods and results.Wolfram Pohlers - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (2):159-188.
    Apologies. The purpose of the following talk is to give an overview of the present state of aims, methods and results in Pure Proof Theory. Shortage of time forces me to concentrate on my very personal views. This entails that I will emphasize the work which I know best, i.e., work that has been done in the triangle Stanford, Munich and Münster. I am of course well aware that there are as important results coming from outside this triangle (...)
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  10.  25
    Goal-directed proof theory.Dov M. Gabbay - 2000 - Boston: Kluwer Academic. Edited by Nicola Olivetti.
    Goal Directed Proof Theory presents a uniform and coherent methodology for automated deduction in non-classical logics, the relevance of which to computer science is now widely acknowledged. The methodology is based on goal-directed provability. It is a generalization of the logic programming style of deduction, and it is particularly favourable for proof search. The methodology is applied for the first time in a uniform way to a wide range of non-classical systems, covering intuitionistic, intermediate, modal and substructural (...)
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  11.  52
    Proof theory of classical and intuitionistic logic.Jan von Plato - 2009 - In Leila Haaparanta, The development of modern logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter focuses on the development of Gerhard Gentzen's structural proof theory and its connections with intuitionism. The latter is important in proof theory for several reasons. First, the methods of Hilbert's old proof theory were limited to the “finitistic” ones. These methods proved to be insufficient, and they were extended by infinitistic principles that were still intuitionistically meaningful. It is a general tendency in proof theory to try to use weak (...)
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  12. Proof Theory for Modal Logic.Sara Negri - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (8):523-538.
    The axiomatic presentation of modal systems and the standard formulations of natural deduction and sequent calculus for modal logic are reviewed, together with the difficulties that emerge with these approaches. Generalizations of standard proof systems are then presented. These include, among others, display calculi, hypersequents, and labelled systems, with the latter surveyed from a closer perspective.
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  13. Topics in the Proof Theory of Non-classical Logics. Philosophy and Applications.Fabio De Martin Polo - 2023 - Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Chapter 1 constitutes an introduction to Gentzen calculi from two perspectives, logical and philosophical. It introduces the notion of generalisations of Gentzen sequent calculus and the discussion on properties that characterize good inferential systems. Among the variety of Gentzen-style sequent calculi, I divide them in two groups: syntactic and semantic generalisations. In the context of such a discussion, the inferentialist philosophy of the meaning of logical constants is introduced, and some potential objections – mainly concerning the choice of working with (...)
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  14.  13
    Proof Theory: History and Philosophical Significance.Vincent F. Hendricks, Stig Andur Pedersen & Klaus Frovin Jørgensen (eds.) - 2000 - Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    hiS volume in the Synthese Library Series is the result of a conference T held at the University of Roskilde, Denmark, October 31st-November 1st, 1997. The aim was to provide a forum within which philosophers, math ematicians, logicians and historians of mathematics could exchange ideas pertaining to the historical and philosophical development of proof theory. Hence the conference was called Proof Theory: History and Philosophical Significance. To quote from the conference abstract: Proof theory was (...)
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  15. Takeuti's proof theory in the context of the Kyoto School.Andrew Arana - 2019 - Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Das Tetsugaku-Ronso 46:1-17.
    Gaisi Takeuti (1926–2017) is one of the most distinguished logicians in proof theory after Hilbert and Gentzen. He extensively extended Hilbert's program in the sense that he formulated Gentzen's sequent calculus, conjectured that cut-elimination holds for it (Takeuti's conjecture), and obtained several stunning results in the 1950–60s towards the solution of his conjecture. Though he has been known chiefly as a great mathematician, he wrote many papers in English and Japanese where he expressed his philosophical thoughts. In particular, (...)
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  16.  85
    On the Proof-theoretic Foundation of General Definition Theory.Lars Hallnäs - 2006 - Synthese 148 (3):589-602.
    A general definition theory should serve as a foundation for the mathematical study of definitional structures. The central notion of such a theory is a precise explication of the intuitively given notion of a definitional structure. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the proof theory of partial inductive definitions as a foundation for this kind of a more general definition theory. Among the examples discussed is a suggestion for a more abstract (...)
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  17.  36
    Proof theory for heterogeneous logic combining formulas and diagrams: proof normalization.Ryo Takemura - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (7):783-813.
    We extend natural deduction for first-order logic (FOL) by introducing diagrams as components of formal proofs. From the viewpoint of FOL, we regard a diagram as a deductively closed conjunction of certain FOL formulas. On the basis of this observation, we first investigate basic heterogeneous logic (HL) wherein heterogeneous inference rules are defined in the styles of conjunction introduction and elimination rules of FOL. By examining what is a detour in our heterogeneous proofs, we discuss that an elimination-introduction pair of (...)
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  18.  24
    Reciprocal Influences Between Proof Theory and Logic Programming.Dale Miller - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):75-104.
    The topics of structural proof theory and logic programming have influenced each other for more than three decades. Proof theory has contributed the notion of sequent calculus, linear logic, and higher-order quantification. Logic programming has introduced new normal forms of proofs and forced the examination of logic-based approaches to the treatment of bindings. As a result, proof theory has responded by developing an approach to proof search based on focused proof systems in (...)
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    Theories and Ordinals in Proof Theory.Michael Rathjen - 2006 - Synthese 148 (3):719-743.
    How do ordinals measure the strength and computational power of formal theories? This paper is concerned with the connection between ordinal representation systems and theories established in ordinal analyses. It focusses on results which explain the nature of this connection in terms of semantical and computational notions from model theory, set theory, and generalized recursion theory.
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  20.  47
    Elementary descent recursion and proof theory.Harvey Friedman & Michael Sheard - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 71 (1):1-45.
    We define a class of functions, the descent recursive functions, relative to an arbitrary elementary recursive system of ordinal notations. By means of these functions, we provide a general technique for measuring the proof-theoretic strength of a variety of systems of first-order arithmetic. We characterize the provable well-orderings and provably recursive functions of these systems, and derive various conservation and equiconsistency results.
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    ML systems: A proof theory for contexts. [REVIEW]Luciano Serafini & Fausto Giunchiglia - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (4):471-518.
    In the last decade the concept of context has been extensivelyexploited in many research areas, e.g., distributed artificialintelligence, multi agent systems, distributed databases, informationintegration, cognitive science, and epistemology. Three alternative approaches to the formalization of the notion ofcontext have been proposed: Giunchiglia and Serafini's Multi LanguageSystems (ML systems), McCarthy's modal logics of contexts, andGabbay's Labelled Deductive Systems.Previous papers have argued in favor of ML systems with respect to theother approaches. Our aim in this paper is to support these arguments froma (...)
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  22. Quantification in Ordinary Language and Proof Theory.Michele Abrusci, Fabio Pasquali & Christian Retoré - 2016 - Philosophia Scientiae 20:185-205.
    This paper gives an overview of the common approach to quantification and generalised quantification in formal linguistics and philosophy of language. We point out how this usual general framework represents a departure from empirical linguistic data. We briefly sketch a different idea for proof theory which is closer to the language itself than standard approaches in many aspects. We stress the importance of Hilbert’s operators—the epsilon-operator for existential and tau-operator for universal quantifications. Indeed, these operators are helpful (...)
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  23.  27
    Classical General Equilibrium Theory.Lionel W. McKenzie - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Although general equilibrium theory originated in the late nineteenth century, modern elaboration and development of the theory began only in the 1930s and 1940s. This book focuses on the version of the theory developed in the second half of the twentieth century, referred to by Lionel McKenzie as the classical general equilibrium theory. McKenzie offers detailed and rigorous treatment of the classical model, giving step-by-step proofs of the basic theorems. In many cases he elaborates (...)
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  24.  42
    Glivenko sequent classes in the light of structural proof theory.Sara Negri - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (3-4):461-473.
    In 1968, Orevkov presented proofs of conservativity of classical over intuitionistic and minimal predicate logic with equality for seven classes of sequents, what are known as Glivenko classes. The proofs of these results, important in the literature on the constructive content of classical theories, have remained somehow cryptic. In this paper, direct proofs for more general extensions are given for each class by exploiting the structural properties of G3 sequent calculi; for five of the seven classes the results are (...)
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  25. The method of hypersequents in the proof theory of propositional non-classical logics.Arnon Avron - 1977 - In Wilfrid Hodges, Logic. New York: Penguin Books. pp. 1-32.
    Until not too many years ago, all logics except classical logic (and, perhaps, intuitionistic logic too) were considered to be things esoteric. Today this state of a airs seems to have completely been changed. There is a growing interest in many types of nonclassical logics: modal and temporal logics, substructural logics, paraconsistent logics, non-monotonic logics { the list is long. The diversity of systems that have been proposed and studied is so great that a need is felt by many researchers (...)
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    Generalizing proofs in monadic languages.Matthias Baaz & Piotr Wojtylak - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 154 (2):71-138.
    This paper develops a proof theory for logical forms of proofs in the case of monadic languages. Among the consequences are different kinds of generalization of proofs in various schematic proof systems. The results use suitable relations between logical properties of partial proof data and algebraic properties of corresponding sets of linear diophantine equations.
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  27. Proof-relevance of families of setoids and identity in type theory.Erik Palmgren - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (1-2):35-47.
    Families of types are fundamental objects in Martin-Löf type theory. When extending the notion of setoid (type with an equivalence relation) to families of setoids, a choice between proof-relevant or proof-irrelevant indexing appears. It is shown that a family of types may be canonically extended to a proof-relevant family of setoids via the identity types, but that such a family is in general proof-irrelevant if, and only if, the proof-objects of identity types are (...)
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  28. Positive logic with adjoint modalities: Proof theory, semantics, and reasoning about information: Positive logic with adjoint modalities.Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):351-373.
    We consider a simple modal logic whose nonmodal part has conjunction and disjunction as connectives and whose modalities come in adjoint pairs, but are not in general closure operators. Despite absence of negation and implication, and of axioms corresponding to the characteristic axioms of _T_, _S4_, and _S5_, such logics are useful, as shown in previous work by Baltag, Coecke, and the first author, for encoding and reasoning about information and misinformation in multiagent systems. For the propositional-only fragment of (...)
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  29.  67
    Following all the rules: Intuitionistic completeness for generalized proof-theoretic validity.Will Stafford & Victor Nascimento - 2023 - Analysis 83 (3):507-516.
    Prawitz conjectured that the proof-theoretically valid logic is intuitionistic logic. Recent work on proof-theoretic validity has disproven this. In fact, it has been shown that proof-theoretic validity is not even closed under substitution. In this paper, we make a minor modification to the definition of proof-theoretic validity found in Prawitz’s 1973paper ‘Towards a foundation of a general proof theory’ and refined by Schroeder-Heister in ‘Validity concepts in proof-theoretic semantics’ (2006). We will call (...)
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  30. Jan von Plato and Sara Negri, Structural Proof Theory[REVIEW]Harold T. Hodes - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (2):255-258.
  31.  72
    The concept of a universal learning system as a basis for creating a general mathematical theory of learning.Yury P. Shimansky - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (4):453-484.
    The number of studies related to natural and artificial mechanisms of learning rapidly increases. However, there is no general theory of learning that could provide a unifying basis for exploring different directions in this growing field. For a long time the development of such a theory has been hindered by nativists' belief that the development of a biological organism during ontogeny should be viewed as parameterization of an innate, encoded in the genome structure by an innate algorithm, (...)
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  32.  21
    Continuity, proof systems and the theory of transfinite computations.Dag Normann - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (8):765-788.
    We use the theory of domains with totality to construct some logics generalizing ω-logic and β-logic and we prove a completenes theorem for these logics. The key application is E-logic, the logic related to the functional 3E. We prove a compactness theorem for sets of sentences semicomputable in 3E.
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    (1 other version)Applications of cut-free infinitary derivations to generalized recursion theory.Arnold Beckmann & Wolfram Pohlers - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 94 (1-3):7-19.
    We prove that the boundedness theorem of generalized recursion theory can be derived from the ω-completeness theorem for number theory. This yields a proof of the boundedness theorem which does not refer to the analytical hierarchy theorem.
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  34.  46
    Introduction to proof through number theory.Bennett Chow - 2023 - Providence, Rhode Island, USA: American Mathematical Society.
    Lighten up about mathematics! Have fun. If you read this book, you will have to endure bad math puns and jokes and out-of-date pop culture references. You'll learn some really cool mathematics to boot. In the process, you will immerse yourself in living, thinking, and breathing logical reasoning. We like to call this proofs, which to some is a bogey word, but to us it is a boogie word. You will learn how to solve problems, real and imagined. After all, (...)
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  35.  37
    A General Theory of Completeness Proofs.Sh^|^Ocirc Maehara & Ji - 1970 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (5):242-256.
  36.  29
    Proof of the Spin Statistics Connection 2: Relativistic Theory.Enrico Santamato & Francesco De Martini - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (12):1609-1625.
    The traditional standard theory of quantum mechanics is unable to solve the spin–statistics problem, i.e. to justify the utterly important “Pauli Exclusion Principle” but by the adoption of the complex standard relativistic quantum field theory. In a recent paper :858–873, 2015) we presented a proof of the spin–statistics problem in the nonrelativistic approximation on the basis of the “Conformal Quantum Geometrodynamics”. In the present paper, by the same theory the proof of the spin–statistics theorem is (...)
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  37.  19
    A General Theory of Completeness Proofs.Shôji Maehara - 1970 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 3 (5):242-256.
  38.  22
    Cancer: Towards a general theory of the target.Mark D. Vincent - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (9):1700059.
    General theories are reductionist explications of apparently independent facts. Here, in reviewing the literature, I develop a GT to simplify the cluttered landscape of cancer therapy targets by revealing they cluster parsimoniously according to only a few underlying principles. The first principle is that targets can be only exploited by either or both of two fundamentally different approaches: causality-inhibition, and ‘acausal’ recognition of some marker or signature. Nonetheless, each approach must achieve both of two separate goals, efficacy and selectivity (...)
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  39. A proof-theoretical analysis of semiconstructive intermediate theories.Mauro Ferrari & Camillo Fiorentini - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (1):21 - 49.
    In the 80's Pierangelo Miglioli, starting from motivations in the framework of Abstract Data Types and Program Synthesis, introduced semiconstructive theories, a family of large subsystems of classical theories that guarantee the computability of functions and predicates represented by suitable formulas. In general, the above computability results are guaranteed by algorithms based on a recursive enumeration of the theorems of the whole system. In this paper we present a family of semiconstructive systems, we call uniformly semiconstructive, that provide computational (...)
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  40. Identity of proofs based on normalization and generality.Kosta Došen - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):477-503.
    Some thirty years ago, two proposals were made concerning criteria for identity of proofs. Prawitz proposed to analyze identity of proofs in terms of the equivalence relation based on reduction to normal form in natural deduction. Lambek worked on a normalization proposal analogous to Prawitz's, based on reduction to cut-free form in sequent systems, but he also suggested understanding identity of proofs in terms of an equivalence relation based on generality, two derivations having the same generality if after generalizing maximally (...)
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  41.  53
    Independence Proofs and the Theory of Implication.V. F. Lenzen - 1919 - The Monist 29 (1):152-160.
  42.  59
    Independence Proofs and the Theory of Implication.P. J. Daniell - 1919 - The Monist 29 (3):451-453.
  43. Generality of Proofs and Its Brauerian Representation.Kosta Došen & Zoran Petrić - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3):740 - 750.
    The generality of a derivation is an equivalence relation on the set of occurrences of variables in its premises and conclusion such that two occurrences of the same variable are in this relation if and only if they must remain occurrences of the same variable in every generalization of the derivation. The variables in question are propositional or of another type. A generalization of the derivation consists in diversifying variables without changing the rules of inference. This paper examines in the (...)
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  44.  66
    Composition of Deductions within the Propositions-As-Types Paradigm.Ivo Pezlar - 2020 - Logica Universalis (4):1-13.
    Kosta Došen argued in his papers Inferential Semantics (in Wansing, H. (ed.) Dag Prawitz on Proofs and Meaning, pp. 147–162. Springer, Berlin 2015) and On the Paths of Categories (in Piecha, T., Schroeder-Heister, P. (eds.) Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics, pp. 65–77. Springer, Cham 2016) that the propositions-as-types paradigm is less suited for general proof theory because—unlike proof theory based on category theory—it emphasizes categorical proofs over hypothetical inferences. One specific instance of this, Došen (...)
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  45.  37
    Just a theory: exploring the nature of science.M. Ben-Ari - 2005 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Some people claim that evolution is "just a theory". Do you know what a scientific theory really is? Just a theory is an overview of the modern concepts of science. A clear understanding of the nature of science will enable you to distinguish science from pseudoscience (which illegitimately wraps itself in the mantle of science), and real social issues in science from the caricatures portrayed in postmodernist critiques. Prof. Ben-Ari's style is light (even humorous) and easy to (...)
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    Theories of truth and semantical primitives.Philip Hugly & Charles Sayward - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):349 - 354.
    Robert cummins has recently attacked this line of argument: if p is a semantically primitive predicate of a first order language l, then p requires its own clause in the definition of satisfaction integral to a definition of truth of l. thus if l has infinitely many such p, the satisfaction clause cannot be completed and truth for l will remain undefined. against this cummins argues that a single clause in a general base theory for l can specify (...)
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  47. Bi-Theory Method & Navier Stokes Problem.Farzad Didehvar - unknown
    Here, we try to show that the method used in -/- Theory of Fuzzy Time Computation(TC * vs TC, TQC). 2023. ￿hal-04330281￿ -/- is a general method that sheds light on various types of problems. The author choose the navier stocks problem, to check the possibility of solving this problem by this method. This text is a guideline of possible proof of this problem.
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    Sur la théorie des démonstrations.Y. Gauthier - 1981 - Philosophiques 8 (2):273-285.
    Le texte est consacré aux aspects essentiels de la théorie des démonstrations en logique mathématique et à ses ramifications contemporaines. La distinction établie par Kreisel entre théorie générale des démonstrations et théorie reductive des démonstrations est reprise et l'accent est mis sur la théorie reductive ou les sous-systèmes de l'analyse classique, en particulier l'induction transfinie. Le texte comporte une critique de la justification de l'induction transfinie de Takeuti et se termine par une liste des développements contemporains les plus significatifs en (...)
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    Generalized quantifier and a bounded arithmetic theory for LOGCFL.Satoru Kuroda - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (5-6):489-516.
    We define a theory of two-sort bounded arithmetic whose provably total functions are exactly those in ${\mathcal{F}_{LOGCFL}}$ by way of a generalized quantifier that expresses computations of SAC 1 circuits. The proof depends on Kolokolova’s conditions for the connection between the provable capture in two-sort theories and descriptive complexity.
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  50. Generalization of the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger algebraic proof of nonlocality.Robert K. Clifton, Michael L. G. Redhead & Jeremy N. Butterfield - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (2):149-184.
    We further develop a recent new proof (by Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger—GHZ) that local deterministic hidden-variable theories are inconsistent with certain strict correlations predicted by quantum mechanics. First, we generalize GHZ's proof so that it applies to factorable stochastic theories, theories in which apparatus hidden variables are causally relevant to measurement results, and theories in which the hidden variables evolve indeterministically prior to the particle-apparatus interactions. Then we adopt a more general measure-theoretic approach which requires that GHZ's (...)
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